Born Organized Magazine November / December 2014

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Happy Holiday Season!

From the Editor

Can you believe we are approaching Christmas already? And with this festive season sometimes comes a little too much holiday cheer! So if you would like to look fit and fab before you hit the beach on Christmas Day, check out the awesome ‘Keep Calm and Find Your Fat Loss Formula’ offer in this issue. We also offer you helpful tips and ideas on Travelling With Your Kids, Christmas Party Themes and also Fun Party Games. November we celebrate some of our own family birthdays. Our talented friend, Ms Paula Parore (the VoiceAu), celebrated hers on November 2nd. My gorgeous Son, Jordan turns 18 in November! Happy Birthday Son! Live wire, Danielle Cameron, our Creative Director celebrates in November too! And Dani has just become a Grandmother with the birth of ‘Seren,’ to her daughter, Ashley and partner Tane. Congratulations Cameron family our first BOMag bub! Speaking of babies, our Mum of two, Author and Teacher, HMC, enlightens us in her article ‘Bringing Home Baby.’ Plus we meet two more dynamic women in this issue, Bambi Staveley, and Leonie Featherstone, both with very different and interesting stories to share. As this year draws to a close, I would like to thank my creative team headed by Dani Cameron and Dida Tosheva. Where would I be without you? And a big shout out of appreciation to our Brand Partners for 2014, Angela Burns Tyler of Cosima Skincare and Bambi Staveley of BoostNBlend. As always it is a pleasure to work with such hard working, incredible women.Stay safe these holidays! Celebrate!

Paula Kuhnemann-Franich

Credits: Skin cared for by Cosima Skin Care - Hair cared for by Jam Body & Hair Studio - Gold Coast Captured by Angela Elliott

CONT Leonie Featherstone Featherstone


lthough born and raised in the Outback of Australia, Leonie’s adventurous spirit led her to travel the globe and explore and live in many out of the way places.

Travelling With Kids Too Much DVD?


long car trip with kids can be miserable so like many people, I bring along the item that allows us to arrive at our destination with our sanity intact. This, of course, is the miraculous portable DVD


“The Unblem

by Melissa C


Summer body?



Bringing Home Baby by Hayley Merelle Coates

4 Christmas Party Games That Everyone Will Love

P 26-29


y teacher, mother, and author, Hayley Merelle Coates When I found out I was having my second baby, and that I’d

eople love throwing parties during the holiday season. You will want to make your party memorable for everyone. Throwing some fun Christmas party games, having good food, and some fabulous Christmas favours are



e absolutely love those light, filmy and gorgeous summer tops, adorable “must-have” dresses, short shorts and fabulous swim wear BUT they show off everything we don’t want them to! That’s why NOW is the time to get the shape you want..... beautiful breasts and firm flat tummy. There is no time like NOW to be ready for Summer in the best shape you can be - then you don’t have to agonise over what to put on to disguise those small breasts, cover up that bulgy

TENT 88-91


mished Librarian�



Interview: meet small business owner Bambi Staveley of BOOSTnBLENDÂŽ


y hair began to thin out a few years ago and like most women, I searched the internet for a solution expecting to find something simple and instant that I could do to my hair that would make my hair look instantly better. But there was nothing out there for women. So the nurse in me knew I had to do



hat better way to celebrate Christmas than by throwing a Christmas party. Better yet, throw a themed Christmas party! Not only will your guests have a blast, they will be talking about your party for years! It is easy to have a Christmas party, so spice it up with something memorable and

Pretty Colours - Single Ms. Paula Parore


Crab Omelette, Enoki Mushroom Salad And Miso

Leonie Featherstone Although born and raised in the Outback of Australia, Leonie’s adventurous spirit led her to travel the globe and explore and live in many out of the way places. With an employment record closely resembling a patchwork quilt, Leonie’s working life has been sewn together with the common thread of sales, marketing, training and development throughout careers of varying length in vet nursing, beauty therapy, meteorology, truck driving, house-maiding, cooking, private investigation, clerical, and even nanny-ing! Then a slight deviation saw her become passionately self-employed building and managing large sales teams, as well as consulting to companies and delivering tailor-made corporate training solutions nationally and internationally in the areas of Personal Development, Building Relationships, Leadership, Sales, Customer Service and Communication skills.


Today, Leonie’s teachings, tools and associated ‘how to’s’ are delivered on a platform of aromatic essences as she combines facts, humor and inspiration to inform, educate and inspire delegates to implement immediate changes to their lives by bringing more health and harmony into each day with balanced holistic health practices and DoTerra Essential Oils. Along the way Leonie has authored two books – ‘A Way With Words’ – Sentiments for all Occasions and ‘How To Get More Done In Your Day’ - and there are several more in the pipeline.


Leonie cites her greatest achievement as being the mother of her two fabulous children, Roisin and Zach and believes her purpose on earth is to empower others to ‘become the best they can be’! Whilst still traveling extensively to ‘oil up the Outback’, Leonie divides her time between her children on the Gold Coast and the love of her life, Farmer Green, and his cattle and grain farm in Central Queensland.

