Born2wryte's Extraordinary Man

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Born2wryte's Extraordinary Man™ Christon K. Butler, Houston’s Assistant Deputy Director of Housing Proudly Proclaims….. “Money Isn’t Everything”

Jim Austin….” Real Estate Guru & American Cowboy”

Keith Hill... ”A Man with A Musical Dream”

Gregory L. Cody… “A Man of Honor”

“Get Connected” ! © 2011 Born2wryte's Extraordinary Man™ - All Rights Reserved

Oct.-Dec. 2011 Volume 1 No. 1

Born2wryte's Extraordinary Man™

“Delivering the best with positive press”


© 2011 Born2wryte’s Extraordinary Man™ - All Rights Reserved

CONTENTS ______________________________________


Born2wryte’s Extraordinary Man™ PUBLISHER: So Let It Be Wrytten Media Publications™


Cover Stories: 8-10 Jim Austin….”Real Estate Guru & American Cowboy” by Debra Born2wryte™ Kennard 12-13 Gregory L. Cody…. ”A Man of Honor” by Debra Born2wryte™ Kennard 16-19 “Chris Butler Proudly Proclaims that „Money Isn‟t Everything‟” by Debra Born2wryte™ Kennard

EDITOR: Editor –In- Chief: Debra Born2wryte™ Kennard ____________________________________ Photo Journalist and Videographer Forever Photography Studio Freddie Watkins

____________________________________ Born2wryte’s Extraordinary Man™ Ph: 941-677-2263

21 Keith Hill….”A Man with A Musical Dream” by Debra Born2wryte™ Kennard

Born2wryte’s Extraordinary Man™ Magazine is a division of Born2wryte Media Productions™. Born2wryte’s Extraordinary Man™ is quarterly publication. No portion of this magazine, including without limitation, articles and listing, may be reproduced without the written permission of the Publisher. 3

The Editor’s Word ex·traor·di·nar·y ex·traor·di·nar·y [ik stráwrd'n èrree, èkstrə áwrd'n èrree] adj 1. unusually excellent or strange: very unusual and deserving attention and comment because of being wonderful, excellent, strange, or shocking 2. additional: additional and having a special purpose 3. employed for special purpose: employed for a special purpose or to do additional work 4. additional and greater: additional to and going beyond the ordinary or established scope of something

Extraordinary is the Man who conforms not to that which is popular or most monetarily beneficial. Extraordinary is the Man who has the courage to follow his heart despite objection and rejection. Extraordinary is the Man who chooses to give instead of receiving. Extraordinary is the Man whose priority is not himself, and Extraordinary is the Man who possesses that something exclusively special which makes him…... ”Extraordinary”. This issue of Born2wryte‟s Extraordinary Man™ is dedicated to Mr. Marshall Butler of Fort Worth, TX . November 5, 1946 - January 2, 2003 Mr. Butler was the ultimate personification of “Extraordinary”.


“Get Connected”




Jim Austin....... ”Real Estate Guru with the Heart of Cowboy” by Debra Born2wryte™ Kennard Born in North Carolina and raised in New Jersey, Jim Austin was raised in an environment of strong family values. When Jim was 10 or 11 years old his family moved to New Jersey where both of his college educated parents worked very hard. Every year Jim went back to North Carolina to spend the summer on his Uncle Bernard‟s farm. A legend in North Carolina, Jim‟s Uncle Bernard was a Bail Bondsman, Business Man, Real Estate Owner, and a Farmer who was very successful. Jim‟s first cousin John “Bubba” Carter was his best friend. The two were only four days apart in age; “it was said that John probably belonged to my father and I belonged to Uncle Bernard”, says Jim. Jim told me that the summers at Uncle Bernard‟s farm was a lot of fun , but it was also a lot of hard work. Uncle Bernard would wake Jim and John up at 5:30am so they could get up and go run the store for the day. They also had to help plow peanuts and tobacco on the farm. Jim learned his work ethics early in life, from his parents and his Uncle Bernard. It was not until later on in his life that Jim realized how those early years had such a profound affect on him. After graduating high school, Jim informed his parents that he wanted to go to a black college to learn about himself and his roots. Jim confessed that when he was growing up, on the weekends he would hang out at parties with African American people, but he never really felt that comfortable. Granting his wish to attend a black college, Jim‟s parents sent him to Howard University where he indeed found out about his roots, and he adjusted very well to being around his people. Jim graduated from Howard in the School of Business, yet surprisingly, Jim started out in the field of Pharmacy. His next door neighbor owned a Pharmacy, where Jim eventually worked, so he thought he would like it. Jim soon realized that it was not the Pharmacy that he liked, but it was that his neighbor owned his own business. Jim humbly admitted that in addition to the partying at Howard University, it took him about 3 years to get his act together, and he graduated after 6 8 years of school. He continued in saying that his mother and father both worked two jobs to put him and his through school; after 4 years at Howard, they told Jim that he had to get a job. Jim got a job, changed his major, and went on to

