Born2wryte's Gospel Connection

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Born2wryte's Gospel Connection™ ―The GOOD NEWS‖ Sermon by Bro. J.K. Hamilton

Ricky Dillard Says That Trials Will Come, But If You Want To See The Victory……... ―Keep Living ‖

Terri Jackson Releases Her Debut CD… ―Finally‖

Born2wryte’s ―X-Factor‖ Pick...

Nicole Gaskins

It’s Here!!!! The Debut of ―The Diary of Amber Christian‖

―Cooking In The Spirit‖…Recipes from Celebrity Chef Ken Patrick

―Get Connected‖ ! © 2011 Born2wryte's Gospel Connection™ - All Rights Reserved

July—Sept. 2011 Volume 2 No. 3

Born2wryte's Gospel Connection™

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples”.

- John 15: 4-8


© 2011 Born2wryte’s Gospel Connection™ - All Rights Reserved

CONTENTS ________________________________

FEATURES: Industry News 6-8 ―The Good News‖: Sermon from Dr. Ervin D. Seamster, Jr. 11-14 “Feuding Over Favor: Grumbling Over Grace” by Pastor Denny Davis

Born2wryte’s Gospel Connection™ PUBLISHER: So Let It Be Wrytten Media Publications™

___________________________________ EDITOR: Editor –In- Chief: Debra Born2wryte™ Kennard

Wryters’ Sanctuary 15 “I Asked” Cover Story 17-20 Ricky Dillard Says That Trials Will Come, But If You Want To See The Victory... ”Keep Living” by Debra Born2wryte™ Kennard

22-25 Terry Jackson Releases Her Debut CD…”Finally”

___________________________________ Photo Journalist and Videographer: Freddie Watkins Forever Photography Studio ___________________________________

by Debra Born2wryte™ Kennard

27-28 Born2wryte’s ―X-Factor‖ Pick Nicole Gaskins by Debra Born2wryte™ Kennard

Born2wryte’s Gospel Connection™ Ph: 941-677-2263

30-31 Cookin N The Spirit With Celebrity Chef Ken Patrick

33-40 The Diary of Amber Christian© by Debra Born2wryte™ Kennard

Born2wryte’s Gospel Connection™ Magazine is a division of Born2wryte Media Productions™. Born2wryte’s Gospel Connection™ is quarterly publication. No portion of this 3 magazine, including without limitation, articles and listing, may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher.

The Editor’s Word ―I Look To You‖ Lyrics by R. Kelly As I lay me down, Heaven hear me now, I’m lost without a cause after giving it my All. Winter storms have come and darkened my sun, after all that I’ve been through, who on earth can I turn to? I look to You, I look to You,..after all my strength is gone, in You I can be strong. I look to You, I look to You...and when melodies are gone, in You I hear a song, I look to You. About to lose my breath, there’s no more fighting left. Sinking to rise no more, searching for that open door; And every road that I’ve taken led to my regret, and I don’t know if I’m gonna make it, nothing to do but lift my head I look to You, I look to You...and when all my strength is gone, in You I can be strong. I look to You, I look to You...and when melodies are gone, in You I hear a song, I look to You. My levee’s have broken, my walls have come...crumbling down on me, the rain is falling, defeat is calling, I need You to set me free. Take me far away from the battle; I need you to shine on me. I look to You, I look to You...after all my strength is gone, in You I can be strong. I look to You, I look to You...and when melodies are gone, in You I hear a song, I look to You. I look to You…….I look to You!!!!! The devil uses Depression as a tool against me, but I refuse to let him kill me and win. No matter what comes, I will continue to worship and praise the Lord my God!! When you are backed into a corner and there is absolutely nothing else that you can possibly do, call on Jesus and He will here your call….He heard mine!!!!

To God be the glory!!!!

―Get Connected‖



Clock Counting Down for Grammy Winner John Schlitt’s Kickstarter Deadline By McCain & Co. Only Hours Remain for Fans to Donate and Join the TGC Crew Franklin, Tenn.(August 6, 2011) - Fans of legendary recording artist and Gospel Music Hall of Famer John Schlitt, best known as the lead singer for award-winning Christian band Petra during the era when the band won four Grammy Awards and 10 Dove Awards, have only a few hours left to partner with the singer for the recording of Schlitt's new music project and become part of the exclusive fan team. The deadline is noon ET Monday. The new CD, titled The Greater Cause, is being financed by donations through Kickstarter, a popular "crowd-funding" platform for creative projects. Donors to the project, dubbed the TGC Crew (The Greater Cause Crew) in honor of the CD title, will receive rewards and special thank-you messages from the musician. They also will have access to a restricted website with a behind the scenes look at the recording of The Greater Cause, including photos, videos and a blog. "It is the last weekend of an amazing 90 days," says Schlitt of the Kickstarter fundraising process. "A group of faithful friends that we now call the TGC Crew have partnered with me to build my next CD. So far, more than 400 partners, who have made donations through Kickstarter, will share the recording experience with me through an exclusive website designed especially for them." Members of the TGC Crew have donated more than $40,000 to-date, surpassing Schlitt's initial goal of $35,000, which was met July 29, 10 days ahead of schedule. All funds donated during Phase 2 will go toward the necessary expenses of packaging, manufacturing and promoting the new CD. Pledges are taken on Schlitt's personal Kickstarter site ( or and powered by Amazon, enabling backers' credit cards to be charged via a secure website. Throughout the Kickstarter process to meet the funding goal, Schlitt has captured the attention of his fans through a series of updates and early rewards, including a free demo download of one the first Christian songs that Schlitt ever recorded, as well as personal thank-you messages to each donor via Twitter and other social networking sites. A limited number of incentives are still available to pledgers at various levels, including a concert in the donor's location of choice (including the donor's living room), joining Schlitt in a Nashville studio during the recording of The Greater Cause, and receiving a customized piece of furniture designed and crafted by the multi-talented musician. "The Greater Cause will be a 'back to the roots' rock album, which is what my supporters have been asking for," Schlitt says. "It is intended to be a fresh and powerful tool to accomplish what God has been doing through me for many years: connecting and encouraging people through my music. We need to use common sense in this world and awaken to the fact that Jesus is Lord, no matter what those around us may say — or do. This is my goal with The Greater Cause." Fans can pre-order The Greater Cause through the website by noon ET on August 8 and become part of the TGC crew 6 with access to Schlitt's exclusive website. For more information about Kickstarter or The Greater Cause, go to or


Worship Leader/Performer/Producer Shares Stage with Newsboys, Chris Tomlin, tobyMac, Switchfoot, Francesca Battistelli, Brandon Heath and More Seattle, Wash.(August 5, 2011) - Popular worship leader, recording artist and producer Brandon Bee led worship and performed a full musical set on the Main Stage during Creation Festival Northwest 2011, held recently in Enumclaw, Wash. Bee led the audience in a time of praise and worship prior to the message given by Pastor Buster Soaries. Following Soaries' presentation, Bee performed music from his latest CD, Inside These Walls, for the audience.

