Colossians-3-3 you should have as little desire for this world as a dead person does. You’re real life is in heaven with Christ and God. And when Christ who is our real life, comes back again, you will shine with him and share in all his glories.
Our real life, is in heaven, Then what am I living here right now? That is a good question and is a question I am asking God about. I obviously am living two lives at present, one I am aware of, and one I have been totally unaware of, it’s like living in a parallel world with two Brendan’s living one in each. My flesh body is here on this earth and my spiritual body is in heaven, how? I don’t know I’m not a scientist, but I am a believer, so if God’s word says that my real life is in heaven, then I chose to believe him even if I don’t understand, for the moment.
Let’s take the scripture a little bit at a time and see if we can make sense of it; Colossians-3-3 you should have as little desire for this world as a dead person does. A dead person has no desires for this world because they have become dead to this world, and the things of this world, like the pleasures and entertainments and worldly things it offers us. Things like earthly importance, financial wealth, lust for the opposite sex, or the same sex, earthly pleasures that have no spiritual gain to them. Things that once was so important to them have no real meaning anymore, they are just concerned with where are they going now they are dead.
Things like worry have no effect on them any more, things like stress, that may have killed them doesn’t concern them at all. Things like TV and soaps hold little thought to them; they are dead to this world. And I believe that is what God wants, for us to get our priorities right, to stop being concerned for the things of this world that have no lasting value, you can’t take with you money! But you can take with you love into the next world. You can’t take with you sex and lust, but you can take with you kindness and understanding. You can’t take with you your beautiful gold and silver jewelry but you can take with you goodness, and kind deeds! Things of this world are not transferable into the next, but the things of love can be transferred into the kingdom of heaven. You can stuff your coffin with all the money you possessed, but it will rot in the grave with your earthly body until it is no more. But you can take with you money you gave away, earthly treasures that you gave to help the poor can come with you, it comes in a different currency, it comes in the currency of love, and love is transferable into the next world.
It is no wonder Jesus said it is better to give than to receive, to give away means you take it with you in love currency. It’s amazing when you think of it, that it is only the things we give away on earth that can come with us into heaven, in a heavenly currency of course. That is why Jesus said there is thirty fold or sixty, or a hundred fold waiting on you in heaven. What you gave away waits for you in heaven, and the more love and kindness that you give away to others the greater the amount of love currency waiting you in heaven.
I have heard many say you can’t take it with you, but yes you can, if you give it away.
Iknowofpeople,whogavetheirlifesavingsawaytosomecatshome,andpeoplearoundthem were starving to death with hunger, and they wouldn’t give a penny to help them, do you believe they took anything with them when they died? I don’t mind people helping animals,
but the first priority should be your fellow men, women and children who are suffering. It’s you’re money, do with it as you like but will it follow you into heaven, will it do you any spiritual good. Your real life is in heaven not here on this earth and God wants us to live a life that is heaven thought of, not earthly thought of, a life here on earth lasts a century if you are lucky; a life in heaven or hell is for eternity, store up treasures that will never rot said Jesus.
Matthew -6-19-don’t store up treasures here on earth where they can erode away or may be stolen. Store them in heaven where they will never lose their value, and are safe from thieves. If your profits are in heaven your heart will be too.
Jesus would not have said store your treasures in heaven if you couldn’t take them with you into heaven; so it is safe to say you can take it with you according to Jesus. But we have to change them into a different currency, a currency of the country we are going to; if you go to Turkey for example you have to change your money into Turkish Lira, if you go to America, you have to change your money to American currency the US Dollar. Heaven is no different, heaven’s currency is love, and you have to change your money and treasures into love currency, it’s the only currency in heaven that goes with you, the good that you do follows you into heaven as treasure, and the money and silver and gold and jewels have to be changed by giving them away, to help others including your own children, in case you think you have to give it away to strangers. Love begins at home says the lord, if you can’t love even your own little family how can you love others scripture says.
All the money you possess wont do you any good if you die and go before God in heaven when he asks you, ‘did you possess the wealth I gave you or did the wealth I gave you possess you, did you give it away to help those less fortunate than yourself?’ Did you leave your fortune to your children evenly and some to charity, or did you give it all away to some dogs home, or animal shelter hurting your own family in the process, those of your own children struggling to cope financially? Was a dog more important than a human being, your own child? Dog and cat lovers get a grip don’t get angry at me for saying these things, these are truths that we all must give an account of before God, scripture didn’t say when you stand before God will he say to you did you feed the dogs and cats? He will say did you feed the poor, did you help those in need, did you visit them in prison did you feed them when they were hungry, or did you give their dogs and cats the best portions of your wealth? Who is most important to God, a dog or cat or some pet pig, or a child that Jesus died for? Get your priorities right, love animals and help them, but your first concern should be for the children of God. An example
- In your street, there are stray dogs and cats, and a family who are hungry and destitute; who do you choose to help? Your own answer will either condemn you or commend you. You won’t have to stand and face me, when you die, but you will face God.
My real life is in heaven according to God’s word, the life I have in heaven is more real than the one I am living right now on earth. How is that possible? I don’t know but I believe it, because God said it!
Colossians 3-3-Your real life is in heaven with Christ and God.Let’s look at some more scriptures for clarity on this subject.
Romans-6-4-your old sin loving nature was buried with him by baptism when he died, and when God the father brought him back to life again; you were given “his wonderful new life to enjoy.” For you have become a part of him, and shall rise again; your old evil desires were nailed to the cross with him, that part of you that loves to sin, was crushed and fatally wounded.
This is getting more and more complicated for me; did you just say I was given Jesus new life to enjoy? I’M not even enjoying this life never mind enjoying his new life. I have become a part of him; how could I become a part of Jesus? It sure isn’t in my flesh I have become a part of him, because my flesh is weak and sinful, so it must be in my spirit that I have become a part of him. I merged into Jesus because Father God declared it to be, and it sure wasn’t anything of me that deserved this honor.
We are living in this world as a flesh being with a soul and sometimes we think of ourselves as a spirit being also but very rarely. In God’s eyes he created us spirit first, soul second, flesh third, and we have reversed what God made to satisfy the flesh in a world deceived by Satan. Let’s look at the order in which God created us in first. ‘Spirit,’ a being without a body, a being living outside the flesh world and living in the real world the heavenly realms, where we can stretch our self and fly beyond what the imagination can take us to, we walk in realms that are just beyond the reach of the soul and body, we live outside of time as a spiritual being, we live in a dimension beyond time and space, because we live in Jesus as a part of him, because God took a part of Jesus and created us out of that part.
Ephesians -2-5- he being God gave us the very life of Christ himself, the same new life, with which he quickened him. {Quickened means made alive}
God gave us the very life of Christ himself; Look At the enormity of what this scripture is saying, it’s almost beyond our comprehension, I have within me the very life of Christ, the very same new life with which he quickened him, when he raised Jesus from the dead.
Ephesians -2-10- we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus.
When you look at Gods plans, you have to marvel at them, God being who he is took a part out of Jesus and fashioned me and you. We understand that God put Adam to sleep and took from him a rib and created Eve, and we believethatbecauseweseewithourowneyesmanandwoman,createdfromonebeing,Adam! Because God done this for Adam and created Eve as his companion, we have no difficulty understanding and believing that God done this amazing thing. But God went even further; he took a portion of his own son Jesus and created us as a spirit being from the very piece he took from Jesus. He created us to be in Christ Jesus as a part of him, not separate from him but as a part of him, as a spirit being. I am a part of Jesus, a living spiritual part of Jesus. Spiritually I am joined together with Jesus, every where he goes I go with him, everything he does I do with him, as part of him; I am not separate from him as a little Jesus in my own right, No! I am part of him as spirit. Awesome! Just awesome to even think about, I am connected to Jesus. In the book of Corinthians you will see the connection.
1 Corinthian -6-17- If you give yourself to the lord you are joined together with him as one person.
Did you see that? As one person! You become one person with Jesus. Is God a liar? If he said you become one person with Jesus, then you became one person somehow or other with Jesus.
The previous verse said; if you give yourself to a prostitute you have become a part of her. I am sure you would have no difficulty in believing you have become a part of a prostitute somehow or other, because that is a negative understanding, true but negative, and its easier to be negative than to be positive. It’s easier to be condemned than to be accepted, because the flesh is in control not the spirit. It is so difficult for us to understand that we have actually become a part of Jesus because we have sin in our lives; but the scripture is not talking about the flesh or soul of man it is talking of the spirit of man joined together again to Jesus. When you were born again, you become one spirit with Jesus, for when he died he took your sinful spirit and exchanged it for his spirit; you were created again from him.
According to scripture the punishment for sin committed is death to the flesh, the body rots because of sin; that is why your flesh body will never enter into heaven, because it is punished with decay at death, but your soul lives with your spirit and enters heaven, if Jesus is your lord and savior. That is why the word says your mind {soul} must be renewed by the word of God; the soul must become one in thinking with the spirit, it has to be renewed.
Romans 12-4- we are the body of Christ Jesus.
That is where we were taken from at rebirth, that portion of Jesus we were created in, connects back to Jesus again. Just like a jigsaw puzzle fitting together until the whole picture is complete and then we can see what the picture is.
Acts-17-28- for in him we live and move and have our being.
It is in Christ Jesus that we have our real life, as he moves we move, as we move he moves, together we are one in him, I am a part of his body he is the head of the body; I am not separated from his body I am one with it just as you are one with it.
Romans -12-4- just as there are many parts to our bodies, so it is with Christ’s body. We are all parts of it.
People who work with flowers and plants create regularly new breeds of flowers and plants. Botanists I think they are called, they graft a part of one flower to another by splitting the stems or bulbs and sealing them together and then if things are successful the new flower or plant grows and a new species are created. There used to be daffodils and those daffodils were the same shape and structure for centuries, now there are dozens of new species of daffodils, there are miniature daffodils, different colored daffodils, different shapes and sizes but they are all daffodils still. The botanists created new varieties of daffodils by grafting other flowers together to create those new species; if a botanist can create a new species then surely God can also create a new species after all he created the very universe.
Scripture tells we were grafted into Jesus from a wild vine and the Jews were taken off that same vine, to allow room for us to grow, so God used the vine to describe what he is doing with mankind. He grafted us, the born again believer, into Jesus, spiritually; we have become one with Jesus in spirit and he is one with us in spirit, you cannot separate the two again the two parts have become one part and the greater part is Jesus the smaller part is you and me, butneverthelessweareonetogether.Iusedthedaffodilstotry andexplain whathappenswhen you join one part to another of the same species a new variety grows and it is the same with Jesus a new variety of the body grows as we are all attached to the ever growing body of Christ until it is filled to completion again. That is why the following scripture says.
