Satan is not God he can’t be in two places at once he is not omnipotent, or almighty, he is simply an angel, a fallen angel but still an angel so he cannot be in two places at once and its hardly likely he is there in your house tormenting you, he is probably away somewhere else creating plans for wars influencing greedy politicians.
I used to believe that Satan was everywhere until I heard a preacher on TV say, ‘Satan is an angel he is not omnipotent, he is not like God.’ I was shocked by this revelation, and the more I thought about this the more I realized how much glory we give Satan by believing he is as powerful as God Almighty, and Satan revels in this accepting our praise because when you hold anyone in such a high position you are literally praising them, you are giving them glory they don’t deserve; only God alone deserves glory and honour and praise. Satan doesn’t care that you are ignorant of his lowly position, a defeated foe, dragged before God and all Of Heaven naked and defeated forever by Jesus when he descended into Satan’s kingdom and defeated him there in his own backyard.
I never realized how much glory and praise we as Christians give Satan when we bow in fear of him. To fear someone means you bow to them, you give way to them, you respect them and treat them as greater than yourself, you place them in a higher position and that is giving them Glory even if you never meant them to have this honourable position. Another meaning to bow is to curtsy to genuflect, bow the knee in respect. Brothers and sisters lets stop giving Satan the glory we should be giving only to God alone for he alone is worthy of all praise and honour and glory.
Satan is nothing; he was brought to nothing by Jesus, when he defeated him in hell. Satan is not the great important being you think he is, he is nothing.
Do you know why you have the Holy Spirit in you? Do you know for what purpose you were actually given God’s own Holy Spirit? Let me show you why you have the Holy Spirit in you.
John – 16- 8 the Holy Spirit is in you to bring about a demonstration of Satan’s defeat.
That is why the Holy Spirit is within you, to bring about a demonstration of Satan’s defeat, not a demonstration of Satan’s victory, he was defeated not victorious. When you bow to fear or any other threat from Satan or evil spirits you give them victory when they have been already defeated, you say they are greater than they are, yet they are brought to nothing by Jesus.
“Satan can’t be in two places at once.” “He is not God!”
Ephesians -4-8- therefore it is said when he ascended on high, he led captivity captive. He led a train of vanquished foes, and bestowed gifts on men.
He led a train of vanquished foes; a train means a lot following behind, Jesus didn’t just defeat Satan in hell he also defeated all his army of evil spirits, demons, powers and principalities; he defeated the whole lot of Satan’s forces. So what have you to fear from enemies that have already been defeated?
1-John -3-8 The Son of God came to destroy the works of the Devil.
The very reason Jesus came to earth was to stop Satan in his tracks and to destroy his works. What did Jesus do in the bible? He healed the sick, he raised the dead, he cast out demons, and he said he came to destroy Satan’s works. What was Satan’s works? Sickness disease and hunger, Jesus fed the multitudes as well as healing and delivering everyone who came to him with faith.
Ephesians -1-13- the father has delivered us from the kingdom of darkness and has translated us in to the kingdom of his dear Son.
God delivered you and me out of Satan’s kingdom and placed us into Jesus kingdom, a place in heaven with Jesus himself.
Do any of the above scriptures give Satan any glory or do they tell us that he was brought to nothing. When you’re defeated you’re brought to nothing, the enemy can do as he likes with you. You are helpless in the enemy’s hands, they can do with you what they like and no one can stop them, they’retoo powerfulforyou. No matterhowmuch threatening you do you can’t scare them off, you’re a prisoner and a helpless prisoner at that. All Satan and evil spirits can do is threaten you with what they will do to you and what they will cause and the truth is all they can do is talk a fight they can’t fight the fight, unless you do it for them by agreeing with them. That’s how they defeat you by you believing them and giving in to their suggestions. Demons have the same influence as a hypnotist has, he makes suttle suggestions to you and you obey his commands and behave like a fool on stage, demons do the same to you the make suttle suggestions to you telling you they have great power and they have absolutely no power whatsoever, except the power of suggestion, and when you obey they delight in making a fool out of you.
Satan has used TV and movies to get you into a false impression of him and his ‘awesome’ power. His only ‘awesome’ power is ‘lies’ he has no power Jesus stripped him of all power remember.
And you are supposed to demonstrate that defeat through the holy Spirits power in you. “Now that’s power.”
John – 16- 8 the Holy Spirit is in you to bring about a demonstration of Satan’s defeat.
Colossians-2-15- in this way God took away Satan’s power to accuse you of sin, and God openly displayed to the whole world, Christ’s Triumph at the cross where your sins were taken away.
You can see from this scripture alone that God took all Satan’s power off of him when Jesus defeated him on the cross at Calvary. If God took Satan’s power of him who gave him this great new power he claims to have? No one! Its all lies told to you by Satan, and we have believed those lies for years, until now!
