style guide bid network. version 1.0 – August 2009
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promotional material.
09 letterheaD sheet > front
21 flYer teMPlate (or siMilar iteM) > lanDsCaPe
11 letterheaD sheet > reVerse anD follow uP sheet
23 flYer teMPlate (or siMilar iteM) > Portrait
13 Business CarD
25 Poster teMPlate (or siMilar iteM)
15 CoMPliMents CarD
27 PowerPoint teMPlate > Main sliDes
17 aDDress laBel
29 PowerPoint teMPlate > saMPle sliDes 31 faCtsheet teMPlate 33 Plan uPDate teMPlate 35 newsletter teMPlate
0 7555 000
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57 BiD networK qualitY seal
43 loGo BiD ChallenGe > CountrY sPeCifiC
59 tYPoGraPhY
47 loGo Do’s & Don’ts 49 Colors 51 DesiGn eleMents 53 stYle Do’s & Don’ts
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PowerPoint teMPlate
Bid network stationery.
letterhead sheet > front > front sheet
papersize: a4 40 mm font: VerDana BolD size: 9 Points leading: 16 Points
Compagny Name Mr. A. Name Streetname 10a
font: VerDana reGular size: 9 Points leading: 14 Points
Amsterdam, 31 july 2009
font: VerDana italiC size: 9 Points leading: 14 Points
Re: New stationery
Dear Name,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec nisi eget metus
30 mm
euismod lobortis. Proin sodales nisi in erat. Proin commodo gravida quam. Sed sollicitudin ligula. Donec in mauris. Etiam non nisi. Nam dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum
40 mm
font: VerDana reGular size: 9 Points leading: 14 Points
primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse potenti. Proin sed urna non diam vulputate ultricies. Aenean viverra.
order new stationery at: CoMMuniCations@ BiDnetworK.orG
Fusce orci. Proin nec nisi id tortor accumsan cursus. Sed pellentesque. Suspendisse a urna. Fusce nec lorem. Donec lacinia volutpat neque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras lacus. Quisque sit amet sem a tellus convallis egestas. Sed et sem eu urna tincidunt viverra. Donec a tortor eu felis consectetur tempor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc vel dolor. Nam laoreet. Maecenas sed urna. Aenean neque mi, accumsan eget, aliquam eu, lacinia quis, felis. Praesent accumsan massa vitae augue. Vestibulum a turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus lorem dui, cursus nec, ultrices nec, faucibus ut, nulla. Ut id dolor. Maecenas augue lorem, egestas ut, tincidunt vitae, tempor at, nibh. Quisque sed erat sed risus mattis egestas. Phasellus elementum congue tortor. Pellentesque blandit, mi sit amet consequat lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec nisi eget metus euismod lobortis. Proin sodales nisi in erat. Proin commodo gravida quam. Sed sollicitudin ligula. Donec in mauris. Etiam non nisi. Nam dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse potenti. Proin sed urna non diam vulputate ultricies. Aenean viverra. Fusce orci. Proin nec nisi id tortor accumsan cursus. Sed pellentesque. Suspendisse a urna. Fusce nec lorem. Donec lacinia volutpat neque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras lacus. Quisque sit amet sem a tellus convallis egestas. Sed et sem eu urna tincidunt
30 mm
Keizersgracht 313, 1016 EE Amsterdam
t: + 31 (0)20 7555 000
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follow uP sheet
letterhead sheet > front
> P. 11
letterhead sheet > reverse and follow up sheet > reverse sheet
BiD NETWORK SOURCES AND SELECTS B BUSINESS PLANS OF SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZED ENTERPRISES IN EMERGING MARKETS. NANGANGALAP AT PUMIPILI ANG BiD NETWORK NG MGA BUSINESS PLAN S MULA SA MGA MALILIIT NA NEGOSYO O SME’S SA UMUUSBONG NA BANSA O EKONOMIYA. BiD NETWOR K OFFERS TOOLS TO THE BEST ENTREPRENEURS , PAVI NG THE WAY FOR THEM TO ACCESS FINANCE. BiD NETWORK HUWAPA VIFA A WANABIASHARA BOR A HILI KUWEKA WAZI NJIA ZA UFADHILI. BiD NETWOR SEEKS INVESTORS FOR THE BEST SME K ACTIVELY S, FOCUSING ON SME’S WITH A FINANCING NEED OF USD 10.0 00 TO USD 1 MILLION. LE Bi B BiD iD NETWORK RECHERCHE 55 mm DE MANIÈRE ACTIVE DES INVESTISSEU MEILLEURES PME, QUI NÉCESSITENT RS POUR LES DE FONDS SITUÉ ENTRE USD 10,0 00UN APPORT MILLION. BiD NETWORK IS A NETHERLANET USD 1 DS BASED FOUNDATION WITipsum sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec nisi eget metus euismod H dolor PAR TNERS IN AFR ICA, ASIA , lobortis. Proin sodales nisi in erat. Proin commodo gravida quam. Sed sollicitudin MIDDLE EAST AND LATI AME ligula. Donec inN mauris. Etiam non nisi. Nam Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in RICA . dolor. B BiD iD NET WOR K É UMA FUNDAÇÃOfaucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse potenti. Proin sed HOL ANDESA QUE TRABALHA EM urna non diam vulputate ultricies. Aenean viverra. PARCERIA COM ALIA DOS EM ÁFRICA, ÁSIA-MÉDIO Fusce orci. Proin nec nisi id tortor accumsan cursus. Sed pellentesque. Suspendisse ORIENTE E AMÉRICA LATINA. BiD NETWOR