Suffering for Jesus

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Suffering for Jesus?

Are you “suffering for Jesus, “if you are then yo have been deceived by the devil.

Brendan Mc Crossan

Suffering for Jesus?

Brendan Mc Crossan

Suffering for Jesus! Rubbish, lies, lies, lies.

The common belief of most Catholics is that God wants us to suffer, and most believe that it is suffering some disease or terrible affliction which God gave them, they have a terrible image of God, and they see him as evil if they would tell the truth without fear of being punished. You cannot picture God as a loving caring gentle God if you believe that he gave you or your child some horrible disfigurement or some deadly disease, in your heart you believe he is a vindictive rotten cruel heartless monster God.

Many a person has expressed to me that belief in God that he is cruel, that he gave people like their mother or father cancer or some other cruel disease. This is all a lie told to people by the Devil using someone to say, “Sure it’s God’s will.” That is a lie! Sickness and disease is not the will of God. If sickness and disease was the will of God for mankind, why did Jesus go about healing all who were afflicted by the devil, scripture says, “Jesus healed all those who were afflicted by the devil?” Who afflicted people? The devil that’s who, not Jesus or God the father but the devil is the one to blame for sickness and disease in this world today and yesterday also.

It breaks my heart to hear some say those things about my heavenly father, who loved all of us so much that he sent his only Son Jesus to die a horrible death for us, and in his dying he would destroy Satan’s {the devil} power. Jesus was scourged at the pillar for our sins but not just for our sins, in his scourging he was taking upon his body all the evil things that the devil done on the people of this world, and when he went to the cross on Calvary he suffered again a horrible crucifixion, but on that cross unknown to the devil he was taking every sin and every sickness that the devil created since he was thrown out of heaven and putting that diseases on his own glorious body in some supernatural way that only God and Jesus know how, because the devil didn’t know what Jesus was doing, he thought he was killing God’s only son, and it was not until the devil had Jesus down in hell tormenting him, that he got the shock of his life, when Jesus resurrection power fell on him he defeated the devil and every demonic force and power in hell itself and he rose victorious over the devil and sickness and disease and sin and everything that would keep man and women away from him, and he paraded the devil and every demon in hell before the angels in heaven stripped naked as the day they were born or created. He suffered all this horrific torture for you and me, why would he then give you or your loved one some terrible disease? Jesus healed everyone who came to him seeking healing, there is no record of Jesus saying to someone, no, my father wants you to suffer, so I won’t heal you, or better still there is no record of Jesus ever saying to someone, here is a little present of cancer for you, or leprosy or something else just as hideous. No our Jesus healed everyone who came seeking healing.

Matthew-8-168:16 When the evening was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick: 8:17 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses. {King James Bible}


In that scripture, Isaiah prophesied that God would send his son to take the sickness of the world on himself, ‘bare means stripped,’ away our sickness. And Jesus fulfilled that prophecy in the New Testament.

Jesus did the fathers will, he said so in scripture, he said here I am Father I have come to do your will! If Jesus said he came to do the Fathers will, and then went around healing people does it not stand to reason that the will of God the Father is health for his children not suffering? What Father would give his child cancer or leprosy, or leukaemia or whatever deformity or sickness you have or your loved one has, no good father would ever give his child a toothache never mind leprosy or cancer. Would you give your daughter cancer? Would you give your little son a skin disease? Would you give your mother or father senile dementia? Come on be serious if you would not give your parents or child some sickness and disease why would you think that God who calls us his children give you or them that disease that causes you to hate him.

Healing is a sign of God’s love and will, Jesus said to follow him, to do what he did, and what did he do? He healed the sick and cast out demons. There are dozens of scriptures in the new testament that show Jesus going around healing all those who came to him and none showing him refusing anyone, and if you would use that brain that God gave you, you would know that in a crowd called multitudes there had to have been some very bad people in that multitude. Those were violent evil days just like today but more violent, as there was very little law, and a criminal could commit murder and just move on to the next town and get lost in it, there was no cctv or no CSI. And there were more than likely people in those multitudes that were not very savoury characters, both men and women alike.

You may have thought that God only would heal the saintly people and not someone like yourself, but if he dined with sinners and scoundrels like the tax collectors and prostitutes washed his feet, then surely you have to begin to believe that he will heal you also.