Leonie’s Jou I used to joke that I wanted someone to pay me to ‘have coffee’ because I love chatting to people! Little did I know at the time that this is exactly what would happen….. One typical Gold Coast summer’s day I came across a stand of DoTerra Essential Oils at a shopping center and the moment I smelt them I felt a ‘stirring’ within me. I recognized that these products were ‘special’ and I went home with all the information and researched and read and ‘thought’ about the possibilities. I took some time to decide but then joined in January 2011 on the largest kit in the range because I wanted to try all the products. Whilst I immediately saw the business potential I knew I couldn’t pursue this aspect as I was already working as a Trainer for another company in the Direct Sales Industry and it would have presented a ‘conflict of interest’. Integrity is everything to me and this is one of the reasons that the DoTerra business ‘fits’ me like a glove! So I decided I would simply ‘enjoy’ the products until such time as I could ethical-



ly build a DoTerra business. The Universe however, must have had other ideas, as a few months later I was unexpectedly made redundant. I obviously wasn’t tuned in to the DoTerra Announcer on ‘Radio Universe’ at the time as I continued to work in a consulting capacity in the field of Training and Development while ‘playing’ with DoTerra. Then one day I walked into one of my favourite coffee shops with my oils for a


meeting and was greeted by the usual joke – ‘we can smell you coming’! After a very productive and enjoyable meeting, I left with a new account and thoughts of commission jingling in my head and then… struck me! Here I was – opening these fragrant bottles and sharing enlightening information on ways to use ‘nature’s medicine chest’ within the home with a relative stranger who then decided to open a wholesale

account for which I was paid a commission. I was being paid ‘to have coffee’ With this new revelation ringing loudly in my ears, I took a leap of faith in May 2012, left my consulting work and dived full time into DoTerra. It was the best decision I had made in a long time and while having no ‘income’ coming into the family was decidedly scary – I was the happiest I had ever been. It was during this time that the wife of the couple who introduced me to DoTerra began to struggle with a rare form of cancer. Although we started out as colleagues, it wasn’t long before we became friends – drawn together by our similar set of values


and our common passion for sharing the health and harmony of our beautiful DoTerra Essential oils. Cath’s determination to continue practicing her passion for sharing the healing gifts of DoTerra despite her crippling illness, coupled with her unswerving faith, was inspirational. When Cath lost her battle with Cancer in October 2012, I decided that I would walk the red carpet in October at the US DoTerra convention as the Leader of a Diamond team. I wanted that for a few reasons. Financially, I needed to be at the level; on an business level I wanted to role model to my team that with an indelible ‘why’ and a

consistent action plan you can achieve anything and on an emotional level – I wanted to honour Cath who would have walked that carpet herself had it not been for her illness. Was it a high goal to set? Yes! Were there challenges along the way? You bet there were! However, despite that, I regularly visualized myself walking down the carpet to receive my recognition of achievement. I had absolutely no doubts – my vision was crystal clear, my intention was pure, my antennae were up and operating and attracting the opportunities I needed, I held fast to my why and I did the daily actions…… and yes, we achieved Diamond status and I walked down that carpet on behalf of my team. And I didn’t do it on my own. Something that supported me enormously on my journey is my belief that we are never alone – there is a greater power there to support us – if we only ask! I have also received tremendous support along the way from my two beautiful children Roisin and Zach with whom I have a very strong bond despite often being hundreds of miles apart. I have seen them go through devastating personal and sporting challenges in their young lives and how they have handled these experiences and grown to be amazing independent, resilient and capable and loving young adults inspires me daily. Each of my supportive leaders also has

their own story of challenge and adversity and it is a privilege to be their friend. Seeing how they deal with their own challenges just makes me want to learn more and grow to greater heights so I can better support them in their efforts to reach their own mountain peak! And last but not least ….. after 16 years of being on my own and single handling tackling business and personal challenges, a wonderful man came into my life. Stewart, or Farmer Green as I call him, is the other half of my heart and my ‘rock’! Farmer Green has a cattle and grain property in Central Queensland and therefore has a sound understanding of the ‘sowing and reaping’ principles and all the challenges that go with that so he is very good at ‘grounding’ me! He has endured much in his personal life and life on the land is a constant challenge – one requiring persistence and strength of character. In an industry where too much or too little rain at the wrong time

has destroyed many a land owners dreams, he quietly plans and works tirelessly and then adjusts according to whatever nature and other elements throw at him and continues on his chosen course because he has a ‘dream’ of what he wants to achieve.. He is constantly encouraging me to stick to my course and reminding me that sometimes crops don’t turn out the way you want but you need to keep ‘planting’ and hope for a better outcome next time! This whole new phase of my life is helping me fulfill my another of my passions and that is to share our beautiful DoTerra oils not only on the Gold Coast where I was living and other more populated areas of Australia but to the inner regions of the ‘bush’ or the ‘outback’ in which I was born and spent the first 18 years of my life. Within a radius of 2 hours from Stewart’s property are tiny towns that are welcoming me with open arms to teach them the healing powers of our oils! I now split my time between the Farm and my home on the Gold Coast and travelling around the country to support my team. Running my business from the Farm is not however without its challenges - particularly when it comes to Telecommunications!


