I will make you rich

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“I will make you rich” This is a promise from God given to us at the moment of our accepting Salvation. Isaiah-1-18 Brendan Mc Crossan

“I will make you rich”

This is a promise from God given to us at the moment of our accepting Salvation.
Isaiah-1-18 Brendan Mc Crossan

I will make you rich

Brendan Mc Crossan



God makes us an incredible offer, he offers to make our dark as crimson sins as white as snow if we should become willing and obedient to him, and then he offers to make us rich, come on this is amazing stuff, what an offer from God, the only one who could do this. If you were a murderer, or a prostitute, or a terrible sinner who was disgusting and filthy with the life you have, God makes you an offer to swap those sins for a snow white covering and then he offers to make you wealthy.

Isaiah 1-18-The way Bible

18 “Come now, let us talk this over! Says the lord; no matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can take it out and make you as clean as freshly fallen snow. Even if you are as stained as red as crimson, I can make you white as wool! If only you would let me help you, if only you would obey, then I will make you rich! But if you keep on turning your backs and refusing to listen to me, you will be killed by your enemies; I the lord have spoken.

I couldn’t believe it when I first saw this scripture, here is God talking to us about salvation, telling us that even though the sins we committed are as dark as crimson and are terrible, he says he will make them as white as snow, and how he does that is by the blood of Jesus, his blood covers over sins and by his death on Calvary he made this accessible to all mankind, but look what he says in the finishing lines, then I will make you rich. There has to be a catch here, or some hidden agenda somewhere, that he will throw up at us later on. God could not want to make me rich, or as another translation says- gives us the best crops in the land; if you get the best crops any famer will tell you that is where the money is.

Isaiah 1-18

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

An Invitation from the LORD

18 I, the LORD, invite you to come and talk it over. Your sins are scarlet red, but they will be whiter than snow or wool.

19 If you willingly obey me, the best crops in the land will be yours. But if you keep on turning your backs And refusing to listen to me, You will be killed by your enemies; I the lord have spoken.

As Christians we were not told the full gospel of Jesus Christ, we were not told that at salvation,wewouldalsoreceiveourhealing,aswereceivedoursalvation,andwewerenever told that God wanted to make us rich either at salvation. Well, I never heard it preached, and I don’t hear it being preached even today, thirty five years after I became a Christian. No one told me that God wanted to make me rich. In fact it was just the opposite that leaders told me at the prayer meetings I went to in my younger days.

This is the most exciting scripture for Christians to study, to see the depth of love that God has for us his own children, because accepting his offer makes you his child a son or daughter of God.

Who is this invitation from? 18 I, the LORD, invite you to come and talk it over. This invitation is from the Lord God, the creator of the universe, the incredible creator of all there is, large or small; he is the author of life. He is the owner of all material wealth on this planet and on many others not yet explored. And he is our God whether we believe in him or not; he knows he made you. And this God, who is the Lord Most High, is inviting you to come and talk things over with him, if you could only understand how profound that is, the God of all creation is inviting you to come over and talk about your sins with him, how can anyone in their right mind refuse to accept his offer? Especially when he offers to cleans them and makes them as white as snow. If only we could really grasp the significance of who is asking us to come over and discuss with him, to talk things over.

And this lord is making us an even more incredible offer that he will make us rich, and of course he being God can do that. Sad to say we were never told about this incredible God who wants to make us rich. All I was taught about God before I gave my life to him was he was a very cruel, hard, really angry God, who only believed in punishment. That is all I knew about God before I became a Christian and met him for myself, I believed from what I was taught that he was vicious and cruel, a mean tempered God who kept you poor. To be fair, they didn’t say those words I just wrote, but this is what they led me to believe, that God didn’t give you things, and he wanted you to suffer, he wanted you to be poor so that you would be humble.

Then I began reading the word of God for myself with the help of the Holy Spirit a different God emerged from scripture, a God who called himself Father and Jesus who called himself our brother, a God who loved us with passion with fervor, he poured out on us blessing after blessing, I saw a God who loved us so much he was willing to sacrifice his only Son so that he could make us his Sons and daughters as well as Jesus.

