Before we look at what God sees, let us look at how we see ourselves.
Most Christians think of themselves as unworthy, sinners, of no use or value not worth anything, and that’s only the beginning of the negative things we think and say about ourselves. What God says and thinks about us is the most important thing in this life, so let us see what does God see when he looks at us.
He sees us – as forgiven-
As justified Acts 13-39
As redeemed Galatians -3-13
As worthy 1- Thesalonians-2-12
As a King of life Romans-5-17
As a priest of God Revelation – 5-10
As reigning on earth Revelation – 5-10
As belonging to him John 17-10
As not a part of this world John-17-16
As being perfected into one with Jesus and himself John-17-23
As having life and death as your servant 1-Corinthians-6-17
As having every grace and blessing 1 –Corinthian-1-7
As having every spiritual gift and power 1-Corinthian- 1-7As counted free from sin and its guaranteed 1 –Corinthian-1-8
As acceptable to God 1 Corinthians-1-30
As pure and holy 1- Corinthians -1-30
As having a portion of Christ’s mind 1- Corinthian-2-17
As a jewel in God’s crown Malachi -3-17
As a gift from Jesus to him Revelation-5-9
As one person in Christ Jesus 1-corinthian -6-17
As standing in the place of highest privilege Romans-5-2
As growing up like calves leaping with joy Malachi -4-2
As treading the wicked underfoot as ashes Malachi-4-3
As having right standing before him Romans-5-21
As a saint 1-Corinthians-6-1
As his garden 1- Corinthians -3-9
As His building 1-Corinthians-3-9
As the house of God 1 –Corinthians-3-16
As his home 2nd Corinthians-6-16
As holy and clean 1-Corinthians-3-17
As going to judge and govern the world 1-Corinthians-6-2
As a judge rewarding the very angels in heaven 1-Corinthians-6-3
As bought with a great price 1-Corinthians -6-20
As baptized into Christ’s body 1-Corinthians-12-13
As having gifts and powers 1-Corinthians- 1-4
As having his brand on us 2-Corinthians – 1-22
As a mirror brightly reflecting his glory 2-Corinthians- 3-18
As a brand new person inside 2 -Corinthians-5-17
As Christ’s ambassador
As himself living in us
As his Sons and Daughters 2- Corinthians-6-17
As made right in his sight Romans -1-17
As not guilty Romans-3-21-22
As never being discarded by him Romans-11-2
As made free by Christ Galatians-5-1
As a city on a hill Matthew-5-14
As a light to the world Matthew -5-14
As the worlds seasoning Matthew-5-13
As God’s and Sons of the most high Psalm-82-6
As having a kingdom nothing can destroy Hebrews-12-28
As his workmanship in Christ Jesus
Ephesians -2-10
As very precious to him Psalm -116-15
As sharing his glory with him 2-Peter-1-3
As having a real life in Jesus Colossians-3-3
As passed out of death into life John -5-24
As sharing in the life of Jesus Colossians-2-13
As being chosen by him Colossians-3-12
As crucified with Jesus Galatians-2-20
As made full in him Colossians-2-10
As filled with the Godhead, Father, Son and Spirit Colossians-2-10
As having his seed {sperm} inside you 1-John-3-9
As having the fragrance of Christ Jesus in us 2-Corinthians-2-15
As filled with his own goodness Romans-4-25
As called by his wonderful name 1-Peter-4-16
As having his treasures of wisdom and knowledge Colossians-2-3
As having an inheritance Ephesians-1-11
As being the righteousness of God Ephesians-1-11
As having all the wonders God promised Hebrews -9-15
As having authority Luke -10-9
As translated out of the kingdom of darkness Colossians -1-3
As translated into the kingdom of heaven Colossians-1-3
As having overwhelming victory in your life Romans-8-3
As being able to do certain things well Romans-12-6
As having a new nature that loves to do God’s will Romans-7-22
As being new and different people
As having a new name written on a white stone Revelation-2-17
As saved 1-timothy -1-7/2-1-9
As everything he has belonging to me
As baptized into union with Christ Romans -6-3 /Gal/3-27
As having enriched my whole life 1-Corinthians-1-5
As forever perfect in his sight Hebrews-10-14
As assured of a glad welcome by God Ephesians-3-12
As coming fearlessly into God’s presence Ephesians-3-12
As parts of the one body Ephesians-4-4
As helping you want to obey him, Philippians-2-13
As having everything when I have Christ
As set free from evil desires
As destroying your list of sins
As taking away Satan’s power to accuse you Colossians-2-15
As joined together by his strong sinews Colossians -2-19
