Born2wryte's Gospel Connection

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Born2wryte's Gospel Connection™ Norris J Proudly Proclaims…


Forgiveness…. What Does It Really Mean? Part I

“The Rain”

“The GOOD NEWS” Sermon by Pastor Denny Davis

“A Child’s Angel...A Salute To Mothers for Mother’s

Poem by Ulice “Tre” Threadgill III

“Get Connected” ! © 2011 Born2wryte's Gospel Connection™ - All Rights Reserved

April-June 2011 Volume 2 No. 2

Born2wryte's Gospel Connection™

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples”.

- John 15: 4-8

© 2011 Born2wryte’s Gospel Connection™ - All Rights Reserved - Printed in USA


CONTENTS ________________________________

FEATURES: Industry News 6-12 “The Good News”: Sermon from Pastor Denny Davis 13-16 ―Feuding Over Favor: Grumbling Over Grace‖ by Pastor Denny Davis

Wryters’ Sanctuary 18 ―The Rain‖ by Ulice “Tre” Threadgill III

19 ―Trusting God To Be God

Born2wryte’s Gospel Connection™ PUBLISHER: So Let It Be Wrytten Media Publications™

___________________________________ EDITOR: Editor –In- Chief: Debra Born2wryte™ Kennard Managing Editor: Kathryn Brown

by Dorothy Price

Cover Story 21-22 Norris J Proudly Proclaims… ‖I Need Jesus‖ by Born2wryte™

Let’s Talk About It 24 Forgiveness….What Does It Really Mean? Part I

___________________________________ Photo Journalist and Videographer: Freddie Watkins Forever Photography Studio ___________________________________

by Born2wryte™

Think About It 26 Good Friday...The Day The Savior Died by Born2wryte™

27 “One Is A Whole Number‖ by Annawaynette Woods Kennard

Born2wryte’s Gospel Connection™ 5909 Stone Meadow Ct. Arlington, TX 76017 817-210-8427

28-29 Slaying Giants by Howard Drummond

31 ―A Child‘s Angel...A Salute To Mothers for Mother‘s Day

33 Father‘s Day Prayer ________________________________ COMING SOON: The Diary of Amber Christian™ Cookin N The Spirit™

Born2wryte’s Gospel Connection™ Magazine is a division of Born2wryte Media Productions™. Born2wryte’s Gospel Connection™ is quarterly publication. No portion of this 3 listing, magazine, including without limitation, articles and may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher.

The Editor‟s Word A division of Born2wryte Media Productions™….Born2wryte’s Gospel Connection™ (BGC) is an quarterly online publication whose target is both the “Churched” and the unchurched”. Our focus is on helping and encouraging men, women, and children of all ages, and to uplift, and educate people on what sayeth the Lord. Part of our mission is to serve as a gateway to get and keep you connected to the “Spirit” and the “Word” of God. BGC would like to offer everyone an opportunity to write and have your work published in the Wryters” Sanctuary™ section of the magazine. The Wryters‘ Sanctuary‘s™ purpose is to be a vehicle for a positive outlet, as opposed to a negative outlet for the strongholds in our lives. Our prayer is that if at least one person is helped, healed or saved by what they have read in Gospel Connection, then we have a accomplished our goal, assigned to us by God. We will strive daily to accomplish this goal, over, and over, and over again…….until the trumpet sounds. A very special Happy Mothers Day and Happy Father‘s Day to all!!!

“Get Connected”



CITY OF PEACE MEDIA SETS MAY 2011 RELEASE FOR JOHN WALLER'S AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE By McCain & Co. The Artist that Brought Us "While I'm Waiting" from the Movie "Fireproof" To Release Highly Anticipated CD Through Provident-Integrity Distribution. Nashville, Tenn. (March 23, 2011) - John Waller, the popular recording artist who touched the world with the extraordinary song "While I'm Waiting" from the motion picture "Fireproof," is back with a brand new collection of scripture-based songs and declaration-style anthems designed to inspire listeners to fight the good fight of faith. Waller's eagerly anticipated enhanced CD, As For Me and My House, is set for a May 3, 2011 release through Provident-Integrity Distribution. It is his first project since signing with Nashville-based City of Peace Media. Waller first captured the attention of the Christian music community as frontman for the pop band, According to John. But the talented Georgia native laid down his aspirations for a career as a performing artist when he and his wife Josee felt led to move to Colorado to help establish a new church. Songs that were birthed in Waller during that time opened new doors for the worship leader, and his major label debut, The Blessing, introduced his music to a wider audience. His follow-up solo project included the powerful title track, "While I'm Waiting," which was the only song played in its entirety in "Fireproof," the No. 1 independent film of 2008. John Waller has never been an artist who cranked out a new album every year simply to meet the demands of the marketplace. Instead, his songwriting is the natural result of spending time communing with God. "I don't think I could write a record in any less than a year or two," Waller muses, "because you really have to walk with the Lord, experiencing life and allowing Him to teach you something." That time spent walking with God has caused Waller to perceive numerous parallels between the life journey of contemporary believers and those of the ancient Israelites, particularly in the areas of bondage and freedom, spiritual warfare and dominion. "I suffered with depression for so many years," Waller confesses. "I was in bondage but the Lord set me free. He healed me and taught me a lot about blessing and speaking life. Many of the songs on my first solo album came out of that. The Lord has given all of us so many promises that are ours for the taking, yet there is a battle to lay hold of what God has 6 promised us."

