Spiritual blocks to God's healing, and power

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What is it that prevents people from receiving God's healing when they are being prayed for or with? In this little book you will learn possible blocks to healing. In ministry Rose my wife and I have found these to be the most common blocks to someone's healing. Once dealt with the healing normally begins immediately.


Spiritual blocks to Gods healing and power Chapter-one ON EAGLES WINGS

There is a little blackbird, that comes to my back door every day to be fed. He has no fear and will just walk into my kitchen and walk around me as he searches for food. I thought there's something about this little bird that's different, and for a long while I couldn't figure out what it was. Most birds will fly away when humans come too near but this little guy just walked by, without it seems, like a care in the world. Pecking in every corner picking up little crumbs, here and there, I thought that's what making him different, no fear. Then one morning I saw that he had no tail feathers, and I realised, he cant fly, that's why he's walking around everywhere he had a block to his ability to fly, no tail, and he had got used to me sitting out my back yard every day. So he wasn't afraid of me, because I fed him.

I watched other Black Birds flying, chasing after each other, whistling and singing away. I realised something else about this little Black Bird, he never sang, or whistled, he never answered the call of another Black Bird. It may seem funny to you but I also noticed his eyes, and they seemed to be sad eyes, he didn't have the same look as the other Black Birds their eyes looked bright, his was dull.

As I sat and watched him I thought how sad. This little bird was created to fly high up in the sky, to soar way up high. To feel the wind in his face, the joy of flight. To see from a tree branch the choicest of food and here he was, reduced to walking around, searching for crumbs, having to run from trouble instead of flying away. No wonder his eyes looked sad, he had the wings for flight

but he was missing something vital to flight, his tail feathers, [his landing gear, his balancing equipment.] this tail was a great stumbling block to him, without it he was grounded. The more I watched him, the more I noticed the other Black Birds, flying away singing and chasing after a partner. I felt really sad for this little bird. Then I felt that God was sad also, not just for the little bird but for us his children. We too were created to fly high with God in the heavenly realms, and so many of us have been reduced to walking and sometimes crawling, and the scripture from Isaiah-40-31 came to my mind, how God created us to be like the Eagle.

Isaiah—40-31—Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, They will soar on wings like Eagles.

An Eagle is a beautiful bird, its the most majestic of all the birds, it can fly higher than all the other birds, and it can also see further than the other birds. In Isaiah 40-31- we can see that God wants us to soar like an eagle, not to run around some spiritual back yard, pecking at crumbs. He wants us to have the best that he can offer. But we may be like the little Black Bird, and have no tail feathers; we could have blocks to prevent us from flying to great heights with the Lord. That is what I wish to address here

We were created to soar like an Eagle. High up in God’s Heavenly Realm He planned that we too should fly on Eagles wings, spiritually. We were designed to be able to fly high when troubles came, to soar out of the Devils reach, to rise above our problems. The more I thought on this the more I come to realise that I and others have never reached the heights that God planned for us to reach, and I thought, what stops us from soaring above our troubles, from whistling, and singing happily away? I realised that we too have blocks that are preventing us from flying high, from having the choicest food, from rising above all trouble. I decided with Gods help and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I will find out what blocks us from flying high in God’s power. I opened my bible and the first thing I noticed was in.

John-3-34-Those who believe him discover that God is a fountain of truth.

Those who believe him, I found my first block, unbelief.



Unbelief, John 3-36 — Those who don't believe and obey him shall never see heaven.

Do I believe everything that God says in His word the Bible? Do you believe? If we don't then we have a large block in our relationship with God, and it stops us from receiving what God has to offer, If we don't believe what God says then how is it possible for us to receive the miracles that we need day by day.

Praise the Lord with God all things are possible. The fact is we believe in something, whether it is that we don't believe, or that we do believe, either way we believe something.

Example ==I believe that God will answer my prayer. =I don't believe that God will answer my prayer

You see you believe something, [yes or no].

You or I can remove this block simply by choosing which way we will believe. We can choose to believe what God says, or choose not to believe == the choice is ours nor God•s, He said = Mark11-24 as you believe so shall it be.