As living a brand new kind of life Colossians-3-10
As a representative of the lord Jesus Christ
As much beloved of God 1-thessalonians-1-4
As rising to meet him when Christ returns 1-Thessalonians-16
As children of the light and day 1-Thessalonians-5-5
As not belonging to darkness and night 1-Thessalonians-5-5
As living in the light 1-Thesalonians- 5-8
As not choosing to pour out his anger on us 1-Thessalonians-5-9
As cleansing you by the work of the Holy Spirit 2-Thessalonians-2-13
As loved by the lord 2-Thessalonians-2-13
As made strong and guarded from satanic attacks 2-Thessalonians-3-3
As having real enthusiasm for doing good Titus-2-14
As declared good in God’s eyes- Titus-3-7
As having angels care for us Hebrews-1-14
As being made holy by Jesus Hebrews-2-11
As God’s own children Hebrews-2-14
As knowing everything about us Hebrews- 4-13
As making sure of our eternal salvation Hebrews-9-12
As his friend Hebrews-9-24
As sinless and our sins forever forgiven & forgotten Hebrews- 14-18
As having a kingdom nothing can destroy Hebrews-12-28
As never failing or forsaking us Hebrews-13-5
As making sure he will get us into heaven 1-Peter-1-5
As priests of the king 1-Peter-2-9
As acceptable to him 1-Peter-2-5
As God’s very own 1-Peter-2-9
As ministers of God Isaiah-61-6- amp
As having beauty instead of ashes Isaiah-61-3- amp
As Oaks of righteousness-lofty strong, magnificent Isaiah-61-3-amp
As distinguished for uprightness, justice Isaiah-61-3-amp
As eating the wealth of the nations Isaiah-61-6-amp
As having a twofold recompense {reward} Isaiah-61-7-amp
As your offspring being known among the people Isaiah-61-9-amp
As people of the lord and blessed Isaiah-61-9-amp
As clothed with garments of salvation Isaiah-61-10-amp
As covered with the robe of righteousness Isaiah-61-10-amp
As a bride adorned with jewels Isaiah-61-10-amp
As a crown of glory and honor in the hands of God Isaiah-62-3-amp
As exceedingly beautiful in the hands of your God Isaiah-62-3-amp
As the holy people sought out, a city not forsaken Isaiah-62-12-amp
As his sheep, known by him John-10-14-
As having your sins forgiven and put out of sight Romans-4-7
As made right in his sight
As having a wonderful new relationship with him Romans-5-11
As being his friends with blessings Romans-5-10
As acceptable to him Romans-5-19
As a part of him Romans-6-5
As no longer under sins control Romans-6-6
As free from your old master sin Romans-6-18
As having no condemnation awaiting me Romans-8-1
As controlled by my new nature Romans-8-9
As calling to him Father, Father Romans-8-15
As promised his glory Romans-8-30
As having overwhelming victory Romans-8-37
As his own special, chosen people Romans-9-4
As the branches of his holy tree Romans-11-16
As no weapon formed against us succeeding Isaiah-54-17
As blessed by himself Isaiah-56-3
As having a name above all names as ours to use Isaiah-56-5
As full of joy Isaiah-56-7
As a light shining for all nations to see Isaiah-60-1
As the glory of the lord shining from you Isaiah-60-2
As your eyes shining with joy Isaiah-60-5
As the holy people and the lords redeemed Isaiah-62-12
As living building stones 1-Peter 2-5
As your soul cleansed from selfishness 1-Peter-1-22
As called out of darkness 1-Peter-2-9
As having your real home in heaven 1-Peter -2-11
As free from the law 1-Peter-2-16
As having wonderful fellowship with one another 1-John-1-7
As being like {equal} to him {Jesus} 1-John -3-2
As forgiven and made clean Hebrews-10-10
As walking into the holy of holies boldly Hebrews-10-19
As sprinkled with Christ’s blood making us clean Hebrews-10-22
As good in God’s sight Hebrews-10-38
As registered in heaven Hebrews-12-23
As redeemed and already made perfect Hebrews-12-23
As made in his own image Genesis-1-26
Theses scripture and many more tell you exactly how God looks at you and what he sees through his eyes, he looks at us as his children made in his image, and if we are made in his image how then can we be unworthy, sinners, of no use or merit, never amount to anything, useless, and of no worth; if you declare yourself to be of no worth you declare God to be of no worth, after all your made in his image. If you think of yourself as a sinner then God is a sinner also, because you’re made in his image. Now remember we are talking about the spirit within mankind that has been redeemed by Jesus; the born again believer, not the sin-filled man or woman of this corrupt world.