Waller has long been known for injecting heavy doses of scripture into his songs, and As For Me and My House is no exception. He boldly proclaims the Word of God to this generation through a rich variety of musical styles ranging from tender, heartfelt prayers like "Somebody Else's Story," to poignant ballads like "Man of the Valley," to his trademark declaration anthems such as the impassioned spiritual warfare battle cry "Our God Reigns Here" and "Bless Us and Keep Us," both of which express God's heart for Israel. "Hiding God's Word in my heart has impacted every area of my life since I began memorizing scripture in my early college days. What has been stored away in my heart just comes out of me when I write," Waller declares. "When people memorize scripture and sing the truth of God's Word, it changes their lives forever." The title track highlights the album's theme of declaring our allegiance to God. The music video version of "As For Me and My House" has already started to go viral, with more than 20,000 views on YouTube within a few weeks of its release. To view the video, visit "Yes" continues Waller's assertion that God is good and His plans for His children are positive, yet he also addresses the seeming dichotomy of bad things happening to good people in "Because God is Good." Waller co-wrote the song with Third Day frontman Mac Powell and the album's producer, Jason Hoard. "Every believer that I know can relate to the fact that life doesn't go the way we plan it all the time," Waller explains, "but the Bible promises that all things work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. It is because God is good that sometimes life doesn't go the way we want it to go!" Although John Waller is frequently associated with declaration anthems, As For Me and My House offers plenty of opportunity for introspection and worship on such songs as "The Jesus I Need," "Fallen" and "Count it All." One of the album's highlights that holds particular significance to Waller is his sweetly sung duet, "The Marriage Prayer," which he sings with his wife, Josee. More than just the title of an album, John Waller wants Joshua 24:15 — "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" — to become a heart's cry for individuals and families across the country and the world. In the hope that it will restore our focus back to family values, Waller is offering a free song download to those who sign the Joshua 24:15 Declaration on his website, John Waller's As For Me and My House will release May 3, 2011 on City of Peace Media and will be distributed through Provident-Integrity Distribution. For more information on John Waller and As For Me and My House, visit or ■■■



Producer/Performer/Worship Leader's Sophomore CD to Release Through Save the City Records and ProvidentIntegrity Distribution. Seattle, Wash. (March 14, 2011) - Save the City Records is proud to announce the April 5, 2011 release of Inside These Walls, the sterling sophomore CD from critically acclaimed producer/performer/worship leader Brandon Bee. The project builds on the anticipation created by Bee's 2009 debut, This is the Revolution, and 2010's stripped down, introspective Surrendered EP. Bee has earned the respect of his peers as a producer by bringing out the best in a long line of established and up-and-coming artists, including Grammy Award nominee/Dove Award winner Stacie Orrico; Juno Award nominee/Island Award winner Matthew James; pop/rockers Amber Pacific, Jaime Jamgochian and Lanae Hale; West Coast rapper Benjiman, 2009 Immerse winner Jake Brothers and indie folk-pop rising star Beth Whitney. Bee most recently produced Circleslide's exciting 2010 CD, Echoes of the Light. Bee credits being immersed in that creative atmosphere with inspiring his own music to greater heights. "As a producer, I'm constantly pushing artists to stretch themselves and that carries over to me stretching myself whenever I'm creating for one of my own projects in the studio," Bee explains. "I'm always making sure no two songs sound the same and I gain inspiration by constantly being around an artistic community that's bringing something fresh to the table." After spending two years on the road touring in support of This is the Revolution, Bee recognized he had a lot more to say about the Christian journey — a journey we all go through with varying levels of success. "We go through seasons where we live the life and seasons where we don't, so thank God we are saved by grace," Bee muses. "Realizing that many of us are going through the same types of things, I decided to make a record about my journey." To help shape his vision for Inside These Walls, Bee called on the talents of a cadre of fellow songwriters, producers and musicians, including Scott Krippayne (Jordin Sparks' "This Is My Now"), Carl Cartee ("Glorious Impossible") and Circleslide frontman Gabe Martinez ("Love Amazing"). Bee called on his own experience and personal testimony of going through seasons of both faith and doubt, acceptance and rejection to create a soundtrack for the journey that is summed up in the metaphoric title cut and embellished by the rest of the songs on the project. Bee's worship leader roots shine through on "Radiant Sun (Give Thanks to the One)," and worship 8 anthems like "The Everlasting Song" and "Bring Me To Life" could easily be sung in congregational settings on Sunday morning. But Bee is just as likely to encase his pensive, semi-autobiographical lyrics in a grittier wrapper of good old fashioned rock 'n' roll on songs like "Helpless" and "Bones."

