Worry, that great destroyer of faith

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Worry! That great destroyer of Faith.

Brendan Mc Crossan

Worry, that great destroyer of faith

Colossians -4- 2 -let heaven fill your thoughts; don’t spend your time worrying about things down here. You should have as little desire for this world as a dead person does. Your real life is in heaven with Christ and God. God’s word tells us don’t spend your time worrying about things down here on earth; he is telling you that worry does you no good. Worry is one of the greatest killers of faith that there is. God’s word says don’t worry; yet we spend our times in disobedience to God’s word, believe that or not, worry is disobedience to God, it is contradicting what the lord told you not to do.

Of course the Devil wants you to worry, he wants you to defy God, he wants you worrying because worry can and does eventually kill you, through the stress of worry, and stress is just worry under another name.

Faith is just the opposite of worry, faith means trusting God in all things and obeying him, and scripture tells us without faith it’s impossible to please God. I bet you that you never thought that worry was disobedience to God’s word, and that you were actually defying God by worry; you are in effect telling God I don’t believe or trust you; I can’t see you supplying whatever need I am worrying about at this present moment.

For the Christian this will be a revolting thought, that they are actually defying God and displeasing him, that they don’t actually trust him no matter what they are saying publicly.

Tell me something? Does worry do you any good? Does it make you happy as God says be happy? Does all the worrying you do change anything at all? Does worry give you peace of mind? Does worry make your faith grow stronger or weaker? Then all these things are contradicting God’s word. God wants you happy; he gave you peace of mind already.

Colossians-3-15- let the peace of heart which comes from Christ be always present in your heart and lives.

God is telling you to let the peace of Christ be always in your heart; he is saying that the responsibility for peace lies with you; you are the one responsible for peace of mind in you, not God or Jesus or the Holy Spirit; nobody but you is responsible for your peace which has already been given you. See below Jesus said, “I am leaving you with a gift,” he was leaving that gift with you, you are responsible for taking care of that gift no one else is responsible for your gift.

John-14-27- I am leaving you with a gift; peace of heart and mind! And the peace I give isn’t fragile like the peace the world gives, so don’t be troubled or afraid. Worry means you’re troubled and afraid, the total opposite from what Jesus said he gave you. He didn’t say I am leaving you with a gift of worry stress, doubt, and fear, but peace of mind and heart.

Peace is the opposite from worry; to have peace in everything is trusting God no matter what happens knowing he turns everything to good for those who love him and do his will; worry is disbelief in the promises of God and means you are believing the Devils lies regarding your situation.

Sometimes being nice about things is not exactly the best thing we can do for a Christian who finds themselves worrying over something. The Christian thing Jesus would expect us to do is tell them worry does no good; it doesn’t bring with it the miracles that they need, but only stress and heart trouble, and the strange thing is that things have a habit of working out anyway, and all the things you worried about yesterday somehow or other didn’t materialise; and you

got through them somehow or other, the somehow or other being God helping you even though you don’t trust him.

Worry is a spirit and it has many other spirits accompanying it every where it goes. With the spirit of worry comes the spirit of stress also, they have fear, and doubt accompanying them, unbelief and anxiety are another two spirits that follow worry wherever it goes and into whomever it goes into. With fear come terror, despair, and hopelessness, with anxiety comes panic and panic causes, shortness of breath as you fear what has happened, and you go about in a little circle, then thoughts of suicide enter your mind, and that is where worry gets really bad, it means there is no hope left, the spirit of suicide has won, and you decide to end it all, rather than trust God.

Did you the Christian even imagine that this little group of evil spirits are circling you like a pack of wild dogs attacking their prey, one goes in and bites while the others distract you then another bites into you, and another, taking their turn, in evil pleasure, until you are you are driven into despair; and this goes on and on.

Is this what God intended his children to be like, living in fear; believe it or not but fear believes in something that hasn’t happened yet? You believe that you won’t have enough money to pay the present bill, so instead of believing what God says; “he will supply all your needs through Christ Jesus;” you go and worry about that bill, thus allowing your vicious little circle of evil spirits to surround you and to torment you. And God says I will supply the money for that bill just trust me, I need to send someone to you, with the money, or supply it whatever way he chooses, lottery ticket or bingo or any other method, like even a little quick job. He used these methods to supply my needs through different times and even acted supernaturally one time, but he still supplied my needs no matter what. He will do the same for you if you just learn to trust him and not giving in to worry, allowing him to bring with him his fellow evilpartners. Never lineyourself up with worry, instead lineyourself up with theword of God!

What does the word of God say about my situation? Then agree with God do not agree with Satan; because the simple truth is you are agreeing with either one or the other, no matter what you think.

Worry is a killer of faith, faith is what moves God to act worry causes him to ignore, without faith you cannot please God; God wants you to believe in him to trust him in every circumstance, no matter what the situation believe that God will help in some way, and don’t limit him in how he should provide and he will.

Faith is a decision to believe God.

Worry is a decision to believe the Devil!

These are decisions everyone must make every day of our lives, do I believe that God will help or do I not believe? Belief is a decision; it’s a choice we make when something happens. Worry will never change the circumstance it will in fact cause you distress and anxiety, two things that can push you over the edge and into thoughts of suicide.

Iknowyou may nothavethoughtthatbehind yourworry,therewerelittlegroupsofevilspirits at work, all bombarding your mind with wrong thoughts.

Let’s look at those spirits again and see them all together, and see if you recognise those feelings you felt when you worried, remember you feel what the spirit is, if a spirit of fear, you feel afraid, of anxiety, you feel anxious, you feel like I just said, what the spirit, you can identify what spirits are at work at you by your feelings.

Worry, fear, anxiety, distress, doubt, stress, terror, unbelief, despair, hopelessness, and suicide, confusion

All these evil spirits are working away at you chipping away at your faith, you ability to trust God.

You may not have thought of things like that before, and for the Christian that is something we would not tolerate if we were aware of them; after all we have victory over the devil and his hoards of evil spirits, in fact if every demon, evil spirit, principality, or power and even Satan himself stood in front of us telling us he was going to do this or that to us, what would we do? We would tell him and them to get back to where they come from in Jesus name and declare the victory over them all.

But Satan the Devil is crafty, if he come in that way with all of his demonic powers we would resist him, because we would know it was him and his hoards of evil partners, and they are a defeated foe all of them and they know it, and so does the Christian believer.

But Satan does not do things this way; he is crafty, cunning, and clever. So he does things in little tiny ways, one thing at a time, he sends in doubt first, and doubt works away at you, then he sends in worry and anxiety to help doubt, and after anxiety he sends in unbelief, and so on until you are so confused you don’t know whether you are coming or going, and this takes place over a period of time, a little bit at a time.

Friends remember these things next time you are tempted to doubt and to worry, remember who is behind it all and who are all working together as a team to destroy you and your faith in your loving father God.

Trust God in the face of every contradictory thing the devil tells you! Faith is a decision, not a feeling; worry is a feeling and a decision. Trust God you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


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