Stopping bombs from Exploding by God's power. {Christian's we can do this, my group did it}

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Stopping bombs from exploding by God’s power

the power of prayer

There's a hurricane warning forecasted tonight on T V Bernadette told everyone, it has passed through America killing many in its wake and headed our way. The meeting had just started when Bernadette arrived and she shared this news asking us all to pray for protection for our homes. Half way through the meeting at the point where we asked God to speak to us the lord spoke to me and said "get everyone to agree, and take authority over that hurricane, commanding it not to touch your city and to cause no damage there." I informed the group what the Lord had said and we all agreed this hurricane would not touch our city and no damage would be caused by it as it passed by.

That night the hurricane reached Ireland and storm warnings were broadcast on Television. The winds started to raise a little just a strong normal wind, and it remained like that all through the next day and into the day after. People had been killed and structural damage was reported all over Ireland, and the hurricane hit England next day and caused extensive damage and took lives. But our local radio and new-papers reported a strange happening, the storm showed up on radar as separating and bypassing the city of Derry. They reported that it was like a giant hand covered the city. No damage of any kind was reported and no injuries occurred. They were baffled and said it was a strange phenomenon. We knew different. This was just the beginning of many lessons we learned from the lord regarding his power that is in agreement prayer.

Bombs stopped from exploding, by God's power

Of course he could, he is God after all. Did Jesus not say that we were to do the same as him and even greater. How would Jesus stop the bomb from exploding do you think? He would say to the bomb don’t explode, he would speak to the bomb wouldn’t he. What should we say to bombs in our city or neighbourhood? Don’t explode in Jesus name. There’s more to it than that.

Jesus knew something few know, that he created the earth and everything in it, isn’t that correct? He also knew that he created life in everything even the very earth itself is teeming with life, microscopic life, and life to small for us to see. Everything has life and Jesus said in his word. Life and death are your servants, 1-Corinthians 3-22. He also said the earth and every thing in it is yours to use, note; the word every = “thing”. Rock, metal, clay, wood, charcoal, everything has life, it is made up of billions of microscopic life forms and those life forms are subject to the name of Jesus because the word says he created them; Every substance used in the making up of a bomb is from the earth isn’t that correct? If it’s from the earth then we have authority over it in Jesus name.

Study the following scripture really deeply and you will see God’s word separates things from spirits. It says the things and the spirits, two separate identities.

Colossians-1-15-Christ is the exact likeness of the unseen God. He existed before God made anything at all, and in fact Christ himself is the creator who made every’thing’ in heaven and earth; the ‘things’ we see and the ‘things’ we can’t; the spirit world with its kings and kingdoms, its rulers and authorities; all were made by Christ for his own use and glory.

The word separates the things we see and don’t see from the spirits and its kings and kingdoms. Things and spirits are two separate identities. We know these days through science that there is microscopic life in everything from the clay in the ground to what makes up our bodies. Tiny little life forms make up our world, life forms made by Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit in the beginning. You have to really understand that there are things you cannot see, like spirits and microscopic life forms and other things.

1-Corinthians-3-22 he has given you Paul and Peter and Apollo’s as your helpers. He has given you the whole world to use life and death are your servants. He has given you all of the present and all of the future. “All” are yours and you belong to Christ, and Christ is God’s.

Could Jesus stop a bomb from exploding in Israel today if he were there in person?

One of the many secretes of the kingdom of God is the knowledge of what God told you, you have already, in his word. The word “has” / have means it’s already yours, now read the previous scripture paying extra attention to the words “has” and what it refers to!

Would stopping a bomb from exploding glorify Jesus? Would stopping it from killing and maiming men women and children bring glory to God? Would saving lives glorify the Holy Spirit as it’s his power you use to stop bombs?

Where you walk is holy ground and only where you walk. You who read this are on holy ground if you are a Christian. You cannot stop a bomb from exploding in a different city or town from where you live.

I ask you to ask yourself a question and answer it also; is the name of Jesus only good enough to heal people or does scripture say miracles and wonders were done in the name of Jesus.

The answer you should have come up with is that the name of Jesus will do anything the believer commands, for the glory of God.

Would preventing bombs from exploding and killing and maiming and destroying lives give God any glory? Of course it would, anything that helps people in Jesus name, gives God glory.