I seen a God who desired to make us forever perfect in his own sight- Hebrews-10-14, I read in Romans -8-1 that there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus, and I now belonged. I seen a God who says he made me and you gods, that was incredible to imagine that our God wanted to make us like himself, in his own image, a god. And if you notice something here I use a lower case when saying we are ‘gods,’ the ‘g’ I use is the small ‘g’ meaning we are not God almighty but his creation. I am a god but I am not Almighty God, as he says in his word, he is the lord of lords and the king of kings and the God of gods. His words not mine. This is not the God I had believed in previous to my being born again. This God refers to my being like him in every way, holy spotless clean from before the world was even considered Ephesians-1-4, this was his plan to make us like himself in every way. Holy as he is holy.

Now since meeting Jesus and receiving forgiveness for my sins which were truly scarlet, a deep, deep dark crimson indeed, My sins were washed in the blood of Jesus the Son of God who sacrificed himself for me, and made me as white as snow, and he calls me Holy spotless, sinless, pure, forever forgiven a precious gem, he tells me I am made in his own image and that I have been transformed into the image of himself in the Holy Trinity an agreement between them in Genesis -1-26. And he chose us before he even made the world, to be holy, spotless, and clean in his sight.-Ephesians -1-4. They agreed between them that if I came to Jesus as part of their plan then I would become like Jesus and equal to Jesus in every way as I became another Son of the Most High God, God’s own son or daughter if you are a woman reading this. This blessing comes from no man but from God alone, and if he wants to do this for us, {who are we to argue with God ;} and we received this at the moment of salvation when we accepted Jesus into our lives as lord and saviour.

If Jesus is truly your lord and saviour, then your sins are washed as white as snow, forever, not temporarily but for eternity.

Hebrews-10:14 Lexham-English-Bible

For by one offering he has perfected for all time those who are made holy.

Now I want to leave the salvation part, for now, the cleansing of our sins that were as scarlet, deep and dark, and now as that scripture just said we are perfected for all time, not just for a little time, but for all time into eternity, those who are made holy, he made you holy, no one else, you sure couldn’t do it, the pope couldn’t do it, the Archbishop of Canterbury couldn’t do it, no one but God could remove the stains of your darkest sins, and Jesus done it through his sacrifice for your sins being laid on his body, he was punished for your sins. Romans-3-25


I will make you rich

If only you would let me help you, if only you would obey, then I will make you rich!

This statement from the mouth of God is an awesome promise to you who agreed to let him help you, and obey him, I will make you rich.

I know many believers don’t believe that God wants them to be rich, for they hear a scripture saying, ‘the love of money is the root of all evil,’ so they believe that it is wrong to have money, but they don’t realize there is nothing wrong with having money, but it is wrong for money to have you, that simply means that money controls you or possesses you, not you possessing it.

This lie from the enemy keeps many a Christian in poverty. I have money, but as far as I am concerned the money I have is a gift from God, and it is his to use as he pleases through me; I buy the things I need and some things I don’t really need, like a good guitar, I buy them because I appreciate the beauty in a good guitar for my worship, but if God said to me tomorrow or today give every guitar you own away to such and such a person, I would, because I know I own things temporarily not permanently.

This world is passing and I am passing through it using what God gives me for both my pleasure and for his distribution.

I never took God up on this scripture before because I was content whether I had money or not, but now I sense urgency in my spirit to ask him to deliver on his promise, so that in these times we live in where the world is going bankrupt, I can help the children of God. If you, like me want to help other Christians; then we need to ask God to release his promises to us in this his own written word. We need to intercede day and night waiting on this promise from our God to break through the heavens and get delivered by one of God’s mighty angels, and we must never give up we need to keep reminding God of his promise in his word, and keep reminding him until it arrives and then we ask for more as we distribute his wealth, this does not mean you have to give away everything he gives you, you give as he directs who to give help to.