KAliquam ENGeratAGE urna. Fusce nec lorem. Donec lacinia volutpat neque. volutpat. SCras THOUSANDS OF alacus. ENT REPR Quisque sit amet sem a URS tellus convallis egestas. Sed et sem eu urna tincidunt ENE , EXP ERTS AND Donec a tortor eu felis consectetur tempor. Pellentesque habitant morbi INVESTORS FROMviverra.ALL OVER THE LDNunc vel tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac WOR turpis egestas. dolor. Nam TO STIMULATE ENTREPR laoreet. ENEURSHIP AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN EMERGING MARKETS. ﻡﺽﺕ ﻙﺏﺵ Maecenas sed urna. Aenean neque mi, accumsan eget, aliquamﺓeu,ﺍﻡﻉﺃﻝﺍ lacinia quis, ﻝ ( ﺓﻱﻡ ﻥﺕﻝﺍ ﻱﻑBiD NET felis.WOR Praesent accumsan massa vitae Vestibulum a turpis. Vestibulum ante K) ﻑﺍﻝﺁﻝﺍ ﻥﻡaugue. ﺍﻱﺭﻝﺍ ﻥﻱﻱﺩ ﺏﺥﻝﺍﻭ ءﺍﺭ ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus lorem ﻝﺕﺥﻡ ﻥﻡ ﻥﻱﺭﻡﺙﺕ ﺱﻡﻝﺍﻭ ﻑﺡﺕﻝ ﻡﻝﺍﻉﻝﺍ ءﺍﺝﺭﺃ ﻑ ﺯﻱUt idﻝﻡﻉﻝﺍ dui, cursus nec, ultrices nec, faucibus ut, nulla. dolor. Maecenas augue ﺍﻱﺭﻝﺍ ﻱﺩlorem, ﻱﻑ ﺓﻱﺩﺍﺹﺕﻕﺍﻝﺍ ﺓﻱﻡ ﻥﺕﻝﺍﻭ egestas ut, tincidunt vitae, nibh. Quisque sed erat sed risus mattis egestas. ﻝﻭﺩﻝﺍ ﻱﻡﺍﻥﻝﺍ ﺓ. tempor BiDat,NET WOR K OFF ERS Phasellus elementum congue tortor. Pellentesque blandit, mi sit amet consequat INVESTOR MATCHM AKING SERVICES AND RUNS THE lobortis. BUSINESS PLAN COM Lorem PETI ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec nisi eget metus TION BiD CHA LLENGE. B BiD iD lobortis. Proin sodales nisi in erat. Proin commodo gravida quam. Sed NETWORK OFRECEeuismod SER VICIOS DEEtiamCON sollicitudin ligula. Donec in mauris. non nisi.EXIÓ Nam dolor.N Vestibulum ante ipsum CON INVERSIONISTAS Yprimis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse potenti. GES TION A LA COM PETE NCIA DE Proin sed urna non diam vulputate ultricies. Aenean viverra. PLANES DE30 NEG BiD CHALLENGE. FIND MORE Bi mm OCIO BiD ABOUT BiD D NETWOR Fusce Proin nec nisi idGRA tortor accumsan cursus. Sed pellentesque. Suspendisse K orci. AND BiD DE PLANS ONLINE a urna. Fusce nec lorem. Donec lacinia volutpat neque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras AT WWW.BiDNETWO RK.O RG MEE R INFO RMA lacus. Quisque sit amet sem a tellus convallis egestas. Sed et sem eu urnaR tincidunt TIE OVE BiD D NETWORK EN BiD Donec a tortor felis consectetur tempor. Pellentesque habitant morbi Bviverra. Bi iD GRA DEeuPLA NS VIND T U OP vel dolor. tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. NuncDE WEBSITE WWW.BiDNE iDNE TWO ipsum dolorRG Nam laoreet.LoremRK.O sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec nisi eget
papersize: a4
font: VerDana reGular size: 9 Points leading: 14 Points
order new stationery at: CoMMuniCations@ BiDnetworK.orG
40 mm
metus euismod lobortis. Proin sodales nisi in erat. Proin commodo gravida quam. Sed BiD-Briefpapier.indd 2
sollicitudin ligula. Donec in mauris. Etiam non nisi. Namsi dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum 30-07-2009 10:40:30 primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse potenti.
Proin sed urna non diam vulputate ultricies. Aenean viverra. Psum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus lorem dui, cursus nec, ultrices nec, faucibus ut, nulla. Ut id dolor. Maecenas augue lorem, egestas ut, tincidunt vitae, tempor at, nibh. Quisque sed erat sed risus mattis egestas. Phasellus elementum congue tortor. Pellentesque blandit, mi sit amet consequat lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec nisi eget metus
> follow up sheet
front sheet
letterhead sheet > reverse and follow up sheet
> P. 9
business Card > reverse with tagline
> front
preparing emerging market entrepreneurs for investors.
papersize: stanDarD (55 x 85 MM)
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n’t d n CAde u ‘A ‘if you‘if yo fo sk‘w is At is l r A w u o oAg hA u ey yo ‘A g it, e in driv im n A l ‘sA dA p An ng ge er mw A ro ou us t s Aleled? u A o , p h s lA s e it n it. t in CA e w ev w hi h AC busw ose n h.’e plACe v oppo fr om A u’lis ir t u b e l s h is justy n A v CA o ertunities yf you int-exupérif wh sA A iC i de h r e to in e not yet beeo - Anto utm it, you oeA nften driven dr wA t A At tC h h th d e e is .’ b C s esbeCome it.’ overed.’eginnin inn of busCA - rAlph wAld o g world.’ o emer fsog n reA - b.C. forbes - williAm Am Arthur wArd t - john ohn le CArr C e enterpr ises.’ - demo nsthen
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Compliments Card
address label > large version
size: 105 x 74 MM font: VerDana BolD (or hanDwritten) size: 9 Points leading: 14 Points align left
15 mm
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order new address labels at: CoMMuniCations@ BiDnetworK.orG
Mr. A. Name Familyname Streetofthestreethere 10a 1234 AB NAMEOFTHECITY NAMEOFCOUNTRY
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cht 313, 10
16 EE Amst
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size: 105 x 23 MM
address label
Bid network promotional material.
