1-Peter-2-24- He personally carried the load of our sins in his own body when he died on that cross, so that we can be finished with sin and live a good life from now on; for his wounds have healed ours.
Isaiah-53-4- yet it was our grief he bore, our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment for his own sins! But he was wounded and bruised for our sins. He was chastised that we might have peace; he was lashed and we were healed.
Isaiah-53-4 - surely he has borne our grief, sickness, weakness, and distress – and carried our sorrows and pain {of punishment.} Yet we ignorantly considered Him stricken and afflicted by God {as if by leprosy} But he was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement needful to obtain peace and well being for us was upon Him. And with the stripes that wounded Him we are healed and made whole. {Amplified Bible}
Matthew 8-17-This fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah, “He took our sickness and bore our diseases.”
Rosemy wifeand I havebeen in ahealing ministry for over thirty years and wehavewitnessed God perform amazing unbelievable miracles in this ministry. We seen people come for healing and receive it instantly, and some others came for healing and received it later, as we found out many years later, that those who received their healing later were some who had been diagnosed with incurable diseases like cancer and leukaemia to mention but two, but they received their healing, because the came looking for God healing touch through us, but their eyes were truly on Jesus Christ the only healer. When people come to a healing service or for prayer, we encourage them to focus on Jesus, to expect a miracle, and we pray they receive their healing that Jesus already won for them on Calvary, we also believe that when we lay hands the person will receive their healing and be healed; according to
Mark 17-18 and they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them
The truth is Jesus took our sickness and diseases onto his body on the cross on Calvary and also at the scourging at the pillar, every lash of that vicious cat –of nine tails, that ripped lumps out of his flesh and nerves and muscle was to benefit us, there was not one piece of his body that wasn’t ripped apart; as scripture said he was unrecognisable as a human being so disfigured was he.
The amplified version of Isaiah 53-4 gives a more graphic version of what happened at the scourging at the pillar and on the cross on Calvary. It gives in graphic detail entirely all God accomplished through his own Son Jesus, his ability to take our sickness and diseases and sorrows and Pain on to his body; every pain and sickness and disease that has ever been. There is not a sickness or disease that has ever been discovered to this present date 2010 that Jesus didn’t know about and even future diseases that will be discovered because of mans vile and
filthy rebellious ways. Jesus knew every thing from the beginning of mankind to the end of mankind, and knew every disease that is in the world created by Satan, the Devil. Out of love for us his children God knew that we could never escape sins trap and the consequence of sin is sickness and disease, so he thought up a plan to sacrifice his very own Son to pay for mans rebellion. And so on Calvary he finished his plan successfully, when Jesus said, “it is finished,” he meant “everything” that God had sent him into the world to do was now successfully finished; then he let himself be taken into hell by Satan who thought he had won by killing Jesus on the cross, only to discover that Jesus had defeated him instead, what a shock that must have been for the Devil when Jesus arose from the dead and defeated Him and every evil spirit and demonic power and then he paraded him and every power and principality before all of heaven naked; completely stripped of everything. Satan the Devil was naked with nothing left to cover his shame as all of heaven looked at him, he who was once God’s greatest most beautiful Angel, now naked with nothing left to cover his once glorious frame, defeated and paraded as beaten, brought to nothing, and distorted by evil, ugly to look at now, and this is the way he is still to this present day, naked and defeated before God, without power, as he was stripped off of all power and authority, even of his looks. All that is left with him is his mouth through with he lies and deceives mankind telling them he is mighty, all powerful, with tremendous demonic forces accompanying him, and its all lies, he still is naked and he still has no power over the believer, he has nothing left except to tell people that they’re sick and that they have diseases in their bodies and the children of God believe him over Jesus and “accept” those diseases. God describes Satan as the Father of liars and in him is no truth, so the fact remains when Satan tells us that we have disease in our bodies he is actually lying; we do not have disease in us, we do when we believe him over God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
John-9-44- for he was a murderer from the beginning and a hater of truth; there is not an iota of truth in him. When he lies, it is perfectly normal; for he is the father of liars. And so when I tell you the truth, you just naturally don’t believe it!