Pictured (L to R): Bee, Stevenson and Charmaine between sets at Creation NW.

Each year, the Creation Festivals attract tens of thousands of participants for four days of music, teaching, baptism, camping and fellowship. This year, Bee joined dozens of artists on the Main Stage, including Newsboys, Chris Tomlin, tobyMac, Switchfoot, Francesca Battistelli, Brandon Heath, Ryan Stevenson, Charmaine and more.

Creation Festival Northwest, along with its sister event Creation Festival Northeast, are billed as the "nation's largest Christian music festivals." Creation Festival 2011 Northeast was held June 29-July 2 at Agape Farm in Mount Union, Penn. For more information on Creation Fest, visit

About Brandon Bee and Inside These Walls: Bee, a multi-talented musician, has earned the respect of his peers as a producer by bringing out the best in a long line of established and up-and-coming artists, including Grammy Award nominee and Dove Award winner Stacie Orrico; Juno Award nominee and Island Award winner Matthew James; pop/rockers Amber Pacific, Jaime Jamgochian and Lanae Hale; West Coast rapper Benjiman; 2009 Immerse winner Jake Brothers; and indie folk-pop rising star Beth Whitney. Bee most recently produced Circleslide's exciting 2010 CD, Echoes of the Light. Bee credits being immersed in that creative atmosphere with inspiring his own music to greater heights. After spending two years on the road touring in support of This is the Revolution, Bee recognized he had a lot more to say about the Christian journey - a journey we all go through with varying levels of success. "We go through seasons where we live the life and seasons where we don't, so thank God we are saved by grace," Bee muses. "Realizing that many of us are going through the same types of things, I decided to make a record about my journey." To help shape his vision for Inside These Walls, Bee called on the talents of a cadre of fellow songwriters, producers and musicians, including Scott Krippayne (Jordin Sparks' "This Is My Now"), Carl Cartee ("Glorious Impossible") and Circleslide frontman Gabe Martinez ("Love Amazing"). Bee called on his own experience and personal testimony of going through seasons of both faith and doubt, acceptance and rejection to create a soundtrack for the journey that is summed up in the metaphoric title cut and embellished by the rest of the songs on the project. Bee's worship leader roots shine through on "Radiant Sun (Give Thanks to the One)," and worship anthems like "The Everlasting Song" and "Bring Me To Life" could easily be sung in congregational settings on Sunday morning.7But Bee is just as likely to encase his pensive, semi-autobiographical lyrics in a grittier wrapper of good old fashioned rock 'n' roll on songs like "Helpless" and "Bones."

Bee's Inside These Walls mirrors life's journey, with compelling melodies that rise and fall, ebb and flow, aptly reflecting how as believers we all stumble, fall, then get back up again. Regardless of the style of the individual songs, each is autobiographically inspired and soul-baringly honest. "Everybody needs to be reminded that we're all sinners and we all need a savior," Bee declares. "My goal with Inside These Walls is that people will look at it as a devotional. For me personally, the process has allowed me to learn more about myself and why I need God, though my hope is that people see less of me and examine more within their own life. Even though my stuff may look a little different from theirs, we're all going through this walk together." Inside These Walls is available through Save the City Records and Provident-Integrity Distribution. For more information on Bee and Inside These Walls, visit or





Sermon by

J. K. Hamilton Mountainview Church of Christ Photo by Willie Johnson

Pastor J K Hamilton is the senior pastor of Mountain View Church of Christ in Dallas, TX. Originally from Brooklyn, NY, Pastor Hamilton moved to Texas in 1990 to attend Southwestern Christian College in Terrell, TX. Before completing the four year Bible program at SWCC, he met his beautiful “Dallas Queen”, Carol Burnett. Pastor Hamilton then went on to begin ministering in East Texas for four years before returning to Dallas. Pastor Hamilton humbly proclaims that he is just plain folk trying to make it to Heaven, and trying to take people with him. He believes that he is doing what he was put here to do, and that is preaching. He knows this because he has tried alternatives, and God keeps bringing him back to this point. Pastor Hamilton believes that he has been called to bring people to Christ, and to help them weight the tons and tons of baggage and bad laundry that block and eclipse the light of the Gospel. “Some people can not even see Christ for their own issues and hurt and pain that stand in the way”, says Pastor Hamilton. When it comes to preaching the word of God, Pastor Hamilton, chooses to focus on scriptural integrity. He does not try to go for emotions or sensationalism first. “Sensationalism lasts only as long as the sermon. When the preaching is done, I do not want people to be as impressed with me as they are interested in the word”, says Pastor Hamilton. Pastor Hamilton believes that with scriptural integrity, the Bible has the answer to everything; How to be a better husband, how to be a better wife, and it even has the answers for the fundamental issues of salvation. For Pastor Hamilton, preaching gives him a sense of fulfillment of his purpose. For him, it is rewarding to see a person go from drug addiction to doing the benediction; It is rewarding to see the power of God at work. You will find Pastor J K Hamilton at Mountain View Church of Christ located at 4111 West Illinois Avenue, Dallas, TX 75211, or at 214-339-7145.


