You are a king, act like it

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“You are a king. Begin to act like one!”

Revelation-1-6-he has gathered us into his kingdom and made us kings and priests of God our father. {Amplified bible}

Revelation-5-10 you have gathered them into a kingdom and made them kings and priests. {Amplified bible}

Who made you a king and priest? It wasn’t yourself because you don’t have that power. In the first scripture it says; “He,-God, has gathered us,” {that’s you and I} into His Kingdom; He brought us into his own heavenly kingdom. And in that Kingdom He made us both Kings and Priests.

God has put his children into an exalted place and yet we walk beneath a cloud of oppression believing Satan’s lies; thinking of ourselves as nothings. Or if you begin thinking of yourself as important to God, Satan tells you that you are arrogant or prideful. God has exalted his children and wants them to walk with a kingly walk, and have a kingly air about them, not a prideful air of snobbery, but a confident air of knowing who and what you are. A king doesn’t have to put on act or grace, it is bestowed upon him; he is what he is and that’s that; he rules over his kingdom.

Ephesians-2-6-and God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.

Can you just imagine God raised you and me “up,” up not put us down. But where are you seated? He seated you with Jesus. Where is Jesus seated? He is seated in the heavenly realms. Where are you seated? You are seated with him in the heavenly realms. A realm means empire, kingdom, monarchy, dominion territory.

I am trying to get you to see for yourself how much God has done for you and the position he has placed you in. Satan would have you believe that you count for nothing with God, that you’re a sinner, of no great worth or use, friend you have been lied to all of your life. God loves us so much that he raised us up and seated us beside Jesus in his kingdom. If God has done all this and more for love of us, does it not stand to reason that his love for us is awesome.

You are a king and should be aware of your position in this world that you live in but don’t belong to; you should be walking in royal awareness. God is fed up with his children being robbed of their rights as his children that he is opening their eyes to the truth written in his word. The time has come for God to bring us closer to him to bring us into a place of fellowship with him, to make us aware of what he has done for us. Sad to say we don’t believe God’s word and have been deceived into wrong thinking by the devil.

“You are a king. Begin to act like one!”

God is The Almighty king, Jesus is the king of kings, and you are a king under Jesus and God. God made you a king and priest. His desire is to get you into the position in believing him and acting like him, talking like him, walking like him, and being like him, with a kingly attitude.

You do not honor God by saying you are just a humble servant, destined to live in humble avenue, in a humble home, with a humble sofa, {no chairs just a humble sofa,} living on a humble income, that just keeps you alive and able to afford the odd bit of luxury, and praying humbly for help to meet your debts. That is not living as a king! “I wish you could hear me shout this out!” “You do no service to God to be living like this when God has given you everything, and “you” have let Satan take it all away from you through ignorance.” False humility does you no good nor does it glorify God! This has not been your fault that you walked in ignorance; it was not being taught the most important things in Gods’ word the bible, after salvation come these amazing gifts from God your father.

I want to ask you a question. Does living in humble avenue, with hardly anything of value; living in insecurity, glorify God?

Does living like a king with kingly wealth and power, and holy boldness and assurance glorify God?

Which of these Glorifies God? If you are truthful with yourself you will say the second; living like a king.

If you think that God is glorified in you living in poverty, and you barely able to get along does any honor to God and it is you being humble; think about this; when the Devil goes before God to mock him about us, and he does, {read the book of Job, and you will see the devil mock us to God.}

And said; “Look at your son or daughter, they are starving, why are you not helping them? And he sneers at God those are your own children and you are letting them starve. How sad it must feel to God when he just looks at Satan knowing he has given his children everything and they don’t believe him. And Satan flies away laughing in God’s face, knowing he was the one who prevented God’s children from learning the truth about their inheritance in God’s kingdom, and he deceived them into false humility about their position in this life. How does God feel knowing he has given us everything, and made us royalty, kings and priests in his kingdom, and having to sit and listen to Satan mock him?

2-peter-1-3-his divine power has given us “everything” we need for life and godliness.