And the assurance that you can know when you are obeying the direction of God will be that it goes to the children of God, “first.” The prompting in your spirit will be as God decides, and you will know you are in obedience.

Remember,- who is going to make you rich, - God says he wants to make you rich, and rich does not mean a few dollars here or there, rich means lots of money. Now would you agree with me that God knows the meaning of the word “rich?” Well I believe it because rich means –wealthy - well-off – prosperous – loaded - well-to-do. There is no shortcoming to the meaning of rich, rich means exactly that, rich, rich, rich, woeeeeeee. Lord send it down I believe, give me all you want, I will never say no; I know whom theblessing comes from, itis your promisefulfilled, and for Christians everywherewho are saved covered by the blood of the lamb, washed in the blood, this promises is for you, I bet

no one told you that God wanted to make you rich at the point of salvation the washing of sins in the blood of the lamb.

Now you know, what are you going to do about this awesome promise from God, are you going to act on it and stand your ground till it arrives? Or are you going to let religion and the enemy deceive you from the promise of the Almighty One and steal it away from you. You claim, nothing is impossible for God, and you say it in church and sing about it in churches and meetings, are you going to believe God and ask now that you know about this mighty promise.

I know from my own background that it so hard to believe such an awesome promise, we have lived with a tight fisted false god for far too long and we believed in this kind of god, who is not the real God. Our God reigns forever and nothing is impossible to the God who is the true creator the God who spins of galaxies and universes.

When we accepted that offer from God to have our crimson sins washed and made as white as snow, he set in motion the second part of his offer, now remember there is a third part of this offer, and you will probably give this more attention that the first two parts, and if you find your self doing that then realize that this is a deception from the enemy, trying to rob you from you blessings.


If you refuse me then this will happen to you.

But if you keep on turning your backs

And refusing to listen to me, You will be killed by your enemies; I the lord have spoken.

God is not threatening you here in the part of the scripture, he is merely pointing out to you, that you are no longer under his protection, because you have turned your back on him. He is offering you salvation and along with salvation prosperity, and that offer lies with you every moment of your life, but if you refuse to believe it or accept it then you have literally turned your back on God and he will let disaster befall you. He will never be the one who will do this, but your greatest enemy, the one whom you chose for your self will torment you he will kill those around you and he will even kill you. Jesus himself said in scripture, if you are not for me then you are against me.

Mark 9-38-Good News Translation (GNT)

Whoever Is Not against Us Is for Us

38 John said to him, “Teacher, we saw a man who was driving out demons in your name, and we told him to stop, because he doesn't belong to our group.”

“Do not try to stop him,” Jesus told them, “because no one who performs a miracle in my name will be able soon afterward to say evil things about me. 40 For whoever is not against us is for us.


Most people don’t realize that if they are not for God they are actually again him, and as he says in the first scripture, if you keep turning your backs on me then you will be killed by your enemies and that for you in these days is Satan and his demons, he is your enemy as they are also.

19 If you willingly obey me, the best crops in the land will be yours.

But if you keep on turning your backs And refusing to listen to me, You will be killed by your enemies; I the lord have spoken.

If you are not for me then you are against me and that leaves you in a bad place where you do not have the protection of God over you and your family.

God has no problems in making us rich, we have the problem in believing he would do it for me personally, but this offer to all who are obedient to him he promises to remove your sins and make “YOU RICH.”

How many times in the Old Testament did God promise to make the Jews rich, and fulfilled his promises, and how many times did the Jews turn their backs on him, because of their own confidence in a king or leader and turned from God and got killed. If you are a bible reader you will have seen countless times God begged them to follow him and when they did he blessed them with prosperity and good crops, cattle and land. When they rebelled and turned their backs on him and worshipped other Gods he let them be taken into captivity, made slaves of, and even killed, and that was their choosing not God’s.