Brandon Bee's Inside These Walls mirrors life's journey, with compelling melodies that rise and fall, ebb and flow, aptly reflecting how as believers we all stumble, fall, then get back up again. Regardless of the style of the individual songs, each is autobiographically inspired and soul-baringly honest. "Everybody needs to be reminded that we're all sinners and we all need a savior," Bee declares. "My goal with Inside These Walls is that people will look at it as a devotional. For me personally, the process has allowed me to learn more about myself and why I need God, though my hope is that people see less of me and examine more within their own life. Even though my stuff may look a little different from theirs, we're all going through this walk together." Brandon Bee's Inside These Walls will be available April 5, 2011 through Save the City Records and Provident-Integrity Distribution. For more information on Brandon Bee and Inside These Walls, visit or ■■■


Brandon Bee's Inside These Walls will be available April 5, 2011 through Save the City Records and Provident-Integrity Distribution.

10 Photo courtesy of McCain PR News


Circleslide shares stage with Nicole C. Mullen, Mark Lowry and more Nashville, Tenn. (March 8, 2011) - Critically acclaimed Christian pop/rock band Circleslide recently shared the stage with Nicole C. Mullen, Mark Lowry, Micah Stampley, SISTERS, Byron "Mr. Talkbox" Chambers with Beckah Shae, Trin-i-tee 5:7 and Karen Peck & New River during the 2011 National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) Convention "Night of Music." The band entertained the enthusiastic packed out crowd with selections from their latest release, Echoes of the Light. "The band and I had an amazing time at NRB 2011. It was an honor to share the stage with Nicole C. Mullen, Bryon 'Talkbox' Chambers, Beckah Shae and more, and to meet many of the men and women who work so hard to share the kingdom of God over the airwaves," says Circleslide frontman Gabe Martinez. "There was a sense of community at this event that we feel will carry us through the rest of the year!" About Circleslide: Since the band's debut project, which landed them on Christianity Today's list of "Best New Artists," among other accolades, Circleslide - whose lineup includes frontman Gabe Martinez, lead guitarist Jonathan DeAnda, bassist Eric Vickers and drummer Lee Yoder - has toured unceasingly, refining their modern rock ruminations, while keeping their ministry agenda firmly in focus. In addition to shows with newsboys, tobyMac, MercyMe, Casting Crowns, Salvador, Jaci Velasquez and downhere, the guitar-driven band has headlined everything from clubs to churches and colleges, with plenty of youth camps and outreach events in between - all of which build off the group's Youth With A Mission beginnings. The band was developing Echoes of the Light last spring when Nashville was hit with a devastating flood which destroyed Martinez's house, as well as all of the band's gear, instruments, PA and trailer. Circleslide's ordeal, and the season of spiritual reassurance which followed, directly inspired the band's recent songwriting. "We have a renewed realization that God has called us to this ministry, says Martinez. "Nothing's going to hold us back from spreading His word." Circleslide's Echoes of The Light is available on Save the City Records and distributed through Provident-Integrity Distribution. For more information on Circleslide and Echoes of The Light, visit or About NRB: NRB's annual Convention & Exposition is the largest nationally and internationally recognized event dedicated solely to assist those in the field of Christian communications. The Exposition consists of nearly 300 companies and is an active marketplace for those seeking tools and services to expand their organizations. NRB 2011 was held at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville, TN. Photo Caption: Circleslide and Nicole C. Mullen at the 2011 NRB "Night of Music."



“The Good News” Sermon by Pastor Denny Davis He is meek, gentle, compassionate, kind, innovative, anointed, yet humble, and one of the elite of dynamically illustrious storytellers of the ―Good News‖ of Jesus Christ. Photo by Willie Johnson

Pastor Denny Davis is the senior pastor of St. John Baptist Church. Born and raised in the twin cities of Champaign-Urbana, IL, Pastor Davis moved to Texas in 1980 to attend Bishop College.

Pastor Davis first began to preach at the tender age of 14. He admits that his life was on the fast track, and that his life was contrary to the word of God. He had an issue with preachers, and preaching was not on his agenda, Pastor Davis confessed. But he one day had an arresting experience with God, and God confirmed to him that his life would not matter unless he yielded to His will and His way. Pastor Davis then knew that it was time to bring order and responsibility to his life. Pastor Davis humbly proclaimed that he would have been satisfied by just being the best Christian that God would have him to be. Yet, he never felt a sense of purpose and fulfillment until he yielded to God and accepted God‘s call. With God inspiring and guiding him to his text, Pastor Davis wrote his first sermon by himself. His sermon had three points, and it still makes sense today. Under his father in the ministry, Dr. Lundy Savage, Pastor Davis preached his first sermon at Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Champaign, IL. Pastor Davis did not stop there, he preached every month after that, and to this date. As a matter of fact, February 17, 2007, marked the 30 anniversary year of his preaching career. Pastor Davis enjoys preaching, not only because it brings him a sense of purpose and fulfillment, but also because it is what God has gifted him to all about God. With that said, Pastor Davis believes that it is time for Christians to rise to the occasion and maintain the agenda of Christ. He feels that the Church must step up its offense against the enemy, and storm the gates of hell and bring down the strongholds built by Satan. Focusing on scripture and focusing on Christ, is the key point about it all, says Pastor Davis. ―Anytime we cease to center what we do on Christ, we fail to lead the Church. Seeking to preach a word that helps people live better now, and then prepare them for living better by and by‖, is what Pastor Davis strives for daily. Do not pass up an opportunity to be blessed; Stop by enjoy worship service with Pastor Davis and St. John Baptist Church at one of their 3 locations, including Nokia Theater in Grand Prairie, TX, or you can reach Pastor Davis at 1701 W. Jefferson St., Grand Prairie, TX 75051, 972-263-5955 800 S. Kimball Ave., Southlake, TX 76092, 817-410-8990