To mention saintly people, the Catholic Church has made saints out of people who suffered some kind of sickness or disease giving the impression that sickness was some form of sainthood and should be welcomed like a long lost friend. The church made people saints, {in fact the word of God calls us all saints.} and they made some who suffered some atrocious disease into saints when they died and used them as an example as to how Catholics should welcome sickness. This is deception, I don’t care how great a saint was, God never gave them sickness or disease, it was the devil who deceived them into taking sickness into their body. I do not criticise the saints, nor do I mock them, they only knew what they had learned from the church, because the bible was forbidden to the ordinary man or woman or priest, only those in higher office at one time could read the bible, the ordinary man or woman knew nothing about what Jesus did for them on Calvary. We were kept in ignorance of the word of God, and so it has remained unto recent years when the bible became wider read, and more available to everyone. When I grew up you were discouraged from reading the bible because you went mad if you did, and this was a church teaching, and I am now 63 so you can see it wasn’t that long ago really.

Now the word of God is available everywhere including the internet and I Pods and other modern things. In this book which I am writing here in Turkey, I am using a King James Bible that is installed on my computer. At home I use multiples bibles to study and write and they are all on line in the internet in one website, amazing.


4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

4:24 And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them

Do you see for yourself that Jesus healed all manner of sickness and disease, and delivered people from demons?

Matthew9:35 And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.

9:36 But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.

Jesus did the will of the father God and the will was healing everyone he was filled with compassion and that is the nature of God the father and the nature of Jesus and the nature of the Holy Spirit, and is the nature of every born again child of God. Nowhere did he give away sickness or disease to anyone, he healed them all, them all, not just some but them all, he didn’t make differences between the rich and the poor the good or the bad, he healed them all. This is the love of God in action.

If Jesus walked about healing; saying that he came to do the will of the father, then he said to his apostles to go out and heal the sick and raise the dead, and then he said to every believer to go heal the sick and cast out demons and even greater miracles that those he done will they do, surly you can finally see that sickness and suffering is not the will of God for you or me? All he does is heal whether yesterday today and he will tomorrow. Matthew-8

8:1 When he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him. 8:2 And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.

8:3 And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.

The leper said to Jesus, “Lord if thou wilt, {you will} thou can make me clean. What was Jesus reply to him? “I will.” It’s my will he was saying, its God the Fathers will to heal you. People say if it’s God’s will for we Jimmy to die of leukaemia then he will die, and there’s nothing anyone can do, Yes there is something someone can do, anyone can go lay hands on him and believe and the Lord will heal him. People are dying unnecessary because Christian’s don’t do anything about their illness, like laying hands on them, like commanding that sickness to get out in Jesus name. God gave Jesus a name above every other name, be it sickness or disease or demonic power, even over the devil himself, the author of sickness and disease. They are ignorant of the word of God which says lay hands on the sick and they will get well, because Jesus took their and our sickness and bore our diseases on his body on the cross on Calvary, therefore the truth is we have no sickness in our bodies except what we allow

because of lack of knowledge and faith. Scripture says, “My people perish through lack of knowledge.” So people say it is God’s will for that poor child to die a horrific slow and painful death, and others agree with them, and in their deepest heart they think God is a cruel monster, who just killed a little child even though say God knows best!

Yes he does and he says to the Christian, “where were you when you were needed to do my will by healing this child,” and they probably would respond, “I was in church praying for them, and worshiping you, saying what an amazing God we have in Jesus, and singing there’s power in the blood, and there’s no God like Jehovah.” But didn’t I say, those who believe shall lay hands on the sick and heal them, replies God, “What part of you go and lay hands on the sick and heal them do you not understand?” “But Lord,” they say, “I was waiting on you to move me,” “Why,” asks God, “I already gave you clear instructions; you, yes that’s you who read this, are to go into the entire world, that’s mostly where you live, and you, yes again that’s you who read this, are to lay hands on the sick and heal them,” “I never said you were to pray for them to get better.” “I said you, yes that’s you again, are to lay hands on the sick and heal them,” “you,” yes that is you again were given instructions to heal people, not pray for them but heal them, you were to lay hands on them and you were to heal them, not me!” “I promised that I would go with you and when you laid hands on the sick, then my power through the Holy Spirit would flow into them through you,” “yes I said through “you,” “and would heal them,”- “you see I am living in you, and never leave you, so when you go and step out in faith, I am there inside you, providing the power to heal through my Holy Spirit who dwells in you also.” “I don’t expect you to go and wave a magic wand and make a wish,” he continued, “There’s nothing magical about someone being healed,” “it’s supernatural power in you that does it, it’s my power in you that does it, my Holy Spirit in you that does it; so what are you waiting for, get out there and begin to lay hands on people and you heal them in my name, that’s why I gave you my name which is above all names, over every sickness and demon and disease.”