2-Corinthians -2-9- if any man be in Christ Jesus he is a new creation, old things have passed away.
Note the words new creation, you are now a new creation made in Christ Jesus, what an honor, what an amazing thing to have happen to us mere human beings, the honor of being joined to our savior Jesus Christ; the word ‘new,’ means, never seen before.
Colossians-3-1-since you became alive again so to speak, when Christ rose again from the dead; now set your sights on the rich treasures of heaven, where he sits beside God in the place of highest honor.
Where is the scripture telling you to set your sights? On the rich treasures of heaven, which is Christ Jesus, and where is he seated? Beside God in heaven in the place of highest honor, and believe it or not this is also where you sit and stand, and move about.
Romans 5-2- for because of our faith; he has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand.
He Jesus has brought us, that is you and me! Into heaven and we stand in this place where he is standing and sitting, and moving about, this place of highest privilege where we “NOW” stand. Now this very instant that you are reading these lines, now means just that, now! This is not going to happen when you die it has already happened through your life in Jesus. And itisallGod’swork nothing ofyou orany good deed you done,ithasbeen given to you through God’s immense love and mercy. No wonder Satan hates you, he used to have the place of highest privilege in heaven, he was the greatest angel, the closest to God’s mercy seat after Jesus, then he lost his place to you; now you can understand why he hates you and wants to destroy you and turn you away from God he is consumed by jealousy; you have his former place in heaven. You and I mere human beings have been given the highest privilege in heaven through Jesus; and we were not even aware of this until now; the place of highest privilege given to you and me God’s own children.
Colossians -2-4-But God is so rich in mercy, that even though we were spiritually dead and doomed by our sins; he gave us back our lives again, when he raised Christ from the
dead. Only by his undeserved favor have we ever been saved and lifted up into glory out of the grave, along with Christ, where we “now” sit with him in the heavenly realms.
Did you read in this last scripture where you sit now? With him in the heavenly realms, with him in heaven, it doesn’t say when you die you will sit with him in heaven, but it says you ‘now’ that means this present moment, you are actually sitting with him in heaven. How you may again ask? Who cares, God is God and can do as he likes. As for me I just believe it if God says it; it is beyond my understanding, but not beyond my belief. I believe that God made the heavens and the earth, I see the heavens and see the earth but I don’t know how he done it, I just see it and believe it, in the same way he made me a part of Jesus and I am sitting with Jesus in the heavenly realms right now and I believe it because he said it. I may not understand it all but I chose to believe it all and as I chose to believe, understanding will be given to me because God wants me to live and act as a spiritual being just like he is and so he will eventually reveal to my spirit the truths of who I am in Jesus Christ. Now is a little word but has great significance to us it means this very split second, at this instant, currently. It’s now its happening not later but it is active and alive.
Did you know that when Jesus died and rose again we died supernaturally and we rose with him in him when he rose from the dead?
Galatians 2-20-I have been crucified with Christ; I myself no longer live; but Christ lives in me and the real life I live now within this body is as a result of my trusting in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
The apostle Paul understood the truth of what Jesus done for him and us and has tried to get us to understand that what happened to him spiritually happened to us also spiritually. Paul was able to raise the dead and heal the sick because he knew what happened to him when Jesus died and rose again; he knew he had become a part of Jesus.
Romans 6-8-since your old sin loving nature died with Christ, we know we will share his new life.
Whose new life are you now sharing? Who is the scripture referring to when it says you will share ‘his’ ‘new life’? It is Jesus it is talking about; we are actually now at this very instant sharing in the new life of Jesus who is seated in heaven in the place of highest privilege where we now stand with him.
1 Corinthians-6-17-if you give yourself to the lord you and Christ are joined together as one person.
I am joined together with Jesus, the king of kings, lord of lords! Wow!
Colossians-2-10-you arein him,madefull,and havecometo fullnessoflifein Christ.You too are filled with the God head, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And reach full spiritual stature.
This is almost beyond belief; if it was not God himself who is telling us these truths in his word we could never believe this.
I am filled with the God head, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Up till now I thought the only thing I may have been full of is sin, but theses scriptures are telling me, a mere human being who loves Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit, that I am actually filled with all three persons in God. That means if I am filled with the trinity then I can’t be filled with garbage and sin, and Satan has lied to me for all these years telling me I am not good enough for God to use, and here I am now today this very second filled with the Holy Trinity! To be filled with something means you can’t be filled with anything else there’s no room for more; you cannot get any more in, if a jar is filled with jelly you can’t get any more jelly in, the jar is filled. Filled means it’s crammed to the top, packed, overflowing, and no room for anything else. You are filled with God’s own goodness.
I believe since writing this book that we have been doing things all wrong and preaching back to front, instead of preaching and teaching what God done for us totally we have taken bits of scripture and preached those bits. I hear preachers say we have not yet reached perfection and wont until we die. According to these scriptures I have shown you that is not true we have obtained perfection, in the spirit because we are already seated with Jesus in the heavenly realms and nothing imperfect can get into heaven. But the preachers are looking at the flesh and soul of man, not the spirit which is the most important part of mankind according to God’s word, the body rots and decays at death, the soul must be renewed to join with the spirit in heaven, and the spirit lives in Jesus now before we even die. It has all been done for us by God its done no wonder Jesus said on the cross “it is finished” we thought that he had finished the work of salvation but he was finished with everything he restored man back to himself in mans entirety, spirit filled man joined together with his creator and savior now rising into heaven at his ascension.
That is why we can say with Paul in Galatians.
Galatians-2-20- it is not I who live but Christ Jesus who lives within me.
What did the angel say to the apostles when he released them from jail?
Acts -5-19 the angel said go to the temple and preach this new life.
We preach salvation healing and deliverance and some other bible truths but we don’t preach the new life which is already in heaven seated in the place of highest privilege. We have preached a half message, not telling the believer that they don’t have to be concerned for their spirits welfare that they have a new life in heaven in Jesus. And in the soul and flesh they must try and live that life of the spirit as best as they can, knowing they are already seated in heaven. How many preachers and teachers are preaching this new life that is already in heaven with Christ and God, and that we are filled to the brim with the Holy Trinity already? It’s the flesh life that is the problem; learning about the new life helps us conquer the flesh life. The more we dwell on this and meditate on this new life the greater we conquer the old life of the flesh.
Salvation and the baptism in the spirit is only a part of the new life, the new life is in heaven, we are not told that, we are told we are reaching out to achieve that goal, and the Lord tells us that goal has been reached already by Jesus death and resurrection. This is the new life the angel talked about, and sign and wonders will follow the message in greaterfullness,wehaven’tdonethisuntilnow,nowisthetimetostudythescripturesIwrote and find new ones of your own, there are many explaining these truths once your eyes have been opened.
We need to stop thinking of ourselves as flesh beings living here on earth and instead think of ourselves as heavenly beings living a new life in heaven with God now! We need to change our thinking and that comes about through studying God’s word with the spirits help and guidance.
Who made all this possible?
Romans-8-29-for from the beginning God decided that those who came to him - and all along he knew who would, should become like his Son, so that his Son would be the First with many brothers. And when we came to him, he declared us “not guilty” filled us with Christ’s goodness, gave us right standing with himself, and promised us his glory.
Just look at this scripture carefully and you will see for yourself the awesome plan God planned from the beginning, before creation. He – God- decided, no one else, not you or I or anyone else, not the Pope or Cardinals or the greatest Protestant, Methodist, or Pentecostal preachers and leaders; no one but God was in existence when he planned this plan for us; to make us like his Son, not guilty of sin, and gave us right standing with him forever, and then actually promised to share with you and I – his own glory!
1-John-3-8 but the Son of God came to destroy these works of the devil. The person who has been born into God’s family does not make a practice of sinning; because now God’s life is in him; so he can’t keep on sinning, for this new life has been born into him and controls him – he has been born again.
In this scripture we see that the Son of God came to destroy the works of Satan the Devil, and also the child of God does not make a practice of sinning, because God’s life is in him now. The new life controls the spirit not the flesh. The sin that separates you from God is, not believing in Jesus. You can commit many sins but the sin that separates you from God is rejecting Jesus, rejecting salvation itself. Refusing to be saved!
Romans -8-1- therefore there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.
God’s plan from the beginning was to make us holy like Jesus, and he took a part of Jesus himself and created us with that part, and his plan was that we would be a holy people and that there would be no condemnation for us who belong to Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 1-4-long ago – even before he made the world, God chose us to be his very own through what Christ would do for us; he decided ‘then’ to make us holy in his eyes, without a single fault – we who stand before him covered with his love. His unchanging
plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by sending Christ to die for us. And he did all this – because he wanted to.
Before you even came into existence God had already chosen you, he designed you, and planned for you to come to him, and he decided to make you holy just like Jesus without a single fault, in his eyes, simply because he wanted too. Holy means to be like God. Like means equal to, to be of the same standard, to be similar to, the same as. God made us like Jesus.
Romans-8-29-for from the beginning God decided that those who came to him - and all along he knew who would, should become like his Son.
Again the word says ‘like’ equal too, the same as his Son.
1-John 4-17-herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment because as ‘he is’ so are we, in this world. {NIV bible}
This scripture taken from the NIV bible tells us as he is so are we in this world, again confirming that we are made in his image and likeness, and what he says we should have is boldness in the Day of Judgment. We are to walk this earth with holy boldness doing things in holy boldness, living acting and being in holy boldness always walking talking listening acting in love.
Genesis 1-27- God made man like his maker. Like God did God make man?
God is telling us how he made us, he made us like himself, a spirit being without fault or failing in spirit, holy like him as scripture says. But we didn’t believe him even though he has been trying for centuries to get this message across to us. This is too blasphemous sounding, trying to say and proclaim we are like Jesus and like God, but yet it is God who says these things about us, and we dare to contradict God and say things like, we’re unworthy, sinners, no good, and useless, of no value or merit. This is false humility and dangerous because this is contradicting the glorious God we serve as children of his because of Jesus actions. God had a plan and that plan was to make man like himself, filled with himself and Jesus and the Holy Spirit, a spiritual being with a soul living in a flesh body, and it was his plan from before time began before you or I existed, that on such and such a date you would be born and on such and such a date you would accept Jesus as lord and be reborn into his image again, you would be born again.
God did this because he wanted to, nothing else, and it’s so incredible it is almost impossible to believe, that the love God has for me existed before I was even born; before time began, he planned to make me in his image and likeness, before I sinned or done wrong or good, that is how much love God has for you and I. Loved even though God knew that we would reject him and do our own thing and sin away merrily before we would turn to him in our time of greatest need, and become reborn.
1-John-5-20 – Now we are in God – because we are in Jesus Christ his Son, who is the only true God; and he is eternal life.