Feuding Over Favor: Grumbling Over Grace © Matthew 20:1-16 NKJV by Rev. Dr. Denny D. Davis For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. Now when he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. And he went out about the third hour and saw others standing idle in the marketplace, and said to them, „You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you.‟ So they went. Again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did likewise. And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing idle, and said to them, „Why have you been standing here idle all day?‟ They said to him, „Because no one hired us.‟ He said to them, „You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right you will receive.‟ “So when evening had come, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward, „Call the laborers and give them their wages, beginning with the last to the first.‟ And when those came who were hired about the eleventh hour, they each received a denarius. But when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more; and they likewise received each a denarius. And when they had received it, they complained against the landowner, saying, „These last men have worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the heat of the day.‟ But he answered one of them and said, „Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? Take what is yours and go your way. I wish to give to this last man the same as to you. Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good?‟ So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen.” Periodically, God will give us a glimpse into glory so that we will understand how heaven functions. Every now and then, God will pull back the curtains of eternity to give us a peek into what eternity looks like. You will discover as you consider this text that it is not really dealing with the aspect of salvation, but it is dealing with the believer‘s reward. I need to qualify this because if you believe that this text is dealing with the matter of salvation, then it would suggest that there is such a thing as works righteousness---that we can work our way into salvation. We are not saved because of our works; we are saved because of God‘s grace which we receive through faith. As a result of God‘s grace, we understand that we work not to become saved, but we work because we are saved. The parable about the laborers in the vineyard is difficult for many of us because like the rich young ruler in Matthew 19, we approach the matter with the wrong attitude. Before delving into the parable about the laborers in the vineyard, let us consider the parable about the rich young ruler which immediately precedes it. In Matthew 19, a rich young ruler makes his way up to Jesus, saying, ―‘Good Teacher, what is it that I must do that I might inherit eternal life?‘ Jesus looked at him and inquired, ‗Why do you call me good?‘‖ (Matt. 19:17). In other words, are you trying to flatter your way into the kingdom of God? The man continues his dialogue with Jesus. As the conversation progresses, Jesus says to the man, in essence, if you really want to enter the kingdom, if you really want eternal life, then this is what you ought to do: keep the commandments. The rich young ruler looks perplexed at Jesus, wondering which of the commandments He is referring to because all of them he has kept from his youth up. Jesus continued, ―If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me‖ (Matt. 19:21). He went away exceedingly sorrowful because he had great possessions. I contend that this young man wanted the kingdom, but he did not want the kingdom first. There are many people who want the kingdom, but they do not want the kingdom first. As a result, when tension arises between fulfilling self and fulfilling God‘s kingdom agenda, many times the kingdom‘s agenda fails to win first priority. The rich young ruler was wealthy, but he did not want to operate according to kingdom principles. Essentially, he wanted to add without giving up what he had. While this scene takes place, the disciples are observing. Peter is disturbed because Jesus has dismissed the rich young ruler without signing him up for the kingdom‘s enterprise. To paraphrase, Peter tells Jesus that if He had allowed this fellow to follow us, he could have underwritten our budget. Peter is disturbed. Peter has probably grappled within his mind, thinking, ―I have forsaken everything to follow You. These other disciples are 14 standing around and not talking much right now, but they are thinking the same thing. We left houses, land and families. We left everything to follow You. Now You have allowed a man who could underwrite our budget to walk away.‖