Contrary to popular belief, faith, is a decision to believe God not your feelings nor emotions. Faith is belief in action,

Example == Matthew-28-20 Behold I am with you always. Yes, until the end of the world.


esus said that. Now the choice Is. do I believe what Jesus said, or do I not believe what Jesus said? Only you can make the choice, yes or no. By removing the first block, it makes it easier to remove the others, for without faith you can not please God

Choose to believe what God says in his word, if he says he loves you, believe He loves you, don't go by feelings, because when we get into feelings then we move out of faith and that is when we move into Satan's realm a realm based on fear.


Un forgiveness

Not forgiving, is another of the biggest blocks to God, that we can have. Because Jesus died to forgive you from every foul sin that you committed, or that I committed, he gave his very life for us. He sacrificed his very existence on this earth for you and I; He then in death went into the very bowels of Hell itself for you and I and defeated Satan for us. He suffered Hell for eternity, not just for three earthly days, Hell is in eternity outside of time Jesus was there for eternity, and how it was possible I don't know I’M not God. We live in time so he was there for three of our earthly days, but it was forever that he secured our forgiveness, and that's why forgiveness is so Important to God. Jesus paid such a high price for our forgiveness, for every sin that you or I could ever commit. Wouldn't you want people to forgive each other, if you laid down your life to forgive them?

Matthew-6-14— Your heavenly Father will forgive you IF you forgive those who sin against you; but if you do not forgive

them, he will not forgive you.

That's a very dangerous position to be in, not to be forgiven by God. Think about this if you died without forgiving people then you will not be forgiven, and where will that leave you. I shudder to think.

Jesus paid such a high price for forgiveness for the world he looks on not forgiving as unforgivable. If you don't forgive then you will not be forgiven Matthew -6-14. There's no getting away from that block between you and God and not forgiving will of course stop your prayers from being answered,

Mark 12-25— " But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive you your sins too,

See what God says. '' FIRST FORGIVE——-First, —Before you pray, not after you pray, but before, — FIRST — God wont listen to you until you forgive, he says that not I. First forgive, and you wonder why your prayers are not answered. I have heard people say I•ll never forgive that so and so and they were waiting for me to pray with them for healing. And their healing wouldn't come until finally I got them to forgive, then God healed them. Most Christians are not aware of the severity of not forgiving.

Luke- 6-22 — What happiness it is when others hate you and exclude you and insult you, and smear your name because you are mine! When that happens, —Rejoice, yes, leap for joy! For you have a great reward awaiting you in heaven, and you will be in good company— the ancient prophets were treated that way too!

When someone treats you bad— Rejoice — Leap for joy! - You must be joking— far better to go into a rage, to droop the shoulders, to have a pity party, to feel sorry for ourselves, to swear revenge. Stuff the great reward awaiting me in heaven I would

rather get my own back on earth. Isn’t that the way most people do things? And yet we proclaim to be Christians, followers of Jesus Christ, following his teachings and his way. He tells us -REJOICE —LEAP FOR JOY.

Revenge is sweet is an old saying, but revenge is bitter. And stops your prayers from being answered. Our every day prayer the Our Father, says Forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. We are asking God to forgive us, for our many sins against him, and we say as we forgive, those who hurt and offended us. We are hypocrites if we pray this prayer without forgiving.

Luke -6-35-Love your enemies do well to them, lend to them.

Love you enemies? Do well to them? Lend them money? Is God nuts? Most would rather see their enemy suffer horribly. Yet this is exactly what God says to do,

FIRST —-FORGIVE, then you have no block between you and God.



{AMP is the amplified bible}

Leviticus-19-26-amp-You must not eat anything with the blood, nor use fortune telling nor witchcraft neither shall you use magic omens or predict events by horoscope or signs and lucky days.

Leviticus-20-6-I will set my face against anyone who consults mediums and wizards instead of me; I will cut that person off from his people [amp. that he may not be included in the atonement made for him].

Deuteronomy- 18- 10— No Israeli may practice black magic, or call on the spirits for aid, or be a fortune teller, or be a serpent charmer, or wizard or call forth the spirits of the dead. Anyone doing these things is an object of horror and disgust to the Lord. [ is an abomination to the lord amp ]

Every newspaper or magazine has in it horoscopes, and good Christian people are turning to the horoscopes to read their stars, for their future and they have put a terrible block between themselves and God. It is a terrible thing to know that God has turned his face away from you, he cant even look at you are such an object of horror and disgust. Deut-18-12.