The bible doesn’t say anything about stopping bombs, no but it does say when God’s people walked around the walls of Jericho for 7 days they gave a great shout and the walls tumbled down. A shout brought the walls down.

It also says God revealed where enemy warriors were camped to his people. In these days of terrorism God’s people need to know where the enemy forces are camped so that our soldiers can find them.

American soldiers have searched for years for Osaman Bin Laden and have never found him. I wonder how many of the American soldiers in charge have asked God where this evil man and his terrorists are hiding. Obvious none since he is still at large.

I don’t say to you the reader to do something I haven’t done before with success. I live in Northern Ireland In a place called Derry or Londonderry as it is also known. For over thirty years we have had a war going on with Brittan. The I R A against the British soldiers. Guns and bombs were the

I R A’s main weaponry, then they manufactured their own rockets and mortar bombs, and had many successes with those weapons when used in Derry and in other parts of Northern Ireland.

When God told our little praise and worship group how to stop a storm from harming us in Derry, we asked him, is it possible to stop bombs? He told us how to do stop those bombs, and we did as I have been explaining to you and for two years before the ceasefire was announced, every bomb or rocket or mortar planted or fired in Derry

failed to explode. It’s easy to find out if this is true or not by reading the Derry newspapers at the time. He also taught us how to prevent murders by guns in our city, by speaking to the elements that make up a bullet and command those elements to refuse to detonate or to harm anyone in Jesus name. Every murder attempt failed as guns misfired or they missed their targets. One bullet even hit a woman in the chest and dropped to the floor without harming her, it was in the news at the time. Either way no one was killed in Derry city. Outside the city people were murdered in Co Londonderry, but none in the actual city of Derry itself. This is the Holy ground that God told us was ours. We shared what we learned with Christian groups in Belfast and they had some success in stopping Bombs and murder attempts in parts of that City.

Matthew-17-20- for if you had faith, even as small as a mustard seed, “you” could “say” to this mountain ‘Move!’ and it would go far away. Nothing would be impossible.

People make a big mistake when it comes to getting things from God they don’t seek his perfect will, they need to know first what God wants them to do and then they need to do it. God showed us how to stop bombs and rockets and mortars and bullets and he told us to do it in Jesus name. We had to believe in the name of Jesus and the scriptures that God revealed like; Colossians -1-15 the things; being separate from spirits and the things were from the earth that makes up a bomb or bullet. We believed that the earth is made up of living things and that those things be it water earth fire or the elements were created by God and were subject to his name Jesus. Just like the storm we stopped by speaking to the elements that make up that storm and the storm didn’t touch our city but caused havoc all around it, including loss of life. God’s word reveals God’s perfect will, if you will study it carefully you will see that he wants the best things for us human beings and as scripture say’s ‘he is for us not against us.’

Praise God he is for us against all forms of evil. War is evil, bombing is evil, and gas poisoning people is evil, shooting someone is evil. So realise that God is for you the Christian, against all the attacks of the enemy whatever form of attack the enemy uses. You have to be aware that Satan uses everything he can to destroy God’s children, bombs, bullets, poisons, anthrax, every weapon of the terrorist, and things that the terrorist doesn’t possess.

Matthew-28-18- I have given you all authority in heaven and earth.

God won’t stop a bomb from exploding; he told you I gave you authority to do something about it. We make a mistake when we look to God to do things for us when he already said, “you” are to go into the world and do things in my name. Do the words “all authority” cover everything or just certain things? Where does your authority lie? Answer in heaven and on earth. This is where you have authority believe it or not. God gave you and I authority in heaven and on the earth, that is some authority to have its awesome to even think about. God expects you to do something about the things you face on this earth. Does this scripture mean that I have authority over sickness and disease? Yes.

Does it mean that I can raise the dead? Yes. Does it mean that I can stop bombs from exploding? Oops I don’t think it would cover that; perhaps you are thinking that. Does all authority in heaven and earth mean all authority or does it mean only some authority or a little authority? Does it mean only authority over sickness and disease or demons or devils or spirits which work to destroy mankind or does it work in everything in heaven and on earth? Any thing that is trying to destroy God’s children is an enemy and is under our authority whether you use that authority or not. God will not, I repeat, God will not do anything where he has given you, the Christian, believer authority, that would mean he undermines his own authority by overstepping you and doing it himself. That is why so many things that happen in this world and where God gets the blame for doing nothing is wrong, he gave ‘you’ the believer to rule where you live and to use your authority, or I should say use his authority.

