Matthew-16-18- You are Peter, a stone; and upon this rock I will build my church; and all the powers of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever doors you lock on earth shall be locked in heaven; and whatever doors you open on earth shall be open in heaven.
Let’s take this scripture apart and see what is saying in its fullness.
Jesus was talking to Peter; and called him a rock, and said he will build his church beginning with Peter. To build something you need a foundation first. I am a builder and so I understand before anything is built; the first thing needed is a solid foundation. Jesus was using Peter a solid rock as he described him, so he thought Peter was sound enough to build his church on; but Peter was just the foundation that Jesus began with, the church didn’t begin and end with Peter, and what Jesus said to Peter applies to us, ‘living building blocks,’ as scripture describes us in [scripture] .
Thenextthing Jesussaid ofimmenseimportantwasthat;allthepowersofhellshallnotprevail against it, {his church - not Peter} Peter was killed by being crucified upside down we are told, by historians.
I will build my church and all the powers of hell shall not prevail against it. He uses the word it, not you as if he was talking just to Peter. Satan would have Christians think that this just meant Peter, but this is not true, he doesn’t want you to know that you hold the keys of the kingdom of God in your mouth.
You were not given physical keys or there would only be one set and whoever had them they would be the only ones that could use them! No! He gave you the spiritual keys of the kingdom of heaven. Heaven is a spiritual place not a physical place, and a physical key cannot open anything in the kingdom of heaven.
Satan the Devil does not want you to be aware that you actually have the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and that all his evil power principalities and demonic forces and himself cannot prevail against it, can not overcome you in other words if you know you have the keys. {I am going to keep putting in this main scripture every so often in the pages so that you will have them at easy access to read as you go along in this book.}
Matthew-16-18- You are Peter, a stone; and upon this rock I will build my church; and all the powers of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever doors you lock on earth shall be locked in heaven; and whatever doors you open on earth shall be open in heaven.
If you just stop and think my Christian Brother or sister, the kingdom of hell cannot prevail against you, not if you belong to Jesus and live in his kingdom daily. {Thewordprevailmeans,toovercome,totriumphover,tosucceedagainst,toreignover.} And all the powers of hell cannot prevail, overcome, or succeed, or reign over you the church of Christ Jesus. You are the church that Jesus is building, not your denomination, your Christian religion.
For too long Satan has reigned over Christians, treating them with contempt, destroying their visions, their trust and belief in God and Jesus. He has lied to Christians everywhere telling them he is all powerful, all mighty and is everywhere at once. Christian friend, Satan the Devil, is a fallen angel and can only be in one place at the one time. Angels can not be in two places at the one time, they are not like God they have limitations, they can go somewhere swiftly as the wind as scripture says in,
Hebrews -1-7 God speaks of his angels as swift as the wind as servants made of flaming fire.
They are powerful beings there’s no doubt in that, but they can’t be in two or three or 40 or 50 places or a billion places at the one time like God can. And Satan is just an angel and a fallen one at that and even better still a defeated one who has nothing to look forward to but the flames of hell which will burn him for eternity. He will try and tell you that he is powerful, and even if that were true which it is not, Jesus still defeated him, and said, “all the powers of hell shall not prevail against his church,” which is you.
How do I use the Keys to the kingdom? The keys are in your mouth, like the sword of the spirit is in Jesus mouth.
Revelation-1-16 he held seven stars in his right hand and a sharp, double blade sword in his mouth.
Jesus had a sword in his mouth, why did he not hold it in his hand? He had a sword to show the Christians that the key to the power of the kingdom is in the mouth.
Romans-10-10- for it is in believing with his heart that a man becomes right with God; and with his mouth he tells others of his faith, confirming his salvation.
Your mouth tells others of your faith, and what you say out of it has a profound effect in the kingdom of God it either releases power or it hampers power from being released to you. It is akey thatunlocksthekingdomtreasuries,and itisin thesetreasuriesthatlay yoursupernatural power.
