Loved into salvation
Brendan Mc Crossan

Brendan Mc Crossan
Loved into salvation
Loved into salvation Brendan Mc Crossan Copyright@19 05 2015 One God’s love for us desires that we receive his salvation, his gift of eternal life with him for eternity, This is the God I know.
Genesis 1 New King James Version (NKJV) 26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in ‘’Our image,’’ according to ‘’Our likeness;’’ 27 So God created man in ‘’His own image;’’ in the ‘’image of God’’ He created him; ‘’male and female’’ He created them. 28 ‘’ Then God blessed them,’’ God created us in inexpressible love; he made us ‘’like himself;’’ was God ever sick did God have sickness and disease in him? Was there sin in God? No! That’s how we were to God in the beginning like himself, no sickness and no disease and no sin either; we were created in his divine image and likeness. Then God blessed them; and blessed simply means= holy, sacred, sanctified, hallowed, consecrated, and set apart, God made us out of a great desire within himself to have ‘’children’’ like ‘himself;’ ‘boys and girls.’ He wanted a family, isn’t it amazing to think that a supreme mighty being who could do as he wished could ever feel it within himself to want children. God does not have adults as his children; he never calls us his grownups or teenagers or adults, we are all ‘’children in his sight;’’ that is why he can look at us who are covered by the blood of Jesus because he sees only little children, and little children do not have any faults and failings, children please him, don’t our children please us?
’s what the devil, the serpent, the great dragon as he is now called did. He tempted Eve who knew no sin or guilt, and knew not any evil of any kind, and he knew she would be unaware of deception; so he told her a lie and she sadly believed him above even God.
We know from scripture that God had created angels, and there are descriptions of different kinds of beings in heaven that he created, but none of them satisfied him in this need he had within himself, to actually create someone he could call ‘Son of daughter’ ‘like Jesus.’ We know he had one son called Jesus, but he desired to have more like Jesus, awesome isn’t it that a divine Almighty God could have a need; he wanted more just like Jesus, he had so much joy over Jesus his only son that he wanted more children, sons and daughters made in his own image. He created Adam and he created him as a ‘’spirit being’’ first, just like himself and the Holy Spirit and like Jesus, and he fellowshipped with him every day. Then one day as he watched Adam, he thought it is not good for Adam to be alone, I need to create another just like him but different also, so he caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep and he withdrew a rib from Adams side and created Eve a woman from it. He didn’t want Adam to feel alone, just a one off of his kind, he loved him so much, and being an unselfish God he wanted Adam to share his life with a companion just like Adam himself, and like themselves, and Eve was created, and Adam called her woman because she was taken out of man.-Genesis 1 23.
How God loved them and he walked in the Garden of Eden every day and went to visit Adam and Eve to have time out with them every day. But then something dreadful happened, the serpent the devil was the craftiest {or smartest} of all the creatures that God had made. {Genesis 3 1} {He was an upright being then,} he didn’t crawl on his belly at that time, and he hated God’s new creation for they replaced him as head in heaven, as far as he thought. So jealousy set into his mind, and he thought of a plan to separate them from God’s favour thinking he would be restored to the highest position again. The serpent deceived Eve to disobey God, by eating the fruit of awareness and so brought about a curse on her and Adam because she got him to share in her disobedience by sharing the fruit of awareness and then suddenly they became aware they were naked and looked different from each other, and became embarrassed, and so they placed leaves around themselves to hide their lower Hereparts.
4 “That’s a lie!” the serpent hissed. “You’ll not die!
3 The serpent, {the devil} was the craftiest of all the creatures the Lord God had made. So the serpent came to the woman. “Really?” he asked, “None of the fruit in the garden? God says you mustn’t eat any of it?” 2 3 “Of course we may eat it,” the woman told him. “It’s only the fruit from the tree at the centre of the garden that we are not to eat. God says we mustn’t eat it or even touch it or we will die.”