Mark -16-17 those who believe shall use my authority to cast out demons etc.

I will repeat the previous scripture again only shortening it for you to see a spiritual truth.

Mark-16-17-“those” who “believe” shall use “my authority”

Who is the authority of Jesus given to? Those who believe! Are you a believer? Then the authority of Jesus Christ is given to you. You see you were given his authority and most try and use their own authority when dealing with things on this earth, but Jesus himself said those who believe shall use my authority, this makes a massive difference in the spiritual life of a believer when the realise that they don’t need to come against sickness or disease or demons or bombs using their authority but they can use the authority of Jesus and he is the creator of all things whether visible or invisible. We mix up faith with authority, we have faith everyone has a measure of faith, and faith will do many things, but Jesus authority will do everything. Even stopping a bomb from exploding, that is nothing to Jesus who spoke to the storm, who parted the red sea, who stopped the sun and turned it back for Gideon during battle. If he can stop the sun and turn it back then his name can stop bombs from exploding. The problem with us is we try to do things in our own authority instead of in the authority of Jesus given to us, that’s why miracles and healings don’t happen for us, were trying to do the supernatural instead of realising that we do things in the power and authority of Jesus.

All the previous scriptures were given to me to teach our praise and worship group, and then to begin using Jesus authority over the bombs, rockets, mortars, and bullets, and we as a group agreed to take authority over every bomb planted or fired in our city of Derry. We agreed as a group and used what God gave us and we stopped every bomb, rocket, mortar, and bullet, from detonating or hurting anyone. It was done in the authority of Jesus not in the authority of “Abundant Life Praise and Worship Group.” God got the glory and praise every time a bomb failed to explode. A little note; the I R A was and is recognised as the most advanced terrorist organisation in the whole world with the most sophisticated technology in bomb making. God was more advanced in stopping bombs than the IRA was in making them.

We have more power than we realise, in the name of Jesus and in God’s word. God made it easier for us to receive from him; he gave us his word that if two of us agree as touching anything on this earth it will be done in heaven.

Matthew -18-18 whatever ‘you’ bind on earth will be bound in heaven, whatever ‘you’ free on earth will be freed in heaven. I also tell you this; if ‘two of you agree’ concerning ‘anything’ you ask for, my father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or more gather together because they are mine, I will be right there among them.

In this scripture power is shared between you and God it is a two way things, what you bind he binds, what you loose, he looses. But did you notice that first you had to bind or you had to loose before he also did the same

God has so much faith in you in his word, that he trusts you with his power to do the right things with it. He expects you to do the binding and loosing first, trusting him that he will do his part second. He never instigates the first move, no! He leaves that first move to you, and then he acts to back up what you said. Then he says if you’re not able to do it on your own then if two of you agree about things, he will back that up with power also.

God won’t stop a storm no matter how much praying you or others do, but the very moment you take authority and speak to that storm then he will be bound to act because he said so in his word. We moan and complain, why God didn’t do anything and God replies, you did nothing. If someone’s sick and dying, God’s word say go and lay hands on the sick and heal them. But we say, ‘oh God please heal this person;’ and he replies, ‘why are you not commanding their sickness to leave, then I will do something to back up what you said.’

We get angry at God for doing nothing in bad situations when it is not his responsibility to do something, it is ours, and we don’t do anything either. Faith moves God to act, without faith you cannot please God; this is what his word says.

Right, now that you know these things, what should you do when threatened by a bomb? Cry out to God? I don’t think so. Take authority over it and the elements that go into the making up of that bomb and command them to refuse to detonate to hurt nor harm anyone, yes. Bind those elements in the name of Jesus. And they are bound in heaven. Speak to them like Jesus showed us what to do, when he spoke to the storm, and anything he could do we can do, and even greater, so Jesus himself said in his word.

It goes by what you say; what did Jesus do when he confronted the storm.

Luke-8-23 a fierce storm developed that threatened to swamp them, and they were in real danger.

They rushed over and woke him up. Master, Master, we are sinking they screamed.

So he spoke to the storm; quiet down he said, and the wind obeyed him and waves subsided and all was calm.

Taking authority over a storm, this is what we done before we took authority over bombs, we seen that Jesus spoke to the storm and therefore we should do the same and when the Holy spirit revealed the truths about the things we see and don’t see, we acted on his word.