Jim said that he had always wanted to be leader, but he was very shy. It was difficult for him to get up and talk in front of the class, but he wanted to be President so he pushed forward. In his push forward, Jim also made history with his campaign for Presidency; it was the first time that the School of Business had put together a campaign group. After graduation from Howard University , Jim went to work for American Express as a District Sales Manager Trainee. As time went on, Jim was transferred to Texas, and after 5 years passed by, Jim discovered that entrepreneurship was his calling. “Why work for somebody and make them a lot of money when I can do the same thing for myself”, says Jim. So in 1981, Jim left American Express and started his own Real Estate Company. I asked Jim why he chose real estate, and he told me that a man named Sam McCall had taken a liking to him and wanted to teach him commercial real estate. Interested in learning, Jim worked for Mr. McCall for 2 years. In those two years, Jim learned about negotiations, keeping files together, and a list of every pertinent detail pertaining to real estate. Afterwards, Jim wanted to start his own company. It has now been 30 years since Jim first hung up the sign for his company. Every day when Jim awakes, he looks for what the day may present as an opportunity for him to do another real estate deal. One of Jim‟s projects that he is most proud of his the Minyard‟s store in Southeast Fort Worth, TX. Jim was able to Convince 80 families to sell their homes to Minyard‟s grocery store. Jim said it was hard work getting that many people to agree to do the same thing on the same day. “It was a great project, especially when nothing had been done in that community for 25 years”, says Jim. “I have a love for real estate, and I enjoy the art of hooking people up, that‟s the Jim Austin way”, says Jim. If you tell him what you need, be it real estate or whatever your business may be, Jim will work it out for you. Jim‟s motto is “The harder I work, the luckier I am”, and it is evident that he works extremely hard. Jim revealed to me that in order to keep eating when the market is low, he puts investment groups together; it‟s what has helped him to stay in the business for 30 years. In 2001, the National Association of Realtors presented Jim with the Good Neighbor Award. While real estate is Jim‟s love, the National Multicultural Heritage Museum (formerly named the Cowboys of Color Museum) is his passion. The balance of Jim‟s time is spent organizing and raising money for the museum with his wife Gloria. The museum was founded 10 years ago by Jim and Gloria after they discovered that over half of the Cowboys were African American; this fact was something neither Jim nor Gloria knew about when they were growing up. To educate kids in the history of the Cowboys is now a passion for Jim and Gloria. Recently, Jim acquired 9 acres to build a new facility for the museum, which will include the Cowboy Hall of Fame. The University of Texas Professor Dr. Marvin DeLaney has written a curriculum, and for the first time in history, the Cowboys of Color will be implemented and taught in the system of the University of Texas. Jim is also working with various Metroplex Independent School Districts to develop a program where all 8th graders visit the museum to get their cultural knowledge of the “Forgotten Cowboy”. The National Spokesperson for the museum is the incomparable Hollywood actress…Pam Grier. Ms. Grier visited the museum and fell in love with it in 2010 while she was in town on her book tour. While Ms. Grier and Jim walked the grounds of the future site for the museum, Ms. Grier suggested to Jim to start a community garden. Jim thought it was a brilliant idea, and Ms. Grier was honored when Jim asked her if he could put her name on it. In July 2011 during the National Day of the American Cowboy, Jim and Gloria, along with Ms. Grier and a few Buffalo Soldiers, hosted a celebration at the future site of the museum, and they also had a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Pam Grier Community Garden. I asked Jim what his ultimate passion was, and he said that it is getting the new museum built in the next 3 to 5 years. Afterwards, Jim may slow it down a little bit. Staying focused and trying to slow down some is a part of Jim‟s agenda these days. He has 40 projects on his to do list, and his goal is to knock that list down by completing 10 of those projects per year. Mr. Austin not only has his real estate and museum business, but he is also the proprietor of, 9 which is a social networking vehicle to connect people that want to get to know the best of each other. The website advertises Jim‟s 5 companies, The Austin Company, Commercial Real Estate, Roller World NE, UHaul, Self Storage, and