flyer template (or similar item) > landsCape 50%
> reverse
vy 14 pt neuzeit book hea
proJeCt type
papersize: a5 (210 x 148 MM)
y 20pt
neuzeit book heav
pewriter American ty 17pt 14pt, leading
can be plac Projectquote here
> front
fonts texts: see iteMs or fill in in teMPlate
title set in neuzeitfirs s tlt std Book three words in Neuzeit only part ge answers , leading 15pt. This plain book heavy 20pt leading Heavy. at 10pt23pt the bid Challen ng15pt. new busi-
growth of e 55, 10, leadi in Egyptienn textbook of the problem. The payoff set in neuzeit s lt std heavy Caps of pt, leading 19pt part14 ers onlyat tries remains The BiD Challenge answ nesses in developing coun e. businesses nanc fi to ss problem. The growth of new the hampered by lack of acce remains hampered by ers only part of in developing countries The BiD Challenge answ of new busilack of access the problem. The growth tries remains nesses in developing coun ation
bid network found
t: + 31 (0)20 7555 000
nne ptie pt, Egy lic 21 20pt ita ing
Incentive set in american typewriter at 14pt, leading17pt
print: fullColor (CMYK)
bid network version: editable item, filename: flYer-lanDsCaPe.inDD
Bulleted list set in Egyptienne F LT Std 10pt, leading18pt Copy and paste 3 different bullets followed by a tab Receive personal and professional coaching to develop a complete business plan Promote your plan and share experiences on the BiD Network: the first online marketplace for business. Receive personal and professional coaching
bid Challenge Country speCifiC version:
> front title set in neuzeit s lt std book heavy 20pt leading 23pt
editable item, filename: flYer-ChallenGelanDsCaPe.inDD
payoff set in neuzeit s lt std book heavy Caps at 14 pt, leading 19pt
front & reverse:
> reverse
vy 14 pt neuzeit book hea
proJeCt type
proJeCtname aced
can be pl Projectquote here
pewriter std American ty 17pt ng di lea 14pt, g17pt American typewriter std 14pt, leadin
eDit & PlaCe file: nne ptie pt, Egy lic 21 0pt ita ing 2 d lea
three words in Neuzeit Bulleted list set in Egyptienne F LT Std firs 10pt,t leading18pt . answers only part Heavy. at 10pt, leading 15pt Book the bid ChallengeCopy and paste 3 different bullets followed by a tab busie 55, 10, new of th grow This plain text in Egyptienn of the problem. The remains and professional coaching to Receive develop a complete business plan triespersonal leading15pt. nesses in developing coun part of e. only financ ss to your lenge answ ChalNetwork: Promote plan and share experiences on BiD the BiD theers first online marketplace The hampered by lack of acce of part of new busionly ers answ the problem. The growth The BiD Challenge tries remains of new businesses in developing coun the problem. The growth ss tries remains hampered by lack of acce nesses in developing coun
eDit url: www. BiDnetworK.orG/ Countryname PlaCe: Co-branding logo
main sponsors
Portrait flYer
> P. 23
DesiGn eleMents
> P. 51
other loGos
> P. 43
> P. 49
flyer template > landsCape
flyer template (or similar item) > portrait > reverse proJeCt type
proJeCtname Projectquote n set in america at typewriter std 14pt
> front
proJeCt type
proJeCtname title in the Projectquote s lt std erican set in amneuzeit r std at typewrite book heavy 20pt, leading 23 pt 14pt
payoff set in neuzeit s lt std book heavy Caps at 14pt, leading 19pt
papersize: a5 (148 x 210 MM) print: fullColor (CMYK) fonts texts: see iteMs or fill in in teMPlate
eit Book first three words in Neuz eit Book text in first three words in Neuz Heavy. at 10pt. This plain text in plain This 10pt. at y. Heav Egyptienne 55 BiD ChalEgyptienne 55 Roman also at 10pt. The BiD Chalof the problem. Roman also at 10pt. The lenge answers only part em. probl the of lenge answers only part of new businesses in th grow The esses in ins hamThe growth of new busin developing countries rema ins hamdeveloping countries rema ation
bid network found
t: + 31 (0)20 7555 000 i:
bid network version: nn ptie t, Egy ic 21p 0pt l ita ing 2 d lea
editable item, filename: flYer-Portrait.inDD
Incentive set in american typewriter std at 14pt
Bulleted list set in Egyptienne F LT Std 10pt, leading 18 pt Copy and paste 3 different bullets followed by a tab Receive personal and professional coaching to develop a complete business plan Promote your plan and share experiences on the BiD Network: the ďŹ rst online sealetplace for business in developing countries
> front s lt std title in the neuzeit pt ding 23proJeCt lea t, 20p y type av he book vy s lt std book hea zeit neu in set payoff proJeCtname 19pt s at 14pt, leading Cap
Projectquote set in american typewriter std at 14pt
> reverse proJeCt type
proJeCtname Projectquote set in american typewriter std at 14pt
bid Challenge Country speCifiC version: editable item, filename: flYer-ChallenGePortrait.inDD front & reverse: eDit url: www. BiDnetworK.orG/ Countryname eDit & PlaCe file: PlaCe: Co-branding logo
e enn pti pt, Egy lic 21 20pt ita ding lea
first three words in Neuzeit Book Heavy. at 10pt. This plain text in Egyptienne 55 first three words in Neuzeit Book Heavy. at Roman also at 10pt. The BiD Challenge answers only part of the problem. The growth of new 10pt. This plain text in Egyptienne 55 Roman also at 10pt. The BiD Challenge answers businesses in developing countries remains hampered by lack of access to ďŹ nance. only part of the problem. The growth of g 18 pt, type text here