There are many times when my daughters who live in Turkey phoned me and said they had hired a boat to go out for a sail with customers from my daughter’s restaurant, and on the day of the boat trip a storm or high winds arose, and they phoned me to ask me to stop the storm. And I did over the phone. Where they walked was holy ground and they belonged to me, so I had a scriptural right to act for them in this part of Turkey where they lived. I spoke to the storms and all obeyed. Within an hour everything became calm, the sea became like glass, and my daughters and their friends had great boat trips. God is awesome. Yet I could not speak to the rain and command it to stop, and I wondered why, then I realised it posed no threat, nor was danger to myself or my family or others, it was just miserable weather.

I have given you enough scriptures and understanding to stop bombs or even stop storms. But I want to add more scripture to help build you up in faith in God’s word and in his promises.

Chapter two

Speaking the word, saying is speaking. For healing purposes.

Luke-4-39- standing at her bedside he “spoke to the fever” rebuking it, and immediately her temperature returned to normal.

Jesus spoke to the fever, the things we do not see in her body, he didn’t speak to Peter’s mother in law.

Matthew -8-16- that evening several demon possessed people were brought to Jesus and he “spoke” a single word, all the demons fled and all the sick were healed.

Jesus spoke to the demons, again something we can’t see, and commanded them to go and they all left.

Matthew-17-20-For if you had faith even as small as a tiny mustard seed you could “say” to this mountain, Move! And it would go far away.

Jesus said to say to the mountain, speak to the elements in that mountain and make it move.

Matthew -28-18- I have been given “all authority” in heaven and earth, therefore go ‘you.’

Jesus said he was given all authority not some authority, and then he gave that authority over to you and I.

Luke-10-19- and I have given you authority over ‘all’ the power of the enemy, and to walk among scorpions and to crush them.

Luke 11-28-even more blessed are those who hear the word of God and put it into practice.

You have to practice putting the word into effect; the more you use it the more confident you will become that God’s word works for you.

Acts-4-30-and send your healing power and may miracles and wonders be done by the name of your holy servant Jesus.

Is stopping bombs, rockets, mortars and bullets giving God glory? It is a wonder a miracle for bombs bullets and so on to be stopped by the name of Jesus. It glorifies God.

Psalm-111-3-for his miracles demonstrate his honour, majesty, and eternal goodness.

See! Miracles demonstrate his glory; God wants to perform miracles for us because it brings him glory, honour, majesty and eternal goodness.

John-10-10-the thief’s purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy; my purpose is to give life in all its fullness.

Are people being bombed or shot to pieces receiving life in all its fullness? No! It’s the thief’s, Satan’s purpose to kill steal and destroy. Do bombs steal children from their parents or parents from their children? Yes they do the destroy lives and that is Satan’s plans. God’s plan is to give life and to help protect those lives through the power he gave you the Christian.

John-14-12-in solemn truth I tell you. Anyone believing in me shall do the same miracles I have done and ‘even greater ones’ because I am going to the father.

There you are! Jesus himself said you will do even greater miracles than he did. Is stopping bombs a greater miracle? If it is then you are fulfilling God’s word, doing those greater miracles.

I pray that those who read this little book will join with others of like faith and begin taking authority over those bombs that the enemy fire at you or plant in your holy ground. When two agree together there is even greater power, because Jesus said he is right there in the midst of you helping you for his father’s glory.

Don’t sit expecting God to stop those bombs being fired at you, you do something about it and he will back what you say with power and authority.


To God is the glory for what he done during our war. And all those bombs that refused to explode, in his name.

When we as a group started taking authority over every murder attempt in our city. Praise God every murder attempt from then on failed. This went on for the three years we took authority, No bomb exploded and murder attempts failed. Then a ceasefire was declared and a relative peace came to our country.

After the success of stopping bombs and murder attempts our group started to focus on the new problem coming into our area, drugs. We soon learned to pray asking our angels to go to those who were searching for drugs to show them where the drugs were. Millions of pounds worth of drugs were uncovered. It seemed like almost every shipment that came in the drug enforcement officers found them. These officers did not know they had the backing of a prayer group who discovered the power that there is in agreement prayer and authority they had in Jesus name. TO God is the Glory for evermore, Amen

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