My city friends may see climbing on to the roof of the Toyota to get a phone signal as slightly dangerous, especially if like me they have a fear of heights, but I do make sure the vehicle is stationery! And trekking across the paddock, climbing the Turkey’s nest (dam) and settling in to the camp chair to get signal for my laptop so I can answer emails could be perceived to be a pain in the neck. However, the walk is far enough to constitute ‘exercise’ so I can cross that off my ‘to do’ list AND the view looking out over the sorghum and distant mountains is a panorama never to be seen outside any city Office window!

Yes, life is good and without a doubt, the key to my business success is my crystal clear vision of where I am heading with this business and a very deep ‘emotional reason’ for what I want to achieve. This deep rooted ‘why’, coupled with my firm belief in the products, my trust in the incredibly ethical people behind the company and my faith in my own abilities and those of my team has got us this far and will keep us growing. Part of this process is continual ‘learning’ and taking consistent action along the way and helping others to achieve their goals and dreams. Each day I practically ‘leap’ out of bed knowing that everything I do is in harmony with my values and that exciting possibilities lie ahead of me just ‘waiting’ for me to uncover them! Almost three years on - our DoTerra family numbers are thriving, many, many lives have been indelibly touched with the life changing effects of our essential oils and my income stream is flowing and growing! They say every good story should have a beginning and an end but my story is just beginning….

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Hayley Merelle Coates is a mother of two, and has worked with children for over fifteen years. She has a Bachelor of Education, a degree in psychology, and teaches at an independent school on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. Hayley has several published works including the Australian bestselling thriller, White Walls. Her children’s series will be released in 2015. Subscribe to Hayley’s blog, competitions, and book updates HERE. WEBSITE: AMAZON FACEBOOK TWITTER


Bringing Home Baby

By teacher, mother, and author, Hayley Merelle Coates When I found out I was having my second baby, and that I’d have two under two, I was not so secretly terrified. Yes, there was the idea of no sleep, constant nappy changes, so much mess I’d have to wade through Toy River, and the idea that I’d never get to see my husband again except when we nodded to each other at bed time and fell into whimpering heaps – but these weren’t the things that worried me most. I was most worried about sibling rivalry. How would my headstrong, whimsical, “I am the center of the Universe” toddler cope with a baby in the house? I assumed the worst, yelling, screaming, tantrums, and objects being thrown long distances across the house and aimed at the back of my head, the usual kind of stuff when you live with a toddler. But she surprised me. I’m not sure whether it was because of the things I’d done leading up to the birth that made the difference, or whether I had underestimated my little . Perhaps it was both. My preparation ideas mostly came from the million or

so sites and forums I read during the months

toddler bed war stories and I’m grateful for

leading up to baby number two. I started ear-

bypassing that particular battle.

ly in my bid to get her ready for baby. Here’s

We put the car seat in six weeks beforehand

what worked best for us.

and swapped to a twin stroller two weeks beforehand. We spaced everything out so that when baby came, there would be no changes other than him. He was enough.

Talking about Baby

We also started talking about baby. My little Miss was too young to understand, mostly, but we did funny things, like I’d get her to poke my belly and pretend baby said “wahhhhh,” or we’d tickle him. She loved

Make big changes

that. There are some wonderful books out there to read with your toddler, too. “There’s a House


inside my Mummy,” by Giles Andreae and

I started when I was around five months preg-

to be a Baby,” is another. Have a look at

nant. We began putting the nursery

your local library, and I’m sure you’ll find some

together, and the old cot went in first. My girl

good ones.

got to choose a special toddler bed from the shops (luckily she was ready) and helped me assemble it. That was that. She’s slept beautifully in it ever since. Yes, I’ve heard new


Vanessa Cabban is brilliant, and John Burningham and Helen Oxenbury’s, “There’s going

Decorating the Room

My toddler loved this part. She helped choose where things would go, and still likes to arrange baby’s toys. She painted a

I’m not entirely sure if our easy transition can be attributed to good luck or good ground work. Either way, something worked. My two little ones get along beautifully, and we’ve had a wonderful bonding experience. We’ve only had one major melt-down within the three months since bringing home baby, and that’s a huge

picture on a canvass for him, and did some

success in my books.

drawings that are still stuck up on his wall

Soon bub will be old enough to sit up and

for when he’s old enough to look and talk

chat. My toddler, who is hilariously enter-

about them. We made it a very “important”

taining will be in for a special treat with a

job and it seemed to be a special step in

brand new, captive audience member.

letting go of certain objects that I wanted

Until then, I’ll fight another sleep-deprived

to reuse – especially baby toys and books.

day, wading through Toy River, and calling hubby to bring me some take out home for

A Gift When my husband brought her to the hospital, I made sure I wasn’t holding baby,

dinner. I’m lucky to have survived this step. Onto the next battle: juggling work and children. Wish me luck.

so that I could embrace her and ask how

Hayley Merelle Coates

she’d been. We introduced them and

Read Hayley’s blog: CLICK HERE

rather than the tantrum I’d been expecting, she turned around, just like she did with her twin baby cousins, and said, “aww he’s so cute”. We then gave her a special gift “from the baby” – a ballerina she still plays with in the bathtub


Inviting Friends and Family to get on board

My friends and family seemed to naturally know to always greet my toddler first. Once she was settled, they got their baby cuddles, and there were no tantrums. She was validated and secure.