pewriter std American ty g17pt 14pt, leadin
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lanDsCaPe flYer
> P. 21
DesiGn eleMents
> P. 51
other loGos
> P. 43
> P. 49
flyer template > portrait
poster template (or similar item) 40%
title set in neuzeit book heavy Caps at 39pt, leading 40pt
papersize: a3 (297 x 420 MM)
payoff set in neuzeit s lt std book heavy Caps at 20pt, leading30pt
print: fullColor (CMYK) fonts texts: see iteMs or fill in in teMPlate
bid network version: editable item, filename: Poster.inDD
nne ptie pt, Egy lic 30 g
title set in neuzeit heavy ita abook din le 20pt, at std Caps at 39pt, leading 40pt riter Incentive set in american typew leading 24pt
payoff set in neuzeit s lt std book heavy Caps at 25pt, leading30pt
Bulleted list set in Egyptienne F LT Std 22pt, leading 32pt Copy and paste 3 different bullets followed by a tab Receive personal and professional coaching to develop a complete business plan Promote your plan and share experiences on the BiD Network: the ďŹ rst online marketplace for business in developing countries
bid network foundation
t: + 31 (0)20 7555 000
bid Challenge Country speCifiC version:
editable item, filename: Poster-ChallenGe.inDD
nne ptie pt, Egy lic 30 30pt ita ding lea riter std at 20pt,
Incentive set in american typew leading 24pt
Bulleted list set in Egyptienne F LT Std 22pt, leading 32pt Copy and paste 3 different bullets followed by a tab Receive personal and professional coaching to develop a complete business plan Promote your plan and share experiences on the BiD Network: the ďŹ rst online marketplace for business in developing countries
eDit & PlaCe file: eDit url: www. BiDnetworK.orG/ Countryname PlaCe: Co-branding logo
DesiGn eleMents
> P. 51
other loGos
> P. 43
> P. 49
poster template
powerpoint template > main slides
size: 1024 x 768 Pixels editable item, filename: Presentation.Pot fonts texts: see iteMs or fill in in teMPlate
> front slide
> title slide
> Chapter slide
> basiC text slide
saMPle sliDes
> P. 29
powerpoint template > main slides
powerpoint template
> sample slides
size: 1024 x 768 Pixels
> text, image & table slide
> graph slide
> table slide
Black lines used for factsheet
Text in Neuzeit S LT Std
Empty second column white
> image slide
Main sliDes
> P. 27
powerpoint template > sample slides
faCtsheet template
> front
papersize: a4 (210 x 297 MM)
editable item, filename: faCtsheet.xls
SUBTITLE IN ARIAL BOLD 18PT ALL CAPS link in Century Schoolbook Italic 10pt
Text in Century Schoolbook Italic 14 pt. Better Life for Tanzanians Development Trust Fund (BELITA-Fund) is a local private microfinance company, which is registered as Trustee under the Incorporation Ordinance (Cap.375) in Tanzania. The main services of the business include issuing of small loans (group loans, individual loans and salaried loans) to its clients, provision of training on basic entrepreurship skills and offering of saving facilities to its clients. BELITA offers the following services and products: Loan size: from USD 500 to 4,500, although exceptional cases of larger amount may be considered Interest rate: ranges from 12 to 20 percent depending on the loan duration and costs involved including follow up and distances The term of loans is 1 to 12 months and repayment is done on weekly basis. Grace periods depend on the type of the project needs. Fees/commissions: are charged in a transparent manner to the clients Securities: Mostly the group members themselves are the ones who guarantee each other.
Subtitle Courier Bold 16 pt Text in Century Schoolbook 10 pt. Better Life for Tanzanians Development Trust Fund (BELITA-Fund) is a local private microfinance company, which is registered as Trustee under the Incorporation Ordinance (Cap. 375) in Tanzania. The main services of the business include issuing of small loans (group loans, individual loans and salaried loans) to its clients, provision of training on basic entrepreurship skills and offering of saving facilities to its clients. BELITA offers the following services and products: Loan size: from USD 500 to 4,500, although exceptional cases of larger amount may be considered Interest rate: ranges from 12 to 20 percent depending on the loan duration and costs involved including follow up and distances The term of loans is 1 to 12 months and repayment is done on weekly basis. Grace periods depend on the type of the project needs. Fees/commissions: are charged in a transparent manner to the clients Securities: Mostly the group members themselves are the ones who guarantee each other. Also, the individual savings apply in case he/she defaults. The vision of BELITA-Fund is to become a leading local micro-credit provider in Eastern rural Tanzania.
Market and Customers BELITA concentrates its services on the rural areas. Almost all the communities in rural areas have a hard life, but women because of their social status are more disadvantaged. Because of this reason, women constitute over 80% of BELITA's clientele. Its services are concentrated in the districts of the coastal region (Mkuranga, Kiparang’anda Kongowe, Kwa Mathias, Mlandizi, Mkokozi Vikindu, Mwandege and Picha ya ndege-Kibaha) and on the rural wards of Dar es Salaam. It works through a main office in Dar es Salaam and has 25 fund centres in the rural areas in which it operates.