Jesus was telling the Jewish leaders and Pharisees, that they belonged to Satan the Devil, and he was telling both them and us here reading this today, that Satan was a liar and there is no truth in him; so when he tells the Christian child of God he or she has cancer in them, he is lying, because he cannot tell the truth. If he says you have bowel cancer, then he is lying to you trying to get you feeling for symptoms and eventually you begin to discover lumps as you believe more and more what his evil spirits are whispering in your ear, your not feeling to good, and you “say I am not feeling to good,” as soon as you said that you agreed with the devils lies, and so gave bowel cancer, or whatever disease he wants you to accept, the chance to exist. Every sickness in this world begins with a lie, because Jesus took all of our sickness and bore every disease in his body, but we fail to believe him, most likely because we have never been taught from a young age as a Christian this truth. “And so when I tell you the truth, you just naturally don’t believe it!” Jesus himself said we won’t believe him, we would believe Satan over him most often than not. It’s incredible to believe that we think Jesus and God are liars and think that Satan is telling the truth, instead of the other was around, we believe the Devils lies, before we believe Jesus words from his own mouth, thereby making Jesus the liar. He Jesus took our sickness and bore our disease, and by his wounds we have been healed, who is lying now? Have means it’s already happened, it’s yours; for example, you have a watch, it’s already yours.
Scripture also says, “My people perish from lack of knowledge,” lack of spiritual bible truth is what is causing the Christian to perish. We have a God who healed us already through what his Son done and finished, on Calvary. If the Christian children of God were taught from the New Testament more than from the old then they would have acquired more knowledge, for what is relevant for today.
The Old Testament was aimed primarily at the Jews to get them into obedience to God; “some” Old Testament is still relevant for today, especially when the Old Testament scriptures are brought into the New Testament. But not all of is still relevant for the new born again child of God, because he has become one with his saviour, Jesus Christ. But the Old were to teach the Jewish people, the Israelites God’s laws. Then Jesus came and fulfilled the law, and brought to an end the Old ways of doing things. For instant Jesus took our sins on his body therefore bring forgiveness for us, and in doing so allow us access straight into the throne room of God where he sits with the Father, and he assures us of a glad welcome. They couldn’t do that in the Old Testament!
In the Old Testament no one could enter the Holy of Holies except the high priest, the ordinary person could not do this or he would be struck dead instantly. But Jesus tore down the curtain which separated us from God and brought us confidently and boldly before our Father. He gave us access to the Father who stretches out his arms to us in a loving embrace.
For the one simple fact, is that we have become one with Jesus Christ himself, he is the head and we are the body of Christ Jesus.
Is sickness and disease still in Jesus body? No for he took on a new body when he rose from the dead, a body that had no blood in it for a start, a body that had no sin in it, or he could not have entered heaven, as nothing unclean is in heaven. He destroyed the old body he had, the physical body, he took that body into the tomb, but in the tomb something extraordinary happened, something only a God could do, he destroyed sin and sickness and disease in that body once and for all, and then he arose again on Easter Sunday transformed, he rose with a new body a supernatural heavenly body, that had no stain of sin in it, and no sickness and disease in it either, as the supernatural power of God in him burnt away every taint of sickness, disease, pain, sorrow, sin, through the explosion of massive supernatural power flowed through him. And he rose with a new body. This is why there is no sickness still in Jesus body it was burnt away by a blast of powers more powerful those a million nuclear bombs. Our sickness is not on his body any more it was destroyed by the awesome blast of heavenly universe creative power. Then he done something even more awesome, he joined his body together with ours, not our flesh bodies but our spirit body, and he fused us together with himself as one person.