The disciples wanted to know what was is in it for them. We may not have raised the question like Peter, but in some ways we may have already reached a conclusion. Perhaps this is the reason why so many of us are inconsistent in our service unto the Lord. Often, pursuing personal fulfillment as it relates to our time, talent, and treasure takes precedence over service unto the Lord. Finally, after we have depleted everything, we give to the kingdom out of our scarcity. After Jesus tells the parable about the rich young ruler, He transitions to the parable about the landowner who hires workers throughout the day to work in his vineyard. The owner of the vineyard hires workers at six o‘clock in the morning and negotiates a penny for the day‘s work. At nine o‘clock in the morning, the owner of the vineyard goes out again and hires additional workers. At twelve o‘clock noon, three o‘clock in the afternoon and at five o‘clock in the evening, he goes out and hires even more workers. I imagine the laborers who started out at six o‘clock in the morning were excited as additional workers entered the vineyard. The six o‘clock crew probably thought the more help, the better. Finally, the work day came to a close. At six o‘clock in the evening the landowner instructed his manager to blow the whistle and give the laborers their pay, beginning with the last and then going to the first. So the manager blew the whistle and informed the workers that it was pay time. Everyone gathered and was standing around waiting to get their pay. This is when the grumbling started. The six o‘clock crew was upset to learn that the workers who came at five o‘clock in the evening would be paid first. How unfair, they thought. But the story gets worse. The manager asked the landowner how much he wanted to pay the people who came to work at five o‘clock in the evening. He said to pay them a penny. Those who began work at six o‘clock in the morning started doing the math. They said there are twelve hours in the work day: if he is going to pay them a penny for that one hour, then he is certainly going to pay us twelve pennies for the day. But the story gets worse. The landowner now looks at the manager and says, ―I want to pay the next crew.‖ The manager inquired, ―Who do you want to pay next?‖ The landowner said, ―Pay those who came at three o‘clock in the afternoon.‖ The manager asked, ―How much do you want to pay them?‖ The landowner said, ―Pay them one penny.‖ Those who started at six o‘clock in the morning thought that certainly he would divide the day into equal parts, and maybe they would get four pennies for the day. Next, the landowner pays the noon crew. The manager asked, ―How much do you want to pay the noon crew?‖ The landowner instructed him to pay the noon crew one penny. At this point, those who started at six o‘clock in the morning were becoming restless. They thought that perhaps he would divide the work day into two equal parts, which would give them two pennies for the day. The landowner said to his manager, ―I have another crew I need to pay.‖ The manager asked, ―How much do you want to pay?‖ He said, ―Pay the crew that came in at nine o‘clock in the morning one penny.‖ At this point, those who started at six o‘clock in the morning were completely perplexed and thought that surely the landowner would give them one penny and a half. Finally, he gets to the six o‘clock crew. The manager, with the landowner by his side asks, ―How much do you want to pay those who started at six o‘clock in the morning?‖ The landowner instructed him to pay the six o‘clock crew one penny, just as he had paid the last crew. The six o‘clock crew was stunned and angry. The six o‘clock crew was upset because they did not understand the compensation package. They were operating on the basis of seniority. Seniority suggests that because you have been at work longer than the rest, you are entitled to receive more. So it is in the church. Some people believe that since they have been around the church longer than other people, then they are entitled to more. But God says the kingdom does not really operate on the basis of seniority. There are many lessons we can learn from this parable. Perhaps the landowner did hire enough workers at six o‘clock in the morning to get the job done, but maybe they were not doing what they should have been doing. So instead of firing them, the landowner just hired additional workers. Perhaps selfishness was at work. Consider this: the workers were grumbling and it was not their money; it was not their vineyard. The landowner rebuked this wrong attitude in the end. He asked, ―Don‘t I have the prerogative to do what I want to do with my money and with 15 my vineyard?‖ Sincerity is the issue with God. It is not a matter of how long you have been in the field, but rather what you have been doing since you have been in the field.

Essentially, competitive practices influenced their attitude. In other words, they became jealous. Jealousy has ruined many relationships. The six o‘clock crew was grumbling and upset because they were jealous. I suppose they would have waited and joined the five o‘clock crew if they had known everyone would receive equal pay. Not only were they jealous, but they were also judgmental. God has never called us to judge others. We should not judge one another because we really do not know what a person has had to go through to get where they are. Not only were they jealous and judgmental, but they also wanted justice. In other words, they were saying, ―This is not fair.‖ How often do we place more focus on what is fair and just, rather than focusing on God‘s mercy and grace to all? The six o‘clock crew was grumbling because they did not understand the compensation package. In addition, they were grumbling because of competitive practices. But, finally they were grumbling because they misunderstood the commendable principle in the text. In other words, God was trying to teach them about His nature and attitude. Sometimes God blesses us with things we do not deserve so that we can understand His generosity. In other words, the fact that the landowner paid everyone the same amount meant that he was a generous landowner. Likewise, we serve a generous God. Consider the atmosphere. It is a reminder that we serve a generous God. All we really need is the sun to shine to illuminate the day, but God in His generosity gives us more. He gives us the moon by night and decorates the heavens with stars. He gives us more love than we can justify and more forgiveness than we can rationalize. He is a generous God. This parable reminds us of God‘s grace. God‘s grace is sufficient. God extends His grace by looking beyond our faults and attending to our needs. God is not impressed with seniority; God is impressed with sincerity. Many Christians brag about how long they have been saved. But the real question is what have you been doing since you have been saved? God will save some people today, and they will do more in a week than some have done in a year. God can bless whomever He wants to bless, with whatever He wants to bless them with, whenever He gets ready. Many do not understand the parable because they are looking at it from the wrong point of view. Often, we look at the parable from the top down, instead of the bottom up. Any time you look at life from the top down, you will always grumble and become jealous and judgmental. In other words, as you reflect back over your life and see how far the Lord has brought you, then you will discover that you really cannot grumble or complain. ■■■



“The Rain”© by Ulice “Tre” Threadgill III March 15, 1985 - August 6, 2000 Poem written December 1999