the Fort Worth Event Center. All of these things and more are a part of what makes Jim Austin an “Extraordinary Man”. On November 21, 2011, the museum‟s 8th Annual Hall of Fame Induction will take place. The museum will be recognizing people that are making a contribution to Western Culture. To purchase tickets to this event, go to ■■■



Gregory L. Cody “A Man of Honor” by Debra Born2wryte™ Kennard Greg comes from humble beginnings in a small tobacco community in Reidsville, NC. Both of his parents had full time jobs, and they were tobacco farmers. Needless to say, Greg grew up with a strong work ethic. He started working at the age of 12 and obtained his first full time job at the age of 15. Greg grew up in rural NC where it was predominantly white, so he wanted to see what it was like at a black university, and after graduating high school, Greg went to North Carolina A&T State University. It was something of a family tradition to attend North Carolina A&T, and it was the only college that Greg ever wanted to attend. Greg thoroughly enjoyed college, and at North Carolina A&T he learned what it takes to be an educated black man. Greg‟s dad told him that he only had 4 years to get through college, so Greg knew that though he was having a great time, he had to focus on doing his school work to finish in 4 years. After graduation, Greg received his commission from the Air Force as 2nd Lieutenant and he had an Industrial Technology degree, and he then went to Flight School. For the first three months of Flight School, Greg had no TV, and he studied hard in efforts of not disappointing his father. Once Greg graduated from Flight School, he flew for a year and a half then he transferred to Special Ops. While Greg was working in Special Ops he met a man named Major Perry, and Major Perry told Greg that if he makes it through, he will be the only black man they‟ve had in Special Ops. Making it through Flight School was the biggest confidence factor that Greg had in his life, so he figured if he could come from a farm in North Carolina and learn how to fly and navigate his way around the world, then there is not a whole lot that he can not do and making it through Special Ops was not going to be a problem. Greg stayed in Special Ops until he retired from the military eight years later. During his time in the Air Force, Greg met a woman by the name of Carol Pope. Carol was also serving in the military at the time. Greg shared with me that Carol told him that he was one of the most arrogant people she had ever met. Hahahaha…..they have now been married for 27 years and they have 3 grown daughters. Greg admitted that Carol helped to slow him down a bit. Another important person that Greg met while he was in the military was a man by the name of Frederick Thomas. Greg and Fred have now been friends and fraternity brothers for 20 years. Fred has been a mentor as well as a friend to Greg. Fred is an Architect and the owner of Fred Thomas Development, Inc., which is a full service construction, construction management, and facility management company. Greg and Fred decided to go into business together to sell houses, so they formed Thomco Enterprises, Inc., but the selling of houses did not work out for them. While Fred got out of the military, Greg gave up his part of Thomco Enterprises, Inc. and stayed in the military for a few more years. Greg later moved to Texas and worked in the private sector for a while. When it was time to get out of the service, Greg obtained a position at Texas Instruments as a Software Quality Engineer. He worked for TI for a couple of years and then moved on to GE where he was a Program Manager in Software Development. Working for TI and GE helped Greg to understand the politics of corporations, how to interact with customers, the difference between and the private sector and the public sector, and the list goes on. Then the corporate climate started changing so Greg decided to speak with Fred about it. Fred advised Greg start his own company, and from that advise was birthed GCC Enterprises (GCC = Greg and Carol Cody). 12