1-John-4-17– in this [union and communion with him] love is brought to completion, and attains perfection with us, that we may have confidence for the Day of Judgment, with assurance and boldness to face him. Because as he is, so are we in this world. Amplified bible;
Lets stop for a moment and study this scripture; look at the words union and communion, what do they mean? It means a coming together, a blending, and amalgamation, a combination. Now let’s look at the word communion; the word communion means; unity, a spiritual union, empathy. Here in these two words God has show us that He and by His Grace done this
amazing thing, by making us one with Christ Jesus, a spiritual union a joining together with the saviour of the world. Then he tells us that as Jesus is, so are we in this world, Jesus being the head and we being His body. He tells us that we are the same as Jesus, in His eyes, the head is not severed from the body it is joined together with it; but Satan has deceived the Christian into thinking that to think like this is blasphemy or some great sin of pride, but the truth is it was God the Father who done all this through Jesus making us one with him spiritually, not in the flesh, because the flesh will die and rot in the grave but in the spirit connected to Jesus we will live for eternity. And in the meantime we have all the power that God gave to his Son Jesus while on earth and that power is the person of the Holy Spirit. Jesus could do nothing by himself because he gave up his Godliness and became a human being subjected to temptations and suffering and pain, butneversickness, and when confronted by Satan in thedesertheused the word of God to answer Satan; he used the word in other words he spoke the word only against Satan giving us an example to follow when confronted by Satan either by sin or by sickness, we also must answer back with the word, for example.
Satan is putting pain on your body, God is not putting pain on you, he healed you already, so sickness and pain is coming from Satan; you have to aggressively rebuke him in Jesus name and tell him, “Satan you are a liar,” “Jesus took my sickness and bore all my diseases,” “be gone from me now.” And you must be persistent in this, not stopping until he has been sent packing and his pain and sickness with him. You cannot treat Satan with kid gloves you must be aggressive with him because he is aggressively attacking you with sickness and disease or some disaster in your home or family or husband or wife. Satan is not your friend, but an aggressive enemy that has to be sent packing, taking his troubles with him. Jesus didn’t get into a conversation with Satan in the desert; he rebuked him with the word of God in scripture.
Matthew-4-3-12- then Satan tempted him to get food by changing stones into bread. “It will prove you are the Son of God,” he said. But Jesus told him, “No! For the scriptures tell us that bread won’t feed men’s souls; obedience to every word of God is what we need.”
Then Satan took him to Jerusalem to the roof of the temple. “Jump off,” he said, “and proveyou aretheSon ofGod;forthescripturesdeclare,‘God willsend hisangelsto keep you from harm.’ ‘They will prevent you from smashing on the rocks below.”
“Jesus retorted,” “It also says not to put your God to a foolish test!”
Next Satan took him to the peak of a very high mountain and showed him the nations of the world and all their glory.
“I’ll give it all to you,” he said, “If you will only kneel and worship me.”
“Get out of here Satan,” Jesus told him. “The scriptures say, ‘worship only the lord God, Obey only Him.”
Then Satan went away, and angels came and cared for Jesus.
Retorted means; something sharp, angry, witty, or insulting said quickly in response to something somebody else has said. This is the way we are supposed to respond to Satan’s attacks of whatever kind, this is how Jesus treated Satan and this is the way we are supposed
to treat him also, when he comes around, We attack him back forcefully with the word of God the scriptures. {If you don’t know your scriptures then how will you drive Satan or his demonicforces back?} If you do not know or understand that you and Jesus arejoined together as one spiritual being; how will you have the confidence and boldness to command Satan to get out of here as Jesus told him?
Your healing is in the scriptures search them out.
Your healing is in the scriptures. If you need healing, then begin at the book of Matthew and continue to the book of Revelation, search out every scripture that mentions healing, write those scriptures out in a note book and pray over them every day until you are totally pain free and disease free, quoting them to Satan reminding him he is defeated, and has to flee with his sickness and diseases with him, and eventually he will flee leaving you pain free and disease free.
Scripture says fix your thought on what is true and right.
Philippians-4-8-and now brothers, as I close this letter let me say this one more thing; Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine good things in others. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about it.
God is telling us spiritual secrets here in this scripture, he is saying “fix your thoughts on what is “true and good and right.” It is true, and good and right that Jesus defeated Satan and it is true and good and right that, Jesus took our sickness and bore every disease Satan tries or has put on us, it is true, and good and right, that you need to stand your ground toe to toe with Satan or some demon or spirit of sickness or disease, and you will need to tell Him or his spirits of sickness to get out of here {Jesus own words} for the scripture declare that Jesus took my sickness and bore all my diseases.
