Brendan Mc Crossan
Promises,choices, and decisions
It’s like going into a clothing store, we see something we like and go to buy it but then we see something we also like, but we can only afford one item, which do I choose? Do I choose the first or second item? If I chose the first then I have made my decision, or if I chose the second item I still made my decision, either way is choice and decision, choice and decision go together hand in hand.
All through history God has made wonderful promises to his people and if he promised something, he made it come true.
When he said I have plans for you in;
Promises, choices, and decisions!
If After making your choice; yes I believe in the word of God; then your decision is to act on it. If the word of God says trust me in all your troubles, you have a choice again to make, do I trust God’s word? Or do I not trust his word? The choice you make in every scripture you learn will greatly extend your knowledge of God or it will diminish it. So when trouble comes around as it will, you know you have someone there with you in this trouble, or when trouble comes your on your own. You made your choice and you acted on it by your decision to do something or not do something. Your decision is acting on your belief your choice, Hopefully your choice is to believe that God is there with you in all your troubles because he said so in his word and he is not a liar, and the choice you made is to believe God is not a liar, that what he says is pure as silver seven times refined. He can be trusted and believed in all things; if God is not a liar in one thing then he is not a liar in other things, if he said it, he meant it, so your decision is, ‘I believe,’ and so no matter what happens to me God knows and is in charge and is working everything out for my good.
This is something you need to know before you begin studying the word of God, the bible. You approach the word of God as the word of God, choosing to believe it and by believing in it you then decide to act on it’s instructions by doing what the word says.
There are two things for you to consider; one is God a liar? Two, is he telling the truth? He is doing one or the other, his word is either too be believed and to be trusted, or not to believed and not trusted. We have choices to make decisions to follow. Every thing concerning God is choice and decision, we choose to believe he loves us or we chose to not believe. The decisions we make are our own decisions, will I follow God or will I not. That’s the fine line between choices and decisions, we make a choice and then we decide to follow that choice.
This choosing and deciding is relevant to your believing in the word of god. Do I believe that God will answer my prayer or do I believe he won’t, the choice you make will be the deciding factor; you pray - God answers, you decided, you made a decision from your choice?
God is faithful to his promises!
Let’s continue on and read the promises God made in his word. Let’s see what the word of God says about his promises. Remember you make your choices first, and then you decide to believe or not believe.
Psalm-60-6-God has promised to help us he has vowed it by his holiness, no wonder I exult. Now here is a direct promise from God himself, he has promised to help us, and he took a vow by his own holiness that he would help you and I in our troubles when they come around. This is something you can decide to run with to God when trouble comes around, you can run to him with his word and remind him he promise to help you. And that he took an oath to do this for you, and then you decideto believehim by praising him for thefaithfulness of his word, praising him through the troublesome times. You can say to God the words of the next scripture because God’s word says; take with you words, turn to the lord and say to God.
Psalm-143-11-bringmeoutofallthistrouble,becauseyouarefaithfultoallyourpromises. You choose to believe and so you decided by coming to God with his own word, and reminding him of his promise and you believed he would help as he promised by praising him. This is one of the great promises God made, to help you in every trouble you get yourself into or that befalls you. Wow! Just to know for certain that God will be there helping me in every troublesome situation is awesome! Life is full of troubles, and having God promise that he will be there helping you is a great consolation. This way we know we will get through these troubles no matter how difficult they get. What an amazing promise it covers everything that happens to me, and then he promised to turn that trouble for my good later on, in;
Jeremiah-29-11 for I know the plans I have for you, says the lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. This is awesome to know, that God Almighty has made plans for good for us. This is a promise from God that he plans for you good things. Now the decision we must make is do we believe this word from God or do we not believe. The choice and decision is yours to make and act on. Chapter two
Romans-8-28- and we know that all that happens to us is working for our good, if we love God and are fitting into his plans.
That is a promise from God, that he will turn every bad thing that happens to us to good for we who love him and are fitting into his plans, {who are obeying him that is.} When he said he turns everything to good for those who love him and obey him he turns everything to good.
Mark-16-16 {paraphrased} Mark-16-16 to 20 and the lord was with them confirming what he said by the miracles that followed their message. Jesus pledged, he gave his word of honor and he kept his word, by the miracles that followed their message. This same pledge, this same promise is to you, that if you go out into the world and tell people about Jesus and salvation, telling people the good news, telling them God does not want them sick, that’s good news to someone who is ill. Jesus will have to keep his word and heal the sick because he promised to do so, and is honor bound by his own word.
Chapter three What is a promise? A promise is when someone gives their word, assures you, they ‘pledge’ give their word of honor, guarantee’s you something, swears an oath to do
You should never be afraid to preach about salvation and speaking in tongues or healing, because you have God’s word in Jesus promising to heal and save and gift with tongues, those who desire these things.
The promises God makes to us are backed by the power of the name of the Almighty, and there is no name above his name.
Psalm 138-2 for your promises are backed by the power of your name.
Whensomething.Jesus said to the believers go out into the whole world proclaim the gospel, lay hands on the sick, speak in tongues, and you shall use my authority to do theses things.