Now we have become reconciled to God through Jesus, and have right standing with him and have become a new creation in Christ Jesus, joined together with him. And where does the scripture say we are? We are in God!
Right this very second we are living in God.
Romans-8-30- God is raising them to a heavenly dignity and state of being and condition.
Another translation reads;
Romans-8-30-and having chosen us, he called us to come to him; and when we came, ‘he declared us’ ‘not guilty’ filled us with Christ’s goodness, gave us right standing with himself, and promised us his glory.
Romans 8-33 who dares accuse us whom God has chooses for his own? Will God? No! He is the one who has forgiven us and gave us right standing with himself. Who then will condemn us? Will Christ? No! for he is the one who died for us and came back to life for us and is sitting at the place of highest honor next to God, pleading for us there in heaven.
Did you know that the little word ‘in’ means; a state of being and condition. When scripture says you are ‘in’ him it means you are a state of being and condition, you just are, in other words. This is your makeup, your personality and personage. 1 John -5-20. You are “in” him.
Look at the words in that previous scripture, “Romans-8-30-not guilty and filled with Christ’s goodness.” If you are filled with Christ’s goodness, you don’t have the room for anything else. You’re filled right up to the brim with goodness. But Satan has you focused all the time on your sin, you and I have become sin conscious not Christ conscious or holy conscious, and therefore we can’t get to the place of understanding where God wants us to get to; focused on him not sin.
Last night at my church prayer meeting the Holy Spirit kept prompting me to speak out and most times I don’t know what it is he wants me to say, until I begin to speak. I asked permission to speak from the elder and pastor and the anointing of the Holy Spirit came upon me so strong I inwardly shook with his power, and the words came forth from my mouth; Christians havebecomesin conscious; morecaught up in theirsin than in my mercy, love and forgiveness and holiness and as his word said; forever perfect in his sight; Hebrews10-14- & Ephesians 1-4- holy in his sight.-{End of word from the lord.}
Satan is robbing us of victory, instead of focusing of the greatness of God we have focused directly on Satan in some way giving him homage; by focusing on the sin Satan got us to give in to.
When we focus on sins we committed we become sin conscious, and all our attention is now zeroed in on the sins. We may be thinking, - ‘oh God I am so sorry,’ and repeating this continually, over and over again until it wears away, or we do something else worse, then our
attention is focused on that sin and the other sins thinking that we are terrible Christians. Failures, sinners, and unworthy, not fit to be called Christians, and because of how we are feeling we can’t step out and talk about the lord to those who need him. This is wrong and God does not want you thinking like this, he loves you unconditionally, there are no strings attached to his love; you are loved because he made you and that is that, your not loved for your goodness or greatness but just because you are his child.
Satan sits back and accepts all this as praise to him, he takes this as his glory, and did you know that the more you think about a sin the more chances are that you will again commit it, you have become sin conscious and as your awareness is focused on sin, then the temptation to sin is even greater. If you sin and then do as the word of God tells you; confess your sins to God; he forgives you instantly, then your sin is gone forever forgiven and forgotten.
Hebrews -10-18 – now, when sins have once been forever, forgiven, and forgotten, there is no need to offer more sacrifices to get rid of them.
When you ask forgiveness from God for your sin it is granted immediately and then he says in Hebrews-10-18 there is no need to keep coming back and saying sorry you don’t need to whip yourself repeatedly to make up for your sin, its gone forever, forgiven; and the greatest one of all forgotten; God doesn’t remember your sin he cast them into the sea of forgetfulness, and has the power to forget sin, not like you and me who call back to mind our sins many times, even after confessing and being forgiven.
How can we become aware of the real life we have in heaven with and through Christ Jesus? If all we think about is sins we previously committed. God wants us continually thinking of our real life in heaven, those thought should be ever more in our mind and as you become heaven conscious you become sin conscious less and less. God is good and is filled with love and mercy and has bought us back from sin through Jesus dying on the cross for us; now he wants us to stay fixed on the thoughts, ‘that I am forgiven,’ ‘IamanewcreationinChristJesus,’‘IhavebeenraisedupintoheavenandIamsittinginJesus beside God my Father filled with his presence, filled with the holy spirit and filled with Jesus.’ When we opened up our heart to God’s invitation to accept Jesus as lord we instantaneously were filled with the Godhead the three persons in God, God himself, the Holy Spirit and Jesus. We were crammed full of the Holy Trinity and there was no room left for sin or faults or failings or unworthiness, we were crammed full of the Trinity, nothing else got in there with them. This occurred in the spirit of course not the soul or flesh, the flesh sins when it wants to, and the soul tries to get it to become spirit aware, by reading the word of God and feeding on it.
The More you focus on God’s word the less you focus on sin, the more time you spend with God the less time you want to spend sinning. Staying in happy fellowship with God and thinking of ways to please him, and thinking of how you could help others in need, is less time spent with sin. Avoid sin when you can, don’t look at dirty magazines or TV programs, don’t give in to temptation, and don’t hurt your dearest friend by sinning. Now you know these things, spend your time exercising yourself spiritually, staying in close proximity to God and his Holy Spirit, staying focused on how much you are loved and forgiven and how much God has given you, like eternal life, raised to a heavenly dignity and state of being, like being seated with Jesus in heaven in the place of highest privilege. What an honor, God gave us
a relationship with him in heaven and our real life is there in heaven with him, and that is where all our attention should remain.
God has given you everything he gave Jesus as he said in his word, everything Jesus has you now have also, did Jesus have power? Then so have you! Did Jesus heal the sick? Then so can you! Did Jesus do good things? Then so can you! You are in him and he is in you, together you are one person.
Philippians -2-5-let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal to God; but humbled himself, taking the guise of a slave.
God is telling you direct to your face that you and I must begin to think like Jesus in relationship to your standing with himself. He is saying let this mind remain in you, stop thinking like a sinner who hates God and is rebellious. We have been thinking from the wrong viewpoint we have been thinking from Satan’s viewpoint instead of from God’s viewpoint and God’s view of us is holiness, forever perfect, without a single fault or failing. Your mind must be fixed on the things of heaven not of the earth, set your face towards heavenly places and towards God; look up at him now and smile at him. Do you know God sometimes has difficulty recognizing some of us because all he sees is the top of our heads and cant see our faces we have been looking down for so long at the ground. {God knows every hair on our head and knows you of course; I’M just making a point of where our eyes are firmly fixed} Stop walking around with your head bowed low, you are a king lift your head high and stand upright, regal, as a Son and Daughter of your heavenly Father.
2-Timothy-1-9- it is he who saved us and chose us for his holy work, not because we deserved it but because that was his plan long before the world began – to show his love and kindness to us through Christ.
You have been chosen to do a holy work, and you cannot do that holy work with a sin filled mind, your mind {soul} must be renewed by the word of God and as you read the word of God, and in this little book your mind {soul} becomes renewed, it stops believing lies it is told constantly.
God has chosen works for us to do in the future and in the present, and those works are to love people into wellness and wholeness of life and into eternal life, to heal the sick and to deliver the demon possessed. If you stick close to God he will reveal the works you are supposed to do as you go along. A key to this is sticking close to him and thinking like he would think. Would he think badly of people? Would he criticize them? No! And neither should you, you should think like he thinks for after all you do have a portion of the very mind of Christ himself the word says.
Our real life is in heaven and I should spend my time thinking heavenly thoughts. Thoughts like, he made me holy, he made me spotless, he made me in his own image, he made me forever perfect in his sight, he made me without a single fault because of Jesus dying for me; I am a saint not a sinner, he loves me unconditionally, and all I have to do is believe him,
nothing else just believe what he tells me in his word. I am joined together with Christ Jesus as one person, true!
Colossians-3-3 you should have as little desire for this world as a dead person does. You’re real life is in heaven with Christ and God. And when Christ who is our real life, comes back again, you will shine with him and share in all his glories.
When Christ comes back again for his children, you are going to shine with him and it says share in his glories. What an amazing thing that is going to happen to us, we are going to share in the glory of Jesus in heaven.
Ephesians -1-3-blessed be the father of our lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings, in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus.
Where does it say in this scripture Ephesians 1-3- that our spiritual blessings are? It says they are in heavenly places; so if we desire to have access to those heavenly blessings what should we do? We should set our mind on the things of heaven asking our Father to reveal those treasures to us, so that we can use them for his glory. He knows the blessings he has given us and as his word says it delights the Father to give you these things, all we need do is ask, what blessings are mine Father? And he will reveal those blessings if we are sincere and are putting him first in everything. You see we are not going to get those blessings, we already have them, were not taking them away from God, he has given to us already, they’re ours to use.
Just like the prodigal sons brother, his Father told him every thing was yours to use as you wished he just didn’t act on this. God gave this story as an example of the heavenly places. The blessings are already ours, just like the farm and everything on it was the prodigals sons brothers, we are the ones who have to use those blessings. He made the mistake of waiting until his father was dead before he planned to do what he desired with the land; the father divided the estate between the eldest brother and the younger brother, the younger brother took everything and blew it, the elder brother took nothing, even though it was officially his. He gave out to his father complaining that he never even gave him a lamb to celebrate with his friends and the Father replied; ‘son everything is yours to do with as you pleased;’ his mind was set, he thought I’ll get my inheritance when dad dies. He never realized it was all his already, when his Father divided the land between the two sons. Your heavenly Father is not going to die and leave it all to you, No! He sent Jesus to die for you and gave you everything through him, and that is why you will share his glories. As part of Jesus everything he has is now yours too. This is the mind you must put on! It’s all yours through Christ Jesus, you share equally with Jesus the treasures and blessings in heaven, just as you share those blessings and treasures with your brothers and sisters in Christ all having equal share to whatever gifts and blessings there are in heaven.
Ephesians -2-7- have the roots of your being firmly and deeply planted in him, fixed and founded in him, being continually built up in him.
God’s word is telling us very plainly to stay rooted in Jesus. Staying close to Jesus, reading his word, studying, searching for spiritual truth’s, learning more and more about the nature and personality of Jesus. Getting to know him better and better every day, learning something new about him, see how he acted towards sickness and disease and human suffering; what was his reaction when people ignored the pain and needs of others, did he make a difference in people even when they came against him? Seeing his anger and where it was directed? Reading of his compassion for the sick; and people possessed by demons he delivered them immediately with authority he spoke a word, “OUT” and they left screaming, or whimpering, but they left nevertheless. Know the mind of Jesus by his actions, you can see what Jesus thought by his actions and words. Think like him and react in the same manner, you have become one with him you have a portion of his mind and you know what his feelings were towards sickness and possession; copy him, just as a child imitates his father and mother in their habits, imitate Jesus in his habits, so study your bible and read what his habits were. See for yourself when he went alone to pray, see how he prayed, learn how he spoke, as one with authority and imitate him by doing as he done. That is how you become more and more like him. An example of imitating your father; your father has a habit of sitting with his legs crossed and with his hands behind his head, now you do the same thing yourself, that’s the way you now sit many years later, because as a child you copied his posture; you may not have realized this but you have many traits and habits of both parents, you seen how they acted and you copied them as a child, now you think, oh my God, ‘I’M turning into my father or mother’ for the woman, that was because you imitated them when you were just a child. And you are a child of God so imitate him by what you see him doing.
