Brendan Mc Crossan

Mum I am pregnant!
By Brendan Mc Crossan Copyright @ 21-7-2008Mum I am pregnant!
Chapter one
After her visitor left, Mary sat for a long while on the edge of her bed, she was in a state of shock, and she just couldn’t take it in just yet that she was pregnant. How was she going to tell her mother and father? Her thoughts were everywhere, what would people say, what would her parents say, and what would her fiancée say to this news that she was going to have a baby and it wasn’t his. She began to cry softly, tears running down her young cheeks, she was just 15 years old and she was pregnant with someone else’s child. Kneeling down at the side of her bed she began to pray; “oh God, please help me to tell my parents and my fiancée,” and as she wept gently praying sincerely she experienced a peace filling her heart and mind and a sense that everything would be ok. Getting up off her knees she got ready for bed again. Her visitor had disturbed her sleep and had woken her up. Climbing Into bed she sobbed quietly still dreading telling her mother and father. After a while she fell asleep again falling into a deep dream filled sleep, where she dreamed of having her baby and learning to look after it, and she dreamed that people were trying to hurt her baby, she couldn’t understand why someone would want to hurt her baby, and it disturbed her sleep.
Years ago it was a terrible thing if a young girl got pregnant; she was the one who got all the blame. Did you know that in some countries they even stoned single pregnant girls to death? And she lived in one of those countries that still stoned single pregnant girls to death. This very thing could still happen to her when people found out she was pregnant and it wasn’t her fiancée’s.
Slowly Mary opened her eyes, she sat upright in bed and sighed, it was all a dream she said to herself, I must have dreamed it all, she sighed with relief, then she remembered that her visitor had shook her awake to talk with her, and it all came flooding back to her this was no dream, she was pregnant with a child within her. Then she realized once again she would have to try and explain everything to her mother and father, and she groaned aloud, “Oh God please help me.”
Getting up out of bed, Mary dressed slowly, trying to think of a way she could break this news gently to her mum. If she could tell her mum first then she might be able to help her tell her dad. Her mother was a kindhearted woman, a hard working woman who looked after her family well, making sure that all of them were dressed well and washed and clean. But she was strict and believed in discipline as the holy book instructed. Her father was a stone mason who worked for the local builder, he was a strong man, kindly but tough, he had a beard that reached almost halfway down his chest, and it was just
beginning to show some gray hairs through it. Mary thought dad will have even more gray hairs when he hears the news that I am pregnant and it’s not Joe’s her fiancée’s.
Mary got on her knees once more and sighed looking up to heaven saying “Lord your will be done not mine, please help my mother to understand.” Getting up and finishing tidying her room Mary reached for the door latch and opened the door, gulping she slowly went down the stairs and made her way into the kitchen where she knew her mother would be. Thank God she thought that the rest of the kids would be at school, where father would have taken them first thing this morning, it would just be her mother in the house.
Mary’s mother was at the kitchen sick preparing some vegetables for the dinner, she liked to have most of her house work done by mid day so that she could go to the local church and spend some time with God before coming back and preparing dinner for the whole family.
“Good morning sleepy head,” she said, smiling at Mary, “you slept in this morning, didn’t you hear me call you?”
Mary answered sheepishly, putting her head down, “No mum I had a restless night and was tired this morning.”
“I know dear” her mother replied; “wedding arrangements take quite a bit of planning.” “Your father and I spent many months in preparation for our wedding and it was never far from our minds, it can quite wear you out.” She let out a happy sigh as she thought of her own wedding arrangements.
Blushing sheturned away fromMary and lifted somecarrotsand began scrapping them.“Your breakfast is in the oven dear, help yourself.” She said.
Mary just stood there a moment then taking a deep breath she said. “Mum could you sit down I have something I need to tell you.”
Her mother turned around, looked at Mary and sat quietly down, her carrots still in her hand. “Oh God Mary has Joe broken off the engagement,” she softly asked, as she saw the look on Mary’s face.
“No mum, I am pregnant,” Mary replied, her voice barely audible. She waited on her mother’s response with baited breath.