Travelling With Kids Too Much DV



A long car trip with kids can be miserable so like many people, I bring along the item that allows us to arrive at our destination with our sanity intact. This, of course, is the miraculous portable DVD player. How did our parents do without such a device when we were kids? Quite well. In the era before car seats, we played on the huge back bench of our full size Chrysler New Yorker. We had ALL of our toys with us for hours of uninterrupted play. Most of the time the question “Are we there yet?” just didn’t matter. Now, kids are encased into car seats so tightly that if the head moves, it means that you didn’t duct tape the bubble wrap tightly enough. Kudos to the emphasis on safety, it’s just that current safe practices have come at the expense of our kid’s comfort and of their enjoyment of the family trip. And we all know that when the kids aren’t happy, nobody is happy. Thus our reliance on the Domestic Volatility Defuser, the ever present DVD. While I’m strapping in the DVD player, I inevitably start worrying about what I call DVD head: the condition caused by watching too many DVDs over a prolonged period of time. The most noticeable symptom of DVD head is the blank stare on your kid’s face when you first shut off the player. Interactivity with humans requires effort compared to the low-bar exigencies asked of DVD watching.


In addition, the latest brain science tells us about pathways and connections in

the brain. The more we do something, the brain that assist in that task: practic can physically alter their brains with rep the same DVD. When I was a child, I w rarely saw the same thing twice, re-run the same DVD dozens, if not hundreds content might be, it doesn’t seem wise a degree on such plastic and developin that get burned onto your computer m

So during your next trip, there are cert use of DVDs. These do require discipli accustomed to their DVD fix whenever

1 - Set a finite length of time they can pick one DVD.

2 - Set a milestone where they can sta halfway to Grandma’s and no DVD bef

3 - Provide alternate games/toys. Ther Small Etch-A-Sketch, Doodle Pro and come to mind.

, the more neural pathways are created in ce does makes perfect. Just as violinists petition, so can a child repetitively watching watched far too much TV but at least I ns notwithstanding. Today’s child will watch s of times. Regardless of how benign the e to be imprinting images of Barney to such ng minds, not unlike the phantom images monitor when you don’t use a screen saver.

tain strategies you can employ to limit the ine on your part, particularly if your kids are r they set foot in the car: watch and stick to it e.g. each child can

art watching e.g. pick a town on a map fore then.

re are many great travel toys out there. magnetic signpost Bingo are just a few that

4 - Play guessing games like I Spy or Pick a number. 5 - Sing songs. One other new piece of technology that could help is a portable, speaker based MP3 player. These devices designed specifically for children play music through a speaker, not headphones, so you don’t need to worry about your child developing hearing problems. In addition to music, you can load up the player with stories to keep your child entertained throughout the trip. Why is an audio player better for your child’s brain than a DVD player? Humans have been listening to music since the dawn of time. Contrast this with the fast moving images of a DVD where there is no equivalent in the “natural” world. Also, listening to stories on an audio player, from the brain’s point of view, is like being read to. Listening requires imagination, attentiveness and concentration therefore, effort. Many studies are showing that reading to young children promotes language acquisition and is linked with overall success in school. The next time you are facing a long car ride with kids, put the DVD on pause and try some alternatives! Happy Travelling!

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4 Christmas Party Games That Everyone Will Love

People love throwing parties during the holiday season. You will want to make your party memorable for everyone. Throwing some fun Christmas party games, having good food, and some fabulous Christmas favours are all things you can do to create the perfect get together. Christmas is a great time of year and throwing a great party will serve to enhance the holiday for everyone. There are so many different kinds of holiday parties that you can consider, but no matter which type you choose you will want to include fun Christmas party games. There are many different games to choose from and they are all going to be dependent of several factors such as the age group of your guests, the amount of people that are in attendance, and the gender of the people at your party. Once you are certain of all these factors you will be ready to choose your games.

christmas pa Your party will likely not be the only party thrown during the holiday season. Obviously you will want yours to be the best. You can have this by simply having great games for your guests to play. This will prevent any unnecessary lulls that sometimes happen during parties. There are tons of games that are geared toward the holiday season all you have to do is choose a few.


