How can you put a price on heaven? What does it actually mean, what price heaven? In today's world very few people actually care about heaven. Very few actually think about heaven or God It is a world that seems to have forgotten about their creator or what their existence is all about. People seem to be more concerned about this world and what they can get out of it. Very few young people actually think where will I go when I die. Apathy about God has set into this world in a big way. The strangest thing is that young people think about the Devil and demons, because computer games and T. V and films all show demons and the Devil, so they think about these things ,not as a, •I believe in demons, or the Devil,• but it•s the movies and not really real, its all make believe, but there is a vague belief. They believe more in the Devil and demons than they do about God or heaven. I suppose if more movies showed God in the staring role, and heaven as the place to be, an interest might just arise. That•s not the reality of heaven though, Heaven is a real place where some of us are going to spend eternity with God, in the company of others like us and of Gods mighty angels and heavenly beings, in unimagined happiness and Joy. Others are going to spend eternity in hell, whether they believe it or not. Its so sad to see so much disinterest in God or in heaven, especially when I know that God in heaven is breaking his heart over them and their disinterest in him or heavenly things. What is heaven? Heaven is the place where God and celestial beings live. Heaven is where every child of the living God is residing after their earthly death. Heaven is where God wants us all to reach it•s the final goal for every human being, or that•s what it was supposed to be, it•s the place of eternal happiness without sickness or disease nor troubles, where the streets are literally paved with gold, not of earthly value but of beyond earthly value, it•s a place where there's no need for a sun nor moon because the brilliance of almighty God is reflected everywhere and there is no darkness at all.
There•s a place already prepared in heaven for you and I and Jesus Christ has prepared that place for us. Isn•t it amazing to think that God has us so much in mind that he actually has prepared a place in heaven, a place to call our own. If you could actually start to believe that Almighty God had you in mind when he designed heaven it would let you know the depth of love that he has for you. Just think, before the world was created God was thinking about a place for you to reside with him forever. Ephesians-1-4–
Already been paid for us , so we have a free ticket into heaven you might say. What price heaven ? • Free entry,• the price has already been paid for you, through, and by Jesus Christ, God•s only son, he paid the entrance fee, and the fee was paid in full. And all you have to do to receive your free ticket, so to speak is by accepting what Jesus done for you. Accepting the gift of eternal life that you need for entry into heaven because the body you have now will never enter heaven it is not made up of the same material as heavenly bodies are made up of, it has to be changed into an eternal life body and it will not be made of flesh and blood. but it will be a supernatural body made to live eternally, for ever and Youever.know its exciting to think that we will live forever , and that we will change just like the caterpillar is changed into a beautiful butterfly, that soars way up in the air and flies where it wants too. To me its fantastic to think that I will live forever and will have a new pain free body, no worries, no problems, nothing but unquenchable joy and peace with God.
Because I got my ticket over twenty years ago, and I know that I am going to heaven, my place is already booked praise God, I accepted my free entry, with gratitude.
Heaven the dwelling place of God is also a place prepared for us ,Jesus said my father has many rooms and I go to prepare a place there for youJohn-14-2=
Long ago even before he made the world, God chose us to be his very own, through what Christ would do for us. You can see here that God had chosen you even before he made the world, he can see into the future, he knows everything about everything, he is God, the almighty supreme being who sent his only son to die for you and I, to pay the price for every sin that we would ever commit, and
As a baby you are born in water, the water in your mothers womb which surrounded you and kept you safe, but you also have to be born spiritually, of the spirit as Jesus said. How, you may ask can I be born spiritually? Its so easy.
and his son Jesus paid the total price of heaven for us, and then said the entrance to heaven is now open to you and to every human being, whoever wants entry.