“God’s divine power” has given us, you and me “everything;” What does everything mean? Answer-the lot, the whole thing, all. Where are we supposed to use everything? Answer- In this life - this world where you and I live. We are supposed to reign, not just get along, but reign as a king; a king reigns in his kingdom.

Romans-5-16- Again, the gift of God is not like the result of one man’s sin; the judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the “gift” followed many trespasses and brought justification.

Being made a king is a gift from God to you his child.

Romans-5-17-for if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.

Your kingdom is here in this life, where you live, you are supposed to use your authority in your life where your kingdom is. I should say; we, not just you, are supposed to reign in this life as a king. It was all given to us by God our Father as a gift.

Here are some of my subjects as God declares; Life and death are my servants;

1-Corinthians-3-22-life and death are your servants, all of the present and the future are yours, and you are Christ’s.

Every kingdom has subjects, and life and death, all of the present and future are yours. Do you realize that life and death are subject to you that mean’s they are under your authority as king of life? When we begin to realize the enormity of what God has done for us his children we then will begin to walk in holy boldness. Satan is subjected to you, as is all his evil spirits, powers thrones and dominions.

Mark -16-17-and these signs shall accompany those who believe; in my authority, in my name they will drive out demons; they shall speak in tongues, they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they dink deadly poison, it will not harm them at all; they will place their hands on sick people and they will get well.

See your kingdom is spreading; it now covers Satan and his demonic powers, thrones and dominions. You have power over his domain, over him and his evil hoard’s. As a king you have the dominion where God your Father gave you. Dominion means dominance, authority, power, control, command, say-so.

Let’s look at where you reign so far; you reign in life; life and death are your servants; you have power over Satan’s domain; you reign in your home and your area, you reign in your city. You do not have dominion outside your city, like in other cities, except if you visit those cities, because scripture says, where you walk is holy ground, and we walk around our own city regularly. You have kingly power and authority in all these areas, and you know of course that you do not have to ask God for power in any of these areas because they have been given to you already. You are supposed to exercise your authority as a king, under the king of kings, under the Almighty king of heaven. You have their kingly backing, because the Almighty king gave you dominion and the king of kings defeated your enemies for you, and all you and I have to do is walk in that holy boldness assured we have the kings backing and power backing up our orders, and commands.

Chapter two

Satan is under your power.

When Satan attacks as he will and does, we are supposed to remind him whom it is he is attacking, and then we should tell him to go in Jesus name. Remember Jesus defeated him; we need to remind him he is defeated, and is under your authority as subjected to you as his king, you reign over him, not him reigning over you.

Anyone who has been defeated is under the person who defeated him, and if that person gave power over to his people then the defeated person is under them also. For example; when the Israelites were captured by the Egyptians, every Egyptian had to be obeyed and I mean every Egyptian had to be obeyed.

TheIsraelites weresubjected to any Egyptian, even achild could order them about, and if they refused they were put to death; that was the Egyptians authority, and they didn’t have to even think about it.

For four hundred years the Israelites were held captive, and they knew from birth that they were slaves, and that the Egyptians were their superiors.

Ephesians -4-8- therefore it is said when he ascended on high; he led captivity captive, he led a train of vanquished foes, and he bestowed gifts on men.

Jesus took back from Satan all that he had stole from people through the years and he gave those gifts, {the plunder, the trophies, Satan’s riches} to men. Satan stole things from people over the years and when Jesus defeated him he took the spoils of war all Satan’s treasures which he had stored up for himself.

Jesus descended into hell itself, Satan’s Kingdom, and he defeated Satan and every demon and evil spirit. He took them all captive and paraded them before the Father in heaven stripped naked, and has held them in that position for two thousand years. Every child of God is superior to Satan and his evil spirits; Satan knows this and has tried for thousands of years to keep us in bondage by deceiving us into thinking he still has power; he has no power except what we give him. You have to keep in mind the Israelites and Egyptians and remember the Egyptians were the victors, and the Israelis knew it. And remember even more Jesus defeated Satan for us and gave us overwhelming victory, and made us kings of life.