When I see the rain I think of pain I think of all the pain I ever went through Sometimes it still makes me boohoo But when I really think about it The rain is just one of God‘s storms So rain is just a test Not meaning any harm See, the rain helps you get closer to God But when you are in that storm, We start to think God is trying to hide All the rain is a lesson that God is trying to teach us After the storm, with your new found wisdom, Use it as a weapon Heaven‘s highway is a hard road to follow But when you fall, God will always know Pick yourself up and keep walking And then that is when God will start talking Not to you, but through you Remember God is always with you, But He won‘t always do for you When you feel the rain And go through the pain You and my God will always be the same After the rain, we will see the rainbow And that means this test you have won Strike one more for God And His Son


Trusting God to Be God© Proverbs 3:5-6 by Dorothy Price

We all make choices every day; to get out of bed or not; eat breakfast or not; and whether to trust God or try to control our own lives. GOD IS FAITHFUL The book of Joshua tells the story of how the Israelites flight for the Promised Land. They struggled with whom to trust. When they trusted the Lord, He was faithful to help them; proving again His ever-present help. God does promise and He is faithful. He is worthy of our whole-hearted trust. Earlier, when the Israelites found themselves at the mouth of the Red Sea, they were frightened. In Exodus 14:13-14 Moses said to them Don‘t be afraid, stand firm (still) and see the salvation of the Lord which He will show you today; for the Egyptians that you see today, you will not see them again – no more forever. The Lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace. What did the Lord tell Moses to do? Lift up thy rod, stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. The Israelites went across on dry land through the midst of the sea. However, the next morning when the Egyptians attempted to cross, the Lord told Moses to stretch forth his hand over the sea; and the sea returned to its strength and the Lord overthrew the Egyptian in the midst of the sea. God has proven time and time again that over everyday situations, do not be discouraged. He has proven himself repeatedly to be faithful in aiding us with our problems; our relationship, within His protection of us and our families and His provisions for us. If we doubt in any area of our lives, what does that say about our perception of God?; that He‘s not God?; that He does not have control; that He does not know what‘s best for us? He may not provide in the way we think best, and sometimes He provides in a way that stretches our faith, but we must surrender to His faithfulness and He will provide for us. I began speaking of choices that we make every day. In reality, we must make choices to change our lives and then comes the decision to trust God with our lives. Remember, God is Faithful; He keeps His promises! 19


Norris J Proudly Proclaims… ―I Need Jesus‖ by Born2wryte™

A member of New Breed Church Center in Fort Worth, TX under the leadership of Pastors Darrell and Latonja Blair, Norris is not only a Christian, but he is a Deacon in the church as well. Norris is also a songwriter who is extremely passionate about songwriting. Norris informed me that rapping is his way of preaching; ―I am like a farmer, and I am planting seeds all over the place with the gift that God has given me‖, said Norris. Not simply because he grew up in church, but it is also due to the fact that he was never comfortable doing wrong, is the reason that Norris was never in a gang or involved in destructive behavior. Norris admits he went through a phase, as everyone does, but it did not feel right to him, so fortunately he was able to get back to himself and be about the Lord‘s business. So when says that he only raps about what he knows, it is evident that he knows a lot. Deitrick Haddon, Mary Mary, and Fred Hammond are among the gospel greats that Norris admires most in the world. Inspired, Norris started a group with his friend Paul Gardner in 2001. In 2006, they released their self-titled debut CD ―Xfactor‖. Even though Norris believed his future was in the NBA, God had other plans for him. Although Norris finally realized his purpose was to be God‘s voice, he never thought that he would be delivering the message solo. In his solo debut ―INJ‖, Norris exposes himself completely as he reveals his journey in life; he does it in hopes of letting others know that they are not alone. He keeps it real in order for others to be able to relate and find strength, inspiration, and empowerment in his message. The delivery of Norris‘ message is impressively powerful because of the passion and conviction behind every word that leaves his lips. When listening to Norris‘ music you find yourself actively head bobbing, finger snapping, hand clapping, and body rocking with a big smile on your face. The music is ―Hot‖ and the lyrics are liberating. You will feel the weight of any guilt, fear, shame, peer pressure, self-doubt, and any 21 negative burden you have take flight. Norris‘ music will leave you hopeful, feeling empowered, and strengthened to the point of being able to stand strong with the purpose of turning from your

ways to yearning for God‘s purpose in your life. In efforts of drawing in the masses by meeting them where they are, Norris uses a contemporary method of delivering the ―good news‖. Norris objective for his music is for everyone to the ―Word‖; the message in the song. Trying to build the Kingdom is his ultimate goal; a goal that I know he will not only reach, but he will surpass. Norris confided in me that he wished he could preach……I have news for you Norris……you can. Norris‘ ―INJ‖ CD is incomprehensively magical and filled with a number of songs that you will adopt as your personal anthem. Every song speaks to your heart, and you feel as though you were having a talk with God. You can not help but to feel triumphant, and like Norris, you will proudly proclaim ―I Need Jesus‖. To learn about Norris J, his music, business, upcoming performances, and how to book him, visit ■■

***To Norris J….. I say “Thank you”! This CD is going to make a difference in the lives of so many people; it has already made a difference in mine. You are truly anointed. You have a gift, and I am so grateful that you chose to use it for the building of God’s Kingdom. I pray that He continues to bless you, guide you, and keep you strong on your journey.