Let This Mind Be In You© by J K Hamilton The apostle born out of due season wrote this epistle to the Church of Christ in Phillipi. Phillipi was where the apostle found himself after receiving a vision. The text says in Acts 16 beginning with verse 9.The text says that after he saw the vision he immediately endeavored to go to Macedonia to preach the good news of Jesus Christ. Paul finds himself in the chief city of Philippi and there the church of Christ was established in the household of Lydia and became very instrumental in the evangelistic ministry of the apostle Paul. This is one of the most beautiful texts in the New Testament. It shows us and instructs us as to how we can adopt the mind of Jesus Christ. He starts out in this 2nd Chapter of Philippians by requesting to them that they make his joy full by having the same mind and the same love. The Apostle expressed to them that by doing so his joy would be full. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing the people of God bound together in love; forbearing one another, forgiving one another, having the same mind, and not treating others in ways that we would not want to be treated ourselves. Paul writing from a Roman prison would feel joy in the middle of his situation knowing that God’s people in Philippi were striving to keep themselves together. This was one of the main focuses of the apostle. In just about every letter that the apostle Paul wrote to the churches of Christ he mentions something about unity. Then in verse 3 of our text he encourages them to keep their intentions pure by not doing things out of strife or vainglory. That word strife is a word that carries with it the idea of being in competition with someone else. The apostle Paul in essence is saying don’t get caught up in the rat race of keeping up. Don’t do things with the intentions of out doing someone else. Then he uses the word vainglory, which has to do with not doing a thing so that you can have your pride pumped up and your ego stroked. The apostle stresses the importance of humility. He encourages the church on an individual basis by saying let each esteem others better than themselves in lowliness of mind. Don’t be self centered and self-absorbed to where you become stingy with yourself. Then in our text Paul shows them the way that they can maintain the spirit of humility. He says let this mind be IN YOU which was also in Christ Jesus. Paul said IN YOU. When you have the mind of Christ in you, then it will be seen in the work that you do. For he says in verse 12b, work out your own soul salvation with fear and trembling. You can’t work out your salvation unless you have the mind of Christ in you. In order for us to see the immensity of what Jesus did, we need to understand what the bible says in John 1:1-3. The bible says “in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made”. In other words, when light was separated from the darkness, Jesus was there. When the waters above were separated from the waters below, Jesus was there. When the first lion let out his ferocious roar and the first cow grazed in the field, Jesus was there. He was part of the “us” committee when Jehovah God said “Let us make man in our own image after our likeness”. It was his hand that formed and shaped the first man. It was his breath that went down into his nostrils making him a living soul. He performed the first surgery when he took the scalpel of his will and made an incision in Adams side, extracted a rib and made Adam a wife. Man was always subject to look up to him because he sat high and looked low. But when the fullness of time came, Jesus emptied himself of his majestic glory. He poured out his sovereignty; he let go of his exclusive divine nature. Took off the divine robes of his deity and put on the dusty rags of a servant. God the son became the Son of God. He who knew no pain now becomes subject to pain. He who created man from head to feet now takes water and washes the feet of his creation. What humility. What meekness. And now he who knew no death subjects himself to the power of death. And the amazing aspect of it all is that he did not do it for his own good. He did not do it because he was curious about what being mortal felt like. God, through the wisdom of his providence, knew that in the 21st century there would be some people who would find themselves discouraged and would wonder whether or not he really understands what they’re going through; but he can say to them now through his word “You have not a high priest which can not be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). 12

We can say "Hallelujah" that we praise a God who knows how we feel when we’re mistreated; A God who knows how we feel when we’re lied on and betrayed. He didn’t have to do it but he did it anyway. Praise God that we serve a savior who knows what it feels like to be in debt. As a matter of fact, he went through his whole life borrowing things: He was born in a borrowed stable: Luke 2:7; He was laid in a borrowed manger: Luke 2:7,12; He used as his pulpit a borrowed boat: Mark 4:1; He fed thousands with a borrowed lunch: John 6:9-11; He taught from a borrowed book: Luke 4:16,17; He slept in a borrowed bed: Luke 9:58; He rode as king on a borrowed beast: Matthew 21:2,3; He observed the Last Supper in a borrowed room: Matthew 26:18; He was mocked as king in a borrowed robe: Matthew 27:27-31; and He was buried in a borrowed tomb: Matthew 27:59-60. He went his whole life borrowing but praise God he never borrowed anything that he didn’t give back. When he borrowed that stable he gave it back. When he borrowed the manger he gave it back. When he borrowed the boat he gave it back. When he borrowed the lunch he gave it back. When he borrowed the book he gave it back. When he borrowed a bed he gave it back. When he borrowed the beast he gave it back. When he borrowed the room he gave it back. When he borrowed the robe he gave it back and praise be to Jehovah God when he borrowed the tomb he gave it back. In verse 7 it says that he made HIMSELF of no reputation. In verse 8 the text says he humbled HIMSELF, and became obedient unto death. You see there is a difference between being humbled and humbling yourself. I hear James say in James 4:10 “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up”. Jesus says in Matthew 18:4 “Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven”. There is a difference between being humbled and humbling yourself. I don’t know about you, but I would rather humble myself than to have God humble me. What happens when God humbles a person? Ask Pharaoh and he’d tell you "God humbled me by dispatching a death angel to take the life of my first born son and then later by drowning us by allowing the waters of the red sea to come splashing down on us". When you have the mind of Christ you’ll always find yourself on the low road but if you trust in God, empty yourself of yourself and stay on the low road it won’t be long before God places you on the Highway. However, its not always an easy thing to take the low road... it’s not easy to: Apologize to a person even though you know within yourself that they should be apologizing to you; Still treat a person with kindness even though they treat you like garbage; Shake hands with people who greet you with their right hand and stab you with their left.; nor To forgive and forget (even if you do talk to Dr. Phil). The low road is often a hard and treacherous road. However, God will Only exalt low road people. God never exalts the proud but rather the humble because he sees so much of his son Jesus in people who are humble. When you’re truly humble: You don’t have to tell people about the good you do; You know that even if you don’t get rewarded down here you have your reward in heaven. When someone begins to open fire in a crowd the best thing to do is GET DOWN because you can’t get shot down if you’re down already. Many of us just need to GET DOWN and humble our selves by the mind of Christ. ■■



“I Asked” Author Unknown

I asked God to take away my pain….. God said no; It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up. I asked God to make my handicapped child whole….. God said no; Her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary. I asked God to grant me patience….. God said no; Patience is a by-product of tribulations; it isn’t granted, it is earned. I asked God to give me happiness….. God said no; I give you blessings, happiness is up to you. I asked God to spare my pain….. God said no; Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me. I asked God to make my spirit grow. God said no; You must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful. I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life….. God said no; I will give you life so that you may enjoy all things. I asked God to help me LOVE others, as much as He loves me…. God said...Ahhhh, finally you have the idea.



Ricky Dillard Says That Trials Will Come, But If You Want To See The Victory… “Keep Living” by Debra Born2wryte™ Kennard

