The thief came to steal.
Brendan Mc Crossan
The thief came to steal. Today I was at church and I shared at the time of sharing, how God is healing a lady from cancer and how four of her cancers fell of the next day after prayer, and since then she has told me that 100 skin cancers have fallen of at one time. Then the lord told me the next day as I was sitting in my yard praying, to ring this lady and ask her is she still had the cancer lump under her arm, that she told me of the night before, while she was getting her prayer for healing. So I phoned her and asked her to check under her left arm, and as she did so I heard her say to her daughter, that she couldn’t feel any lump, would her daughter check it out for her, and her daughter replied, “I can feel no lump either and it was there the last time she felt it about one week ago.”
So the lady returned to the phone and informed me that the lump has disappeared, praise God. I shared also that the lord had healed everyone who come for prayer, approximately about 80 or so people over a few weeks.
Later the visiting pastor who was speaking in the church this morning, told the congregation that healing was marvellous and he believed in it, and shared a story of him and two friends in India and they were asked to pray with an old Indian woman who was blind, he said he let the two friends pray with her, and glory to God she was instantly healed and could see. He then went on to say that God does not always heal people, for whatever reason or another, he said three people were sick and one got healed, and this is the normal thing.
To me he was sowing seeds of disbelief and doubt into the people’s minds and spirit, unwittingly buthewas sowing seeds of doubt and unbelief, becausetheword of God says very clearly that when the multitudes followed Jesus he healed “all,” their sick, note the word, he healed them “all.”
If this pastor was right in what he was saying that not everyone will get healed, only one out of three, then the word of God is based on a lie. And the lie is this, everywhere in scripture that it says about healing; it says he healed them “all.”
If Jesus didn’t heal them all then the scripture is a falsehood. He healed all who come to him; not everyone who comes to Jesus today is seeking Jesus healing, many have different reason for not wanting healing, but come for healing at a church service, yet deep down they don’t want to be healed for what ever reason, for example, I seen many refuse healing because of sickness benefit they were in receipt of or Disability Living Allowance or some other benefit. they were like the people in Jesus own home town, very few got healed there. In his own home town he could only heal so many because of their unbelief. And it is no wonder he could only heal a few because of their unbelief, these people grew up with Jesus and knew him, as he went about the town or village, for thirty years they never seen him do anything of importance, so they knew him ok, just like that pastor this morning, he knew Jesus ok, but didn’t believe that he was the healer as well as the saviour, just like those Jews in his home town. Unbelief was there in abundance, and unbelief is there in abundance in our churches and when someone shares the miraculous side of Jesus and preaches and shares healings and miracles, they are quickly denounced and the congregation is told only some get healed. The pastors or leaders quickly follow up with not everyone will get healed when we pray for them, and that is exactly why not everyone gets healed as “they” pray for them, they are filled with unbelief and the thief comes quickly to steal that rise in belief that people experience when someone shares God’s glorious healings, the devil uses their unbelief to rob the church of expectant faith, and their enthusiasm quickly dies down, and Satan has quietly won again.
I wish those pastors would stop robbing God of his glory and stop robbing people of their expectancy of a miracle. Who knows someone in that church congregation could have the beginning of cancer, and the possibilities are that at least three or four have some kind of cancer already.
Sharing of the miraculous side of Jesus helps increase their faith especially when they develop full blown cancer; at least they know that they have someone who could pray for them in faith when they developed their cancer, instead they will probably think that they would not be the one out of three that would get healed because that pastor said, one out of three would get healed and it would more than likely be one of the others and not them. It is unbelief that stops miracles happening; lets look at Jesus did he have unbelief? You could see from the way he talked that he was full of faith in the Holy Spirit within him, because he raised the dead when he wanted to, and we have that same Holy Spirit inside us just like he is inside Jesus.
Not everyone we pray with gets healed at this moment; but the more that pastors encourage their people in faith and miracles and tell them that Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever, and he is still healing yesterday, today, and will forever through you and me and others like us because we have Jesus living inside us, then we will see everyone who comes for healing through Jesus will be healed as in accordance with the word of God.
