Wisdom is looking for you,

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Wisdom is looking for you to come to it many blessings are there for you. Brendan Mc Crossan

Wisdom is looking for you to come to it many blessings are there for you.

There are many things the Christian should be searching for and treasure of gold and silver and precious stones are not on that list, here is a gift that is begging to be taken and promises mighty things for those who take up the offer!

In the following scripture I am going to take it a little bit at a time trying to show you the awesomeness of the wisdom of God. God’s own wisdom is offering those who search for it knowledge beyond understanding.

I am also searching for myself what the spirit reveals in this word, because as I used this scripture ‘just one verse’ in another book and as I read the full scripture I was drawn to copy and paste the words in another document and study it. And I study by praying and writing at the same time waiting on the Holy Spirit to reveal what he wants me to see, and then I share that knowledge with you whoever reads my little books.

The words in bold black and some in red to highlight them are the scripture words, and the words in bold blue are mine.

Seeking wisdom

Proverbs -8 -6-Hear, for I will speak excellent and princely things; and the opening of my lips shall be for right things.7For my mouth shall utter truth, and wrongdoing is detestable and loathsome to my lips.

“Hear” pay attention to and take notice of what the spirit of wisdom will reveal to you. Wow! God’s spirit is anxious that we should listen to what it has to tell us. “I will speak excellent and princely things,” and I am up for that, “my mouth shall utter truth,” truth is a wonderful knowledge to gain. The first words were “Hear,”{ pay attention to, listen carefully to} what the spirit of wisdom of God is going to say, it is good advice to pay attention to each line of the scripture verse, for in there lies the wisdom of God.

8All the words of my mouth are righteous (upright and in right standing with God); there is nothing contrary to truth or crooked in them.9They are all plain to him who understands [and opens his heart], and right to those who find knowledge [and live by it].

“All the words of my mouth are righteous are upright and in right standing with God,” {I wish all the words of my mouth were the same} they are truthful words that the spirit of wisdom speaks here for us God’s children, and they are not {big} elongated words with aloof {distant} sounding words, they are plain and simple words for us to understand, if you speak with eloquent words then thespirit speaks to you in thosewords becausethat’s where you are at, if you are like me, simple words, then the spirit will speak in simple truths with simple words and it will be plain to both of us.

10Receive my instruction in preference to [striving for] silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold,

11For skilful and godly Wisdom is better than rubies or pearls and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.

Receive, {take delivery of} the spirit of wisdoms instructions. It is better to search for wisdom than to set your heart on treasure of rubies and diamonds or pearls, the things that this world values. New cars, the latest electronic gadget, the HD 3D TV, the newest laptop computer, things the world desire before they desire God, are nothing to be compared to wisdom, the knowledge of God himself.

12I, Wisdom [from God], make prudence my dwelling and I find out knowledge and discretion.

13The reverent fear and worshipful awe of the Lord [includes] the hatred of evil; pride, arrogance, the evil way, and perverted and twisted speech I hate.

The worship of God means hating sin in whatever form it takes and as Christians we should hate sin and try and avoid it if possible, I know we will sin till the day we die, but being aware that your heavenly fathers spirit hates sin with a passion helps us also to become more aware when sin is lurking around, and is a constant reminder that it offends God whom we love. I have become more aware of sin lurking around these days and I tell it, ‘I will not offend my God by giving into your temptation’ and I dismiss it, not always I might add, because anything done outside of love is sinful and sometimes I fall into that trap by getting angry or resentful until I become aware that I am sinning then simply repent.

Prudence is a nice thing to have, all of us need common sense, discretion, especialy when in ministry praying with and dealing with other people. Wisdom finds out knowledge and discretion both invaluablein ministry orsimply in life.“Thereverent fear,” that fear is not the fear of God that he will come down on you like a ton of bricks when you do something wrong, No! That reverent fear is respect, worshipful, holding God in awe because you understand that he is a holy God who lives in unapproachable light, that he is the creator of all creation from the angels to the celestial beings to the cosmos, and vast universes and galaxies, he is the one who spun planets into being with his word. It is the awareness of whom you are approaching, and praise God through Jesus we may approach our wonderful God with reverent love and respect and joy as he tells us he is a loving Father to us.