“You’re what!” Her mother said, shock in her voice. She looked visibly shaken. “Did you say you’re pregnant?” “Oh Mary you can’t be, please tell me you’re joking.” She whispered, her hands were shaking as she asked, looking for Mary to break out into a laugh and say it was just fun.
Mary wept, tears streaming down her face. “No mum its true I’M pregnant.”
“Joseph,” she said, “I trusted Joseph that he would respect you.” “He is much older than you and more mature and I expected more of him.”
Mum, it’s not Joe’s! Her voice breaking as she spoke.
Hermotherslumpedinherchair,shebeganshakinguncontrollably,andtherealizationofwhat Mary was telling her sinking in. Barely audible Mary’s mother spoke in a broken voice, saying, “Mary if they find out you will be stoned to death.” “Does Joe know?” She continued. “Maybe we could get him to say the baby is his,” she rambled on, “I know he loves you more
than life itself, Oh Mary, how could you?” “I brought you up to respect yourself and to treat your virginity as sacred.” And you’re engaged to Joe as well, what will he do when we tell him? Oh my God if he goes to the elders, and denounces you they will come here and stone you to death,” she whispered.
“Mum you don’t understand,” Mary replied. “I am still a virgin I haven’t slept with any man, last night an angel appeared to me and told me that I was going to have a baby and that he was going to be the savior of the world, and.”
“Mary!” her mother interrupted. Don’t tell such lies, face the truth you had sex with another man and now you’re pregnant, stop making up ridiculous stories, trying to cover up.” What has become of you to make up such lies? She said trembling with emotion. Why are you doing this to me? Why Mary, why?
Just then the sound of Mary’s fathers footsteps could be heard coming up the gravel path that leads up to the house.
“Oh my God it’s your father” Mary’s mother said. “Why is he back so soon?” The sound of the door opening was like someone scraping their nails on a blackboard, the sound echoing in the stillness that descended on the kitchen.
“Hullo dear,” Mary’s mothers voice cracked as she tried to sound cheerful.
“What’s wrong?” Mary’s father asked. “What is happening, I know something is wrong what is it?” he said. “I was building a wall down by the grocer shop when a very tall white haired young man, stood beside me and said I should go home immediately.” “He seemed to appear out of nowhere” he continued; “and when I bent down to get my tools he was gone.” “He looked like a soldier of some kind, but not like a soldier I’ve ever seen before, he held a sword in his hand that looked like it was on fire, and he watched everywhere as he spoke with me.” It was so strange,” Mary’s father continued, “it was like he was glowing, must have been a trick of the light, I suppose, strange very strange,” he muttered. “Anyway,” he frowned as he asked again. “What is wrong?”
“Oh darling,” Mary’s mother threw herself into her husbands arms, and began to weep hysterically; “It’s terrible what has happened, Mary has gotten herself pregnant.” “What!” Mary’s father reeled in shock, his eyes widened and his mouth fell open. “Oh Mary, Mary, this can’t be true, please tell us this isn’t true, what does Joe have to say for himself?” HeaskedholdingMary’smothertighter“I’llkillhim,Itrustedhimasmyownfleshandblood, he is older and wiser than you and I trusted him, where is he, the scoundrel.” Tears flowed from Mary’s father’s eyes, “Oh Mary if people in the village find out they will demand that you be stoned to death, and you know it is against the law to get pregnant outside of marriage.” “What will we do? What has Joe to say for himself?” he continued, I’ll kill him when I get my hands on him.” anger was rising in Mary’s father at the thought of what Joe had done to his poor little girl. “Dad it is not Joe’s baby” Mary whispered. “What! It’s not Joe’s baby, then who is the father he demanded, I’ll kill him instead.
“Dad please, you and mum sit down and listen to me.” “An angel appeared to me last night and said; Greetings Mary don’t be frightened;” “God has decided to bless you! You will become pregnant and have a baby boy and you are to name him Jesus, he shall be very great and shall be called the son of God.” I asked him, “How can I since I am a virgin”. The angel continued speaking saying, “the Holy Spirit shall overshadow you and you will conceive and the baby born will be utterly holy. I answered him saying; “I am the lords servant let his will be done in me.”