If you don’t have faith to believe in healings and miracles use whatever gifts and talents, God gave you in the church for the greater good in the body, stay away from praying with people if you only believe that one out of three will get healed; people don’t need someone with a pride-filled spirit trying to believe in healing and miracles and they are suffering terrible pain or disease. There is a ministry for you in your church, God’s word says not everyone heals, not everyone will work miracles or prophecy etc. 1 Corinthians 12-29-31.
Jesus will do for us what he done for the last two thousand years, he will heal the sick he will cure the blind he will deliver demon possessed people because he is the same yesterday today and forever, he is alive, and well and living in us.
Jesus healed all who came to him not some and we have to have that same attitude, if we don’t, we discredit Jesus because he tells us that we are the same as him in this world today, we have the same father, the same Holy Spirit and the same faith and choice to believe in the will of the father, and he will heal all who come to him through you, his word never changes and is still the same today.
Matthew-4-23-And He went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the good news (Gospel) of the kingdom, and healing “every” disease and “every” weakness and infirmity among the people.
24So the report of Him spread throughout all Syria, and they brought Him “all” who were sick, those afflicted with various diseases and torments, those under the power of demons, and epileptics, and paralyzed people, and He healed them “all.”
I don’t criticise the visiting pastor in this word because he is walking in the light that he has, in other words he believes in what he knows. It is Satan tricking him into speaking unbelief.
But because he spoke unbelief then he allowed the devil to steal the word of God from those people listening, because he was a very nice speaker very gently speaking, but still God’s miraculous healings were pushed aside in favour of mans thinking and teaching. What he said immediately registered in my spirit how the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He tried to steal the glory away from God for this woman’s healing, by having the man say, “not everyone will be healed,” contradicting the word of God which tells us that everyone is already healed becauseJesushealed thematthecrosson Calvary,mostpeopledon’tbelieve that Jesus took everyone’s sickness and bore their disease on his very own body, so to say only one out of three gets healed is a spiritual lie, as Jesus has already healed the entire world, we have to receive it in faith.
1-Peter 2-24 – for his wounds has healed ours.
The devil tried to kill their expectations in healing and miracles because over 80 Got healed so far, by saying again, only one gets healed out of three, that sowed death into people’s minds, that they would be the one who wouldn’t get healed. He used this man to destroy their view of God, to see God at work in today’s world, not just Jesus in the bible but Jesus in people today. I became aware that this is just one of the subtle ways that the devil uses to steal kill and destroy our relationship with God and to steal and kill and destroy our faith in a loving father. And to steal our understanding of the work Jesus done on the cross thereby destroying Satan the devils, kingdom, where Jesus took away Satan’s power over us and all that is left for him is to tell us lies and to bend the truth until were filled with confusion and disbelief.
God’s word declares us to be a holy people like God and it is all God’s work not yours or mine and people have told new believers that they are sinners and unworthy, thereby destroying their faith, and confidence; if you do not believe that you are what God says you are then Satan can simply waltz all over you any time he wishes to, because your too busy apologising to God over your unworthiness. You cannot drive a demon away without first knowing whom you are in Christ Jesus and in whose name you are using and by whose authority you stand against the devil in. God says you are a light to the world, you are that light, he said you are a city on a hill, you are the salt of the earth, and he says you are made in his image, you are precious in his sight, you are worthy, you are holy, you are forever perfect in his sight, you are these things, yet man will argue with you and say I am not worthy, I am not holy, I’m not the salt of the earth, he is talking about someone else, and they steal your belief in what Jesus himself said about you, through what he done for you on Calvary.
You didn’t do any of this for yourself, you did nothing to merit it, it was Jesus and only Jesus, he did not need your help in doing these things for you, he gave them to you as a gift out of his divine love for you, it was all his and the Fathers doing; nothing you could do would ever make you holy, but Jesus did it all and declared you holy in his sight. He did it not you, just Jesus by himself in agreement with the Fathers plan.
Don’t let the devil come and steal kill and destroy what God done for you. “Resist the devil and he will flee,” says the word of God, draw close to God first, and then give the devil a spiritual whipping, put him to flight in Jesus name. Amen