Born Organized Magazine September / October

Page 1



All about

Mamas & Bubs

bub winner Jackson



ng Our Planet, one lunch at a time!

8 - 11 Get Organise

14 - 21 Organizing vs

28 - 37 The perfect m

40 - 43 Men’s menta

44 - 49 Detox eat you

52 - 55 Summer bod

58 - 65 Re-ignite tha

Green Lunch Box is your solution to Rubbish Free - 69 ch Days - it’s a simple, environmentally66 friendly draiser for schools and kindergartens.

70 - 71 Mumpreneur

74 - 77 The Image of

Visit our on-line store 74 & check out the gorgeo us range of products. There are plenty of lun ch box recipes & nutrition tips too!




Baby CoverC

Boys who Lo

Miss C’s Roc Love Baby J

ed At Home With THE 2-2-2 - Helen Butler

s. Decorating vs. Staging - Kim Clark

marriage of Masculine &Feminine - Anya Haywood

al health - Mental disease or dis-ease ? - Matthew Legge N.D.

ur way health - Lindy cook

dy - Dee Tozer

at flame! - Melissa Craig

r - Diana Holwerda

f Business - Hally Rhiannon-Nammu



ove Reading - Hayley Merelle Coates

cky Road - Miss C’s Kitchen Couture - children’s fashion

Cover Photo: Mon Bébé Newborn & Baby Photography

Chorizo - Luke Mangan

Join us for our annual

Fainga'a Twins Girls Pink Day Out High Tea & Luncheon

Sponsored by Cosima Skincare supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Hosted by Born Organized Magazine’s Editor, PK. Click here for more information: Tickets + Info


Anthony & Saia Fainga’a Ambassadors for the National Breast Cancer Foundation Ambassadors for Mission Australia


pring is here and how fitting that we can celebrate 'Bubs & Mamas' in our special feature in this issue. Two UK Kate's have new bubs, HRH The Duchess of Cambridge with baby George, and Katie Price with baby Jett. We jet off

(pun intended) to see both Katie Price & Jett later this year to deliver the gorgeous 'bub & mama' gifts that are featured on pages 98 & 99z. We haven't forgotten our Dads in this issue with some of our articles focussing on Men. Happy Father's Day to all of the great Dads out there! Melissa Craig, erotica author & Australia'a answer to '50 shades of grey' was so popular in our last issue that we have listened to your suggestions and we are excited to announce that Mel is now a regular Columnist! I'm so excited to announce that I am the new Brand Ambassador for luxury leather brand, Pelle d'arte by Nairana. Kiwi designer Nairana has brought her luxury artisan leather wear label Pelle d’arte to Australia and has representation in Singapore, Indonesia, and New Zealand. The Pelle d’arte woman is her own woman. She stands true to herself and embodies the Pelle d’arte ethos. Bespoke. Be you. Founded in 2012, Pelle d’arte is available online at and in luxury boutiques. Absolutely nothing compares. I am so honoured.



organized magazine

Home Office Lifestyle

online's premier


Paula Kuhnemann

Helen Butler Helen Butler founded Clutter Rescue in July 2008. Clutter Rescue has a real passion for helping busy Mums balance work and home, raise helpful children and find time to connect with the people that matter. Helen is an Accredited Expert Professional Organiser with the Australasian Association of Professional Organisers, an Executive Member with the Institute of Concierge and Lifestyle Managers and in 2011 was named as a Finalist in the AusMumpreneur Awards. “It is such a relief to have everything in my home organised and looking great. I really appreciate (Clutter Rescue’s) professionalism and attention to the finer details that made working with (them) such an enjoyable experience.” Helen is a registered teacher and has worked as an Educational and Instructional Designer. She has a Masters of Business Administration and is one of a small number of Australian Professional Organisers to have completed Julie Morgenstern’s Needs Assessment and Time Management Training. The Clutter Rescue App and website provide a huge range of resources and products for busy Mums including online DIY courses, Clutter Rescue TV episodes and digital products. “Clutter Rescue thank you for this fantastic App. The best I’ve come across. Love love love it!!! And now my house is organised. Your products are so simple to apply.”


Clutter Rescue has been seen in print, radio and TV media, including Channel 10 News, Home Beautiful Magazine, ABC 612 radio and Family Health Magazine. Helen lives in Brisbane with her husband Scott and son Toby.


Growing up in a musical family we learnt to play the piano (not very well I might add), put on our own productions and danced in many a school musical. I’m not saying we were Beyonce, Kylie or Rihanna, but living in a small country town our school had to make do with what talent there was! Fast forward twenty-something years and one of my favourite TV shows


• Two days from now. • Two months from now. • Two years from now. The difference in her answers was amazing! Two days from now she’d feel elated and excited having acted in her first movie; Two months from now she’d feel worried and wonder if she’d done

is Glee. I wish I was half as talented as the worst performer on the show – that clearly isn’t going to happen! – but I love the songs and sing along with all the old ones they seem to pull out (and I seem to remember!).

the right thing; And two years from now she would totally regret doing the movie.

So there I was, watching Glee, when two of the female characters did an intervention on one of the leads (Rachel). They put Rachel through the 2-22 test, asking her how she’d feel about acting naked in a college movie:

The 2-2-2 test can be applied to organising!!

Given I am a crazy thinker, a few days later I was bush walking in the rain when an amazing idea came to me.

Ask yourself:How much stuff do you bring into your home in two days? Two months? Two years?

What could you organise or declutter in two days? Two months? Two years? What impact has your clutter had on you in the past two days? Two months? Two years? How much money do you spend on unwanted stuff in two days? Two months? Two years? What difference would you see in

your home if you decluttered over two days? Two months? Two years? How much more time would you have in two days, two months, two years if you removed things from your schedule that you don’t like doing? For those who are already on their organising and decluttering journey, ask yourself:

Celebrate it – all of it, no matter how big or small your progress! Be super proud of your achievements, yell them from the rooftops, tell anyone who will listen to you. They might think you’re crazy but I won’t! When you think about it, the past two days, months and years have gone crazy fast haven’t they? So much has happened in all our lives – good, bad

and everything in between. Change is going to happen whether we like it or not. So why not use the 2-2-2 concept to make the change you want in your life, your home, your schedule? It’s going to happen anyway – why not help move it in a direction you want?

How much progress have I made in the past two days? Two months? Two years?