Psalm -94-11- the lord is fully aware of how limited and futile the thoughts of man are.
God knows your thoughts and knows how hard it is to change those thought patterns, but he knows they can be changed by working at them; he knows it will take time for you to have a changed thought life. Thingsarenotgoing to changeovernightso forgetaboutthemagicwand scenario,ittakestime to bring about changes to the thought patterns we have grown accustomed to, and we have a mindset to break down and change, but stick to it and over a period of time you will realize the changes have happened, and you’re becoming more and more like him.
1-John -3-2 – Beloved we are here and now God’s children, it is not yet disclosed, made clear what we shall be, {hereafter} but we know that when he comes and is manifested; we shall {as God’s children} resemble and be like him, for we shall see him as he really is.
We are here and now God’s children, now is this very moment, we are God’s children now! Not just when we die, and we have changed into a new creation at the moment of salvation. We died to the old life we used to live and the death of the old life brought in the new life in Christ Jesus. You do not die at death you enter into a new life; an eternal life and change into the same life as Jesus. Your soul rejoins your spirit at death in heaven or hell whichever your
choices were while alive, because not all wish to accept Jesus as lord and live for eternity in heaven with him; some will live for eternity in hell.
Just think a caterpillar changes and wraps itself up in a cocoon, then it dies, to its life as a caterpillar; some time later a butterfly emerges from the cocoon; life for the caterpillar has changed it emerged a new creature it was different it had wings it could fly high up into the sky with freedom to soar and look on things from above, where before all it could do as a caterpillar was crawl along the ground chewing on leaves; now it has taken on a new creation, new beautiful colored wings the help it soar way up in the sky in joy. God used the caterpillar to show us that when we die we also change into a new creature we change into the everlasting image of God, we are a spirit being with freedom in heaven to fly and enjoy eternal life in our new bodies just like the caterpillar that changed into a butterfly.
Our real life is in heaven with Christ and God and that is what God wants us to focus all our attention on, not on this life here on earth but our real life in heaven. Why does God talk about our real life in heaven as being our real life? It is because this life lasts but a moment in the scale of eternity, but also because at this very moment we are already seated in the spirit in heaven with Christ and this is what he wants us to get to grips with, not thinking of this life as permanent, because it is like grass that fades away in the summer sun and lasts but a brief time; our real life is eternal and is now, and this is where we should be spending all our time and energies on, believing and praising God for this real life, because this real life has power on this earth it is supernatural and is still connected to us on earth in the soul and flesh.
Begin to live your real life from this moment, forget about confessed sins and concentrate on the mercy and goodness of God and of your holiness, and spotlessness perfection in Christ, praise him continually for making you holy, sinless, spotless, forever perfect in his sight. Thank him for what he done for you through his death and resurrection, continually be praising him for those wonderful things, instead of thinking of confessed sins.
Lord I thank you that I am holy.
Lord I thank you that I am spotless.
Lord thank you that I am sinless.
Lord thank you that I am forever perfect in your sight.
Lord I thank you that I am without blemish.
Lord I thank you that I am made in your image.
Lord I thank you that I am without fault in you’re sight.
Lord I thank you that I am a part of Jesus. Lord I thank you I am made just like Jesus.
These are just some things that you could be praising God for instead of thinking about and being weighed down with sin. He lifted me up into the heavenly realms. This is where my real life is seated with him.
Before we even begin to think of living our real life in heaven; are we even living a good life here on earth? Do we love those around us with tenderness and care, and affection? I have to admit it that I am not as loving as I should or could be, there are room for many improvements in my attitude towards those closest to me, and from today I have made a decision to really love my wife and children with all of God’s grace and to stop complaining about doing little things for them as I did up till now.
I am not walking the walk I am talking the talk and that is of no spiritual benefit for me as I desire to live the real life in heaven as scripture tells me. I cannot walk the real life until I walk this life in love until every thing I do has a love centre.
Our real life is in heaven with Christ and God but we also have a life here on planet earth that is supposed to be in the image of our creator and savior. If we don’t walk as Jesus walked, and talk as Jesus talked while on this earth then it will be all the more difficult to walk the walk and talk the talk in heavenly places.
God wants us thinking and acting in love all the time, and selfishness within us resists God’s will for us. Our desire for change brings with it change as God takes our desires and works them out for us gradually over a period of time; God never does this instantly but works with our flesh life, changing us slowly into his image on this earth, while our image in spirit is totally changed instantly, it is in the spirit that you are seated in heaven not the flesh, the body, or the soul. The mind must be renewed by the word of God and this means taking time to change slowly or quickly whichever your desire is and how much you really want to sacrifice to live a good life here on earth. But note I say ‘sacrifice’ and change is sacrifice, it is giving up on your wants and needs for the betterment of those closest to you and to those around you also. How quick you want this change to occur is up to you; how much effort do you want to put in to it to bring about change. It has taken me almost 31 years to get to this point of awareness of the need for change to my love life in Christ Jesus. My desire to change and grow more and more into his image is growing stronger the older I get, I can see my faults and failings, and I can see the need for change but am I willing to change, now today? You can read this and you can see the need for change in you, and because I have written what I have in this little book, you can make the change over quicker than I did. You can see it is better to become more like Christ than to hang on to selfish ways. At quite a young age you can live the real life in heaven with Christ and God because you see here and now where your real life is. It has taken me thirty one years as a Christian to reach this point where change is better than selfishness, I desire to really life this real life in heaven and become heaven conscious and not earthly conscious, and change is but a small price to pay to become aware of who I really am and where my real life is.
My real life is in heaven with Christ and God and Christ who is my real life is showing me spiritual secretes, he desires me to grow in the knowledge of who I am as a new creation in Christ Jesus, and my real life is in heaven with Christ and God. My real life I should say is the life in my spirit which will live for eternity with God in heaven. I have another life here on this earth that is battling with the soul {mind} for supremacy my life here is in the flesh; the spirit tells the soul what to do and the soul tells the body and the body either obeys or rebels, most time it rebels against God’s plans for it.
That is why St Paul says he does the things he doesn’t want to do, and the things he wants to do he doesn’t. The battlefield is in the mind, {soul} the fight between your heaven and your earth is fought in the mind.
Your spirit says your holy, your flesh says you’re unworthy, and whichever you believe will determine your growth in the lord. Feeling unworthy will prevent you from doing anything for the lord, because you feel so unworthy you don’t believe God would use you an unworthy person. This is lies told to you by your great enemy Satan, and remember there is no truth in him as Jesus said he is the father of lies; if he is telling you continually that you are not worthy, look at the sins you committed you cant walk close to Jesus with all those sins, and after all you will do them all again time after time, then he is lying time after time. When you sin you automatically say to the lord Jesus I am sorry; think about what I just wrote, when you sin you immediately say sorry lord, because the Holy Spirit inside of you convicts you of that sin and you repent. Maybe you weren’t aware that you repented immediately, maybe you just said it without thinking, but I can guarantee that as a Christian you immediately repent of sinning, the Holy Spirit won’t let up until you say sorry to God. Isn’t it wonderful we have the Holy Spirit covering us and inside us, telling us the right things to do; glory to God for his Holy Spirit.
Your real life is in heaven with Christ and God and when Christ who is our real life comes back again we will share in his glories.
Colossians-3-3 you should have as little desire for this world as a dead person does. You’re real life is in heaven with Christ and God. And when Christ who is our real life, comes back again, you will shine with him and share in all his glories.
People have the mistaken belief that when Jesus returns he will come bringing judgment and then they will stand before God to be judged along with Satan and his demons. This is not true; Jesus himself said in;
John 3-15- anyone believing in me will ‘have’ eternal life. For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it but to save it.
There is no eternal doom awaiting those who trust him to save them. But those who don’t trust him ‘have’ already been tried and condemned for not believing in the Son of God.
There is a little word in the middle of those sentences and that word is ‘have’ have means something has already taken place; for instance you have a car, its in you’re driveway, you ‘have’ a watch, its on you’re arm, you have clothes on, your wearing them, you have those things they are already yours. Jesus said those who believe him ‘have’ eternal life, it’s already yours the very instant you accepted Jesus into your life as lord and savior. It also says that those who don’t trust him to save them ‘have’ already been tried and condemned, for not believing in the Son of God. They have condemned themselves, Jesus didn’t condemn them; they condemned themselves by refusing to be saved.
God’s word tells you in Colossians-3-3 that your real life is in heaven with Christ and God, that simply means it has already happened you have a real life in heaven, it has already occurred, it isn’t going to happen it’s a statement of fact that your real life in the spirit is already going on in heaven, you’re living a double life; a life in the spirit in heaven and a life in this body {your flesh} on earth. The life in the flesh {the body} will last but a brief time it cannot go on into eternity because it is not designed to get into heaven because heaven is a spiritual world, it does not consist of earth and clay in the same way that here is, it is a
wonderful place where time is non existent, it is beautiful the colors in heaven are beyond any color that you will ever see here on earth, I was allowed a brief glimpse into heaven and the colors amazed me, I can still see them in my mind when I think of them, dazzling colors beyond the imagination of every great artist to paint, there are no earthly colors invented that will match those heavenly colors, and that was just a momentary glimpse I was allowed, and it has stayed with me because my spirit is seated in heaven with Jesus and in Jesus as he moves I move with him as he sits I sit and you sit, we are together in him in the heavenly places living our real life, just waiting on the soul to join with the spirit, and what a great rejoicing there will be that day.
My real life is in heaven with Christ and God and when Christ who is my real life. Look at this sentence, see the amazing plan that God had; that he would create us in his image by taking a piece of Jesus just like he took the rib from Adams side and he created us in Christ’s image, he then joined us back together with Jesus through salvation and raised us up into a heavenly dignity and state of being and condition, in Christ Jesus. How? How do I know how he did it all, he is God and I am but a man with limited understanding, I just decided to believe him that he could do what his word says, and believe that my real life was in heaven with Christ and God.
Jesus said in;
John-17-22- I have given them the glorious unity of being one, as we are – I in them and you in me, all being perfected into one.
These are the words out of Jesus own mouth, he said; we are one in him and we are one in the father all being perfected into one. This is an awesome thought that you are being perfected into one with Jesus and with God almighty. In case you thought this was too much to believe let me share another scripture with you.
