Twenty one things you received from God, when you received righteousness

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Twenty one things you received from God When you received righteousness

Brendan Mc Crossan

Twenty one things you received from God

When you received righteousness

Brendan Mc Crossan 8-11-2011


Seek first

Matthew-6-33-But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Scripture tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto to you, but no one ever tells us what things are added unto us, it’s like we are left in the dark to find out for ourselves. I often wondered what things God was referring to when he said all these things shall be added on. What is being added on? Then I discovered that there were quite a lot of things added on when righteousness was given to you. So I have asked the Holy Spirit to show me just some of the things that were added on at salvation. And here are some that he showed me.

Butfirstheshowed methatfood, clothing, and water weregiven beforeyou even soughtafter the kingdom of God and his righteousness. I had thought that they were given after we searched for God but the Holy Spirit reminded me they were given before salvation because God loves his creation. Apart from the food, clothing and drink God, promises to supply, he has added other things unto to us through our seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. He added many blessings that the born again child of God does not know they have, at the beginning of their walk with God, unless they had a good bible teacher. Those things were added on to you already, before you even sought the kingdom of God, but even more was added on after you got saved.

Are you sitting naked now? Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? I doubt it if you can afford to use a computer, or are paying for the use of one is an internet cafe.

Matthew-6-30-But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and green and tomorrow is tossed into the furnace, will He not much more surely clothe you, O you of little faith? 31Therefore do not worry and be anxious, saying, what are we going to have to eat? Or, what are we going to have to drink? Or, what are we going to have to wear? 32For the Gentiles (heathen) wish for and crave and diligently seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows well that you need them all.


The added bits

Below are just some of the things that were added on to us. Twenty one in all Forgiveness and the Holy Spirit; Blameless and spotless; Friendship; Righteousness & victors crown; Perfection; Chosen, holy, grace, blameless, adopted-his children; Authority; Peace of mind; Highest privilege; Sitting with him in the heavenly realms; One with Christ; One spirit with Christ; My own peace is yours; Fellowship with God

Forgiveness and the Holy Spirit


Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

When you were born again you received as a gift from God your Father the gift of forgiveness for every sin you would commit, have committed, and ever will commit, you also received the Holy Spirit -if - you asked for him to fall on you. Two awesome gifts added on to you when you sought the kingdom of God and his righteousness. It’s amazing to understand the love that God has for us; to be loved so much that every offence we cause against God is forgiven the moment we ask for forgiveness and even before we ask we have been forgiven by Jesus dying on the cross on Calvary, that place where every sin of man was bought and paid for by Jesus, and forgiveness was given at the moment of his words, “Father forgive them, they know not what they do.” Those words spoken by Jesus on the cross were the words of our forgiveness, and spoken before he died.


And Jesus said, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And parting his garments among them, they cast lots. {American Standard Version Bible}

Jesus sought his Father, calling out to him, ‘Father forgive them,’ and he knew his father heard him and accepted his request for our forgiveness by Jesus words. He was not just talking about the people who were killing him or mocking or jeering at him but for once and for ‘all’ he asked for forgiveness and then he died to complete that request, by paying the ultimate price. And our forgiveness was purchased on that cross and paid for by the precious blood of Jesus. Jesus went to the cross on Calvary willingly to fulfil the will of his Father God, for all mankind not just the people who were killing him and mocking him, and God forgave all mankind at that point in time. So forgiveness was added unto us. The first added gift was given here on the cross; what a place to receive a tremendous gift from God, a place of one man’s suffering, torment, and eventual death.


{3}- {4} Blameless and spotless

Revelations -14-4-These are they who have not defiled themselves by relations with women, for they are [pure as] virgins. These are they who follow the Lamb wherever He goes.

These are they who have been ransomed (purchased, redeemed) from among men as the first fruits for God and the Lamb. 5No lie was found to be upon their lips, for they are blameless (spotless, untainted, without blemish) before the throne of God.

{1} & 2

We are the redeemed it talks about in this scripture, and God says we are blameless, spotless, untainted, and without blemish. What a breath-taking thing that is, that God adds to us. How lucky we are there could be no luckier people than those who have accepted Jesus as Lord and searched for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, than us who received it.

