The Holy Spirit is a person

The moment Jesus came up out of the water, he saw the heavens open and the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ in the ‘’form’’ of a dove’’ descending on him, Hereinthisscripturehetookthe‘’form’’ofadove;’’hecouldhavetakenany form he wished but it was to show John the Baptist himself descending on Jesus; something that John could understand. Then on the road to Emmaus Jesus prevented the disciples seeing him as he really was, they thought they weretalkingwithsomestranger.
One Not a birdie TheHolySpiritisapersonnotabird!Iknowhetooktheformofadovewhen JesuswasbaptizedintheJordanRiver,justasJesustooktheformofsomeone elsewhenhewalkedwiththetwoapostlesontheroadtoDamascus.
Mark 1:10
Luke 24:13 Amplified Bible [The Road to Emmaus] And then, that very day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, which was about seven miles from Jerusalem. 15 While they were talking and discussing it, Jesus Himself came up and began walking with them. 16 But their eyes were [miraculously] prevented from recognizing Him.
One night asI wasprayingin tongues for my wife whohadjust been told by herdoctorthat shehasonly six month toayearandahalf tolivebecauseof cancerinherlungs,andasIwasprayinginthespirit,{tongues}andthisisthe wayIhavebeendoingforthelastfortyyears,whentheHolySpiritmademe aware that ‘’he was a person,’’ and I never thought of him as such, for forty years when I prayed for people for healing, or praying for some miracle I needed,orananswertomyprayer.Ijuststartedspeakingintongues,withmy
Brendan Mc Crossan copyright@27-09-2018
The Holy Spirit is a person
Tragically I only thought of the Holy Spirit as the reason I was praying in tongues.Irarelygavethoughttothe ‘’person’’ behindmyspeakingintongues. IjuststartedprayingintonguesnotevenaskingtheHolySpiritwhatitwasI was really praying for, and so for fortyodd yearsI never botheredtoask for the interpretation, the second half of my gift of tongues. I just used them sayingsometimesthat ‘’the Holy Spirit knows better than me what it is I am praying for;’’ or if I was asked to pray for someone, I just generally began prayingforthemwithoutseekingfirsttheHolySpirithimself. OrifIwasreallytruthfulwithmyselfIneveraskedbecauseIfoundithardto interpret mytonguesinrelationshiptowhatitwasthat Iwasprayingfor, or evenwhichwayIshouldpray,forthewordofGodtellsusthatwedon’teven knowwhatweshouldprayfororhowtoprayasweshouldbuttheHolySpirit knows of course what he is saying to father God, and father knows what exactlyheissaying. Romans 8Living Bible (TLB) 26 And in the same way by our faith the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ *helps us* with our ‘’daily problems’’ and in our ‘’praying.’’ For we don’t even know what we should pray for nor how to pray as we should, but the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ prays for us with such ‘’feeling’’ that it ‘’cannot be expressed in words.’’ 27 And the Father who knows all hearts knows, of course, what the Spirit is saying as ‘*he* pleads for us* in *harmony with God’s own
mind fixed on whatever it was I was praying for, and some nights I have prayedintonguesforovertenhoursormore,justspeakingintonguesnever thinkingofwhogavemethegift.IspoketotheHolySpiritbutnotthinkingof himasapersonassuch. Now don’t get me wrong here, I prayed in tongues for what it was I needed, andprayedintonguesfaithfullyforhoursjustthinkingofsomeoneoragroup of people I had in my heart. I never thought to ask the Holy Spirit what he wantedmetodo;Ineverthoughttoaskhisopinion.Ortoaskhispermission,I just rattled off in tongues. ‘’Now tongues to me are the greatest of the spiritual gifts,’’ for it is the only gift that I or you can turnon at will. All the othergiftshavetobegivenwhenyouneedthem, NowtodayIhaveasituation;IhavethepersonoftheHolySpiritrevealinghe is a person, and the third person of the Holy Trinity just as Jesus and the fatherarepersonswiththeirownidentitysoalsoistheHolySpirit.
Ihavereadinscripturethat theHolySpiritisalsoreferredtoas‘’she,’’ andI will givethat scripture later on, but first let’s look at who ‘’he’’ ‘’is and what he does!’’ andsomeofthethingsthatJesusiscreditedfor,whenitisactually the Holy Spirit that does those things! Now let’s get this straight first of all. There is no Jealousy between Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit because they are all ‘’One spirit;’’ there is no disagreement between Jesus and the Spirit,theyarejointpersonsjustasallbornagainpeoplearenow‘’onespirit,’’ with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, in ‘spirit’ of course not the flesh and blood bodieswehavenowatthismomentasweawaitour ‘’new bodies’’ in heaven whenweleavethisbody,forour‘’newbodies’’ ‘’havebeengiventousbythe HolySpirit’’‘whenwedie’and‘’leavethisnoneternalfleshandbloodbodies.’’
Remember ‘’they are one and think as one,’’ and not as ‘two’ or ‘three,’ different people; you need to keep these thoughts in mind; for you are not discrediting Jesus with anything, because they are one, just as Jesus said in ‘’John, ‘’may they ‘be’ ‘one’ just as we are, in spirit’’ for this is the only way that we can be one with Jesus. Who is in us? We know that Jesus is in us, whenwereceivedhisofferofsalvation.Whoalsoisinus?TheHolySpiritfor we received this gift from Almighty God when we were baptized in the Holy Spirit,wherewereceivedthefullnessofthesegiftsfromtheFatherwhoalso is in us for scripture says we are filled with the Godhead, father, Son, and Holy Spirit, halleluiahpraisethelivingGodwhoisthreeinoneandoneinus also.
12 During my time here I have kept safe within your family all of these you gave me. I guarded them so that not one perished, except the son of hell, as the Scriptures foretold.
will.* 28 And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans. InthisscripturetheHolySpiritiscalled‘’he,’’ *he* pleads for us*
To be truthful I always believed that it was Jesus who gave us these new spiritualbodies.OurhumannaturefindsithardtocredittheHolySpiritwith verymuch whenitisactuallyhimthatdoesthese breathtaking thingsforus, andhelovesuswiththeverysamelovethat ‘’God the Father does’’ andthat ‘’Jesus showed’’ when *he suffered and died for us.*
John 17 Living Bible (TLB)
“And now I am coming to you. I have told them many things while I was with them so that they would be filled with my joy. 14 I have given them your commands. And the world hates
Jesus returnedtoheaven afterdefeating thedevil, and paraded thedevil and allthefallenangelsbeforethethroneofGodasalltheheavenlyhostswatched on. And in his position as God again, he could pray a singleprayer, not these biglongprayersthebrethrenpray,butasinglewordforthefuturebelievers, for when he spoke to demons he used ‘’one word’’ only ‘’out,’’ and they left immediately.
