Loving the homosexual into life

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Mc Crossan


“Loving the homosexual into life”

Ever since I became a Christian I have heard the denouncing of the homosexual. I believed everything I heard Christians say about homosexuals, that they were doomed to hell and that they were an abomination before God, and would eventually pay for their sins.

Over the years I have prayed with homosexuals. Only one got healed from homosexuality, he wanted to be heterosexual, and I prayed with him and the lord healed him. Others I prayed with needed Jesus as saviour, and as I prayed with them they accepted Jesus as lord of their lives got saved and then I told them about the baptism in the Holy Spirit, they asked for that, and the Holy Spirit obliged and gave them a beautiful gift of tongues and some other manifestations of God’s glory.

One dear friend, after he was prayed with by Rose my wife and I, rested in the spirit, after being saved, baptised in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. Sat up after about twenty minutes of being under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, {It is he who rests people not Rose or I} and began looking around him saying, “Look at the colours, look at how bright everything is.” He sat there on the ground looking at things we could not see and saying, oh! Its beautiful everything is so beautiful.” He lived in a dull grey world.

Neither Rose nor I tried to get our friend healed from homosexuality, simply because the lord didn’t tell us to. Later on praying with our friend again we discovered that he was sexually abused by his father, as a young child, he forgave his father and mother, because he believed sheknew. Stillthelord never told us to changethis man from ahomosexualinto aheterosexual man. The Lord just loved him as he was, this man went everywhere in the village telling everyone he met about Jesus and what Jesus done for him. He sometimes has overdone things. Because he got drunk a lot, but people listened to him anyway. He witnessed to other homosexuals about Jesus just loving him as a homosexual and Jesus didn’t try to make him change, except in his drinking.

Our friend needed a lot of inner healing and we ministered as best as we could in the short time we had with him. And the lord done a tremendous amount of healing in him, but all that time he never once said to him, or to us pray for a change in sexuality in him; God just loved our friend even more than we did, and we loved him a lot and accepted him as he was.

Our Christian friends were horrified that we got him saved, baptised in the spirit and speaking in tongues but didn’t get him transformed into one of “us!” “normal people!” Our friend was a normal person. Just because he doesn’t fit in with your prejudgement mentality doesn’t make him less a child of God.

I ask you who read this did God rest you in the spirit and give you an insight into heaven as this man had, do you have the same enthusiasm for Jesus as our friend had. Then who are you to make judgements on any one of God’s children. If our God saved him, and died for him, who gave you the right to judge him?

Christian friend, the word of God says, “I come to save the lost.” “I come to save sinners.” “I have come to give sight to the blind,” I did not come to bring judgement.

John-3-17- God didn’t send his son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.

Homosexuals are God children just as much as you are. You have judged homosexuals because of their sin. What about your sin? Your sinning right this moment if you are thinking homosexuals should go to hell; you have absolutely no idea about the mercy and love of God. The scripture that says about the sin of homosexuality also says, liars and cheats and thieves wont get into the kingdom of God either; you wouldn’t fit into that category would you by any chance?

you know those doing those things have no share in the kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshipers, adulterers or homosexuals, will have no place in his kingdom. Neither will thieves or greedy people, drunkards, slanderers, or robbers. There was a time when some of you were just like that but now your sins are washed away.

Come on tell the truth to yourself! Have you sinned in any of those ways? Were you a drunkard? Were you a slanderer? Were you a greedy person, did you like those extra fries with your burger, and ate them all even though you were full up? Did you make money your God?

Did you hold tight to every penny, and not share with those in need? Then you my friend were an idol worshiper.

Did you have sex outside of marriage; have a nice sleazy affair that no one knew about except God? Did you lust after another mans wife, or daughter?

God knows your little secrets, did you steal from anyone, maybe from a shop, some sweets or something else, or maybe you stole from your job, those ‘little perks’ as they are called?

Did you talk about the guy who was caught having an affair? Did you spread around the workplace someone’s guilty secretes?

If you have done any of the things that are mentioned in this scripture, then what makes you less guilty than the homosexual? Yet Christians have picked on this one sin and sinner, and have crucified them publicly and have waved placards splashing these people’s sins across the world via TV news.

Homosexuals are sinning but then so are you and you are a Christian, so you are even guiltier of breaking the commandments of God than they are.

Tell me something! What do you know about any homosexual? Do you know the reason they are homosexual? Do you understand the hurt and pain they suffer for years, living under a guilty secrete. Do you know the anguish and pain they feel when they have to tell their mum and dads that they are homosexual, when their parents are saying, isn’t it time you settled down with a nice girl and had a family, giving us grandchildren? What do you know about their lives and what made them homosexual, were they born like this, were they abused and become like this? What experience have you had counselling a homosexual loving them into life and healing their hurts? Being a homosexual brings with it severe pain and rejection, and scorn and disgustfromothers.Who gaveyou therightto judgetheirsin?WhatGod given right do you have to condemn the homosexual?

