Born Organized Magazine May / June 2013

Page 1



ng Our Planet, one lunch at a time!

8 - 17 Melissa Craig

20-23 What’s your M

26-29 The Perfect W

32-39 Organize You

42- 47 What Does M

50 -55 Growing Nee

56-59 Crab Omelett

Green Lunch Box is your solution to Rubbish Free 60- 65 ch Days - it’s a simple, environmentally friendly draiser for schools and kindergartens.

61 -119 ALL ABOUT K

72-76 Angelene Bo

Visit our on-line store 80 -85 & check out the gorgeo us range of products. 88-91 There are plenty of lun ch box recipes & nutrition104- 109 tips too!


Goodbye Em

110- 115

What SuperF Cupcakes -

What is a ‘M

HMC the Ad

Cover Image and Angelene Bourne & Miss C Images by: Tanya Giles Hilder BEYOND THE

g - Erotica Author

Mum Organising Style? - Helen Butler

Workspace - Hally Rhiannon-Nammu

ur Wardrobe - Kim Clark

My Shape Say About Me? - Matthew Legge N.D.

eds - Anya Haywood

te, Enoki Mushroom Salad And Miso - Luke Mangan

mbarrassment - Dee Tozer

KIDS Special Feature

ourne – Entreprenurial Aussie Mum Kicks Goals

Foods Can Do for You - Lindy Cook Miss C’s Kitchen

Mumpreneur’ ? - Diana Holwerda

dolescent Brain - Hayley Merelle Coates


“Like our Grandmother,

1 in 3 of women may be

diagnosed with breast cancer. To support our Fainga’a Twins mission to raise

awareness of breast cancer, simply click here to stay updated with us & the

National Breast Cancer Foundation Events we support!

One Click-please get behind us! Ants & Saia


Anthony & Saia Fainga’a Ambassadors for the National Breast Cancer Foundation Ambassadors for Mission Australia


irstly, thank you all so much for your overwhelming support of our first Issue of Born Organized Magazine (March/April). You have inspired us with your comments of support and encouragement, like this one: “Hi PK Thanks so much for the feature… I have already read through the mag and love it –congratulations! Have an awesome afternoon – thanks again Heather xx” Gifts for Blokes

This Issue we have a special ‘All About Kids’ feature where we have the pleasure of introducing you to fantastic children’s brands and to a dynamic Entrepreneur who is kicking goals all over Australia with her online children’s boutique, Angelfish Dragonfly. I’m sure Angelene’s story will inspire you as much as it does us! Also this month, we get to hear from our very own ‘erotica author’, Australian, Melissa Craig. With ’50 shades of grey’ being so popular, we wanted to find Australia’s equivalent, and we found even better! Be prepared for sex, sass & a very saucy Ms Craig! In our last Issue, we introduced you to the impressive Fainga’a Twins, Anthony & Saia. We’re proud to announce that Born Organized Magazine and I will be working closely with The Twins, organizing their yearly ‘Fainga’a Twins Think Pink Charity Golf Day & Ladies Luncheon,’ supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation. This is a Charity that has touched The Twins and I personally through family and friends being diagnosed. With 1 in 3 Women diagnosed with Breast Cancer, you like us, are sure to have been affected too. As Saia keeps telling us all “It only takes 15 minutes to get a breast check”. He got the message through to me and so I’m off for my ultra sound this week. How about you?


organized magazine

Home Office Lifestyle

online's premier


Paula Kuhnemann

Melissa Craig

Erotica Author



Maybe you have heard of her, seen her or read her books. Australian Erotica Author, Melissa Craig, is taking the world by storm. She has been a guest on some of the biggest radio stations here in Australia for her books and social media influence. She’s been ‘live to air’ in the United Kingdom, been part of a full-page feature in the Sunday Mail newspaper for her award nominated book Ample Attraction. She’s received an honourable mention at the United States International Women’s Day Columbus, Ohio. Why? Because of the help and promotion she gives others—published authors, indie musicians and directors. On top of producing and co-hosting ‘The Melissa Craig & Charity Parkerson’ podcast, which is all about the written word, this part-time author still makes time for her readers and fans on Twitter. Melissa’s debut novel Plentiful Package hit number two on the Hottest New Reads in Erotica after only a month of publication, in December, 2011. She truly believed she would be lucky to sell three books a year considering she was a new self-published author. However, Plentiful Package kept selling, and the paperback reached number 32 Best Sellers List in Erotica and held that position for several months. But it didn’t stop. Did it Melissa? No it didn’t. I was very fortunate as my short story My Package of Paradise moved up the charts of the Amazon International Best Sellers Kindle Store. It made it into the top 10 for Erotica in UK, US, France and Germany for several months, but what happened next was amazing. I had E.L.James follow me on Twitter. Yes, the 50 shades of Grey author; she even retweeted one of my tweets, and I was instantly busy. Her followers started buying my books, and I was in total disbelief. Out of her 260,000 fans she only follows 469 people; she even followed my Facebook fan page.


Your books are different though?

Yes. I write a collection of erotica

books called the ‘Simply Breathtaking Series’ set on an island on The Great Barrier Reef—the inspiration comes from my North Queensland surroundings. Plentiful Package is my debut erotica with a hot kite surfer called Andy, a lifeguard named Ryan and a scuba dive instructor, Jenna. Jenna is also their boss. I have read your reviews, no wonder ‘Plentiful Package’ made number fifteen on the Best Smut books, one above E.L.James.

Awww, thank you. It was an awe-

some feeling knowing readers had voted for it as a favourite. It has stayed in the top 19 Best Smut Books on Goodreads for over a year now. Yay! How do you feel about this comment I found in a review on Amazon? And I quote. ‘It’s been a while since I was able to sit down and get so bloody turned on from flicking through the pages of a book.’

I get shocked from reviews like

that, as it means the reader is connecting to the characters I created. That’s all any author could ask for, whatever the genre. For a reader to flick through my book and feel like they are one of the charac-


ters is a dream come true. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. For people to dive into the fantasy world and forget the dishes on the sink, forget how many nappies they changed that day, forget the everyday stresses of the real world. Everyone deserves the desire of imagination. I think you have definitely achieved that desire through your books and the readers have spoken. Wasn’t Ample Attraction nominated for its second award this week?

Yes it was, for the 2013 Best of Indepen-

dent eBook Awards in America. You have done your homework ha-ha. It’s such a great accolade to be nominated for best erotica genre out of all the independent erotica eBooks in the world. I’m humbled; to the eFestival of Words. To be recognized for my work amongst my peers is an amazing feeling and I am truly delighted that people feel I’ve created real characters that they can associate with. Thanks to the support of my wonderful editor Kate Davidson. I definitely feel honoured when people say they have visited the Great Barrier Reef and could feel the sand between their toes from the words on the page.

Being a self-published author do you feel you have to juggle between writing and your social media responsibilities? You seem to have both down pat, you would have to be organised?

Bwaha, I would like to think I am organised. Gosh, I have to be, otherwise I would get overwhelmed.

Especially since Ample Attraction became a finalist in the 2012 Australian Romance Readers Favourite Erotic Romance against best-selling author Sylvia Day. My social media responsibilities, travelling and celebrity events have doubled. My phone is now my new best friend, and I don’t go anywhere without my laptop or iPad. Social media is the way of the future. I had to interrupt Melissa at that point as I knew Sylvia Day was a New York Best Selling Author and here I was talking to an author that has been considered in the same calibre with her award nomination. I had to control my nerves as reality hit me: Melissa Craig really is the next big thing in her genre and she’s Australian, awesome! Not only does she write sexy, tasteful erotica, with so much emotion you lose yourself in her world. She is a typical Aussie woman, down to earth, lives in jeans and laughs like a trooper. Melissa strikes me as the type of person that can adapt herself to any social situation. From drinking bubbles with elegance, to sitting in the pub with a jug of beer. She truly has a passion and a kindness that shows in her personality and her books. People seem to love her the minute they meet her. You can see why from these photos. She is sophisticated, sassy and sexy. Why not take yourself on a journey, an exploration of intimacy in a tasteful and classy way. Her readers say she has what it takes to write erotica, if you like this quote “It will send your pulse racing and toes curling!! ” you should check out her books and the stupendous men in her life.


For those that live in Brisbane why n


Available on: Amazon Book Depository Barnes & Noble: Booktopia, iTunes, Kobo most online book stores.

not drop into the Dymocks City store as they stock Melissa’s paperbacks, some are even signed first editions. 2GB Shop, Sydney also sell her award nominated erotica book “Ample Attraction”

Web site is:

Facebook Fan Page:

S PARKLING D RAGON D ESIGNS Sparkling Dragon Designs offers a gorgeous range of Floating Charm Memory Lockets & Charms which provide an elegant window into your personality. In Six Easy steps you can design your own necklace, bracelet or key ring.

Step 1 - Choose from a selection of locket frames in plated silver & gold or stainless steel.

Step 2 - Choose from a selection of Chains, long, short, chunky, elegant you decide.

Step 3 - (this is the best part) - Choose your favourite Charms from a large and ever growing collection! You can pick as many charms as you like and change the look of your locket any time you want.

Step 4 - Add a hand stamped disc with your child’s name, birthdate date, Mum, Nana, special place etc, you can also add a special designs stamp many to choose from including hearts, stars, bows, hand prints, feet….