Sickness is not pure and lovely, it is horrible, to look at especially diseases like leprosy, cancer and disfigurement type of diseases and skin diseases, none of these are pure and lovely, but it is pure and lovely to think of how much love God has for us by giving us Jesus to take away our sickness and diseases, think about this and praise God for his loving plan and be glad about his care for you.
Satan you are a liar, I do not have to accept this sickness or disease, {even if the disease is already in your body,} you tell Satan to get his hands off your body as Jesus healed you and that you are “Receiving your healing.” You fight Satan and his demonic forces until you are totally clear of all signs of sickness, “you can not say you are not sick if you have sickness already in your body” because that is a lie,” and the Holy Spirit won’t honour a lie.
But he will honour God’s word that “Jesus took my sickness and bore all my diseases;” therefore “I believe I am receiving my healing.” You are receiving the healing Jesus purchased for you, you’re not declaring you don’t have sickness, and there is a great divide
between those words and the word of God in scripture. You have to be honest if you are sick, you’re sick, that’s truth, but you declare that Jesus took the sickness you have in you’re body and he took them in his own body and destroyed them when he rose from the dead = truth. You can’t heal a wound by saying it’s not here says God’s word. But you confess with the mouth, in other words you keep saying the truth of scripture you quote it to Satan, and you praise Jesus that according to his word you are healed in the spirit and are now receiving healing in your body.
The truth is, according to Isaiah-53-4 and Matthew-8-17. You have already been healed, the problem is that your mind can see this truth, but your spirit has not grasped this truth yet, and so you must continue to stand against Satan and this disease or sickness in your body until the truth of what Jesus did drops down into your spirit and once your spirit understands this truth and accepts it by revelation, then sickness can no longer stay in your frail body. The words in theses scripture say you have been healed, its already taken place you have it already, and it’s yours. Have means something is yours, it’s in your possession. “Are” means “be,” “were” is past tense it is something that occurred already happened For his wounds “have” healed ours. 1-Peter-2-24
He was lashed and we “were” healed. Isaiah-53-4
And with the stripes that wounded Him we “are” healed and made whole. Isaiah-53-4; amplified Bible.
Have, and were, and are, all mean the same, something has occurred, it already happened. The problem with us Christians is we have not been taught these truths, we have heard by his stripes I am healed, and many a Christian stands on this scripture without really knowing the fullness of it and what it is really saying, and they stand and stand hoping their sickness or disease will leave them, and some have even died still saying those words.
Most Christians I know don’t understand they need to know the meaning of words that they say, those words like, have, were and are, are of tremendous importance. They have truth ok, but not all the truth, and we need to spiritually understand all the truth.
I know many Christians who have stood rebuking the devil every time he or one of his spirits come around, and they rebuke and rebuke but nothing happens they are still under attack, they know they resist using the name of Jesus, and still nothing happens; Satan still attacks them; they know truth ok but something is missing; what is it that is missing?
I believe they know the truth because some preacher or teacher taught them to use the name of Jesus, and they done so with no effect. But what they were not taught is they are one in Christ Jesus that it is not themselves that faces Satan, but that they have been joined together with Jesus and it is in fact Jesus in them who resist the devil, they have been taught that they have authority, but have not been taught that they have the authority of Jesus himself, Mark-16-15, those who believe shall use MY authority, They had truth but not all of it. Having all truth means when Satan comes around, you have Jesus in you and you have his own authority to cast out demons heal the sick and drive Satan away.
When you know this then you can tell Satan, “Get out of here,” the same as Jesus did.
One morning I woke feeling terrible, I had a runny nose and a splitting headache. I quoted some scripture, saying to the lord; “Himself took my sickness and bore all my disease.” And I kept this up for a while, then made my way downstairs the drip hanging off the end of my nose, still saying, Jesus took my sickness and bore all my disease and therefore I am healed.” But the headache persisted and in fact got worse, and I couldn’t stop the constant dripping from my nose. I got uptight with God and I said to him I thought that Jesus took my sickness and he took all my diseases, they if so, why are I not healed, and I was shocked when God actually spoke to me and said; “You are healed in my sight.”