John -17-21- my prayer for all of them is that they will be of one heart and mind, just as you and I are Father – that just as you are in me and I am in you, so they will be in us, and the world will believe you sent me.
Jesus himself was telling us that we are one in him and one in the Father joined together by him. This is an awesome thought and away beyond our human intelligence can understand but it is not beyond our belief. If God said it, I believe him, as nothing is impossible to God and if God wants to raise me to the place of highest privilege who am I to argue with him, I will just spend my days on earth praising him for his amazing plans that he thought out from before time began.
To try and simplify a spiritual mystery, let me give a demonstration of how you can visualize this happening.
Get a glass, fill it with hot water, add a tea bag, add some milk and what do you have; answer tea. You mixed in three ingredients into the glass and it became one substance tea! You added hot water, a tea bag, and some milk, and hey presto it turned into tea. God added Jesus and then you into him and we all become God, don’t be shocked by my statement that we all become God this was his plan not mine, you became the body of Christ and Christ is joined together to the Father.
Trying to understand mysteries is difficult because for the fact they are mysteries; a mystery is something we don’t understand its vague, unknown, it’s a secrete, but now God is revealing his secretes to us, he is telling us our true natures, our true identities, and it is difficult to understand but not difficult to believe because God can do anything and nothing is impossible to him so if he wants to take our spirit and seat it in heaven with Jesus that is his prerogative. God made the universe, how? I don’t know, but I believe he made the universe, see, I can not understand but I can believe
My real life is in heaven with Christ and God. I don’t understand it but I now believe it as with God nothing is impossible to him and if he choose to make my real life in heaven who am I to argue with him, I just accept this spiritual truth. God’s word is unchanging if he said something it remains that way for eternity, his word never changes it remains fixed firmly in heaven and if he says I am already seated in heaven with Christ Jesus who an I to argue, I instead will praise and praise his holy name and his plans to wondrous to understand. I will now declare always, that I am already seated in heaven in my spirit and I have a new life to live and I am bringing all I am to change my flesh life here on this planet and I intend to live closer to Jesus on this earth doing the things he asked of me; to love everyone like he loved them; that way I will never do harm to another child of God, and will seek to only do good. I will change with God’s grace all I need to change I will sacrifice all that I need to sacrifice to be a person who loves like Jesus so that not only am I seated in him in heaven but that I will be one with him on earth also in the way he planned from the beginning. So that spirit soul and finally flesh will become one in him, and it is all by his grace nothing of myself.
My real life is in heaven with Christ and God, and that is where I will keep my sight fixed on, not on my failures or sins but on his mercy and amazing plans for me, no wonder scripture says You do not know the plans I have for you says the lord; plans for good to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah-29-11 – for I know the plans I have for you say the lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray I will listen. You will find me when you seek me, if you look for me in earnest.
My real life is in heaven with Christ and God and when Christ who is my real life returns I will shine with him. Wow! What an amazing plan lord!
Continually confess theses words, say them aloud sing them to the lord in praise for what he accomplished n Calvary.
Lord I thank you that I am holy.
Lord I thank you that I am spotless.
Lord thank you that I am sinless.
Lord thank you that I am forever perfect in your sight.
Lord I thank you that I am without blemish.
Lord I thank you that I am made in your image.
Lord I thank you that I am without fault in you’re sight.
Lord I thank you that I am a part of Jesus.
Lord I thank you I am made just like Jesus.
Lord I thank you my real life is in heaven in you.
Lord I thank you for the wonder of your word.
Lord I thank you that I am precious in your sight.
Lord I thank you that I am a jewel in your crown.
Lord I thank you that I am righteous through Jesus.
Lord I thank you for the work you done in me.
Lord I thank you I am seated in the heavenly places.
Lord I thank you that as far as you are concerned I am without sin.
Lord I thank you that I am a saint not a sinner.
Lord I thank you that I am filled with your Holy Spirit.
Lord I thank you that I am filled with Jesus.
Lord I thank you that I am filled with the Godhead.
Lord I thank you that you and you alone done all these things for me and more.
Colossians-2-13-you weredead in sinsand yoursinfuldesireswerenotyetcutaway;then he gave you a share in the very life of Christ ; for he forgave you all your sins.
God gave you a share in the very life of Christ, you need to reflect on this scripture and on the others I mentioned in this book and you need to do as Mary done, she pondered them in her heart,shethoughtaboutthemoverandoveragainprayingforunderstandinguntiltheybecome a part of your soul, your spirit already knows where it is seated and in whom, but the soul the mind does not and will conflict with the spirit as the spirit tries to tell it theses wonderful truths, then as the mind is renewed by these truth the body will begin to accept these truth also and begin to act on the knowledge it now has.
Colossians-3-12-since you have been chosen by God who has given you this new kind of life.
Praise the lord I have been chosen by God! What a privilege, and to be given a new kind of life, to be one in Christ Jesus. But the joy of knowing I have been chosen out of millions to share in the new life of Christ Jesus is awesome, God chose me, whatever your name is say it aloud, God chose me [name] to be his and gave me a new kind of life, a life together in heaven with Jesus in him and through him and with him.
Romans-5-2-because of our faith he has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand.
Look at this scripture carefully; what is it saying? You have been brought into the place of highest privilege standing in the presence of almighty God himself; in the presence of your heavenly Father. You are not in low places but standing in the place of highest privilege there is no other place in heaven that is higher than this place because the lord says this is the place of highest privilege, highest means there is no other place higher, it’s as high as you can go.
Romans -6—8-since your old sin loving nature died with Christ we know we will share his new life.
God could place no higher honor on you by letting you share in the new life of your savior Jesus Christ. Imagine the honor placed on you a mere human being but also a child of the everlasting God that you were given the privilege of sharing in Jesus new life. His new life involves you being in it with him, so as he moves you move with him as he sits on his throne you also sit on it. As he receives glory you also share in that glory it sounds incredible but it is true not because I say so but because this is God’s word not mine.
2-Peter -1-3- he even shares his own glory and his own goodness with us.
Awesome, the plans of God are beyond mans understanding and now he is revealing those plans to us through his word.
Romans -6-4- your old sin loving nature was buried with him by baptism when he died, and when God the Father brought him back to life again, you were given his wonderful new life to enjoy; for you have become a part of him, and shall rise as he did.
When he died on Calvary, somehow or other I died also with him he was carrying me in his spirit knowing I would give my life to him and receive eternal life through him on the cross; he chose to suffer for me so that my sin in my spirit would be healed and I would be reconciled with him on the cross and in the tomb because the power that raised him up also raised us up with him and blended us in to one person in Christ Jesus, how breathtaking is that?
1-Corinthians-6-17- if you give yourself to the lord, you and Christ are joined together as one person.
Now thereis an awe-inspiring statementfrom theword of God;I am joined together with Jesus Christ the savior of the world the one who walked this earth in human form healing the sick raising the dead, delivering oppressed people from demonic power, and I am joined together as one person. It is overwhelming, this one statement to be joined together as one with Jesus; that means I am in him but he also is in me as we are joined together as one, therefore when I lay hands on the sick he is actually laying hands on them through me also, he is the power within me as is the Holy Spirit within me. Let’s take this scripture into more depth; the realization that Jesus is actually in me, I have known previously from other scriptures, but to take it in relation with healing and deliverance, God is love and Jesus was and is love in action, and healing according to scripture works with faith working through love, as we walk more and more in true love sacrificing ourselves for others, then as scripture says ‘our true light will shine through’ and the true light inside of us
is Christ Jesus, and the gentle touch of Jesus healing love will flow from us into the sick and oppressed and bring healing.
Understanding this one scripture alone will raise our faith level, realizing that Jesus Christ is in me and not just in me as we have known, but never understood the true meaning, that he is actually joined together with me in spirit and dwells in this body of mine, {yours} and at the same time dwells in heaven, but that he actually is in me, through me and with me, that means my hands are joined together with his hands, as I lay hands he lays hands on someone I am praying with, and if I understand his love and compassion for people I can release greater power into the person I am praying with, I can release the love in myself and the love of Jesus to the person needing his touch.
Wow! Healing just became easier, it is Jesus joined together with me who’s laying hands as I lay hands; and if I just believe and step out in faith in the belief he is in me joined together with me then healing will begin flowing naturally.
Galatians -2-20- I have been crucified with Christ; I myself no longer live; but Christ lives in me and the real life I live now within this body is as a result of my trusting in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
A miracle took place on Calvary when Jesus was nailed to the cross somehow or other we Christians, past, present and future were nailed there together with him, and he being God could do this. All this was preplanned from before time even began. God knew that Lucifer would rebel against him and that he would be cast out of heaven along with his followers down unto the earth where God had planned to make a new race of beings like himself, who had a spirit a soul and on earth a physical body, and as Lucifer was cast out he vowed to get even with God and so planned to destroy God creation made in his image, he would get them to sin and rebel against God separating themselves from God by sin. It seemed like he was succeeding because remember God destroyed the world, because there was so much sin on the earth, except for Noah and his little family who didn’t sin but remained faithful to God, so God spared them. Then the world populated again from Noah’s family and grew in tremendous numbers but still Lucifer now named Satan kept up tempting men and woman to sin, and they did, so God put into operation his pre-arranged plan {thought out from before time remember,} into action so he sent his Son Jesus into this world to take the punishment for mans sins and to end Satan’s rule forever, and his plan was to sacrifice his only Son to redeem mankind back from sin, and so on Calvary he fulfilled this plan as his son was executed. What Satan didn’t know was that God had decided long ago that he would send Jesus to die for his children and that he would put all the sins of the world, past present, and future onto Jesus whowasGodalsoandendJesuslifeonearth,therebydestroyingsinwithhim.ButagainSatan didn’tknow thatin death Jesus would descend down into thebowels of theearth whereSatan’s kingdom was and become a prisoner of Satan’s for a brief time, then on the third day he would rise again in a sudden burst of supernatural power to a new life, and as he done so all mans sins were forgiven and man was once again reconciled to God by this mighty act, and Satan was defeated and dethroned and paraded before the heavens naked and defenseless, totally stripped of all power. Mans sin died with Jesus on the cross and as Jesus rose again man was restored to God again, and all man had to do when he sinned now was to ask Jesus first of all
into his life and make him savior and lord and repent of his wrongdoing and he was instantly forgiven, and restored into favor again with God. When Jesus died we died with him, when he rose we rose with him in him and through him, we were raised to a new life in Christ Jesus a spiritual new life that would last eternity, and so God’s children were given back to him by Jesus. Now Christ lives in me and I in him.
Colossians-2-10- you are in him, made full, and have come to fullness of life in Christ; you too are filled with the Godhead, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and reach full spiritual stature.
