When the storms of life surround you. And the road ahead looks rough Trust God to get you through.
Brendan Mc Crossan
When the storms of life surround you. And the road ahead looks rough Trust God to get you through.
Brendan Mc Crossan
Psalm-50-14 what I want from you is your promises fulfilled, I want you to trust me in your times of trouble, so I can rescue you and you can give me glory.
The hardest thing to do is to trust someone you do not know how can you? You do not know them. Do you know God well enough to trust him? Could you leave your life and the lives of those whom you love in his hands trusting him to look after them letting him decide what's best for them? Could you trust him with your everyday financial needs? Could you trust him when disaster comes to your door? Could you trust him when someone you love is either dying or has died tragically? Could you trust him to help you through the worst nightmare of your life?
You could if you knew him better. If you could only understand that he wants you to trust him because he knows the future. He knows what the future holds, he knows what's in store. He knows the plans he has for us, and those plans are for good not evil! To trust God means you have to get to know him you have to
get behind everything he is and see the kind of person he really is. You have to realise that he really does turn every evil thing that the Devil planned for us, to our good later on. You have to be reassured that his word is good and that there is no lie in him. If he says he will do something, you have to be reassured he will do it.
You have to understand his reasons for doing something, are those reasons sinister? Or are they for your betterment? And the only way to know if he tells the truth is to search his own word. If he lied could you take him to court for fraud? If there were an earthly court would his word stand up in it?
In the succeeding scripture you will see that God has a plan for each of us. His plans are always for good and not for something evil to happen to you or yours.
Jeremiah-29-11 for I know the plans I have for you say the Lord, they are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
In the following scripture you will see you have a great enemy one who is out to destroy you and usually shifts the blame over to God for the things he does to you.
1-Peter-5-8-be careful! ----Watch out for attacks from Satan, your great enemy. He prowls around like a hungry roaring lion, looking for some victim to tear apart. Stand firm when he attacks. Trust the Lord; and remember that other Christians all around the world are going through these sufferings too.
Heis themaster of cunning even disguising himself as an angel
Jeremiah 29 11 and 1 Peter-5-8 two scriptures that show there are twofold different supernatural people working in your life. One is out to destroy you any way he is capable of, and the other is out to bless you every way he can. Satan is so cunning he blames every foul deed he caused to happen to you on God, who does not try and defend himself. He just takes every evil deed Satan caused to happen and changes the result for our good at a later date. Romans 8-28 and we know all that happens to us is workingforourgoodifweloveGodandarefittingintohisplans.
To learn to trust someone as I said earlier, you have to get to precisely know the person themselves, to know their character. God is no different than anyone else when it comes to getting to know someone. Trust is acquired it is something built on relationship, and does not happen instantly but grows over a period of time. The closer the relationship between two individuals the greater the trust. In a relationship filled with honesty and truth there is great assurance, I know IM loved and therefore I can trust even when something seems doubtful or someone sows harmful words.
The closer you get to God the greater your relationship will be. When you take time out every day just to walk and talk, to sit and listen, to share your innermost secrets, then he will be the one you will run to in times of troubles.
I want you to trust me in your times of trouble! These are the words of God your father, the words spoken from a heart filled with love for you. So I can rescue you! Trust allows God to be able to act when something happens, fear is doubt and is the opposite of faith and prevents God from working in our situation, but even then he still works away on our interest, turning it to good later on. God is honoured bound to act when faith is there, his word tells us he is a faith God. Without faith you can not please God! Hebrews -11-6 when we have no faith {trust} God cannot act in that moment. I remember praying with a lady who said she had been let down by God continually over a relationship, as I prayed with her the Lord showed me a vision of two hands tied at the wrist with barbed wire. I couldn't understand what it meant, until I asked him. He enlightened me, this woman came every day to leave her problems at the foot of the cross, then as she got up to leave she lifted her problems up again therefore tying his hands. He couldn't work on her problems because she had the problems securely in her hands they were not in God's hands therefore his hands were tied. When I asked the lady if this was true that she always lifted her problems up again, she thought for a moment and replied, yes! I never thought of it, but I do take my problems home with me again. Twenty years later she still brought her problems to the foot of the cross and still lifts them back up again, I know as I have prayed with her off and on over the last twenty years, and it was always for the same thing. My answer remained the same, I reminded her of the
vision God gave me for her.
Even though she never learned that she could tie God's hands, I learned from that moment on. Unless you give something over to God and disown it instantly it still belongs to you, its in your hands not his, he cannot work with what you have tightly in your hands.
Have you ever brought a problem to God asking him to sort that problem out? Only now to discover that in truth you brought your problem back with you and therefore tied his hands rendering him unable to help. Maybe today you are beginning to understand that the problem was not that God did not answer but could not answer, leaving him to change that situation to good later on for you.
