It is impossible for God to tell a lie!

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“It is Impossible for God to tell a lie!” Brendan Mc Crossan

“It is Impossible for God to tell a lie!”

Brendan Mc Crossan

It is Impossible for God to tell a lie!

Brendan Mc Crossan

COPYRIGHT @ 20-03-2012


It is impossible for God to tell a lie, if he says it he means it and will never go back on his word.

Hebrews-6-18- The Way Bible

He has given us both his promise and his oath, two things we can completely count on, for it is impossible for God to tell a lie.

You would think listening to some Christians that God just continually lied about things; when God said he chose us he meant he chose us; he could have chosen a monkey, or a dog, or an ape, but no he chose us. when you give thought to what God done you realise that you are special to God because he chose you, and not only did he chose you but he also called you his beloved, Jude-1-1- he expressed his amazing love for us in this one sentence. The word beloved means much loved, dearly loved, adored, favourite, darling, treasured, dear, precious and cherished. Cherished meaning is even more astounding, exquisite, magical, perfect, special, enchanting. This is how God sees us; this is the most beautiful expression of God towards his children, this is love personified. No wonder his word says in Hebrews -10-14 we are forever perfect in his sight. And this is how we are for all eternity.

If you only had one sentence to express yourself what would you say? You would chose your words carefully, and God chose his words carefully when he called you his beloved; In just one small word he articulated his awesome love for us and he wasn’t telling lies to you when he expressed his love, unlike the enemy who cannot tell the truth God cannot tell a lie, they are two opposites.

Jude-1-1- The Way Bible

And he calls us beloved of God.

I am beloved of God because I know that God never lies so when he calls me beloved then I know that I am his beloved.

Hebrews-7-19- The Way Bible

But now we have a far better hope, for Christ makes us acceptable to God, and now we may draw near to him

The enemy would tell you, that what you do and say, makes you unacceptable to God and that you are a terrible sinner, he is the master of lies. Jesus described him he is the Father of liars.

God is Father to us, two opposites, one lies to us every moment of the day and the other rejoices over us and speaks only what is truth.

John -10-10- The Way Bible

The thief’s purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness.

Where God speaks regarding us in his word he speaks truth, there are no dark areas in God, no black and white, just pure light, brilliant white light.

God reassures his children over and over again in his word, he wants us to come to him boldly knowing him as Father and knowing we are loved; he wants us to know over and over again that we are acceptable to him and that he doesn’t lie about this statement

1 Peter 2-4-Good News Translation (GNT)

Come to the Lord, the living stone rejected by people as worthless but chosen by God as valuable.5Come as living stones, and let yourselves be used in building the spiritual temple, where you will serve as holy priests to offer spiritual and acceptable sacrifices to God through Jesus Christ.

Your sacrifices are acceptable to the lord and God says you will serve as Holy Priests to offer spiritual and acceptable sacrifices to God. You yourself are acceptable to God and your sacrifices are also acceptable to him.

1-Peter-2-9-The Way Bible

You are not like that, you have been chosen by God himself, you are priests of the king, you are holy and pure, and you are God’s very own.

Again God reassures us that we are what he says we are and he does not lie; if he says we are priests and kings and holy and pure and his very own, then he is telling the truth, God does not lie, he says, ‘we are holy, we are priests of the king {Jesus} we are pure, we are God’s very own.’ And we have been chosen by him not by anyone else but by God Almighty himself. Wow!

God set before us truth and lie, he tells us the truth and the enemy tells us lies, which one do you chose to believe? The enemy never builds us up by positive speaking but instead he tries to get us to build ourselves up, {pride} and he never tells us that we are loved. Then he tears us down belittling us and mocking us. I have never ever in all my sixty-four years ever heard the enemy say I am a good person, or that I am a loving caring person, or that I am a kind person, or that I am holy like God.