Born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago Heights, IL, Ricky began not only singing in, but also directing the junior choir at the age of 5. “I believe I was called from my mother’s womb to do music ministry”, says Ricky. It has now been 30 years since Ricky has been a part of the gospel music ministry. Ricky loves his passion and call of God, which is music ministry. “I am a simple kind of guy”, says Ricky, but I say no…. simple, he is not. Ricky started the very first gospel choir at his high school in 1981. One of the first gospel albums that Ricky’s mother bought for him when he was little was an album by the late and great James Cleveland, which sparked the choir sound in Ricky’s soul. I asked Ricky that given his vocal gifts why he chose to stick to gospel music as opposed to doing mainstream music. He stated that when the Lord calls you, you come to know Him and have a relationship with Him. Ricky continued and said that there is nothing that can detour you from that call when you fall in love with God and you fall in love with the call and you give in to Him and He says make your calling… was a passion, and there really was no other choice that I could be comfortable with. Dr. Charles Hayes planted the first seed in Ricky’s life to do gospel music. Dr. Mattie Moss Clark was Ricky’s second influence. Dr. Clark taught Ricky how to teach choirs, and she trained and nurtured Ricky. The late Rev. Milton Brunson, as Ricky sang with Thompson Community Singers, was Ricky’s other influence. Rev. Brunson taught Ricky how to be a leader. Bringing forth a service of the Lord that when the song is sang, it is sung in a worship experience that will lift that worship experience to the next level so that the power of God is able to move in the service and the people can get everything they need, whether it’s healing, or deliverance, or salvation, a blessing, or whatever is needed, in the atmosphere as the songs are sung to the glory of God, He comes in the room and He hands out all the blessings…..that is the objective of Ricky’s ministry. 17 The “Keep Living” project is to encourage, empower, enlighten, and inspire the listener to know that whatever is going on in their life, life is going to deal you ups and downs, trials and tribulations, and things that you just will not understand why they are happening to you. Yet, while you are going

through those things, the word of the Lord is there for your comfort and it comes to say that God is going to give us the victory, regardless of what we are faced with. “Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord, for greater is He that is within us than he that is in the world”, says Ricky.; in other words, because you are in this and you have decided to stay, you deal with, you fight and in the end there is victory, so keep living that you can see the victory”. Ricky says if you give up, you are not going to see the victory; if you die, you are not going to see the victory, so you’ve got to live so you can declare the word that God has promised in your life. This is what Ricky wants the world to know and to believe; that you have victory by hanging in there with God and knowing that the trial is not going to destroy or kill you, it is only to strengthen you so that God can get the glory. With all the energy that Ricky gives in his Kingdom building efforts, I wanted to know if he ever gets tired and weary. Ricky stated that sometimes you just ain’t feeling it and sometimes you just don’t want to, sometimes you’re just not on point with it, but there is still a small voice that speaks to your heart and to your mind that says hang on in there and be not weary in well doing, for in due season you will reap if you faint not. Ricky continued saying that God starts whispering in your ear and then you get a little ump in your step and you say I think I can go a little further. When Ricky is going through his trials and tribulations he has a few friends that he can lean on, but he really tries to deal with his issues himself. Ricky also tries to remember the word of the Lord and what it says. Ricky tries to square his shoulders and lift his head and go forward. Ricky also prays a lot and allows the word of God to reprove and correct him and bring him back to life. Happy is Ricky as he is starting to see his call and his assignment being fulfilled. It is very important to Ricky that he is obedient to the Lord and completes the assignment that He gives. Ricky loves seeing souls come to the Lord, and he loves seeing people encouraged and inspired. Receiving tweets like, “man you just don’t know what your song did for me today”, are the best parts of being an artist and a servant in the Kingdom, says Ricky. If the Lord were to call on Ricky tomorrow he feels that the Lord felt that his time here was done, and Ricky would believe that he has done all that God has called him to do. However, Ricky wants to be here as long as God will allow him to serve; “I want Him to use me until He uses me completely up”, says Ricky. I asked Ricky if he had any advise for those trying to break into the gospel music industry. Profound was his answer as he replied that promotion does not come from man, it comes from the Lord, and if the Lord does not choose you, don’t be upset, just take hold to the assignment that He has already given you; if you are faithful to the Lord, then He will be faithful to you, says Ricky. There is a promise to every condition that He gives; The condition is to deny yourself in the Lord, and the promise is that He will give you the desires of your heart. The closer you draw to Him, the more you communicate with Him, He will give you the desires of your heart. There is a collaboration of things that artists who are trying to break in, you can not break in, you have to speak a word, says Ricky. Ricky continued and stated that everybody can not be a gospel artist or a frontline artist; whose going to be at the churches? Who will be playing on Sunday morning? Who is going to be in the choir? There 18 are a lot of things in Kingdom building that have to be done, and everybody seems to want to be on the frontline, on TV, on records, on radio, and they want to be famous, but it does not come like that. It


Photo from Light Records

Comes out of your faithfulness to God and delighting yourself in Him; then you will see if He promotes you. A lot of people want to be famous and wonderful when they come into this industry, but you have to handle the agenda of God first. If it is about you and your agenda, then you will have some issues trying to get into the business, says Ricky. More importantly, Ricky really wants the people of God to be encouraged and to fall inline with what the Lord wants from you. To learn more about Ricky Dillard and how to purchase his latest CD, go to ■■■



Terri Jackson’s Debut CD ―Finally‖ by Debra Born2wryte™ Kennard

A native of Memphis, TN, Terri is the youngest of four children. Terri remembers singing from the age of 5 years old. She would sing for people in the neighborhood, and everyone always told her that she sounded like a grown woman and she was awesomely unique. Yet, Terri thought nothing of the adulation, she just liked to sing. With Baptist roots, Terri’s mother and grandfather were singers in the church. Terri and her sister Lori were also singers in the church. Terri admits that it was her sister Lori who was outgoing as a singer, while she was the shy one, but she kept singing. Terri and her sister Lori would always sing at different churches, then Terri also started singing at school. Her love for singing kept her company as she consumed the music of the 1970’s. Terri’s idols were Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, Steven Snow, Earth Wind & Fire, and the Chi Lites. Terri said that she would often mimic her idols. Terri loves all genres of music, even Country music. She loved Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty. When Terri and her sister Lori moved to Texas to attend college, they were soon introduced to the Church of Christ by their friend Gloria, and both Terri and her sister Lori were baptized in 1986. It was at Marsalis Avenue Church of Christ in Dallas, TX where Terri and Lori joined the choir, under the direction of Bro. Langley. Even then, everyone was always so encouraging, says Terri. Then Clifford Mills came to Marsalis and Terri started singing with the Accapella Alliance choir, and she sang with them for 11 years. In singing with Accapella Alliance, Terri grew. Under the mentoring and leadership of Clifford Mills, Terri realized that God had blessed her with a special gift; there was something different about her voice. Terri started hearing a lot about the word “anointed”, which she did not know much about prior to then. Terri’s experience with Accapella Alliance opened a lot of doors and she was able to22sing a show with Kirk Franklin, as well as a lot of live productions at the Majestic Theatre in Dallas, TX. “God