Josie Rose

tel.: 0411 518 178 & 0412 781 743 Fax: 07 3807 1011 PO BOX 1495 Beenleigh 4207 QLD



Kim Clark Kim Clark is an experienced stylist and digital media organizational guru represented by Big Frame Network. At 23 years old, she has already styled and systemized some of the most exclusive zip codes. Kim’s love of organization has led her to start VanchicOrganization Youtube channel. From color coordinating, to her creative and non-traditional methods of finding, refurbishing and utilizing décor and storage treasures, Kim has you covered with tips and tricks. Everyone should have a home that they can be proud of with every system, cabinet, space and storage properly arranged. Kim believes that originality, creativity and learning to be a savvy shopper (with a nose for vintage or investment pieces!) can compliment your fashion individuality. Unlike most organizers, Kim will never tell you to fill a closet with unsightly plastic bins or to stuff your prized possessions in baskets. Instead, Kim will show you her unique and one of kind methods for organization. It’s all about flair, prioritizing, upcycling, simplifying and thinking rich. Kim teaches clever techniques like shopping your own closet, sorting, purging, unique storage concepts and maintenance habits that will keep your home tidy 24/7.


Find Kim here:

Organizing vs


s. Decorating vs. St aging Reader Quiz? 1. What is the difference between interior decorating and interior design? 2. What is the difference between visual-home staging, home styling and home staging? 3. Did you know that organizing and just decluttering are different methods? 4. What is the difference between a model home and a staged home?

Kim Clark /

Yes, there is a difference between organizing, decorating and staging. I am trained in the trade of all three but unfortunately these home endeavours get mixed up and confused all the time. Organizing a home is the process of decluttering, editing and then resystemizing related items. With organization, the aim is to purge and rearrange 20-40% of the home materials and contents. To decorate a home is to put one’s individuality into the house with embellishment, upholstery, materials, garnishes and schemes. Interior decorating is about designing each room to support the range of home activities like watching tv, cooking, sleeping, crafting, playing and family time. To stage a home is to take away the individuality inside and appeal to the general current market of home buyers. Staging is about de-personalizing a property for a new family to imagine themselves in it. With staging, the aim is to remove 40-70% of the home contents in order to simplify, detatch family identity, highlight home features and maximize space. Many qualities and princicples of organizing, decorating and staging are similiar but the end results are distinctly diverse. I often organize for clients who ask me to transform their home to look like a “perfect model staged house”. That approach is unhealthy because a staged house is completely striped and holds no unique character. The purpose of staging is to also take away all “yucky” qualities. Most of the “yucky” factors are not even gross because they’re normal home necessities, like your cat, litter box, plastic blinds, used soap bar, trash can, framed picture of granny, tissue box and toilet plunger. 90% of home buyers shop online for real estate options before physically going to open houses. When a home is staged, buyers offer 7-10% more money. If a home is unstaged, it takes longer to sell and the buyers will submit low-ball offers. The return investment on a home stager is worth the hassle, time and effort. Staging involves re-situating furniture to highlight


home functionality, good lighting and specific features like large windows, architectural shapes, ceiling decorations, focal points, expensive materials, high tech specs, builder details and flooring. This type of house doctoring is about creating a fake presentation of home life. Buyers are literally buying into a dream; how you live inside a home is a visual mission statement. Home owners become blind to their own surroundings and junk. Therefore, invisible clutter and thoughtless accumulation creeps and builds up. It’s a home stagers job to constructively point out visual eyesores. The most important rooms in a home that can ‘make or break’ a sale is outside (curb appeal!), the kitchen, the master closet, the living room and the master bedroom. Do not make the rookie mistake of over-neutralizing room colors, having poor quality handyman fixes, unorganization and unpurposing the function of a room. Buyers want to see each area hub and immediately understand it’s province. Buyers are busy and do not want a kitchen remodel project or large repair to deal with. Not every home staging project

requires hiring a professional stager, property stylist or buying new furniture. You can work with what you have, but keep in mind all personal memorabilia, knick-nacks, religious or holiday symbols, life routine materials and home-y touches have to go! Home staging also starts the risky process of fixing every tiny broken detail-- like a drippy faucet, squeaky stair, broken door bell, exposed TV wires, sticky drawers, chipped paint, stained carpets, crooked shutters and faded curtains. During the home staging process, 40% of home items will be moved to a storage unit-- and much more will be tossed or donated. Before the home staging is even executed, it is imperative that the house is scrubbed and cleaned top to bottom in every knook and cranny-- polishing, shining, dusting, bleaching, steam cleaning and power-washing. The cleaning process for a 4,000 sq foot home should take around 16 hours to effectively deep cleanse.

During home organization many large and small furniture items, decor and personal belongings will be moved around, much like home staging. Organization is about visi-

bility, systemization, categorizing and finding efficient solutions to messy home hubs. The

Decorating is the opposite of organi-

first step is to maximize efficiency-- define

zation. When I organize a client’s property

messy areas that have become dumping

I push them to part with their ‘stuff’. The

zones for paper, mail, bills, books, clothing

shopping habits of an average American is

and trash (like a kitchen counter, mud room

absurdly excessive and the goal is to stop

and home office.) Secondly, take a visual

bringing in knick-nacks and unnecessary pur-

inventory-- get rid of duplicates, unvaluable

chases (like your neglected bike, the extra 30

items and neglected objects. Third, it’s purge

pencils in your junk drawer, the kayak that

time! Separate the items you want to sell,

you used once and the additional 20 pairs of

donate to Goodwill and trash. Fourth step

spare shoes in your closet). Decorating is the

is to keep aesthetics in mind-- buy match-

exercise of purchasing or upcycling furniture

ing hangers, get everything up off the floor,

and decor items to embellish an empty room.

create symmetry, line things up and have a

A decorator will start with a concept theme

belonging zone for every single item so noth-

and build ideas, patterns, textures, textiles

ing can get lost or go missing. The last step

and shapes from there. Like a home stager,

is to instill the recycle method-- for every 2

a decorator is aiming for chic-ness but in an

magazines brought into the house, throw

eclectic manner. Unlike home staging, deco-

two old ones away.

rating is about personal flair, surplus accessories, particular taste, specific flavors and


home routine preferences. Unlike decorat-

decor trends and will place those popular

ing, staging is fabricating an idealized gener-

items in a house (like the infamous cowhide

al lifestyle portrayal.

rug, mirrored furniture and sunburst mirror.)

When decorating, keep the concept

My advice is to not overstep the fine

of ‘growing into a home’ in the forefront

line between these three home improvement

of your mind. Accumulation is bound to

actions. The main problem that you will

drown a home some point, so scale back

face with all three is household clutter and

on over-decoring each countertop, window,

an over-accumulation of too much “stuff”.

drawer, shelf and wall. One could define

Organization is the basis foundation of what

home staging as a subsection under the

keeps a house happy and orderly. Home

umbrella of interior decorating; yet the goal

staging is the science and art of showcasing

of selling a home is to mimimize faults and

square footage. Decorating is enhancing a

shortcomings, diminish family residue and

home to align with family habits and re-

unspecify individuality. The aim of decorat-

flect personal panache. A home is the most

ing is to set up functionality, prevent clutter,

expensive lifetime investment you will ever

define daily space usage, instill family envi-

make- so treat it with care and let it indicate

ronment and highlight collections or hobbies.

your distinct beliefs, values, likes, traditions,

A home stager evaluates the current market

interests and regimen.