I don’t recommend watching horror movies on TV or in the cinema because Satan uses these scary movies to influence your thinking, then you’re jumping at every strange noise imagining all sorts of rubbish. You may call me weird, but if you give it sincere thought you will see that
I am right, your scared aren’t you alone in your own home sometimes or walking alone in the dark. TV and Movies have influenced you’re thinking, and that’s exactly what Satan wants, he wants you afraid of him, and to think he is powerful, and uses scary movies to do this.
For those wishing to go into ministry, healing or deliverance ministry, Don’t watch these things, you will get enough of the real thing when you’re praying with people for healing, and you will find deliverance can take place quietly without much attention being given to the evil spirits.
Even saying ‘evil spirits’ sound scary, and why because you have scared the pants off yourself watching movies like the exorcist, and similar movies when you were young.
Look at the games you’re kids are playing now on their X Box gamer. Evil is always winning, demons are almost like your everyday family pet, you have good demons helping you and fighting with bad ones.
Friends there are no good demons or evil spirits or powers or principalities, they are all evil and Satan is using them to make a lasting impression on you’re kids minds, so when they grow up they love demons more than God and are wide open to Satan’s plans.
Look at the children of this present generation how many of them do you know that are excited about God and how many do you know who don’t believe in God but believe in the Devil and demons.
I heard Christians mock other Christians who have had encounters with angels, and they sneered at them and called them fanatics, and other horrible names, and theses were Christians who done theses things. Friends I am a fanatic I also had encounters with angels over my lifetime, so I am part of this group of fanatics who believe God’s word when he said angels were there to help us, unlike demons or evil spirits. Satan uses people to do his evil deeds, he himself can’t do anything but he influences greedy people.
2-Corinthians-2 14- thanks be to God who in Christ, always leads us in triumph as trophies of Christ Jesus victory.
Can you see you are always led in triumph as Jesus trophies, your not led in defeat but in triumph and did you note that word “always,” not sometimes leads us in victory but “always.” Wow! What a God we have.
When Satan or more than likely it’s just an evil spirit who is attacking you attack, you are supposed to stand your ground and chase him away.
As scripture says; James -4-7-draw close to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you in terror.
Did you notice those very important words in this little sentence; 1- ‘draw close to God,’ {when Satan or evilattack}2 – ‘resistthedevil’ {Satan}and hewillfleefromyou “in terror.”
He just won’t go away he will flee in terror, {panic, dread, fear, horror, shock and alarm} from you, from you not the other way about, up until now you may have hidden in fear of Satan the Devil, {Satan and the Devil are one, just different names he has, like Beelzebub, is another namefor Satan, theTurks call him Shay tan.} No matter what nameheis called by, at thename of Jesus he will bow and run in terror from you when you confront him with this almighty name which is above all names Ephesians 1-19-23.
He will flee in terror; he will flee in terror, do you understand he will flee in terror from ‘you’ who the scripture refers to when it says the Devil {Satan} will flee from in terror; flee means to run away, take flight, to take off running. He will take off in terror, panic, fear dread, shock and alarm, when you resist him. Why? Because he knows you have the knowledge of his defeat and his lowly position and knowledge that he is nothing, Jesus brought him to naught, nothing, and nothing means nonentity, zero, and zilch. That is why Satan runs from you because you now know he is defeated and powerless.
Maybe now you will stop giving Satan glory and honour by living in fear of him, I hope you will stop paying him homage, and treat him as the defeated brought to nothing enemy he is. If he tries to attack, remind him he is defeated in Jesus name, remind him he has been dethroned, remind him he has no power or authority; remind him he is stripped naked, and all his works are destroyed by Jesus Christ.
You must learn that you are not fighting Satan, you are supposed to resist him and he will flee from YOU in TERROR! He will not flee from your neighbour or some mighty Christian he will flee from ‘you,’ ‘you’ whoever ‘you’ are reading this, in terror. Give Jesus praise when Satan attacks because if it wasn’t for Jesus we would be in a very bad position indeed, so give Jesus glory and resist the Devil and he will flee in terror.
Note the word ‘will’ it’s an important little word as well as flee and terror, he will flee, he “will” be in ‘terror.’
Scripture says he “will” ‘flee’ not might flee, or perhaps after a little while he might leave quietly, no he will flee in terror. From you!
How should I treat Satan from now on?
One who is dethroned.
One who is defeated.
One who is without power.
One who is brought to naught.
One who is under my authority.
One who is afraid of me.
One who is conquered.
One who is naked, naked, naked.
When you’re naked you’re defenseless, you’re trying to cover your nakedness, and you’re embarrassed, foolish, don’t want people to see you naked.
Now will you stop glorifying Satan? And give all glory to Jesus and God you’re father, for their wonderful love for you and God’s wonderful plan for you. To God alone are the glory, honour, and praise for he is mighty God, awesome father, loving redeemer and Holy Spirit. God is awesome and is omnipotent Satan is not omnipotent he is only a defeated angel who thought he was bigger than God and soon found out he wasn’t. Give God all Glory he deserves it all. Amen