Putting on the mind of Jesus. Brendan Mc Crossan
Putting on the mind of Christ.
1-John-4-17- as he is so am I in this world.
1-Corinthians-6-17-Christ and I are joined together as one person.
Romans-12-4-I am the body of Christ.
Romans 6-4-my old sin loving nature was buried with him by baptism when he died, and when God the Father brought him back to life again; I was given his wonderful new life to enjoy, for I have become a part of him, and shall rise as he did. My old evil desires were nailed to the cross with him; that part of me that love’s to sin, was crushed and fatally wounded.
Colossians-2-10-I am in him, made full, and have come to fullness of life in Christ Jesus; I too am filled with the God head, the Father, son, and Holy Spirit, and reach full spiritual stature.
Galatians-2-20-I myself no longer live but Christ Jesus lives in me and the real life I have now, is as a result of my trusting in Christ Jesus.
Acts-17-26-For in him I live and move and have my being.
Ephesians-2-5-he gave me the very life of Christ himself; the same new life, with which he quickened him.
Because I have Jesus in me!
I have the mind of Jesus in me.
I have the peace of Jesus in me.
I have the heart of Jesus in me.
I have the compassion of Jesus in me.
I have the love of Jesus in me.
I have the mercy of Jesus in me.
I have the power of Jesus in me.
I have the divine nature of Jesus in me.
I have the boldness of Jesus in me.
I have the confidence of Jesus in me.
I have the patience of Jesus in me.
I have the goodness of Jesus in me.
I have the tenderness of Jesus in me.
I have the strength of Jesus in me.
I have the joy of Jesus in me.
I have the divine health of Jesus in me.
I have the authority of Jesus in me.
I have the determination of Jesus in me.
I have the fragrance of Jesus in me.
I have the forgiveness of Jesus in me.
I have the purity of Jesus in me.
I have the trust of Jesus in me.
I have the understanding of Jesus in me.
I have the miracle working power of Jesus in me.
I have the healing power of Jesus in me.
I have the delegating power of Jesus in me.
I have the thoughtfulness of Jesus in me.
I have the desires of Jesus in me.
I have the wisdom of Jesus in me.
I have the light of Jesus in me.
I have the faith of Jesus in me.
I have the discernment of Jesus in me.
I have the knowledge of Jesus in me.
I have the discipline of Jesus in me.
I have the words of Jesus in me.
Galatians -2-20-it is not I who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me.
Philippians 4-13- I can do everything through Christ Jesus who lives in me.
When you begin to understand “who” exactly lives in complete union; and union means merging, and merging means to absorb. You realize the potential that has been given to you, Christ Jesus in you and through you; and you are actually “filled” with the God head, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Filled means overflowing, crammed to the top, full. You are filled with God and there’s no room for Satan’s rubbish. Like your useless, no use, no good, you’re a sinner, unworthy; and other rubbish words, you are not a sinner you’re a saint. Go read my book Saint or Sinner.” You’ll see that you can’t allow the thoughts of being a “sinner” to take root in you; you have been made Holy from before time even began.
Ephesians-1-4 long ago, even before he made the world, God choose us, he decided then to make you holy in his eyes without a single fault. We who stand before him covered with his love. {Overshadowed by the Holy Spirit} Sinner and holy don’t mix they are opposites, who do you believe, God or Satan? The scripture refers to you as the saints, not the sinners, a sinner is going to hell, you were told when you accepted Jesus you were going to heaven. Get a concordance book and read it for your self where the references are to sinners and see what it says about them.
If you will just take the time to think deeply about all I have written from God’s word, {not mine} you will begin to emerge from the darkness and lies surrounding you and begin to walk in the light of God’s word. Whom the lord sets free is free indeed.
Mc Crossan