“But Lord, my ministry is a teaching ministry or a prophecy ministry, or pastoral ministry, that’s what you called me into,” you may be saying this in reply.

“Yes indeed my child I did call you into your ministry, but you forget my first calling was to go into the world and lay hands on the sick and heal them and that was before I sent my Spirit down on you and that was in Mark 16-15,” “in the book of acts I sent my spirit, but before that you were told distinctly to go heal the sick, to do what I had done.”

“Ok lord, I understand,” “I am sorry, I will go lay hands on the sick and heal them and I know your power will be present in me to do this, thank you for correcting my thinking. I thought that I had to wait on you or get some special revelation or it wasn’t your will to heal this child or adult, but I know different now so I am ready to do your will and the fathers will, heal the sick.”

“At last,” God sighs!

That was just a possible scenario between the Christian and God, who believes that it is the will of God for people to suffer.


There is a suffering that God wants you to suffer, and that suffering has nothing to do with sickness.

James -5-13-

5:13 Is any among you suffering? Let him pray. Is any merry? Let him sing psalms. 5:14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

5:15 And the prayer of faith shall heal the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he has committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availed much.

Look carefully at this scripture, what is it saying to you? Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray, {note this}

Is anyone among you merry {happy} let him sing Psalms?

Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him. Anointing him with oil, and their prayer of faith, which is a command to sickness to get out, will heal him.

There is a separation in this scripture that you may have not noticed, is says anyone among you suffering then let “them pray.”Then between suffering and sickness arethewords; is there anyone among you happy, ‘merry’ let them sing. And then last of all it says, is there anyone among you sick, call for the elders and they will heal you.

The kind of suffering that God wants from us is the suffering of change, to change to be a better person, I am failing miserably at this at the moment, I keep trying and failing, but I keep at it and it is not easy suffering changes in me. I am a selfish person and always have been, my wife Rose is totally the opposite she is the most loving thoughtful person alive. She thinks of everyone else first, I think for me first then think afterwards I should have done this or said that, or got up from my comfortable chair and sat on the hard one. My hardest thing to change is my lack of thought, I never think first, it comes later, and I am trying with God’s grace to change this and it is suffering, and this kind of change scripture says is what God wants from us, not suffering sickness, because as you seen in that scripture that suffering and sickness are separated by happiness.


7:10 For godly suffering worked repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the suffering of the world worked death.

7:11 For behold this selfsame thing, that ye suffered after a godly sort, what carefulness it wrought in you, yea, what clearing of yourselves, yea, what indignation, yea, what fear, yea, what vehement desire, yea, what zeal, yea, what revenge! In all things ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter.

7:12 Wherefore, though I wrote unto you, I did it not for his cause that had done the wrong, nor for his cause that suffered wrong, but that our care for you in the sight of God might appear unto you.

7:13 Therefore we were comforted in your comfort: yea and exceedingly the more joyous we for the joy of Titus, because his spirit was refreshed by you all.

For Godly suffering works towards our salvation, but the suffering of the world, {which is sickness and disease} works in us death.

Saint Paul was telling the people in Corinth that suffering the changes was what God desired of them, dying to self in other words and the suffering of the world means dying unto death. Jesus never said it would be easy to follow him, in fact he said just the opposite, and trouble and persecution won’t be long coming after you. When you give your life to the lord you instantly become one of Satan’s targets, he hates you with all the venom in his wicked heart, and he will send demonic forces against you and you will suffer at his hands unless you know the word of God and it is bedded deep down in your heart, and even then you will not be safe, because day by day Satan tries to get you to give up and he tells you that your no good or a failure and you will struggle with these things at the beginning of your walk with God, and unless you get into the word of God you will struggle with suffering for a long time to come; and Satan will put sickness on you and if you accept it then it will take root. “Here is where suffering begins and ends, with Satan your greatest enemy constantly battling for your heart and mind;” and you have to fight back and change as the Lord shows you areas of weakness, and the hardest thing you will ever have to do is suffer change to your old nature, to let the new nature of Christ shine through; This is the suffering that God wants from you, the suffering of changing more and more into the image of Christ within you. Sickness and disease are to be put to flight with the name of Jesus as you lay hands on those afflicted.