Step 5 – This is where you can add a photograph (or 2, 3 or 4) to your locket! Just choose your frame shape and size then email the photo to Sparkling Dragon Designs and they will set your photo into the charm with a special resin and keep it looking beautiful for years to come. Such a gorgeous way to catch those precious moments. Then in Step 6 you can add dangle charms to create a look as individual as you are! 100’s of Charms to choose from. These custom designed Floating Charm Lockets also make heartfelt gifts for sisters, mothers, daughters, best friends, new mums, brides, bridesmaids, flower girls, baby showers, christenings and more! Sparkling Dragon Designs also offers a Locket Preview Service where you can see what your locket will look like before you purchase.

Go on D e s ig n y o ur uni q ue neck l ac e t o day .


Helen Butler Helen Butler founded Clutter Rescue in July 2008. Clutter Rescue has a real passion for helping busy Mums balance work and home, raise helpful children and find time to connect with the people that matter. Helen is an Accredited Expert Professional Organiser with the Australasian Association of Professional Organisers, an Executive Member with the Institute of Concierge and Lifestyle Managers and in 2011 was named as a Finalist in the AusMumpreneur Awards. “It is such a relief to have everything in my home organised and looking great. I really appreciate (Clutter Rescue’s) professionalism and attention to the finer details that made working with (them) such an enjoyable experience.” Helen is a registered teacher and has worked as an Educational and Instructional Designer. She has a Masters of Business Administration and is one of a small number of Australian Professional Organisers to have completed Julie Morgenstern’s Needs Assessment and Time Management Training. The Clutter Rescue App and website provide a huge range of resources and products for busy Mums including online DIY courses, Clutter Rescue TV episodes and digital products. “Clutter Rescue thank you for this fantastic App. The best I’ve come across. Love love love it!!! And now my house is organised. Your products are so simple to apply.”


Clutter Rescue has been seen in print, radio and TV media, including Channel 10 News, Home Beautiful Magazine, ABC 612 radio and Family Health Magazine. Helen lives in Brisbane with her husband Scott and son Toby.

What’s your Mum Organising Style

?: Are you a Focused Mum? Supportive Mum? Maybe you’re a Dynamic, Exhausted or Overloaded Mum? By knowing your Mum Organising Style you will no longer wonder why you are different to your Mum, sister, friend, neighbour or work colleague – and be able to implement the Eight Traits of an Organised Mum in a way that works for you. This is how each of our Mum Organising Style rolls!

The Focused Mum

The Supportive Mum

The Dynamic M

A Focused Mum is quite Zenlike. People constantly comment on how together she is and how she never seems to be frazzled. She knows what a difference being organised makes in her life. Her home is organised and she rarely feels overwhelmed except when there is truly a lot going on. A Focused Mum knows the value of teaching her kids how to be organised.

A Supportive Mum is always putting her family first. She wants them to be consulted in the organising process which makes her feel like she’s in a holding pattern waiting for others to make a decision before she can move forward. She loves her family but has to make a conscious effort to create time for herself. A Supportive Mum recognises the value of her kids having jobs but to keep the peace she ends up doing the jobs anyhow so as to keep the house moving forward.

A Dynamic Mum ects on the go She gets an of satisfaction things done. H feel a little un but she has so eas that she kn ference. As lon fed and clean l namic Mum ha es around how the home but b time with them ting things don

So which Mum Organi Style you will have som

Like more information Visit the Clutter Rescu



The Exhausted Mum

The Overloaded Mum

m has lots of projat the one time. incredible sense when she gets Her home might nsettled at times ome order in arnows make a difng as the kids are life is ok! The Dyas some processw her kids help in because enjoying is important getne isn’t a priority.

An Exhausted Mum is pulled in many directions with a lot of demands. She’s juggling a todo list as long as her arm and feels like life is on top of her on a regular basis. She knows being organised will make a massive difference in her life but she honestly doesn’t know where to start. The Exhausted Mum is at the point of wanting someone to just tell her how to do it – without having to think about it.

An Overloaded Mum has so many things on her plate that she doesn’t know where to start or what to do. It’s not unusual for her to be so uncertain that she doesn’t know what she wants from her family, life or time. Her goals and direction are unclear and she works super-hard to keep everyone else happy. She does most things around the home because it’s easier than arguing with the kids when really what she’d love to do is curl up on a beach with a good book.

ising Style resonates with you? By knowing your Mum Organising mething tangible to go by, to improve upon, to work toward – and find more clarity in your life. Sounds good doesn’t it?

n on your Mum Organising Style? ue website to do the quiz!

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What do Tim Cahill, The Fainga’a Twins, Paula Parore, HMC Author & Angelfish Dragonfly have in common?

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HALLY RHIANNONNAMMU Hally Rhiannon-Nammu is a passionate behavioural change expert and spiritual guru. Hally has been noted as a top business coach, top life coach, nominated for Telstra Business Women’s Award 2012, noted as a Master in Spiritualism and part of four book collaborations including part of the Master Channel’s Expert Ebook providing insight into 21/12 predictions. Hally has extensive qualifications from NLP, Behavioural Profiling, Timeline Therapy, Life Coaching, Performance Coaching, Holistic Counselling through to Metaphysics, Fitness, Vibrational Medicine and is a Reiki Master; with over twenty years experience in varying businesses spending more than twelve of these in senior management roles. Hally is a published author of seven books and has been featured on a number of sites with continued requests for more to gain insight into her expertise, experience and vast knowledge. Hally has even been provided a live reading to the Paranormal Radio station in the UK. Hally has assisted many globally with matters ranging from every-day challenges through to trauma removal and recovery from abuse. Hally has a calming and honest nature providing a compassionate basis to help every person. What Hally does is so natural however, never compromised in results or dedication. Hally’s Therapy Page: Hally’s Spiritual Healing Page: Hally’s Coaching Page: Hally’s Author site:


One of the fastest growing industries are home businesses. This revolution in running a business from home and engaging in the freedom of being at home at the same time has become more than a dangling carrot. For some this is very much an every-day reality. However, not all is as it has cracked up to be. Choosing to run a business from home can have its short comings, distractions and unfortunately can see many hours being consumed in domestic chores as opposed to working on the business.


Perfect workspace It is dumbfounding to realise why changing from a regimented 9-5 job into a flexible work environment is more challenging than one could imagine. Given that work-life-balance programs in Australia spent over $400million and failed, it is no surprise that the idealistic flexible workfrom-home lifestyle can be a struggle, initially. The first thing to do is to create the perfect work space. This is not only about the literal work area but also the emotional and psychological space. When considering what the perfect space should look like consider that the work office needs to represent the person, the business brand and message. This can be undertaken through choice of colours, fabrics and even the design of the desk or chosen furniture. One thing to remember is that if this is a new business to spend less until the business is making enough revenue to cover furniture purchases. The easiest thing to do before buying anything is to consider – what is the brand and the business’s identity? If it is an extension of the person then what does this look like? Is it a white desk, a glass desk or a classic wooden desk, or perhaps even a couch? Once all of this is organised, the next part is about the arrangement of furniture. Consider if the room has a window, where is the door in conjunction to where the desk and furniture is to be located; is it next to or infront of? Does the sun come directly onto the desk or is it to the side? Move the desk and any other furniture around until it “feels” right.

Consider five core priorities. Sometimes all of this has nothing to do with logic and everything to do with how it feels. When choosing to have the back to the door it will feel uncomfortable, so naturally this is not a desired set up. It is the adjustment from old habits into new; the adjustment of a life that was known in the old work environment to now learning about a new part of oneself; a new era with risk as well as potential. The second part of this is all about the emotion and the psychological. This is what is going to make or break the business and decide whether the office is set up in accordance with the person, specifically. When having a home business the first thing to do is set up a new routine. Not like the one that was in the old job or the one that enables the person to undertake domestic duties. This routine is called the ‘wheel of life’, designed in accordance with the business and the individual. These two cannot be separate because this will spell out failure before even commencing. The person is complete and must be treated as one. With a home business having both under the same roof makes this challenging because the separation must come from the person not from the ease of separate locations.


These five will incorporate the business, the personal, home, fitness and relationships. These of course can change. Setting the to-do list will work in accordance with this. It is also an affective way to see if too much is happening in one area. The one thing to remember with the wheel of life is that balance is not about what happens in the day but over the month. Allocate some time in each area throughout the month, design tasks in accordance with the business objectives and then break these down to daily tasks. One of the challenges with running a business as a sole trader is the overwhelm that can come from having too much to do in too little time. This simple method enables this to be reduced and managed in a way that minimises stress, incorporates what is important and often supports the reason for going into business in the first place as well as helping to maintain focus on building the business.

The perfect work space starts with an area set up to function as a business and its essence is about integrating the person into that area so it becomes an extension and thus, business at home becomes part of the home working in synergy and balance.




Kim Clark Kim Clark is an experienced stylist and digital media organizational guru represented by Big Frame Network. At 23 years old, she has already styled and systemized some of the most exclusive zip codes. Kim’s love of organization has led her to start VanchicOrganization Youtube channel. From color coordinating, to her creative and non-traditional methods of finding, refurbishing and utilizing décor and storage treasures, Kim has you covered with tips and tricks. Everyone should have a home that they can be proud of with every system, cabinet, space and storage properly arranged. Kim believes that originality, creativity and learning to be a savvy shopper (with a nose for vintage or investment pieces!) can compliment your fashion individuality. Unlike most organizers, Kim will never tell you to fill a closet with unsightly plastic bins or to stuff your prized possessions in baskets. Instead, Kim will show you her unique and one of kind methods for organization. It’s all about flair, prioritizing, upcycling, simplifying and thinking rich. Kim teaches clever techniques like shopping your own closet, sorting, purging, unique storage concepts and maintenance habits that will keep your home tidy 24/7.