“I felt the child being conceived inside my womb and know that I am pregnant with God’s son, whom I must name Jesus.”
Mary’s father looked at her in disbelief, his mouth hanging open trying to take in what Mary said.
Finally he spoke, “Mary have you been eating any of those wild mushrooms, the ones I told you not to eat.” “I warned you about those things and how they can affect you, tell the truth girl look at the state of your mother, she is devastated and so am I quite frankly.”
“No dad,” Mary replied quietly, “what I told you happened to me last night, and the angel also told me that aunt Elizabeth is pregnant also.”
“Elizabeth pregnant,” scoffed her father, “don’t talk ridiculous she is barren, she can’t have any children.” Her father spoke sharply to Mary saying, “Don’t talk about your aunt like that, and don’t mock the poor woman.” It is a terrible blight on someone not to have the blessings of children.
Chapter two
Joe arrives with strange news
Just then there was a knock at the door, Mary’s father nodded to her mother indicating to her to answer the door, then put his finger on his lips implying silence, say nothing.
“Hi folks its me Joe, can I come in I have something incredible to tell you, I had this weird dream last night and I feel that I need to tell you all what it was about.”
Mary’s father sighed deeply, not another dreamer he sighed, must have been at the wild mushrooms with Mary.
Mary’s mother opened the door wide and smiled weakly, “come in Joe, and tell us what happened to you.”
“Hi Mary,” Joe beamed at Mary and went over to her and kissed her on the cheek in the same way he did with her parents as he entered the house.
“You’ll never believe this,” he said excitedly. “Last night I had this most realistic dream, in fact it was so real, my arm still hurts where I hit it on the bed post when the angel appeared to me, and I jumped back in shock.”
Mary’s father groaned and sighed to himself, oh no not another angel story; they must have planned this together to get us to accept the angelic birth story.
“This angel” he continued speaking, “said that Mary is going to have a baby from God, and that I must not have a sexual relationship with her until after the baby’s birth. And that I should accept the baby as my own and raise it accordingly.”
“You know this white haired angel guy looked like he was shining, like there was a glow from him, and he held a double edged sword in his hand and it looked like it was on fire.” “Wow! What a dream, and it all seems so real, like it’s really happening kind of cool eh!” “What do you guys think about this?”
I think I don’t understand Joe half the time Mary’s father thought, all this modern language, don’t know what these young folk mean anymore, cool! Huh! It’s anything but cool in here I’M almost boiling.
“Oh and dad, I almost forgot,” Joe said; “he said to tell you, you left your hammer on the other side of the wall, and a stone has fallen on it, that’s why you couldn’t find it.
Mary’s father groaned inwardly, “God I hate it when he calls me dad like that.” Then he realized what Joe had just said. He couldn’t find his hammer a while ago when he was gathering up his tools to come home, and thought Ill look for it later, Joe couldn’t have known that.
He stared at Joe in shock, and asked; “how did he know about my hammer.” “What hammer?” Joe replied finally taking his eyes off Mary who seemed to be glowing like the angel guy, “oh the one the angel said you lost, oh he told me that.”
“Joe sit down, we have something to tell you also.” Mary’s mother said quietly. Joe grabbed a pillow and sat down on the ground looking across where he could keep Mary in his sight. Mary was definitely glowing he thought, she seems to be getting brighter and brighter with every passing moment, Must be the sunlight he thought, no! It’s not the sunlight he realized because the sun was shining in his face coming in through the open window, strange, very strange.
Mary’s parents were looking at Mary expecting her to explain to Joe what she had told them and they too, saw that Mary was glowing and it seemed to be coming from inside her. As they stared Mary took on an intense brightness that almost hurt their eyes as they looked at their daughter, and they realized instantly together that something miraculous was happening to their daughter.