people can create, some people can draw, but the gift God blessed me with is singing, and I thank Him for it every single day. Terri’s journey has been full of lessons. She has learned that God blesses people with gifts and talents and those gifts and talents should be used. “Be not timid, but bold in Christ; Be sure about your calling because you can not minister to people if you are not sure”, says Terri. Terri went on to say that if you are a gospel singer, then you need to be sure of what you are singing about and have knowledge of it. “I can’t sing about my mother being gone and she is still here, and I can’t tell you that I know what you are going through when I do not. I can tell you that I know what it feels like to love somebody and to be hurt and betrayed, and then let you know what I feel to make it through that”, says Terri. Terri’s journey was filled with good things and let downs and disappointments, but for every disappointment, she has had a victory. Terri says that it made her appreciate the journey. She also confessed that through her journey she learned a lot about herself as a woman and as a woman of God. Terri said that she had to let go of a lot so that she could be successful. She learned that God was setting her up for everything that He was getting ready to do. Terri told me that she has seen the best of things and the worst of things. She has lived the best of life and she has done things that were not pleasing to God. “I am not perfect, but I am working on getting better”, says Terri. She continued and said that in the journey, for those who want to sing, she has seen people get accolades and the glory, but you do not know their story. Some people look at you and say things like I don’t know why people like her….she is not that great of a singer and I don’t understand it. Terri wants to tell people to stop looking at other people and focus in on you and what God has for you. Terri says that people fail to nurture their gift because they are always trying to figure out what someone else is doing, and trying to tear people down. Keep your eye on God, says Terri. She told me that she was not just trying to sound religious and spiritual because she is spiritual, but she wants people to know that we miss a lot of things because we worry about everybody else and what they are doing and why. Terri says just thank God for what He blessed you with and be the kind of person in awe of Him. People should understand that a gift can simply be just encouraging someone because everybody can not encourage people. People think that it will take something away from them to say, I am proud of you or I love what you are doing and what can I do to support you . For Terri, singing is her ministry. Terri told me that she can not begin to tell me how many funerals and weddings that she has sung at. People called her all the time to come and sing, and she counts it all a privilege. Terri claims that her voice is not a gift to keep to herself, but it is for her to share with everybody. Terri has been able to sing all over the United States at various churches and various functions. She has worked with a number of choirs in both Texas and Tennessee, but she had never taken the time to do her own project. Then Terri’s mom told her that she really needed to work on her own project. My mom is my “she-ro”, says Terri. Terri’s mom has always had a bucket list of things that she wanted for her 23 kids, so Terri decided to go ahead and do a CD. Then Stephanie Booker, one of the great female vocalist in the Church of Christ to Terri, told Terri about Gerald Burnett at Mountain View Church of Christ who get help

her get started. Terri revealed that the studio experience with Gerald was awesome. Terri said that she

Told Gerald what she wanted to do and it was like she was speaking to herself because he did exactly what she wanted. Terri said it was not like let’s go in the studio and sing, there were spirits being fed and we were hugging and talking about life experiences. Once you feel like you’ve lived your live, then you can testify; “You have to have a testimony before you sing gospel”, says Terri. “Now, 25 years later, here we are….finally, says Terri; Not so much finally that I am coming out, but finally I am at a good place in my life, finally I am doing things that God would have me to do, and finally I am being the best woman that I can be”. Terri revealed that she is recently divorced. When she moved from Texas back to Memphis, she got married, but it did not work out. Terri said that it was one of the most hurtful things that she has ever experienced. Yet, through that disappointment and that hurt, it is like the lily in the cesspool; God just made me a lily through the whole situation, says Terri. Terri said that she knows a lot of women who have been through a lot of things, and she has found herself in the same situation. Yet, through that hurt and disappointment came victory because she was able to go to college and get her Associates Degree in Healthcare Administration, with a 3.5 GPA, and she starts back to school in August, 2011 to work on her Bachelor’s Degree, so life is good for Terri. Terri and I continued to converse and you informed me that this project, “Finally”, is her gift to everybody to say that you can go through your valley experiences and come out as pure gold. God can bring you to it and take you through it and you will be fine, says Terri. She then said that when you listen to her CD, you will hear every pain, every victory, the trials, the disappointments, the triumphs, and the number one thing you will hear is God getting all of the glory; “It is not me, I am just a vessel”. Terri said that she knows God gives every last one of us gifts and talents, and hers just happens to be singing, and she thanks Him every single day. Terri professes that she is not here to sing pretty accapella gospel, she is here to make you think, to lift your spirits, and to say if you feel helpless she is going to sing some hope and encouragement to let you know that you can make it because she made it. Terri also proclaims that if God does not do anything else for her, He has done enough, and she is thankful. Terri’s CD project “Finally” is Terri’s dream come to fruition and she is so very excited. When I asked Terri what it is about music that she loves so much, she answered that music gets you to a better place when your praise is not so great, and music calms your spirit and clears your head; it makes you think, and it gives you hope. I then asked Terri what was the 1 most important thing that she wanted people to get from her CD, she answered that God can take a nobody and He can bless you into somebody, and He can do great things with your if you give it to Him, and give Him the glory and the praise; He can take your hurt, your disappointment, and your let downs, and make something so awesome and He lifts you up. I wanted to know what was driving Terri’s passion of using her voice as a ministry so I asked her why she cared so much about trying to help others feel better and heal. Terri told me that because she has been in spots where she felt like she did not have anybody, even though people were there, but sometimes you just get in that spot where you are going through so much that you just feel by yourself, and that is not a real good feeling, so I know how much it hurts and I see the looks on people’s faces and know that they are at the end of their rope, to know that she made it through some things, she24wants them to know that they can make it too. Terri wants people to know that this will not last a long time; it is just another road block that you will get around and it will be all right on the other side; it won’t

always be like this, so hold on….help is on the way. I asked Terri why she chose gospel over mainstream music, and she stated that she contemplated singing R&B, but she felt like she would be more effective singing gospel; she feels like gospel is her calling. Terri believes that God gave her the spirit to sing gospel, and she feels like she has the spirit to tell the story to those who are dying and need encouragement. She continued and stated that she can sing about how her baby left her and all of that stuff, but that is not going to affect anybody, but when she sings about how sweet the Lord is and how she loves the Lord, at the end of the day what you do for Christ will last and the other things will fade away. I then asked Terri why she loved the Lord so much, and naturally she answered because He first loved me, but she went on to say that she loves the Lord because He loves her unconditionally; He loves her when she is not acting right, He loves her when she is not giving right, and He loves her when she does not even acknowledge Him sometimes; that is real love. Terri says that it is easy to love somebody physically and emotionally, but she loves the Lord because He sees fit to keep on blessing her when she is not worthy. Terri kept going and said that when she looks back over her life and thinks about the scandiculous (scandalous + ridiculous) things that she has done, but He never turned His back on her and He just continued to give her time to get it together…..she can’t help but to love Him. For those who may know Terri, they know that her gospel idols are Vanessa Bell Armstrong, James Cleveland, John P. Kee, and the Clark Sisters. Terri also has a love for Harold Roberts, Stephanie Booker, Gerald Turner, Dwayne Pugh, and Malcolm Hearns. What people might not know about Terri is that she was a child in Memphis, TN, she used to be on a TV show titled Sneakers; It was a Saturday morning show, and she would read narration/voice over scripts and anything they needed for her to do on the show. Terri also participated in a couple of jingles for the TV station WFAA, which they produced for the Dallas Cowboys. Terri told me that she would one day love to sing with Paul Williams, Harold Robertson, Stephanie Booker, Malcolm Hearns, Tiffany Malone, Rose Perkins, and Dwayne Pugh. Terri also told me that her dream is for the church to have a mass choir of about a thousand or so people so they can do something great and get it out to the mainstream audience. Congratulations Terri and may all of your hopes and dreams for Kingdom building come true for you...Finally!!!! To learn more about Terri Jackson and to purchase her “must have” CD, go to ■■■