And because we love him we loath all things that offend him, or should loath all things that offend him, that is the reverent fear of the lord. We all need to sit down and think, that God is God Almighty an awesome being who controls the very existence of every living thing in all of creation, we need to think of him like this at times, putting aside our awareness that he is as I said, ‘Father to us.’ But we need to think of him as to ‘what’ and not just who he is. He is not “something” we control by prayer, but “someone” who uses prayer to communicate with us. Prayer is a communication between God and mankind. But first he is God! breath-taking unimaginable, undreamt-of, to think of his vastness, a being so immense that he creates dimensions worlds that we can’t ever get to see, even in

the future, his empire is staggering in size it has no beginning and it has no end, just like himself. And yet this awesome being calls us children of his.

The songwriter who wrote “How great thou art,” seems to me to have touched on the vastness and almighty greatness of God when he wrote;

“Oh Lord, My God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the worlds {works} thy hands have made. I see the stars; I hear the rolling thunder, thy power throughout the universe displayed.”

This was a man who touched the immensity of God in his spirit that prompted him to write those words. ‘When I in awesome wonder,’ do you in awesome wonder about the immensity of the God you and I worship?

And we rarely sit down beneath the stars and ponder the vastness, sheer size of God a being who could create all the stars that we see and don’t see. And who knows what those stars hold, because stars are planets just like earth, God alone knows what type of life he has put on those billions of planets. We have viewed Mars and Jupiter, Saturn and the planets close to our galaxy through telescopes, we have seen on television the photos that thespacecraft Hubblehas sent back to earth, and wehavemarvelled at someof thesights that we have seen in those photos including one they called the “eye of God” a cosmic sight that looks like a gigantic eye, and they and we marvelled at those photos and TV footage, and yet we haven’t got anywhere near the end of our galaxy to look at other galaxies beyond ours, and we never think that our God has made those Galaxies beyond Galaxies, and universes beyond universes, and we don’t realise even though we see with our own eyes those awesome photos and videos that there is a creator who made those things who is obviously even larger than the cosmos he created.

Can you imagine the size of heaven where billions of angels live and billions of heavenly beings reside, all different according to the word of God, and there are mansions there to house all those children of God who get to heaven, according to the word of God in the book of Revelations. What an enormous size heaven must be and it is separate from the galaxies and universes because that is where God has his home and where some day we will reside with him.

All this is beyond anything we as human beings can comprehend, but there is nothing to stop us sitting down with God and talking with him about how vast he is, and imagining all I described. Yet that God who holds all of creation in the word of his mouth has time for you and me time to come and sit with us as we worship him. What a God we have and how incredible he is, how awe inspiring he is.

It is obvious that we cannot sit down and imagine the immensity of God or his works or his kingdom but there are times we must try to get an appreciation of God himself by taking time to accumulate all this knowledge into our spirit, to understand we have a God who holds universes in his hands and yet he has time to sit and talk to us and to work miracles for us when we pray to him. Nothing I could write could ever describe the immensity of God; there are no written words to describe his vastness or incredibleness. Yet this God calls himself Father to us, and calls us his very own children.

14I have counsel and sound knowledge, I have understanding, I have might and power.

15By me kings reign and rulers decree justice.


By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges and governors of the earth.

Wisdom tells us that it has counsel and sound knowledge and understanding, power and might, that kings have ruled by its decree, even the judges and governors of the earth including princes ruled by its guidance, what an awesome offer to come searching for wisdom, and to find it and to know from wisdom what to do. In the gifts of the spirit there is the gift of wisdom, and that is a gift from the Holy Spirit, but here is wisdom itself telling us to search for it and learn how to rule with sound knowledge.

17I love those who love me and those who seek me early and diligently shall find me.

Those who seek me early and diligently shall find me, and wisdom say it loves those who love wisdom, let’s look again at the meaning of words as you find in many of my books, I search out the fullness of words to see the full meaning to them. Diligently meaning meticulously, conscientiously, thoroughly, attentively; you have to search for wisdom as if searching for your last breath, as if there was not an ounce of breath left in your body and you had to search to find another breath.

I’m not a good swimmer, and at times I get a bit out of my depth and would panic for breath as I lose energy in my arms to swim, and I have to force myself towards shallower water so that I can stop and get a breath. I am more desperate to get that breath than anything in life, and as I am not a good swimmer I keep close to the shallow end but now and then go into deeper water as I feel braver, and stupid also I might add.

I almost drowned one time in the swimming baths as I was learning to swim, I reached for the side rail and missed and went down under in the deep end, I was taking in water and panicking gasping for breath but just drinking in water, when the lord told me don’t panic and I became calm again and started swimming towards the surface again just as the life guard was reaching down with his pole to save me. I gasped for breath that day and so I know what the spirit of wisdom is talking about when it says ‘I love those who love me,’ ‘who seek me early and diligently,’ painstakingly as one gasping for breath, with every breath in my body.