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Anya Haywood

Anya is the principal designer at Anya H Interiors. Raised in England before settling in Sydney in 2000 and with nearly twenty years of experience in the Creative Industry and a Distinction from The Institute of Interior Design, Anya brings an eclectic eye and a knack for designing spaces that feel comfortable, livable and individual. With 3 young daughters, Anya has a particular passion for creating stylish yet practical, functional spaces for the busy, family household. “My own home is a contemporary mix of antique, modern and bespoke design. I love the attention to detail, solidity, quality of materials generally associated with antique furniture but appreciate more of the modern look especially for its functionality”. “My goal with Anya H Interiors is to package up service offerings in a more palatable approach so that clients have greater understanding at the start of a project about what the end result will cost. We offer the Onsite Interior Design Service for those looking for a professional interior designer to be onsite and driving the process from start to finish and we also offer a revolutionary approach to Interior Design - an Online Interior Design Service which offers a more


accessible, affordable professional design service.


the perfect marriage of

M asculine &



always a tricky relationship testing moment when you and your partner decide to move in together and you are faced on day 1 with a fur-

niture face-off. Now I’m not proclaiming to be any sort of Marriage or Relationship Councillor (there are other Born Organized experts for this…) but the meeting of your décor styles cannot be over-emphasised in ensuring a happy, balanced household. However, should the male/female components of a typical relationship not see eye-to-eye on matters of style all is not lost. Not only can a masculine/feminine mix in your décor end up pleasing everyone, but also the combination of these differing features adds infinitely more interest than a scheme that has more of a one-note perspective. Let’s first of all cover off the rather controversial topic - why do men hate cushions?! I can honestly say that my husband even goes to the extreme of describing cushions as ‘dangerous’. Yes, ‘dangerous’! His reasoning : a sofa is for sitting on, a bed is for lying on, the floor is for walking on, but you cannot do any of these basics properly when you are being suffocated by cushions ‘no matter how pretty they are’. OK, maybe point taken. So girls, let’s use our florals and pastels in moderation and don’t worry… masculine style need not be all big black leather sofas, football posters and surround sound. I’m here to lead you along the path of injecting masculine elements into your home without losing out on the style stakes…

Combining households & inventories Look at all the furniture, accessories,

Opt for classic in your largest pieces of furniture

artwork etc you both have and see if

A top tip: it’s much easier to add

there is a common theme so that they can

feminine touches to a base of more

be used in the same room. (Completely


conflicting collections could be alterna-

sofa, timber dining table) rather than

tively assigned to different rooms of the

trying to add masculine touches to very

house.) A common colour that appeals

delicate feminine furniture (think a pale

to both parties can pull different styles

pink French style bed frame). So start

of furniture and accessories together as

off with a base of masculine elements

well as having a positive emotional con-

in your selection of sofas, bed frames,


dining tables and cabinetry and then lay-




er with more feminine touches in the accessories, for example, a pop of musky pink, coloured glass vases, candles and, dare I say, cushions‌!


Choosing décor styles which lends themselves well to the masculine-feminine balance I’m not a Designer into ‘set décor styles’ but it’s worth mentioning the Industrial style which has had quite a resurgence over the past couple of years, potentially due to the increasing involvement of the man in the house in décor related decisions. The style does actually lend itself well to the masculine-feminine balance with a significant inclusion of iron and metal elements. I’ve seen it work the best where there are dark sultry colours – think sexy charcoals, dark mood blues and greys, rich chocolate browns – combined with lots of textural elements - think old softened leather, luxurious velvet, faux furs and chunky knits which all give a space texture, lifting it from cold to inviting. If you’re heading down this route, the key to remember is contrast – hard, straight edges will make a room look and feel cold and uninviting, so introducing softer, rounded edges, for instance, on mirrors, round tables and accessories, will provide that ever essential yin & yang or masculine / feminine balance.

Masculine Décor Accents with personality

Wall décor with presence The chances of you getting your guy to downsize to a smaller TV may be slim to none, but steering him in the direction of some artwork may help to shift the focal point of a room. Large pieces of art are a current trend so go super-sized – a large abstract can appeal to both sexes and work swell to add a bit of drama or a dash of colour to a more neutral space. This brings to mind a great tip a stylist friend of mine once shared… layering a large piece of art on top of a console


table with smaller pieces in front of it will add depth and

Combining a jawdropping light over a chunky wood or metal dining table can really add the wow factor without making the room look too ‘girly’

Mood boards by Anya H Interiors Products sourced from: Rockett St George, Restoration Hardware, Houzz

interest to a room. Try it… and for a collected (rather than chaotic) look, make sure that there is a common colour link across the pieces. For example, there may be a mix of abstract, line drawings and photography, but the common link is a dominance of reds and silvers. Case study: Meeting in the middle worked on an interesting job recently for a lovely couple who had just moved in together and needed help designing their home office. The man wanted an ‘up scale hotel feel’. The lady preferred a ‘softer, warmer with a touch of the exotic feel’. Overall, as they were both going to spend a lot of time in this room, their collective brief to me was that it had to be ‘eye catching & fabulous’! So I drew inspiration from British Gentlemen’s Clubs where masculine design meets luxurious comfort. Here’s a snapshot of some of the design components…

For this couple, sharing an office space was a practical need, but as I discussed with them and I recommend to anyone cohabiting, it’s always a good idea to carve out a personal space of your own. Whether it be an entire room, a walk in wardrobe area or a nook or window seat, having an area where you can display your own ‘me’ elements that define your personal identity, will help you to feel connected and overall happier in your home.

Have any his ‘n hers decorating dilemmas you’d like advice on? Email Anya H Interiors or visit


Combining elements of you and your partner’s style need not be as daunting as it may sound. The careful combination of your different tastes can lead to a more layered, less predictable and more interesting interior. Have fun ‘marrying’ your masculine – feminine styles!


Dress your headbord up for a more adventurous sense of style or keep it simple for a more classic timeless look. Anya H Interiors luxury headboard give-away: To win this custom made headboard with buttoning detail & finished in a champagne coloured luxurious, shimmer fabric (retail value $999) just 1. Like the Anya H Interiors Facebook page 2. Leave a comment next to the Competition post as to which style you prefer and why


... all before 30th September 2013


* Headboard to fit Queen sized bed, measuring 180x140cm. *Winner will be announced 6th October 2013 *Please note, the headboard will have to be collected by the winner from a Sydney Eastern Suburbs address (any shipping or delivery charges will have to be paid by the competition winner





Special Feature for November/October 2013

Christmas Family + Shopping Issue

All about

Mamas & Bubs

8 page feature booked by International Chef Luke Mangan! cover bub b winne er

All About Kids

Angelfish Dragonfly

235,000 Impressions for Issue 2 !