God created the universe and galaxies by the word of his mouth-Genesis-1-14-15.
Matthew-16-18- You are Peter, a stone; and upon this rock I will build my church; and all the powers of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever doors you lock on earth shall be locked in heaven; and whatever doors you open on earth shall be open in heaven.
Whatever doors you lock, not what doors that Peter locks, but whatever doors you, the Christian locks on earth will be locked in heaven. Look at the amazing power that God entrusted you with, the keys to his very own kingdom and to his own heavenly treasuries.
How do you lock doors? With your mouth as I said previously. Scripture says you will give an account for every idle word you ever confessed out of your mouth. The word idle means inactive, inoperative, and out of order.
The words you say have life, and if you speak life words you will receive life things from the kingdom of heaven, if you speak negative then you speak in agreement with Satan and you speak death to the spiritual things of the kingdom.
These next few lines are the most important that you will ever read, pay special attention to them!
The bible is the living word of God, it is not a dead book or a good story book, but an alive and active word and you must confess, declare out of your mouth the words that God said, and these are keys that open doors for you in heaven; “God has to do what you say, when you speak out “his” word, it is a principle that he set out from before time began that he would one day give you the keys to the kingdom of Heaven and you would unlock those doors that had been locked to you before but are now being opened as you declare in faith and trust what God said to do.
Ephesians-1-4 long ago even before he made the world, God chose us to be his very own through what Christ would do for us.
You see you were called from before the world even began, it was a principle that God spoke; he spoke you into existence that on the day you were born, you would come into existence. He spoke it out into the future that you would be conceived and be born on a particular date and time, and you came into being.
If God told you to do something in his word then he will back up what he said for you to do by signs and wonders, it is a principle that God set in motion, and it will always be true for those who speak living words. Life and death are your servants as it says in.
1-Corinthians-3-22-he has given you the whole world to use, and life and death are your servants, he has given you all of the present and all of the future. All are yours, and you belong to Christ, and Christ is God’s.
Look atthis scripturecarefully, seehow importantitis. God gaveyou and me, thewholeworld to use! Life and death are your and my servants. We are supposed to raise the dead under the Holy Spirits direction; we are to step out boldly and command a dead person to rise again to life because life and death are our servants, and a servant has to obey its master; God gave you this awesome power, and at this moment I know of at least 24 people that have been raised from the dead, as I heard testimonies on TV of people raising the dead and they were certified dead by doctors.
If God said it then that’s a key, and it’s yours to use for his glory.”
God will never go back on his word, if he said he will do something after you say something he said; then he will do it because that is the principle and standard he set. It’s like the ocean, it flows to the shore and stops there, except when now and then something cause it to react out of the normal, and it comes far inland, but no matter how far inland it comes it has to go back; because God set the boundaries from before time began; it is a principle that God set and it is a principle that will always be in force.
God will not do everything you say, because something’s you say are not godly. But he will do what ever he says in his word, if you apply it as his word, not yours. This is a revealed secrete that the bible talks about secretes and mysteries.
Jesus told us, as the Father told him to tell us; that we {whose we? You and I} are to go into the whole world and preach the gospel,
Mark-16-15-and then he told them; you are to go into the entire world and preach the Good News everywhere, those who believe and are baptized shall be saved. But those who refuse to believe shall be condemned.
What you are to do is; go into the entire world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.
Mark-16-17 and those who believe shall use “my authority” to cast out demons, etc they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them.
Here is another key to the kingdom of heaven; the believers shall use their authority to heal the sick! No! It does not say that! It says the believers shall use “my” {Jesus} authority, to cast out demons. Believers have tried casting out demons laying hands on the sick with some success, because they think that it is them who has the authority, and they do have their authority, but Jesus gave us “his authority,” a massive difference when using authority. Your doing things in his name using the God given right to use that wonderful name, it is endorsed by Jesus himself, just as if it were he who was commanding a demon to go or a sickness to leave.
This is the master key to all healing.
Mark-16-19 and the disciples went everywhere preaching, and the lord was with them and confirmed what they said by the miracles that followed their message.