Christmas trivia: You can buy holiday trivia cards or you can make your own depending on how much time you have. You can divide your guests into teams of three to five and each team can take turns answering the questions. It is a fun way to get everyone talking and the winners can have a prize that consists of a treat and Christmas favour.z



Musical trivia: This game is very similar to the movie trivia, but of course you will be using the music theme to make up questions. If you would like to mix things up a bit you can play a small piece of music and have your guests trying to figure it out. Both ways will offer a great deal of fun to the whole group.

arty games


The stocking game: This is done by filling several stockings with the same things and tying the tops of them shut. Divide the room into several even teams and give them the stockings, a pen, and a piece of paper. Each team has to guess what the stocking contains. Set a timer and see which team has the most correct answers written down before the time is up. You will be amazed at what some of the guesses are.


Christmas alphabet game: Write or print out a paper for each guest with the letters of the alphabet coming down the left side of the paper. For each letter listed everyone has to come up with a Christmas related word. The person who comes up with the most words will win the prize. For this game you may want to get an extra special prize. Perhaps a holiday CD or movie to go along with your Christmas theme. Your decision to throw a Christmas party will turn out to be a great one. All you have to do is have plenty of food and Christmas favours along with plenty of awesome games. Celebrate!

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BPA free silicone products for all ages & stages" If you’re looking for innovative, baby-friendly costume jewellery designs in colours that pop then check out Jellystone Designs BPA-free silicone collection of products for all ages and stages. There are necklaces and bangles for Mum to wear and babies to enjoy – they’re perfectly safe and durable enough for teething babies to tug, suck and chew. All the necklaces featurea breakaway safety clasp and contain no small beads, so there is no danger of bub choking. Cute boys & girl’s pendants, necklaces and organic shaped bangles just like Mum’s! jChews teether range features safe, pliable funky teethers that babies can really sink their gums into! 100% BPA-free silicone teethers that come in a range of quirky funky designs including smart phones, skateboards, handbags, chocolate bars and even a moustache! Jellystone Designs have the most drool-worthy accessory you’ve seen yet! View our funky collection at and get 20% off - with coupon code: Jellystone.


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The Little Storks online store offers a beautiful selection of unique baby and toddler items including sleepwear, clothing, toys, plush, accessories and more. Our quality products suit newborns and toddlers through to older kids, with some popular, selective brands such as Bambeano, Huggalugs, aiden + anais, Babble Bibs and more. Find those special little gifts for the ones you adore online today. Follow us on Facebook:

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oer ends January 10th 2015

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Join us on FACEBOOK Visit to receive news on baby skincare, celebrity baby gossip, new products, special offers and events. T 039464 0888







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Medici Clinic

Dee Tozer has been the managing director of Medici since 2004. Dee is a Counselling Psychologist with over 24 years experience in the medical and allied health sectors and she established Medici to provide the most comprehensive information for those seeking high quality, best value cosmetic surgery services. Whether it be enlarging or reducing breasts, restoring flat firm tummies or lifting necks, faces or jowls, Dee and her team are there to help clients sift through the huge amount of information available these days and then select what is right for their needs and the outcome they desire. Medici is the longest established and possibly the most well


know Cosmetic Plastic Surgery clinic in the South East of Melbourne. Dee is passionate about ensuring Medici clients really understand the procedure they are considering and that their expectations of the outcome are realistic and achievable. Medici also has two other key service areas, one is the injectable for smoothing tell-tale facial lines and filling and the other is high quality skin rejuvenation treatments. Fraxel has recently been introduced to Medici to treat stubborn facial pigmentation as Dee stays abreast of all the latest developments for youthful maintenance and damaged skin restoration.

So whoosh!.....another Winter zooms by and before you know it another wonderful Australian Summer is here.....and then..... oh yes…what about your

Summer body?

We absolutely love those light, filmy and gorgeous summer tops, adorable “must-have” dresses, short shorts and fabulous swim wear BUT they show off everything we don’t want them to! That’s why NOW is the time to get the shape you want.....beautiful breasts and firm flat tummy. There is no time like NOW to be ready for Summer in the best shape you can be - then you don’t have to agonise over what to put on to disguise those small breasts, cover up that bulgy jelly belly, push up those saggy breasts or squash down those huge breasts. Australian summers are all about “Fun and Freedom” and how wonderful to enjoy the freedom of wearing whatever you want completely confident in knowing those embarrassing bulges, huge breasts, saggy breasts and flat chest are not part of you anymore. Imagine how much lighter it will feel to enjoy all the fun that Summer brings with no more worry or embarrassment about your body.

Summer fashions and lifestyle are all about allowing our most feminine selves to shine. No matter what anyone says I strongly believe that breasts really are the essence of our femininity. Breast Augmentation surgery is a day procedure, performed under general anaesthetic. Healing takes around 6 weeks however most people can return to their usual work and activities within 2 weeks, some women are back at work after only a few days.


Their boost in confidence is amazing to witness. We often see full transformations as confidence is restored, new hairstyles, new clothes, new jobs and even new houses and cars! It’s astounding how making one significant change to increase confidence then leads to much, much more life enjoyment. It’s all about living in the present and making the most of NOW.