Nicole Gaskins by Debra Born2wryte™ Kennard

A native of Colorado Springs, CO, Nicole Gaskins lived with her Mom until she entered high school, and then she lived with her Dad and his wife. She attended Colorado University and majored in Organizational Communication and minored in Business Administration. Nicole is now a Texas resident. Nicole said that back home she couldn’t get a job, and she has a degree. She tried to go to Connecticut to see if she could get a job there, but ended up homeless; that’s when she had a turning point in her life, and it was here first real encounter with God. Nicole said that she could not go back home to her parents because they expected so much of her; she lived to please them. When Nicole went to Connecticut she had nothing, not even a car. She was there for a total of 7 months and was homeless for 6 of those months. The manager at her job would let her stay at her house, she was a Christian woman, and she also introduced Nicole to church, so it was all working according to God’s plan, says Nicole. Nicole could not believe that she was homeless. She started questioning why this was happening to her because she had a degree and she was too good for this. She then had to make the decision to go back home. Nicole was home for a few months after her return, and then she made the decision to go to Texas. Her brother lived in Texas and he was real deep into church. He told her to come and stay with him because with him is where she was going to get what she needed, so she stayed with her brother for about a year. Nicole soon fell back into the strong dependency upon family, so God cut that tie, says Nicole. God did not want her depending on people, but on Him. So now Nicole is in Texas by herself, and by this happening, she grew a lot in church and in her relationship with God. As a result, Nicole started participating in Praise Dancing at her church, even though she had never done it before. She was encouraged to do it by her Pastor. It became her ultimate way of worshiping God. Regardless of what happens, sometimes I’ll cry, sometimes I’ll break down, but it gives me what I need, says Nicole. 27 In 2009 Nicole started a girl’s ministry. The girl’s in her church would cling to her and look up to her so

she started mentoring them without know it. One day in 2009, Nicole had the girls at her house for an entire week. Nicole said that they hung out and she got them a makeovers done; a lot of them had never had their hair professionally done before. Nicole also took the girls shopping, something they did not usually get because they were from single parent homes. All of these things helped to build them up, says Nicole. She then did a fashion show for them at the church; the kids wanted to be just like Nicole, but she said no and told them to be themselves because they are beautiful. After the fashion show Nicole’s pastor said to her that she has just created a ministry at The City of God Church in Bedford, TX, and he told her that the following year she needed to do it bigger; so she did. In November 2010, Nicole brought in gospel artist Da’ T.R.U.T.H. for the fashion show. She continued mentoring the girls and doing the fashion shows, developing the ministry further. Nicole says it helped her to provide a platform for not only the girls, but also for the artist in her city, who may not have had the chance to show their talent and ministry. Nicole says that the concept for the fashion shows is about helping people get out. She did not really have that outlet with having someone to help her better herself without them looking for something in return, so starting the ministry at the church is how she got started with her business as well. I asked Nicole where her drive came from, she answered “in efforts to please Him”; with all the stuff that she’s been through, even when she was little, she knew there had to be a purpose….something she was supposed to be doing for Him. “I know there is a purpose for why I am here, something bigger than me; I am just assisting in getting His work done, so the drive is just really to please Him”, says Nicole. The girls also help to keep Nicole going. They look up to her and they have great expectations of her, and that keeps Nicole motivated. Nicole admitted that she sometimes feels like she is not worthy to do half of the things that she does, and she beats herself up a lot; she adds that she might fall short and sit around and be in the dumps, but then she tells herself that people are waiting on her and she would hate to be out of His will and then someone dies at her spiritual expense. Nicole’s short term goals for her ministry is the constant girl’s workshop; she love the constant one-onone contact that she has with the girls. The long term goals include a full summer learning camp. “You never really know people until you live together”, says Nicole. She wanted to be able to get the girls to open up to her about issues so that she can learn them and help to grow them as a person. Nicole says that kids pick up on things that you do, so the will pick up a lot by living with her. A summer camp with a house full of girls is Nicole’s desire. Nicole wants to mentor the girls until she can not do it anymore. When He gave this assignment to Nicole to do she did not want to do it, but now it is her heart’s desire. Girl’s looking for mentorship can contact Nicole directly, with your parents, at ■■■


Los Angeles, Oakland, DC, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, St. Louis, and Charlotte! 29

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Celebrity Chef Ken Patrick

Southwestern Sliders with Ancho Mayonnaise Ingredients


Ancho Mayonnaise:

1 to 1 1/2 pounds ground chuck, 80/20

1 cup mayonnaise

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

2 tbsp ancho chili paste

1 ½ tsp each cumin & smoked paprika

Juice of 1 lime

Cheese slices, your choice

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Mini burger buns

Burger Bar: Ancho Mayonnaise Pickles Red onion slices Lettuce, your choice


Continued on page 32

Ancho Mayonnaise: Directions Add all the ingredients to a food processor and puree. Season, to taste, with salt and pepper.

Sliders: Preheat grill to medium-high heat. Form the meat into 2 to 3-ounce portions, packed tightly. Season with salt, pepper, cumin & smoked paprika. Place the sliders on the grill. Cook about 4 to 5 minutes and then flip and cook another 4 minutes. Top with cheese and close the grill, allowing the cheese to melt. Place the slider on mini burger buns and top with ancho mayonnaise and any other desired toppings. Recipe courtesy, Ken Patrick Culinary Group 2011


Southwestern Sliders with Ancho Mayonnaise


Created and Written by Debra Born2wryte™ Kennard

DESCRIPTION: Amber Christian is a woman in her 30s dealing with the everyday struggles of life while trying to maintain her Christianity. Amber likes to record her thoughts and feelings, as well as her dialogue with others on days that are significant to her. The goal of The Diary of Amber Christian© is to encourage, empower, inspire, motivate, comfort, and enlighten people to know that Christianity is a process, with God receiving all of the honor, the glory, and the praise.