Iwenttomyfirstprayermeetingtomakefunofmymotherinlaw,butinthat firstmeetingGodspoketomethroughamanwhospokeinagutturaltypeof tongue.Asthismanspokeintongues,Godspoketomesaying, ‘‘’I am one in three,’’ ‘’I am three in one,’’ ‘’you are one in me,’’ ‘’I am one in you,’’
them because they don’t fit in with it, just as I don’t. 15 I’m not asking you to take them out of the world, but to *keep them safe from Satan’s power.* 16 They are not part of this world any more than I am.17 Make them pure and holy through teaching them your words of truth. 18 As you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world, 19 and ‘’I consecrate myself’ to meet their need for growth in truth and holiness.’’ 20 “I am not praying for these alone but also for the ‘’future believers’’ who will come to me because of the testimony of these 21 My prayer for all of them is that they will be of one heart and mind, just as you and I are, Father that’’ just as ‘’you are in me’’ and ‘’I am in you, ’’ so ‘’they will be in us,’’ and the world will believe you sent me. 22 “I have given them the glory you gave me ‘’the glorious ‘unity’ of being ‘one,’ ‘’as we are’’ 23 ‘’I in them’’ and ‘’you in me,’’ ‘’all being perfected into ‘’one,’’ so that the world will know you sent me and will understand that you love them as much as you love me.24 Father, I want them with me these you’ve given me so that they can see my glory. You gave me the glory because you loved me before the world began!
In this scripture it may surprise you that Jesus himself is actually praying for you, yes he himself is praying for you, 19-20*“I am not praying for these alone but also for the ‘’future believers’’ who will come to me because of the testimony of these. ‘’Are you a future believer,’’ ‘’you are if you were ‘’reborn’’ long after the apostles died,’’ then Jesus is praying for you. Youmaybethinking thatistoomuchtothink,that ‘’Jesus is actually praying for me;’’ whataboutthe billionsofotherswhoarebornagain,howisheprayingforthemalso.
IalwaysbelievedthatitwasJesuswhoconvincedtheworldofsin,nowIcan see clearly here in this scripture that it is the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ that ‘’convinces the world of sin. ’’ John 16 Living Bible (TLB) 7 but the fact of the matter is that it is best for you that I go away, for if Idon’t, the Comforter won’t come. If I do, ‘’he’’ will for I will send ‘’him’’ to you 8 “And when ‘’he’’ has come ‘’he’’ will ‘’convince the world of its sin,’’ and ‘’of the availability of God’s goodness,’’ and of ‘’deliverance from judgment’’ 9 The world’s ‘’sin’’ is ‘’unbelief’’ ‘’in me;’’10 there is righteousness available because I go to the Father and you shall see me no more; 11 there is deliverance from judgment because the prince of this world has already been judged.
Thenthewordschanged,andsaid, ‘’I am one of three,’’ ‘’I am, three of one,’’ ‘’you are one of me,’’ ‘’I am one of you.’’ Ididn’trealizeatthetimethatGodwassaying‘’IBrendanMcCrossanwasone ‘’of,’’ and ‘’in’’ him,’’ I found this scripture years later in the book of John. I finallyunderstoodwhattheLordhadbeensayingtomeallthoseyearsago. Thosewordskeptrepeatingoverandoveragain,andasthemanspokeIhad toholdmyselfdowninthechair,becauseIfeltmybodylifting,andIheldon tothatchairlikegrimdeathforIfeltthatIshouldsaywhatwasbeingspoken to me, and I was so glad when he stopped speaking, I didn’t know what was happening to me, but my mother in law Peggy knew that it was the ‘’gift of interpretation’’ that I received, and so when God went fishing that night he caughtme,forRosemywifeandIdecidedtogototheprayermeetinganddo thebaptismintheHolySpiritafewweekslater,andwehaven’tstoppeddoing thethingsthatGodwantsustodoeversince,andthatisnowoverfortyyears. Two Everything new I realize that in everything new I discover in the word does not take away from anything Jesus done, or the Holy Spirit done through him, for they of equalvalueinGodthefather’seyes!
Again the scripture refers to the Holy Spirit as ‘’he’’ three times, and once as ‘’him’’ inthisscripture! ‘’I will send ‘’him,’’ to you When ‘’he’’ has come, ‘’he’’ will ‘’convince the world of its sin;’’ I always thoughtthatthiswasJesuswhodonethis,Ineverpaidmuchmindtowhatthe right person was accredited with, I just read the scripture without giving much thought to *who said and who done what,* now of course I see *who donewhat andsaidwhat,*forIamnow tunedintotheHoly Spirit aswell as Jesusandthefather. BecausetheHolySpiritshowedmethat he was a person, Ihaveapproached mygiftoftonguesmorerespectfully;IamnowawareofwhomIamtalkingto, andasIaskedhimformymiracleforRosemywife, I prayed in ‘’his words’’ and ‘’let him’’ do the ‘’healing through me and those praying for Rose.’’ It mayseemtobethesameasbefore,butitisn’t,ithasallchanged,forRosegot hermiracle,shehasnow beendiagnosedascancerfree,nocanceranywhere in her body now, whereas before she had double lung cancer and a tumor threecentimeterslong behindherheart,andithas*alldisappeared,*leaving thedoctor fumblingfor words totrytoexplain toRoseandI, whythere was nownocancer.Butweknowwhat’shappened ‘’glory to God on high.’’ Three What are some of his titles? What titles does the Holy Spirit have? What does it matter about his titles? Wellwehavetohave‘’reverence for him’’ nowweareawareofhimasa ‘’he.’’ And so we need to see all that ‘’he is’’ and ‘’has done,’’ now today with our new Thesethinkingtitlesare taken from ‘’Martin H. Manser,’’ site and I am sorry for borrowingwithouthispermissionbecauseitwasallinBibleGatewayandnot separateasadifferentsite. Titles relating the Holy Spirit to God the Son
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding Isa 11:2 See also Dt 34:9 fn;Eph 1:17 The Spirit of grace and supplication Zec12:10fn The Spirit of sonship Ro8:15 The Spirit of judgment and fire Isa4:4fn
The Spirit of holiness Ro1:4 The Spirit of life Ro8:2 The Spirit of glory 1Pe4:14 The eternal Spirit Heb9:14
Gal4:6 See also Ac16:7;Ro8:9;Php1:19;1Pe1:11
Four Once again I can only say this is something else that I heard being credited to Jesus alone. I thought that it was Jesus who gave me my ‘’new life’’ ‘’in him’’ on ‘’the cross, ’’nowIamawarethatthisis not so,andthisisnottakinganythingaway fromJesus,hedonehispart,andisjustshowingwecandothesamethingsas himbecause‘’we have his *same* ‘’Holy Spirit.’’ Thingslike‘healingthesick, growing new arms and legs, and body parts,’ as directed by the same Holy JesusSpirit.wentabouthealingthesickbutitwastheHolySpiritdirectinghimasto what to do and when to do it and it was ‘’his power not Jesus power’’ that healed those sick people. All this was done for our enlightenment it was to showuswhattodoandwhentodoitbutundertheHolySpiritsdirection.