God never wished for you to suffer no matter what you have been told, people are wrong in their thinking, because I for one will stand against disease and sickness and command it to get out of someone’s body and it does, I have seen this multiple times more and more these days than when I was younger. I seen cancer healed, Leukaemia healed, blindness healed, the deaf healed, those crippled with pain healed, those afflicted with strange diseases healed, people with depression healed.

I seen over 300 people brought into tongues at the one time as the Spirit led me, I have seen God bring peace to those with no peace, I seen those suffering with guilt instantly healed, because guilt was causing them pain.

Jesus is alive and he is alive in me and he is alive in you also, he sent you to heal the sick and comfort those in grief and in pain.

It is not an easy task to become more and more like Jesus whom we are supposed to emulate, it is a long and tedious task which never seems to be complete, because as soon as you get rid of one fault then another fault comes up and this is suffering, suffering the efforts of change, because you want to please your loving Father. It is a long and arduous journey which never ends until perfection in the image of Jesus comes to completion in you, and people can’t tell the difference between you and Jesus. This suffering has nothing to do with sickness and disease, it is all about change.

Look at how hard it is to give up cigarettes, or to diet, it is so hard, so much work, and dedication, and many a time you give up because it is so difficult, your suffering, your body is calling out for a cigarette or a drink or a sweet, and you have to deny it what it wants. Satan is always trying to get you into sin, and it is difficult to get rid of the thoughts which at times bombard you until you are so weary with them it hurts to just sit and relax, because you are persecuted with those sinful thoughts until you either give in to them or get rid of the demon which is tempting you by praising Jesus nevertheless. You are suffering torment every day of your life, and that is suffering the way God says you will suffer, not through some terrible disease or sickness or pain. Healing is God’s plan for you not sickness, suffering is God’s plan for you to help you grow more into the image of his son Jesus, and suffering God’s way brings lasting change for the betterment of you.

Some people think they have to suffer for Jesus, and some think they have to suffer for the sins of others, or the souls in purgatory. This is all rubbish; this is lies told to you by Satan to get you away from the truth. You can’t suffer for anyone’s sins, there is only one person who suffered for sin and that was Jesus. Do you think that you are the saviour of the world that you can suffer for some soul in purgatory? Do you think that you are able to do the job that Jesus already done? Who are you to think that you need to suffer for the world, then you are so wrong, there is only one person that suffered for the world and his name is Jesus the saviour of the world, you can save no one not even yourself. Jesus suffered for you; you’re not suffering for him. If you think for even one moment that you are suffering for Jesus then my friend you have been deceived by Satan the Devil. There is nowhere in the word of God that tells us we have to suffer for Jesus or for the sins of someone else, this is all lies told to us by the very Devil himself deceiving people who have no real faith in the saviour of the world. People have written books about suffering and how God wants us to suffer, I tell you straight down the line that this is demonic, a lie told to that author or authors.

Suffering for your belief or actions is what Jesus wants but only the beliefs and actions that he said you will suffer from, just like it says in the scripture below.

1-Peter -2-19-25- Praise the lord if you are punished for doing right! Of course, you get no credit for being patient if you are being beaten for doing wrong; but if you do right and suffer for it, and are patient beneath the blows, God is well pleased. This suffering is all part of the work God has given you, Christ who suffered for you, is your example. Follow in his footsteps; He never sinned, never told a lie, never answered back when insulted; when he suffered he did not threaten to get even; he left his case in the hands of God who always judges fairly.

He personally carried the load of our sins in his own body when he died on the cross, so that we can be finished with sin and live a good life from now on. For, his wounds have healed ours. {He took our sickness and bore our disease.}

Praise the lord if you are being punished for doing right. Are you suffering for doing right, living as Jesus lived? Or are you suffering because you’re sick?

I want to ask you a question, was Jesus sick at any time? No never, not even as a baby or it would have told you so in the word of God. There is never a time mentioned in the bible of Jesus being sick, so why should you suffer sickness and disease. God made you and Jesus out of the same substance according to the word of God, so you have the right to be free from sickness and pain.

The suffering that Jesus wants as that scripture just said is the suffering of change to become a better person, and that isn’t easy not by a long shot.

Being patient when others are slagging you off or doing something to annoy you, or when you are blamed in the wrong is suffering according to the word, and he Jesus left his case in the hands of God and left it to God to sort out, unlike us we try and sort out those who done us wrong.

Let us try and discern the difference between suffering and sickness by the word of God. Get prayer for healing if you need healing and be patient when others do you wrong.


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