Romans-10-8-For salvation, [being born spiritually] comes from trusting Christ – which is what we preach, is already within easy reach of each of us, in fact, it is as near as your own heart and mouth. For if you tell others that Jesus Christ is your Lord and believe in your own heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved, for it is in believing in his heart, that a man becomes right with God; and with his mouth he tells others of his faith, confirming his salvation. You can see for yourself how easy it is to get into heaven all you have to do is believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, and you tell others, at least one other person, that Jesus is your Lord you will be saved. How difficult is that? Sadly for so many it is very difficult because they don•t want anything to do with God, they're not interested any more in him or heaven, giving no thought to what
Jesus said to Nicodemus in John-3-3– unless a man be born again he can never get into the kingdom of God [heaven] even though heaven is now free entry you have to get yourself A new body to get there, again Jesus talking to Nicodemus said in John-3-5- • unless one is born of water and the spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. [heaven]
The only thing about heaven is you have to be dead to get there, you can•t get there with your old physical body, no you must have a brand new body.
Lies ahead of them , they don•t think where am I going after I die? It•s the least of their notion, all they are concerned is how to get as much pleasure and power out of this life as they can, giving God no thought, nor their after life either, because there is a place after life whether its with God in heaven, or with the Devil in hell. There going somewhere and as for me I am going to heaven with my free ticket intact, I believe that Jesus is my lord and saviour and that he has taken away all my many sins, that he paid for all of them on Calvary when he died for us.
The astonishing thing about God is he forgives sins, he chooses to overlook many faults, he chooses to love with a true genuine love that is totally unconditional. He chose to give you and I a free entry into paradise, he chose to send his son to his death so that we weak human beings could have an entry into heaven with him. He loves us so much that he done everything to ensure that we could get into heaven, taking away our own efforts to try and get there knowing that if we were to try and gain entry into heaven by our own means we would never get there.
My friend if you are reading this and you know you have never said to God that you are sorry for your sins, why not decide to do that now, just stop for a few moments and say •lord I have sinned against you and I ask you to forgive me, I also accept your gift of forgiveness. I want to ask you if you would come into my life and become my lord and saviour, I know that means that only you, can get me into heaven, I accept the fact that I can not get there by myself, I want to accept my free entry into heaven, and want to try and live a life that would please you. I could give you loads of scripture to back up everything I have written but if you don•t read a bible then there's not much point in doing that.
My aunt Kathleen always said, •don•t give a bowl of stews to someone who can only drink milk.• In other words its too much to digest at
He decided I will make it easy for men and women to come to me, I will send my son Jesus to pay for every sin they will ever commit. I will sacrifice him in stead of making them pay, I will have my very own son go down to earth and I will have him sacrificed on Calvary, I will use him as a means to punish sin and set mankind free.
About the author Brendan McCrossan, lives in Northern Ireland, He had a dramatic spiritual conversion. On 5 separate occasions God spared his life from imminent death. Since his conversion Brendan and his wife Rose have been involved in a healing ministry For the past twenty five years, Brendan and Rose have given talks at retreats and conferences, teaching on God's word and Healing, and on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit with practical teaching methods. Teaching peoples how to open up to the power of the Holy Spirit Showing them how they can pray for the sick and see healing and miracles happen. They teach on spiritual subjects out of a rich source of practical experiences. Having had many experiences in their lives, and have been through it all with God's grace and love. Visit their web site: Forgiveness brings healing
Whatonce. price heaven, Free entry, to those who want to get in. If ever you want to know more about heaven or Jesus and what he done for you then feel free to call me or write to Brendan Mc Crossan, 18 Dunree gdn•s Creggan Estate 02871NDerryIreland,-285873. CONTACT DETAILS
PhoneBt489qfNorthernDerryCreggan18BrendanBrendan.mccrossan@ntlworld.comandRoseMcCrossanMinistriesDunreeGardensEstateIreland02871-285873 Other titles available By Brendan McCrossan Prayers from the Holy Spirit 5 Steps to growing spiritually strong God! Where the hell are you? How God sees us Stop asking for what’s already yours 7 Ways to have peace of mind and heart Redundant Angels God has feelings and emotions Heart to heart with God The power of God at work Un forgiveness the price it costs you God loves you and here’s the proof Removing the chains of guilt Trust me in your times of trouble Your Children are promised salvation The devil is listening to you What price heaven The purpose of the Holy Spirit