Titles revealing the Holy Spirit’s essential nature
Titles showing the nature of the Holy Spirit’s activity
The Spirit of truth Jn16:13 See also Jn14:17;Jn15:26;1Jn4:6
The Counselor Jn14:26;Jn15:26
In that instance she was born again, she had become a ‘’new creation’’ a ‘’New Creature,’’ and as I explained to her that was all she had to do to get into heaven, simply was,to, ‘’repent’’ {tell God your sorry for your sins} and ask Jesus into her heart as her lord and savior.’’ That’s how easy getting into heaven is. WetalkedforabriefwhileandItoldherthatGodlovesherandsentmetoget hersaved;andtogetherintoheavenwhenshediesmanyyearslater.Aftera littlewhileofchattingwithher,IsensedtheHolySpiritsaying, ‘’ask her if she would like to be baptized in the Holy Spirit,’’ Iexplainedalittlebitaboutthis
Never act unless you sense the Holy Spirit leading you. For instance I was walking through our local Tesco shopping arcade when I heardaloudvoicesaying ‘’STOP’’ IimmediatelystoppedforIrecognizedthat voice as the voice of the lord. I looked both ways in that entrance hall but therewasnoonethere,soIstoodafewmomentswaitingondirectionofwhat to do, then I felt to turn back and begin walking back out towards the front entrancewhereIhadcomeinfrom;butasIstartedtowalkbackIhadgoneno morethanacoupleofyardswhenI‘felttostop,’soIdid,andtheretotheside ofmewasalittlephonecovershop.IfeltledtowalkovertoitandallIcould think off when the girl serving asked ‘’what could she do for me?’’ Was, I pulled out my phone and asked, ‘’did she have a cover for it;’’ thank God she didn’t, for I wasn’t really looking for one, and as the girl came back to me I askedtheHolySpiritwhatdoeshewantmetodo?
He spoke these words to me; ‘’ask her if she died tonight where would she go,’’ andshelookedatmeinshock, {I also was in shock for I would never have thought to ever ask anyone this question} andthenshereplied,afterafew momentshesitating, said ‘’hell,’’. I was surprised at her answer and thought she was joking, and said,‘’areyou sure,’’andshereplied, ‘’with the life I have led that’s where I am going,’’ Iturnedtothelordinmymind,forIknow Godreadsourminds {the devil cannot read our minds but puts plenty of rotten things into them.} and asked, ‘’ now whatdoIdo,’’andhesaid, ‘’ask her if she would like to go to heaven,’’ Idone whatIwastold,andshereplied,‘’ofcourseIwouldlovetobutbecauseofthe lifeIhaveledIamdestinedforhell.’’
Then the lord said to ‘’ask her’’ ‘’would she like to go to heaven,’’ and she again replied but this time I cut her short, she had gotten to, ‘’of course I would,’’ and I told her there is only one way into heaven, and that is to say, ‘’God I am sorry for my sins,’’ ‘’Jesus come into my heart as my lord and savior,’’ and that’s it, ‘’you cannot earn heaven it is a free gift,’’ so she spoke out in front of me and said, ‘’God I am sorry for my sins; Jesus come into my heart as my lord and savior.’’
gift and she said she would love to receive it and after laying hands on her behindthecounter; shebeganspeakingintonguesastheSpirit gaveherhis amazinggift,theonlygiftthat‘’we’’canturnonandoffatwill,therestofthe giftsneedtobeopenedwhenweneedthem.
the Holy Spirit stopped me and told me what to do, I have left myself opentohisdirectionasIwalkaroundthisstoreandothershoppingstoresin the city, and I have stopped with dozens of girls and a few young men, and gavethemthesamemessage,andmostaskedthelordintotheirlivesandgot saved;somesaid,‘’I’ll doit later,’’ soIstoppedtalkingtothemandleftthem, havingajokewiththem,thenleaving,knowingthatthechancesofthemtruly askingJesusintotheirheartswasprobablynotontheirmindswhentheygot Thishome.issomethingthat hasbeenplacedintomyheart,asimplewayoftelling people how to get into heaven, and now I ask, ‘’Holy Spirit I want souls for your kingdom, show me who to talk to,’’ and most of the time I get it right, but sometimes I just ask people, ‘’do they know how to get into heaven’’ and those I ask just off of myself, mostly don’t want to know, I am trying to rely onlyonthepromptingoftheHolySpiritandnotonmyfeelingsfromnowon.
Seeing the look of joy on her face I left her, praising God for his Holy Spirits Overleading.the next week I was drawn to this booth a three more times and three times I asked the different girls serving the same question, and they all answered, ‘’they want to get to heaven,’’ ‘’but didn’t know how.’’ Now they wereassuredthatheavenwastheirstohaveastheyrepentedandaskedJesus into their hearts, and received salvation. And these three girls were all baptizedintheHolySpiritandspokeintonguesastheHolySpiritgavethem utterance.Oneother day as I walked past the booth I seen another girl, a blond haired girlandIthought,‘shouldIstopandtellherthegospelmessage,and‘’feltno answerfromtheHolySpirit,’’butdecidedtogooveranywaytoseeifthiswas theHolySpiritnotansweringme;andaskthisnewgirlifshewouldliketoget to heaven, and she bluntly told me, ‘’no she is not interested,’’ so I walked away, knowing the Holy Spirit didn’t direct me to this girl, but months later shefinallygaveherlifetothelord.IspoketohereverytimeIpassedandshe was there I told her that God loves her and some other stuff from the bible, and now this day months later on she finally told me she gave her life to the Sincelord.
The Holy Spirit does more than we realize, for instance; did you know that Jesus never healed anyone by his own power?Thismaycomeasashockto you, but it was by the ‘’Holy Spirits’’ ‘power’ in him, that he received at his baptismattheJordanRiver,byJohntheBaptist.Itwastherethathereceived the ‘’Holy Spirit,’’ justaswecanreceive the same ‘’Holy Spirit, ’’thereisonly the ‘’one Holy Spirit.’’ Some people I have met think there are two Holy Spirits, the one Jesus has, and the one we receive at the baptism in the Holy Spirit,amazingisn’tittothinkpeople,Christianpeople,believetherearetwo spirits!
If you have never been used to bring souls to the lord then use this message theHolySpiritgaveme,itisasimpleeasymessagetogive;mostpeoplewant to get into heaven but were never told how, especially those of the Catholic faith; I was never taught how to get into heaven until I was baptized in the HolySpirit,afteraskingJesusintomyheartonedaypreviously. {BiblesusedarefromtheBibleGatewaybibles.} Five Sometimes I am amazed at what the Holy Spirit does and I thought it was Jesus who done all these things **[John 3:6 Men can only reproduce human life, but the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ gives ‘’new life’’ from heaven;]**
ThisisonlysmallthingsthattheHolySpiritwantsofme,thesearethe‘’works of the Father’ ‘that have been prepared for me from before time even began,’’ and ‘’if I don’t do them, who will?’’ Theseare‘’my works’’ that God has prepared for me to do’’ andnowthatIamfullyawareofthisIwantonly to follow the Holy Spirits Prompting, then I know I will be successful in the workpreparedformesincebeforetimebegan.
**[John 6:63 Only the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ gives ‘’eternal life.’’ Those born only once, with physical birth,* will never receive this gift. But now I have told you how to get this true spiritual life] **
Thesearethevery words of Jesus himself tous,tellingusthatitis the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ that creates those ‘’new lives’’ that he gives us. And this new life is eternal life not physical life.
itisthe *Holy Spirit,* this *third person* intheHolyTrinity,is theoneJesusneededtogoaboutandhealthesick,andraisethedead,and‘’it is the’’ *same Holy Spirit* that ‘’we can have, ’’ and need to see those exact samemiracleshappeningforusalso.