“Oh My God my dream was true,” Joe whispered, “You are going to have God’s baby.” And his name is Jesus the savior of the world, the mighty one of Israel, the king of Glory, the anointed on, thebrightmorning star”. Hesaid thesethings involuntary thewords slipping from his mouth. “Its all true it wasn’t a dream at all, the angel did appear to me and told me to take you as my bride and to love you forever and to raise this baby up as my own son, what an honour he exclaimed! “Oh my God, what an honour! What an honour” “To raise God’s son, the one prophesied in the books of the law, as my own son, oh God thank you, thank you.” Joe said weeping with joy.
The light coming from Mary was dazzling; it lit up the whole kitchen brighter than the sunlight coming in through the open window. “I know pregnant women take on a kind glow but not like this,” she said in amazement, looking at her daughter, understanding now filling her and her husband’s minds. This was God the father at work he was creating his son within their daughter, and they were witness to this act of almighty God
Eventually the glow began to ease off and Mary’s mother snapped out of her little trance, and ran across the room to her daughter and threw her arms around her squeezing her tightly, and kissing her on the cheeks over and over, again, and again. Tears were streaming down her face, but this time they were tears of joy. “Mary I am sorry I doubted you” she said; “This was just too much to take in and now I have seen for myself and felt the presence of Almighty God flowing from within you, I am overjoyed.” We must tell everyone the good news she continued, mentally making a list of all her friends.
Mary’s father spoke up and said. “No! we cannot tell anyone what we have seen and witnessed today, no one will believe us, after all we didn’t believe our own daughter when she told us, so how can we expect people to believe what we have just experienced.”
“No first we have the wedding to consider, If Joe still wants to marry our daughter.” Turning to Joe he looked him straight in the eyes and asked; well Joe what are your plans now? Joe got down on his knees before Mary and said; “Mary will you marry me next week instead of in the next few months like we planned.” “I promise I will treat you with love and respect and not ask for our marital rites until after the baby is born, just like I promised the angel.” Mary replied; “Oh Joseph my eternal love of course I will marry you next week.” Mary only called Joe, Joseph when it was something serious they were discussing.
Joe jumped to his feet hugging Mary and her mother, and looked at Mary’s father who then also threw his arms around them and hugged.
Chapter three
The day of the wedding
“Mary come on everyone is waiting, are you ready yet?” Mary’s mother called; “Rabbi Abraham is here don’t keep him waiting.
“Won’t be long mum, you know I could start a new tradition here being late for my own wedding.” Mary laughed not realizing the implication of her words for years to come. Joe waited at the alter in his smart new robe waiting nervously, glancing over his shoulder to see if Mary was coming.
Joe’s dad said. “Don’t worry son this we lassie loves you and will be here any minute now.” Joe glanced at his mother and saw that she was crying, but beaming with pride and joy, he son Joseph was getting married today to Mary the most beautiful girl in the village and not only beautiful, but special she was a holy girl this girl and she was so pleased for her precious son Joseph.
Mary came out of the house dressed in a flowing white wedding gown, she looked like heaven itself and the gown seemed to glow with a life of its own, Mary was radiant a young woman glowing with joy and peace. Letting go of her fathers arm, she went to the side of her man, and slipped her arm into his.
“Dearly beloved we are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the presence of his holy angels.” Began the Rabbi.
Little did the Rabbi know that Joe, Mary and her parents could see the young white haired angel and some other angels gathered at the outside of the wedding circle, They were there forever to watch over Joe and Mary and the future king of the world.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife, what God has joined together let no man tear apart. The Rabbi finished his service. “You may kiss your bride.” Joe pressed his lips softly to Mary’s and held her tenderly “I love you both he whispered.” Mary replied, “me too.” Laughing at their little secrete.
They had a short honeymoon at the Sea of Galilee, staying with some friends and had a great time there especially when they went together to the local synagogue to pray, and they both saw the white haired angel standing at the door guarding them as they spent time with God. “Guess he’s going to follow us everywhere,” Joe said to Mary. “Thank God.” Mary replied. After their few days honeymoon, Mary decided to go to Judea to visit her aunt Elizabeth and share with her their good news, Joe had some work to finish up in Galilee so they felt that this was the best time to be apart.
The End.
You can read about Mary’s trip to visit Elizabeth in the Bible for yourself, in Luke 1-39