Competition Generally the country has 17 commercial banks, 10 non-bank financial institutions, one regional bank and two rural banks which are subject to licensing, regulation and supervision by the Bank of Tanzania. Most microfinance providers in the country have branches located in Dar-es-Salaam with few branches countrywide. More specifically BELITA has 2 types of direct competitors: local micro finance institutions, and some commercial banks, which are downscaling their services to small entrepreneurs
Competitive Advantage Belita's advantage is its focus on the rural communities in Tanzania. Generally, most of the local MFIs offer micro-financial services to women, youths and businesses in the urban areas. As a result there is limited micro-finance access for the population outside of Dar-es-Salaam. As opposed to these institutions, BELITA focuses mostly on rural areas.
fonts texts: see iteMs or fill in in teMPlate
Financial services
Sales Net profit after tax
Number of employees
2008 66,291 15,020
2009 89,474 30,593
2010 109,623 43,676
2011 135,176 61,316
Investments needed: Fixed Assets Purchases Working Capital Total Financing Need
0 100,000 100,000
How to be financed: Own Contribution Loans (debt) External Share Capital Grant(s) / Other sources
456,535 100,000 0 0
Entrepreneur & Management In day-to-day operations, the organisation is managed by the following key staff: Â Managing director: Mrs. Helen Maaka mukama-Lutege. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce Degree (Marketing) from the University of Dar es Salaam (1989), Advanced Diploma in Microfinance from Fitchburg, MA, U.S.A (2004) and currently, she is pursuing a Post Graduate Studies in Microfinance at the University of Dar es Salaam. Chief Accountant cum Administor: Mr. Killion M. Magafu holds a diploma in accountancy under the review course of National Board of Accountants and Auditors (NBAA). He has working experience of over ten years in finance where he worked with various . BELITA also has a team of 15 competent and highly motivated credit officers all with a minimum college education. The team of Credit Officer is headed by the Credit Manager who takes care of all the summaries and reporting. The top management are very closely commited to the success of the organisation and are headed by a board of trustees of three people who monitor operations.
Innovation Due to low living stardards of BELITA's clients, the company has designed different ways of serving them better: - Having outreach offices in the villages so that the villagers have direct access and do not have to incur any traveling expenses when doing repayments. It also saves them time which they can use to undertake their business. - Making procedures which are fast, clear, transparent and convenient - Conducting client need assessment and design good means of meeting them.
Growth Strategy Currently, the loan portfolio of BELITA-Fund reaches Ths. 350,467,276 (350.000 USD) and can still not meet the demand from the clients. An increase of the loan portfolio is therefore needed.
Development Impact It creates direct and indirect employment opportunities to micro entrepreneurs who are normally involved in petty businesses. Following this it improves standard of living and contributes to society and community in various ways.
DISCLAIMER This material is for your information only. The document does not constitute an offer or invitation. All information provided herein is subject to change without notice. No representation is made that returns detailed herein will be achieved in the future. BiD Network's General Terms and Conditions apply to this document (
BiD NETWORK FOUNDATION T: + 31 (0)20 7555 000 E: I:
DesiGn eleMents
> P. 51
other loGos
> P. 45
> P. 49
faCtsheet template
plan update template > front
45 %
biD NETwork UPDATEs oN:
NEUzEiT book hEAvy36PT
papersize: a4 editable item, filename: PlanuPDate.inDD fonts texts: see iteMs or fill in in teMPlate
oped, Costs and Progno online store was devel website complete with e a striking brand imag PErU cameras were purchased, CosTs a large Dutch customer € 0,01 was introduced, and Sales cost g youn e twelv time, € 0,05 was found. In the mean and al ect, Materi FairMail/the team/proj production photographers joined BiD es. futur own their € 0,22 ects for Personel/Salaries improving the prosp founders up with a coach € 0,01 Travel costs Network set FairMail’s (Shipping?) , who advised them with from TNT Nederland to € 0,02 investor who plans an Administration and plan ess their busin ent to € 0,31 expansion, at the mom ToTAL PEr CArD F LT Std “Text in Egyptienne finance the FairMail’s
ExPorT € 0,05 € 0,05 € 0,22 € 0,01 € 0,02 € 0,35
56 Italic 14 pt, leading 18 pt. Many beautiful India. sides, and our cards show them.”ExPor ThisT is how young photographers PErU rEvENUE 2,50 employedRetail byPrice FairMail,€ 0,70 in Trujillo, €Peru, view their work. With digital Results € 1,50 0,40 € Price cameras in hand, these children capture their own surroundings with sale Whole 1,48 € orks, € 0,19 tments and netw card per inves Profit own their of the press of a button, turning their best pictures into postcards. These By way € 0,74 € 0,10 ry, and the help of BiD Profit for the BiD Challenge victo cards are then sold online and by Fairtrade. able photographer of FairMail have been PLAN UPDATE