A little note here; sometimes a person is not healed, that is not because God lied, it is probably because the person has areas they need to get right with God first. If they don’t forgive others they block healing from flowing into them. Healing will go out from you because God keeps his word, but when it enters them it bounces right back into you. I have experienced this so often, I used to think there was something evil inside the person blocking the power but I have since realized and learned that it is just the power of God returning to me, that I felt come back into me.
You have choices and decisions here right now, do I choose to believe in this or do I not? If I choosetobelievethatthiswordofGodappliestomepreachingsalvation,tongues,andhealing, and then I need to act on it, I need to decide to do something, and by the way do you know what faith is? Faith is doing something with what you have. If you decide after making your choice to believe that you will share God’s message of salvation and gifts of the spirit and healing what you share will happen, if you share {preach} {preach means talk;} to someone about salvation, God will back his word up and save the person you share with. If you decide to tell them about the baptism in the Holy Spirit and tongues and the gifts of the spirit, they will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and tongues when you pray with them. If you choose to tell someone about healing, and then decide to pray with them for healing, healing will happen, because God is faithful to his word and Jesus will back the word of God with power, and the person will receive healing.
When God promised to supply our needs in his word we chose to believe or not believe, then we have to decide to do something with God’s word, we choose to believe or we choose to disbelieve and so we decide if this word is true or not and we act out our belief by our decision.
Ephesians -3-6-and this is the secrete; that the gentiles [{That’s us} will have their full share with the Jews in all the riches inherited by God’s sons; both are invited to belong to his church, and all of God’s mighty blessings through Christ apply to them both when they accept the good news about Christ and what he has done for them. Here is another promise from God and another choice I have to make, do I accept what God is saying in Ephesians 3-6-that I will share in the riches of God’s sons, or am I skeptical about all of this, it’s my choice to believe or not believe, it is my decision to act on this knowledge I have just learned that God wants me rich and wants all Christians and Christian Jews rich. What is my decision? What will I act on, trust or unbelief? The choice is as always mine to make and decide to act upon.
The person on the receiving end has the right to choose and decide just like you what they want to receive from God. But the truth of God’s word remains the same he promise to send the power and he did and does so, whether the person on the receiving end is willing to receive that power is another thing. It’s their choice and decision.
DUETERONOMY- 28-11- the lord will grant you abundant prosperity, in the fruit of your womb, in the livestock, crops and land.
Phillipians-4-19- and it is he who will supply all your needs from his riches in glory. Do I choose to believe what God says here? Do I act in faith by deciding to trust God no matter what happens to me financially?
There is more to healing that just saying; “be healed,” there are blocks the person puts up; for example; it is very hard to get a person who is in receipt of benefits to get them healed, simply because they don’t want to give up their extra income if healed. I have prayed with people who knew they were receiving healing and stopped it; they felt the power go in to them and then rejected the healing. This does not exclude the fact that healing is available for them when you have preached the gospel with them; God will never overrule a person’s will. He gave us free will so that we can choose and decide to follow him or reject him. Without free will we would be robots, just controlled by God, and that is not what we were created to be.
You job was to share the good news to all who will listen, and God will do his thing, he knows if a person is ready to receive healing or not. Tongues are different from healing, Tongues are for prayer and we all need to know how to pray in their power.
Read my books on the “Awesome power in tongues” to understand tongues. A person has the right to choose to speak in tongues or not, that is their God given right, and what they decide is ok with God. That fact is the gospel was preached and the power was there to dispatch.
But you have a choice to make do I believe this word of Almighty God or do I ignore it, the choice is mine, and If I choose to believe it then I have to act on it by faith I have to declare that this is what God said in his word and he promised his peace and financial blessing. I must chose and then decide to act, by making a confession with my mouth and saying what God Decisions,says.
Choose to believe God’s word and decide to act on it. Here are some scriptures referring to God’s promises.
Psalm 50-10-for all the animals of field and forest are mine! The cattle on a thousand hills! And all the birds up on the mountains
Peace and prosperity, beautiful, wonderful, having both of these things, a true blessing from God to his children, and you his child. Can you see how you get your peace and prosperity; you have to sow seeds of peace and prosperity. What do you mean I have to sow seeds of peace and prosperity? This is one of the secrets of God’s word, that God shares with you, because of his desire to prosper you and to give you peace in your home. God explains that you must do as he did when he created the world.
decisions, decisions, that is a well known phrase, and it is true everything in life is a decision and a choice. Do I choose to get up out of bed this morning or do I choose to lay in it all day, when I make my choice then I decide, I get up or I lie in bed. Thereisnotonething in lifethatIdon’thaveto choseand then decidebecausetherearealways two or more choices to make. This is a fact of life we have to make a choice with everything and then we have to decide to do something about our choice. It is the same with God‘s word we have choices and decisions to make there also, and what we chose and decide will be life changing to our lives.
