Security Training and Professional Development SIG The NZSA Special Interest Group for Training and Professional Development within the Security Industry met virtually on Friday 24 April. This is an abridged version of the report of the meeting submitted by Chairperson Andy Gollings. Update from Skills Organisation There has been a review of the CoA training material underway for some time and despite delays they are confident that the updated materials will be available for use by early July. The new National Certificate in Security Level 3 qualification has been approved and being delivered by a number of training providers. The Workplace Programme has been approved and being used by Registered Training Workplace providers for Alignment. Skills had not intended developing training materials, however, that decision is now under review. A decision is expected within the next two to three weeks. Skills are guiding providers on alignment with internal training delivery as a chargeable activity. The revised National Certificate in Security Level 4 qualification for Senior Security Officers and Team Leaders has been approved, however, work is still required to define certain aspects of the delivery, especially the higher risk units such as defensive tactics. Update from private training establishments Private Training Establishment (PTE) members reported strong interest in training through this period. Like industry, PTEs have all explored a shift to virtual training however take up and learner engagement has declined over this period as a result. Concerns were raised regarding the Emergency Direction from the PSPLA and how this may weaken the industry. Gary Morrison advised that the Registrar has been asked to quantify numbers licensed under the
Emergency Direction but at this time these are thought to be relatively low with a notable jump in licence holders adding the Property Guard category. The inability to conduct face to face training during lockdown has meant that this aspect of the training has had to be delayed with delivery scheduled at a later date. Some providers are confident to get back underway in Alert Level 3 with others delaying until we enter Alert Level 2. Update from security providers The impact of Covid-19 has been quite varied across the industry. This has been dependent on work streams with event, retail and hospitality providers as well as cash collection providers experiencing significant decline, with those providing services to critical infrastructure seeing a rapid increase in demand. It is worth noting how well companies appear to have worked together over this period, supporting each other where capacity or specialisation was needed. Those experiencing increased demand have needed to recruit at a higher level than normal, however, they expect this to reduce as things settle down and ongoing requirements become clearer. The service providers all expressed appreciation for the flexibility shown by training providers with online options for training becoming quickly available. In addition, Hard Target has made a conflict management training package available at no cost which has been widely appreciated, especially with the challenges of managing and developing staff remotely over this time.
June / July 2020