Your words have life or death in Brendanthem.McCrossan
Your words have life or death in them. Brendan Mc Crossan 24 -12-2010 One Speaking God’s words because they contain life!
Are you aware that the words you say have either life or death in them, what you say now you will receive later on in life?
God tells us to speak his words and to be careful of our own words because words have life. You could fill book after book with my words and those words would have no great significance if they came from my intellect they would just be words without any power to change anything. Or you could fill book after book with the word’s that the lord gave me and those words shared would bring release from captivity, healing to your bodies or inner healing, healing of memories, because they are God’s words not mine. I have written some books and finished those books and was getting ready to put them on to my website when the lord would show me that it was just from human knowledge that I wrote them, and I spent maybe days writing them, and at the click of a button when the spirit of God would whisper those words were your own words, I would delete everything I wrote. Why? Because I know that they would never benefit you the reader in any way, they are mans words which have no power to bring about change or healing, and that is what my ministry is all about, bringing change in Christian’s thinking and believing and seeing things from God’s perspective.
Ezekiel-3-4- 4And He said to me, Son of man, go, get you to the house of Israel and speak to them with “my words.”
John-6-63-It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The “words” that I speak to you are spirit, and they “are life.”
When God gives us a message to share with others he wants us to share his words not ours, and sometimes we add on a little extra because we think that we didn’t say enough to convince the person with whom we speak to, and that is pride, we think that we have to add something to what God said to make it effective and instead we do the opposite we take away from the simple message that God wanted us to speak; sometimes I do this when writing my little books but when I read them after they are finished I have to delete certain paragraphs, sometimes chapters as I get caught up in the teaching that God is giving me and my intelligence takes over when God spirit stops, but when I read it all back at the end I have to repent and delete the extra bits that I added in.
I have discovered that speaking the word’s of God written in his bible that healing manifests and pain and sickness and disease depart forever from the sick person I speak those words to.
Sometimes I meet aperson who would comeup to meand say, that song you wroteor scripture you spoke changed my life forever, and I don’t even remember speaking those words and forget what songs I sang on a particular night or at a day of healing. But because I spoke the word that God had me speak change came for that person or they were healed and restored.
The words I speak of my own intelligence are profitless, because as this word from God says the flesh profits nothing. But the words that the Holy Spirit gives to me for people are life giving words, and bring life to dying bodies and to sick people and to the depressed and guilt ridden, relief from guilt. You know if we would only learn to speak words from God’s word as often as we can we would have life changing experiences, we would become more and more like Jesus who spoke those words of life and of the father who gave us his words of life and as the word of God says about us. “As he is so are we in this world.”
1-John -4-17-Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment; because ‘as He is, so are we in this world.’
Two The world hears those of the world
1-John-4-4-You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 5 They are of the world. Therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears them. 6 We are of God. He who knows God
That is life changing words, “as he is, so am I, in this world!” You are declaring what God said about you and if spoken aloud you show that you agree with those life changing words and so they bring with them revelation to the spirit as to whom you are, in this world. Your spirit is becoming aware that you are indeed the same as Christ Jesus in this world because God declared it first and then you agreed with him and declared it also. Giving thought to the words of God as he is so am I, is an awesome thought, it means that you have spoken of God as your father and of yourself as the same as the son of God - Jesus, but the incredible truth is that is what you are in this world, not because of my words but because of the never changing words of God spoken through his son or through his writers of the books of the bible, the living word of God himself! God’s words bring with them power to change, power to bring with them life. WehavetolearntospeakasGoddoes,withhiswordsnotours,hiswordshavepowerinthem, ours do not and they profit no one, in other words no one benefits from them, not even ourselves; but when we speak God’s words we ourselves profit from those words as we see those words bring life and healing, and set the captives free. When we say something good and uplifting to someone, those words can uplift that person, or if we speak negative words condemning people those words have a lasting effect on people, and every word that we say has built into it life or death. Speaking love and kindness and lifting words, from God’s word, we can help someone who for instance does not love themselves learns to love themselves. Speaking destructive words for a start are evil words and can destroy a person’s belief in their self. That is why we should choose our words carefully, because we either bring life or death through the power of our tongue to some child of God. When we say something negative about someone we cause a deep wound and most times saying sorry does not take away the pain of that wound, it remains open for a long, long time until we speak words of life into that area, and the words we need to speak are the words spoken by God, spoken in love and gentleness with the mind and heart of Jesus in us speaking them.