Breast Enhancement surgery Of course

is not just about Breast Implants. Breast Uplifts are common and make a huge difference to femininity after pregnancies have left behind empty sagginess, often just folds of skin. Sometimes Breast Uplift is combined with Breast Implants to give lovely full and perky high breasts again.

Then there are those suffering from overly huge breasts. Neckache, shoulder and back pain often make life miserable and femininity is lost in the struggle to hide very large breasts, to find clothes which are flattering and even maintaining a good upright posture is a daily challenge. Breast Reduction surgery is not so well known and many suffer unnecessarily not knowing that there is a way to eliminate all those problems arising from huge breasts.

At Medici, Mr Tom Robbins is our Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon, and Mr Robbins was the original founder and creator of the Breast Reduction technique which is used today by over 60% of surgeons around the world. Many times more than 500gms (sometimes over 1kg) are removed from EACH breast. The cost is certainly not prohibitive, the lightness of being after having a significant weight literally lifted from your shoulders, plus the fact that healing is quite fast over 6 weeks or so, makes Breast Reduction surgery one of the most worthwhile surgeries we do. And let me say that once that weight is gone and the shape is restored, it is like walking on air‌..connecting with your feminine essence in a whole new way. If you would like to reconnect with your femininity again with Breast Enhancement surgery then don’t wait for another Summer to come and go. Act now! Call me for a private chat on 0397075799, or email me

Facelift without surgery Lips, full lips, fuller lips Fabulous injectables Thank you injectables Happy 63 years young

Medici cosmetic surgery….experience the medici difference Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants, Tummy Tuck, Mummy Tummy, Rhinoplasty, Breast Reduction, Breast Uplift, Facelift, Eyelift, Necklift, Otoplasty -Medici Cosmetic Surgery Specialist Clinic is the most well known, longest established Clinic in the South East of Melbourne, Medici includes both Cosmetic Surgery as well as Plastic

Twenty one years after commencing in the Cosmetic Surgery and Plastic Surgery industry in Melbourne, Dee Tozer’s understanding of what patients want is extensive. Her Medici team in Berwick, Victoria, knows how much the right information plus reliability and safety mean to you. Whether Breast Augmentation or Breast implants will make your femininity shine, Breast Reduction relieves your pain or embarrassment, Tummy Tuck repairs your mummy tummy, Liposculpture removes the curves you dont want, Rhinoplasty reshapes your nose, or Facelift surgery refreshes your appearance, Medici is your answer, we are here for you. There is no need to struggle with the unknown. Under Dee’s guiding hand everything is explained thoroughly for your reassurance. Dee and her Medici team truly understand the Cosmetic Surgery journey of change you are on and we are focused on you achieving your goal.

Hear from one of our many happy Medici Clients: A life changing and positive experience! The initial decision to have this procedure done was daunting but as I’m now 6 weeks post-op, it was the best decision I have ever made! Family and friends comment on how much happier I seem and how I hold my posture taller and prouder. I feel my confidence has lifted and my moods through tiredness have improved. My backache has gone, so has the shoulder pain and headaches!! “GOD BLESS TOM!” I now look forward to some new bra shopping instead of dreading!!!”

See our medici clinics advertisement in this issue to receive $1050 off any breast or tummy procedure!




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Transform Your Body For Life!! With your 30 Day Cleanse comes a $150 FREE personalised program with our Fat Loss Metabolism Nutritionist, Krista Johnson. Limited places!

Do you find November and December challenging months to stay on the healthy wagon? Did you know that most people gain an average of 3-4 kilos over the ‘silly season’? What if you could LOSE fat during this time, instead of gaining that extra and feeling bloated, lethargic and going into the New Year with more to lose? Imagine how it would feel to be in charge of your body and know how to lose fat AND keep it off?

Keep Calm Find Your Fat Loss Formula

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Craig Erotica Author

elissa Craig, in such a short time has risen to prominence being recognized by peers and readers alike for her work as an erotica author. Her profile is such, that she is a sought after panelist on various media forums both nationally and abroad. She continues to offer a special brand of writing that has carved her a niche in this genre, so much so that even E.L.James herself has re-tweeted Melissa’s tweets, follows her Facebook fan page and Melissa on Twitter. The 50 Shades of Grey author that rocked the world by storm, that has over three hundred and sixty-eight thousand followers on twitter only follows 446 people and Melissa Craig is one of them. Yes Melissa Craig leaves her readers thirsting for more. Melissa’s work draws upon the backdrop of an island in The Great Barrier Reef, and the sultry North Queensland surroundings which have lead her to becoming an international best seller in the UK, USA, France and Germany. Melissa provides opportunities for aspiring/selfpublished authors, directors and Indie musicians alike, which was recognized through an honorable mention at


the United States International Women’s Day Columbus, Ohio. She produces a podcast with a syndicate in the thousands with her co-host and American Author Charity Parkerson, all about the written word, available on iTunes. Melissa is part of a worldwide author network reaching over two million followers on twitter at present and growing every day. Her blog is recognized worldwide that has subsequently lead to opportunities judging in writing competitions in America. Her erotica works have gained recognition through awards here in Australia against New York Best Seller Sylvia Day in the 2012 Romance Readers Awards in the Erotic Romance category with media resulting in the Sunday Mail newspaper article “Erotica Steams Ahead” and various interviews on radio shows in Sydney and TV shows in the UK. Now we at Born Organized Magazine have the pleasure of gaining Melissa’s insight as a columnist, in between writing about men’s hard bodies. It’s a hard job, but someone has to do it. Enjoy it any way you can!

