Every one knows there is a judgment day whether they say they believe it or not because God put it into their hearts that there is a God and there is a judgment day coming.
Atheist say there is no God, but they know deep down in their spirit there is, because scripture says God put it in their hearts, they choose to deny this for one reason or another. They convince themselves that there is no God, there is only dust when you go to the grave, and then nothing. That is their choice and they are free to believe it, God gave them that freedom he loved them so much he allows them to deny him even to themselves.
But for you who believe in God, whether you be Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, Protestant, or whatever religion, you believe in, you know there is a God and also there is a judgment day coming, and you try to live your life as good as you can. For those who have never heard the truth aboutJesus you willbejudged accordingly to your words and deeds. For thosewho know about Jesus, well you will be judged by your words. I will go into more detail later on this subject.
Knowing Jesus and knowing about Jesus is altogether two different things. The devil believes in God he believes in Jesus, the demons believe in God and believe in Jesus so strongly they tremble in fear at the very mention of his name.
To believe in something means you know about that something and have seen it, tasted it for yourself or felt it. Have you tasted Jesus? Have you felt his love and forgiveness?
Believing is a decision you make every day of your life; we believe the government, we believe everything they tell us, or almost everything, and yet we know they lie continually, and we find these things out through some one revealing the truth, a whistleblower they’re called. And even after we hear the truth we then go on to believe every cover up because they say it’s true. We see these things every day in our news and we believe, we read these things in our newspapers, and accept their lies as fact, because they bend the truth and you and I vote for them again and again, we never learn, not to believe in untruthful people. Why did I rant about government and our believing them, well its simple we believe lies readily and obviously forgive the liars, and then go on to believe them when they say they fixed the lie.
Do you believe God’s word in the same easy way? Do you accept what Almighty God reveals in his word? Do you believe it when some whistleblower comes and reveals the truth in God’s word revealing secrets kept from eternity? I am a whistleblower like so many before me I tell you the truth I found in God’s word concerning us his people and I reveal the truth to you and then you can judge for yourself by reading the word of God the bible, for yourself. The only difference in God’s word and the government is that God does not lie, governments all do! So the truths I reveal are for your benefit and for God’s glory. I reveal the truth to you where churches have failed to do for centuries; certain churches have kept the bible from their people because they said it would drive them mad. This is true I lived in that very time as a young man, then I became a born again believer and I began to read the bible for myself and I discovered along with similar Christians that the word is true. It won’t drive you mad, except to get mad at those who kept the truth from you, and the truths in the bible tell you to forgive those who kept the truth of God’s word from you. If I had known the truth about Jesus and
salvation, I would have received Jesus many years before I did. I thought God was evil and killed those he loved as a test of their faith; I wasn’t the only one who believed that, we all did as Catholics at that time. Glory to God the church has changed and now the bible is available for everyone.
Now I come to reveal the truth about judgment to any who read this little booklet; then you can read for yourself these truths and make your choices accordingly.
John 3-15-Everyone who believes in me shall have eternal life. For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. God did not send his Son into this world to condemn it but to save it. There is no eternal doom awaiting those who trust him to save them. 3-18But those who don’t trust him have already been tried and condemned for not believing in the only Son of God. Their sentence is based on this fact; that the light from heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the light, for their deeds were evil. They hated the heavenly light because they wanted to sin in the darkness. They stayed away from that light, for fear their sins would be exposed and they would be punished, but those doing right came gladly to the Light to let everyone see that they are doing what God wants them to.
Another translation the “New Living Translation” says.
“There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him {Jesus himself.} But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s only son.”
Did you read those words written in red and underlined? Both translations tell you that if you believe in Jesus you will not be judged, but if you do not believe in Jesus you will be judged and condemned.
All Christian, whether protestant, Catholic, Methodist, or any other religion who proclaims that Jesus is God, know they will be judged. But not too many actually believe that they are judged right this very moment, they mostly believe they will be judged when they die, which is not true it is scripturally wrong to proclaim this.