Be seen by 5O,OOO+ as we move into top gear marketing with our own Subscribers, Followers & Fans + those of our Columnists, Sponsors & Advertisers!

Advertise In Our November/October Issue! Be seen in Online's Premier Home, Office & Lifestyle Magazine! Advertising Enquiries, Media Kit + Rates - Email: Editor: Paula Kuhnemann Creative Director: Danielle Cameron Graphics Director: Dida ~Special thanks to our amazingly talented Expert Columnists~ Subscribe to Born Organized Magazine for Free: Click Here Like us on Facebook


Follow us on Twitter: @BornOrganizeMag Digital Online Magazine Publisher:

Matthew Legge N.D. Bachelor of Health Science – Naturopathy. Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Nutrition, Medical herbalism, Homeopathy, Sports Injury Management and Food Therapy. 17 years clinical experience specializing in designing treatment protocols for optimizing athletic performance, body sculpting, hormonal regulation, pain and fatigue.


I have worked for and with a variety of brands over the last decade as “Technical Research Manager” inventing and formulating supplements and specialty foods. I have been the researcher, author and presenter of training and technical data manuals for medical professionals. My current role is head of research and development for ATP Science. ATP Science has been created to make a variety of unique products for improving athletic performance and body sculpting. I believe we deserve the right to live a happy and healthy life. I believe we deserve the right to access the tools and knowledge to achieve our health and wellness goals. I believe it is possible to create effective products and education and introduce new and exciting concepts and tools. I believe you deserve the right to access quality products and the get the results they deserve. Refer to for more information on Matt & his products.

Men’s mental health -

disease or dis-ease ?


Did you know that our innate defence mechanisms work instantly in response to stress? Our primitive inherited survival techniques do not wait to see what the stress is before we react. There is no logical thought processes and rational thinking involved until after we have launched a survival response. E.g. when your hand touches a hot flame we pull it away before we feel the pain. The burn comes after. As soon as our nervous system picks up on danger it reacts before our rational brain gets a chance to think about it. Survival, regeneration and repair Let me explain further without getting too deep into anatomy and physiology; the human body’s nervous system is divided into 2 parts with 2 different priorities. One part is responsible for short term survival and the other part is for long term maintenance and repair. Only one part of the nervous system will work at a time and our body must decide what the immediate priority is. Short term survival is the first priority when exposed to a stress trigger. Refer to the following table to see the symptoms associated with the two parts of the nervous system.

Short term survival

Long term mainten

“fight or flight” response Long term memory, gut instincts and intuition Switch off digestion causing indigestion, bloating, butterflies in stomach Far vision to find horizon or escape Awake Anxiety, anger, Irritability, worry or panic Feeling things are not quite right Racing heart, palpitations Shallow breathing or hyperventilation Muscle and bone breakdown (catabolic) Inflammation aches and pains Sticky blood Acidifying

“rest and digest” Short term memory, con focus Increased digestion and Close vision and attent Meditation and mental c Libido and sexual perfo Muscle and bone repair(anabolic) Alkalizing

You cannot separate the different parts of our body as they are all linked in one big system known as the human body; us. You can’t have one part of us change without the others changing simultaneously. It all happens instantly. Your innate primitive defence mechanisms will link all of these planes for immediate responses to stress triggers. After all your body can’t afford to wait to see what the stress is before it reacts just in case you are being attacked. So think about this; a stress trigger to any part of our body will trigger symptoms in every part of your body. If your body is in a state of dis-ease it will manifest symptoms. Some of these symptoms will include mental changes; but this does not necessarily mean you have a disease or a mental disorder like depression or anxiety.


Your mental symptoms may be triggered

by another system of your body; such as your immune system from allergies or toxic exposure, or your gut from indigestion causing fart gas that hurts your gut or your nose, or your muscles from acidity or from the pain of your arthritic knees. E.g. As your whole body becomes acidic from diet, exercise, fatigue syndromes; you may experience the following combination of symptoms: Physical – aches, pains and muscle tension, sweating, shallow breathing / hyperventilation and racing heart. At same time as mental – poor concentration span and focus, increased gut instincts and intuition. Emotional – scared, nervous, worried E.g. Liver stress from toxic exposure at work; you may experience the following symptoms: Physical – hot and sweaty, flushed face, fatigue and muscle tension. Mental – foggy head and lack of focus, poor close vision and attention to detail with reduced fine motor skills. Emotional

nance and repair

ncentration span and

d detox tion to detail clarity ormance regeneration


– frustration, cranky and irritable. Treat people not diseases If your body is in a state of dis-ease it will manifest symptoms. The key is to understand we are all unique individuals with different triggers to the stress and survival nervous system and to work with your medical professionals to have a “holistic approach” to mental health by ditching the word mental and just looking at your overall “health”. Forget words like disease and understand the concept of dis-ease. To focus on “mental disorders” as an isolated issue is just not right! It is not constructive and it is not fair. The thought that we simply choose to be angry or sad or nervous is an insult. The concept that chemical imbalances in the brain are inherited defects or “chemical imbalances” that can only be treated with medication is depressing and stressful in itself. Focusing on the mental symptoms alone will only provide a temporary “band aid” and not give us anything

to work at to correct the cause of the dis-ease that may lie outside of the brain chemistry. The changing brain chemistry is just another symptom of this dis-ease. Medical models will focus on one system at a time, and that means that the whole body system is ignored and we are left with medical models stating that mental disorders are simply chemical imbalances of the brain and that is all. The purpose of this article is to inspire you to look outside the box to understand there is usually a cause or a combination of factors that can be creating the mental and emotional symptoms that are usually diagnosed as depression or anxiety. It is best to work with a healthcare professional who can help you do the detective work, pathology tests, and other assessments to help you work out a constructive strategy to start taking some stress off your body and see how many of these mental and emotional symptoms disappear.

Lindy Cook Lindy Cook is a Naturopath and Nutritionist with a passion to inspire healthy eating and support the environment. Lindy has lectured at Endeavour College, been a regular corporate speaker and worked in private practice for over 15 years.