€ 0,74 Network, the founders € 0,09 NET ProfiT op a strong brand. s to create jobs and devel UpAiLwith the Busines mingfAirm Tea in s ation ail: ts/loc FairM outle of se are sales jobs,ld Peru: ThereBecau ime le-Trujillo. With digital cameras in hand, these Wor s, full-tBasis ers have o. Hotel graph a singl Cusc photo text in Egyptienne F LT Std 55 for Roman, 10e, doubin ge and Lima teena , Trujiello, The price is calculated HuanchacoTwelv and These of living s en ard shop stand ding theirnir priseope. inclu children capture their own surroundings with the pt, leading 14 pt. Generating income for enterenvel ies, souve ailPeru’s card, agenccting ated tlyl impa FairM the trave direc lamin orts sided,supp she restaurants, t rland repor Nede of ess to TNT ction progr thestand produ k, card theKoda free(in d to underprivileged teenagers, print shops, and other press of a button, turning their best pictures into famil ve a ies; spon ons. recei sessi corre of their ing thateach lation calcu andstrain the ing museums will is now gh coach ent throu graphers local six differ photo to cards the ail four of d postcards. Half of the profits go to the teenagers distributors. FairMail wants the country FairM one the of aroun ; in that sale the inions ment all invested tn4,000 abou have cards support them Epso and n Peru) ail ction Cano ed. produ FairlM 2006 radeofcertifi graphing themselves, which they can then invest in either that offers these spectacular scenes/settings/ Fairttant year. photo ailntisassis the The geme FairM both mana s/issu forper sary es Netherlands: neces s; mentprint targets printshop equip these local s to more 2007, in In acces oyed ed. ail their own education or the improvement of their images to profit from the proceeds of its pictures/ empl ction attain FairM are le produ easily peop n gives of the ts were catio onents targe comp This certifiSix 2008 as they see fit. In addition, they earn a ging…cards/product. and printing ds. packa targe fromerlan ailts for ction profit the Neth The current postcards housing d FairM s in liers The produ store helpe supp t of led. rade Local exper n supply desig than 400 Fairt Dutchdoub A were year. process. same s, ased; depicting incre that ers shop of gift retail July sold in “Third World”-images are mainly from fair hourly wage for packaging the postcards and local be ved of er e furth incom dye.achie Thewill alrea imag The products brand thedevelop itswere e- fromWestern earn e. Them onlinanies receive health insurance for themselves and their professionals and printed in Europe and andcomp etsing shipp ian mark super bookstores,Peruv be will ; cards cards ail the United States. families. tmas t FairM Chris as t of expor , such Developmen based cards rm fit Long-tePro nels. for Peru; on chan ibutiues tax reven ased distr Incre of other sold by way market. the Peruvian ways: tovia twoplans able duced and spent Founders, Janneke Smeulders en Peter denin Hond be avail s are alsointro r was India in profittions s will FSC pape ail’sopera Subtitle American Typewriter aniesail isFairM The photograph starting comp nted FairM ds: t-orie erlan into an Neth . education of theexpor want to ensure thatof these teenagers, primarily/ ng years det other benefi s are comited may y. Outsi theinves profit allAfric a in graph Bold 14 pt, leading 14 pt 50% South stock photoThis d to to expan re themostly Moreover, explo gers. will teena be orks ing ex-street children and youths (or switch) will netw cipat ula the parti volunteer in Peru. chise form for -fran fund micro International ail FairM ish savings won the BiD Challenge in 2006, allowing The Span their earnsIndia FairMail er both who work at local landfills, have access graph an, American and in s to photo Belgi ge ience dian, teena exper Cana the each h, on Britis based ges the launched rade in 2008. orted ail mana Fairt supp beby sold. willed education and a paid job. These opportunities its founders to professionalise their project. A will allow certifi ThisFairM cards aigns of as ail was Peru. e camp FairM the on as well a,basis markets. Thes Afric ail’s South FairM accounts and ased of bank field ly incre have not in the rapid set n ts do offer them a chance to emerge from the ofup website complete with online store was developed, begin gers exper tostruggle arecatio certifi tries the teena Thiswho coun by volunteers urs inasother be sold prenefund ol over ct tolife entre contr in Great produ have aign their ver, using camp ing ns, howe on the streets or the garbage dumps they work cameras were purchased, a striking brand image allow otion do, eratio on, first prom rtments/op The ibuti depaThey of their ions/own. ly, ail divis marketing.distr FairM their savings. rade outlets. Local 2009. spend redofFairt expertise. h they hund in July and whic four ence in ork er over in netw comm mann will nal’s the in natio the ail Inter Brita FairM sold to tourists, to be spent being freely are sed cards acces ail be the FairM The money can as ent and given to companies l or housing improvem Peruvian upper-class for either educationa TNT ted ail works together with 50% of the profit is inves corporate gifts. FairM purposes. The other k, Koda ent, ities, lopm activ Deve otion n in and prom Nederland, Dutch Desig in Fairmail’s marketing design and the and , n. costs -up Epso Canon and repayment of start ts, ate products, e.g. t-shir morE iNformATioN production of altern s will a new This half of the profit FairMail will opened In early 2009, calendars or agendas. the photographers? / ger tions mana opera Want to know more about ian in local Peruv ction department/beg own cards? also be used to pay the Order yourprodu venture will Peru. new ail ss plan? The . busine FairM of India rs in Observe the production and the shareholde (near a Nagw of s Invest? the slum give teenagers from FairMail websit rketing projec ate:a brighter future. to theasi) shot a t’s Please refer Varan Distribution and Ma ns, a local closely with Duniya Decoratio will work rk website: t’s case on the BiD Netwo Or the projec NGO. /15278 7555 000 E: info@bid TioN T: + 31 (0)20 biD NETwork foUNDA
> page 2
> page 3
plan update template
> P. 49
newsletter template > bid matChmaking
size: 650 Pixels wiDth
> bid network
editable item, filenames: - BiD-MatChMaKinGteMPlate.htMl - BiD-networK-teMPlate. htMl > templates available in mailplus (blinker) fonts texts: see iteMs or fill in in teMPlate
for use of bid network hq only
newsletter template
> P. 49
Bid network THE BASICS.