Scripture says there is a second judgment at the last day and for those who have passed the first judgment they will have nothing to fear.
Read again what it was that Jesus, who personally spoke the first scriptures, and spoke those words also says;
John-5-24- I say emphatically that anyone who listens to my message and believes in God who sent me has eternal life and will never be damned for his sin, but has already passed out of death into life.
The colored words have great significance they are colored to highlight the most important words Jesus spoke.
This is the only time in the bible that Jesus a big word that I am aware of, the word, “emphatically.” Jesus used words uneducated people would understand, remember in those times there was not much time for kids to learn reading, they worked on the farms or where their fathers worked emphatically means “forcefully.” definitely, vigorously. Jesus was making a very strong point when he used that word; he knew these people were uneducated people, for the most of them.
Look at the small word he used now and see what it says; “has” eternal life. Has means it’s already happened. What he was talking about happened when they listened to his message and believed.
Has means it‘s already yours, you own it its yours; It means you have something in your possession.
Jesus was reassuring us that when we accept his message and ask him into our hearts as lord and savior then we have already passed out of judgment and into eternal life, we are not going to be judged.
If we don’t believe his message and accept him as lord of our lives we are damned to hell, and it isn’t Jesus who is damming us to hell; it is us not him, or God, or the Holy Spirit it is our choices
Your judgment is right this very moment. Now! This very second! If you have accepted Jesus as lord you are guaranteed salvation, {going to heaven that means}. If you say I am not interested in God or that stuff, or I don’t believe in this, and reject what Jesus has offered, then you are going to hell. It is “you” not God who is sending you to hell, no one can send you to hell but you, and God gave you the free will to choose either to believe him or to reject him. If you are a Luke warm Christian or religious person then God says he will vomit you out of his mouth. I hope you don’t taste like vomit to God, by being neither for God nor against him. God does not send people to hell; people send themselves to Hell, by refusing to be saved.
What does being saved mean? Saved means, for example; if you fell into a river and were drowning, and someone jumped in and rescued you, you would have been saved by them and you would tell others afterwards that someone saved you from drowning. Well Jesus jumped in and saved you from a river of sin and rescued you, he saved you, you would tell people afterwards that were saved Christian.
Judgment means going to court, and there is going to be a court opened in heaven on the last day, and everyone will stand before God to be judged.
I thought you said we would not be judged because we received Jesus as lord. If the righteous are barely saved, what chance is there for the unrighteous?
John-5-28-indeed the time is coming when all the dead in their graves shall rise againthosewhohavedonegoodtoeternallife;andthosewhohavecontinuedineviltojudgment.
Those who accepted Jesus rise to eternal life, the rest will rise out of their graves to be judged.
Hebrew 9-27- and just as each person is destined to die once and after that come judgment. So also Christ died once for all time as a sacrifice to take away our sins of many people. He will come again, not to deal with our sins, but to bring salvation to all who are eagerly waiting for him.
Jesus is not coming back to judge the whole world, no he is coming to bring salvation to his people and then the people of this world will be judged. Those who accepted Jesus as lord of their lives have already been judged and forgiven and accepted and given salvation {eternal life} and somehow or other you have already been seated with him in the heavenly realms.
Revelation-20-12 I saw the dead, great and small, standing before God, and ‘The Books’ were opened, including the “Book of Life.” And the dead were judged according to the things written in ‘The Books,’ each according to the deeds he had done. The oceans surrendered the bodies buried in them; and the earth and the underworld gave up the dead in them. Each was judged according to his deeds. And Death and Hell were thrown into the ‘Lake Of Fire.’ This is the second death – the ‘Lake Of Fire’ and if anyone’s name was not found recorded in the Book Of Life, he was thrown into the ‘Lake Of Fire.
Did you see the reference to the second death? We die once in this body, and then we die again in our spirit if we don’t have our names written in the ‘Book of Life.’