Find Kim here:


Organize Your Wardrobe

Kim Clark


Wish you had Victoria Beckham’s closet but cant afford it? Lusting after Carrie Bradshaw’s shoe collection? I’m here to give you hope! All my tips are centered around the concept of presenting your home with the highest luxury quality... without paying hefty price tags!

Step 1: Search the wardrobe you already have and edit through everything. Take inventory. If somebody asked me right now how many orange shirts I owned, I’d quickly say “3!” Know what you have and be responsible for the money you spend on your duds. Evaluate what outfits don’t fit you, items neglected and staple missing wardrobe essentials. Ditch all your old, worn, tired and ugly pieces. The purging process feels so damn good.

Step 2: Simple means chic. Notice in a celebrity’s house there is balance or symmetry in every room and less than 6 material items on every counter top. Shed the visual clutter.

Step 3: Mirrors make a closet look bigger...get lots of them. Think of a theme or focal point for your space. Don’t have it be an area with just clothes — add decor that ties in with your personal style.

Step 4: Stop using cheap storage supplies, plastic bins and crappy wire hangers. Put all your clothes on matching hangers because it will let small closet spaces appear linear and unified. You should be able to move around hangers on your closet rod. If they are jam packed, you will never fully see what you own.

Step 5: Take everything up off the floor. Rich people never line their shoes or junk on the ground. Piles on the floor add bulk, shortens the height (of an already small closet) and stubs the foundation square footage. You want your closet items beautifully on display; a closet is prime real estate space! Think tall; ceiling storage, ceiling hanging toy hammocks, corner shelving, wall curios, carousels, pull down swing rods...

Step 6: Color coordinate and categorize. Put ‘like with like’ and ‘type with type’. That means all socks in one drawer, all jeans on one shelf, every dress in one solitary section. Coordinate your clothes from light to dark or rainbow order. You will soon discover it is easier to mix and match outfits by properly spotting color options.

Step 7: Remove all paper work, knick-knacks, memory boxes, storage bins, cluttered pictures, suitcases and all other “stuff” from your closet. You wouldn’t store your yoga mat in the refrigerator, right?

Step 8: Redefine your style identity. That means put all the comfy clothes in hard to reach places. Most Women have their uggies, slippers, sweat pants and t-shirts at the forefront of their closets and drawers. Hide those slumpy items; we ladies


should desire to use the full value of our nicer things. It’s a lot more exciting to style an outfit and put effort into your image.

Step 9: Â Most

ping habits and limited

store accessories and s

fun vintage curio cabin

Step 10: Org

to get another fashion

eyesores and ugly ‘age


s an orga about spr ing a closet sp A project like take you a few glass of wine discouraged!



t people are unorganized due to poor shop-

d space. If your closet is just TOO small,

shoes in your bedroom or mudroom with a

net, jewelry armoire, shoe hutch...

ganize your closet with a friend. It is valuable

nista’s opinion and vision. They can point out

ed looks’ faster than you’ll be able to!

anizer the hardest part ring cleaning and systemizpace is the time! Organizing a closet will w hours so prepare with a by your side and don’t get


Aussie Mum set to ‘thrill’ with debut novel << Psychiatrist Jade Thatcher thinks that returning to her small Australian hometown to start again, will be a healing experience – until her new job proves to be just the opposite. Her patients are linked in ways that she can’t explain, and the hospital has seen too many doctors come and go. It’s not long before she is lured by a well-guarded secret; one that sends her to a dark and dangerous place, with little hope of returning.>>

White Walls is an intriguing debut novel from H.M.C. Who will this appeal to? Anyone who likes a dark suspense story with an optimistic ending.’ ~ Helene Young , Winner of the Romance Writers of Australia, 2011 – 2012


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Bachelor of Health Science – Naturopathy. Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Nutrition,

Matthew Legge N.D.

Medical herbalism, Homeopathy, Sports Injury Management and Food Therapy. 17 years clinical experience specializing



treatment protocols for optimizing athletic performance, body sculpting, hormonal regulation, pain and fatigue.

I have worked for and with a variety of brands over the last decade as “Technical Research Manager” inventing and formulating supplements and specialty foods. I have been the researcher, author and presenter of training and technical data manuals for medical professionals. My current role is head of research and development for ATP Science. ATP Science has been created to make a variety of unique products for improving athletic performance and body sculpting. I believe we deserve the right to live a happy and healthy life. I believe we deserve the right to access the tools and knowledge to achieve our health and wellness goals. I believe it is possible to create effective products and education and introduce new and exciting concepts and tools. I believe you deserve the right to access quality products and the get the results they de-



Refer to for more information on Matt & his products.

What does my

shape say about Me?

By Matt Legge ND

It is relatively well known that hormone ratios and genetics can determine your bodyshape. You may know someone who has suddenly changed shape as they have been diagnosed with a thyroid problem or been put on a new medication which has given them a moon face. You may have even experienced this yourself by using a new oral contraceptive pill and growing a second more curvaceous bottom. You may have also noticed that hormonal changes don’t just change your shape but will influence your entire body at the same time. Hormones will change your mood and behaviour and create signs and symptoms systemically. Hormones are a fascinating science; the ability to just look at where someone will hold fat when they gain weight and you can get an insight into their personality


and health complaints.

Adrenals The adrenal gland helps you deal with stress. Have you ever heard someone say count to 10 before you react to

and release excessive cortisol and then

stress and punch someone and / or run

they become exhausted and you crash.

away? Well when we are exposed to stress; our nervous stress response is

When overflowing you can experience

immediate and gives us everything we

• Depression borne from anxiety and

need to punch and run but after about


10 seconds a hormone called cortisol is released to switch off our stress response. The problem can be that we are often exposed to repeated or severe stress or grew up exposed to stress we can end up pumping out too much cortisol all day every day.

• Poor short term memory, concentration span and focus • Insomnia and restless sleep • Butterflies in stomach and poor digestion

Adrenal body shape

• Crave sugar

This will change your body shape to

When empty you can experience

hold fat and fluid around your internal organs and will break down muscle mass and bone. This creates a round middle with fat and fluid deep inside your gut, fluid and fat retention around the face and a double chin, sometimes

• Depression borne from fatigue and apathy • Can’t get started in the morning • Crave salt

a humped back or slouched appear-

• Need to drink all the time but can’t

ance and relatively lean arms and legs.

hold it and have constant urination

Adrenal person

• Sensitive to glare

The adrenal personality type is best described as an over flowing cup. It is either overflowing with energy and emotion or empty, there is no middle ground. Typically the adrenals overwork

• Dizzy

Estrogen Estrogen is the main female hormone that keeps everything soft and feminine. There is an epidemic of estrogen dominance in today’s society due to estrogenic compounds in plastics, pesticides, pollutants, contraception and HRT.

Estrogen body shape Estrogen holds fat and fluid less than 2mm under the skin on the hips, buttocks, thighs, breasts and the backs of the arms. Love handles, saddle bags and the front veranda can all be from estrogen.

Estrogen person • increased intuition and gut instincts • exaggerated stress response and harder to switch off so can dwell on things


• good long term memory • run on autopilot

Androgens are the masculine hormones. Androg

• can crave sugar and chocolate

dominance is often genetic or associated with

• mood swings are aggravated and follow pattern with menstrual cycle

high sugar diet, “insulin resistant syndrome” a

• can trigger headaches

more and more common in recent years.

• poor circulation, sometimes bruising and varicose veins •bloated and fluidy; hips and thighs.




polycystic ovaries (PCOS), which are becom

Androgen shape Androgens preserve muscle mass but increase

around internal organs and gut. Usually have a s

id muscular physique with a “pot belly” in wom

or “beer belly” in men. Usually the body type t

starts a diet and exercise regime and weight g up and that annoying PT says “it’s muscle not don’t worry…”

Androgen person • easily frustrated and cranky • can get aggressive and angry quickly • can often have acne, cysts, boils or folliculitis

• hair loss on head and hair gain everywhere els


• crave sugars and food and can get cranky and flustered if misses a meal

Hypothyroid The thyroid gland regulates your metabolism. Every part of your body is controlled by the thyroid. It is your internal pace maker and decides if you run fast or slow. It generates heat by burning fat. A fast thyroid is less common and typically makes you hot and sweaty and lose weight. A slow thyroid is much more common and usually makes you gain weight.

Hypothyroid shape Generalised weight gain all over. The whole body can hold fat and fluid. From the fingers and toes to your face. Hypothyroid person • apathy and fatigue • too tired to care or tolerate idiots


h a



• cold • swollen • slow bowels with excessive bloating and gas and fullness • poor circulation and fluid retention





goes fat,



• dry and weak hair • dry skin

We all have all of these hormones but we can look at these “symptom pictures” to determine which hormones may be making the biggest influence on your life. These hormones will overlap and interact but ratios are so

• weak finger and toe nails

important. You can get an idea

We all have all of these hormones but different ratios.

of which one you are dominant in and if you look back at your life you may even be able to identify which came first and that can help to get to the cause and break the cycle.