Summer reading

“The Unblemished Librarian”

iTunes Amazon Book Depository (free worldwide delivery)

Bookworld (Australia)

Booktopia (Australia)

Contemporary Romance. by Melissa Craig A contemporary romance set in the most populous city of Australia; Sydney—home of the iconic Sydney Opera House, Harbour Bridge and Kiera James. The quiet librarian goes about her daily duties unnoticed by the world, trying to support her father and keep the family home afloat. Up until now, she’s been happy to live out her love life through romance books. But now she’s allowed her heart to fall for a man she has never met, only laid eyes on. She is smitten, bowled over by his boldness, beauty and blazing sensuality. He generates a heart flutter unlike any other. But, is it the best move to feel affection for a man that works at a strip club? A man who’s surrounded by bountiful beauties on a daily basis? Would her late mother approve of Boyd and his buff blessing of a body for her unblemished librarian? Boyd’s lavish lifestyle overlooking Sydney Cove may impress the stereotypical female, but not Kiera. She has had enough tragedy in life to know that money isn’t everything, and life is short. Will Kiera go out on a limb, against her better judgement so he notices her, or will she come to her senses and be the only girl that walks away from him before her heart is ripped apart.



meet small business owner

Bambi Staveley of

BOOSTnBLEND速 Bambi, congratulations on your success as a business owner. How was BOOSTnBLEND created?


y hair began to thin out a few years ago and like most women, I searched the internet for a solu-


tion expecting to find somet

that I could do to my hair th

look instantly better. But the

for women. So the nurse in m

thing to help and as a succe

thing simple and instant

knew I had the skills. Once I had come to terms with

hat would make my hair

the idea of making my thinning hair a public issue, I

ere was nothing out there

realized it was my job to do something about it to ben-

me knew I had to do some-

efit other women. Two years later I launched BOOSTn-

essful business woman, I


I know that many of our readers’ biggest challenge is balance between their home life & business. Do you have 3 tips that can help them out in this area?


ind space for yourself. Preferably thinking time. I walk for 30 minutes every morning and that’s my

time, time to clear my head for the day and prepare for what’s coming up. Get organized. Write lists, both home to do lists and work to do lists and stick to them. I always write a note at the end of the work day of things to remember to do first thing the next day. Then I don’t carry any unfinished business away with me when I leave. Never lose sleep over worrying about work. It takes practice, but it is worth learning the techniques to push thoughts out of your mind if you find yourself awake during the night. I believe you can tackle anything during the day if you have had a good night’s sleep.



How does BOOSTnBLEND work and what are its benefits?


OOSTnBLEND® is made from tiny cotton micro fibers that come in a range of naturally blended colors

that simply shake onto dry hair at the roots. The fibers instantly cling to each individual hair shaft and make each strand of hair appear thicker. Instantly this makes hair look more voluminous. For women with noticeable post pregnancy shedding, this is a great way to get volume back while you wait for it to grow back. For busy mums with no time for repeated salon visits, BOOSTnBLEND® also covers grays and extends the life of foils. On top of all that, it lets you go another day without washing, since it also soaks up pesky oils. So many uses for one product - that’s why we call it your Plan B! What do our Readers have to do, to be able to order from BOOSTnBLEND?

BOOSTnBLEND® is available online at HYPERLINK “http://www.BoostnBlend.” Special offer for Born Organized readers: Grab a BOOSTnBLEND® Gift Pack for you or your mum. Don’t forget to think of your mum, these gift packs make a great Christmas gift. Our gift pack is already great value and with a special Discount Code (TWIST4TEN) you will receive one of our revolutionary microfiber Twist & Dry hair towels for only $10 with your purchase. These towels have been specifically designed and developed to be gentle on women’s hair. Minimizes breakage, helps to prevent frizz and towel dries hair without harsh rubbing. You won’t find these anywhere else. They are a BOOSTnBLEND® exclusive product. Total package value $163 for just $99.



HAVE A THEMED CHRISTMAS PARTY ! What better way to celebrate Christmas than by throwing a Christmas party. Better yet, throw a themed Christmas party! Not only will your guests have a blast, they will be talking about your party for years! It is easy to have a Christmas party, so spice it up with something memorable and different.