I want you to trust me! Me personally, myself, your God, your father. {I used different colours to highlight what I’M trying to describe to you} God is talking to you personally; he wants you to understand the fullness of his love. I want you to trust me, to believe me, to rely on me, to feel secure with me, to know me as your God, to feel an assurance of my love, my constant care of you. Oh my friend reading this if only I could have you feel what I feel when writing these words. Explaining the love of God for you, if only I could convey the depth of the love of God I feel coming from him towards you, you would know you're loved so deeply.
God wants you to trust him he desires so much your understanding of himself and his ways that are above ours. Being someone who holds the future in his hands and who knows everything about everything, he wants us to trust him because he does know our future and the plans he has for us, and those plans are for good not for evil.
Remember there is someone who is determined to destroy every good plan of God that he has for you and that is Satan, who works so hard to undermine everything God does and we aretheoneswho giveSatan theinletby ourunbeliefand doubt.
Why is it that God wants you to trust him? Its so that when you get into trouble he can come and rescue you. He wants you to be confident in him and in his ability to be able to rescue you from whatever troubles or disaster that happens. He wants you to exercise your faith in him your confident assurance that he will rescue you from whatever situation you find your self in. A father who loves his children will do everything for them as best as he can, he will even lay down his own life to rescue them from a disaster. Many a father dived into the sea or a river to try and rescue their drowning child and they could not swim themselves, but love drove them on to try. Father God has all power to rescue us he is not limited in any way, he is almighty God, the God of the impossible. He is the creator of the universe, of countless stars and planets, of the sun and moon. He created all the earth and all that is in it. He has no boundaries, no restrictions and he desires us to trust him to get to know him personally as Father God. So that he can rescue us. God wants to rescue us from our troubles he doesn't want us in despair. So I can rescue you because of my love as a father God, it delights God when we come to him for help knowing that he will come to our aid. Faith in him pleases God and motivates
him to act. What is faith in God? Faith is a conviction that God will act on our behalf, that he will set aside everything just to come to our aid-to rescue us. You are important to God he created you to have a good life filled with good things. I know the plans I have for you he said, and knowing those plans for you is for your good guarantees answered prayer. Just because you belong to God or because he loves you does not stop your greatest enemy from doing all within his evil power to wreck havoc with those good plans of God. He is out to counteract every good thing God has planed. God's word tells you John-10-10 the thief {Satan} comes to steal kills and destroy. I have come that you may have life and life to the full. I am the good shepherd the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. God desires you to come into the truth of which he himself is and he explains here in this scripture that the thief {Satan} is the one who comes to steal kills and destroys. Who does Satan steal from? Who does he kill? Who does he destroy? Have you ever given thought to that? It cannot be God he is stealing from he does not have the power because Jesus already defeated him on the cross of Calvary. So whom does he steal from? You! It's you he steals from! You are the one Satan steals from, he steals your health with sickness and disease, he steals your husband or wife causing them to be unfaithful, he steals your prosperity. Who does he kill? Yourself your children your family your spouse. Through sickness and disease, or by accidents. When I pointed this out to people they always said I do not want to think that the devil killed my husband /wife / children. IT sounds terrible to say the Devil was behind my husbands / wife's death, or my child. For some reason people want to think that it was God who for some mysterious
reason or another caused the life of a loved one to end tragically. If you think like this you probably do not trust God because deep down you blame him for the wrongs that happened in your life, for all the difficulties you have gone through whether he had a reason or not. These are not the actions of a God of love but rather the actions of your greatest enemy, who makes it seem like God was behind it all.
1-Peter-5-8 Watch out for attacks from Satan your great enemy. He prowls about like a hungry roaring lion looking for some victim to tear apart.
God does not attack you! He describes himself as the good shepherd. A shepherd does not attack the sheep "his flock". He tells you "watch out for attacks from Satan." He is distinctly telling you he is not your enemy but that Satan is.
Psalm-56-9 this one thing I know; God is for me!
Psalm-59-10 my God is changeless in his love for me and he will come and help me.
When someone comes against you--God is for you! When something happens to you--God is for you! When disaster strikes--God is for you, when you sin--God is for you because his love is changeless for you and he will rescue you and you can give him glory
Simple, by praising him telling others how he rescued you, sharing with others the good news of his love for them. Giving someone the glory is recognising what his or her achievement was and when acknowledgement is made for something accomplished it please the other person. By giving God glory you draw attention to him you point out his kindness and mercy and goodness to an unbelieving world. You bring hope to those who have no hope and they turn to God for help.
John-15-8-My true disciples produce bountiful harvests-this brings great glory to my father.
