The man who lived for money.

Searching in both pockets P J Malone sighed! Once again he had no money. He decided that he was going to do something about his situation once and for all. He believed that he could make a lot of money if he set his mind to it. Sitting down in his armchair he dreamed of ways of making money
He didn’t care how he was going to make money or whether he was going to achieve it honestly. But he was going to succeed no matter what it takes, nor how he achieves it. As he sat there dreaming about money a scheming little devil came and whispered in his ear. Cheat, fraud, walk over people, use people to gain your dreams. If you listen to me, said the little devil. I will show you what to do. Even though P J was asleep he agreed because his heart was filled with greed.
When P J awoke from his sleep he had been given a plan by the little devil to help him start building his money empire. He would go to his friend and boss and convince him he had a great investment plan and would he like to join with him, he would put up half the money needed and P J would put up the other half. Of course P J had no money as we know but he convinced his friend and boss, that he had loads of money, and so his friend agreed and gave him his money.
P J listened to the little devil’s voice whispering in his ear and followed his instructions carefully, and over the next few years they grew wealthy.
His friend and now his partner trusted P J immensely and followed whatever investment schemes P J recommended.
One night the little devil told P J of a plan to make even more money. He was to convince his friend to invest everything in a new business deal.
His friend of course being his friend trusted P J and so they signed a new deal, but P J had been instructed by the little devil to put into the small print that his friend was in fact signing all his money over to P J.
P J’s friend believed everything that P J said; after all didn’t he make them very rich with his shrewd investments.
Over the next few months P J made many deals with very dubious partners, putting their money into crooked deals, and in the process making more money. His friend believing that everything was going well was contented to let P J handle the business side more and more as P J convinced him to take time off work and spend it treating his wife and children to a good life.
The fire
Then one very dark night he had a visit from his little devil and the little devil spoke to him and said he should insure the business and the building for a million dollars. P J listened intently to what the little devil was telling him and of course becoming even greedier obeyed the little devils instructions. P J loved listening to the little devil as he told him wicked things to do, as long as it made him money P J didn’t care whom he hurt.
Shortly after the little devils visit that dark night, the little devil told P J to burn down the building and everything in it and to claim it all back on the insurance making a good profit in the process. P J was overwhelmed with delight at the prospects of making more money so later that night when it was very dark he crept into the office building and sprinkled petrol everywhere, then lit a match and set the place on fire. Looking back as he made his escape P J saw flames leaping high from the office building.
He saw the fire engine arrive and the brave firemen trying to put out the blaze but it were too late the fire had such a hold.
Chuckling with delight at the thought of making a huge profit he scampered home, imagining he was carrying two sacks of gold in his hands.
Later that night two policemen arrived at his door and asked could they speak to him. They told him of the fire and said they believed it was arson, asking did he have any enemies or any money difficulties. P J replied, of course not! But hinted that his partner was experiencing some money problems, but continued on saying his partner was a good honest man. The two police officers said they would continue their investigations and would let him know the results. A week later the same two police officers arrived back at his home and informed him that they had arrested his partner and were charging him with arson and also told him that they believed he was involved with some devious people. {In fact, these were P J cronies} P J had set his partner up to take the blame for the fire and he embezzled his partner out of his money but made it look like his partner was to blame, he framed an innocent man.
A few months later his partner stood trial and with the false evidence planted against him by P J, he was sent to jail for arson and fraud. P J was delighted; he had everything to himself now. He didn't care about his former friend getting sent
to jail as it let him off the hook. P J was getting more and more corrupt, and the more corrupt he become the greater the hold the little devil had on his soul.
P J was accumulating great wealth and was soon a millionaire. He had bags of money and loved to dance around his money singing in glee.
He used to wheel his money in a wheel -barrow from his office to his vault in his own home he didn't trust banks.
P J just kept getting richer; soon he was the richest man in town. He now lived in a big mansion the biggest in town. The little devil kept telling P J were to invest his money and what deals to make in the process destroying many a poor man and woman leaving them penniless and destitute by his acts of fraud, but he always had himself covered by someone else
getting the blame, Oh it was indeed a very smart little devil that gave him instructions. P J trusted his little devil with all his heart and obeyed every word the little devil told him, and for years and years the little devil talked to P J helping him create his money empire.