She runs My Green Lunch Box, an on-line store for all your lunch needs and home to the environmentallyfriendly fundraising program for schools and kindergarten promoting rubbish free lunch days in schools. My Green Lunch Box Health & Nutrition talks for children and parents are also available. Contact or visit her website for more information.“In Australia, as elsewhere across the globe, obesity is a major problem. In children a high intake of processed, ‘junk’ foods and an

inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables, are important risk factors for mental health problems and reduced cognitive ability. My Green Lunch Box is a wonderful initiative that helps lay the foundation for a lifetime of good eating and helps prevent so many of these avoidable diseases associated with obesity and poor nutrition. This contrasts to other forms of fundraising, such as the standard chocolate drive, which go against healthy eating practices”. Dr Felice Jacka, World Childhood Nutrition


“At last a fundraising initiative that supports the environment and your school by offering a variety of well designed lunch boxes, bottles and wrapping options to help parents avoid using packaging that often ends up in landfill.” Tamsin O’Neill - Editor, Green Magazine


detox - eat your way healthy

With grey skies hanging heavily outside, the c¬hilly weather of winter can keep us snuggled up at home. It is only natural to

The skin is the largest organ of the body and

turn to food for comfort and warmth. Who

one of its many roles is to help excrete tox-

doesn’t feel like indulging in a larger serv-

ins. You can greatly enhance this process by:

ing of that carbohydrate-based dinner along with a sweet, warm, sticky dessert? And did anyone mention exercise? Well, let’s just say that motivation dwindles at this time of year. Kicking off the covers for that early morning workout just seems a bit more challenging. Yes, winter is traditionally a time of weight blow-out and lowered immunity! However, keeping your weight and health under control is truly not as difficult as it seems. Now is a great time to apply simple, effective and

• Skin Brushing: Skin brushing stimulates circulation and the lymphatic system and is easy to do daily before you shower or take a bath. Use a pure-bristle brush or exfoliation mitt to make small, circular motions, slowly working your way upwards (from feet and legs) towards your heart. This process is carried out over the entire body - remember that the motion must always be in the direction of your heart.

easy-to-achieve holistic detoxification strate-

• Saunas or Steams: A great way to warm

gies to keep your internal organs clean, your

up over winter and so relaxing! The sweat-

weight on track and your health primed.

ing induced by saunas and steams encour-

A holistic detoxification program incorporates all the organs of the body involved in


The Skin

the elimination process.

ages the release of chemical toxins and aids the detoxification process. Of course, drink plenty of filtered water to stay well hydrated.

• Epsom Salt Baths: Epsom salts supports

bowel in good working order. Chow down

elimination of toxins through the skin. Sim-

on the great winter breakfast of organic

ply add two tblsp of Epsom salts to a warm

oats or quinoa with grated apple, blueber-

bath, burn some relaxing oils, light some

ries, soy milk and a tblsp of chia seeds with

candles and you are good to go. Soak for 15

a little maple syrup for sweetness.

to 20 minutes once a week.

The Lungs

The Bowel

Gentle exercise such as walking, tai chi and

Good, regular bowel function is a great sign

yoga not only calms the mind but supports

that your body is detoxifying well. Ideally,

the detoxification process. Deep breathing is

we should aim to have a bowel movement

also very beneficial. Incorporate exercise you

at least once per day. Including both soluble

enjoy over the winter months to keep your

and insoluble fibres helps keep things regu-

metabolism up. The more vigorous the ex-

lar. Soluble fibres include oats, pectin (found

ercise, the better the oxygen/carbon dioxide

in apples, cherries, carrots), legumes, chia

exchange, and therefore the more beneficial

seeds and psyllium husks. Insoluble fibres, as

it is to your lungs.

the name suggests, can’t be broken down by the body and bulk up the stool. It includes

Kidneys/Lymphatic System

the bran of grains. Much fibrous vegetable

Give your kidneys the love and care they

matter is also insoluble, so munch on celery

need during a detox by drinking two litres

sticks and add some wholegrain brown rice

of purified water daily. Add a little freshly

or millet to your soup or stew to keep your

squeezed lemon or lime for flavour to keep

things interesting. Keep your salt intake. Coffee and alcohol are natural diuretics and place stress on your kidneys, so try to avoid them. Fresh vegetable juices and soups are a great source of potassium and highly nutritious, easily absorbed and naturally supportive of kidney function. Not much beats a delicious vegetable and lentil soup on a cold winter day.

Liver We had to get there in the end! Of course, the liver is the organ everyone thinks of when it comes to detoxification, and for good reason. This organ is responsible for the breakdown of drugs, hormones and other toxins. Certain foods and teas also support liver function. Try drinking green tea and dandelion root tea regularly. Start the day with lemon juice in warm water and sprinkle some lecithin on your morning cereal to help the liver with fat metabolism. Garlic, onions, carrots, celery, avocado, ginger, turmeric, parsley and mint all support the body’s natural detoxification process. Cruciferous vegetables are very important “functional foods” for detoxification - think broccoli, cabbage, garlic, brussel sprouts, asparagus, turnips, rocket, bok choy, cauliflower and chinese cabbage.


Mind Of course, an holistic detoxification program would not be complete if it failed to incorporate a ‘detox for the mind’. Or, should we say stress management? Stress is a very normal part of our everyday lives; it keeps us motivated and task-focused, responding to deadlines and the eternal pace of everyday life. A by-product of stress is the hormone called cortisol, and this too can be detoxed, thereby better equipping us to deal with the demands of modern-day





of the peaceful alpha brain state and strengthens your immune system. Yoga combines meditation with organ toning and muscle strengthening. What is critical is that you find your way to de-stress and incorporate it into everyday living. Make an appointment with yourself to ensure stress management becomes a part of your world on a regular basis.

Food Now, the only thing missing from your detox program is food. So what do you eat over winter, while still managing to stay satisfied and comforted? Start by giving your body a break and avoiding sugar, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and all non-essential drugs. Focus on fresh, organic foods, avoiding processed and packaged foods. Grains should be unrefined (not the white, high-sugar type) and try to include adequate protein at every meal to stop the blood-sugar swings. If possible, avoid red meat for a two-week period, gradually incorporating it after that point. Why not try introducing a few wheat-free grains such as millet, brown rice, aramanth, quinoa and oats to give your body a break from its usual fodder. Aim to drink a fresh vegetable juice once or twice a day and include vegetable soups regularly. So, stay warm over winter. And remember, eating and staying well over these colder months is possible, and keeping those organs of detoxification primed can actually be enjoyable! Latch on to a few of the ideas suggested here - your body will thank you for it with good health.

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Medici Clinic

Dee Tozer has been the managing director of Medici since 2004. Dee is a Counselling Psychologist with over 24 years experience in the medical and allied health sectors and she established Medici to provide the most comprehensive information for those seeking high quality, best value cosmetic surgery services. Whether it be enlarging or reducing breasts, restoring flat firm tummies or lifting necks, faces or jowls, Dee and her team are there to help clients sift through the huge amount of information available these days and then select what is right for their needs and the outcome they desire. Medici is the longest established and possibly the most well


know Cosmetic Plastic Surgery clinic in the South East of Melbourne. Dee is passionate about ensuring Medici clients really understand the procedure they are considering and that their expectations of the outcome are realistic and achievable. Medici also has two other key service areas, one is the injectable for smoothing tell-tale facial lines and filling and the other is high quality skin rejuvenation treatments. Fraxel has recently been introduced to Medici to treat stubborn facial pigmentation as Dee stays abreast of all the latest developments for youthful maintenance and damaged skin restoration.