I get up sometimes at four or five in the morning just to sit with the lord, for an hour, at times I fall asleep sitting there, other times I am acutely aware that I am in the presence of God, even if I don’t feel his presence but I know because I seek him, then he is there with me, and the same applies to seeking wisdom, I have to apply the same methods, like gasping for my last breath.

18Riches and honour are with me; enduring wealth and righteousness; (uprightness in every area and relation, and right standing with God).

The spirit of wisdom offers riches and honour, riches and honour are a part of the nature of God’s spirit of wisdom, enduring wealth and righteousness are on the plate for us who seek the wisdom of God; we don’t wish to search for wisdom because these things are on offer but because we desire wisdom for what wisdom is, a closer relationship with Almighty God creator of heaven and earth and quantum space. From the very largest to the very smallest thing our God made them all.

19My fruit is better than gold; yes, than refined gold; and my increase than choice silver

Myfruit,saysthespiritofwisdomisbetterthangold,betterthanrefinedgold,andbetter than an increase of choicest silver. Gold and silver are precious and so very valuable. The

fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, peace and Joy, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control, those fruits are more valuable to God than all the gold on this earth, when we have those fruits growing inside us then we are of great value to everyone because the nature of Jesus and God is showing through us.

20I [Wisdom] walk in the way of righteousness (moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relation), in the midst of the paths of justice,


That I may cause those who love me to inherit [true] riches and that I may fill their treasuries.

Wisdom itself says it walks in the way of righteousness, and praise God scripture says we the Christian children of God walk in righteousness also because of what Jesus done for us, but wisdom is saying also that it may cause those who love wisdom to inherit true riches and that wisdom may fill their treasuries. I would rather have my treasuries filled with knowledge and power from God to help others than to have vast amounts of gold, love is the greatest treasure that anyone could have because love reaches out to all and touches all with healing peace and restoration.

22The Lord formed and brought me [Wisdom] forth at the beginning of His way, before His acts of old.

Wisdom was formed by God from the beginning of his way, from everlasting to everlasting wisdom was there in God

23I [Wisdom] was inaugurated and ordained from everlasting, from the beginning, before ever the earth existed.


When there were no deeps, I was brought forth, when there were no fountains laden with water.



Before the mountains were settled, before the hills, I was brought forth,

While as yet He had not made the land or the fields or the first of the dust of the earth.


When He prepared the heavens, I [Wisdom] was there; when He drew a circle upon the face of the deep and stretched out the firmament over it,


When He made firm the skies above, when He established the fountains of the deep,


When He gave to the sea its limit and His decree that the waters should not transgress [across the boundaries set by] His command, when He appointed the foundations of the earth.


Then I [Wisdom] was beside Him as a master and director of the work; and I was daily His delight, rejoicing before Him always,


Rejoicing in His inhabited earth and delighting in the sons of men

Wisdom is telling us that it was there from everlasting to everlasting and was there as God was making the universe and the earth and that wisdom itself helped to direct the work of God. He didn’t make it, wisdom says God made it; he was a master and director

of the work, like a foreman in human terms, and like a child wisdom says it was daily God’s the fathers delight, and rejoicing before him, just like a child rejoices watching their father make something, as they watch what their father creates they lift little hammers and get nails and bang away beside dad, and any father delights in watching his Son or Daughter playing with them copying their actions.

Wisdom rejoiced over the inhabited earth and delighted in watching the sons of men, wisdom tells us that it delights in the sons of men, and I doubt that this has changed in millions of years.

32Now therefore listen to me, O you sons; for blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are those who keep my ways.(L)

33Hear instruction and be wise, and do not refuse or neglect it.

34Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors.

In these final instructions wisdom is urging us to listen to it, and to obey its ways seeking for it more than seeking for fame or fortune. Listen to wisdoms instructions and obey them, follow wisdoms instructions and don’t neglect or refuse to listen and obey. Because blessed, {happy and fortunate} are we who listen to wisdom and who obey wisdom because wisdom will enrich our lives and keep us in the ways of God and will work in our lives for the glory of God removing from us any self seeking glory. And wisdom tells us to watch for it, which means that it can be seen, by its instructions whispered into your spirit.

Watch for wisdom daily and find it at its gates, waiting for you to come searching for it. And when we search for wisdom we find wisdom because wisdom wants to be found by the sons and daughters of men as wisdom delights in us.

Today begin your search for wisdom, ask with all your heart and wisdom will answer you.


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