True disciples bring God glory by bringing others to him by their witnessing, their telling of the wonderful things he does for them, they're encouraging others to trust God in their everyday lives. You don't have to stand on a street corner shouting out about God. Your very life is a witness to your faith and belief in God. When troubles come to you as they come also to your friends and neighbours! You by your attitude and actions give glory to God by your faith and trust and lack of worry. This astounds the people of the world and has them question your lack of worry and stress in an obvious bad situation, and they seek to know why, giving you the chance to quietly tell them of your trust in God thus giving him glory. They, seeing your faith rewarded will desire the same, and turn to God themselves.
Psalm-111-3-Miracles demonstrate God's glory majesty honour and eternal goodness
Giving God the opportunity to work miracles in your troubles brings him glory majesty and honour. Trust goes a long way, it has continuing effects that you are not aware of. Trust enables God to act to perform a miracle to work a wonder and in turn it brings him glory
Phillipians- 1-11-May you always be doing those good kind things, which show that you are a child of God--for this will bring much praise and glory to God.
Doing good to others will bring glory to God. Being kind, showing compassion, being sympathetic of others will give God glory.
What I want from you, is your true thanks; I want your promises fulfilled, I want you to trust me in your times of trouble. What God desires from you in return for his looking after you is your true thanks. How many times have you given something of value to another and they just grunted "thanks". You walk away thinking to yourself "you ungrateful thing". You know that they did not appreciate what you just did for them, they took you and what you done for granted. There were no genuine thanks from their heart. God is no different from you when it comes to being appreciated he likes to be thanked from the heart, otherwise why would he say, "I want your true thanks". For a long time I used to walk about saying "praise you lord, thank you Jesus," I would do this for hours on end thinking I was giving God hours of praise and thanks.
Then one day I realised! I was just talking from the top of my head I was just repeating myself over and over again just a monologue. I was not even thinking about God and all he done for me, it was a ritual, a habit, and I thought I was giving hours of genuine worship what a fool I was, I was insulting God without even being conscious of it. How my so-called praise and thanks must have sickened him. Since that day that I realised that I was only an empty gong clanging, I became aware of giving thanks properly with thought behind it. I though of the wonderful things Jesus done for me in reference my salvation. How he died for my sins, how he forgave me everything I ever done wrong, how many blessings he gave me because I belong to him. I was full of gratitude as I thought over all he done for me, then walked around thanking him sincerely for the reasons I was aware of, my praise was sincere no longer just a litany.
I want your promises fulfilled. How many empty promises have we made to God promising Lord! I will never do this or that, or Lord I will do this for you if you do this for me. The first thing is you cannot bargain with God, he doesn't need your bargaining. God does things out of love. He is motivated by love and faith and not by your pledge. If you do make a promise to God in reference to something then stick to your promise. Not because you think this will move God to act because it won't, but because you gave your word to God and your word should be your bond.
I want you to trust me in your times of trouble. How much more can I say in regard to this. God the father is calling to you personally, he's talking to you direct, saying I want you to trust me! Especially when you get into trouble, then I can rescue you and you can give me glory.
Brendan Mc Crossan, lives in Northern Ireland, He had a dramatic spiritual conversion. On 5 separate occasions God spared his life from imminent death.
Since his conversion. Brendan and his wife Rose have been involved in a healing ministry.
For the past twenty five years, Brendan and Rose have given talks at retreats and conferences, teaching on God's word and Healing, and on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit with practical teaching methods. Teaching peoples how to open up to the power of the Holy Spirit. Showing how they can pray for the sick and see healing and miracles happen. They teach on spiritual subjects out of a rich source of practical experiences. Having had many experiences in their lives, and have been through it all with God’s grace and love
To Book Brendan or Rose for conferences e-mail. Brenden.mccrossan@ntlworld.com.
Or contact them at Brendan and Rose mc Crossan Ministries• 18 Dunree Gardens. Creggan. Estate. Derry. N. Ireland Bt489qf Phone-02871-285873.
To visit their web site Forgiveness brings healing. Go to Http://www.angelfire.com/country/forgive/index.html
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Heart to heart with God.
Spiritual blocks to God’s Healing and Power.
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The price it costs you if you refuse to forgive.
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Removing the chains of guilt.
Trust me in your times of trouble.
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Locked in the past. – Learn to live in the Fresh newness of life.
The devil is listening to you.
What price heaven.
The purpose of the Holy Spirit.
Naked Christians who think they’re wearing the armor of God.
Stop getting annoyed! Go and get Jesus.
Learn how to pray for healing
Did you know the blessings that are yours?
A time of terrible darkness is coming
The awesome power in tongues
Copyright @2001-04-15 by Brendan Mc Crossan
All rights reserved.