Sadly Eve believed him, just as we do till this day, for he was a liar from the Thenbeginning.theserpent left them, and later as God walked in the garden he created for them, he searched for them but he couldn’t find them, because they were hiding from him, eventually the lord called to Adam, ‘’why are you hiding?’’ And Adam replied, ‘‘because we are naked’’ Genesis 3 8 ‘’Who told you, you were naked?’’ the lord asked? And they didn’t reply and he asked ‘’did you eat from the tree I warned you about,’’ and Adam replied, ‘’it was the woman,’’ he blamed the wife right away, no wonder we have so many arguments in this life between husband and wife, man blames her and she tempts him. Then God had to remove Adam and Eve from heaven, because nothing sinful could exist there so he sent them down to earth, Genesis 3 23 and we are the descendants of Adam and Eve and we carried their sinful nature, until God decided to redeem them again and their descendants who are now us.
Revelation 12:9 Amplified Bible
And the huge dragon was cast ‘’down and out’’ that age-old serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, he who is the seducer (deceiver) of all humanity the world over; ‘’he was forced out’’ and ‘’down to the earth,’’ and his angels were flung out along with him.
Genesis 3Living Bible (TLB)
For I know the ‘’thoughts and plans’’ that ‘’I have for you,’’ says the Lord, ‘’thoughts and plans’’ for ‘’welfare and peace’’ and ‘’not for evil,’’ to give ‘you’ ‘’hope in your final outcome.’’ You can see from this scripture that God had an awesome plan for us from before he even made this world, and before the devil, the serpent could get at his precious children. He knew from the moment of creating the first man and woman that the devil would become jealous, and so plan to thwart the plans of God. He thought that he could outsmart God the creator himself, but he
The ‘devil the serpent’ was forced out of heaven and he and his hoards of rebellious angels were thrown out also, down to the earth; and they have been attacking mankind ever since, putting sickness and diseases on their bodies, and always doing everything to cause man and woman to sin against God; with thoughts placed even on Christians minds, that ‘they are a disappointment to God’ of which they are not;’ simply because they hate us with an evil obsession, and are constantly bombarding us with lies and deceits trying to get us to sin by not believing the word of God, and by acting in lewd and sinful ways. Two The redemptive plan of God The devil didn’t know that God had other plans and thoughts for us. Those thoughts were to redeem us and open the door to bring us back to him through our own free will, an act that gave us the right to make a choice for ourselves, ‘’either for God or to be against him,’’ apart from Adam and Eve’s sin, which passed down through us in their sinful spirit lineage. He decided to send his only son to bring us back again, to sacrifice himself for our sins, to take the punishment that we deserved onto himself, out of an infinite love for us; and restore mankind back to our rightful position in heaven with and in Jesus himself. Jeremiah 29:11 Amplified Bible
God created the final outcome in each of our lives, and as scripture tells us that Jesus is the ‘’author, and finisher’’ of ‘’our faith,’’ and is writing the final outcome for each chapter in our lives; so he went ahead and called us into being, knowing, that we as human beings, would have victory in all situations as long as we keep our eyes on him and on Jesus.
At the very split second that the thought to create us entered his mind, the realisation that Lucifer one of his highest angelic beings would become jealous of us, and would at that instant, plot to overthrow God himself as the highest being in heaven, along with other rebellious angels, also entered his mind And he knew from that very second that there would be enmity between man and Lucifer, {Satan the devil} as he would become know. Knowing everything that is to come and has passed, God still constructed to make us in his own divine image, and go ahead with his plans, even though he knew what would be happening in the future for all beings, ‘’us and the devils hosts.’’
only served to have himself thrown out of heaven along with those rebellious angels; for God was smarter than he gave him credit for, and so God had other plans set in motion for us, for ‘’when one plan fails,’’ ‘’another one sets in motion,’’ and ‘’so on and so on’’ till you are ‘safely seated’ in the ‘’place of highest privilege’’ in heaven. This was a part of one of his plans Ephesians 1 4 Living Bible (TLB) 4 Long ago, even before he made the world, God chose us to be his very own through what Christ would do for us; ‘’he decided then’’ to make ‘’us holy in his eyes, without a single fault’’—we who stand before him covered with his love. 5 His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by sending Jesus Christ to die for us. And ‘’he did this because ‘’he wanted to!’’ ‘’Long ago,’’ ‘’even before he made the world, ’’ and that was before the devils rebellion could happen, God had a plan set in motion, he decided to choose us as his very own children, through what Christ would have to do later on, for us on earth; that he himself was going to ‘’make us’’ ‘’holy in his eyes, without a single fault,’’ you and I who stand before him ‘’covered in his own divine love.’’ His plan was unchanging; nothing could ever change it ever.