Enterprises is a Construction Management and Full Service Construction company. GCC started out doing private projects, but private projects was slow going so they started focusing on government work, which is now 80% of GCC‟s

work load. As a result of Greg starting his own business, Greg and Fred were able to reconnect their partnership with ThomCo Enterprises, Inc., in which they have completed and are currently working on several multimillion dollar projects at Hurlburt Field, an Air Force base in Florida. I asked Greg what his purpose was for GCC, and he answered to provide jobs for God‟s people Greg‟s biggest factor in business is that he really likes people. He is always empathetic, and he always tries to see the other person‟s point of view. Greg humbly revealed to me that one of the greatest compliments he ever received was from someone who stated “Greg makes people feel comfortable being around him”. I asked Greg why he likes people so much, and he replied that it is just his personality. Talking to everybody was a part of his growing up and watching his Dad talk to everyone. Greg‟s Dad told him that he will always appreciate life if he remembers that he is not better than anybody and nobody is better than you, you are just different; No one can make you feel inferior and you should not try to make anyone else feel inferior, you are just different; Never try to impose your will on someone else, I can‟t make you be who you are not, you‟re just different, and as long as you realize that, your life is better. Greg‟s ultimate goal for GCC Enterprises is for the company to be a premiere, mid-ranged and mid-sized construction management firm with great relationships and with prime customers that know GCC does great work. Greg stated that he doesn‟t want to be known as the biggest or the best, the brightest or the one with the most money, but he wants to be known for doing what he says he is going to do and doing it well, and that his customers like working with him. I asked Greg what his employees or customers would say about him, and he replied that it would be said that he is a man of his word. Aside from his company, Greg‟s goals in life are to travel and to spend time in service doing God‟s will. “Jesus said he came to serve, not to be served, and that‟s really where I want to be, to be able to help people and it‟s not a burden”, says Greg. Greg also serves as a mentor to a group of 4th and 5th grader boys, from Denton, TX County Schools, to show them that someone who looks like them can do, accomplish, and be something. I asked Greg why it was so important for him to give back, and he answered “because so much was given to me” Further in Greg‟s downtime from work, he enjoys riding his Harley Davidson motorcycle. Hahaha….he said “I‟m trying to get out of the office now so I can get on it”. I asked him for a couple of more minutes of his time, which he graciously granted, and we continued. Greg informed me that he is a Deacon at his church, Westside Baptist Church in Lewisville, TX with E.W. Blake as the Pastor. Greg has been a Deacon now for 10 years, so he participates in a lot of church Activities on top of riding his Harley. Greg continued and stated that he is just a good ole‟ country boy. I asked Greg what his biggest accomplishment was to date with GCC, and he replied “hiring God‟s people; the work is good, but the biggest thing is having a place where people can come and work”. Since Greg was evidently a wealth of knowledge and wisdom, I asked him what his advise for kids would be, and he answered “Knowledge is power, so never stop learning”. Greg desires to continue to learn with each passing year. “Learning leads to the desire to do more things”, says Greg, “Never stop learning, never stop growing, and never stop giving back”. Greg‟s advise to those who are looking to start their own business…”Pray”. I then asked Greg about his advise for adults, and he replied with the profound words of his father and said “You are not better than anybody, nobody is better than you, you are just different”. These things and more are all a part of what makes Greg Cody and “Extraordinary Man”. To learn more about Greg Cody and his company GCC Enterprises, Inc., visit ■■■