This is a key to miracles sign and wonders; obedience to God’s word. The message was to go and preach, to say; {the saying was a key} and the principle that God set out from before time came into effect the moment they obeyed. This same principle applies to you, if you go and say {preach means simply to tell or say} to those in your world, family, friends, neighbors, workmates, or those you meet. Then the sings will follow if you then lay hands on for healing, it is a principle of God’s word. If God says to do it you can use your key there.
1-Corinthiand -3-21-for God has already given you everything you need. He has given you Paul and Apollos and Peter as your helpers; he has given you the whole world to use, and life and death are your servants. He has given you all of the present and all of the future. All are yours! And you belong to Christ and Christ is God’s
This is itself an awesome piece of God’s word, God says everything has already been done. What are you supposed to do then if everything has already been done from before time began? You are supposed to open the door and release those miracles that power that deliverance. All of the present; that is now! All of the present, I repeat that, now, you do and now you declare into the future the revealed word of God, you speak your future out just like God did before the beginning of the world. God made us in his image and he commanded things to happen and they did, we are supposed to do the same, after all we are just like him, the same as him according to his word. The key is in your mouth.
Genesis -1-26- let us make man – someone like ourselves, to be the master of all life upon the earth and in the skies and in the seas.
God created us to be the master of all life, and if you read
Colossians -1-16-Christ himself is the creator who made everything in heaven and on earth; the things we see and the things we can’t see.
Forget about the next few lines about the spirit world for the moment, because scripture separates the things we see and the things we can’t see, from spirits.
Science has shown us that there are life forms living in our bodies holding us together, we can’t see them because they are too small, but they exist nevertheless. Some life forms, just like Satan, rebel for whatever reason and cause the body to be out of sorts and sickness and disease sets in.
Jesus knew what he created and knew that some of those life forms were in rebellion and commanded them to be in obedience to his word, he spoke to the fever in Peters mother in law, and in other places it tells us he spoke to the sickness and commanded healing, and in some other cases he spoke to demons and cast them out. He knew exactly that those living organisms were not in harmony with the rest of the body and so he ordered them to be in harmony, using his words not mine; I am just explaining what he did, he knew the chemical and electrical and flesh make up of the human being, after all he designed it with the Father and Holy Spirit. Remember God said lets us make a man in our image, meaning all three of the Holy Trinity, Genesis-1-26.
This is another key to healing the human body, knowing how it is made up and with what it is pieced together with. You are speaking with Jesus authority to the things you can’t see but know that are in rebellion against the body for whatever reason, and you are using his authority to restore order within the body.
Look at this again; he has given you, {his church} all of the present, if someone is sick, he has already given you theability to healthembecauseit is already doneforyou in Heaven and you are free to release that power with your key, and the sick person will be healed
instantly, because it has already been done for them by Jesus dying for them and taking their sickness and healing their disease. And you knowing that their cells their life forms inside the human being are out of sorts with the rest of the body, can command then to die,{death} and command new cells {life} to form. Life and death are your servants.
1-Peter-2-24- he took our sickness and bore our diseases.
This is a key folks a healing key, it is something that has already been done in the supernatural world of the kingdom of heaven, using that key unlocks the treasuries in heaven where that healing has been stored from before time even began, God had accounted for that need and you have unlocked it with your key. As far as God is concerned it has already been done, and he just waits for you to realize that. God won’t open the doors, it said in the scripture that what ever door you open, ‘you open’, not what door God opens. Jesus has already done everything that needed doing. On the cross he said; “it is finished,” and it was not just salvation he was talking about, he was speaking into the heavenlies that he had accomplished everything that humanity would need. We associate the words of Jesus on the cross as referring to salvation alone, but that is not the fact, salvation was accomplished on the cross, but Jesus was sent to fulfill all of God’s plans; including you in that plan. Jesus finished everything God had set out from before time began, he used Jesus to bring all his plans into fulfillment, and salvation was just a part of God’s plans. Giving us the keys that Jesus held was a part of that plan and we couldn’t get those keys that Jesus held until he died, passing on to us those keys.