Talya Goding


0447 426 860


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Anya Haywood

Anya is the principal designer at Anya H Interiors. Raised in England before settling in Sydney in 2000 and with nearly twenty years of experience in the Creative Industry and a Distinction from The Institute of Interior Design, Anya brings an eclectic eye and a knack for designing spaces that feel comfortable, livable and individual. With 3 young daughters, Anya has a particular passion for creating stylish yet practical, functional spaces for the busy, family household. “My own home is a contemporary mix of antique, modern and bespoke design. I love the attention to detail, solidity, quality of materials generally associated with antique furniture but appreciate more of the modern look especially for its functionality”. “My goal with Anya H Interiors is to package up service offerings in a more palatable approach so that clients have greater understanding at the start of a project about what the end result will cost. We offer the Onsite Interior Design Service for those looking for a professional interior designer to be onsite and driving the process from start to finish and we also offer a revolutionary approach to Interior Design - an Online Interior Design Service which offers a more


accessible, affordable professional design service.


Just because you have a kid-friendly home, doesn’t mean it can’t be an elegant, well styled one.

When I first started interior designing, I didn’t have kids and I have to confess, I really didn’t appreciate the kid factor. So when one of my very first clients (a family of five) briefed me on their design absolutes ranging from having nothing out on display, no glass whatsoever, all sofa & chair covers to be removable & washable and so on, my instant reaction was “how am I ever going to make this place look even vaguely stylish?!” It turned out to be invaluable experience and fast-track several years I now have 3 little ones of my own and can fully appreciate that designing with kids in mind takes extra careful planning for durability and function whilst not compromising on overall style… and the best news… all that can be achieved without defaulting to bright plastic furniture!


a use for last minute sleepovers. I’m loving this chic armless sofa, which offers easy accessibility ome tips and advice for deco rating stylish kid-friendly spaces:

oChoosing furniture

for little ones as well as a sofa bed functionality.

oReorganising your floor plan I’m reading a great book at the moment about the

For my Anya H Interiors clients with families, I of-

French approach to Parenting. In pretty much all

ten look to mid century and Scandinavian influ-

aspects of life, French kids are raised with a strict

ences as the starting point for design concepts.

emphasis on boundaries and the Interiors ele-

Regardless of the end look and feel you’re trying

ment is no exception. The living room is regard-

to achieve, the token mid century classic piece

ed as sacred and completely toy and clutter free.

- for instance an Ercol sofa or a Danish circular

Following the philosophy that children can play

table - has clean, soft lines and an uncluttered

happily and independently with fewer things,

vibe that is sophisticated yet practical and fami-

try restricting all toys and games to a dedicat-

ly functional. (And as you know, most furniture

ed room, whether it be your child’s bedroom or

scores extra cool points with your friends just for

whether you turn an extra room that is currently

being Scandinavian!).

underused into a play area. (The general trend I’m

Take one of the most important furniture pieces in the home – the sofa. As you multi-task every other area of your life, insist that your sofa multitasks as well and you’ll always be prepared. There are some great multi functioning sofas out there that not only look good but also provide


finding is that separate dining rooms are rarely used these days so this could be the top of your hit list…?). Whichever room you choose, make it the kid’s space and even get buy in and excitement by including your kids in the redesign process.

oChoosing fabrics & finishes Sisal runners, art silk rugs and brushed suede so-

oChoosing a colour palette for your family home

fas were the ‘go to’ of Interiors a few years ago,

I’m sure many of you have read bits & pieces about

however I doubt they will be making the hall of

colour psychology and how colour can effect kids…

‘durable classics’ fame. When it comes to remov-

it’s a question I’m asked almost every day ‘what is

ing stains, in almost all cases, natural is better.

the best colour for my daughter / son’s room?’.

For stain hiding, I’m a big fan of Persian style rugs

In summary, what I can say is consider the ‘cool-

in 100% wool… the pile not only works well for

er colours’ for example lighter shades of blue,

clean ups, but the irregular patterns, kaleidoscope

green and soft yellow as they have a calming ef-

of colours can hide a multitude of sins! Leather is

fect on the body and can make the room feel spa-

perhaps the most obvious choice as it is stylish, du-

cious and relaxing. At the same time, soften the

rable, and resilient and looks great as it wears, but

‘cooling’ effect with creamy neutrals and include

more & more I’m recommending good quality vel-

soft, textural finishes. For Princesses in love with

vets to my clients with kids. Velvets comes in so

the rosy hue, use pink only for certain elements of

many different colours, kids love the soft texture

the room, for instance detail in the curtains, bed

and because it’s a natural fabric, it also means it

linen or a pink rug, but do not let it dominate the

is free from nasty synthetic toxins and chemicals...


another kid friendly tick!

oThe finishing touch‌ accessorising & displaying Installing floating shelves to a room lets you place valuables out of reach from curious little hands. Besides being very stylish, floating shelves will add different and interesting dimensions to the room. Place decorative elements such as colourful books, photo frames and glass (yes, even glass..!) vases with flowers. Insider tip: make sure that there is some consistency in your arrangement, whether it be colour, shape or material that is the unifying element. Last but not least, no kid friendly home can


do without‌a chalk board. They are the LBD of any family household to help you feel or-

ganized and in control of all the ‘stuff’ that’s going on. Perfect for chalking up your weekly schedule, ‘cannot forget’ list and displaying the ongoing stream of kid’s art, school notes, party invites etc. So this month, focus on freeing up your space from kids chaos and clutter, and with a little bit of furniture rearranging I promise you will create a much more relaxing and less stressful living space. Readers – love to hear how you go with this plan and any interesting case studies I will feature in the next issue of Born Organized, email

Luke Mangan Luke Mangan is one of Australia’s leading chefs and restaurateurs and is highly regarded internation-

In addition to running eight busy

ally as a shining example of Austra-

restaurants, Luke has written four

lia’s culinary culture.

cookbooks and most recently, his

Luke currently owns and operates glass brasserie, Hilton Sydney; Salt


grill, Hilton Surfers Paradise; Salt

He has launched his own range of

grill and Salt tapas & bar, Singa-

gourmet products and also makes

pore; Salt and the adjoining World

regular appearances on number of

Wine Bar, Tokyo; and Salt grill

TV shows, both in Australia and in-

onboard three P&O cruise liners.


Luke’s newest venture, Salt grill, opened in Jakarta in March 2013. Luke is also the consulting chef for Virgin Australia.


autobiography ‘The Making of a

For more information, please visit

Crab Omelette,

Enoki Mushroom Salad And Miso Serves 4 Ingredients Omelette 12 free range eggs (3 eggs per omelette) 3tbsp extra virgin olive oil 200g (about 1 cup, firmly packed) crab meat, ensure there is no residue of shell Sea salt and cracked black pepper 100ml Miso broth*

Fish sauce dressing 2tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1tbsp lime juice 2tsp Thai fish sauce 2tsp crisp fried shallots (from an Asian grocer) 2tsp toasted sesame seeds

Miso broth* 2 litres water 3tbsp dashi 2tbsp miso paste 1tbsp Dijon mustard 1tbsp rice wine vinegar

For the salad 8 basil leaves, broken up 1 red chilli, seeded and julienne 8 coriander/cilantro leaves, lightly torn 8 mint leaves, lightly torn 2 sprigs dill, lightly torn 1 punnet Enoki mushrooms, split into individual mushrooms

Method For the miso broth: In a large saucepan, bring the water to the boil. Add the dashi and allow to dissolve, then add the miso paste and whisk the mixture. Turn down the temperature and add the mustard and rice wine vinegar. Remove from heat and cool. For the salad and fish sauce dressing: Whisk all of the fish sauce dressing ingredients together until well blended. Place all of the salad ingredients in a bowl and toss gently with some of the fish sauce dressing. For the omelette: Heat a little olive oil in a non-stick frypan. Whisk the eggs in a bowl and season with the sea salt and black pepper then ladle in a quarter of the egg mixture. While the omelette is setting, warm the crab meat in a small pan and add a quarter of the warmed crab filling to the centre of the omelette and fold over. Keep warm and repeat 3 times. To serve: On individual plate-bowls, spoon a ladle of the hot miso broth and place an omelette on top. Garnish each plate with a handful of the dressed salad.



Medici Clinic

Dee Tozer has been the managing director of Medici since 2004. Dee is a Counselling Psychologist with over 24 years experience in the medical and allied health sectors and she established Medici to provide the most comprehensive information for those seeking high quality, best value cosmetic surgery services. Whether it be enlarging or reducing breasts, restoring flat firm tummies or lifting necks, faces or jowls, Dee and her team are there to help clients sift through the huge amount of information available these days and then select what is right for their needs and the outcome they desire. Medici is the longest established and possibly the most well


know Cosmetic Plastic Surgery clinic in the South East of Melbourne. Dee is passionate about ensuring Medici clients really understand the procedure they are considering and that their expectations of the outcome are realistic and achievable. Medici also has two other key service areas, one is the injectable for smoothing tell-tale facial lines and filling and the other is high quality skin rejuvenation treatments. Fraxel has recently been introduced to Medici to treat stubborn facial pigmentation as Dee stays abreast of all the latest developments for youthful maintenance and damaged skin restoration.