God does not answer my prayers I have heard people say. They are angry at God because of this, yet it is not God that's to blame, it is themselves, and when you tell them what God says in the Bible about fortune telling and these things mentioned in these scriptures, they scorn you and say. It's only a bit of fun. Not as far as God is concerned it is not a harmless bit of fun. He turns his face Away from you, he wont look at you, think how terrible this really is. God who loves us so dearly can not stand to look at us when

we turn to witchcraft, consulting horoscopes, tea leaves, and other evil practices. To get right with God again, you need to repent, and stay away from these things from now on.

4th Block


Did it ever occur to you that worry would be a block to your prayers being answered?

Luke 12 - 25 And besides what's the use of worrying? What good will it do? Will it add a single day to your life? Of course not! And if worry can't do such little things as that, what's the use of worrying over bigger things?

Luke - 12 30 Your heavenly father knows your needs. He will always give you all you need from day to day if you make the kingdom of God your primary concern.

Worry and faith are two opposites, worry says I do not believe you God and faith says, God I trust you to know what's best for me every day. Worry leaves people sick, You know the old saying. "I’m sick with worry". This is true, worry does cause sickness by the stress it causes. Stress caused by worry has even killed some people.

Have you ever worried yourself sick about something and couldn't sleep you fretted and walked the floor stressed out. Only to discover that it passed and you got over it. You worried about your tomorrows and tomorrow came and went and become yesterday, but you got through it somehow! Somehow you managed to scrape through, then you began to worry about something else. Faith and worry do not go together, you can not have faith and keep on worrying, worry cancels faith out.

Hebrews - 11 -6 Without faith you can not please God because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that

he rewards those who seek him earnestly.

Faith = I believe. Worry = I don't believe.

You can not please God by worrying, it simply means you do not trust him, decide today to stop worrying, its only killing you and killing your faith. Scripture says In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God. People have misinterpreted this scripture into giving thanks for everything that happened, it does not say that. It says in everything, not for everything give thanks. Giving thanks in everything is the will of God. Let us give thanks and praise to God for looking after us here on earth for if we give thanks and praise for taking care of our needs, and praise him sincerely no matter what happens. Then we will stop worrying and start feeling better knowing God is taking care of us.

Luke -12- 32— So don't be afraid little flock for it gives your Father great happiness to give you the kingdom.

Let's start making God really happy by trusting him no matter what happens. If you were to sit down and pray about this little piece of scripture and take time to study what God is really saying to you here, it would build your faith up tremendously. It gives him GREAT HAPPINESS, to give you the kingdom. It makes God happy to supply all our needs, to heal all your wounds, to deliver you from all evil power, to give you all you need. And it sometimes feels like were trying to screw Gods arm up his back to get something from him, now realise he wants to give us things, and all that is stopping us from receiving from him is these blocks that I point out, which we can do something about.

God wont remove the blocks in us they are our blocks and we can do with them as we please. Lets move on and see what other blocks they are between God and us.


Matthew-5-22— If you are only angry, even in your own home, you are in danger of judgment! If you call your friend an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you curse him, you are in danger of the fires of hell.

Everybody gets angry especially in their own homes, kids husbands, wives, mother in laws, father in laws, sisters, brothers, relatives, all in our own homes. All having their own opinions and views, getting on each other's nerves. But the anger the lord is talking about is the anger that leads to rage, anger that leads to violence, anger that leads to bitterness, and hatred. It is the holding on to anger that causes the problems. The cure is, once you find yourself getting angry, or even after it is, to say sorry, to the people involved, and sorry to God, and then let it go. Don't hold on to anger or you are in danger of judgment. God is trying to get us to live in love and to let go of things harmful to your spirit, it is all for our good——

If you call your friend an idiot, YOU are in danger of being brought before the court. How often have we called people names and sometimes very serious names at that, belittling people tearing them down? Calling people names, is a very serious thing to do, as Gods word says YOU are in danger, NOT THEM! When you call people names you are not acting in love and God says to love one another as I have loved you. Not acting in love is a large block to Gods power and healing. If you have called others names, repent now and never does it again; you will be removing another block between you and God.

If you curse them YOU are in danger of the fires of hell. To curse someone is a terrible thing to do; it is an evil desire that you inflict on someone else. God's word says.

Matthew-7-2; the measure you use is the measure that will be used against you. -

Mark-4-24-The measure you use will be measured against you and even more.