Chris Butler Proudly Proclaims…. ”Money Isn’t Everything” by Debra Born2wryte™ Kennard A native of Fort Worth, TX and the second of two children to Marshall and Sheila Butler, Chris Butler had the average childhood. His parents made sure that he was well grounded and that he never missed church. Chris was present for every Christmas Day program, Easter program, Black History Month program, and anything that happened at the church that he and his sister could be a part of. Chris was very curious in his youth. He was always trying to figure out how something worked. He even admitted that he set one of the bathrooms on fire when he tried to mix different cleaning chemicals in the tub to see what would Happen; He did not get the results he may have been looking for, but he definitely found out what would happen. Luckily, the house did not burn down, and the fire was put out quickly. This was just one of the precursors to Chris‟ destiny. In 1990 Chris graduated from Paul Lawrence Dunbar High School. Chris told me that he was not the smartest kid in class, but he was the most determined to do something in life. I asked Chris why he was so determined to do something in life, and he answered that it was because of his upbringing and his personality to never settle for mediocrity, and to always do more; just because you are not the smartest one in class does not mean that you are not capable of doing better things, says Chris. “It takes more than just being a straight “A” student to be a successful individual.” During his time in school, Chris had no interest in being an athlete. Playing football, basketball, and fishing with his friends was as far as Chris‟ interest went in sports. Chris really liked just spending time with his family. The family always had some kind of party or gathering going on, so Chris spent a lot of time with his cousins and other family members. Chris is consumed with family values, and he was blessed to grow up witnessing how important family really is. After graduating high school, Chris realized that he still did not know what he wanted to do in life. He confessed that the only reason he applied to the University of North Texas was because he had friends that were going to be attending there. Chris also admitted that while he was at UNT he really did not apply himself, and it took him getting suspended for a year before he went ahead and figured out what he needed to do….yeah that and his parents threatening to not pay for anymore tuition. Chris continued in the conversation and stated that sometimes it takes for people to fail before they stop to try and figure out what they need to do. Chris was suspended from UNT for a year, but he had the opportunity to go back. During his time away from UNT he decided to work and attend Tarrant County College, while he figured out what he wanted to do in life. Chris thought about it and decided that he wanted to be an Architect. Chris knew that the only institution in Texas that graduated more Engineers and Architects was Prairie View A & M, so Prairie View was the university that he chose. I asked Chris why he thought he wanted to be an Architect, and he answered because he excelled in drafting classes in high school and he remembered the conversation when his drafting teacher told him that he should think about being an Architect because he was good at drawing, so he decided to give it a try to see if it was something that he really 16 wanted to do. Chris then entered Prairie View in the fall of 1992, and he immediately felt the difference of coming from a predominantly white institution, and it was a culture shock for him. Chris said that it was not better and it was not worse, it was just different. Chris attended Prairie View A&M on the 5 year accredited program.

During the summer months throughout school Chris worked. He worked various jobs which included Ranger‟s Stadium, Six Flags, the Post Office, and Radio Shack. Every semester Chris took on a full load of classes, including in 1995 when he had a full time job. Chris paid for his last year of school through grants and a working on campus, on a work study program. Chris paid for his last year in efforts of getting out of his parents pockets. Chris graduated from Prairie View in 1997 and he did not have a job lined up; he did not know what he was going to do. Chris was scheduled to graduate in December of 1997, so in November around Thanksgiving, Chris decided that he needed to try and find a job. There are generally no architecture jobs for those just coming out of school, and if there were any jobs, the pay was very low. A friend of Chris‟ from school had graduated in August of 1997 and was already working for a home builder. The friend told Chris that they were hiring and asked Chris if he was interested. Needless to say that Chris was hired, and so just 29 days after graduation Chris was working for Lennar Home Builders as a Construction Manager Trainee. Chris worked for Lennar Homes for 4½ years. He went from being a Construction Manager Trainee to Construction Manager, and he was responsible for the building of a little over 200 homes. While at Lennar Homes, Chris went back to school and received his Masters Degree. Chris was then moved from Construction to Land Development, along with a very nice raise. Chris worked in Land Development for 4½ years, but after continuously being overlooked for promotions, Chris left Lennar and went to work for another home builder, where he was making a significant amount of money. Before leaving Lennar, actually on his last day of work, Chris received a phone call from the City of Houston. Chris was asked to come and run a program called Project Houston Hope. Chris politely thanked the City of Houston for the offer, but he declined the position because he had already accepted the position with D.R. Horton. Yet, the City of Houston was determined and they asked Chris to interview with them anyway. Chris went to the interview and learned more about the program. Chris offered to volunteer his services on the weekends because he really was not interested in leaving Corporate America to go and work for the City. The City of Houston then asked Chris to come back in a couple of days to speak with the Deputy Director of Public Works. Chris agreed to the meeting, but he reminded them that he was only available to volunteer. The Deputy Director gave Chris the same spill about the program and informed Chris how it was going to affect the community, and again Chris said “I am just here to volunteer”. Undaunted by Chris‟ response, the Deputy Director asked Chris to meet with the Mayor of Houston. Knowing that he was not going to accept the job, Chris agreed to the meeting because he did not want to pass up meeting the Mayor of the 4th largest city in the nation. Now the Mayor gives Chris the same spill that everyone else had previously given him, and again Chris was not interested in anything other than volunteering. Chris was content with working in Corporate America, making great money, playing in golf tournaments, and all the other fringes that was being afforded to him. Chris left the Mayor‟s office and went back to the office of the first gentleman that approached him about the job, so that he could thank him for the opportunity of meeting the Mayor. While Chris was at the gentleman‟s office the Mayor called and instructed him to make Chris an offer, and again Chris was just not interested. Chris started his new job and avoided calls from the City for a couple of days. After a couple of days, the first gentleman that Chris interview with at the City of Houston showed up at Chris‟ house. The gentleman asked Chris to reconsider and have another meeting with the Mayor. Chris went to the meeting with the Mayor, and the Mayor informed Chris that the City really needed him. The Mayor asked Chris what it would take to get him to come and work for the City. Chris through out a crazy salary amount that he did not believe the Mayor would go for, but the Mayor only paused for about 30 seconds and then said ok. Chris was not expecting that so he then did not know what to do. Chris asked for some time to think about it. After discussing the situation with his wife and family members, Chris made the decision to go ahead and work for the City; He figured that he would be there about 3 years tops. Chris was now going to be Mayor Bill White‟s Personal 17 Assistant for Neighborhood Development. Chris began to feel good about his decision of helping out at the City and giving back to the community, but he was still thinking that he would go back to the corporate world after 3 years with the City. So now after only being with D.R. Horton for two weeks, Chris had to give them a two week notice. On his last