Goodbye Embarrassment What can you do? When is best? Embarrassment about small, underdeveloped, empty or sagging breasts and also about Mummy Tummies (Jelly Bellies) both create a great deal of anxiety for many women. The emotional pain can be unbearable as we live in a society of body conscious women and every time we go to buy a dress, a cute or glamorous top, a swimsuit, even gym wear, our embarrassment can be overwhelming. In fact many women tell us that they never get undressed with the light on and avoid going on the treadmill at the gym when any guys are there. Breast Implant and Tummy Tuck surgery each provide a reliable solution when done by an experienced cosmetic plastic surgeon. Over the 24 years since I commenced as a Patient Advisor in the cosmetic plastic surgery industry I have shared in the journey of transformation of many hundreds of women who have undergone Breast Implant or Tummy Tuck procedures. Their delight and relief is palpable as they say goodbye to their embarrassing moments and gleefully say that they now leave the light on brings joy and fulfilment to the Medici team. Breast Implant surgery is a day surgery procedure, while Tummy Tucks require an overnight stay and there are medical considerations to be taken into account. A one hour comprehensive and confidential, no obligation consultation at Medici provides all the information without commitment. So if your embarrassment is of concern find out if you are a suitable candidate for a Breast Implant or Corrective Tummy Tuck procedure.

Hiding breast embarrassment is often more difficult than covering up tummy bulges. Breasts really are the essence of our femininity. The most common joy women share after breast enhancement surgery is how they feel so much more feminine. That their femininity has been restored. That they can leave the light on in the bedroom and bathroom.

Do you have a Mummy Tummy?

winter clothing covers up

After pregnancy, even women

any sign of change to friends

who are not excessively over-

and family during the heal-

weight can find themselves

ing phase and breasts have

with a permanent stretched,

settled and are ready for the

flabby or bulging stomach.

summer months. After cover-

Often we talk about “jelly bel-

other type is a full Abdomino-

ing up during winter no-one

lies” and because the skin and

plasty, which addresses excess

will notice when light sum-

underlying muscle is stretched

skin and fat from the pubic

mer tops and dresses reveal

no amount of abdo crunch-

bone up to the ribcage. This

gorgeous full breasts….unless

es and gym work can restore

is a more extensive procedure

you tell them.

your tummy to its pre baby

and usually requires one night

firmness and flatness.

in hospital.

Tummy Tuck surgery, or cor-

After their tummy tucks the

ring hot with women want-

rectly named Abdominoplas-

girls at Medici are overjoyed

ing to get their breast implant

ty surgery, corrects Mummy

with the whole new world

surgery or Tummy Tuck sur-

Tummies following pregnan-



gery done before Christmas

cies. There are two main types

ing choices which opens up.

and many are disappointed

of Abdominoplasty. One, the



because Medici is booked out

mini-abdominoplasty, or mini

wear light summer clothing,

and they have to wait until the

tummy tuck, which is usually

shorts, swimwear and gym

latter part of summer to get

all that is required when the



it done. Often as summer ap-

main abdominal wall muscle

ment. Once that flabby bulge

proaches women say they are

is not damaged by pregnancy

of loose skin and fat is gone

fed up with their body shape

or weight loss and correction

they feel and look great and

and embarrassment during

surgery is confined to removal

love the freedom of jumping

summer when light clothing

of excess skin or a “jelly bel-

on that treadmill at the gym

and swim wear reveal all the

ly” following pregnancies or

without even thinking about

weight loss and can some-

who can see them.

times be a day procedure. The

mences our Medici phones






Winter is the best time. It makes sense to have Breast Implant and Tummy Tuck surgery done in Winter because


As the warmer weather com-


parts they can disguise or hide in winter. They see the shops full of gorgeous summer fashions which they simply cannot wear and wish they had done something about their breasts or tummy in winter. And having a surgical change to breasts or tummy is often the motivation to lose a few unwanted kilos before summer as well.

Stepping into summer with a spring in your step and new confidence is a wonderful feeling of freedom and joy. Being able to shop without embarrassment and wear clothing you have always

your journey of transformation before Summer rolls around again.

dreamed of makes for a magical Christmas and

Medici we are thrilled to hear it all the time then

fabulous Australian summer.

we know we are doing our job. At Medici there

Their relief is palpable and at Medici we are thrilled to hear it all the time then we know we are doing our job. At Medici there are no silly questions to worry about and your comprehensive consultation with a Patient Advisor is free. We do both phone consultations and Skype consultations and can arrange them after hours to suit your schedule. So there’s no need to put

are no silly questions to worry about and your comprehensive consultation with a Patient Advisor is free. We do both phone consultations and Skype consultations and can arrange them after hours to suit your schedule. So there’s no need to put it off any longer, make Medici your first step in your journey of transformation before Summer rolls around again.

it off any longer, make Medici your first step in Facelift without surgery Lips, full lips, fuller lips Fabulous injectables Thank you injectables – Happy 63 years young

Medici cosmetic surgery….experience the medici difference Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants, Tummy Tuck, Mummy Tummy, Rhinoplasty, Breast Reduction, Breast Uplift, Facelift, Eyelift, Necklift, Otoplasty -Medici Cosmetic Surgery Specialist Clinic is the most well known, longest established Clinic in the South East of Melbourne, Medici includes both Cosmetic Surgery as well as Plastic Surgery procedures. Twenty one years after commencing in the Cosmetic Surgery and Plastic Surgery industry in Melbourne, Dee Tozer’s understanding of what patients want is extensive. Her Medici team in Berwick, Victoria, knows how much the right information plus reliability and safety mean to you. Whether Breast Augmentation or Breast implants will make your femininity shine, Breast Reduction relieves your pain or embarrassment, Tummy Tuck repairs your mummy tummy, Liposculpture removes the curves you dont want, Rhinoplasty reshapes your nose, or Facelift surgery refreshes your appearance, Medici is your answer, we are here for you. There is no need to struggle with the unknown. Under Dee’s guiding hand everything is explained thoroughly for your reassurance. Dee and her Medici team truly understand the Cosmetic Surgery journey of change you are on and we are focused on you achieving your goal.

Hear from one of our many happy Medici Clients:

A life changing and positive experience! The initial decision to have this procedure done was daunting but as I’m now 6 weeks post-op, it was the best decision I have ever made! Family and friends comment on how much happier I seem and how I hold my posture taller and prouder. I feel my confidence has lifted and my moods through tiredness have improved. My backache has gone, so has the shoulder pain and headaches!! “GOD BLESS TOM!” I now look forward to some new bra shopping instead of dreading!!!”

See our medici clinics advertisement in this issue to receive $1050 off any breast or tummy procedure!


Do you have a Mummy Tummy? With a ‘Mummy Tummy Tuck’ you won’t need the light off! Now you can leave the light on without embarrassment. Take charge & make a positive

difference for YOU today!


Specialise in Breast Implants & Tu m my Tu ck s - ex p e r i e n c e the MEDICI DIFFERENCE

Yes! You CAN get your ‘sexy back’!

Mention this Ad to receive

$1050 OFF

any breast or tummy procedure Call me on 1800 633 429

to set up a complimentary

1 hour skype or phone private chat so that I can answer all of your questions(there are no silly ones). Our Chat has ‘no commitment and no obligation’. Let me get right to the heart of the matter for you in the strictest confidence & unfold the mysteries of ‘Secret Women’s Business,’ cosmetic procedures.

Dee Tozer

P.S We even cater for Long Distance Patientsjust ask me.

CLICK HERE for the ‘6 most dangerous trends in Cosmetic Surgery’!

Join us on Facebook to stay updated with the latest surgical & non surgical procedures Contact us: Berwick Specialist Suites, Level 1, 50 Kangan Drive Berwick Call us: 03 9707 5799 or 1800 633 429


ALL ABOUT KIDS Love Henry kids clothing brand available from



Entrepreneurial Aussie Mum Kicks Goals Three and a half years ago Townsville mum, Angelene Bourne created Angelfish Dragonfly –, a premium ‘clicks and mortar’ store catering for premmie babies to ten year olds after many people kept stopping her in the street and saying “Now you didn’t get that beautiful garment here did you?” She was buying her baby daughter’s garments from boutiques in Melbourne on visits to family. So she saw a need for these premium products to be stocked locally. Ms Bourne opened her ‘shop’ in the peak of the Global Financial Crisis and has watched the online business thrive in one of the world’s most competitive markets. “It has been a labour of love and hard work that have built up the business to where it is today, the premier Townsville store that is also known Australia wide and with many customers worldwide as well”, she commented. Ms Bourne acknowledges there are plenty of players in the sandpit but has built herself a sizeable moat. “Large retailers often underestimate the little guy but they’re competing with mums like me who know exactly what mums want. It’s about providing convenience, the right mix of products, excellent customer service and a seamless shopping experience. It also makes me so pleased to get such amazingly positive feedback at local boutique markets where we have a ‘pop-up shop’ ”, she said.


Ms Bourne says her online boutique is vintage inspired

We’ve all been there…from

with a modern twist, a one-stop shop filled with unique

to chasing down runaway

and gorgeous products from over 60 of the industry’s most

be downright stressful.

sort-after brands. “There are many boutique labels we stock that you won’t find in larger stores and that is what our customers love – something different but of high quality and timelessly styled.”