Do you realise that if you curse someone, wishing something evil to happen to them, that same wish goes back on you and even more added to it? The very evil you desire to happen to someone else will someday rebound on you. I don't say this God does, why? Because he does not want you to wish evil on another child of his. You may have good reason to desire something to happen to that person, but your good reason does not stand up in God's court. You may feel justified and could well be, but God says.

1-Corinthians-13-5. Love hardly even notices when others do it wrong.

Cursing someone does you no good and only invites trouble on yourself. We would be better off if we would take God seriously and do as he says, and also takes his advice. I think were starting to see how many little blocks we have stopping us from receiving Gods blessings.

I hope you break your neck! May you rot in hell!

I hope your house burns down!

These and many other things people say, sometimes without thinking, are curses placed on Gods children. They might not be acting like Gods children, but we are not to curse anyone.

Scripture says if someone does you wrong bless them, if you do this you will be heaping hot coals on their head. In other words God will make sure someday they will be sorry for the things they done.

Repentance is a wonderful gift from God; it cleans the slate and

leaves us open to God again. If you have knowingly cursed someone or only now just realised the danger of cursing people, repent now don't wait, tell God your sorry and ask him to remove the effects of your curses off of them and the rebounding effects on you also. Ask him to clean the slate with his light and love. There's a lot more to all this removing blocks than you first thought, you like I, probably never realised that we had so many blocks between God and us. And there's even more, so get ready to remove them with Gods grace.

Stop now for a little prayer. = Lord I am so sorry that I have allowed all these little blocks to gather into a big pile of blocks between you and I. Now with your help I will go on removing these and the other blocks that are between you and I. Give me your grace to do this task that I have to do, as only I can remove my blocks. Amen. Luke -6-37 — Never criticise or condemn — or it will all come back on you; Go easy on others and they will do the same for you.

We are getting into deep water here, its very difficult not to criticise or condemn someone every now and then. But the fact is God does not want us to criticise or condemn anyone. He does not want us to run down anyone. He does not criticise us or condemn us, and he wants us to do the same to others, as he does, [love them.]

And again criticising or condemning someone has an adverse effect on you —it comes back on you, others will criticise and condemn you, and none of us would like that, would we? The measure we use will be used against us, says the word of God

The block of lying

Ephesians-4-25: Stop lying to each other. Tell the truth.

Lying is a block between you and God it means you are not honest, and the sad thing is we can even lie to ourselves; we can even fool ourselves that everything is ok between God and us. Lying is sinful, and lying about someone else is even worse, when we lie about someone we destroy that persons character. I know from experience the terrible effect that lies can have on you. Lies that someone told about me had me on the verge of suicide, and only God pulled me through.

Even today I am still suffering the effects of those lies, and probably will be for a very long time. STOP LYING. You could be the cause of someone's death, or heartache, and you will have to answer to God for those lies. Repent of lying and promise not to do it again. You are only blocking yourself from receiving Gods great blessings. Tell the truth no matter how much it hurts you to. As you can see the blocks between God and us are caused by us, not by God. How can we expect miracles and answered prayer, if we are full of blocks its impossible to receive.

If your water pipe were full of stones you would not get any water through, or maybe only just a small trickle. We want the full flow of Gods power, well I do, I don't know about you. But I want everything God has to offer, so I am prepared to remove all the blocks that I possibly can with God's mighty strength to help me, for too long I have not received Gods Best. Lets get to work on some more blocks and lets smash them up, and get rid of them.

The block of stealing

Ephesians -4-28— If anyone is stealing he must stop it.

Stealing from someone causes pain to that person, it causes him or her to feel a loss, an intrusion into their lives. Many a woman could not live in her own home after someone had broken in and stole something from her, you see the theft had two effects, one, the value of what was stolen and also the feeling of intrusion, someone was at their personal private things, womanly things. No man could ever understand how a woman feels after her private personal items were touched, and even if they weren't she still feels violated, and many a couple had to leave their home after a burglary because the woman could not settle there.

There's more to stealing than just lifting something from someone, you leave behind pain and heartache, and the effects of that must be removed, if you have stolen something from someone then repent, and ask God to forgive you and also to heal the effects that you left behind. If you can return the objects, then do so. Or send a postal payment to cover costs. An English postal payment order does not have to be signed so no one will know whom it was that sent it. If the person has died, then make a donation to some worthy charity, in their honour.