I am in him and I am made full and have fullness of life in Christ Jesus, I am filled with the God head, Father Son and Holy Spirit, and have reached full spiritual stature. In other words I have everything when I have Christ. If you are full of something then there is no more room for anything else, so you are filled with Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and there is no room for sin or other rubbish.
You have come to fullness of life in Christ; you are not going to come to fullness of life in Christ when you die, No! It is now that you have fullness of life in Christ Jesus it is now you are filled with the Godhead, it is your spirit that has obtained all this, the soul and the flesh haven’t reached that yet, because scripture tells us the mind must be renewed by the word of God, the flesh will never be renewed it will die and rot in the grave as a punishment for sins committed in the flesh, as scripture says.
Your soul will join with your spirit when you die physically on this earth, it will rejoin your spirit in heaven, renewed.
A hard to understand truth
1-John-3-9-no one who has been begotten by God sins, because God’s seed remains inside, he cannot sin when he has been begotten by God, for this new life has been born into him; he has been born again, this new life controls him.
The first time I read this scripture I was shocked by its content, I was shocked by the words that were used to describe what God done. God’s ‘seed’, ‘God’s sperm,’ his own divine seed is inside us, just like seed from a man enters a woman through love making, God’s seed is inside us. The seed from a human husband enters his wife when lovemaking occurs and that seed becomes a baby when the ovum is present, the two join together and become one little baby human being, a new life has begun.
God’s seed enters us at the time of our accepting Jesus as lord of our lives, and joins with our spirit and the two become one in him, we have become born again in the spirit. Now our spirit has become holy, made in his divine image and a new life emerges and this new life is sinless, spotless, and forever perfect, without faults or failure, without a single stain on it, and it is kept safe in heaven seated in Jesus Christ forever in him. Ephesians 1-4- Hebrews 10-14. The new creation cannot sin because it is in heaven with and in Jesus; it is hard to understand that we sin but don’t sin in the spirit, we sin in the soul and flesh.
Its like holding a glass in your hand filled with pure clean water, crystal clear, fresh and sparkling, and you cover the top and then spit on the outside of the glass, the outside of the glass has become contaminated with spit but the crystal clear fresh water is still crystal clear
and fresh, the spit didn’t get to it to contaminate it, the glass prevented the spit from reaching the clean water. We are in Jesus he prevents sin from ever touching our spirits again because we are in him, we were born again in Jesus. We sin in the flesh and will always fall into sin sometime or other but there is forgiveness from sin when we ask for it, then its gone forever forgiven and forgotten-Hebrews-10-18. We sin in the flesh and mind {soul} but not the spirit because the spirit is in Christ Jesus and he is seated in heaven and we are raised up together with him and in him and sitting with him in those heavenly places safe from contamination, Satan can’t get at the spirit, to cause it to sin, he cant enter the place of highest privilege anymore, you now have that place he once had. We are God’s seed; Satan cannot touch God’s seed with sin, because it is God’s own seed, our spirit has melted into his seed and become one spirit with him and in him. Your new life controls your spirit, not your mind or body.
Colossians -3-10- you are living a brand new kind of life that is continually learning to be more and more like Christ who created this new life within you.
Now that God’s own seed is in my spirit I must become more spiritually aware of the truth in who I am; I am one in Christ jesus, joined together with him, seated in heaven with him, standing in the place of highest privilege, having right standing with God my Father; having a robe of righteousness around me and a crown of life on my head, without sin in my spirit, fresh and clean every day, living in a timeless zone beyond the reach spiritual decay or death. I have transcended out of death into life eternal in Jesus and through Jesus and no one else but Jesus nothing of myself or any work I done least I could boast before God that I did it. It was God alone who planned and designed my life in Christ Jesus and designed what I should become many eons before time came into existence.
Dinosaur’s roamed the earth millions of years ago scientists tell us from all their technical experiences and if you think about it like this, before God designed and placed those dinosaur’s on earth he knew the very day I would come into existence and he rejoiced in the day of my birth, I was another part of his Son Jesus piecing together like one gigantic jigsaw puzzle and only the creator knows its final picture. You know, knowing God knows all about me and when I stand or when I sit when far away he knows my every thought and night becomes as day with him and he sees me no matter where I go or what I do he knows everything about me; he knows the next meal I am going to have before I do, and he knows where the money will come from for that meal, he never leaves me hungry or destitute, he has great plans for me and those plans including me becoming aware that I am seated in heaven with Jesus in him and through him and joined together with him.
Why then, should I worry about tomorrow or the next day or worry about my children or grandchildren as he has promised to bless and save them because of me belonging to him, my concern should be to pray for my children that they will walk in the blessings close to God as Rose and I try to do, we have to let them make their own mistakes knowing we made ours and knowing that God has it all worked out anyway. It would befit me better to concentrate in giving thanks for the blessings he is pouring out on our children even if we don’t see those blessings yet. God’s word is just as relevant for them as it is for Rose and I they all accepted
Jesus into their lives and even though they have fallen away through circumstances that happened in their lives, God’s plan for them goes on and on regardless of what they do, he will one day bring them to repentance and to him because he promised us in his word he would do this and I believe him regardless of the circumstances.
I am living a brand new kind of life that is learning to trust God regardless, no matter what everything seems like, for I am seated in heaven with Jesus as part of God’s great plan and so are my children and my children’s spirits, seated in heaven with Christ Jesus in the same way I am. Who knows best me or God? I put my money on God and not on me, he has things worked out and he has every circumstance sorted to eventually work together for my good and for the good of my children. The lord’s word tells us don’t worry it only causes harm, so I will be obedient to his word and stick to it as close as I can.
God knows best, if you gave your life to the lord he promised to save your children and your grandchildren and your great grandchildren and then promised to bless to a thousand years your descendants. [Read my book “Your children are blessed and promised salvation”]
His mind is made up anyway, and can’t be changed, so if he promised to bless your children because you love him he will do so and he took his time getting you to repent and has taken his time to get me to an area of forgiveness and then took thirty years later to get me to realize that I am not allowed to dislike others for whom Jesus died for. Why didn’t he tell me that I wasn’t allowed to dislike people when he taught me the power in forgiveness? I know from just being close to him at the moment, that releasing those whom I dislikedwouldreleasemoreofhispowerinme,andtobetruthfulIwasn’treadyforthatpower as I am ready now; I was to arrogant, filled with pride and self importance and I would have been puffed up and no spiritual good, so he waited until I grew up and matured, until I became aware that he was of more importance than me and his work was more important than me doing it, now it matters not who does his work as long as his work is being done. It has taken thirty one years of walking with the lord to finally arrive at this conclusion, now all I want to do is serve with a humble heart and glorify him and he alone, my Father is the most important person in my life –Now! I am learning to be more and more like him as the previous scripture said, and I will probably find other areas in my life that I will need to change before I die and my soul goes to be with the lord and join my spirit in heaven in Jesus
Colossians -3-9- don’t tell lies to each other, it was your old life, with all its wickedness that did that sort of thing.
The scripture here is separating your new life from your old life that sinned. You old life was wicked in that it loved to sin and enjoy the sinful pleasures of this world, but now you have a new life seated in heaven with Jesus and this new life does not want to sin. This scripture is simply telling you to stay away from the old style of life you used to live before you got saved by Jesus. Avoid doing the things you used to do, do only the things that will be a blessing to others; don’t give in to sin anymore, resist it at every twist and turn, become heavenly minded not sin conscious, spend your time in spiritual exercise thinking heavenly thoughts, conscious
of your new position in heaven where you are seated with Jesus and standing in the place of highest privilege, before the very throne of Almighty God himself, and he takes delight in you.
1-John-4-17- herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment, because as he is so are we in this world.
Herein is our love made perfect; another translation reads in the Bible, ‘The Way?’ 1-John-4-17-And as we live with Christ, our love grows more perfect and complete; so that we will not be ashamed and embarrassed at the Day of Judgment, but can face him with confidence and joy, because he loves us and we love him.
Living in Jesus makes us perfect and as a result of our living in Jesus we have confidence and boldness when the world is called to judgment; because as he {Jesus} is, so are we, in this world. We will stand in Jesus before the Father as he judges the world but we need not fear a judgment because we have already been judged and forgiven when we decided to accept Jesus as lord.
When we stand before the Father on Judgment Day we stand in Jesus in the highest place of privilege and you can be reassured that your place is reserved for you through you being in Jesus, because God can’t condemn his own son of whom you are a part, if he condemns you then he condemns Jesus as you are one with and in him, so have that confidence and boldness in Jesus as you stand before the Father on Judgment Day. You can’t be cast out of heaven if you are joined together with and in Jesus you are joined together as one person, the two of you have merged together as one.
I don’t need to fear the final judgment and I can stop worrying about it and just get on with loving Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit.
Psalm-82-6-I have called you all God’s and Sons of the most high.
Jesus quoted this scripture to the scribes and Pharisees bringing it into the new testament, making it a part of the new as well as the old will of God, {testament means will} He said scripture calls you “Gods and Sons of the most high,” now its hard to think of yourself as a God but you are not as a God in your own right but you are in God as one person in Jesus. You and God {Jesus is God} are joined together as one person, and you and I are sons of the most high God. We are all God’s, we are all his, we belong to him. Therefore we are all God’s, and Sons of the most high!
Your real life is in heaven with Christ and when Christ returns you will shine with him and share in his glory, that what the word of God says and his word is forever eternally true and never changes, no matter what!
Colossians-3-3 you should have as little desire for this world as a dead person does. You’re real life is in heaven with Christ and God. And when Christ who is our real life, comes back again, you will shine with him and share in all his glories.
I can never go back to thinking of myself as a sinner, or unworthy, of no use a waste of space; the things people had me believing as they spoke those words to me, my mind can only comprehend that I am holy, sinless, without a single fault, forever perfect in his sight, a child of the living God; a Son of the most high seated in heaven in Jesus and standing in the place
of highest privilege, in the very presence of God Almighty himself, My Father whom I love and cherish and adore.
If Jesus is indeed your lord and savior then you also are seated in that place of highest privilege in him, and all of God’s promises are yes in him. This is the extent of God’s love for you so much that he planned it all from before time began to bring you into heaven in Jesus, and to shower love upon you daily for eternity.
When you realize the enormity of what God done for you then why worry about anything on this earth; God already knows what’s coming each day, and what he is going to do about it, and he has the problems of your day already resolved and all you have to do is stay close to him listening to his quiet voice within you guiding you.
You’re real life is in heaven with Christ and God. And when Christ who is our real life, comes back again, you will shine with him and share in all his glories.
Acts -17-28-for in him we live and have our being.