Many find the convenience

far outweighs and is more c

postage. The customers fi

shipping Australia wide is c

“It’s the convenience of online shopping that is so appeal-

know what it will cost to ha

ing to our customers. Many of our customers live in re-

Angelfish Dragonfly offers

mote areas where lovely stores just don’t exist while others

$150, free gift-wrapping op

live right in the cities but are too busy to shop directly.

residents living in Townsville

m wrestling kids in clothing racks

orders with excellent old fashioned customer service only

rascals, and gift shopping can

an email away. “We get to know many of our customers by name and form lovely friendships. Customers are often

e of home delivery to their door

amazed that I remember who they are!”

cost efficient, than the price of

From vintage inspired toys to beautiful, organic clothing,

find that the $9.95 flat rate of

décor items, outfits to impress the smallest of style mavens

convenient, as they will always

and accessories that can take kids from Kindy to Katie’s

ave their parcel sent to them.”

party with the click of a mouse, Angelfish Dragonfly has

free shipping for orders over

you covered. Ms Bourne says Angelfish Dragonfly is full

ption and free pick-up option to

of unique and quirky gift ideas including eco-toys, Dinos-

e. Also we have fast despatch of

nores sleep and meditation CDs, colourful Eco safe rubber

cot protectors for babies who like to munch on wooden rails, and the world’s first protective baby ear muffs reducing noise level by 22 dB. The Ear Muffs are one of our most sought after products for events such as the Townsville 400, V8 Supercars, music concerts, aeroplane flights, autistic children or anywhere where loud noises could damage hearing, to sporting events so babies can settle undisturbed by noise. “We carefully source and select the most beautiful stock on the market from designers in Australia and overseas including Australian designers Quince, Bluebelle, Havelli, Babychic Designs, and Four Zero. Angelfish Dragonfly is very proud to be the top online Australian stockist of sought after Australian label Love Henry. From overseas we have Babiators, Sticky Bellies, and LillyBit from America, and most recently European fashion labels including Scandinavian label Nosh Organics, French Eco products from Coq en Pate and Dutch high end designer mim-pi. There are more beautiful labels being added to our collections this year so don’t forget to sign-up to our VIP customer list to keep up to date with the latest happenings, exclusive and advance preview specials.”

Click here: Angelene definitely has an eye for stylish garments that are suitable for children. Find Angelfish Dragonfly at the following Townsville locations: every Sunday morning from 8.30am to 1pm at Cotters Market in Flinders Street Mall, the Strand Night Markets on the first Friday of each month from May to December, and North Qld Babies and Kids Market which are held periodically throughout the year. Don’t forget to use your voucher found in Angelfish Dragonfly’s ad on the next page when making your purchase.


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Lindy Cook Lindy Cook is a Naturopath and Nutritionist with a passion to inspire healthy eating and support the environment. Lindy has lectured at Endeavour College, been a regular corporate speaker and worked in private practice for over 15 years.


She runs My Green Lunch Box, an on-line store for all your lunch needs and home to the environmentally-friendly fundraising program for schools and kindergarten - promoting rubbish free lunch days in schools. My Green Lunch Box Health & Nutrition talks for children and parents are also available. Contact or visit her website for more information.“In Australia, as elsewhere across the globe, obesity is a major problem. In children a high intake of processed, ‘junk’ foods and an inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables, are

important risk factors for mental health problems and reduced cognitive ability. My Green Lunch Box is a wonderful initiative that helps lay the foundation for a lifetime of good eating and helps prevent so many of these avoidable diseases associated with obesity and poor nutrition. This contrasts to other forms of fundraising, such as the standard chocolate drive, which go against healthy eating practices”. Dr Felice Jacka, World Expert Childhood Nutrition “At last a fundraising initiative that supports the environment and your school by offering a variety of well designed lunch boxes, bottles and wrapping options to help parents avoid using packaging that often ends up in landfill.” Tamsin O’Neill - Editor, Green Magazine

What SuperFoods Can Do for You


Naturopath & Nutritionist Owner My Green Lunch Box

Not all foods were created equal - some are so packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and other beneficial substances that they’ve been deemed “superfoods”. Put simply, superfoods give you more ‘bang for your buck’ than regular foods. Superfoods are multi-taskers, brimming with various disease-fighting nutrients and delivered in a delicious form. They are known for their incredible health giving qualities due to their very high levels of antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. By incorporating a serve or two of your favourite superfoods into your diet you can greatly improve your health, boost your immune function and support a life of optimal vitality and wellbeing.

The biggest dilemma you face is deciding which delicious superfoods to include in your diet, there are just so many to choose from! In part one of this superfoods article, we take a look at a few favourites and see what they can do for you.

Quinoa This South American, gluten free grain seems to be everyone’s favourite new staple. The Incas referred to it as ‘the mother of all grains’ and NASA is considering using it as a potential crop for manned flights in the future. • Quinoa is one of the most protein-rich foods we can eat and boasts a higher protein content than any other grain. • Calcium rich - on a gram to gram basis, quinoa provides over twice the amount of calcium than that found in whole wheat.

• A great source of superoxide dismutase, the champion antioxidant that helps protect your body from oxidative damage caused by the release of free radicals in the body. • Rich in minerals magnesium, folate, manganese and phosphorous. • Low GI – quinoa contains almost twice as much fiber as most other grains. This helps keep you feeling full for longer periods and keeps blood sugar levels balanced • Quinoa is incredibly versatile and can be cooked in the same way as rice or couscous and can be substituted for most grains in cooking. • The flakes can be used to make porridge, a high protein breakfast food. Top it with your other favourite super foods; goji berries, hemp seeds, chia seeds and a little agave or coconut sugar to sweeten.

Hemp Seeds Hemp seeds, the legal cousin of cannabis (without the THC), are considered to be the most nutritious seed in the world and are the only plant-based complete protein.


• The protein provid proportional to both beans and is in a form than that foun en and other high p

• Hemp seeds are ri GLA, to help get tho ways firing on all cy problems like eczem matoid arthritis.

• Long thought of their rich essential fa keep your hair shinin ing from within.

• Sprinkle a tablesp fast cereal, add it t and include it in you tasty way to increas sential fatty intake.

Raw Cacao

Raw Cacao is dark unrefined form and the food of the G has suggested dark health benefits.

• More antioxidant

ded by hemp seeds is h egg whites and soymore easily digestible nd in meat, eggs, chickprotein foods.

ich Omega 3, 6, 9 and ose neurological pathylinders and useful for ma, allergies and rheu-

as nature’s skin food, atty acid content helps ng and your skin glow-

poon over your breakto salads or smoothies ur baking. It’s a simple, se your protein and es-

chocolate in its most d to the Aztecs, it was Gods. Recent research chocolate offers many

t flavonoids than any

food tested so far, including blueberries, red wine, and black & green teas • The highest whole food source of magnesium. • The theobromine naturally found in raw cacao stimulates the release of endorphins that provide a gentle anti-depressant action • The rich antioxidant content may help lower raised blood pressure and improve circulation • Mix raw cacao nibs with goji berries and almonds to make a delicious trail mix for you and the kids to snack on. • Raw cacao powder can be used for baking, added to fruit smoothies or protein shakes or the occasional after school hot chocolate.

Coconut Oil Without a doubt coconut oil is the latest ‘it’ super food and what an extraordinary number of health benefits offered. • Coconut oil will not turn rancid and oxidize when heated, unlike many other oils (including olive oil). So use it for frying, baking – anything really that requires heating in the kitchen. • Lauric acid, a constituent of coconut oil, has anti-fungal and antibacterial qualities. Try having a tablespoon daily to give your immune system an extra boost. • The medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) in coconut oil can help you lose weight and protect from insulin resistance! MCFAs behave differently to other fats, being absorbed straight into the cell, where they can be immediately burned up as energy, boosting our metabolism and making them less likely to be stored as fat. • Use only organic virgin coconut oil to ensure you are getting maximum nutritional benefit. • Add a tablespoon to your favourite smoothie, roast your vegetables in it, bake with it, stir fry with it, pop your fish in the oven wrapped in foil with a little ginger and add a tablespoon of coconut oil for a rich, delicious flavour. Yum…..


Agave Nectar Agave nectar is a healthy, completely natural unrefined natural substitute for refined sugars and artificial sweeteners. Made from the Agave plant it has been used in native societies of Mexico for centuries as a sweetener and healing ointment. Agave is thought to have anti-bacterial properties that can heal wounds and fight off infections. • Agave ranks lower than many other sweeteners on the glycemic index. • It is a natural sweetener that comes in a liquid form similar to honey and can be used as an alternative to traditional white and brown sugar • The calories in a serving of traditional white sugar and agave nectar are the same so you still need to be mindful of your intake. • Be aware that agave contains the highest levels of fructose of any commercial sweetener. • Top your breakfast cereal with a little agave, cook with it, use it anywhere a sweetener is called for.

Saving Our Planet, one lunch at a time!

My Green Lunch Box is your solution to Rubbish Free Lunch Days - it’s a simple, environmentally friendly fundraiser for schools and kindergartens.

Visit our on-line store & check out the gorgeo us range of products. There are plenty of lun ch box recipes & nutrition tips too!


5 119.90 $ P R R e $1 Sav tion Men Ad this

Don't be fooled… buy the original Baby Beanbags which are safety tested and meet Australian and USA safety guidelines to keep your babies safe.