Genesis 1 New King James Version (NKJV) 26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to ‘’Our likeness;’’ 27 So God created man in ‘’His own image;’’ in the ‘’image of God’’ He created him; ‘’male and female’’ He created them. 28 Then God blessed them,
29 For from the’’ very beginning’’ ‘’God decided’’ that those who came to him—and all along he knew who would—should become like his Son, so that his Son would be the First, with many brothers. 30 And ‘’having chosen us,’’ he called us to come to him; and ‘’when we came,’’ he declared us “not guilty,” ‘’filled us with Christ’s goodness,’’ gave us ‘’right standing’’ with himself, and promised us his glory. ‘’Righteousness.’’ God, having chosen us, ‘’decided’’ to make us ‘’not guilty’’ in his eyes, and not only did he make us holy like himself he decided to ‘’fill us with Christ’s own goodness’’ and give us ‘’right standing,’’ {‘’righteousness’’} ‘’with himself’’ always. But then he actually does something ever more wondrous, he promised us that we would ‘’share in his own glory’’ at the end of time for all to Godsee.tells us we are just like he is, and he himself decided to do this because he wanted to! Is this not a sign of awesome love, a love no human being could comprehend unless the spirit of God revealed it to him or her?
Then God blessed them; and blessed simply means, to be made= holy, sacred, sanctified, hallowed, consecrated, and set apart, ‘’holy’’ means to be divine, like God, righteous, divine being.
Did you know that you are blessed and ‘’all that to be ‘blessed means,’‘’always;’’ the devil would try and tell you the opposite but the truth remains that ‘’you are blessed forever’’ for you are one in Christ Jesus and one in God and he is one in you! He would send Jesus to die for us who sinned against him, and so forgive us. And the great reason he done all this was –‘’because he wanted to,’’ nothing else, he was not forced; he wasn’t persuaded by anyone pleading for us, but because ‘’he himself wanted to ’’ And this is what we have to hold on to; God done this for me, not because he had to, but ‘’because he wanted to.’’ Romans 8-29-Living Bible (TLB)
When did God declare us not guilty? It was ‘’when we came to Jesus’’ it was then, when ‘’we came to him’’ that ‘’he declared’’ us ‘’not guilty.’’ Then he filled us with his son Jesus Christ’s own goodness. And he gave us ‘’righteousness, ’’ the right to stand before him always clean and spotless, holy and sinless; forever perfect in his sight; Hebrews 10 14
When we came to him at his divine call to us, ‘’come children accept my love for you and come receive all I have in mind for you and receive my blessings of grace.’’ That is when we received grace of mercy and forgiveness. And he is calling to us now this very moment; come to me my children, come!
The first thing the devil told Adam and Eve was a lie, and still we, their descendants, still believe the devil who is a liar, a thief and a murderer, and is still at it. God tells us we are ‘’not guilty’’ yet lots of us don’t believe him and accept his love and forgiveness for themselves. Chapter two God sent Jesus to take the punishment for mans sins against him and instead of man suffering death and the end of his existence, Jesus substituted himself in our place; he suffered and died for us all as a sacrifice for our sins against God. Hebrews 10 12 Living Bible (TLB) 12 But Christ gave himself to God for our sins as ‘’one sacrifice for all time’’ and then ‘’sat down’’ in the place of ‘’highest honour at God’s right hand, ’’13 waiting for his enemies to be laid under his feet. 14 For by that ‘’one offering’’ he made ‘’forever perfect’’ in the ‘’sight of God’’ ‘’all those whom he is ‘’making holy.’’ 15 And the Holy Spirit testifies that this is so, At this point in time, God was now reconciling man back into his favour, his holiness and grace. And this was the plan that entered his mind the very split second that he realised that Lucifer would betray him and attack his divine children, all this happened in less than a split second. And now we see this is the moment in time, where God decided to reconcile us again back to him in favour, to be like he was before in heaven without sin or sickness and disease, suffering, or pain, for Jesus would redeem us from all of this and restore holiness to us again. For Christ gave himself to God for our sins as ‘’one sacrifice’’ for ‘’all time; once, and forever,’’ and now he is sitting down in heaven in that ‘’place of ‘highest privilege’ at God’s right hand,’’ with us in himself in that place, and he made us ‘’forever perfect’’ in his own divine sight,’’ eyes that see everything that is even hidden, for nothing is beyond his sight, he knows your sins and failures but he does not look at them except through the blood of Jesus; and
John 3-1- Living Bible (TLB)
3 Jesus replied, “With all the ‘’earnestness’’ ‘’I possess’’ I tell you this: Unless you are born again, you can never get into the Kingdom of God.”