DISCLAIMER: Though The Diary of Amber Christian © is based on real life issues and situations, all material contained in the Diary of Amber Christian©, including all character names, places, and events is entirely fictional, and any likeness to character names, places, and events is purely coincidental.

WARNING: Material may not be suitable for persons under the age of 18. Material contains adult subject matter, and may contain profanity. The Diary of Amber Christian is copyrighted material that may not be reproduced, in part or whole, without written permission from the creator. Permission for reproduction can be requested at

June 4, 2011: (Amber is at home relaxing as her friend stops by after working out at the gym not far away, and she remembers and records their conversation) Amber: Joshua I am tired. I am tired of struggling in relationships. Men won’t act right and my female friends are turning out not to be my friends at all. I just don't understand why I keep having this problem. Is it me? Joshua: Yes and no. No because you really do make wise decisions, they are just based on lies that people tell you. Yes because you give too much of yourself to those who do not deserve your love or friendship. Amber: But Joshua I don’t know how to be any other way. I never learned how to love...just a little or how to be only half of a friend. I give everything and everybody my all. Joshua: And I’m telling you now, that’s the problem. I am not saying don't be you, I am just saying that you give too much. You more than your all and most people are not equipped to handle your type of kindness and honesty. They will either think something is up with you or they will mistake you for being weak, gullible, and easy prey. Amber: Yeah and I think that is part of the reason I stay to myself a lot. I have not made any new “friends” cause I no longer trust the way that I use to, which is safe and lonely at the same time. Joshua: I know it’s not easy, but you have to start looking out for you and putting yourself before everyone else. You are always taking care of other people first, then you have nothing left for yourself. Amber: But doing for others is what makes me happy. Joshua: Amber I am not saying don't do anything for anybody, I’m just saying it is time to now take care of yourself and make yourself a priority for a change. Amber: I are right, it is just hard for me to do. (Joshua shakes his head) 33

Joshua: Amber in order to continue to be there for people you have to take better care of yourself. Amber: I know

Joshua: Ok, so what’s the latest on you and Jordan? Amber: Ugh, there is no me and Jordan? Joshua: Good!! Amber: I still love him, and he really is a good man with a good heart. Joshua: Then why are you always ending up in tears and anger behind him? Amber: Because we are human and we have our faults and problems like everyone else. Joshua: Do you have more happiness than sadness with him? Amber: Yes. Joshua: So what’s the problem? Why aren’t you guys married yet? It’s been 8 years. Amber: Well Joshua: Well nothing!! How long does he expect you to wait? Amber: He’s not expecting me to wait. Joshua: Then why are you waiting? Amber: Because I love him and I can see myself growing old with him. Joshua: News flash Amber….you are growing old without him. (Amber and Joshua break out in laughter) Amber: Joshua you are so wrong for that….you’re right, but you are wrong for saying it. (Laughter continues) Joshua: I just don’t want you to waste your life away waiting on him. If he really wanted to marry you, he would have done it by now. Amber: Maybe, but for sure I am tired of his excuse about being scared because he’s been married before. By now he’s been divorced more than twice as long as he was married. Joshua: See!! Amber: Yes, I know, but none of that changes the fact that I love him, and it really hurts because I truly want to spend the rest of my life with him. Joshua: Honestly Amber, I think God has something better in store for you and that’s why you and Jordan never seem to make it work. (Amber holds her head down in disappointment over Jordan) Joshua: Just wait on God and He will make it worth the wait.


Amber: I know that He will, but don’t get it twisted...Jordan really is a good man. He is an excellent provider and he’d take 3 jobs if that’s what it took to take care of his business and his family, and Jordan is sweet to me when he’s comfortable; it’s only when he is feeling insecure that he acts like a jerk. Joshua: Okay, I am not saying the man is not a good guy, I’m only concerned about how long you’re going to wait for him; again, it’s already been 8 years. (Amber shrugs her shoulders to say I do not know) Joshua: Well let’s talk about something else cause you know this is a sore subject for me. Amber: Okay let’s keep it light. When are you getting married? Joshua: Okay, now you trippin. (Amber and Joshua begin to laugh) Joshua: Maybe never, but definitely no time soon. Amber: Well you need to hurry up cause I want a god-daughter. Joshua: Then you need to get you a new best friend and let him or her have one for you cause this depository is closed. Amber: Whatever man. Joshua: No, I’m not gonna be able to do it. (Amber and Joshua continue laughing) Joshua: Well what else has been going on with you other than your work? How’ve you been keeping busy? Amber: Please….there is nothing but work to keep me busy. Joshua: So you haven’t been going out on any dates? Amber: Dude, are you kidding me? You know what happens when you date. Joshua: What Amber: You know! Joshua: Tell me. Amber: Joshua you know that 9 times out of 10 dating leads to having sex. Joshua: So? Amber: So I am tired of giving myself to someone who does not love me enough to marry me. Joshua: But you can’t get to that point without first dating. 35

Amber: I know and that’s the problem; even with the men who are in the church. You’d think that when you finally get a church going man you won’t have to worry about sex, then you find out that they are some of the biggest wolves out there.

Joshua: Wow!! Amber: What is one to do? You know in the church we are taught to set our sights on a God fearing man as opposed to one that is of the world, yet it turns out that the God fearing man is looking for as much sex as the one of the world. What do you do? I just throw my hands up. Joshua: I don’t know what to tell you about that. All I can really say is pray about it. Amber: I know; it is just all so disappointing though. I really want to find a man who talks that talk and walks that walk. I am not perfect, so I need someone who can catch me when I slip, not him slipping along with my and we both end up falling. (Joshua laughs) Joshua: That is going to be like looking for a needle in a hay stack, so again I say pray about it. Amber: Dude you know what I said when Jordan asked me why I wanted to get married so badly? Joshua: What? Amber: I told him I was tired of sinning. Every time I sin, I crucify Him, so when I end up fornicating I am left feeling guilty and ashamed; I am so tired of disappointing God like that. That’s why I am at the point of not wanting to date because I know that sex comes with the territory of dating. Joshua: Indeed...that is the reality of the situation. Amber: Yes, and reality make me retreat to living in a world of fantasy. Joshua: Well are you coming back to reality when Jordan gets here: (Amber laughs) Amber: I don’t know. I am really struggling with this fornication thing. I love Jordan, but...I don’t know. Joshua: How long is he out of town on business this time? Amber: About another week, then he will come in for 2 to 3 days and he’s gone again. Joshua: I’m sure your will decide what is best for you. Amber: I hope so. You know doing the right thing isn’t always the easiest thing to do. (Joshua nods his head in agreement with Amber) Joshua: Well what has Keith been up to? Have you talked to him lately? Amber: Oh yes. He called me a couple of weeks ago/ Joshua: Really?! Amber: Yep. He wanted to come over to see me. Joshua: Hmmmm…..