Ohhh gosh.... I just noticed it’s only 8 weeks until the 1st day of Spring! So whoosh!.....another Winter zooms by and before you know it another wonderful Australian Summer is here.....and then..... oh yes‌what about your

Summer body?

We absolutely love those light, filmy and gorgeous summer tops, adorable “must-have” dresses, short shorts and fabulous swim wear BUT they show off everything we don’t want them to! That’s why NOW is the time to get the shape you want.....beautiful breasts and firm flat tummy. There is no time like NOW to be ready for Summer in the best shape you can be - then you don’t have to agonise over what to put on to disguise those small breasts, cover up that bulgy jelly belly, push up those saggy breasts or squash down those huge breasts. Australian summers are all about “Fun and Freedom” and how wonderful to enjoy the freedom of wearing whatever you want completely confident in knowing those embarrassing bulges, huge breasts, saggy breasts and flat chest are not part of you anymore. Imagine how much lighter it will feel to enjoy all the fun that Summer brings with no more worry or embarrassment about your body.

Summer fashions and lifestyle are all about allowing our most feminine selves to shine. No matter what anyone says I strongly believe that breasts really are the essence of our femininity. Breast Augmentation surgery is a day procedure, performed under general anaesthetic. Healing takes around 6 weeks however most people can return to their usual work and activities within 2 weeks, some women are back at work after only a few days.


Their boost in confidence is amazing to witness. We often see full transformations as confidence is restored, new hairstyles, new clothes, new jobs and even new houses and cars! It’s astounding how making one significant change to increase confidence then leads to much, much more life enjoyment. It’s all about living in the present and making the most of NOW.

Breast Enhancement surgery Of course

is not just about Breast Implants. Breast Uplifts are common and make a huge difference to femininity after pregnancies have left behind empty sagginess, often just folds of skin. Sometimes Breast Uplift is combined with Breast Implants to give lovely full and perky high breasts again.

Then there are those suffering from overly huge breasts. Neckache, shoulder and back pain often make life miserable and femininity is lost in the struggle to hide very large breasts, to find clothes which are flattering and even maintaining a good upright posture is a daily challenge. Breast Reduction surgery is not so well known and many suffer unnecessarily not knowing that there is a way to eliminate all those problems arising from huge breasts.

At Medici, Mr Tom Robbins is our Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon, and Mr Robbins was the original founder and creator of the Breast Reduction technique which is used today by over 60% of surgeons around the world. Many times more than 500gms (sometimes over 1kg) are removed from EACH breast. The cost is certainly not prohibitive, the lightness of being after having a significant weight literally lifted from your shoulders, plus the fact that healing is quite fast over 6 weeks or so, makes Breast Reduction surgery one of the most worthwhile surgeries we do. And let me say that once that weight is gone and the shape is restored, it is like walking on air‌..connecting with your feminine essence in a whole new way. If you would like to reconnect with your femininity again with Breast Enhancement surgery then don’t wait for another Summer to come and go. Act now! Call me for a private chat on 0397075799, or email me

Facelift without surgery Lips, full lips, fuller lips Fabulous injectables Thank you injectables Happy 63 years young

Medici cosmetic surgery….experience the medici difference Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants, Tummy Tuck, Mummy Tummy, Rhinoplasty, Breast Reduction, Breast Uplift, Facelift, Eyelift, Necklift, Otoplasty -Medici Cosmetic Surgery Specialist Clinic is the most well known, longest established Clinic in the South East of Melbourne, Medici includes both Cosmetic Surgery as well as Plastic Surgery procedures. Twenty one years after commencing in the Cosmetic Surgery and Plastic Surgery industry in Melbourne, Dee Tozer’s understanding of what patients want is extensive. Her Medici team in Berwick, Victoria, knows how much the right information plus reliability and safety mean to you. Whether Breast Augmentation or Breast implants will make your femininity shine, Breast Reduction relieves your pain or embarrassment, Tummy Tuck repairs your mummy tummy, Liposculpture removes the curves you dont want, Rhinoplasty reshapes your nose, or Facelift surgery refreshes your appearance, Medici is your answer, we are here for you. There is no need to struggle with the unknown. Under Dee’s guiding hand everything is explained thoroughly for your reassurance. Dee and her Medici team truly understand the Cosmetic Surgery journey of change you are on and we are focused on you achieving your goal.

Hear from one of our many happy Medici Clients:

A life changing and positive experience! The initial decision to have this procedure done was daunting but as I’m now 6 weeks post-op, it was the best decision I have ever made! Family and friends comment on how much happier I seem and how I hold my posture taller and prouder. I feel my confidence has lifted and my moods through tiredness have improved. My backache has gone, so has the shoulder pain and headaches!! “GOD BLESS TOM!” I now look forward to some new bra shopping instead of dreading!!!”

See our medici clinics advertisement in this issue to receive $1050 off any breast or tummy procedure!


Do you have a Mummy Tummy? With a ‘Mummy Tummy Tuck’ you won’t need the light off! Now you can leave the light on without embarrassment. Take charge & make a positive

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Dee Tozer

P.S We even cater for Long Distance Patientsjust ask me.

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Melissa Craig, in such a short time has risen to prominence being recognized by peers and readers alike for her work as an erotica author. Her profile is such, that she is a sought after panelist on various media forums both nationally and abroad. She continues to offer a special brand of writing that has carved her a niche in this genre, so much so that even E.L.James herself has re-tweeted Melissa’s tweets, follows her Facebook fan page and Melissa on Twitter. The 50 Shades of Grey author that rocked the world by storm, that has over three hundred and sixty-eight thousand followers on twitter only follows 446 people and Melissa Craig is one of them. Yes Melissa Craig leaves her readers thirsting for more. Melissa’s work draws upon the backdrop of an island in The Great Barrier Reef, and the sultry North Queensland surroundings which have lead her to becoming an international best seller in the UK, USA, France and Germany. Melissa provides opportunities for aspiring/self-published authors, directors and Indie musicians alike, which was recognized through an honorable mention at the United States International Women’s Day Columbus, Ohio. She produces a podcast with a syndicate in the thousands with her co-host and American Author Charity Parkerson, all about the written word, available on iTunes.

ssa Craig


Erotica Author

Melissa is part of a worldwide author network reaching over two million followers on twitter at present and growing every day. Her blog is recognized worldwide that has subsequently lead to opportunities judging in writing competitions in America. Her erotica works have gained recognition through awards here in Australia against New York Best Seller Sylvia Day in the 2012 Romance Readers Awards in the Erotic Romance category with media resulting in the Sunday Mail newspaper article “Erotica Steams Ahead” and various interviews on radio shows in Sydney and TV shows in the UK. Now we at Born Organized Magazine have the pleasure of gaining Melissa’s insight as a columnist, in between writing about men’s hard bodies. It’s a hard job, but someone has to do it. Enjoy it any way you can!