I have never ever heard a Satanist say they are wonderful and fearfully made and that they are gentle and loving in nature. I have never heard the enemy tell me that I was good, that I was sinless, that I was worthy, or a saint or that I could do everything through Jesus. He told me many times that I was the worst sinner on this planet and that I was a disgrace to God, a shame to call myself a Christian. He always put me down; he left me feeling like a big pile of crap, the scum of the earth and the dirt beneath someone’s shoes. Never once in all my years of

serving him did he ever tell me that I was his friend, or that I pleased him, never once did he fill my heart with love for others, instead he placed condemnation on me day after day, reminding me what a sinner I was, and how disgusted God was with me. And it was not until I met Jesus did I see what he was doing to me, he was poising my soul with lies upon lies. True

I was not a good person, but I wasn’t an evil person either, I was lost without hope and he distorted my image of God; to me God was a cruel heartless monster, who couldn’t wait to get me in death to send me to hell, and this was all the enemies lies and deception.

Then one day I met with Jesus and I could not believe as he opened my eyes to the truth of what I am and what I have always been as far as my Father was concerned and I saw light for the first time in my life, I wasn’t the dirtiest little scum of this planet, but that in my Fathers eyes he created me as a thing of beauty, over which the enemy was insane with jealousy over me; he was replaced in heaven by me and others like me all made in the Divine image, and he had tried to get me to believe his lies for years and years, and I believed those lies; now I have a passion to let others know the truth as to how God sees us his children, and when God says something he tells the truth, so when he says, ‘I am holy like him’ I believe him immediately. I believed the liar for years without doubt, now I know the truth, the truth has indeed set me free and I desire to bring that good news to others who lived as I did in lies and deceit.

1 Peter 2-9-King James Version (KJV)

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light

This King James Version says it with more passion you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people. I believe what God says here in this scripture, that I am indeed his own peculiar people, I believe that I have been chosen, {you believe whatever you like.} I believe that I was in the darkness but now I am in that glorious light always, what a God I have and he has me. God does not lie when he calls me his chosen generation, he did chose me and you if you are a Christian. I believe him when he says I am Holy, because once I was less than nothing but now I am God’s very own. Once I knew nothing of God’s kindness; now my very life has been changed by it.

There is something every Christian should realise and that is, this place is not your real home, we are just visitors passing through. Our real home is in heaven and we are seated there right now in spirit because we are attached to, and one in Christ Jesus, and he is seated in the throne room of heaven and we sit with him in the heavenly realms in our spirit whilst our bodies remain on this earth. He done all this for me and I believe him, do you? It is impossible for him to tell a lie, so if he says this is earth is not my home, and my real home is in heaven, then I chose to believe him, my home is in heaven and I proudly declare this before God and before all who listen.

1-Peter-2-11-The Way Bible

Dear brothers, you are only visitors here. Since your real home is in heaven I beg you to keep away from the evil pleasures this evil world offers you, for they fight against your very soul.

God says I am only a visitor here, I am visiting from heaven, he said my real home is in heaven so I must have come from there to have it established as my home, and

Ephesians -1-4-The way Bible

Long ago even before he made the world God chose me to be his.

To have chosen me means that I have had to exist before I came to this world and in fact I am a citizen of heaven visiting this planet earth and then returning home after my time on earth expires, or when my visa expires.

God says my real home is in heaven; so ‘my real home is in heaven,’ I believe what a mighty God says about me, he does not lie; so if he says my home is in heaven then my home is in heaven. I see it and I declare it, I declare what God says about me and what he says to me in his word because a holy God can never lie.

Ephesians-1-3-The Way Bible

The father has delivered me from the power of darkness and translated me into the kingdom of his own dear son.

{Translated means to transform to change, [transitive and intransitive verb] to change something from one form or effect into another, or be changed from one form or effect into another} transitive verb to move or carry somebody or something from one place to another, usually with a complete change of condition or scene. {Religion transitive verb,} to convey somebody to heaven, especially in a way that is believed not to involve death}

This is an amazing truth and it is God who says it, he translated me into the kingdom of his own dear son. He changed the form I was in to be the form of a heavenly being, a holy spiritual form; he took me from being in the enemy’s form to a new form of holiness and cleanliness. I believe that God is more than capable of doing this, and I believe him and declare it, and give God all glory for it, for it is impossible for God to tell a lie; if he said he did it, I believe him. When he translated us into the kingdom of his own dear son, he translated us into the form of his dear son, and his form is holy, sinless, spotless beautiful, and we are likewise.