{5} Friendship


I do not call you servants (slaves) any longer, for the servant does not know what his master is doing (working out). But I have called you my friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from My Father. [I have revealed to you everything that I have learned from Him.]

Jesus was not just speaking to the apostles in this scripture he was talking to all who would come to him through them also. How we know this, is because he has made known to us also everything he has heard from his Father, and in scripture he has revealed everything that he learned to those who search for him in his word. He said, ‘I do not call you servants but my friends,’ what an honour to be counted by Jesus as his friend. Christians I have heard people say they longed to be known as a friend of God, and what an honour to be called friend by God. And they don’t realise that Jesus already called them friend, he instigated the friendship. When I first started writing this particular book, I was at first hesitant, because there are so many blessings that God poured out on us his children, that I felt that it would take me too long to write and maybe too long for people to sit and read, then as I began to write I realised that there are amazing blessings added on to us at the moment of Salvation, and that Salvation is itself a gift, and for the majority of Christians they don’t understand the enormity of what their God has done for them. For them, I am saved and that is it, or maybe I am saved and I received the Holy Spirit and now speak in tongues, which is a gift again from God to us through his Holy Spirit and that is it for them also. Then there are other Christians who desire more and more of God to know more about their relationship with God as Father and lord and ‘My God.’ To understand the word of God greater than nominal Christians, who are prepared to sacrifice time to read the word and time to worship God each day, not fitting him in here or there but making him the most important person in their life?

{6} {7}

Righteousness & victors crown

2-Timothy-4:8 Amplified-Bible

[As to what remains] henceforth there is laid up for me the [victor's] crown of righteousness [for being right with God and doing right], which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me and recompense me on that [great] day--and not to me only, but also to all those who have loved and yearned for and welcomed His appearing (His return).

What an honour to receive a victor’s crown of righteousness on that day when I stand before him face to face, this is something I can look forward to with certainty. There are hundreds of

blessings and gifts that God has given to us as his children and this is only a very tiny portion I am showing you, the more you read the word of God the more you will become of the blessings and gifts that have been bestowed on you at the moment of your salvation, and salvation was a gift from God. I urge you to read the word of God every day there is so much love for us in it and when you come across things like this that I point out your heart will surge with love for God, increasing with each chapter and verse.

{8} Perfection

Hebrews 10 -14- you are forever perfect in the sight of God

Only God himself could make you like this, forever perfect in his sight. He sees us his own children as forever, and that means for ever, perfect in his sight. Does it matter what others think of you? No if God thinks of you as ‘the bees knees,’ and as my wife says ‘and the wasps elbows,’ what odds what others think of you, you are pleasing to God and he is the one whom we must please, and you can’t get any better than perfect in his sight.

{9}-{10} {11} {12} {13} {14}

Chosen, holy, grace, blameless, adopted-his children

Ephesians-1-4-Even as [in His love] He chose us [actually picked us out for Himself as His own] in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be Holy (consecrated and set apart for Him) and blameless in His sight, even above reproach, before Him in love. 5For He foreordained us (destined us, planned in love for us) to be adopted (revealed) as His own children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the purpose of His will [because it pleased Him and was His kind intent] 6[So that we might be] to the praise and the commendation of His glorious grace (favour and mercy), which He so freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.

There is not one thing that you did to deserve all these things that God says about you, you were chosen by him, he gave you special grace and favour, he considers you blameless with no accusations against you accepted by him; and he adopted you and me as his own children. If you were to even dwell for a few hours on what that scripture actually means – ‘his children’ it would blow your mind because you would realise that God the almighty is actually your father and that makes you his son or daughter with the same standing, and power as Jesus his firstborn son, and as a son or daughter what possibilities would that open up in your spirit.

{15} Authority

Mark 16-17: Those who believe shall use my authority to cast out demons. {The Way Bible} TWB

Those who believe, do you believe that you have been given authority to cast out demons, to lay hands on the sick and heal them. And I love this translation more than any other translation because it says those who believe shall use ‘MY’ authority, not your own but the authority of Jesus Christ himself what a glorious honour, to use Jesus own authority and that authority is

over and above every other name, be that name sickness or disease or demons, and this is a thing you received when you got saved.