God’s word says; I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me; Phillipians-4-13-I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. The world says I can’t do this or that; who me? I couldn’t do that. The words the world speak are empty without power behind them, but we can say with boldness, who me? Yes I can do everything that needs to be done through Christ Jesus who lives in me and gives me the power to do so; there is nothing that I cannot do according to my God. I say God’s words and they are words filled with power behind them enabling me to do what needed to be done. I have boldness because greater is he who is in me than he that is in the world, and he strengthens me with his words.
In any situation I find myself in, I can speak the word that God spoke through his prophets and teachers who wrote down his word in letter form then printed into bible form, and can do so with holy boldness because God watches over “his word” to accomplish what it was sent out to do, and I speak his word only. My word would have been I cannot do that, it is beyond my capabilities, but because God backs up his word with power I can safely say, “I can do everything through Christ Jesus who loves me and strengthens me.
God says I am holy with a single fault in his eyes, the world says I am unworthy of no worth or value. I can chose which word to speak, the words of condemnation from the devil or God’s word, Ephesians -1-4- long ago even before he made the world, god chose me through what Jesus Christ would do, and “he decided to make me holy in his eyes without a single fault or failing” because he wanted to. Which word do I chose to say, what God says or what the world says, unworthy or worthy, righteous holy without a single fault, come on here, who’s right in what they say, God or the world? The world and even some churches say, I am a sinner, I am unworthy, and other negative soul destroying words and the worldly or religious people say, amen to that. They agree with the world and who is running this world, in case you have forgotten, it is the devil. But it is God himself who spoke those words concerning you his child, those who have accepted him as Lord and saviour; he was the one who declared you holy without a single fault, in his eyes. I hear Christians say they are sinners, and the word of God says sinners are going to hell along with their children, and they say they are unworthy, yet God says they are Holy, who is right? What words do we believe and speak about ourselves, words filled with death or words filled with life, and the word you just read in that previous scripture declares that long ago, even before he made the world, God chose you; {who chose you before he made the world, before he made the oceans or land, before dinosaurs’? God did} and he declared you back then to be holy in his eyes without a single fault. What words does God desire you to
hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. This previous scripture says the people of the world hear the people of the world when they speak and great intellectuals give great words but those words don’t profit anyone, they sound good to the worldly people but don’t have an ounce of spirituality in them to bring someone life giving words.
Hebrews 10-14- you are forever perfect in the sight of God. Will you keep on speaking death giving words into your soul, or will you stop and think, and say what God wants you to say, to agree with him and not the devil whose only goal is to destroy you in every way, physically and spiritually. God word makes us declare, I am forever perfect in the sight of God; Religion says were not yet perfect but will be later on, but God says it now. Scripture says were not all we should be but will be later on. There are lots of things we are not all we should be but what we are is being perfected every day, our lack of love, mercy, forgiveness to name but a few, but remember God sees the completed picture and so we can declare that I am forever perfect in the sight of God; speaking God’s own words bring life to us and helps us become perfect in other areas that need work. God has accomplished all his work and we grow into what he has accomplished as he leads us; it is by grace alone that we are forever perfect in the sight of God, an adoring Father. If we died right now we would be forever perfect in the sight of God because he said so and the word of God is unchanging.
I am an unworthy sinner or I am holy without a single fault. Religion in you will say “unworthy or sinner,” but is God right or are you right, will your words bring you life or death
Three In “other” words Acts 5-19-But at night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out, and said, 20 “Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the “words” of this life.” Go and speak to the people all the words of this life, note it says “all the words” giving us the right to speak Jesus words. The Angel who let the apostles out of prison could have said, ‘go and preach salvation to the people,’ but he didn’t he said, ‘go speak the words, of this life,’ and this life was Jesus. Speak the words of this life, Jesus words; he is telling us to speak the words of life. When I first started writing this little booklet I thought I would be writing about speaking wrong words but I now realise that God is telling me to speak his words in every situation, “in other words,” when something is wrong and I am faced with an impossible situation, then the words of life is that ‘nothing is impossible to God,’ and ‘God is for me,’ to quote just two scriptures, instead of, ‘what will I do,’ ‘oh God help me.’ “In other words” I just quoted and just realised that I should be speaking “in “other” words” other than the ones I normally speak, I must speak the words of life, {Jesus} {or scripture words} I have to speak “other words” rather than negative words.