Life is in the tongue, and is a sharp double edged sword, a double edged sword cuts both ways not just one way, if you cut negative things then negative things will happen, it’s a principle of God’s word; but if you cut positive spiritual things then those spiritual principles will apply and God will be glorified.
God is not glorified in our defeats but in our victories. Let us go on then to future victories as they have already been declared by God.
1-Corinthians- 15-18 So, my dear brothers, since future victory is sure, be strong and steady, always abounding in the Lord’s work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever wasted as it would be if there were no resurrection.
1-Corinthians -15-57-how we thank God for all this, it is he who makes us victorious through Jesus Christ our lord.
Since future victory is sure then; we have been told that future victory is sure then we need to declare that into the heavenlies, we need to speak those life giving words out into the air, in this earth for what ever doors you open on earth they will opened in heaven and what ever doors you shut on earth, they also shall be shut in heaven. Your spiritual key is in your mouth and if you see a spiritual truth in God’s word then you have the key to unlock that power. If God says go out into the whole world, preach the gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons. Then you have the very key in your mouth to open those doors that had been closed to you. You and I have to use that key it was given to us by God when he established his church here on earth, it is his principles his word is his bond. He needs to be
believed and trusted by you the Christian, if he says you can open doors with the keys of heaven then you can open doors, but you have to proclaim it out so that the Devil can hear you and run out of your way.
1-Corinthians- 15-18 So, my dear brothers, since future victory is sure,
Future victory is sure! It is declared sure by God, your victory over Satan and sickness and disease and deliverance is sure; it’s sure! You don’t have to work at it to make sure it’s sure, you have to declare it out of your mouth, God already declared future victory for me. I cannot be defeated by Satan because future victory is sure. Sure means, in no doubt, and are convinced in your mind, confident in God’s word.
Your not winning any battles against Satan, Jesus already won your battles for you; you just have to declare the victory. Christians think we have to defeat the enemy, and this is not true; the enemy has already been defeated for us by Jesus on the cross and by his descending into hell where he dethroned Satan and paraded him and all demonic forces before the throne of God in heaven a defeated naked foe.
You have to fight the battle of your mind, believing God over every circumstance Satan tries to puts on you. You are not fighting Satan you are fighting the lies your mind, the lies he put in there.
Declaring what Jesus done is giving you the surety of every victory in every battle, it brings that victory, already ordained by God from before time began. Declaring the victory is a spiritual key.
Satan wants you to believe him, and God said future victory is sure, you have to declare the victory not fight with Satan, Jesus already defeated him for you, so you don’t have to fight him but you are supposed to declare with your mouth the victory, it is the key that unlocks your victory in every battle in your mind.
This is another “Key” a key that unlocks your victories over Satan and demons and principalities and thrones and dominions, you already have as far as God is concerned, the victory, it is already won for you by Jesus, you must declare it out into the heavenlies and on this earth, and the locked door will open and heaven will shower down blessing after blessings.
God has already prepared good works for us to do since before time began, and it is now at this moment in your life that those good works are coming into being for you.
Ephesians-2-10-For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. {NIV Bible}
Did you know that God had already prepared good works for you to do from before time even began? I am sure you probably did not. But it is true, God has set aside good works that he planned for you and nobody else to do, these specific works are for you alone. Think about this; if God had prepared good works for you to do, then does it not stand to reason that he will help you do those works; will God not supply the supernatural power to do those good works?
How can I do the good works that God has set out from before time began, how will I know what it is he wants me to do? How will I know the difference between what I would like to do and what God wants me to do?
It’s easy, you simply follow his voice, and the more time you spend with him the more you will come to recognize his quiet soft spoken voice, the more time you spend with God trying to listen to him, the easier it will be to hear him when the time comes for you to do that good work that has been set out for you to do from before time began.