You have agreed with the devils condemnations and so you condemn yourself, and you live with guilt, the very thing God declared you free from. God loves us with all of his being, the enemy hates us with all of his being, who do you choose as your master? Now for those of you who still do not understand what exactly Jesus done for you, because his father wants you to know and understand clearly, so here it is again. Then Jesus came bringing salvation to man
3 1 2 after dark one night a Jewish religious leader named Nicodemus, a member of the sect of the Pharisees, came for an interview with Jesus. “Sir,” he said, “we all know that God has sent you to teach us. Your miracles are proof enough of this.”
his blood covers over our sins and faults and failures so God cannot see sin through his blood, for his blood washed away our sins, and is forever being cleansed even as we still sin, were cleansed by the power of the Holy Spirit as he cleanses us continually. So all God sees when he looks at us is divine blood flowing, and he is happy with his own divine plans. Who is making who holy? ‘’God is making us holy,’’ and how sad this is when Christians call themselves ‘’unworthy, unholy, sinners,’’ and other horrible things they have accepted from the devils lies closet.
To declare these things about yourselves is an ‘’insult to God’’ for you contradict the very creator of life, that supreme divine being who calls those things that are not as though they were. He says, ‘’you have not offended me’’ if you believe what he says about you. If you don’t believe then it is ‘you’ who condemn ‘yourself’ by the words of ‘’your own mouth,’’ for ‘’you call God a liar’’ when ‘’he declares you ‘worthy’ and ‘holy’ like himself. ’’
Jesus stressed the point ‘’earnestly’’ twice; you must be ‘’born again,’’ and ‘’born again’’ means of your ‘’spirit.’’ your spirit needs to be transformed from the ‘old one’ you have to the ‘new one’ on offer, Christ’s own divine spirit, that’s what is being offered to you.
15 so that anyone who believes in me ‘’will have’’ ‘’eternal life.’’ 16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him ‘’shall not perish’’ but ‘’have eternal life.’’ 17 God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to ‘’save it.’’ 18 “There is ‘’no eternal doom’’ awaiting those who trust him to save them. But ‘’those who don’t trust him’’ ‘’have already’’ ‘’been tried and condemned’’ for not believing in the only Son of God. You see the most important thing man has to understand is that it is ‘’what’’ ‘’you believe’’ that counts.’ So that ‘’anyone who believes,’’ that is ‘you’ who either believes or does not believe, that is going to ‘have ‘’eternal life’’ somewhere, either in ‘heaven’ for the believers,’’ or ‘’eternity in hell with the unbelievers.’’ For God did not send Jesus into this world to condemn it, he came rather to ‘’save’’ the world and the people in it; he desires to ‘’save all’’ with no exceptions; from the ‘’best person to the most corrupt,’’ but sadly it is ‘’up to ‘us’ to ‘’believe’’ or ‘’refuse to believe’’ such a simple message. God is love, and he is divine infinite surpassing magnificence love; his very essence, his fundamental nature is made up of love, for love is the strongest substance in the entire universe, it is tougher than titanium the strongest substance or a diamond the most beautiful and toughest substance known to
4 “Born again!” exclaimed Nicodemus. “What do you mean? How can an old man go back into his mother’s womb and be born again?”