day of work while boxing up his things, the President of D.R. Horton went in to Chris‟ office and asked Chris to let him know what the City of Houston was going to be paying him and he would match it. Chris did not want the stress of going back and forth again, so he stayed on course and left D.R. Horton. It was October 2006 and Chris started work with the City of Houston. After a few weeks, Chris began to see why they needed him so badly. The City had individuals who knew how to acquire tax leaned properties and they had a team of individuals who knew how to make sure that the lots had adequate water sources to them, but what they did not have was someone with the home building experience, land development experience, or someone who had connections with either large builders or minority builders to actually get the homes built. Chris helped to get the ball rolling and they were working out contracts with builders, and model homes started going up. Chris worked for Mayor Bill White for 3½ years, which was Mayor White‟s last term of office, and Chris was the youngest member of Mayor White‟s Executive Staff. Chris admitted that he had gotten use to the weekly executive lunches and events at the Mayor‟s house, so with Mayor White leaving, he would be going from a very high-profile position to a low-profile position with the new Mayor. However, Chris quickly realized that it was never about the lime light, but about helping those less fortunate by building them quality and affordable houses. After Mayor White leaves Office and the new Mayor comes in, Chris was made the Deputy Assistant Director of Housing. Chris still works for the Houston Hope Program, but he is now also responsible for the Single Family Home Program. This program allows the City of Houston, with the help of federal funding, to help those in need to repair their homes, and if the homes are not repairable, then the City will demolish the home and build a new home. While the new home is being built, the City places the homeowners in an apartment. Chris is also responsible for the Elderly Assistance Program. I asked Chris about his drive to give back and why it is so important for him. Chris credited it to the way his parents raised him. Chris informed me that his mother is still teaching Wednesday night bible class, and the students that she taught years ago are now bringing their kids to her class. Chris stated that he and his sister have tried to talk her into retiring, but she says “no, this is the way I give back”. Chris lives by the examples that his mother and father set. Chris revealed that he could have been selfish and greedy by staying in Corporate America and trying to make all the money in the world, but the Mayor told him that he was still young and had time to make money, so he needed to spend time now giving back. Chris thought that was easy for the Mayor to say because the Mayor already had his money, but in the end he was glad that he decided to go ahead and give back; “Money isn‟t everything, “ says Chris; “I could have millions of dollars, but no peace or happiness, so what would it benefit me”? I asked Chris if there was anything that he wanted to accomplish before he retires, and he told me that he really wanted to establish his own Development company. Chris went on to say that he wanted to leave the City of Houston better than he found it, with the housing programs running well. Chris is now thinking of allowing someone to come in and work their way up to take over his spot. Chris would like for his Development company to acquire property, design, engineer, and do inspections for both residential and commercial real estate. Chris continued and stated that his Development company is what he wants to do, but he is submitting to God‟s will, and what God wants him to do, is what he wants to do. I wanted to know and asked Chris if he was satisfied in life right now, and he replied that he can not be satisfied when there are individuals who look like him, but yet they do not live like him, for whatever reason. He continued and stated that until he can give, not just his time, but in his talents and gifts as well, and when he can pour his time and money into the community and volunteer to design a home for free so a person will not have to pay an Architect for the design, or if he can pay for the construction of a school so the school or parents will not have to come up with money, are all the things that need to be done before he will ever be satisfied in life. I inquired about the people who were the greatest influences in Chris‟ life, and he told me that it was his parents, his grandmother, and his wife who continues to push him to do more. Part of Chris‟ drive now is to make sure that he is a 18 good husband and father that his family can be proud of. Chris confessed that it is a constant drive to try and be a good man; “Though I am not perfect and I make mistakes daily, I try to learn from my mistakes and I try not to repeat those mistakes”, says Chris. Chris continued and stated that his mistakes helps him to relate with others and allows him to