God decided that we who belong to him would be his representatives her on this earth, we became his heavenly ambassadors.

I am an ambassador for Christ;

2-Corinthians-5:20-Amplified-Bible so we are Christ's ambassadors, God making His appeal as it were through us. We [as Christ's personal representatives] beg you for His sake to lay hold of the divine favour [now offered you] and be reconciled to God.

You have become an ambassador for God and an ambassador is someone who represents one countries kingdom and king, isn’t it amazing that God has chosen us to be his own personal Ambassadors, his representatives, and representing his kingdom. This is a divine truth because God does not lie; you have been chosen to represent God in this world, because as an ambassador you are a diplomat visiting a foreign country, isn’t it awesome that God says we don’t belong to this country called earth but that we are his Ambassador. When I think, I was changed from being a disgusting piece of crap, a sinner of the worst degree; I was chosen to represent God and his Kingdom, what an honour for me, and for you, I fall down on my knees and give God praise and worship for making me, a former scumbag, into a holy spotless regal Ambassador for him. Has the enemy ever asked us to represent him? He didn’t need to; our actions spoke volumes letting people know we belonged at one time to this evil being. Now our actions must speak volumes of a new and better person one who has been taken in and washed in the blood of the Lamb of God and given a robe of righteousness and a crown on his head and given a royal job as an ambassador of God. Now I go about proclaiming what my king has told me to say and I say his kingdom is available to everyone, come and be cleansed like me, come into the kingdom of light and love and receive a glad welcome; though your sins were as scarlet I will make them as white as snow, those were the words of our heavenly Father to all, and this is what we go about talking to all who will listen, inviting them to come to the wedding feast as an honoured guest.

I am an Ambassador for God – he said it – I am it, and I declare it from my mouth, this is the truth that God told, for it is impossible for him to tell a lie; he made me his Ambassador, his representative, to this world and as his representative his diplomat I have diplomat I have diplomatic immunity. Immunity means protection; so I have Diplomatic protection as his Ambassador; God protects me as his Ambassador. When he called me his Ambassador he also gave me diplomatic immunity whilst in this planet earth, just like the Ambassador from another country cannot be arrested or tried by the country he is visiting even if he committed murder, I have protection accorded to me by my King.

As an Ambassador I have protection whilst in this earth, this is a wonderful truth, because God cannot tell a lie, and I believe him that he protects me from harm whilst in this planet.

Ephesians-2-19-so now you are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God’s holy people. You are members of God’s family.

‘I am’ a citizen of heaven and no longer a citizen of earth, ‘I am’ living here but as a representative of God, his Ambassador. ‘I am’ a representative of the Royal family of God ‘I am’ actually a son of the King just like my brother Jesus; ‘I am’ a member of God’s own family and God is royalty, he is the king of kings. Can you just imagine that you and I are actually a member of God’s own royal family, God says this proudly about you and me and God cannot lie, it is impossible for him to lie, so if he says it – ‘I am it,’ and ‘I declare’ this proudly because of what my father God done for me and a royal Holy God cannot lie. Please read that again, but read it like this, stressing the “I am.” “I am” --- a citizen of heaven etc,

How can we not believe that God loves us unconditionally when he does all these wonderful things for us and through us?

It is impossible for God to tell a lie, so when God says you are holy like him and that you are forever perfect in his sight according to his word he is telling the truth. I have written in almost every book I have written that God says in Ephesians -1-4 that we are holy without a single fault, and that long ago even before he made the world he chose you and me, because he wanted to, and another scripture that has always been with me is Hebrews-10-14- you are forever perfect in the sight of God, and these two scriptures in particular hold me in remembrance of what God did before he even made a world. I have loved them since I first asked God how he saw me and these two scriptures and some others jumped out of the Bible as they say, and took root in me. I have used these two scriptures to help set people free from unworthiness and sinfulness and a sense of no value or merit, by sharing them with them and showing them that in Ephesians all the things said about us were from before we were even born and he knew all about us and still called us Holy, just like himself, and Hebrews forever perfect and people never felt perfect never mind good enough, and the truth in these two scriptures is what set them free from the bondage of the enemy. God’s word is true, God is not a liar, to tell someone that as far as he was concerned they were “holy, spotless, and clean, and forever perfect in his sight. He does not try and fool people into thinking things are ok between them and him, what he says he means, and I for one believe him!