John-16-10 the Holy Spirit is in us to bring about a demonstration of Satan’s defeat!

You worry about confronting Satan and in reality it is him shaking in his boots when you discover your kingly authority. The Holy Spirit in and overshadowing you will, note; will, bring about a demonstration, {demonstration means to display, to show, to exhibit.} Satan’s defeat

Romans-8-37-overwhelming victory is ours through Christ Jesus who loved us enough to die for us.

It wasn’t enough for God to give us victory, he gave us overwhelming victory. Wow what a good God we have!

As kings of life all we have to do is rule over Satan and his hoards of evil followers, and when they stick their ugly heads up we are supposed to command them to put them down again in submission.

When they attack people of God, we are supposed to tell them to quit immediately in the name of Jesus, your king and king of kings. Jesus gave us the victory by defeating Satan it is up to us to keep him there, reminding him he is defeated, and has no power over even a baby Christian who knows what Jesus done for them.

1-Corinthians-15-57-how we thank God for all this! It is he who makes us victorious through Christ Jesus.

Thank God for Jesus, for giving us the kingly victory we have through what he done on Calvary. And for parading Satan naked throughout heaven; Satan is not robed in any glory; he is naked before God, Jesus, His Holy Spirit, and “us” he does not wear any kingly robes, or have a scepter in his hand showing he is a king; he is naked, naked before God and us. Scripture never said God gave him and his hoards any clothes back; he is as naked as the day he was born. It is very humiliating to be paraded naked before others who see your nakedness. To be paraded naked was the highest form of humiliation. Down through the ages, when kings fought battles, they paraded the defeated enemy before all their people naked, to degrade them and to humble them. Naked people feel vulnerable, embarrassed, and degraded. Satan and his evil forces are naked before God and the heavenly hosts. You must keep this thought in mind when you are confronting Satan and evil forces; to see your enemy naked helps take away your fear of them.

1-Corinthians-15-58-So, my dear brothers, since future victory is sure, be strong and steady, always abounding in the lords work, for you know that nothing you do for the lord is ever wasted, as it would be if there were no resurrection.

Isn’t it amazing to think that in all our battles we have victory, including the ones we will fight in the future. And it’s all because of Jesus, our king of kings. I am a king; future victory is mine through Christ Jesus.

2-Timothy-1-10-Jesus Christ has destroyed death, and has brought life and immortality to light, through the gospel.

Jesus destroyed death and defeated Satan, and brought life instead, and gave us dominion over life and death, he handed power over to you and me.

We need to begin to change our thinking regarding what God says about us his children. First thought we need to change is. “Father God.” God was not just Jesus Father, but he is our Father also. If God is my Father, then my Father is God. This may seem to be the same but it is not; our thinking should be my Father is God, my Father is Almighty King, and I am his son / daughter.

A child boasts in their father, example; “my father will come over and beat your father; my father is stronger than yours.”

We all have heard children boast in their daddies, their father; we also should boast in our father, and by boasting I don’t mean lording it over people, but boasting to Satan and his demonic forces. Go away Satan, my Father is God and he gave me the name of Jesus to use against you, so be gone in Jesus name.

Second thought we need to change is, my Father is almighty king, and my brother is the king of kings, and I am a king of life. I am royalty; I have a kingdom where I reign.

Third thought we need to change is; I am more than a conquer through Christ Jesus. I am not defeated, nor useless, nor no good.

Forth thought I need to change is; I can do everything through Christ Jesus who loved me because I am a king of life. I am a king I am royalty, God says so! You accepting who you are and begin acting on it brings tremendous pleasure to your Father God. It delights his heart to see his children realize what he made them, and the honor he bestowed on them. It gives God great pleasure when you step into your domain, and reign supreme, knowing you have his approval and backing. How heaven rejoices when one of God’s children discover that they are of royal blood, and are a king of life and have dominion over Satan and that Satan is actually subjected to you; under your authority in Jesus name. You were given that name and you were given the right to use that name over Satan.