In him we have our true being and we live in him and he is eternal life, Jesus is eternal life, he is the only life and we have the privilege of living in him; that true life in Christ in heavenly places, those heavenly places are both in heaven and in us as we dwell in the heavenly places with Christ Jesus and he dwells in us making us a heavenly place. We live as a spirit being joined together and filled full of Jesus, and in him there are no restrictions, I can be in two places at once in him as he is everywhere at once, I can be in heavenly places and in my body both at the same time, the spirit is without limitations in Jesus. Think of it like this; how can Jesus and the Father and the Holy Spirit be in you if he is in me? And how can he be in millions of other Christians at the same time? He is God without limits, as this next scripture tells us he fills everything everywhere with himself. The next question is how? Who knows but God, he is the creator of everything everywhere, he made everything that exists, the things we see and the things we don’t see, the spirit world with its kingdoms.
Colossians-1-16- Christ himself is the Creator who made everything in heaven and on earth, the things we see and the things we can’t see; the spirit world with its kings and kingdoms, its rulers and authorities.
God talks about things we see and don’t see. Today with digital cameras, things that have been named ‘orbs’ are now being seen everywhere that a photo is taken, little round light like images like the heads of dandelions after the flower had dies. No one knows exactly what they are, some say they’re souls, others say they’re energy like electricity, but no one really knows, and there are many other things we don’t see unless we use a microscope and then we see living organisms, life forms. If God made all theses things that we see and don’t see then he is well able to do what he says regarding us, living in Jesus. He God is everywhere and we are everywhere in him as his body.
Ephesians -1-19- he has put everything under his feet; and has appointed him to be the universal and supreme head of the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills
all in all. For in that body lives the full measures of him, who makes everything complete and who fills, everything everywhere with himself,
The fullness of him who fills everything everywhere with himself, He Jesus is the head and we are his body, all of us together, that’s why he can be everywhere at once and we can be both in heaven with and in him in spirit and in our spirit in our body in him.
John -5-20 – now we are in God because we are in Christ Jesus, who is the true God.
‘In’ means a state of being and condition. When does it say we are in God? Now! This very moment, this is when you are ‘in’ God not when you die as you may have thought but now this instant. It’s all because of Jesus; Jesus didn’t die on Calvary just to save us. No! He died to fulfill God’s entire plan, to fulfill all of the plans of God for us human beings made in his image. Jesus fulfilled the whole complete picture, by saving us, making us holy; giving us power and authority, by giving us an abundance of blessings gifts and salvation was just the beginning of this awesome plan.
Today 28-2-2009 On TV Christians shows, Christian leaders are all talking about the end times and people are terrified of the end times, others are impatient for it to arrive. As far as I am concerned I will do as Jesus said don’t concern yourself with theses things as only the father knows them; I refuse to get involved in discussions about end times. I am doing my utmost best to live in theses times I am now living in, trying to live as Jesus wants me to, not worrying about this sign or that sign. I want to live my spiritual life in heaven and in this body in Christ Jesus and reach out and be of help and healing to others. Is there any signs of the power of God in your area where you live, do you see miraculous signs and wonders? Is God visible in your church, can people see his touch; there are more signs of Satan’s activities than there are of God. Do you think God is going to come back for a bride that doesn’t even really know him nor has a beautiful relationship with him? A bride and groom know each other intimately; they have developed in love and decide to fulfill that love by getting married so they can share their love more personally, through the act of love making and having children when they are ready. Do you believe that the bride of Christ is even ready for him? Some are ready and waiting but most Christians don’t have a clue what it is they are sharing in, they believe that if they sin they are damned, and wallow in sin more than in forgiveness. They know nothing really about their savior and know little about the bridegroom. What bridegroom wants a bride that doesn’t know him personally with intimate knowledge of him, knowing the things he sacrificed for them; how he laid down his life for them and how deep and wide is his love for them. I believe that the bridegroom wants his church to become aware of the amazing things he done for them and who they are in him. This is why I am being led to disclose who you are and where you are seated and in whom you are living, to show you the truly good news.
Who wouldn’t want a God who is not interested in your sins, faults and failures but only interest in forgiving you, and loving you and giving you gifts and powers, helping you in everyday life; looking after you everywhere you go, taking care of you and never condemning you. The church of today is full of condemnation; they literally have no true knowledge of their glorious savior, and what he really done for them. Who wouldn’t want a God that just loves them exactly as they are? In the next scripture you will see the love Jesus and God the Father has for you his child.
John -17-20-my prayer for all of them is, that they will be of one heart and mind, just as you and I are Father; that just as you are in me and I am in you, so they will be in us, and the world will believe you sent me. I have given them the glory you gave me, the glorious unity of being one as we are. I in them and you in me, all being perfected into one.
What an awesome statement, I in them and you in me, all are being perfected into one! We are being perfected into one with Almighty God, and this was Jesus prayer for you and me not just the apostles but for the future believer also. God is perfecting you and me into him blending us into one with him, we are becoming a part of God when we say yes to Jesus offer for salvation, it is at the moment of acceptance that we are transformed into God and into his image, being perfected, because of our, ‘yes lord I accept you as my lord and savior.’ Your yes to Jesus brought all this about for you just as my yes did the same for me, and now we are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and at the same time our spirit changed and become one in Jesus and as he dwells in our bodies we become more and more like him as we yield to his spirit within us also.
John -6-53-anyone who eats my flesh and drinks my blood is in me and I in them. Again this scripture reassures you that Jesus is in you and you are in him in spirit not the flesh or soul but spirit, your spirit changed and become one with Jesus at salvation. You became a part of him, and your soul cant become a part of Jesus yet because it sins, and has to be renewed, before it joins your spirit in heaven, at your physical death; the flesh can never be renewed or restored because it is sinful and corrupt and was never designed for heaven, it as scripture say’s will rot in the grave as a punishment for sin committed in it.
1-John-2-24- you will live in the Son and in the Father.
That’s where we will live in the Son and in the Father, this is real living the true eternal life within you is the trinity dwelling within you as one with you through Jesus mighty work on the cross.
Romans -8-29- for from the beginning God decided that those who came to him – and all along he knew who would, should become like his son, so that his Son would be the first with many brothers. And having chosen us he called us to come to him; and when we came, he declared us “not guilty,” filled us with Christ’s goodness, gave us right standing with himself, and promised us his glory, {raising them to a heavenly dignity, and state of being and condition.}
Did you know that the word ‘in’ means a state of being and condition? That simple little word holds so much power in its use. When you read the scriptures from now on when you see the word ‘in’ realize it is saying a state of being and condition.
Ephesians 2-10- for we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus. {‘In’ a state of being and condition}
For an example of state of being and condition {in} Prince Charles is in a state of being and condition he is a prince that is his state and is his condition and he was born into that state of being and condition, he just is a prince, that is until the Queen dies and then he becomes king, that is his condition, he was born into it, just like his Sons Harry and William, both of them are born into a state of being and condition, they are both a prince. Scripture tells you that you are a king of life, which means you are in a state of being and condition.
Romans -5-17- all who take God’s gift of forgiveness and acquittal are kings of life, because of this one man Jesus Christ.
Your in a state of being and condition just like the queen, she was born into it; you were reborn into it also.
It is so difficult for us Christians to believe what God says in his word, he says we are kings of life, we say I am unworthy, he says your seated in heaven, we say I am the lowest sinner on theplanet. Notbelieving whatGod doneforyou isso sad itsimply meansyou believed Satan’s lies and deception and refused to believe God. If I were only giving you one scripture then you could say I was taking the word of God out of context but I have laid down a foundation of God’s word for you to study and see the truth for yourself. One scripture does not make changes because you can misinterpret it, but a continual flow of scripture says I better take note of what’s being said and examine it in the light of God’s word for yourself. You need to search the bible to find scriptures that correspond with what I am saying before you just accept this, there are even more scriptures than what I have used to explain that you are in Jesus, seated in the heavenly places, and share in his glory. If you can’t believe that God says you are a king of life how can you believe you are seated in the heavenly places?
Romans -8-1- therefore there is no condemnation for those who are ‘in’ Christ Jesus.
{That’s why there is no condemnation for you; you are in a state of being and condition {‘in’} Christ Jesus.
Wonderful there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus, yet Christians believe that they are condemned by God. Scripture says. Who dares accuse us will Christ? No for he died for us.
Ephesians -1-3- blessed be God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, ‘in’ Christ Jesus.
Here again is confirmation that we are in heavenly places not destined for hell, God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings, where? In heavenly places, How? ‘It is because we are in Christ Jesus.’ Because we are in Christ Jesus that why were blessed in heavenly places, God is constantly reassuring us that we are in heavenly places. God loves us beyond anything we could even imagine, he done amazing things for us showering gifts and blessings upon his children, delighting in them as his own made in his own image. Every father likes to hear that his new born baby looks like him and the mother feels the same. God looks at his children and
sees his own image looking back at him and he is proud of you; just as an earthly Father is proud of his baby son or daughter.
2- Corinthians- 21 for sake he made Christ virtually to be sin, who knew no sin; so that ‘in’ and through him; we might become the righteousness of God.
This is an awesome statement; in Christ, we might become the righteousness of God. God is righteous, and his word declares us to be righteous ‘in’ and through Christ Jesus. But we have actually become God’s own righteousness, what an honor for us human beings to be God’s own righteousness. How! How do I know? I just accept and believe it; if God’s own word says so, he knows the ‘how’ bit. I just accept and believe what I humanly don’t understand but my spirit seated in heaven with Christ Jesus understands and I leave it at that and ask for revelation sometime when God decides to reveal this to my soul, my mind.
1-John-3-2-belovedweareeven‘hereandnow’God’sownchildren,itisnotyetdisclosed, made clear what we shall be {hereafter} but we know that when he comes and is manifested, we shall as God’s children resemble and be like him, for we shall see him as he really is.
We will resemble and be like him! Come on! That’s awesome isn’t it; only a loving Father God would, and could do that. And when did he do it? Here and now! If someone were able to check out God’s DNA they would find that our DNA would be a perfect match with his. His sperm is in us, do you remember?
Colossians-3-12- you have been chosen by God who has given you this new life!
I didn’t choose God ‘he chose ‘me’ knowing the kind of person I am! He decided to give me a new life, I didn’t ask for this or deserve this, he decided before even before the world began to make me holy just like him, without a single fault or blemish holy just like him, Ephesians -1-4-6- that’s the kind of God we have, a mighty one indeed! He decided to do all these things from before time began and decided to raise me up in Jesus into the heavenly places where I would sit with him in the place of highest privilege. We have a problem in believing that we are loved and forgiven, never mind seated in Jesus in the place of highest privilege
Romans -6-8- since your old sin nature died with Christ, we know that we will share ‘his’ new life.
My old sin loving nature died, dead as a door nail, when Jesus died on Calvary; the old nature is never coming back to life because I have been given a new nature, his new life, when he died he was given a different life than the one he possessed before he died, and when he died God gave him a different life with us dissolved into it, we became one with him as we dissolved together into a new creation in him, not separate from him but in him, in his body. Now I share his new life with him, as he is so am I as scripture says, in this world.