Peace of mind

John 14-27: I am leaving you with a gift- peace of mind and heart. {TWB}

There is not much peace in this world, almost everyone is distressed and anxious either about the climate change or the economic situation, or their financial situation, and so many in the world are in desperation losing their homes or jobs as banks crash and they are losing benefits for the disabled and single parents as the countries of this world try and bring about changes in their economy. But we have peace of mind and peace of heart in the midst of all these terrible things that are happening in our world at this present time.


Highest privilege

Romans 5-2: He has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand. {TWB}

Most Christians are not even aware that they have been brought into this place of highest privilege, this place in heaven before the throne of God where they stand in that place of highest privilege, the word highest means uttermost, you can go no higher, and the word privilegemeans advantage. To stand in thatplaceof uttermostadvantagegiveyou an awesome place to stand and that is in the constant presence of God. God is so good to us and sad to say most Christians don’t even realise how blessed by God they are, and to what advantage they have in this position, they have instant access to God to speak with him, to worship him, to be in his presence every single moment of their lives.


Sitting with him in the heavenly realms

Ephesians 2-6: He lifted us up from the grave into glory along with Christ, where we sit with him in the heavenly realms. {TWB}

Few Christians are aware that they are not only standing in that place of highest privilege but that they are also seated in the heavenly realms along with Christ and in Jesus, They are not aware that they have been lifted up from the earth whilst still alive in their flesh body, they feel that they will go to heaven when they die and are not aware that they are in heaven right at this very moment in time in their spirit. Christians are so flesh orientated that they are not aware they are spirit beings first and soul beings second and flesh beings thirdly. We as children of God are actually seated in the heavenly realms now this very instant, so Christians you should have no worries about getting into heaven as you are already there in your spirit because your spirit has joined together with Jesus and where is he seated; he is seated with you, in the heavenly realms. What an amazing thing to be given by God at your salvation.


One spirit with Christ


One spirit with Christ Jesus, if only we could grasp the spiritual significance of this, we are one spirit with Jesus that means we have become one being with our God as Jesus is God. If the revelation of this awesome gift ever reaches our spirit what signs and wonders we would be doing through the understanding of who is in us and whom the Holy Spirit pours out his power on and through; we would be seeing the crippled walk again and the blind seeing and the demon possessed and those oppressed by demonic power set free, the supernatural would be natural for us who walk in the one spirit with Jesus, through whom the Holy Spirit poured out his healing power when Jesus walked the earth.


My own peace is yours John-14-27-Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does.

Jesus gave us an amazing gift, he gave us his very own peace, and do you think anything disturbed Jesus? Nothing disturbed Jesus; he was the peace of God, and nothing on this earth, could ever disturb him.

Nothing that is happening at this present time and climate, where we have meltdown in the world economy, and we also have meltdown in the atmosphere where we have a hole in the ozone should disturb us either because Jesus gave us his gift of his peace, not mans peace but the actual peace of God. Jesus said to you the reader; ‘my’ own peace has been given to you and to me also. How awesome to realise that I have the power in me to withstand any circumstance in my life because I have the peace of Jesus in me, his own peace that he has is now mine as a gift from Him to me, what love he has for us his children.


Fellowship with God Romans-6:11-Good-News-Translation

In the same way you are to think of yourselves as dead, so far as sin is concerned, but living in fellowship with God through Christ Jesus.

And number twenty one is the greatest thing of all to receive from God our father; fellowship! Having fellowship with a friend is a wonderful gift to have, to know that your friend is always there for you, no matter whether you are going through good times or tough times he is always there fellowshipping with you spending time out with you, holding you when you cry, laughingwithyouwhenyou’rehappy,beingtherealways,throughlife’sjourneyanditisgood to have a friend on life’s journey especially that eternal journey we have with Jesus our friend, and this friend said Behold I am with you always, even till the end of the world. That is what you call a friend.


There is obviously more than twenty one thing you received when you received the gift of righteousness; but I just chose to show you these twenty one, to show you how blessed you are when God givesyou twenty onethingsasagifton theday you received salvation, thatmoment that righteousness was imparted to you. God gave you gifts and as scripture say’s, ‘God gives gifts unto men,’ and you are the men and women he gave them to because he welcomed you into his house with gifts; he does things the opposite from man when we go to someone’s home we bring with us a gift, but when we went to God’s house he gave us gifts. What a God we have and what love he has for us.


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