Why do I always keep referring to before time began, simply because I want you to understand that it is not you who is doing things but God through you, God is using you to do his perfect will, and I would rather be in God’s perfect will, than live in his permissive will that allows me to do as I please and not what pleases God.
Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the good works that you are supposed to do each day as you awake, and then ask for the grace to do what it is you need to do, that is a spiritual key to God’s power and love, and that key opens doors to the kingdom of heaven.
My children are saved and blessed. This is also a “key” that I must use with my mouth to bring it into this world from the heavenly kingdom from the storehouse of God’s treasuries. Here are the scripture promises to show you the key.
Psalm -103-17- the loving kindness of the lord is from everlasting to everlasting, to those who reverence him; his salvation is to children’s children, {your grandchildren} of those who are faithful and his covenants, and remember to obey him.
God promises his salvation to your children and grandchildren! It’s already done!
Deuteronomy -5-9-I am a jealous God, and I will bring the curse of the fathers sins upon even the third and forth generation of the children of those who hate me; but I will show kindness to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
Psalm-12-6- the lords promise is sure he speaks no careless word; all he says is purest truth, like silver seven times refined.
Hebrews-9-15-christ came with this new agreement, so that all who are invited may come and have forever, all the wonders God promised them.
Prosperity is another Key that is in your mouth, declaring what God said about your financial situation.
It gives God pleasure to bless you with prosperity, he says it here, and so poverty is obviously not from him.
Ephesians -3-6-and this is the secrete; that the gentiles [{That’s us} will have their full share with the Jews in all the riches inherited by God’s sons; both are invited to belong to his church, and all of God’s mighty blessings through Christ apply to them both when they accept the good news about Christ and what he has done for them.
The word that you see in front of you is a key to your treasure in heaven, and a treasure is something you need desperately in this earth. This scripture reveals the key to prosperity, there shall be the seed sowing, you have to sow seeds, either giving financially to your church or supporting some Christian charity, and you have to sow the seeds of prosperity and peace out of your mouth. God has prospered me, is a key you must confess, daily.
I have the peace of Christ within me because Jesus gave me his peace
John-14-27- I am leaving you with a gift, {something that can not be earned} peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give isn’t fragile like the peace the world gives.
Here is the key for peace of mind; declaring it out into the heavenlies, I have the peace of Jesus in me, in every circumstance. Declaring what Jesus said is the key to the kingdom. You unlock the kingdom of heavens treasuries by the words of your mouth.
Matthew-16-18- You are Peter, a stone; and upon this rock I will build my church; and all the powers of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever doors you lock on earth shall be locked in heaven; and whatever doors you open on earth shall be open in heaven.
If Jesus or God declared something then it is a key to be used to open or shut the doors of the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew -18-19- I also tell you this – whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven; and whatever you free {loose} on earth will be freed {loosed} in heaven.
This scripture sound almost like the previous one, but there is a vast difference between them.
The first scripture that shows you have a key in your mouth is the scripture that says; “behold I stand at the door and knock,”Revelation-3-20. Jesus showed us that we have the keys to heaven, by your opening the door of your heart with the key of your mouth; you let Jesus in as lord and savior, thereby opening the door of the kingdom of heaven and to your eternal life there.
This also shows it is up to us to open the doors for Jesus in every area of our lives; you can keep Jesus locked out of things in your life by refusing to allow him access to come in and change you into his image. The key to everything in God’s word; is knowing what belongs to you and speaking out into the heavenlies those words that God declared over your life. You have to find what ever you need in God’s word and then see what he said, and then declare what God said about you aloud into the heavenlies, so that it will come to pass, by the word of your mouth. What I say about you won’t change your circumstances, what you say about you will change everything.
Give God the glory he deserves for the amazing things he has done in your life and for the amazing revelations he reveals to you for his glory; a defeated Christian does not bring glory to God; one who operates in holy boldness declaring the victories over sickness and disease and demonic power, gives God all the glory he is worthy of. The keys to eternal happiness lies in your own mouth use your mouth for God’s glory.