Is it true that God loves the sinner but hates the sin? What manner of person are you to judge and condemn another human being for whom Christ died? Who gave you the right to try, and then condemn them guilty of a greater sin than yours? What makes your sins less than theirs?

After all sin is sin, no matter what handle you put on it, you can call it what you like but sin is sin. You do not know God if you condemn the homosexual, you do not know why Jesus came to this world with love and mercy and forgiveness, you just think you do. After all did Jesus die for your terrible sins? Did he not also die for the homosexual’s terrible sins? Their sins are no more terrible than your sins, yet you judge and condemn the homosexual, you show no love or mercy, only mockery and ridicule.

James -2-10 and the person who keeps every law of God, but makes “one” little slip, is just as guilty as the person who has broken every law there is. For the God who said you must not marry a woman who already has a husband, also said you must not murder. So even though you have not broken the marriage laws by


committing adultery, but have murdered someone, you have entirely broken God’s laws and stand utterly guilty before him.

You will be judged on whether or not you are doing what Christ wants you to, so watch what you do and think: for there will be no mercy to those who have shown no mercy. But if you have been merciful, then God’s mercy towards you will win out over his judgement against you.

Have you ever looked at this scripture and studied what it is saying to you? Can you see the part where it says the person who keeps every law of God but makes one little slip is just as guilty as the person who broke every law there is? That means simply put, if you stole two pennies then you are just as guilty as the person who has murdered someone, you broke the law, breaking the law is the crime, it is not the size of the sin that counts but the fact you broke the law, you are judged on the law and did you break the law. Have you read the scripture where I highlight in blue, if you are merciful, ‘you?’ It means if you are merciful, then God’s mercy towards you will win out over his judgement against you. If you have mercy for someone then God will have mercy on you. Have you shown mercy towards the homosexual, if you have then God will be merciful towards you, if you judged the homosexual then you will be judged accordingly, the measure you use will be used against you?

Yes the sins of homosexuality are wrong, and I do not cover them up with words but I point out that God is merciful to the sinner, and the homosexual’s sins are no different to God than yours.

Yet the homosexual has been fingered by bloodthirsty Christians, they have been hounded by merciless Christians and publicly condemned, Christians who have no concept of a mercy filled God who knows the root causes of homosexuality, and what it is that made that person the way they are.

Instead of telling them of the love Jesus has for them and of his mercy and forgiveness and of salvation for them, and the baptism in the Holy Spirit is for them and the gifts that God desires to give them, they have pushed them away from God by their condemnation, turning them against God.

Those who have done these things need to repent and ask God for forgiveness. It is true that today on TV we see homosexuality promoted widely; we see homosexual marriage services, we see the sin being flaunted before God and man, but remember, were you one who hounded the homosexual? And now they are getting bolder as they are accepted easier by the world at large.

Their sin is a crime against God and God is able to punish the crime while loving the sinner. We as a nation persecuted the homosexual, driving them underground for years and years, and showed no mercy towards them, now they are out of the box as they say, and they are flaunting their sin by vile acts publicly, and we are sickened by them and condemn them, but do we love them as Jesus loves them. Their vile sin is no greater than a man and woman having sex in a public place and we are seeing that taking place more and more on our streets and TV.

There is great joy in heaven over one sinner who repents. A homosexual can repent just as easily as you the adulterer, thief, liar, or murderer.

God called us to love one another as I have loved you; do we do that? I wrote this little book because the Holy Spirit prompted me. I do not agree with the sin of homosexuality, as I do not agree with the sin of fornication, nor the sin of lust, nor the sin of lies, or all the sins you and

I commit. Our churches are filled with people who do all these things even after they became Christians, they still sin, in their old ways, they still do wrong even when they try to do right, its as Paul said; “when I try to do right I do wrong and the wrong I do I don’t want to do. What about church, should homosexuals come to our church? Or should we discourage them, and tell them to go elsewhere? Your church is supposed to be a refuge for the sinner who repents, who tries to live as God intended. You should welcome them in as long as you don’t single them out as different from your other church members by talking about their sins but reminding everyone that we all sin and there is no different in the size of sin, sin is breaking the law, and when you break one part you broke the whole law. Your attitude should be the kind that was shown by Christ Jesus.

Remember Jesus didn’t condemn the woman caught in adultery, but showed her mercy. In church we would not tolerate anyone sinning publicly; neither should you tolerate a homosexual sinning in church. Church is where we respect God and come into his presence and respect is what should be shown to the lord

The homosexual who is still a homosexual should treat the house of God with respect and honour.

The Christian who sins should treat the house of God with respect and honour. Donotjudgeandyouwillnotbejudged,loveoneanotherasIhavelovedyou,withoutcondition.

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