Hawaiian Theme Having a Hawaiian-themed Christmas party is a great idea, especially if you live in a warmer climate and can have it outside. Guests can come decked out in aloha and beach clothing while enjoying a terrific Christmas party. There are many decorating tips that can help make your Hawaiian Themed Christmas party an event to remember. First, find a Hawaii-themed Christmas invitation to send out to your guests. These can easily be found online or in specialty stores. Use silk flower leis to decorate your Christmas tree and decorate your house or garden the same way. Make Christmas cookies using cookie cutters with a Hawaiian theme. You can find cookie cutters in the shape of pineapples, coconut palm trees, and much more. When guests arrive, throw some fresh leis or silk flower leis on them. There are many ways to make Christmas parties with a Hawaiian theme a huge success especially if you are celebrating around an outdoor pool. No pool? Inflate a wading pool for some fun!

Medieval Theme

Another option for having a themed Christmas party is to have a medieval theme. There are many great ideas that can be used to make your Christmas party interesting and memorable. You can first find medieval-themed Christmas invitations online to send out to your guests. Use flickering lights to create a dungeon-like room. Use plywood to create a makeshift drawbridge, and a small wading pool full of water for a moat. Use fake weapons to decorate around your house to create a more medieval theme. Of course, you and your guests will have love dressing up as your favourite medieval maidens and knights. There are many websites dedicated to selling the party supplies and costumes you will need to make your medieval party a success! Plan ahead!




White Christmas Theme It is not always possible to have

Christmas, although most of us dre

You can make your own Christmas pa

decorating everything in your house w

white Christmas tree, string white lights

streamers, white decorations, and pr

drinks and white food. Ask your gue


all in white. If you’re bold, sprinkle

snow around the house. Your gue

dreaming of your white Christm

for a long time! Let’s Celebr

Movie Themed Christmas Party There are many Christmas movies that have become classics. You can base a whole themed Christmas party on any famous Christmas movie that you like. Some examples would be “The Grinch,” “Nightmare before Christmas,” or “A Christmas Story.” Pick a favourite and start decorating! Study the movie to find out what kind of clothing or costumes you and your guests should wear. Make sure you inform guests of the theme in your Christmas party invitations. Play the music of the movie - you can almost always buy

the soundtrack of the movie online or in a music store. Dress up and decorate your

home in the style of your favourite Christmas movie, and your guests will have a ball.

Christmas Tree Decorating Party For a fun Themed Christmas party idea, put up your Christmas tree, whether it is an artificial one or a real one. String it up with lights, if a real one, and use lots of ornaments, bows, ribbons, and fake snow. This is a great themed Christmas party for a party that involves a lot of children. Give them the decorations and let them have at the tree. They will have a lot of fun, and you will get a uniquely decorated tree in the process! Make sure to have lots of cookies and hot chocolate on hand for all the hungry guest

s a White

eam of one.

arty theme by

white. Make a

s, put up white

repare white

ests to dress lots of fake

ests will be

mas party


that will be there. When you

Pretty Co lours - Single


Ms. Paula Parore

Crossroads - Single Ms. Paula Parore

Hear Me Cry


Single Ms. Paula Parore

Aviida Clay Petera and Paula Parore


Crab Omelette,

Enoki Mushroom Salad And Miso Serves 4 Ingredients Omelette 12 free range eggs (3 eggs per omelette) 3tbsp extra virgin olive oil 200g (about 1 cup, firmly packed) crab meat, ensure there is no residue of shell Sea salt and cracked black pepper 100ml Miso broth*

Fish sauce dressing 2tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1tbsp lime juice 2tsp Thai fish sauce 2tsp crisp fried shallots (from an Asian grocer) 2tsp toasted sesame seeds

Miso broth* 2 litres water 3tbsp dashi 2tbsp miso paste 1tbsp Dijon mustard 1tbsp rice wine vinegar

For the salad 8 basil leaves, broken up 1 red chilli, seeded and julienne 8 coriander/cilantro leaves, lightly torn 8 mint leaves, lightly torn 2 sprigs dill, lightly torn 1 punnet Enoki mushrooms, split into individual mushrooms

Method For the miso broth: In a large saucepan, bring the water to the boil. Add the dashi and allow to dissolve, then add the miso paste and whisk the mixture. Turn down the temperature and add the mustard and rice wine vinegar. Remove from heat and cool. For the salad and fish sauce dressing: Whisk all of the fish sauce dressing ingredients together until well blended. Place all of the salad ingredients in a bowl and toss gently with some of the fish sauce dressing. For the omelette: Heat a little olive oil in a non-stick frypan. Whisk the eggs in a bowl and season with the sea salt and black pepper then ladle in a quarter of the egg mixture. While the omelette is setting, warm the crab meat in a small pan and add a quarter of the warmed crab filling to the centre of the omelette and fold over. Keep warm and repeat 3 times. To serve: On individual plate-bowls, spoon a ladle of the hot miso broth and place an omelette on top. Garnish each plate with a handful of the dressed salad.


Next issue: Back to School’ January 12th - April 28th ADVERTISE IN OUR NEXT ISSUE!

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Advertising Enquiries: Editor: Paula Franich Creative Director: Dani Cameron Graphics Director: Dida Tosheva Magazine Team:

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