The body, the flesh dies once but the spirit still lives, and then at the Day of Judgment the spirit is judged not the flesh. The spirit will either go on into glory with Jesus or it will go into the Lake Of Fire to burn there for eternity, along with Satan and ever demonic power and dominion and evil spirit with him. This is the second judgment; the judgment of the spirit, but for those who have accepted Jesus and live as he wants you to live the second death won’t touch you because your name has been written in the Book of Life.
Revelation-20-5 this is the first Resurrection; {the rest of the dead did not come back to life until the thousand years had ended.} Blessed and holy are those who share in the first Resurrection. For them the second death holds no terrors, for they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
John 3-15-Everyone who believes in me shall have eternal life. For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. God did not send his Son into this world to condemn it but to save it. There is no eternal doom awaiting those who trust him to save them. 3-18But those who don’t trust him have already been tried and condemned
It is awesome to think of God’s plans. He gave us the chance to receive eternal life by choosing to accept Jesus as lord of our life, so that we would live with him forever, in the spirit.
For those of you who focused on the judgment scripture and the Lake of Fire, I wrote this scripture second, Revelation 20 5-, which should have come before the judgment scripture; Revelation 20- 12. Because most people focus on the negative side of things, and I didn’t want you finishing off with the thought of judgment; but of the Resurrection to eternal life.
For you who have accepted Jesus, you have already passed the first Judgment and received the firstResurrection, your spiritis taken up into heaven theinstantyou die, and thosewho refused to accept Jesus will have to wait in their graves until the second judgment, judgment Day, the end of the world! Those who refused Jesus or those who didn’t know about him will be judged by their deeds. You will not be judged by your deeds, because you have already been judged when you believed in Jesus as your lord and savior.
1-John -4-17- here in is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment, because as he ‘is’ so are we in this world.
Ephesian 2-6- he lifted us up into glory out of the grave, and we are seated with him, in the heavenly realms.
God says we can have boldness, no fear, nothing to worry about on the Day of Judgment, if God says we can have boldness in the Day of Judgment then believe him; have no fear. Satan is the one who has the greatest fear in the Day of Judgment. And did you also notice something here it says in Ephesians 2-6- he lifted us {Christians} up out of the grave, and seated us with him {Jesus}.
Christians won’t remain in their graves when they die; they are lifted up out of their graves and seated with Jesus in heaven.
For those of you who feared being dead and lying in the grave there in nothing to worry about because your spirit won’t be there it will be in heaven with Jesus because you accepted him as lord of your life.
{Note} I have had a Revelation in these scriptures that I wish to share with you. I could never explain ghosts to people and why they roam the earth but when I read these scriptures Ephesians-2-6 and revelation 20-12. I understood that those who refused Jesus as lord remain in their graves until Judgment Day, and Christians go straight up to heaven no resting in their graves.
When Jesus returns we will all get a new body? That is Christians will get new bodies that will last forever and throughout eternity. That is why he is returning he is coming with new bodies that our spirit will live in, for eternity.
Isn’t is wonderful to think we wont lie in our graves but will be raised immediately into heaven and be seated with Jesus. Thank God I accepted Jesus offer of salvation, Have you?
If you have never taken Jesus up on his offer of eternal life the all you have to do is say to him,’ Jesus I am sorry for my sins, please forgive me and come into my life as my lord and savior, AMEN.’
Then you have passed the first Judgment and will pass the second Judgment because your name is written in the Book of Life.
John 3-15-Everyone who believes in me shall have eternal life. For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. God did not send his Son into this world to condemn it but to save it.
There is no eternal doom awaiting those who trust him to save them.
3-18But those who don’t trust him have already been tried and condemned for not believing in the only Son of God.
Judgment day is now! Do you accept Jesus as lord of your life or do you reject him, the choice is entirely yours, it’s in your own mouth what ever you say will be the result of your judgment.