God is not a liar, every word is like silver seven times refined, If God says something then he means it, exactly as he said it. If he said he will wash your scarlet sins as white as snow he will, and if he promises to make you rich, he also will, it is no problem to him to do this, he is God the creator. God does not mean something else when he says something, that is mans failure to believe him, and their interpretation of it; if it is in his word then he means what it says in his word no matter how many different translations there are, they all are basically the same, the wording might be a little different but the meaning is the same. ‘I will bless you with large crops.’ ‘I will bless you with prosperity,’ same difference, different wording, both mean prosperity.

Psalm 12-Contemporary English Version (CEV)

Our LORD, you are true to ‘your promises,’ and your word is like silver heated seven times in a fiery furnace

7 You will protect us and always keep us safe from those people.

This next scripture tells us that God is faithful to his promises and gave us his own Holy Spirit as a guarantee to what he said in first scripture - Isaiah 1-18.

Ephesians 1-13-Good News Translation (GNT)

13 And you also became God's people when you heard the true message, the Good News that brought you salvation. You believed in Christ, and God put his stamp of ownership on you by giving you the Holy Spirit he had promised. 14 the Spirit is the guarantee that we shall receive what God has promised his people, and this assures us that God will give complete freedom to those who are his. Let us praise his glory!

You have a written guarantee from God himself saying that he will give you all he promised in Isaiah-1-18, he even gave us his own Holy Spirit as proof that he will do as he said, but do we believe him? The Holy Spirit is the guarantee and Jesus is the yes to all of God’s promises. One thing has always keeps coming into my mind as I write this book, and that was, God loved us so much, that he not only offered to wash away our sins and cover them white like snow, but he also added that he wants to make us rich. You would think that was an appetizer to try and get souls to come to him. In my thirty five years with the lord I have never heard anyone preach a salvation message with the promise of being made rich included in it, or a message on instant healing in it either when a person accepts his or her salvation. The funny thing is that I probably wouldn’t have believed this salvation message at the beginning because of how bad a person I was, I believed that I was a terrible sinner and I was then. Now I know the true God which I try to show to you the readers, the God of prosperity, blessings and most of all love, the God of free salvation, redemption. My Father loves you, and wants me to show you his true nature, and is always true to every promise he makes to us, and Jesus makes sure he keeps his promise

2 Corinthians 1-18-Contemporary English Version (CEV)

18 God can be trusted, and so can I, when I say that our answer to you has always been “Yes” and never “No.” 19 This is because Jesus Christ the Son of God is always “Yes” and never “No.” And he is the one that Silas, Timothy, and I told you about.20 Christ says “Yes” to all of God’s promises. That’s why we have Christ to say “Amen” for us to the glory of God.

Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the promises God makes, he is the yes to every promise. Jesus himself will talk with the Father and remind him, even though he needs no reminding of his promises, and he will bring those promises to reality for you and for me. In this present world, most of the worlds wealthy people are not good people; now I am not saying there are no good wealthy people because there are, but for the majority of this worlds wealthy people they don’t give a toss about God and God says this is the time for taking their wealth away and time for giving it to his children. This is the word of God and this is the time for that word to be fulfilled. All the finances in this world belong to God and not to man; man only has them till he dies like everyone else.

I will make you rich; what an amazing promise, what a God he is, and now is the time for you Christian readers to talk with God about his promises and ask him how do I receive them, even thoughittellsusquiteclearlyinthefirstscripturehowwereceivetheriches.Ifonlyyouwould let me help you, if only you would obey, then I will make you rich!

That’s all you and I have to do, let God help us in everything, and obey him in everything he says, then he will make us rich, when you have done all - stand!

Holding out to God his word, reminding him that you let him help you; and you have obeyed to the best of your awareness all he said to do.

Come lets talk this over says God, so you can come to God anytime and talk things over with him, things that bother you or trouble you, things in everyday life and ask how do I deal with this problem Father, how do you want me to react. And he will say; with Love.

Ephesians 3-20-Good News Translation (GNT)

20 To him who by means of “his power’’ working in us is able to do so much more than we can ever ask for, or even think of: 21 to God be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus for all time, forever and ever! Amen.


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