Jesus replied, “What I am telling you so ‘’earnestly’’ is this: Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. 6 Men can only reproduce human life, but the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven;7 so don’t be surprised at my statement that ‘’you must be born again!’’ 8 Just as you can hear the wind but can’t tell where it comes from or where it will go next, so it is with the Spirit. We do not know on whom he will next bestow this life from heaven.”
John 3 Living Bible (TLB)
Man chooses his own final destination; his choice is either for Jesus or against. Do you want to get into heaven? Then ask Jesus now to come into your heart, accept and believe that as God he can do everything for you, because he wants to, out of love for you.
man, and yet soft as a rose; it is what the creator is made of in case you didn’t is the most beautiful and toughest material in existence known to us so far, and the rose represents love with us humans.
Even in his own land and among his own people, the Jews, he was not accepted. Only a few would welcome and ‘’receive him.’’ But to all who ‘’received’’ ‘’him,’’ he gave the right to become children of God. All they needed to do was to trust him to save them
John 3 35 Living Bible (TLB) 35 The Father loves this man because he is his Son, and God has given him everything there is. 36 And all who trust him—God’s Son—to ‘’save’’ them ‘’have eternal life;’’ those who ‘’don’t believe’’ and obey him ‘’shall never see heaven,’’ but the wrath of God remains upon them.”
John 1:11-12-Living Bible
Your decision now means change for you forever into eternity
And when you ask Jesus sincerely, ‘’just the once is needed,’’ then you shall receive all that God has promised through his son Jesus; and you at this decisive moment entered into salvation with and in Jesus and ‘’your spirit’’ is now ‘’seated in heaven’’ in that place of ‘’highest privilege’’ at the right hand of God ‘’in Jesus in his new life’’ and your spirit is still joined to you also otherwise you would be dead. When your physical body dies your spirit recoils like elastic held by someone strong, into the fullness of life in heaven with and in Jesus at the right hand side of God in living fullness of life.
8 So there is ‘’now no condemnation’’ waiting ‘’those who belong to Christ Jesus.’’2 For the power of the life giving Spirit—and this power is mine through Christ Jesus—has freed me from the vicious circle of sin and death.3 We aren’t saved from sin’s grasp by knowing the commandments of God because we can’t and don’t keep them, but God put into effect a different plan to ‘’save us.’’ He sent his own Son in a human body like ours—except that ours are sinful and destroyed sin’s control over us by giving himself as a ‘’sacrifice for our’’ ‘’sins.’’ To all who received him were saved? God totally reversed the devils plans for us and incorporated his plans into our lives forever; and he reversed the devils actions and God restored his healing grace and sinless nature into us who believed through Jesus Christ our lord and saviour. 1 Peter 2 24 Living Bible (TLB) 24 He personally carried the load of our sins in his own body when he died on the cross so that we can be finished with sin and live a good life from now on. For his wounds have healed ours!25 Like sheep you wandered away from God, but now you have returned to your Shepherd, the Guardian of your souls who keeps you safe from all attacks. Through Jesus we have returned back to the saviour of our souls, and have entered full rest, for his wounds have healed ours; he carried ‘’our sins’’ on ‘’his body’’ because we were cursed when Adam and Eve sinned and became a curse on us, but now Jesus reversed that curse by becoming a curse for us, and in doing so broke the devils power over us through sin, sickness, and disease. We have been restored to our former glory to be just like Jesus himself, with no sin in us nor sickness and disease in us for there is no sin in God and no sickness or disease either, and now we are in God again. We have been set free, to love God again without stain or blemish. To walk boldly right into his presence calling father, father. Galatians 3:13-Living Bible
And now because of your decision for Jesus and heaven then the lord God Theresays. is never any condemnation against you accepted by him ever. 8 1 Living Bible (TLB)
But Christ has bought us out from under the doom of that impossible system by taking the curse for our wrongdoing upon himself. For it is written in the Scripture, “Anyone who is hanged on a tree is cursed” (as Jesus was hung upon a wooden cross). Hebrews 4:16New King James Version (NKJV) 16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, which we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. We are restored to our former glory, praise God our heavenly father through AmenJesus.