show people that just because you make mistakes, it does not mean that you can not get over the mistakes. The single and most important influence in Chris‟ life was his Dad. Chris said that when he was growing up, his friends that did not have their fathers around could not understand why his dad was always wanting to hang around with them and play basketball. Chris‟ dad was the President of Chris‟ 6th grade PTO, the Den Dad of his daughter‟s Girl Scout squad, and he was always encouraging Chris and Chris‟ sister and letting them know that even though you make mistakes, you have to keep going and you have to keep trying. In Chris‟ last semester of graduate school, his dad passed away and Chris wanted to take a break from school, but he could hear his dad telling him not to worry about him because there is nothing that he can do, so go ahead and get your degree now. I asked Chris when he thought he might slow down, and he boldly replied “I can sleep when I‟m dead, so I want to keep going until I can turn the business over to my kids.” Chris then stated that if his kids choose not to take over, then he will reach back into the community and grab someone that he can mentor, provide a scholarship to, allow them to intern, and after graduation provide him/her an Apprenticeship, and then let them work their way up and finally, turn it over to him/ her. Chris also wants to give back to the community by starting a scholarship in hid dad‟s name, and in the name of his dear friend Christopher Albert “Nut” Fields. When I asked Chris what his advise was for those looking to start their own business, he said “don‟t quit”. Chris said there is always going to be troubles, hurtles, and obstacles, and whenever you try to start something then that is when the “haters” come out of the trees and tell you that you can‟t; You are always going to have someone that is going to doubt you, but you have to develop a “don‟t quit” mentality. All of these things and more are the elements that makes Christon K. Butler an “Extraordinary Man” and a hard working brother. To learn more about the Houston Hope Program, go to, or you can contact Chris Butler at 713-837-7494 or ■■■



Keith Hill “A Man with A Musical Dream” by Debra Born2wryte™ Kennard

Born and raised in Dallas, TX, Keith graduated from Skyline High School. Keith confessed that his life changed 27 years ago when he started walking with Jesus Christ, and he has not looked back. Keith said that God gave him the inspiration to do something he could plug himself into, and Uptown Jazz Dallas is it. Keith says he is not trying to create pop culture, but he is creating an environment for the community and excellence in performance. Jazz is one of the few formats where people can get together and jam, says Keith. In Jazz, some of the greatest musicians can come together and play the best music in the world, and they may have just met. Jazz, Reggae, Fusion, and even some Metal are the music genres that Keith likes the most, but Jazz is his ultimate favorite. Uptown Jazz Festival Dallas is coming in 2012, and Keith is predicting that it will be on the same levels as the Jazz Festivals in Montreal, Monterey, CA, and Newport. Everything that comes down the pipe regarding the Uptown Jazz Festival Dallas will be introduced through the website portal. Keith wants to maintain a high quality environment on the website so that sponsors, families, and so on are comfortable about getting involved. Unlike Face Book, Uptown Jazz Dallas will not penalize you for making too many friend requests, they appreciate power users. If you do not add friends, then you are missing the point because the whole idea is to network, says Keith. The companies, artist, and entrepreneurs want people to know that they exist. Keith came up with the idea for the Uptown Jazz website in 2007. I asked Keith why this project was so important to him, and he answered that he was exposed to music early in his life and that music is one of the few things in life that gets people through, so it is a community passion project. Keith has a love for music, and the music that he plays on the website may never be heard anywhere else. The whole idea or objective of the website is about exposing people to new and real music, says Keith. All of these things and more are a part of what makes Keith an “Extraordinary Man”. To learn more about Keith Hill and Uptown Jazz Festival Dallas, go to ■■■





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