Look at how many scriptures that tell you how you look to him, now go and search out in your bible the many, many others scriptures that say how he sees us, then believe God when
he tells you, ‘you are precious to him’ and he loves you. God made you’re spirit in his image holy like him, then he gave you a soul [a mind] that allows you to think, thereby giving you a choice, to love him by choice, or to reject him by choice, you were given the greatest gift ever, freedom of choice. He didn’t make you a robot created to love him without choice, that is not love; love is allowing those whom we love to chose for them selves right and wrong; you cant force someone to love you, neither does God force you to love him. He wants you to love him, so he gave you freedom of choice to love him, or not love him. My choice is to love him every day of my life, to be always thinking about him.
I know how he sees me from his word and I am honored by this, I delight in knowing my Father God looks at me with eyes filled with love and compassion and mercy that he chooses to overlook my weakness and see only my trying, my goodness. He looks at me with eyes filled with love; I am his very own Son just like my brother Jesus. He sees Jesus in me and sees me as a mirror reflecting his own image. I am identical to Jesus because I was created out of a part of him; God took a part of Jesus and created you and I from that very part.
He sees what he made was excellent.
Genesis-1-31- then God looked over all he had made and it was excellent in every way.
How much more proof do we need that God is in love with us, he sees us as excellent. Dare we contradict a Holy God who created the extreme universes and galaxies and countless life forms from the large to the microscopic. He who made the majestic wonderful angels, messengers of flaming fire, to serve us, and help us his own children created in Christ Jesus for his pleasure.
It is only when we acknowledge the wonderful things that God done for us that we can really begin to appreciate the amazing God we have with all our hearts and mind. My two most favorite scriptures are; Ephesians -1-4-6 and Hebrews 10-14.
Ephesians -1-4-6 long ago, even before he made the world, God chose us to be his very own, through what Christ would do for us; he decided then to make us holy in his eyes, without a single fault – we who stand before him covered with his love. His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by sending Christ Jesus to die for us. And he did all this because he wanted to.
Hebrew’s -10-14 for by that one offering he made forever perfect in the sight of God all those whom he is making holy
When Satan attacked me with unworthiness, I retaliated with theses two scriptures reminding him what God done for me that he made me forever perfect in his sight without a single fault. Satan would respond with, ‘but remember what you done,’ ‘don’t forget you sinned against God’.
I would reply! ‘I confessed my sins and he has forgiven me and now he still sees me as forever perfect in his sight.’
These two scripture are engraved on my heart and no matter what Satan tries to do or when he tries to condemn me, I simply remind him what God done. And say; ‘thank you for reminding me of God’s mercy towards me.’
You also need to get these scriptures down into your spirit and I mean which ever scripture settles with you the most, the ones you are most drawn to, continually confess them to yourself and to others until they have become an integral part of you. Continually be giving praise and thanks for all the things God done for you in all of these scriptures, his word. Soak them up read them over and over again and again until they remain with you constantly, and in this way you will grow stronger in faith and in belief of God’s pure love for you.
1-Peter-2-10- once you were less than nothing; now you are God’s own; once you knew very little of God’s kindness; now your very lives have been changed by it.