This beanbag bag, grows with your child from newborn to school age, thanks to the swappable covers. Both soft velvet covers are removable with water proof backing for any little accidents. The seat cover without a harness is included and can be swapped to the beanbag when your child no longer needs the security of a harness. The beanbag filling offers supreme comfort by moulding around your baby’s body to make them secure and content. It also allows you to change the elevation of your child’s seating position so you can lie them down for snoozes and sit them up for feeds and interaction. Many young babies suffer reflux. Moving the filling to the back of the beanbag you can sit your baby in an upright position during and after feeding to reduce the chance of painful reflux symptoms and avoid distress for your newborn. Some newborns suffer flattening of the head from spending so much time lying down. Baby Beanbag microbeans provide support by moulding to your baby's head without causing the pressure of other surfaces which can contribute to Flat Head Syndrome.


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Miss C’s Kitchen Sponsored by Angelfish Dragonfly Children’s Boutique

“I love cooking with my Mum! I have been cooking since I was 2 yrs old and started by cracking eggs and mixing. My Mum makes sure I am very safe in the kitchen – She says to beware of what is hot and sharp.



Cupcakes: 125g butter (softened) 1/2 cup caster sugar 2 large eggs ½ tsp vanilla extract ½ cup milk 2 cups SR flour 2 tbs cocoa powder Patty Papers or Cupcake wrappers. Icing: 2 cups icing sugar 4 tbs cocoa (you can adjust the quantity as to your taste: more for richer chocolate and less for milder choc taste) 1 tbs butter softened. 2 tbs milk Cachous or other sprinkles for decoration.

oday I asked Mum my if we could make chocolate cupcakes. Not the rich ones in the packet but nice milk chocolate ones. I had so much fun and the best part was licking the spoon and eating them! Mummy let me try piping the icing but it was very tricky and I couldn’t do it. So Mummy helped me.

1. Prepare Patty Papers into cupcake tin. Mixture will make 36 approx. 2. Cube butter. Beat the butter and sugar unti creamed with an electric mixer. No sugar granules remaining or very little.

3. Add the eggs one at a time and combine well. 4. Add the vanilla and mix in. 5. Sift flour and cocoa powder in an open sieve onto paper. (Makes it easier to add to the mixture).


Add flour and milk alternately, folding in by hand (or lowest speed on mixer) until all combined. If the mixture is not wet enough, add a little more milk.

7. Take a desert spoon or a round ice-cream scoop to get even mixture in 8.

every serve and spoon mixture into papers. Tip – spoon it so there is a mound of mixture in one go and the cake will rise nicely.

Bake in a moderate oven for approx. 15 mins.

HINT: turn your fan forced feature off or turn to BAKE setting and the cakes will rise evenly.

9. Cool completely on a wire rack before icing. 10. Icing the cakes: I used a Multix piping bag with a star nozzle (found in the Freezer bag and plastic wrap section of the supermarket). First time I ever used these and found them much less mess than the piping bags you keep! Just throw away the bag when you are finished and keep the nozzle. These cakes pictured are the ones we did and wanted to show anyone can do it.

11. Simply mix together all ingredients to a firm paste. It must be firm or the icing won’t hold its shape. 12. Place mixture into a piping bag (trim corner end off bag and insert nozzle) by folding the bag back and holding the bag in one hand for support and filling with icing from the other hand.

13. Twist the open end of the bag down until the mixture starts to come out the nozzle. 14. Pipe in a circular motion or whatever patter you choose (making sure to apply even pressure on the bag as you pipe). 15.Decorate with sprinkles or cachous as you desire. Bon appĂŠtit!


Note: because the icing mixture has butter and cream, it would be ideal to store in the fridge if you are in a hot climate. Cupcakes can be frozen for lunches too.

s a h a n a n is h t d n a n u f is life ! u o y h it w e r a h s o t s ie lots of stor

My Stories Nana Tells

Meet 'Nana'

“I think it`s beyond wonderful that you`ve chosen to share your imagination, with the world`s children. Really special work!” @Manly_Mel ”The Fig Tree was really well written. Vivid imagery” Alexis Avila

“Lesley Dewar has gone from being one of Western Australia’s most respected financial planners to the author of exceptional stories for children and grand children world-wide”. Peter Taliangis

Remember when your Nana shared amazing stories with you? Now our children & grandchildren can all have ‘Stories My Nana Tells’! ‘Stories My Nana Tells’ are memorable! They create a “Wow, I didn’t know that!” from your child. Feel your heart warm, when they say to you "I didn't know that, Mum!"

! f i r r u S T o S W y T O R O t Y e F N REE G

JOIN FOR FREE ! CLICK HERE FOR YOUR FIRST FREE STORY! Join our facebook community of parents, grandparents and children - sharing the joy of families, story telling and


being connected through the power of the Internet.


he stories we read as children stay with us all our lives; especially those we hear and read when we are seven or eight, and into our PreTeens. Even as adults, we remember those favourite stories we heard and we read in our early years.

When writing Stories My Nana Tells, she says one thing is paramount. ” The stories must be memorable. Every story has a moment that will have your child say ‘wow, I didn’t know that!’ ” she said. ”That’s why we write them. So you can share another “wow” moment with your child when they say “I didn’t know that!”“

They help form our view of how the world is; how the world should or might be and where we fit into it. Sitting and Stories My Nana Tells is a great birthday reading a story with your child is a won- gift for Grandparents to share throughout the year with their Grandchildren, derful gift. the gift that comes every second week. Finding good reading material for your Written for younger readers, 7 – 12 child can be difficult. Looking for engagyears old, each story comes with 12 – ing stories, of the right length and in a 20 questions to help children develop format that allows flexibility for busy their comprehension skills. lifestyles is a challenge for many parStories My Nana Tells is a subscription ents and grandparents. based, story-telling service, with a new Writer and forward thinker, Lesley Dewstory every two weeks, for less than ar created Stories My Nana Tells to help $2.00 per week. parents and children to embark on an amazing adventure together, all the while strengthening family bonds and igniting your child’s imagination and love of reading.

Get your first story FREE today, at


Fresh baby & toddler food, a first for the Australian market! Developed by Michelin star trained celebrity chef - Luke Mangan, is passionate about providing fresh, healthy, natural food to our little ones with quality ingredients that aim to develop their little palates as early as possible. These fresh, tasty & nutritional meals are packed with flavour but its what’s in the bowl that counts: - 100% Australian ingredients - No added salt, sugar, artificial colours or flavours - No preservatives or genetically modifies ingredients Each meal stays fresh in your fridge or popped straight into the freezer. Try some today! Refer to our page or website below for further details.


Love Henry kids clothing brand available from



As well as being a huge hit in retail stores, this brand is often also the product of choice for maternity hospitals looking to move away from synthetic skincare, Aromababy is also found in leading hotels and resorts. Luxury positioning is not something new to this savvy mother of two, which sees her rubbing shoulders with who’s who of the entertainment and sporting industries. Catherine says that premium positioning is great for her Aromababy retail partners, yet still this brand has an ability to be regarded as a ‘mainstream’ further securing Aromababy’s position as the leading natural & organic baby skincare brand of its kind in Australia...


Created by Melbournemum Catherine Cervasio, as the first of its kind, combining research with pure, certifi end organic and natural ingredients. The result? Absolute peace of mind for you and the gentlest of care for your baby.

Developed around seventeen years ago, Aromababy was the first natural mother & baby brand to focus on using organic ingredients combined with neonatal research - an important factor in being accepted by health professionals around the world, as a gentle alternative to more commercial ‘supermarket’ type brands. Despite being launched so long ago, this brand was way ahead of its time, formulated using gmo free natural (non acetate) vitamin e and superior, nourishing oils including calendula and evening primrose. Deliberately overlooked were the conventional synthetic and petro

chemical derived ingredients including mineral oil, added color, artificial fragrance, sulphates, animal ingredients, dimethicone, parabens, talc, cocoamphodiacetate and propylene glycol – some of these are still used in ‘so called’ natural baby care today. As a result of superior ingredient choice and effective formulating directed by Catherine herself, Aromababy has enjoyed success on problem skin including skin affected by eczema prompting Catherine’s long-time support of various eczema associations. Her qualifications in Infant Massage Instruction and Aromatherapy (Dip.) together with her television presenting and published author profiles, make Catherine a sought-after business partner within nursery industry and women in business circles internationally as this industry pioneer brings more than ‘simply a brand’ to the table.


Aromababy has long been exported to many countries including Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Singapore, Korea, Holland and Indonesia. Whilst keen to expand distribution outside of Australia, Catherine says Aromababy’s positioning as a professional, organic-based brand is a perfect fit for Aussie stores looking to expand their baby departments. “We offer a complete range of skincare for pregnancy & baby including for sensitive skin. Unlike some of the newer brands, we are a specialist in what we do. Most importantly we understand the need for retailers to differentiate and therefore do not sell to supermarkets” Catherine explains. And for the baby who has everything, look out, Aromababy’s luxury line LUXE is soon to be launched and is already making waves in Korea and Hong Kong.


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- No Mineral Oil - No Parabens - No Sulphate - No Talc - No Ar

Fragrance -

Stretched to The Limit Pregnancy/Post Natal Cream & Oil Duo with Loofah 5 9 . 9 5 $ p rr

Pamper Mum from top to toe with this luxury duo from Aromababy; this divine gift includes pure, organic Stretched to the Limit Body & Bath Oil and Stretched to the Limit Pre/Post Pregnancy Face & Body Creme. Both designed to support the maintenance of optimum moisturising, using natural ingredients to keep the skin soft and supple, whilst helping to minimise the appearance of existing stretchmarks on the body and fine lines on the face. Includes a natural loofah to help smooth rough skin patches.