To sow seeds means we have to say the words of God, we sow it into the atmosphere in the heavenly realms, we sow the word of God like Jesus said; “I am leaving you with a gift; peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give isn’t fragile like the peace the world gives, so do not be troubled or afraid” John-14-27
To experience that peace we need to sow words of peace, by sowing Jesus words; “I have his peace, his peace is in me, not my peace but his peace,” and we share financially with others in need, that is sowing a financial harvest. When we sow financially we say; “lord I am sowing into your kingdom, because you said to help the poor and needy.”
Psalm-138-2-for your promises are backed by the power of your name.
ZECHARIAH- 8-12- for there shall be the seed sowing of peace and prosperity, the vine shall yield her fruit.
Do I believe that the Lord desires me to be prosperous, he says in his word here in front of me that he will grant me abundant prosperity, in children, the fruit of my womb, in all your livestock crops and land, anyone owning land these days are well off, land is a great commodity to own, and God says he will give us these things, but do we believe him? The choice is ours yes or no!
Hebrews-4-1-although God’s promise still stand, his promise that all may enter into his place of rest; some of you may be on the verge of failing to get there after all.
Psalm-132-11- and surely you will never go back on a promise.
Galatians-3-29-now we are Christ’s, we are the true descendants of Abraham and all of Gods promises to him belong to us.
Hebrews -6-17 God also bound himself with an oath so that those he promised to help would be perfectly sure and never need to wonder whether he might change his plans. He has given us both his promise and his oath, two things we can completely count on, for it is impossible for God to tell a lie.
2-Timothy-2-3- he will always carry out his promises to us.
2-Corinthians – 1-9-Jesus Christ carries out and fulfills all of God’s promises to us no matter how many they are.
For this wonderful news the message that God wants to save us has been given to us as it was in the time of Moses, but it didn’t do them any good, because they didn’t believe it, they didn’t mix it with faith. In this last scripture we see that to get the promises of God for ourselves we have to have faith to believe, we have to choose to believe and then decide to act in faith believing God’s word. Those people in the day of Moses heard the good news but they choose not to believe it, they didn’t mix it with faith and so it didn’t do them any good. We on the other hand had Jesus himself come and tell us of the promises of God, and we have a greater witness to God’s word, but we still have choices to make decisions to act upon, we can be just as blind as the people in Moses day and refuse to mix it with faith.
Galatians-3-29-now we are Christ’s, we are the true descendants of Abraham and all of Gods promises to him belong to us.
trusting you, o praise his promises, I am not afraid of anything man can do to me, o praise his promises.
Psalm-56-3-when I am afraid, I will put my confidence in you, yes I will praise the promises of Psalm-56-10-IGod.am
Psalm-31-5- you have rescued me o lord who keeps his promise.
Psalm -130-5- that is why I wait expectantly, trusting God to help for he has promised.
Psalm-12-6-the lord’s promise is sure; he speaks no careless word, all he says in purest truth- like silver seven times refined.
Psalm-71-22-I will praise you with music, telling of your faithfulness to all your promises.
now you have every grace and blessing, every spiritual gift and power for doing his will are yours during this time of waiting for the return of our lord Jesus Christ.
Thereis an amazing promisefrom God thatevery spiritualgiftand powerareyours, thatmeans all the gifts of the Holy Spirit are yours every supernatural power from God is yours. Every gift of the Holy Spirit belongs to you, and;
1-corinthians 12-31 try “your” best to have the most important of theses gifts.
God promised incredible blessings to Abraham and in Galatians 3-29- God says all the incredible blessings he promised Abraham now belonged to us. Incredible means unbelievable.
Genises-22-17- I will bless you with incredible blessings, and multiply your descendants.
The blessings are so enormous that God promises us they are hard to believe from a human standpoint, yet they are God’s promises and nothing is impossible with God, he is the God of the impossible.
1 Corinthians -14-12 –since your so anxious to have special gifts from the Holy Spirit “ask him” for the very best, those that will be of help to the whole church.
Here in these three scriptures you are told something life changing if you choose to believe it. Choosing to believe and then deciding to act upon it will bring the power into being; if you read the scriptures carefully you will see it is up to you what you allow the Holy Spirit to manifest the gifts. The Gift is the Holy Spirit and it is his power that is available to you when you choose to believe and then decide to trust him and step out in faith expecting the gifts to Imanifest.havehad healing services and the moment I choose to have the healing service or agree to do a healing service I then made a decision to act in faith that the Holy Spirit will back up the promise made in Jesus name, “you shall lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed.”
I know a lot of the promises of God and where to find them in the bible God’s word, but I believe it’s up to you to choose and decide to search those promises out and learn them from your heart so that you will grow in the love and knowledge of Almighty God and in his word. It’s your choice; decide now what you will do.
What promises did God make to Abraham?
I have written what I have written so that you will be encouraged onwards to find out for yourself the wonderful promises of God and choose to believe that word and decide to act on the word and you to shall see signs and wonders in Jesus name through you. Remember it’s your choice and decision.
I chose and then I decided and God backed up his word by the signs and wonders done in his Inname.God’s word there are many promises and you needed to search out those promises for yourself. I believe that if you’re interested enough in learning about scripture then you are the one who should do the searching for the knowledge contained therein.