Jesusistheonewhoissayingthesetruthsinbothscriptures,andhealsosays that ‘’his’’ ‘’miracles’’ were from the ‘’Holy Spirits Power,’’ Mark 3:30 He told them this because they were saying ‘’he did his miracles’’ by Satan’s power instead of ‘’acknowledging’’ it was by the *‘’Holy Spirit’s’’ power. ’* ‘’Jesus acknowledged’’ that his miracles were by the *‘’power of the Holy Spirit,’’* andnotfromhispower,andthereadersofthewordneedtorealize this. Jesus had to ‘’receive the Holy Spirit’’ just as ‘’we also need to receive him.’’ThereasonJesusdidthingsthiswaywastoshow us ‘’we also as well as ‘him’ need to have the Holy Spirit in us, for the Holy Spirit to work his miracles through us.’’ Make no mistake the Holy Spirit, is the one who performed those awesome miracles; like raising the dead, making people grow new arms and legs and body parts and those deformed straightened, and those with demonic power oppressing them, delivered; and the Holy Spirit knew of course when people were sick or if they had an evil spirit within Realizingthem.that
Ephesians 2:10 “For ‘’we’’ ‘are’ ‘’his’’ ‘’workmanship, ’’ created ‘’in’’ Christ Jesus’’ for ‘’good works,’’ which ‘’God prepared’’ ‘’beforehand’’ that we should walk in them” ItistimefortheChristianchurchpeopletoseemiracles’happeningforthem, if we have the lords desires in our hearts; our ‘’first desire’’ is for the ‘’kingdom of God’’ and nothing else, and the ‘’kingdom should be our first and last desire, ’’ and to love and see sick people healed through the lords Holy Spirit working in us. Just as Jesus loved people and was moved by the HolySpiritscompassionworkinginhim.
God’swordsays‘’he’’ has ‘created works’ for ‘’us;’’ hehaspreparedthemfor usfrombeforeheevenmadethisworldandeverythinginit.Andthoseworks mostly involve ‘’bringing souls to the Kingdom of Heaven,’ ‘reaching the lost for him’’ as he directs you! And also ‘’healing the sick’’ and ‘’delivering people from demons and evil spirits;’’ for some sickness have a demon or evil spirit behindthem,‘’forexample’’ peoplewitha‘longtermillness’ oran ‘incurable
Acts 13:2
illness;’behindtheirdiseaselaysanevilspiritordemon,andtheydon’teven know.Anythingincurablebymedicinehasanevilspiritbehindit.
One day as these men were worshiping and fasting, the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ said, “Dedicate Barnabas and Paul for a special job I have for them.” Acts 13:4
Directed by the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ they went to Seleucia and then sailed for Cyprus.
Think how precious you are to God for he uses you to reach out and help others,eitherbywordsofcomfortfromtheHolySpirit,orbyhealingsbythe HolySpirit’spower,itisallbytheHolySpirit, ‘’heusesus,’’justlike‘’heused Jesus’’tobringcomfort andhealing, anddeliveringpeoplefromtheworksof theenemy.
Thesearescripturestoshowyouitisthe ‘’Holy Spirit’’ whoistellingushow towalkintheareaswhereGodthefatherwilluseyouforhisglory. Haveyou ever felt a prompting to go somewhere, and when you followed this promptingyoumetwithsomeoneyouweredrawnto,andasyoutalkedwith them,theHolySpiritgaveyouwordsforthem;wordsthatbroughtcomfortto them,fortheHolySpiritiscalledthecomforter; John 16 Living Bible (TLB) 7 but the fact of the matter is that it is best for you that I go away, for if I don’t, the ‘’Comforter’’ won’t come. If I do, ‘’he’’ will for I will send ‘’him’’ to you He uses ‘’ you ’’ to bring comfort and healing to people; yes ‘’he uses you.’’ I said, you are the ones that God has chosen before the world even began, {Ephesians 1 1 6 } Godhashisplansalldrawnoutanditisthedevilwhoistrying to destroy God’s plans for you and for me, so let’s kick him out of situations thathetriestogaincontrolof.
ThisSix is how important the Holy Spirit is.
Mark 3:29 But blasphemy against the Holy Spirit can ‘’never’’ ‘’be forgiven. ’’ It is an ‘’eternal sin.” SomeChristiansdonotevenknowthatblasphemyagainsttheHolySpiritisa ‘’sinthatwillsendthemtohell,’’aswellasthe‘’onlyothersin,’’*refusingtobe saved,* *refusing to accept forgiveness, and salvation,* and this hurts my heart,forIneverwanttoseepeoplerefusingtobesavedorforgiven,butIdo seethiswhenIministertopeoplethewordofthelord,bringingwithmethe ‘’salvation message in a shortened form;’’ people tell me to ‘’get lost’’ ‘’ very aggressively,’’ or just ‘’not interested, go away.’’ Thankfully the majority of souls I go to, the Holy Spirit directs me to them, and so I offer the word of salvationtothemandtheyacceptthat.
*BlasphemyagainsttheHolySpiritistoknowwithoutashadowofdoubtthat it is the Holy Spirit who is healing someone and deliberately saying it is the devil that is doing that healing, or act of God; and praise God very few ChristianswilleversaysuchathingagainsttheHolySpirit.*
People think that sexual sin will keep them out of heaven and others think thatbadlanguageorfightingorstealingorsomethingelsewillkeepthemout, but that is so wrong, the only things that will keep them out of heaven is ‘’blasphemy against the Holy Spirit’’ or ‘’refusing to be forgiven,’’ ‘’refusing theirsalvation.’’ TheHolySpiritispartoftheHolyTrinityandassuchisGod,justasthefather and son Jesus are, and they are all the one spirit. But for whatever reason knownonlytoGodatthismoment,forme,isthattheFatherandsonholdhim up to the greatest heights of holiness. He seems to be their expression of holiness.
Seven In these last days In the last days, and this is something that a lot of Christians are all talking aboutatthemoment,buttheyforgetthattheHolySpirit hasbeenheresince Jesussenthimovertwothousandyearsago,thelastdaysaresincethen,and onlyGodtheFatherhimselfknowswhenthelastdaysare.
FortwothousandandeighteenyearstheHolySpirithasbeenwithus,andin thoseyears,wehereinthiswesternsideoftheworld,haveseenverylittleof him;excepttoreadaboutoneortwosaintsthathavebeenusedexceptionally to work healing and miracles through them, but nothing saying ordinary Christians done anything for God except a few that suffered persecution and deathforJesus.Thatissosad;IknowthatCatholicsweretoldthatiftheyread thebibletheywouldgomad.Ialsowastoldthatasayoungmanofseventeen yearsold. But now the Holy Spirit has been working with this century Christians, pouringouthisgiftsonthem.Icouldn’tbelieveit,whentheotherdayImetan old friend Paddy, and he told me he has a memory loss disease, {I can’t spell all time ers;} After talking a little while with them I discovered that his wife was baptizedintheHolySpirit,andIsaidtoher,‘’whydon’tyoulayhandsonhis brain and command healing to it?’’ she verbally attacked me and said she refusedtobegiventhegiftsofthespirit,shedidn’twantanythingtodowith them.Shethentoldmeshehadpeoplepraywithmyfriendandthatisallshe needed from the Holy Spirit. I thought what an insult to God, actually telling himtoshovehisgifts,andinsuchanaggressivemanner.Iwasshockedtosay theleastandIwouldhavewalkedawaythen,onlyPaddycontinuedtalkingto me, I was that shocked by the manner in which she spoke to me about the HolySpiritsgiftstoher.