Re-ignite that flame! As an erotica author, I spend a lot of time reading sex-life books, surveys, articles about sexual desires and expectations from men and women, as it helps with character building. One of the things I have learned from all this reading is the importance of keeping that spark alive in a relationship. No. That’s not it. It’s about how to make time to keep the fire burning. Anyone who has been in a long-term relationship knows there is a time when the fun things seem to stop: the spontaneous trips away, the nights out for dinner as a couple, the sexy talk, texts, or even letting our imaginations run wild and perhaps acting out that role of the sexy stripper — you know what I’m talking about. Nothing is more empowering than slipping your foot into a stocking and rolling it up to connect with the suspender belt. Mmm, matching lingerie, high heels, and don’t forget to cover it all up with the easy-to-whip-off clothes.


Hang on. I know you anymore, I would rat a night of intimacy. W stresses, responsibilitie own needs on standby the first thing to go. T ‘to do list’ seems to b we want to add hanky day, right?

Oi, you shouldn’t be putting an end to th sexuality, and deserve it was like when you that tingled througho partner, or the mome waist and pulled you i

u’re all thinking, well I don’t have time ther choose an extra hour of sleep than We’re all so caught up with the everyday es, and commitments that we put our y. Unfortunately, the sex-drive is normally The daily stresses are taking a toll and the be getting longer and longer. Why would y panky to the task list after an exhausting

agreeing. You should be thinking about hat dry spell and taking control of your to escape from reality. Remember what first started dating? The nervous flutters out your body the moment you saw your ent ‘the one’s’ hand snaked around your in for that first passionate kiss.

See, you do. Give something back to yourself; re-kindle that flame. I know it’s easier said than done, but the time has come. You need to stop and smell the roses. You need a time out, away from the kids, work stresses, household chores. It’s time for pampering. Run a bubble bath, sit back and read a book. May I suggest reading some erotica that will titillate your tastebuds … or even doing something simple like painting your toenails? When was the last time you treated your feet to a pedicure? It’s time to make yourself feel like a confident woman of the world, and re-invent that person your partner fell in love with. Stop thinking you don’t have time to sit back and relax or watch a sunset with a glass of champagne. Make time — it’s important and the first step to taking the stress out of your relationship. Shave your legs; get a wax, or whatever makes you feel sexy. Ignite the flame that has been snuffed out.

Sex is an important part of life, and we shouldn’t be afraid to talk about it with our partner. No judgement is needed when expressing your feelings or listening to one another. You never know, you may both like or want the same thing. Bring the element of surprise back into the relationship; catch your partner off guard. Even better, start setting a regular date night once a week and stick to it. If you were courting, you would be spending time together. Once in a while, I think it’s also important to get away from the house, the phone, the kids, people turning up on your doorstep unannounced. Book a hotel room for a night. Run the bubble bath, have the champagne sitting in the ice bucket. Put on the music and those easy-to-slip-off clothes and actually escape from reality for a few hours. No interruptions, and no one except the both of you. Time to explore one another and let the temperature skyrocket to HOT! P.S. Remember to put the do not disturb sign on the door, as you don’t want to be interrupted by the pull down service (no pun intended). Don’t think of it as embarrassing; who cares if people know you’re doing the deed? Embrace the fact that you and your partner are giving each other the full attention you both deserve. Enjoy it any way you can! Melissa Craig You can find my books in paperback and digital forms on Amazon, Kobo, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, or your local bookshop can order them in for you. A great way to get paperbacks is through Book Depository as they have free shipping worldwide. I know I prefer to turn the pages of a book, as it helps build to the momentum.


Book Depository Amazon

For those that live in Brisbane why no

Available on: Amazon Book Depository Barnes & Noble: Booktopia, iTunes, Kobo most online book stores.

ot drop into the Dymocks City store as they stock Melissa’s paperbacks, some are even signed first editions. 2GB Shop, Sydney also sell her award nominated erotica book “Ample Attraction”

Web site is:

Facebook Fan Page:

Luke Mangan Luke Mangan is one of Australia’s leading chefs and restaurateurs and is highly regarded internation-

In addition to running eight busy

ally as a shining example of Austra-

restaurants, Luke has written four

lia’s culinary culture.

cookbooks and most recently, his

Luke currently owns and operates glass brasserie, Hilton Sydney; Salt


grill, Hilton Surfers Paradise; Salt

He has launched his own range of

grill and Salt tapas & bar, Singa-

gourmet products and also makes

pore; Salt and the adjoining World

regular appearances on number of

Wine Bar, Tokyo; and Salt grill

TV shows, both in Australia and in-

onboard three P&O cruise liners.


Luke’s newest venture, Salt grill, opened in Jakarta in March 2013. Luke is also the consulting chef for Virgin Australia.


autobiography ‘The Making of a

For more information, please visit

Char-Grilled Chorizo cuttle fish & piquillo peppers Serves 8 Ingredients 1 chorizo, sliced 8 cuttlefish, scored and cut into 1/3 16 piquillo peppers, cleaned and cut in half 24 yellow cherry tomatoes cut in half Knob of butter 250ml vermouth Smoked tomato & Basil Salsa* 32 pitted black olives ½ julienne preserved lemon 1 bunch picked basil leaves 1 bunch picked parsley leaves Extra virgin olive oil

Seasoning 8 grilled bread, brushed with a raw piece of garlic Smoked Tomato & Basil Salsa* 250ml extra virgin olive oil 150g eschallots, diced 100g chopped garlic 30g anchovies 20g smoked paprika 250ml dry vermouth 500g tomatoes, peeled, deseeded and diced 300g capsicum, peeled and diced 150g salted capers, soaked over night Fish sauce, to taste

Method For the Tomato & Basil Salsa In a heavy based pot, add the extra virgin olive oil and sweat the eschallots and garlic without colouring, cook until tender.

To Make the Dish Season and char-grill the chorizo,

about 2 minutes and place on a tr

Add the anchovies and paprika and cook for 2 minutes.