If God says we are Holy and spotless then we are holy and spotless, a Holy God does not, and cannot lie; he says it - we are it, and we should also say it to others, encouraging them into the truth; for it is impossible for God to tell a lie. We are forever perfect in his sight, that’s the truth, that’s how God says he sees us; it’s written in his living word, and it never changes no matter what. Our greatest enemy will try and tell you this is blasphemy, lies and a distortion of the word of God, but we know he loves to quote scripture at us; sure he even misquoted it to Jesus himself.

Love, unconditional love, is what motivates God, he is so full of love, it is his very being and nature and he desires us to know how he sees us and how we should see ourselves; he so much dotes on us and is delighted when we accept what he tells us and when we apply it to our thinking, we are told to think like Jesus in the word, and Jesus never thought of himself in any negative or unloving way. I loved those words I quoted earlier; they were so full of the enigma of God, things that are there just waiting for us to unravel that mystery of God and his persona. Those word are her again so that you can re-read them again and again until you agree with the definition of them as being the character of God and ourselves now we are his. The word beloved means much-loved, dearly loved, adored, favourite, darling, treasured, dear, precious and cherished. Cherished meaning is even more astounding, exquisite, magical, perfect, special, enchanting. This is how God sees us; this is the most beautiful expression of God towards his children, this is love personified.

When God says all this in two little words knowing their fullest meaning how much he loves me then I believe him because a Holy God cannot lie, for it is impossible for him to do so. We have a choice to make regarding God and his word, do we believe him or do we disbelieve him and in doing so call him a liar. Believing him confirms that God is not a liar, nor does he tell any lie; God is not a man pleaser, but loves it when we realise what he did for us through his Son Jesus and that Jesus suffering and death was not in vein.

If you have read my little book 217 on my website, you can apply all those scriptures to apply to this little book also.

Here are just some of them for you to examine with your bible at hand.

This time say with them, “it is impossible for God to tell a lie,” if he says I am in right standing with God - then I am in right standing with God. God does not lie he is a Holy God and I am Holy also so I do not lie either in proclaiming those words God spoke over me.

“I am in right standing with God”

“Greater is he who is in me”

“As he is so am I in this world”




“I am a mirror that brightly reflects the glory of God” 2-Corinthians-3-12

“I will do even greater works than Jesus” John-14-12

“I have peace of mind and heart” John-14-27

“I have every spiritual gift and power”

“My life has been enriched by Jesus”

“I am counted free from all sin and guilt”




“I am acceptable to God” 1-Corinthians-1-30

“I am pure and holy” 1-Corinthians-1-30

“I can move the hands of God by prayer”

“I have a portion of the mind of Christ in me”



“The words you say now have an effect on your future”

I agree with every word God says I am, for God is not a liar, it is impossible for God to tell a lie, so if he says in his word, ‘I am pure and Holy’-‘1-Corinthians-1-30,’- then I confess what God says, in complete agreement with him. He is not a liar, he speaks only truth no matter how hard it may seem to believe; we must never forget he is God and can do as he pleases. If he wants to give me ‘a portion of the mind of Christ,’ who am I to argue with him? I accept it by the grace he gives me, and I am so very grateful; if he says ‘I am acceptable to him,’ he does not lie for it is impossible for God to tell a lie. If he says ‘my life has been enriched by Jesus’ thenIknowmylifehasbeenenriched,hedoesnotlie!Ifhesays,‘asheissoamIinthisworld,’ I am inclined to agree with him because he is my God, the one who knows all things and the one in whom all things are, and he does not lie; for it is impossible for God to tell a lie. Amen

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