Galatians-2-20-I have been crucified with Christ, I myself no longer live; but “Christ lives in me” and the real life I live ‘now’ within this body {is Christ} is as a result of my trusting in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
Scripture tells us our real life is in heaven with Christ and God, and this scripture tells us that the real life inside my body is Christ who lives within, Christ is the real life and the new life, and the two parts are joined together in Jesus. My real life is Christ dwelling within me and who is also seated in heaven by the power of his awesomeness. It’s like I said earlier, it is like living in a parallel existence, living two lives at once. God is everywhere he is in heaven and he is in us, we are part of heaven in him, as scripture says, “he fills everything, everywhere with himself.” Ephesians -1-19
For apart from him you cannot exist, he is the vine and we are the branches, and the branches are a living part of the vine, they are branches, but they also are the vine. When you look at a vine you see the stem and the branches but you don’t see the roots which go down deep into the earth, you see the vine and in season you see the fruit, the grapes. The grapes grow on the branches not on the vine stem, so the branches are important in that they hold all the fruit. The branches are connected to the vine, they are the vine as are the roots.
John -15-15-I am the vine and you are the branches, who ever lives in me and I in them shall produce a large crop of fruit.
The vine is what you see with your eyes, you don’t say to yourself; ‘oh! Look,’ I see the stem but I don’t see the branches , and you don’t say, I see the branches but don’t see the stem, you see both together and look at the vine as just ‘the vine,’ one thing held together and nourished by the roots which you don’t see.
The vine is a great example of the kingdom of God, because you do not see the roots, you don’t see the kingdom, but you know both the roots and the kingdom are there, one by sight, and the other by faith. You don’t see how deep the roots go down into the soil or how far they spread, and you don’t see the kingdom and how vast it is.
You know that the roots are there because the vine would not be alive if it had no roots, and you don’t see the kingdom either but you experience its power and many times its presence in your life. You know both exist; if the kingdom didn’t exist then the earth would cease to exist. Both are believed in by faith, faith tells you there are roots because you see a healthy vine producing fruit, and you believe by faith that the kingdom of God exists because you have his word and felt its power and know that if the kingdom didn’t exist then neither would the earth and the universe; both are taken and believed by faith, two kinds of faith but faith nevertheless. As scripture says; ‘we walk not by sight, but by faith.’
You may not have thought about this before but you take many things by faith, and you don’t give them a second thought. You walk outside on a cloudy dull day and yet you know that above the clouds the sun is shining, how do you really know for sure? Maybe something happened to the sun over the last few days of clouds and rain, and it disappeared? No you just believe that the sun will come out eventually, you believe by faith, believing is faith.
You stand at a bus stop believing a bus will come along soon, you actually believe this by faith because you read the bus timetables, but maybe today the bus people went on strike unknown
to you, but you stand at the bus stop believing that a bus will come, that is actually faith, not miracle working faith but it is faith.
You go on a boat cruise, and you settle down in your cabin, and wait for the ship to take you to your destinations, you believe that you are going to see those places mentioned in the cruise brochure, you believe by faith in the boat crew and the boat. Believing is faith no matter what way you look at it. That boat could have been hit by a submarine going by underneath it and it could sink, but you believe that everything will be ok and you sit back and enjoy your trip. That is faith, faith in the boat and its crew but it is still faith.
Everything you do is by faith, not faith in God but faith in things and people but different from having faith in God, you get up in the morning by faith believing you are going to do as you planned, it may not always work out that way but you nevertheless get up in faith believing you are going to do as you planned, that is faith in yourself, but it is faith nonetheless.
Faith in God is different, a different faith comes into play, and a faith in God because he is God, is a mountain moving faith, a belief. A faith that what God says, he can perform. If God says your real life is in heaven with Christ and God then faith tells us believe him just because you don’t actually see it or feel it, it is true nonetheless.
Faith believes that something is going to happen, whether it is in believing a bus will come soon or the sun will shine, or the mountain will move, it is all faith. Now have faith in God if he says you are already seated in heaven in Christ Jesus and his real life is inside your body at the same time believe him, have faith.
Faith is part of your nature, faith in your fellow man, faith in your partner, faith in your children, faith in your parents, faith in your salvation, faith in your God all are faith, faith is believing in something.
You can believe the opposite of everything I have written and that also is faith, faith is belief; it’s a choice to believe something even when you don’t see the results just yet. You can believe something terrible will happen to you and live most of your life in dread and that is a negative faith but it is still faith, you believe something bad will happen to you.
Faith is faith whether it is negative faith or positive faith; faith believes something that hasn’t happened yet, whether in the natural world or the supernatural world.
Faith believes what someone tells you, even if it isn’t true, Faith believes God’s word because there are no lies in God’s word.
You don’t think of theses everyday things as having faith but they are; you are a faith creation and God wants your faith in his word and in him and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. You can chose to believe that your real life is in heaven with Christ and God or you can chose not to believe, not to have faith. The choice of which faith {belief} you use, is up to you.
Faithischoosingtobelievesomething,itseitherpositiveornegativeitsbelievinginsomething. Too often we believe in Satan’s lies, and that is negative faith; ‘your no good,’ ‘you’ll never amount to anything.’ Negative words spoken into your mind by some demonic force using a person to tell you this, and you chose to believe this negativity, and you then act on it. You have believed those words and now you think I am no good and wont amount to anything, and that is lies because God says I know the plans I have for you they are plans for good and not for evil; to give you a future and a hope. You had faith in those negative words and believed them, faith believes something. God doesn’t want you living in a negative world he wants you living in a faith filled world believing in his word and not Satan’s or peoples lies.
He wants you to become aware that your real life is in heaven with Christ and Christ who ‘is’ your real life; --- and the life you live ‘now’ within this body is Christ. Christ is your real life either in heaven or in your body he is your real life the old life has gone forever, the old you is dead, gone for eternity and Christ swapped his new life for your old one and so he lives in you and also dwells in heaven being God. You are a spirit being and you have a body and you have a soul, you are made up of three parts just like the Trinity, only you are spirit soul and body, the two most important parts are the spirit and then the soul {the mind} those are the parts that will live forever in eternity with and in Jesus and God.
St Paul says; it is not I who live but Christ Jesus within me.’ Paul knew this truth that it was Christ within him who was his real life and that is why he was not interested in this world anymore but was only interested in the people of this world. He was ready to suffer death and imprisonment because he would die for Jesus who lived in him, he did as Jesus told him, he went here and there even when he knew it was prison, beatings or stoning, or flogging or even death. It was Jesus in him driving him onwards and the Holy Spirit also within him was directing his every move, Paul knew he had become one with the Holy Trinity, and that they dwelt within him and him in them. The Holy Trinity was in Paul, and they are also in us, who believe.
Colossians-2-10- you are in him, made full, and have come to fullness of life in Christ; you too are filled with the Godhead, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and reach full spiritual stature.
{You have God’s word here in front of your very own eyes and you can read them also in your own bible if you don’t believe what I have written; {the Bibles I have used here are the; King James Version, The Way the Living Bible, the Amplified Bible, and the NIV Bible.}
These are the main ones I have used to study and confirm what I am being taught, and now teaching you, check them out for yourself see if what I say is correct and if it is, believe God’s word even if you don’t fully understand it.}
To get back to where I left off; you are filled with the Godhead; the father Son and Holy Spirit, you have come to fullness of ‘life’ in Christ
Your fullness of life is in Christ, and Christ is seated in heaven beside the Father, and he also resides inside you. The Holy Trinity resides in heaven but some how or other they also reside inside you. It isn’t in your flesh they reside inside your body but in the spirit which is both seated in heaven and inside you at the same time, your spirit is now one in Christ Jesus the old sin filled spirit inside you died on the cross on Calvary, and you rose to new life in him when he rose, you share in the same new life he has, his spirit and your spirit became one at the cross and resurrection of Jesus.
God’s word say’s, “he dwells in the praises of his people,” dwells means reside. Reside means inhabits, inhabit means he lives in. How could God live in the praises of his people? Can you answer that? I cannot but do I believe it? Of course I do he is God and nothing is impossible to him. If he can dwell, live in, the praise of his people then surely he can live in you, and surely you can live in him because he said so and he can do anything, even if it is very difficult for us human beings to understand. Inhabit means he makes his home in the praises of his people.
Every time I open my mouth to give him praise he dwells in my mouth, he inhabits the praises of his people; he lives in the praises I give him from my mouth, how? How? How? I don’t know! I just believe it if he says it, so if he says he inhabits the praise coming forth from my mouth, then who am I to argue? I will just believe and have faith that he can do so if he said so, after all he is God, the same God who created the universes and interplanetary galaxies, and galaxies beyond what we have even discovered. We are just now discovering a completely new galaxy- {year 2009}; scientists have seen a new galaxy through the spacecraft telescope on the Hubble spacecraft, {they call it the eye of God because it looks like a gigantic eye in the photographs,} as it travels through space. God created the cosmos and chose to dwell in our praises and chose to dwell inside us as a new creation with a new life and a new life in Christ Jesus. What an awesome God!
Colossians-3-3 - Your real life is in heaven with Christ and God and when Christ who is your real life returns you will shine with him and share in his glories. This is the focus on our teaching in this book, as I am taught I share with you, what you are taught and can confirm for yourself you can also share with others and they in turn can share with even more people, giving glory to God, spreading the good news as God intended us to. Knowing that my real life is in heaven with Christ gives me great joy in my heart, knowing God dwells within me uplifts my spirit, knowing that God dwells in the praise coming forth from my mouth is awesome to me and should help me stop saying the wrong things from my mouth, instead I am now even more conscious that God inhabits the praise of his people and I speak forth his praises from my mouth, he is there on the edge of my tongue; no wonder scripture says in Romans that the tongue is so important.
Romans-10-8- for salvation that comes from trusting Christ – which is what we preach –is already within easy reach of each of us; in fact, it is as near as our own hearts and mouths, for if you tell others with your own mouth, that Jesus is your lord and you believe in your own heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in his heart that a man becomes right with God; and with his mouth he tells others of his faith, confirming his salvation.
What comes out of our mouths is very important, we can have God dwelling on our tongue or we can tear down someone for whom Christ died; let him dwell in the praises of your mouth.
Colossians-3-3 you should have as little desire for this world as a dead person does. You’re real life is in heaven with Christ and God. And when Christ who is our real life, comes back again, you will shine with him and share in all his glories.
Begin living your real life in heaven, spend as much time in adoration of the lord God for his awesome plans tell him you love and worship him for his plan of salvation for you. Ask him for revelation on his word regarding these scriptures. Amen.