23 Photo from Light Records

Forgiveness…What Does It Really Mean? Part I by Born2wryte™

The bible tells us to forgive those who have trespassed against us (Genesis 50:17, I Kings 8:50, Luke 11:4), but what does it really mean? Does it mean that we are to forget what one has done to us and continue on as if nothing ever happened? Do we just let people walk all over us and do or say what they want to hurt us and just look the other way? No….it can‘t be…could it? Well, what if we forgive them, but no longer allow them to be close to us? Who wants to set themselves up to be hurt, deceived, stabbed in the back, or discriminated against? Surely we can protect ourselves that way, right? Or does that mean that we truly have not forgiven that person or those people? The bible also tells us to forgive in order to be forgiven (Numbers 12:19, Matthew 6:14, Mark 11:25, Luke 6:37), but why? Nine times out of ten the person or people that we are forgiving could care less if they are forgiven or not; they are not looking to be forgiven because they have no remorse for what they have done. So why is forgiveness necessary? Who is forgiveness really for anyway? Now Luke 17:3 says ―if your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him‖. Okay, so does that mean Photo from that we are off the hook and we do not have to forgive them if they do .not repent? Yet when you read II Corinthians 2:10 which says ―Now whom you forgive anything, I also forgive. For indeed I have forgiven anything, I have f orgiven that one for your sakes in the presence of Christ.‖ Okay now with that said, then we are back to square one; why do we have to forgive. The answers to all of these questions will be addressed in Part II. Until then, drop me a line and let me know what forgiveness means to you. Send your thoughts to with the word Forgiveness in the Subject line. ■■■


Los Angeles, Oakland, DC, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, St. Louis, and Charlotte! 25

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Good Friday‌. The Day the Savior Died by Born2wryte™

Lies, violence, lust, greed, and pride; it was not His debt to pay. Sloth, murder, adultery, fornication, and idolatry; it was not His debt to pay. Thievery, gluttony, hatred, disobedience, and sin as a whole; it was not His debt to pay. Yet, because He loved us so, our debt He chose to pay. So that we may have life eternal, He chose to be lied on, scorned, imprisoned, beaten, and crucified to death; for our sins, not His. He had no sin; on Him nothing could be blamed. He was spotless, but for the chance that we may be reconciled back to God, He died on the cross; on this day, the day that we recognize as Good Friday. Are we grateful? Have we taken advantage of what was given to us; what we did not have to pay for, or did He die in vain? Let us seek to be imitators of Christ and develop and exemplify the fruits of the Spirit in our Spiritual walk with God to ensure that His death was not in vain.


One Is A Whole Number by Annawaynette Woods Kennard I am reminded of the praise song ―One Is A Lonely Number‖. Single people are reminded that they are in some way incomplete if they do not have a mate. So much is this thought promoted by society, most of us who are single believe in this perception. ―Married‖ people appear to enjoy life so much more; think about it, who really enjoys going to the movies alone, or taking a stroll in the park alone, in addition, it is not easy to cook for just ―one‖ person. When was the last time a single person was invited to dinner or to take a cruise with ―married‖ people? Well, I do not need to check my calendar; I can tell you right off that it is not very often. So what should the ―one‖ person do? How are we to live life as ―one‖? Do we blame the ―married‖ for our marital status? I suppose that would not be fair; It is not their fault. There are many of us that struggle with the idea of being ―one‖. My battle of overcoming the ―one‖ issue has led me to discover that it is not a bad thing to be single. As a Christian, I find solace in the idea that I can do more for the Lord. My devotion would not be distracted or in competition with devotion to a spouse. Reference the words of Paul in 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 where he states that the unmarried man‘s interests is not divided, nor are his concerns about the affairs of the world in trying to please a spouse. Let us focus. What are our primary responsibilities in this life? Our first commandment from God states for us to ―Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind‖ (Matthew 22:37 NIV). No matter how much we love our spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend, we ca still feel alone (al one). Only the substance derived from our inner joy and peace that we receive from our Heavenly Father can make us fell like a ―whole‖ person. He will always be by our side, and surely He will be the one to carry us through any storm we encounter in our lives. In His words God lets us know that we are useful and complete in being His creation. Who are we, single or married, if we do not learn to accept who we are as a ―one‖ person, being in the likeness and image of our Father in Heaven? Yes..yes I know, God created woman for man‘s companionship. ―It is not good for the man to be alone‖ (Genesis 2:18 NIV), but because Adam and Eve forgot who they were and their primary purpose, Satan triumphed. If only ―one‖ of them had remembered God‘s instruction, we would not be faced with sin today. But as it was, Adam sought to please Eve and was distracted from his primary responsibility. Now do not get the wrong idea and think that I am against marriage. No…. no, God sanctions marriage, so there is definitely nothing wrong with marriage. If the right Christian man proposed to me today, I would probably consider it. I am only trying to emphasize the fact that ―two‖ is not always better than ―one‖. God did not create Eve because Adam was not pleasing to Him being ―one‖, or because He thought that Adam needed help to fulfill His purpose for Adam‘s creation. We begin life as ―one‖. Hopefully, we grow and learn to develop a sense of purpose for our lives. And as Christians, we learn that we are created in God‘s image and likeness. We represent Him on earth and therefore, we have become Ambassadors for our Lord Almighty. Knowing this, recognizing who we are and our primary purpose can really boost ―one‘s‖ ego. Hopefully, these words will be a source of encouragement for all single people who have allowed their marital status to cause them to feel incomplete. Even though you may be ―one‖, remember that we are made ―whole‖ and can feel a sense of ―completeness‖ being in the image of the ―One God‖ we live to serve. 27