IfIwastheHolySpiritIwouldhavebeenseriouslyoffended,butIamnot,for theHolySpirittakesnooffense,that’showbeautifulheis.
Acts 2:17 ‘’In the last days,’’’ God said, ‘I will pour out my ‘’Holy Spirit’’ upon ‘’all mankind, ’’ and ‘’your sons and daughters shall prophesy,’’ and your young men shall see visions, and your ‘’old men dream dreams.’’
‘Now’ knowing he is a ‘’ person ’’ has made me more aware of who it is when talkingwithhim,andovertheyearsIhavebeenmixinghimupwithJesus,and speakingasiftheyshouldknow,andtheydopraiseGod.NowIknowhowto separate Jesus and the things he did from the Holy Spirit’s working through him,andknowingthereisnojealousybetweenthem.Icanfeelok.
Luke 4:13 Berean Study Bible
Justimaginehow it would feeltobedrawn out intothedesert for forty days and nights with no food with you, how you would feel, and what would be your feelings when someone came along and tempted you to do things contrary to your beliefs. And Jesus suffered this as a ‘’man’’ ‘’remember, ’’ a ‘’human being,’’ ‘not as God’ butassomeonelikeyouandme.Buthewasfull oftheHolySpirit andthat wasenoughtosustainhimduringthat timethere. We also need to be full of the Holy Spirit. Hunger leaves us vulnerable, so poor Jesus must have been feeling very tired and emotional drained by the time those forty days and nights ended; and there was Satan the devil tempting him with every foul type of sin a man could commit; that we as a manmightgothroughinlifeandhenevergaveinonce.
I remember just now, how it felt when Mary led me to Jesus, and years later Jesusledmetothefather,thatfeltsodifficultforme,andIknowsomeofmy friends felt the same; then after a while it became all right to communicate betweenthetwoofthem,nowIhavetolearnagainhowtoseparatetheHoly SpiritfromJesusandtheFather,andtalktoeachindividuallyandcollectively fortheyareone. Eight Even Jesus had to learn to follow the Holy Spirits leading Luke 4:1 2
The Temptation of Jesus …12But Jesus declared, “It also says, ‘do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” 13When the devil had finished every temptation, he left Him until an opportune time. 14 Jesus returned to Galilee in the ‘’power of the Spirit,’’ and the news about Him spread throughout the surrounding region.
Then Jesus, full of the ‘’Holy Spirit, ’’ left the Jordan River, being urged by the ‘’Spirit’’ out into the barren wastelands of Judea, where ‘’Satan’’ tempted him for ‘’forty days. ’’ He ‘’ate nothing ‘all that time’ and was very hungry.’’
Then he said to me, “This is the’’ word of the LORD’’ to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by ‘’my Spirit,’’ says the ‘’LORD of hosts.’’ you will succeed because of my Spirit, though you are few and weak.’ We cannot go out into this evil world without first being filled with the Holy Spiritforthisevilworldwoulddestroyus.
It was when Jesus led by the Holy Spirit, went back into civilization that he returned ‘’full of the *Holy Spirits* power,’’* ‘’not his power as God, ’’butasa human being, having left his power and authority behind him in heaven. Not bypowerorbymightbutbymyspiritsaysthelord,youshallsucceed!
I had a healing service in Hull England, In a Christian church, and during the serviceIbeganprayingandlayinghandsonthosegatheredthereinalineup. AsIwentdownthatlineagirlbeganwailinguncannily,shewaspossessedby anevilspirit,andJesusbegandeliveringher,andshebackedoutofthelineup bentintwo,wailingallthetimewhile‘’peoplelookedonwithoutmoving,they were so concerned for their healing;’’ my friends who ministered to her told me later that she and another woman had come to the meeting with the intention of destroying the service, and therefore denying those needing
Then he answered and spoke unto me, saying, “This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, ‘Not by might nor by power, but by ‘’My Spirit,’’ saith the LORD of hosts Jesus walked about the middle east touching and delivering people from sickness and disease, and it was ‘not by his own power’ that he healed all thosepeopleandcausedmiraclestohappen.Jesusdonethosethingsbecause helovedmankindashisveryownchildren,andwearehisownholychildren even today, and his love has not changed one bit; he still loves us unconditionally and shows it through the ‘miracles and signs and wonders’ happening through us, for it is bythe same Holy Spirit today that does those thingsusingus;whataprivilegetobeusedbytheveryhandsofGodtobring healing to someone. Again I user a different translation just to give you a largerideaofwhotheHolySpiritisandwhathedoes.
Zechariah 4:6 English Standard Version
Zechariah 4:6 KJ21
. When you pray in tongues it is the Holy Spirit who gives you the words to pray out of your mouth, then ‘’he’’ works ‘’everything’’ out for you in the ‘’perfect will’’ of ‘God the father.’
Thinkaboutsomethingherehow‘couldJesus’endurethatterribletortureat thescourgingatthepillar,andthencarryacrossuphilltoCalvary,ifhedidn’t havetheHolySpiritspowerwithinhimhelpinghimsucceedinhismission. If you have never received the Holy Spirits power then simply ask him to come into you like you asked Jesus, ask first for his supernatural language, that awesome gift of tongues, for the word tells us we do not know how to pray; so if the word is telling you, ‘’you do not know how to pray,’’ then you needtolearnhowtoprayinthe power and authority of the Holy Spirit,and thatisprayingintongues.
healingthetouchfromJesusspirit,buttheSpiritofGodwasstrongerthanher evilspiritsactivity,anditlefther.Shehadnoideawhereherfriendwentto.
Luke 24:49
“And now I will send the Holy Spirit upon you, just as my Father promised. Don’t begin telling others yet stay here in the city until* the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ comes and fills you with power from heaven.” Jesusadvisedhisdisciplesnottogooutintothe worldaroundthemuntilhis spirithadcomeuponthem;andifheadvisedthemnottogooutyetuntilthey received the Holy Spirit in them; for only then could they go out and deliver thelordsmessages,anddeliverthosepossessed,andoppressedbyevilspirits, for human flesh cannot deal with supernatural evil spirits like demons and powersandthedevilhimself.TaketheadviceofJesuswaittillyoureceivethe Holy Spirit before you go out into this world to deliver the lords messages.
Romans 8Living Bible (TLB 26 And in the same way by our faith the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ helps us with ‘’our ‘daily problems’ and ‘’in our praying.’’ For ‘we’ ‘’don’t even know what we should pray for’’ ‘’nor how to pray as we should,’’ but the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ ‘’prays for us’’ with ‘’such feeling’’ that it ‘’cannot be expressed in ‘’words’’ . 27 And the ‘’Father who knows all hearts’’ ‘knows, of course, what the ‘Spirit is saying as ‘’he’’ ‘’pleads for us in harmony with God’s own will. ’’ 28 And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans.