Logo BiD Network 90%
attention: background surfaces aren’t part of the logos! ORIGINAL: in CMYK, Pantone or RGB > BiDnetwork.pdf
on black: in CMYK, Pantone or RGB > BiDnetwork-on-black.pdf
on pink: in CMYK, Pantone or RGB > BiDnetwork-on-pink.pdf
greyscale: Grey > BiDnetwork.pdf
on black: Grey > BiDnetwork-on-black.pdf
On grey: Grey > BiDnetwork-on-grey.pdf
black: Black > BiDnetwork.pdf
on black: Black > BiDnetwork-on-black.pdf
Other logos > P 41 43 45 logo Do’s & don’ts > P. 47 colors
> P. 49
Logo BiD Network 39
Logo BiD Challenge 90%
attention: background surfaces aren’t part of the logos! ORIGINAL: in CMYK, Pantone or RGB > BiDchallenge.pdf
on black: in CMYK, Pantone or RGB > BiDchallenge-on-black. pdf
on orange: in CMYK, Pantone or RGB > BiDchallenge-on-orange. pdf
greyscale: Grey > BiDchallenge.pdf
on black: Grey > BiDchallenge-on-black. pdf
on grey: Grey > BiDchallenge-on-grey. pdf
black: Black > BiDchallenge.pdf
on black: Black > BiDchallenge-on-black. pdf
Other logos > P 39 43 45 logo Do’s & don’ts > P. 47 colors
> P. 49
Logo BiD Challenge 41
attention: background surfaces aren’t part of the logos!
Logo BiD Challenge > country-specific
editable item: filename: font: futura std Bold 12pt already made: ARGENTINA, BOLIVIA, ECUADOR, PERU, PHILIPPINES example: (here peru): CMYK, Pantone or RGB > BiDchallenge-peru.pdf on black: in CMYK, Pantone or RGB > BiDchallenge-peru-onblack.pdf
on orange: in CMYK, Pantone or RGB > BiDchallenge-peru-onorange.pdf
greyscale: Grey > BiDchallenge-peru.pdf
on black: Grey > BiDchallenge-peru-onblack.pdf
on grey: Grey > BiDchallenge-peru-ongrey.pdf
black: Black > BiDchallenge-peru.pdf on black: Black > BiDchallenge-peru-onblack.pdf
Other logos > P 39 41 45 logo Do’s & don’ts > P. 47
> P. 49
Logo BiD Challenge
> country specific
Logo BiD Investor Matchmaking
attention: background surfaces aren’t part of the logos! ORIGINAL: in CMYK, Pantone or RGB > BiDmatchmaking.pdf on black: in CMYK, Pantone or RGB > BiDmatchmaking-onblack.pdf
(blue is only used as accent color, not on a large surface)
No logo on blue possible
greyscale: Grey > BiDmatchmaking.pdf
on Grey: Grey > BiDmatchmaking-on-grey. pdf
on black: Grey > BiDmatchmaking-onblack.pdf
black: Black > BiDmatchmaking.pdf
on black: Black > BiDmatchmaking-onblack.pdf
Other logos > P 39 41 43 logo Do’s & don’ts > P. 47 colors
> P. 49
Logo BiD Investor Matchmaking 45
logo do’s & don’ts
do: > MiniMuM siZe: 25% = 20 MM
> PlaCe loGo in a Corner > use the riGht loGo: on-PinK Version
> use loGo with GooD Contrast to BaCKGrounD
> rotate
> sCale without ConstraininG ProPortions
> Center
> wronG loGo: the on-BlaCK Version on a PinK BaCKGrounD
> aVoiD PlaCinG loGo on a BaCKGrounD with insuffiCient Contrast
logo do’s & don’ts
colors > basic colors
vivid color palette:
uncoated: PMS Rhodamine red coated: PMS 219 CMYK: C=0 M=100 Y=0 K=0 RGB: R= 228 G=46 B=135/ #E42E87
- progressive - simple & powerful - fresh & bold
uncoated: PMS 151 coated: PMS 151 CMYK: C=0 M=50 Y=100 K=0 RGB: R= 238 G=134 B=32 / #EE8620
uncoated: coated: CMYK: RGB:
PMS 2995 PMS 299 C=75 M=7 Y=o K=0 R=0 G=170 B=223 / #00AADF
- strong contrast with the desaturated colors used for the regions - readable on black and on white
uncoated: PMS process black coated: PMS process black CMYK: C=0 M=0 Y=o K=100 RGB: R=0 G=0 B=0 / #000000
>tones *
100 %
75 %
50 %
25 %
* Blue is only to be used as an accent or font color, not as background
colors 49
design elements > progressive & simple & powerful
veCtor illustrations: Cmyk Colors C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 C=0 M=100 Y=0 K=0 C=0 M=50 Y=100 K=0 C=75 M=7 Y=0 K=0 for tones + other Colors: see P. 49
stiCker.pdf - for info CallinG for extra attention - Center text
arrows.pdf - to refer to a text
world.pdf - BiD worlD illustration Colors: see P. 43
handdrawnnumbers. pdf
arrow with text in neuzeit book heavy, arrow is as long as the text
nnet e i t p p Egy ic 16 ital
text elements: cmyk colors c=0 m=0 y=0 K=100 c=0 M=100 y=0 K=0 c=0 M=50 y=100 K=0 c=75 m=7 y=0 K=0 for tones + other colors: see p. 49 dotted line 1,5 pt dotted Neuzeit 7,5 pt, leading Bulletpoints texts can be placed here Bulletpoints texts here
handdrawnbullets.PDF - text-bullets
Bulletpoints texts can be placed here
Egyptienne F LT Std , 56 Italic
BIg stroke with text - center text vertical in stroke Table: Colors (tones) : see p. 43 Text: center text vertically
graphs: Colors (tones) : see p. 43
style Do’s & don’ts > p. 53 colors (tones)
> P. 49
seals > P. 55 57 typography
> p. 59
design elements 51
style do’s & don’ts do: use the style in a progressive & simple & powerful way!