Slaying Giants by Howard Drummond John 11:35, 2 Corinthians 10:4, Isaiah 54: 17, Psalm 91, John 14:2 It was December 21st 2007 whilst driving to Birmingham from Wales that I received news that my father had passed away. Finding the next slip road we stopped at Tesco in Bangor and I wept. We wept. It was then that I was reminded that Jesus did the very same thing in light of the news received about Lazarus (John 11:35). This made me feel quite normal in light of the news I had just received myself and I would say to other people that crying is a natural response to sad news we receive from time to time. Here I was 'a man of God' crying. "He's in Heaven" my wife said. I wasn't so sure. And it was with these words that the battle commenced. This giant grew very quickly, and it was a giant that I had to face and find assurance of in God. We perhaps know the story of David and Goliath. David was a young boy of about 12 years old, a young man after God's own heart. Goliath on the other hand was the giant. The giant I faced was whether my father was in heaven, and very much like the story it taunted me. My level of faith fell to an all time low. As I was in training to become an ordained minister I wanted to give it all up, throw in the towel as it were. This was yet another giant that taunted me. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 10:4: The weapons of our warfare are not carnal (not of this world) but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds. In Isaiah 54: 17 it says that 'no weapon formed against us shall prosper'. We face many things in life, and they may appear at times to become like giants as they seem impossible or too big to handle or deal with. Other people may try and help, very much like Saul who tried to put his armor on David in order to fight the giant Goliath. But it just didn't work. This is not to say that people can't help, but I think that the right people must be used to help us get through the times where we are experiencing some really big 'giants'. Even perhaps his brothers thought that David was crazy. I think I'd think the same about David if he was my brother about to fight a giant that everyone else is afraid of. But David knows that he can slay the giant because he has God. This young man after God's own heart knew about giants as he had already slain the bear and the lion. We know that we have and can deal with some things with God's help. But having picked up 5 smooth stones, David along with his weapon had God's continual assurance that He was with him. Not only was God with him when facing the lion and the bear, God was also going to be with him in slaying the giant that was before the Israelites.


David, although small in stature, was mighty in Spirit. Although I was small in stature I began to recognize that I, too, was mighty in Spirit. I had to trust in God's weapons, the very things that he has put in my hands, very much like David trusted his weapons in order to slay the giant before him. In applying these very assurances and weapons to my situation I was able to come through and win the battle. I was assured where my father was upon finding a very poignant scripture; which was Psalm 91, my father's favorite Psalm. In gaining assurance from the word of God I was further assured that my father was in the best place, which he also prepares for us. (John 14:2). Being mighty in spirit, a man after God's own heart, trusting and being dependable on Him through all things, along with having His word, we can slay the giants that we face day by day. Howard Drummond Assistant & Youth Pastor Longton Elim Church Stoke on Trent



A Child's Angel Author Unknown

Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. So one day he asked God: They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless? Among the many angels, I chose one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you. But tell me, here in Heaven, I don't do anything else but sing and smile, that's enough for me to be happy. Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel's love and be happy. And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me, if I don't know the language that men talk? Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak. And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you? Your angel will place your hands together, and will teach you how to pray. I've heard that on earth there are bad men. Who will protect me? Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life. But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore. Your angel will always talk to you about me, and will teach you the way for you to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you. At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard, and the child in a hurry asked softly: Oh God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angel's name Your angel's name is of no importance, you will call your angel: ―Mommy‖ 31


Father's Day Prayer

Thank you, friend Jesus, for my father who loves me, for my grandfather who cares for me and for God, my eternal father, who made me and is always with me. How Blessed I am! Amen For fathers, who have given us life and love, that we may show them love and affection today and all days, we pray to God, our Father. For fathers who have lost a child through death, that they may find hope, and solace in your never ending love, we pray to you, O God, our Father. For fathers who have died, that God may welcome them into that peaceful place that is without ending, we pray to you, O God, our Father. God our Father, in your wisdom and love you made all things. Bless those fathers who have taken upon themselves, the responsibility of parenting. Bless those who have lost a spouse to death ... or divorce who are parenting their children alone. Strengthen them by your love that they may be and become the loving, caring persons they are meant to be. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen



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