Available www.pharmacyonline, David Jones (Sydney), select Myer (baby department) and where premium natural products are sold.* * not all products available in all stores

Spaghetti Wrap by Groove Child The Swaddle Specialists Designed by parents for parents, this wrap truly sets the standard for versatility and value in one sleep time product.


Spaghetti Wrap by Groove Child The Swaddle Specialists The Spaghetti Wrap being a pure fusion of quality, practicality and usability it’s the perfect choice for parents seeking simplicity and value. In line with SIDS guidance, the Spaghetti Wrap promotes an arms by side sleeping position; enhancing a baby’s sleep by wrapping only what needs to be wrapped. Baby has unrestricted lower body movement for great sleeping comfort that provides access to the nappy for ultimate night time ease, in addition to making pram to car seat manoeuvres fuss free. This design feature also makes this swaddle the safe choice for babies with hip dysplasia. As baby grows, the wrap is easily adapted to allow for transition to arms free wrapping without having to purchase another product. The wrap prevents overheating; ideal for warmer climates. When the temperatures drop, simply team with a sleeping bag or a quilt. Such adaptability is possible through incorporating beautiful natural bamboo fibres that mesh with 10% spandex to achieve a stretchy soft wrap that wicks moisture away from baby’s skin leaving them content in snuggly luxury. Designed by parents for parents, this wrap truly sets the standard for versatility and value in one sleep time product.

Diana Holwerda Co-Director/ Founder Mum Entrepreneurs Pty Ltd

What exactly is a ‘Mumpreneur By Diana Holwerda Co-Director/ Founder Mum Entrepreneurs Pty Ltd

As I am trying to come up with the words for our Mum Entrepreneurs into this issue I find myself not at a loss of words but at a loss for time!

Being a ‘Mumpreneur’ is exactly that! A mum running her own ent

balancing running a household (cooking, cleaning, paying bills etc. etc.

after her children but never enough time to do it all, so usually someth

rificed e.g. cooking, cleaning, the kids, the business or (and this happe the Mum.

Why do it then? Well because on a good day you can do it and if thin


r’ ?

s article to go

well you can make a living out of it and still be with your family. Some women have done amazingly well.

terprise while

So I invite you to think about the idea of running your own business. It could be a

.) and looking

product/ service that there is a gap in the market for. It could be working for a party

hing gets sac-

plan company like Avon or Tupperware.

ens a lot) you

ngs are going

And when you are looking for that support network on the days when things aren’t going that well check us out at as we are expanding throughout Sydney this year.


Mum Entrepreneurs Network Group Offers Support Online & In Sydney, Australia Mum Entrepreneurs Pty Ltd is almost 3 and cannot keep up with demand from women in business wanting to meet each other. From meetings in coffee shops, to larger venues, after only a year since launching their regular place sells out in hours. When two mums in business with young kids Banika Smee and Diana Holwerda met on Facebook they agreed they needed a local mumpreneurs group - and founded the rapidly expanding ME. Diana and Banika were looking for a working women’s network in their local community to connect with other mums in business for support and advice. “We want to support women in business in our local community and we couldn’t find a network that suited us, that was affordable and with the kind of unusual hours to suit us, like nights. Which is why we started this network to suit us, and it seems to suit a lot of other women too!” said Diana.

For more on the Mum Entrepreneurs Network Group email us at

The group has achieved the goal of providing an accessible network for mumpreneurs on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, from Manly to Palm Beach, with night meetings to fit busy schedules. “We keep having to find bigger meeting spaces due to popularity,” said Banika. “It’s been invaluable not only for practical tips but also meeting up with other mums in business.” Banika runs her own bamboo loungewear business called Witjuti and Diana runs PA on the GO that provides virtual and onsite admin assistance and marketing and social media support to small and medium sized businesses. Many mumpreneurs have left corporate roles to work from home and make use of their considerable skills in marketing, accounting, business and sales. Others have finished raising kids, or not yet started, and find meeting up with other local businesswomen invaluable.


As you’d expect, many ME members have child, parent and health related businesses but there is also a breadth of expertise around business services. Mumpreneurs offer advice on how to actually achieve that ‘work life balance’ holy grail, and their social media skills are second to none. The two founders have set up the Mum Entrepreneurs group on Facebook where mumprepreneurs from around Australia can join, chat and recommend businesses. After only a year, Mum Entrepreneurs offers fantastic support to women running their own business. With plans to expand monthly events to the entire Sydney area by franchising the network around the city you can expect to hear a lot more about Mum Entrepreneurs (ME) in the news.

Hayley Merelle Coates – HMC Hayley moved to Queensland at the age of 13, immediately fell in love with Burleigh Heads Beach, and has been a Gold Coast girl ever since. She spent 5 years with a family, as their nanny, while completing a Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at Griffith University, in 2005. Hayley has been a full-time teacher for seven years and has taught from Prep, up to grade seven, as well as tutored high-school students, in her spare time. She now works at the independent Silkwood School and is currently on maternity leave, with her seven-month-old daughter, Charlotte. Hayley is on her way to becoming a published author and writes under the pen-name HMC.

Her debut novel is a psychologi-

cal thriller—the idea came to her during an Abnormal Psychology lecture and the book is set to launch in the coming months. Take a PEEK - Click HERE Hayley writes on global issues, and finds inspirational pieces, to add to her blog ‘Soul Stories’. Her blog is new, but has already been nominated for ‘The Inspirational Blogger’s Award’ and is a nominee for the


‘Best Australian Blogs, 2013’. Soul Stories - Click HERE


Mother, Teacher and Author HMC

Teenagers. Did you grind your teeth at

become redundant, in the

the word? I bet some of you


did – probably the ones with

The friends of an adolescent

difficult teens living at home, this minute. So what gets our goat when

at an event, make a pact that home.

stone towards independence.

Why can’t my teenager make

They need to let you go and

it comes to mini adults? Today, I hope to shed some light

Then, there’s the Dopamine

the sake of peace and reconciliation. After all, they’re our legacy.

The questions be-

low come from parents and grandparents of teenagers. Why is my teenager easily influenced by their friends? Once upon a time, YOU were your little ones’ number one. Then, all of a sudden, you became ‘redundant.’ Guess what? That’s your job. A good parent is supposed to


you ALL leave your phones at

are an important stepping

hold on somewhere else.

on the adolescent brain, for

If you want their full attention

increase in the teenage brain: ‘the feel good chemical.’ It means



seek to stimulate each other. That’s why hanging out with them is more fun. Phones and internet are the lifeline to friends. Back in the day, we roamed the streets instead. Our teenagers aren’t really allowed to do that anymore, for safety reasons, and that’s not their fault.

smart choices? Be easy about this. It’s the first time they’re allowed to make serious decisions. We can’t expect them to make the right ones all the time. Not only that, but remember our friend Dopamine. Yes? He wins. Every time. That little chemical wins out over common sense.


The next hurdle is the Prefrontal Cortex. While the rest of the brain develops, this guy has to take the back seat. The Prefrontal Cortex is the master of logical decision making and planning. When they forget to wash up or take out the trash, they often have forgotten. Or they ‘plan’ to, but those plans failed.

See what difference it makes when you write a list of chores for your teenager.

Why is my teenager so argumentative? Children go through life thinking that everything is going to turn out okay. Then, all of a sudden they realise adults don’t actually know everything. In fact, they’ve made a mess of things. The entire world comes crashing down. What to do?

Enter adolescence.

Once again, the rational argume

stone. It’s the teenager’s way of u

aries. If they are supported durin

come out the other side with a str

This question is from one of our te

their children being inside all the t they are? When we were young(er) we ran,

billy carts and raced down ridicu evening. We were the Kings and

for most of us adults to see that t

Question it!

sadder that we have to know whe

Why would they let this happen? Why is there war? Why is the Govern-

Being outside, playing sport and

ment the way it is? Why does my father contradict himself?

Racing hearts pump oxygen thro

your body prevents disease and s we love you.


; There was also a time when we used to have a house to ourselves. We could listen to loud ‘dorky’ music, put our feet up,

entative phase is an important stepping

and scratch our bottoms without having to worry about any-

understanding the world and its bound-

one else. It’s nice to have a little alone time every now and then.

ng this stepping stone, they are likely to

(When you’re at school, we’re often at work).

ronger sense of self.

eens: Why are parents so worried about

time? Aren’t they happy to know where

So remember


We all get on each other’s nerves. We all drive each other insane. Sometimes, in order to break through to your teenager, it’s better to try to understand them rather than wish they’d do things your way.

played, built forts, swam in rivers, made

ulous hills, and stayed in the streets til Queens of the neighbourhoods. It’s sad

teenagers don’t have this anymore. Even

ere you are for safety reasons. running around gets your heart racing.

And vice versa, teens. If your parents grind you to insanity, ask them what they were like when they were a teenager. You’ll learn a lot about who they are. Even better, ask them how their day was.

Let’s reconnect with our teens. They’re just our babies in big people’s bodies, trying to make their way in the world.

ough your bodies, and oxygen through


sickness. We want you healthy because


Visit HMC’s award winning blog, “Soul Stories.” CLICK HERE


For Walls

Wall Art Brand available from

Love Henry kids clothing brand available from



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