Isiah-61-10-for he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

Proverbs-4-9-She{wisdom}willsetagarland ofgraceon yourheadandpresentyouwith a crown of splendor.

God put a royal robe around your shoulders to cover you completely in royal attire. He also put a garland of grace on your head and a crown of splendor on you also. A king has all of those things given to him at his coronation; you were given those things when you accepted Jesus as lord and savior

2-Corinthians-5-20- we are Christ’s ambassadors.

An ambassador is someone very important; he is respected by all countries and people because he represents the one who sent him. The British ambassador represents Brittan in what ever country he is sent to. The Irish ambassador represents Ireland, the Spanish ambassador represents Spain, his country, and all these ambassadors have the power to make decisions, to speak for their government with authority in the name of Brittan, Ireland, Spain, and Heaven; the country you represent;

Colossians-3-17- whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, and come with him into the presence of God the Father and give him your thanks and praise.

You are told clearly that you represent the kingdom of God as a king and ambassador and let what you say reflect that kingdom, you have a very important mission on this earth; you are God’s representative his king the ambassador he sent to the word. Speak with authority, walk with dignity, and let everything you do show people how magnificent your God is.

1-Peter-2-9-you area chosen people, a royalpriesthood,a holy nation,a peoplebelonging to God that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

My God! Isn’t God great; he made us a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation? He was the one who chose you and me to be kings of life and not only kings but royal priests, a holy nation.

{Royal means, regal; imperial; majestic; stately; noble; magnificent; splendid.}

You have to be able to understand the meaning of words to realize their full potential.

Revelation-1-6-he has gathered us into his kingdom and made us kings and priests of God our father. {Amplified bible}

Revelation-5-10 you have gathered them into a kingdom and made them kings and priests. {Amplified bible

In both of the previous scriptures you are referred to as a king and priest; God chose you for a double portion of blessings when he choose you; at this moment I am concentrating on God making us kings, taking one thing at a time. I will no doubt explain what it is to be a royal priesthood in another book later but I want solely to bring to you the readers attention that you are in fact a king, and begin to have you step into that role that God intended you to walk in, to glorify him. One step at a time and the world gets conquered.

Matthew -5- -14-You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on a stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In The same way, let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven

Why would God use these words a city on a hill cannot be hidden? And you’re a light to the world. Simply put God expects you to shine for everyone to see, he expects you to reflect his glory. He expects to be glorified in your very attitude, your carrying of yourself, your mannerism. A king reflects his position in life by his attitude, his way of being. He is

assured in himself and in his royal position in life. You are a king, are you assured of your position in God’s kingdom? Remember his kingdom is not of this world but in the heavens. Are you reflecting his kingship bestowed upon you as his son or daughter; or are you reflecting poverty, inferiority, barely getting by? Or are you acting like a beggar barely getting along? Is this your subconscious attitude?

Colossians-3-17- whatever you do or say let it be as a representative of the lord Jesus Christ.

You must represent Jesus as an ambassador everywhere you go; people look at you expecting someone great when you come in Jesus name as a king of the king of kings. You are given respect and you must respect the authority you have been bestowed upon you.

Hosea-14-4-Take with you “words;” turn to the lord, and say to the lord.

Why would God say to you take with you words unless the words you speak and take with you everywhere have a profound effect on everything around you?

Scripture says the words you speak have life. John-1-6 the words I speak are spirit and they are life. Jesus used those words; now say what Jesus would say about everything.

When you speak out words, good or bad they have life, you were made in the image of your creator who spoke the word, and gave you the same power to speak words in to life, so speak only words that will cause a harvest of blessings around you and your family and friends, Never ridicule or say anything bad about anyone because your words have an effect on others lives. Speak as a king speaks with authority; positively, and with power, and with love in them.

Say the words aloud declare them out in front of you, prophesize those words out aloud in to the atmosphere, where Satan can hear them and tremble at God word now revealed in you. Your words have life watch what you say, speak into existence in this earth the things God has stored up in heaven for you.


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