This shook me first because I never expected God to answer my rudeness, and what he said astounded me because I didn’t realise how God sees things at that time, {I was only a new Christian and had been reading a book by Kenneth Hagen about healing} Then I said, “ok if I am healed in your sight then I rebuke this flu off of me in Jesus name because you said I am healed in your sight.” For about ten or fifteen minutes I continued to declare that I was healed in the sight of God. But the nose dripped even worse than before, but I just let it drip this time, I didn’t even try and clean it; I must have looked awfully ridiculous because I was saying I was healed in God’s sight, and the drips were running like a dripping tap down my face. Then suddenly the dripping stopped and the headache went away immediately. And I felt fantastic, and praised the lord for his faithfulness to his word.
Now I confess; “I am healed in God’s sight; and I am receiving my healing in my body even as I confess this truth.” “I confess the truth of what God said, and I also confess that my body, my flesh is receiving it’s healing, both are scripturally true and both compliment each other,” in other words I confess I am healed according to Jesus taking my sickness and bearing my disease, and My body is receiving healing to it each time I confess the word.
I understood at last how I could declare the word of God and confess I am healed, when I had sickness and disease in my body, and to declare I am healed which would have been a lie, as I was still sick. Now I know to declare before God my Father, that I am healed in his sight. And to thank him that I am receiving the healing Jesus won for me, the healing of all the diseases Satan put on me since I was born until the present.
God makes Satan remove those sickness and diseases from my body, and he has to comply withwhatGodsays,untileverylastvestigeofsicknessdisappearscompletelyandIamdisease free, for the glory of God.
But I have to confess daily, and not only daily but many times a day until my spirit receives revelation of what Jesus done for me. In my mind I know, Jesus healed me, but it has to go down into my spirit before it all becomes clear, and It only happens as long as you continue to confess, “I am healed in the sight of God because Jesus took my sickness and bore all my diseases, and pain.” If I stop confessing half way through my healing then I give Satan the chance to put it back on me again; at the beginning it may seem like nothing is happening, as God forces him to release you from sickness, but God will only force him as long as you are expressing faith in him. He cannot go past his own laws, and Satan knows that, without faith you cannot please God. Faith believes Gods word and sticks to it, never changing its mind, and then doing something about it.
Say for instance you cannot walk at all; you need to “try” every day until you can stand and then walk, and remember Satan will fight you every step of the way, trying to break you, trying to get you to give up, trying to get you to believe him and not God’s word; it is in never giving up that a miracle happens, those who give up rarely receive a miracle.
In my Fathers eyes I am healed. Just as in his eyes, I am prosperous, just as in his eyes I am righteous, just as in his eyes I am filled with his love, filled with his power and filled with Jesus, and just as in his eyes I am joined together as one with Jesus, yes Jesus and I and you are one in the spirit. All this is scriptural truth that Satan didn’t want you or I to ever find out
My mother told me I was a very sickly child from birth, and I grew up having suffered every childhood disease anyone could ever have; I had the whole lot, before I was even three years old. I almost died repeatedly and my Godmother used to tell me she prayed for me every day that I would survive. Now I have empathy with everyone I pray with because not only was I sick growing up but I was also paralysed for a year, three different times. I grew up feeling lonely and separated from others and I sympathise with others who feel so alone even in a crowd, and especially at a church and with sick people; that’s why I get uptight with church leaders who don’t have healing services in their “believers” church, or who try and stop others from growing in this gift.
Jesus loved everyone so much he gave his life for them all, suffering terrible agony of body and spirit and soul, and this was so that his body, {you and me} could be healed, without sickness and disease.
Cut this out and place in your bible and if you are sick or in pain then make this confession three or four times a day without fail, believe that God has done this for you because he loves you.
I confess; “I am healed in God’s sight; and I am receiving my healing in my body even as I confess this truth.” “I confess the truth of what God said, and I also confess that my body, my flesh is receiving its healing, in Jesus name. Amen.