There's another way you can be stealing and not even be aware that your doing it but it causes an awful lot of harm to others Stealing someone's happiness. How can I steal someone's happiness? You can, if you sit down and think about it. Here’s an example. A child comes in singing and making noise and you're watching TV, and the first thing you do is say "shut up, I'm watching TV, be quiet What happens the child shuts up and becomes saddened, their little bit of happiness collapsed around them. Don't tell me that does not happen! I see it happen here in my own home, I have done it, I am guilty, of robbing my children of their little bit of happiness for a stupid T V program, and I still fall and do it. But I am trying with Gods help to change my ways

Another way to steal someone's happiness is, to say to a person. I don't want to talk go away and leave me alone. All they are trying to do is talk to you, it might not be important to you what they are saying, but to them it is and it could even be life threatening to them, and we want our bit of peace.

Most of us have stolen our children's joy at one time or another, or our marriage partners joy or even the people around us joy, by cutting them with our sharp tongue. You know how you feel when someone does this to you. How inside you want to curl up and die? Your totally embarrassed, you can not get away from them quick enough, it has a terrible effect on you, and it also causes you to have hidden anger at that person, to hate them even. It leaves devastation inside you, for a long time.

Stealing is taking something away from someone. It does not have to be material things, and the spiritual stealing we do is sometimes even worse than the material.

Sit down with the Holy Spirit and ask him to show you any way you have spiritually stolen someone's happiness, it may not be as in the examples I have given it could be in other ways that I don't know but God does.


Ephesians -4-31— Stop being mean, bad-tempered and angry. Quarrelling, harsh words and dislike of others should have no place in your lives.

I think that this scripture speaks for itself. It starts off by saying, STOP, which means to end. Don't do this any more. If these things have a place in our lives then we have a good-sized pile of blocks between God and us.

Ephesians-5-3 - Let there be no sex sin, impurity or greed among you let no one be able to accuse you of such things. Dirty stories, foul talk, coarse jokes these are not for you.

Another fair sized piles of blocks here, and all for us to remove. Its going to be worth it to remove all these blocks, It will allow the full flow of Gods love to flow towards you.

I don't know about you but I am sick and tired of not getting through to God when I need something, and I want to remove every block that I can possibly can. I want to have a full flow of heavenly power when I need it, and I need it now.

Ephesians-5-10—Learn as you go along what pleases the lord.

That's a very encouraging piece of scripture, learn as you go along. “As you go along” Thank God we weren't expected to know everything all at once, God knew we would not be able to get everything right every time, so he has made provisions for us along the way, as you go along {life's journey.} day by day, year by year.

Learn. That's what he wants us to do = LEARN. We were not expected to know everything all at once, and to even apply everything all at once, it would be great if we could, but God knows were only human. A baby does not learn to walk immediately, they learn by standing up and falling down, until they get a balance, then they

walk. Falling down comes with standing up. Its part of learning, so if you have fallen down in these areas, then get up and say sorry lord, and start walking in the light again. God is a good God and has made provisions for our shortcomings. That's how much he loves us.

God wants us to learn to change, and is prepared to do it at his pace. If we learn over a period of time the same lessons then eventually we will get it right.

There are lots of other blocks to Gods full and majestic power but this is all he has given me to give to you to work at for the moment. A little bit at a time goes a long way.

Be pleased when God shows you a block between you and him, its so that that block can be removed by you.

I pray for you, that your spiritual blocks will be quickly demolished, and removed, and you will have greater access to the great love of God our Father.

Remember God will never remove your blocks for you. You are the one who has to do the removing.

About the author

Brendan Mc Crossan, lives in Northern Ireland, He had a dramatic spiritual conversion. On 5 separate occasions God spared his life from imminent death.

Since his conversion Brendan and his wife Rose have been involved in a healing ministry.

For the past twenty five years, Brendan and Rose have given talks at retreats and conferences, teaching on God's word and Healing, and on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit with practical teaching methods. Teaching peoples how to open up to the power of the Holy Spirit. Showing them how they can pray for the sick and see healing and miracles happen.

They teach on spiritual subjects out of a rich source of practical experiences. Having had many experiences in their lives, and have been through it all with God’s grace and love.


Or contact them

and Rose McCrossan Ministries


at: Brendan
18 Dunree
Creggan Estate Derry N. Ireland Bt489qf Phone-02871-285873

Visit their web site: Forgiveness brings healing http://www.angelfire.com/country/forgive/index.html

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