Amber: Hahahaha, yeah that’s what I said too. (Amber and Joshua laugh) Amber: Yeah he wanted to see me alright. He wanted to knock the cobwebs off, he said. (Much laughter) Amber: I didn’t mind seeing him, but I really was not interested in all of the other things he wanted to do. (Joshua is still laughing) Amber: He got here and we started talking and I found out that he is now living with his little girl’s mother. Joshua: His little girl?!!! Amber: That’s what I said. He acted as if he had told me about her before, but I know that he did not. So you know I was thinking to myself...oh my gosh, what else did he not tell me about when we were together. Joshua: That’s crazy. Amber: He really opened my eyes about him that day. I was so disappointed and so happy at the same time; disappointed because I thought he was a better man than that, and happy because I did not lose my mind behind him, and that I let him go when I did. Joshua: You know he was probably cheating on you too. Amber: When we were together towards the end, I felt like he was, but after talking to him that day, I know he was. I should have know better, but it was all so good in the beginning. Joshua: It always is. Amber: Well, I don’t have to worry whether or not I’ll be going back to him...I don’t want him back now. Joshua: Good! Now if I can just get you to feel that way about Jordan. Amber: That would be something, wouldn’t it? Joshua: Yeah, something great! Amber: Whatever man. Joshua: Hey, I’m just trying to keep hope alive. Amber: Yeah well you need to be trying to keep your good looks alive with a shave and a hair cut...and take a shower, you smell like outdoors. (Joshua and Amber laugh) Joshua: Ha ha ha, I love you too Amber. 37

Amber: No, you don’t love don’t have no love in your heart for me. (Private joke between Amber & Joshua) Joshua: You make sick.

Amber: I owed you that one. Joshua: Well consider yourself paid in full. Amber: Oh no, not yet; I owe you a little bit more. Joshua: Yeah yeah, whatever. What did you decide to do about your friend Monica? Amber: not use the word “friend” when referring to Monica. I have not decided yet on what I am going to do. Part of me feels sorry for her...a small part, but her childhood is no excuse for doing the things that she does. Shoot, I don’t know what I’m going to do. Joshua: You think it will help if you talk to her about it? Amber: Not sure. I’d like to think so, but I think that talking to her about it will make her want to be even more messy. Joshua: If it is like that then you may want to go ahead and limit your interaction with her or cut ties all together. She is definitely not your friend if she constantly tries to set you up to be seen and talked about in a negative way. Amber: I know. I just haven’t decided how to do it or when. Joshua: Well you may need to pray about that too. Amber: Right. You know I really hate cutting someone completely out of my life. I have done it so much in the past, even though it was warranted, I want to try and allow people the opportunity to be restored. I’ve had a habit of forgiving people, but not allowing restoration, and I’m trying to do better. Joshua: Like I said, pray about it. You still praying about the situation with your brother? Amber: I need to, but I’m not. Joshua: What? Why not? Amber: I don’t know. I guess cause I’ve gone from hurt to mad. Joshua: That’s normal, but unlike Monica, he is your blood. Don’t give up on him. Amber: Easier said than done. Joshua: Everything is easier said than done, but I know you love your brother. You worked hard to have that relationship. Don’t throw it all away because he made a stupid and immature mistake. Amber: Maybe if I was at a different level in my life I could be more positive about it, but I’m at the point of being so tired of people doing me wrong that being positive is not what I even want to do. I am really sick of people, and my attitude is tart. Joshua: Amber I truly understand that, but that’s your brother. Amber: Yeah...I’ll try to talk myself into praying about it. Joshua: Have you forgiven him? Amber: I don’t think so...maybe, I don’t know cause I try not to think about it.


Joshua: Are you going to try and talk to him to find out what happened? Amber: Ugh, no! He said he didn’t want anything to do with me. I asked him what was wrong in the last message I sent, and he has not responded so it’s apparent that he does not want to talk about it, and I am more than happy to oblige him in not trying to force the issue. (Joshua shakes his head) Joshua: Amber you’re the have to be the bigger person and try to fix this. Amber: What….are you kidding me? Joshua: No, I’m very serious. Amber: are very off your rocker. How am I supposed to talk to someone who does not want to talk to me? I’m not going to let this be my issue. If he decides that he wants to talk to me then I will talk to him, but I’m not about to let this matter disrupt my life. Joshua: But what if it’s 20 years from now? Amber: Then so be it. It’s on him, not me. Joshua: Okay, I’m going to pray for you. Amber: That might be what you will have to do cause I’m too mad to care right now. I know it’s wrong, but it’s how I feel. Joshua: Well I can’t blame you for what you feel, but again I say that I’m going to pray for you because I know you are a better person than that. Amber: Hell I’m tired of being the better person; it’s so unfair. Sometimes I feel like all the love that God put in my hear is like a double edged sword and it does me more harm than good. Joshua: But Amber He put it there for a reason, and it’s not all about you. Amber: I know, I know, I know. Joshua: Just try to hold on and stay true to your character and the day will come when He reveals to you why He made you the way He did, and at that moment all the heartache and pain that you endured because of it, you will be grateful for. Without the heartache and pain, you could never rejoice in your blessings, and with all the pain I know you’ve experienced, your victory will be the sweetest of all time. Amber: I hope you’re right. Joshua: Just stay strong as you can, and when you feel yourself getting weak, ask the Lord for His strength and He will give it to you. Amber: Thank you Joshua, I really needed to hear that. (Tears roll down Amber’s face and she gives Joshua a hug) Joshua: That’s what friends are for. Amber: And you are my “Best” one.


Joshua: Ditto. Now stop messing up my shirt. (Amber and Joshua laugh) Amber: Forget you. Joshua: What I’m trying to forget is how ugly you look when you cry. Girl you could scare a scarecrow right now...please do something about your face. Amber: Ok, now see, I owe you a whole lot more now. You keep it up and I will forever be indebted to you. Joshua: By the time I get done with you your debt will be greater than the national debt. Amber: You better slow your roll Dude...that’s too much. (Amber and Joshua continue to laugh) Joshua: Okay, I’m out. Momma is waiting on me to drop by. Amber: Okay, tell her I said hello. Joshua: Will do. Talk to you later Amber: Okay, love you. Joshua: Love you too. Be good and go out and meet someone new. Amber: Ha ha ha, yeah okay. I’ll tell Jordan you said hello. (Amber closes out her day getting ready for bed as she contemplates what she will do about her situation with Jordan, Monica...her so-called friend, and her brother) To be continued…………….



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