The ‘’Holy Spirit’’ comes and ‘’fills’’ ‘you’ with ‘’power from heaven.”
If only we could realize who the Holy Spirit is, and what it is he does, and then we would have more knowledge of him, a stronger faith and trust in him, Jesus trusted in him one hundred percent, so let us trust him also in the same one hundred percent, for this is the Holy Spirits time on earth to help mankind. First we had the father in the Old Testament, then we had Jesus in the New Testament and now we have the Holy Spirit in these end times of this world to help us live it in power and authority for the glory of God the father.
1 When God began creating the heavens and the earth, 2 the earth was a shapeless, chaotic mass,* with the ‘’Spirit of God’’ brooding over the dark vapors.*
Before you pray; stop for a moment to remember that the Holy Spirit is a person not a birdie and let him fill your mouth and heart with his words as ‘’he’’ then acts upon his own words for you. 27 And the ‘’Father who knows all hearts’’ ‘knows, of course, what the ‘Spirit is saying as ‘’he’’ ‘’pleads for us in harmony with God’s own will. ’’ Scripture refers to the Holy Spirit as ‘’he’’ a person not some thing, but as ‘’he.’’
Nine In the beginning Genesis 1 Living Bible (TLB)
3 Then God said, “Let there be light.” And light appeared. 4 5 And God was pleased with it and divided the light from the darkness. He called the light “daytime,” and the darkness “nighttime.” ‘’Together’’ they formed the first day’’
In the beginning ‘’The Holy Spirit’’ and ‘’God the father,’’ and probably ‘’Jesus’’ formed the days of the week; making all these things from nothing, for it says in this next day; together they made man in their own spiritual image, and man being men not just one man as in Adam and Eve; he made the woman later taking a rib from Adams side.
Genesis 1Amplified Bible (AMP) 26 Then God said, “Let Us (‘’Father’ ‘Son,’ ‘’Holy Spirit’’) make man in Our image, according to Our likeness [not physical, but a spiritual personality and moral likeness]; and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the cattle, and over the entire earth, and over everything that creeps and crawls on the earth.” 27 So God created
11 For the value of wisdom is far above rubies; nothing can be compared with it. 12 Wisdom and good judgment live together, for wisdom knows where to discover knowledge and understanding. 13 If anyone respects and fears God, he will hate evil. For wisdom hates pride, arrogance, corruption, and deceit of every kind. 14 16 “I,’’ Wisdom, give good advice and common sense. Because of my strength, kings reign in power, and rulers make just laws. 17 I love all who love me. Those who search for me shall surely find me. 18 Unending riches, honor, justice, and righteousness are mine to distribute. 19 My gifts are better than the purest gold or sterling silver! 20 My paths are those of justice and right. 21 Those that love and follow me are indeed wealthy. I fill their treasuries. 22 The Lord formed me in the beginning, ‘’before’’ ‘he created anything else.’’ 23 From ages past, I am. I existed before the earth began. 24 I lived before the oceans were created, before the springs bubbled forth their waters onto the earth, 25 before the mountains and the hills were made. 26 Yes, I was born before God made the earth and fields and the first handfuls of soil. 27 29 “I’’ ‘was there’’ when he established the heavens and formed the great springs in the depths of the oceans.’’ ‘’I’’ ‘’was there’’ when he set the limits of the seas and gave them his instructions not to spread beyond their boundaries. ‘’I’’ ‘was there’’ when he made the blueprint for the earth and oceans. 30 ‘’I’’ ‘’was the craftsman at his side.’’ ‘’I’’ ‘was his constant delight,’ rejoicing always in his presence. 31 And how happy I was with what
man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; ‘’male and female’’ He created them.----31 God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good and He validated it completely. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day. God was happy with all they had made between them; did you notice that God made man and woman in his own likeness, meaning that there had to be a female side to God; ‘’male and female’’ He created them.-the female side to God is in the Holy Spirit for later on in the book of proverbs it speaks of the spirit of God as a female
Let’s look at the scripture
Proverbs 8 1 Living Bible (TLB) 8 1 3 Can’t you hear the voice of wisdom? ‘’She’’ is standing at the city gates and at every fork in the road, and at the door of every house. Listen to what ‘’she’’ says: 4 5 “Listen, men!” ‘’she’’ calls; “How foolish and naive you are! Let me give you understanding. O foolish ones let me show you common sense! 6 7 Listen to me! For I have important information for you. Everything I say is right and true, for I hate lies and every kind of deception. 8 My advice is wholesome and good. There is nothing of evil in it. 9 My words are plain and clear to anyone with half a mind if it is only open! 10 My instruction is far more valuable than silver or gold.”
In this scripture the Holy Spirit is also telling us that ‘’he’’ was there when God created the first thing’’= ‘him/ her.’ They were there before the world was formed and scripture also says; ‘’he’’ ‘’was the craftsman at his side,’’ he helped create the universes and the world. In understanding the Holy Spirit and what it is he does for us we needed to go back to the beginning to see what power and authority he held with God, and remember ‘’he’’ was created before Jesus. He was the first thing God created.
he created his wide world and all his family of mankind! 32 And so, young men, listen to me, for how happy are all who follow my instructions.
Back to the days of the apostles Jesus told his disciples to ‘wait until the father sends the Comforter,’ {the ‘Holy Spirit’} ‘comes before you go out and preach the gospel,’ the good news! He knewtheywouldn’thavethepowertogoupagainstpowerfulevilpeople,the devilandevilspirits,anddemonseventhoughJesushaddefeatedthemforall mankind, but thehell ofthedamneddidn’t exist yet,andthe devils timewas not yet up; he sent them back defeated to the earth, and it was up to the disciplesandfuturedisciplestouncoverthetruthsinthewordofGod,andso act in authority over all of them. We must use our knowledge and belief,
33 “Listen to my counsel oh, don’t refuse it and be wise. 34 Happy is the man who is so anxious to be with me that he watches for me daily at my gates, or waits for me outside my home! 35 For ‘’whoever finds ‘me’ finds life and wins approval from the Lord.’’ 36 But the one who misses me has injured himself irreparably. Those who refuse me show that they love death.”
22 The Lord formed me in the beginning, before he created anything else. Ten
The Holy Spirit is calling himself ‘’she’’ in this scriptures; for the Holy Spirit is multi facetted {any surface of a cut gemstone} if you look at a large gemstone you will see it is cut multi facetted, every cut is perfection as much as man can make it, and the Holy Spirit is like the gemstones, they have multi sides to them him/her, that gemstone is worth a fortune for it is cut perfect so that every side shines with glory just as the Holy Spirit shines with glory also, the Holy Spirit can be what ‘’he or she’’ wants ‘’him or herself’’ to be seen as, did you ever notice that ‘a woman has more wisdom than a man,’ it just comes naturally to her while men are not so wise and don’t realize things.