> use a white stroKe (BorDer) arounD PiCtures anD Color-Plane (in ProPortion)
writer std at 20pt
american type Incentive set in leading 24pt
nne ptie 6pt y g E ic 1 ital
> rotate these eleMents (not the loGo thouGh!)
> Blue is onlY to Be useD as an aCCent or font Color, not as BaCKGrounD
DesiGn eleMents
> P. 51
> P. 49
> P. 59
style do’s & don’ts
powered by bid network seal
ORIGINAL 1: in CMYK or RGB > poweredBy1.pdf
ORIGINAL 2: in CMYK or RGB > poweredBy2.pdf
black: Black > poweredByBlackonwhite .pdf
on black: Black > poweredByWhiteonblack. pdf attention: background surface isn’t part of the seal!
bid quality seal
> P. 57
powered by bid network seal 55
biD network quality seal
ORIGINAL bid grade plan seal: in CMYK or RGB > bidGradePlan.pdf
Black > bid grade plan seal: black > bidGradePlan.pdf
ORIGINAL finalist seal: in CMYK or RGB > finalist.pdf
black finalist seal: black > finalist.pdf
ORIGINAL winner seal: in CMYK or RGB > winner. pdf
winner seal: black > winner.pdf
powered by bid seal > P. 55
BiD network quality seal 57
Header in Neuzeit book heavy caps. SUBHeader in Neuzeit book heavy caps.
this is what a text should look like > The fontsizes should be in proportion to each other. for example: headers should be a lot bigger than THEir subheaders.
Short introtext in Egyptienne 56 Italic. En 2005, BiD Network inicialmente se concentr贸 del BiD Challenge, un concurso mundial.
Subtitle in American
Typewriter Bold
First three words in Neuzeit Book Heavy of this longer introtext. And the participation in the Challenge, the Network forged relationships with National Partners, including university entrepreneurship
QUOTE in Neuzeit book heavy caps. Subtext in Neuzeit Book Heavy. BiD Network, a private foundation based in Amsterdam, is sponsored by private and public funds. Ten national partner
SubHeader SMALLER in Neuzeit Book Heavy Caps: Short information text about figures, facts, etc. in Neuzeit Book. The business plan and plan application are written either in English or in Spanish. The capital requirement ranges from 10,000 to 1 million USD. Facts in Neuzeit Book Heavy Must create meaningful jobs From USD 10k to 50k Innovative investments scalable
Subtitle in American Typewriter Bold First three words in Neuzeit Book Heavy. This plain text in Egyptienne 55 Roman. The BiD Challenge answers only part of the problem. The growth of new businesses in developing countries remains hampered by lack of access.
> P. 49
design elements
> P. 51
cheat sheet. > bid network style progressive
> typography
simple & powerful fresh & bold p.59
Header or quote Neuzeit book heavy caps. Subsubtitle in American Typewriter Bold Short introtext in Egyptienne 56 Italic. En 2005, BiD Network inicialmente se concentró del Challenge, un concurso mundial. First three words in Neuzeit Book Heavy. This plain text in Egyptienne 55. Plain text this is plain text this is plain text this is plain text. This plain text in Egyptienne 55.
> colors
* not to be used as background color
*uncoated: PMS 2995
uncoated: PMS Rhodamine red coated: PMS 219 CMYK: C=0 M=100 Y=0 K=0 RGB: R= 228 G=46 B=135
accompanying style guide cd.
coated: PMS 299 CMYK: C=75 M=7 Y=o K=0 RGB: R=0 G=170 B=223
uncoated: PMS 151 coated: PMS 151 CMYK: C=0 M=50 Y=100 K=0 RGB: R= 238 G=134 B=32
if cd is missing or damaged, contact
> logos
uncoated: Process black coated: Process black CMYK: C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100 RGB: R=0 G=0 B=0
* background surfaces aren’t part of the logos!
* *
CMYK/rgb/pantone > p.39 BiDNetwork.pdf CMYK/rgb/pantone > p.41 BiDchallenge.pdf
CMYK/rgb/pantone > p.43
CMYK/rgb/pantone > BiDmatchmaking.pdf
> powered by bid network seal
CMYK/rgb >
CMYK/rgb >
> bid network quality seal
More information:
Claudia Schalkx
CMYK/rgb >
CMYK/rgb >
CMYK/rgb >
index. aDdress label
poster template
bid network quality seal 57 business card Colors
powered by bid network seal 55 powerpoint template
compliments card DESIGN ELEMENTS
> sample slides
factsheet template
powerpoint template > main slides
flyer template > landscape flyer template > portrait
21 23
Letterhead sheet > front
STYLE DO’S & DON’TS typography
Letterhead sheet > reverse and follow up SHEET
Logo BiD Challenge
Logo BiD Challenge > country specific
Logo BiD Investor Matchmaking 45 Logo BiD Network
Logo Do’s & Don’ts
Newsletter templatE
PLAN UPDATE template
documents. Bid network provides the following documents / items:
style guide Bid network.
bid network quality seals design elements factsheet template flyer template logos logo bid challenge country specific plan update template poster template powered by bid network seals powerpoint template newsletter template
editable documents/items
help? questions? Do you need an item or file? do you have a question or suggestion?
version 1.0 – august 2009
fixed Documents/Items