Chapter 3
One little mistake!
One day as P J sat on his chair dreaming of money, the little devil told him of a great plan he had that would make P J the richest man in the world and P J would have to obey as usual and trust him. The little devil proceeded to tell P J of his plan and soon P J went to the stock market and invested all his money in the stocks and shares that the little devil had told him,[thestocksandsharesbeingbusinesseshecouldbuyinto.]
Later that night as P J sat at home watching T V he was alarmed to hear that the stock market had fallen and the business he had invested everything in was being wiped out before his very eyes. He was in a terrible state as he called for his little devil to talk to him and reassure him and of course his friend the little devil spoke to him telling him it was just a little hitch and the stocks and shares would rise even higher and he was to invest everything including his last penny and millions upon millions would be his. P J jumped up and down with delight at the cunning plan of the little devil, when people seen the shares falling they would sell and he would buy more, then they would rise again making him the richest man in the world. He
was deliriously happy, how he loved making money he lived for money it was his God. And the little devil words came true, the shares did indeed rise and P J became the richest man in the world.
P J danced and sang with delight, he wined and dined long into the night, he went to his bed the richest man in the world, but during the night P J awoke experiencing terrible pains in his chest. Calling the doctor who come immediately he examined P J and said he was having a heart attack and needed hospital treatment. P J refused to go into hospital, he didn’t want to leave his precious money, and so he chased the doctor away and took two painkillers instead. Struggling to his feet he made his way to his vault where all his money was P J was gasping for breath, he believed the doctor only wanted him out of his home so that he could get to his money and steal it, I have only indigestion he said to himself. Too much wine, he laughed nervously. But the pain in his chest was getting worse, he could barely breath, but still he climbed right to the top of his money pile, he was king of the earth the richest man on the planet. AT that moment P J saw a dark figure standing at the bottom of his huge pile of money.
He gasped as he recognised the grim reaper standing there. I have come for your soul this night, the figure said. You have been an evil and greedy man tramping on others to get you wealth not caring whom you destroyed. This very night you will stand before the Lord God Almighty to have your soul
AT that, P J clutched his chest and gasped his last breath and died the richest man on earth.
P J found himself standing before the throne of God, a figure so radiant he could not bear to look at it. You have been an evil man, God said to him. You have had no remorse over the many people you destroyed, the many families that lay in tater’s because of your relentless pursuit of earthly gains. You cared not about their welfare or the welfare of their children whom you left in poverty and without a father. You showed no love at all in your rush for wealth. You stored up nothing that would last eternity except evil, and now you will perish and all the wealth you stored up will be restored to the proper owners, because you forgot that you kept a record in your vault of all the people you swindled and had put in jail because of your lies. Now your vault lies open and the doctor that you turned away has taken pity on you and is returning to your home this night and is approaching your vault looking for you. He will find your earthly body and also the files you kept of all your misdeeds and he will endeavour to put your evil deeds to right.
Setting the captives free, releasing prisoners, and restoring wealthtothosetowhomitbelongs.Asforyou,youwillbecast down into the pit of hell itself for all eternity. Be gone from me ye accursed. And God cast his soul down to hell to burn for eternity.
What lessons can we learn from P J•s life?
Never listen to the voice of the devil no matter how little that devil seems to be.
Set your sights on the vast treasures of heaven, not on earthly wealth, which only last but a while.
Treat others, as you would like them to treat you.
Do not steal no matter how much you are tempted, it always causes someone pain.
Love your fellow man do good to him and you in turn will receive your reward in heaven
Understand that the devil can use the truth to deceive and destroy he can give you seemingly good advice but at whose cost and at what price.
Realise that the little devil told the truth but it cost P J his soul, because he listened to him and obeyed. Money is not everything. Even with his great
twealth P J still died and in dying that money he greedily worked so hard to get went to someone else.
Money and wealth cannot stop you dying, and it cannot buy your way into the kingdom of God.
Greed corrupts us and in the end destroys us, seek only the joy of eternal life with God in heaven.
Resist the little devil and he will flee.
Better to be poor on earth than to spend eternity in hell