ThisfulfilledthewordsofGodthroughtheprophetsandthewordsofJesusto the disciples, when he promised that he would send his Holy Spirit down on themintheearth. Acts 2:17 ‘In the last days,’ God said, ‘I will pour out my Holy Spirit upon all mankind, and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men dream dreams. 18 Yes, the Holy Spirit shall come upon all my servants, men and women alike, and they shall prophesy.
{‘’faith’’}tocommandthosepowersofevilincludingSatanhimselftoobeyour commands. John 14:26 But when the Father sends the Comforter instead of me* and by the Comforter I mean the Holy Spirit ‘’he’’ will teach you much, as well as remind you of everything I myself have told you. AgainthescriptureJesuscallstheHolySpirit ‘’he.’’ OneofthethingstheHoly Spiritistodoistoshowusmuch,andtoteachussecretesknownonlytogod. Also to remind us about Jesus and the words he spoke to us, for his words havelifeinthem,andarefullof‘’spiritualpowerandauthority.’’
This power and authority was not just given to the disciples including Jesus ownmother,sofewCatholicsrealizethatMaryhadtoreceivetheHolySpirit just as she also accepted Jesus into her, in flesh and blood form. And on the day of Pentecost as Mary and all the disciples were gathered in the upper room, the Holy Spirit came down on them in the form of fire and settled on eachoftheirheads,andenteredthem. Acts 2:4 And everyone present was ‘’filled with the Holy Spirit’’ and began speaking in languages they didn’t know, for the Holy Spirit gave them this ability.
Acts 1:8 But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power to testify about me with great effect, to the people in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth, about my death and resurrection.”
8 Stephen, the man so full of faith and the Holy Spirit’s power, did ‘’spectacular miracles’’ among the people.
Doing miracles through the Holy Spirits power will not make you popular especiallyamongthechurchesanditisnodifferenttodayasitwasbackinthe days of Jesus, for they accused Jesus and they accused Stephen falsely, and killed them. Do you think that you will receive recognizition among your leaders? No you will probably be laughed at behind your back and made a mockery of. My daughters say the churches are making a mockery of me behind my back and laughing at me because I tell them of the miracles that Godhasdonethroughme,asItryandencouragethemtobelieve,andgoout intotheentireworldpreaching,andhavethesesamemiraclesfollowthemas Jesuspromised. Acts 10:45
The Jews who came with Peter were amazed that the gift of the Holy Spirit would be given to Gentiles too!
“And now he sits on the throne of highest honor in heaven, next to God. And just as promised, the Father gave him the authority to send the Holy Spirit with the results you are seeing and hearing today.
All apersonhastodotoreceivesalvationandtoreceivetheHolySpirit isto ‘’repent and believe’’ ask Jesus and the Holy Spirit into your heart, and ‘’believebyaskinginfaith’’. Acts 2:38
Acts 6 Living Bible (TLB)
Acts 2:33
And Peter replied, “Each one of you must turn from sin, return to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; then you also shall receive this gift, the Holy Spirit.
Now Jesus sits on the throne of highest honor beside the Father God and remindsthefatherofhispromisetosendtheHolySpiritdowntotheearthto go among men and women, and these last two thousand and eighteen years havebeenthelastdaysandarestillthelastdays.
But there could be no doubt about it, for they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God. Peter asked, “Can anyone object to my baptizing them, now that they have received the Holy Spirit just as we did?”
For from the very beginning God decided that those who came to him and all along he knew who would ‘’should become’’ ‘’like his Son,’’ so that ‘’his Son’’ would be the ‘’First, with many brothers’’ . 30 And having chosen us, he called us to come to him; and when we came, he declared us “not guilty,” ‘’filled us with Christ’s goodness,’’ gave us right standing with himself, and promised us his glory. Readthissectionagainandagain,untilyourealizewhatGoddoneforyouhis child. He declared us “not guilty,” ‘’filled us with Christ’s goodness,’’ gave us ‘’right’’ ‘’standing with himself,’’ and ‘’promised us ‘’his’’ glory.’’
TheHolySpiritwillbegivento ‘’every believer’’ who ‘’asks for him,’’ allthey needtodoissimply ‘’ask sincerely,’’ andtheyalsowillreceivethesameHoly SpiritthatJesushad,whodonehismiraclesthroughJesus,andhewilldothe ‘’same miracles through you’ ifyoubelieveinhim.Thisbookwastoletyou thereaderknow,thatthe ‘’Holy Spirit’’ is a ‘’person not a thing or a birdie,’’ he is the third person in the Holy Trinity, though, to have it in the correct order,hewasthesecondafterGodhimselfthenJesus. Acts 10:46-47
Most Christians haven’t realized that they have been declared ‘’not guilty’’ of any sin or fault or failing by God, and they do not know that they have been
And in the same way by our faith the Holy Spirit helps us with our daily problems and in our praying. For we don’t even know ‘’what we should pray for’’ nor ‘’how to pray as we should,’’ but the ‘’Holy Spirit prays for us with such feeling’’ that it ‘’cannot be expressed in words.’’ 27 And the ‘’Father who knows all hearts’’ ‘’knows, of course, what the Spirit is saying’’ as ‘’he’’ ‘pleads for us in ‘harmony’ with God’s own will.’’ 28 And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans.
Romans 8 Living Bible (TLB) 26
The firstgift that abeliever should askfor is the gift of tongues for scripture says we do not know how to pray orhow topray as we should andit is also the only gift that we can turn on at will; we must wait on the Holy Spirit to accesstherestofthegiftswhenneeded.
The Holy Spirit told me to go with them and not to worry about their being Gentiles! These six brothers here accompanied me, and we soon arrived at the home of the man who had sent the messengers. “Well, I began telling them the Good News, but just as I was getting started with my sermon, the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ ‘’fell on them,’’ just as he ‘’fell on us at the beginning!’’ Then I thought of the Lord’s words when he said, *‘Yes, John baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with* the Holy Spirit.’
TheHolySpirittoldtheeldersofthechurchtodedicateBarnabasandPaulfor a special job he had for them, and when did he tell them? It was while they were‘’worshipingandfasting.’’WorshipbringswithitdirectionfromtheHoly Spirit.
Eleven Anyone can receive the Holy Spirit when they ask Acts 11:12
filled with ‘’His glory, ’’ when you havebeen filled, then there is no room for anythingelse,Godthengaveyouandmerightstandingwithhimself,meaning righteousness. And done something so amazing, and yet I have heard ChristiansofgreatstandingsayingwecannotshareGod’sglory, {God will not share his glory with anyone. This is Old Testament Jesus is the New Testament. ‘’The new will of God’’} yetit is God himself who states this, that he promised us his own glory; what an honorandyetChristianssay‘’lordIamnotworthy,orIamasinner,washed in the blood or a sinner saved by grace; a conundrum of the highest order, a contradictionofterms,you‘’cannotbeasinnerandsaved’’atthesametime.
TheHolySpiritsetsoutjobsforallofus,hesetsthemintheright positionso thatotherpiecesfitintothelord’sjigsawpuzzle,everyoneofusfitsrightinto the exact part where they should be, so that another part fits into their part. And all the pieces fit together in the lord’s jigsaw puzzle. If you don’t do it when the Holy Spirit tells you to do something, then those other children of Godwillnothaveaplacefor them tofitin. Acts 13:2 One day as these men were ‘’worshiping and fasting,’’ the Holy Spirit said, “Dedicate Barnabas and Paul for a special job I have for them.”