A question I would ask you right now, would Jesus speak negative words or did he ever speak any negative words, or was his words life giving? He spoke other words, other than negative words. Would Jesus talk about himself in a derogatory way? Never! Yet we who are made in his image and made from the same substance as he was made from, speak of ourselves as useless, worthless, stupid, a piece of crap, no good or rubbish. God’s word says we are holy, and holy means to be like God, and God calls us holy, yet we speak with words of this evil world and call ourselves useless, sinners, unworthy, a piece of crap, something scraped off ones shoe. Those are words I have heard Christian’s speak about themselves, and some words
What we believe eventually comes out of our mouths, and if you believe negative things then you willsay negativethings and negativethings happen eventually to you, becausethatis what you believed in your heart and spoke out of your mouth. What you say today is planted as a seed in the spirit realm and grows in the spirit realm as you continue to confess, {say} what you believe, and it eventually will happen just as you believed and spoke. Your words have life in them and also death. If you speak the words that Jesus or the apostles and Paul and timothy, and those who wrote the epistles, and Holy Bible spoke, you will speak lifegiving words, becausethoseword arethewords of God, and God’s words havelifein them.
Proverbs 18-4- The words of a man’s mouth are deep waters; the wellspring of wisdom is a flowing brook.5 it is not good to show partiality to the wicked, Or to overthrow the righteous in judgment. 6 a fool’s lips enter into contention, and his mouth calls for blows. 7 a fool’s mouth is his destruction and his lips are the snare of his soul. 8 The words of a talebearer are like tasty trifles, and they go down into the inmost body.
In other words you will get what you say! As the old saying goes ‘one day you will eat those Awords.’manor
Jesus laid great emphasis on words when he told the apostles that you can say to the mountain and it will move if you believe with a much faith as a small tiny mustard seed, the size of a pinprick.
I can’t repeat; those words are not the words that God says to speak, he says speak my word’s, life giving words, even if you “feel” like a piece of crap. By speaking God’s words you will eventually break that darned bondage to the negative words spoken over you, or by you.
Proverbs 18-21-20 A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth; from the produce of his lips he shall be filled. 21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, You have power in your tongue by speaking God’s words, and if you speak them and continue speaking them over what you would really love to be saying then they will bear fruit and fill your belly with Joy A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth; from the produce of his lips he shall be filled. You see the fruit comes from your mouth, it doesn’t say, ‘he will be filled with the fruit he eats, but from the fruit of his mouth.’ Your mouth plays a gigantic part in your receiving from God speaking his word brings with it fruit to satisfy your belly, satisfy you inside litterly. Your mouth is either you downfall or your victory in life, what you speak is what you get.
woman can chose to speak words of death over themselves or over their family. If you keep speaking words from this evil world, and I mean negative words, then negative things will eventually happen to you, because as God’s word says, “You shall have whatsoever you believe,” and “say.” Or as you believe, so shall it be.
John-6-63-It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The “words” that I speak to you are spirit, and they “are life.”
The words of a man or woman mouth are deep waters; they are life giving water to the soul. Speak the words that God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit gave you to speak over your life and you will have life changing experiences, miraculous happenings in your life, love peace and joy shall be yours if you do what God says.
Phillipians-4-13-I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
God’s word works effectively in you when you use them as God intended. The word of God is the bible, and every word that you need to speak is in there. I could give you a shortcut by giving you certain words of scripture but that is not how you grow spiritually. I gave you two words from scripture, that can change your life entirely. And those words are.
Hebrews 10-14- you are forever perfect in the sight of God. I am forever perfect in the sight of God.
Ephesians -1-4- long ago even before he made the world, god chose me through what Jesus Christ would do, and “he decided to make me holy in his eyes without a single fault or failing” because he wanted to.
Go now and go through your bible from the book of Acts and see what it is that God has to say about you and write them words down and confess then every day until they become a spiritual partofyou, and they willbring God theglory hedeserves. Rememberthey aren’tJohn’swords or Paul’s word’s but they are the words of God. And are life giving words, the words of God having life in them.
You are saying what God’s word says; you are saying what he says about you, and what he tells you to say, for your spiritual growth.
1-Thessalonians-2-13-For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the “word of God” which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the “word of men,” but as it is in truth, the “word of God,” which also effectively works in you who believe.
I can do everything through Jesus Christ.
I am Holy without a single fault in God’s eyes.
1-John -4-17-Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment; because ‘as He is, so are we in this world.’ As Jesus is, so am I in this world.