It feels strange just as it was when Jesus led me to the Father God, and now after reading my bible I discovered that my Catholic teaching in the olden days, {I’m 71 now} was all wrong, thank God I hear God being spoken by folks aroundthefortytofiftyasalovingGod.Sadlyintoday’sschoolsitseemsthat God is not being taught as a reality or heaven or hell either, for when I ministersalvationtoyoungpeopleasIgoaboutlettingtheHolySpiritleadme I talkwith them about gettinginto heaven and some of those young peopleI talkedwitheitherdidn’tbelieveinGodorheavenorhell. Ifounditunbelievablewhenmyboystoldmethattheirreligiousteacherwas gayanddidn’tbelieveinthebible,butitwasajobhegotintheschoolandhe tookitknowingallhehadtodowasreadthempassages’fromthebook,and then give them prepared questions they would have on their papers. How many teachers of religion in the Catholic schools are unbelievers, or against the bible as the word of God, or how many anti Christ teachers are in other Christian schools. We actually had a priest who said he didn’t believe in the miracles that happened in the bible to me, and the rest of the lay readers in
This is just one of the many things that the Holy Spirit does for us, and it is importantforustorealizethattheHolySpiritisaperson,heisaddressedas ‘’he’’ inscripture,solet’sgive ‘’him’’ therespect ‘’he’’ isdue.
IusedtopraytoMaryasaCatholic,andthenonedayIfeltinsideofmethatI shouldbeprayingtoJesusandnotMaryanymore.ThenafterprayingtoJesus, Mary dropped because I now know that we are not to pray to Mary but as a Catholic,I wasbrought uptoworshipMary givingher equal place as God,or justbelowhim. Then after years of ‘’worshiping Jesus’’ I felt him leading me to the Father, andIhadalwaysfelttheFatherGodwasaharshGod,aGodwhopunishedyou terribly, {my bad education, at school and at church yearly retreats,} theGodofthunderwas preached,soIstayedfarawayfromthisGodperson,thatwasuntilIfeltledby Jesustohim,nowIamfeelingledbytheFathertopraywithmoreintenseness throughknowingnowtheHolySpiritisaperson.
Acts 13:4 Directed by the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ they went to Seleucia and then sailed for Cyprus.
Praying to the Holy Spirit or Praying in the Holy Spirit is a gift from God the Almightyfatherandthereisnojealousybetweenhim,JesusortheHolySpirit.
thechurchatameetinghehadwithus,andtoldushewasincludingchildren toreadthewordatmassonSundays;healmostkilledthischurchbecauseof hisbadteachingandbecauseheranaroundwithchildreninhiscar.Thenone dayhegotamessagefromtheIRA {a terrorist organization} hehadonehourtoget outofCregganorhewouldbeshotdead.Thismanhadabusedmanychildren andtheIRAhadgottohearofitandtheygavehimonehourtogetoutandhe clearedoutandlaterhewasconvictedofabusingmanyCregganchildren. Iwonderedwhat thereligiousclassesweretaught thesedaysandit wasmy niece that explained to me what is happening. She told me that they have religiousstudywheretheylookatthe bible as a book, andnotasthe ‘’living word of Almighty God,’’ and they then have a religious exam at the end of term.TheyreadaboutJesusandGod,buthavenotrueideathattheyarereal, andthatheavenandhellarenotreallyareality,juststoriesfromabook.What hopedoouryoungpeoplehavewhenJesusisnotpresentedastheirlordand savior,andtheHolySpiritisnevermentionedatall.
HappilyIhavebeengivenashortmeansoftellingyoungandolderpeoplethe messageofsalvationbytheHolySpiritanditissimplythis.‘’Iaskthem,ifthey were to die tonight where would they go to,’’ and the answers I get are shocking sometimes. I am either told in nice, and sometimes not so nice, ‘’to get stuffed,’’ and that is the nicest ways I can write their comments into this Butbook.wonderfully themajorityof the people Italkto astheHoly Spirit directs metothem,throughafeelingoranudge,thattheyareopentohearthe‘’Good News,’’soIcontinuebytellingthemalltheyhavetodotogetintoheavenisto saytoGod, ‘’I am sorry for my sins,’’ ‘’Jesus come into my heart as my lord and savior.’’ And that is it, when they accept Jesus into their hearts I explainedthatJesustookalltheirsinsandmineandtheworldssinsandpaid forthemonCalvaryonthecross,andtheywillneverbejudgedwhentheydie, for their judgment was the moment they decided either for Jesus or against him.Thatdecisionmadesuretheywouldgetintoheaven.SometimesIfeltto talkwiththemabitlongerandIwouldtellthemabouttheHolySpiritandthe giftoftongues,asourprimarygift,becausewedonotknowhowtoprayorto prayasweshould,buttheHoly SpiritpraysforusintonguesandtheFather knows of course what the Spirit is saying as he pleads for us in line with the perfectwillofGod.That’showmuchtheHolySpiritlovesus.
Sincefindingout,andthatseemsridiculousthatthe ‘’HolySpiritisaperson’’ anda ‘him’ or ‘she’ asdescribed,andinunimaginablewaystodiscoverthathe wasthethird‘’person’’ inthe Holy Trinity; andthattherewas no division or discord as each thought with the same thought. I knew vaguely that the Holy Spirit was the third person in the Holy Trinity but that was it, it never went any further till recently for me. Now I give ‘’him his’’ place of honor in theTrinityandgive him ‘’his place’’ inmyheartnowknowingheisaperson andnotjustagiftoftonguesbutasthegiverofthegifts.
ForfortyoddyearsIhaveprayedforhoursintonguesnevergivingathought to who had given me this awesome wonderful gift, till as I said, recently. I became aware that the Holy Spirit was, and is, a person in his own right. I amnowtryingmybesttobecomemoreawareofmyprayerlanguage,‘’thegift oftongues’’oneoftheninegiftsthatheusesthroughmeandyou,toreachout tosouls,andthosewoundedsouls,andthesick,asIhaveseenthesickhealed as I prayed with them, wounded souls restored and the lost saved through himworkingthroughme. ItisajoytobeusedbyourGodtohelpothers,andIprayaspeoplereadmy booksthattheywillfindspiritualhelpinthemandspiritualknowledgeasthe HolySpiritgavemerevelationintheword.Thegreatestrevelationformewas to ‘’realize that the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ is a ‘’person,’’ ‘’my God’’ who loved me enoughtoletmebeusedbyhimtodothejobIlove,andthatistobringsouls to heaven; no greater joy can a Christian have than to see more souls for heaven,and when I find them I leave them with God as scripture says heis abletodealwiththemthere. IcouldgoonandonsayinghowmuchIamblessednowbyknowingthatthe HolySpiritisaperson;andnotathinglikeaweebirdie,givesmeintensejoy andpleasureandhappiness,andIpraythatasyoureadyourbibleandwhere issaysabouttheHolySpirityoucometorealizethatheisaperson,aperson intheHolyTrinity. GodBlessyou