In a large saucepan heat a little e

De-glaze pot with the vermouth until it has almost disappeared.

cherry tomatoes and pan roast for

Add the tomatoes and capsicum and cook for 2 minutes. Add the capers and stir through. Remove from heat and season with fish sauce.


cuttlefish and piquillo peppers for


Add the knob of butter, then deglaze with the vermouth and add the smoked tomato & basil salsa and heat until the mixture begins to bubble in the pan.

extra virgin olive, then place in the

Place the chorizo, peppers and cuttlefish in and mix well

r 1 minute at medium to high heat.

over a medium heat for 1 to 2 minutes. Add the olives, preserved lemon, basil and parsley and mix. Remove pan from heat and check seasoning. Serve in bowls with garlic toast.

Diana Holwerda / Banika Smee Founders Mum Entrepreneurs Pty Ltd Last issue we introduced ourselves as Mum Entrepreneurs. Two mums who run their own business plus raising kids, Banika designs beautiful bamboo loungewear at and I provide virtual and onsite admin assistance to business owners through and we organise together our monthly network events to meet with likeminded women and to brainstorm about our businesses. So that is a quick recap on who we are but what makes a Mumpreneur? I found this great definition of a Mumpreneur.


you talking to the client/ customer. It is you putting yourself out there and you have to belief in yourself and your service/ product 3. Confidence. We are all different people and some people just naturally have this amazing talent of approaching people at markets/ street/ shops/ network events and introduce themselves and talk about their service/ product and there is you who gets stuck at the first sentence and can’t remember your first name. Yes I have been there! All I can say you need practice and preparation. Attending network groups like Mum Entrepreneurs which is a very supportive group of women and use that as your practice ground so

Here are my Top 3 absolute required criteria of what makes a Mumpreneur or Mum Entrepreneur: 1. Passionate. You have to be passionate about what you do as when you are tired, kids sick, husband grumpy, the house a pigsty that is when you need to find that passion to keep going 2. Belief. Belief in yourself, even though you might have the support of family or friends, it is

when you meet with your potential client/ customer for the first time you will ooze confidence See you at the next issue.

Diana Holwerda Co-Founder/ Director Mum Entrepreneurs Pty Ltd

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HALLY RHIANNONNAMMU Hally Rhiannon-Nammu is a passionate behavioural change expert and spiritual guru. Hally has been noted as a top business coach, top life coach, nominated for Telstra Business Women’s Award 2012, noted as a Master in Spiritualism and part of four book collaborations including part of the Master Channel’s Expert Ebook providing insight into 21/12 predictions. Hally has extensive qualifications from NLP, Behavioural Profiling, Timeline Therapy, Life Coaching, Performance Coaching, Holistic Counselling through to Metaphysics, Fitness, Vibrational Medicine and is a Reiki Master; with over twenty years experience in varying businesses spending more than twelve of these in senior management roles. Hally is a published author of seven books and has been featured on a number of sites with continued requests for more to gain insight into her expertise, experience and vast knowledge. Hally has even been provided a live reading to the Paranormal Radio station in the UK. Hally has assisted many globally with matters ranging from every-day challenges through to trauma removal and recovery from abuse. Hally has a calming and honest nature providing a compassionate basis to help every person. What Hally does is so natural however, never compromised in results or dedication. Hally’s Therapy Page: Hally’s Spiritual Healing Page: Hally’s Coaching Page: Hally’s Author site:


the Image of Business

It can be said that “you are your business” and if this is the case where is the line drawn? Some take so much time in perfecting their elevator speech of who they are and what they do that the overall message and the actual ability to sell their product becomes secondary. This is where that fine line needs to be reduced into a simplitic view of what will actuWhen it comes to the image of business

ally help the person and the business,

how much does it reflect the person?

not play a role within the competition of

How much does it reflect the vision and

where to fit in.

when does this become affected by the external influences of the market place of that industry?

caught up in the competition of a business. Who is doing what and this can in

The brand of a business can make or

turn affect how to brand the business. It

break its success. However, when this is

is like looking at the supposed success-

linked to the image of the person it be-

ful businesses within that industry and

comes a fine line on how best to market

then basing one’s own business on this.

the business with the image of the per-

However, this usually results in failture

son in a specific brand. Is it done based

because their brand is not anyone else’s.

on the business, based on the person or is it a combination? Perhaps it is looking at the position of the business in the industry? This is only the start of the complexities when it comes to branding and the image of a business. So, why not simplify? Why not simply take it back to basics of what image, branding and the vision of the business is really all about.


There is no doubt that it is easy to get

There are many methods out there on how to market a business, how to make it successful and what to do when first

getting the business off the ground. However, many and most of these strategies are based on specific businesses and omit the “person� thus, end up failing. It is said that 98% of small businesses fail within the first twelve months. It does bring to light

about the voice of the business and

whether their brand and their image

the person behind this whether they

reflected them or the cookie cut strat-

are aligned, engaged and empowered

egy used by most.

to be at one with the business and as a result, the brand of what they are with

That is not to say that there is not

their business.

much to learn from other businesses, however, what makes one business

When it comes to the image of a busi-

stand out from another is not about the

ness brand it must first start with the

colours used or the font on the business

person, the vision and their passion.

cards. It comes down to the person run-

Without this the business is no differ-

ning the business; it comes down to the

ent to any other. What defines bril-

person who is the business.

liance in such competitive industries relies heavily on owning one’s image

It is here where the brand and image

of themselves and all extensions of

becomes a challenge because truly en-

this. This becomes their brand; this be-

abling the business to reflect the per-

comes the voice within their business.

son means being honest and believing in oneself. The more someone believes in themselves and their product, or service, the easier it is to develop and organically evolve their brand. A brand is not about the clothing worn, it is

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s a h a n a n is h t d n a n u f is life ! u o y h it w e r a h s o t s ie lots of stor

My Stories Nana Tells

Meet 'Nana'

“I think it`s beyond wonderful that you`ve chosen to share your imagination, with the world`s children. Really special work!” @Manly_Mel ”The Fig Tree was really well written. Vivid imagery” Alexis Avila

“Lesley Dewar has gone from being one of Western Australia’s most respected financial planners to the author of exceptional stories for children and grand children world-wide”. Peter Taliangis

Remember when your Nana shared amazing stories with you? Now our children & grandchildren can all have ‘Stories My Nana Tells’! ‘Stories My Nana Tells’ are memorable! They create a “Wow, I didn’t know that!” from your child. Feel your heart warm, when they say to you "I didn't know that, Mum!"

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he stories we read as children stay with us all our lives; especially those we hear and read when we are seven or eight, and into our PreTeens. Even as adults, we remember those favourite stories we heard and we read in our early years.

When writing Stories My Nana Tells, she says one thing is paramount. ” The stories must be memorable. Every story has a moment that will have your child say ‘wow, I didn’t know that!’ ” she said. ”That’s why we write them. So you can share another “wow” moment with your child when they say “I didn’t know that!”“

They help form our view of how the world is; how the world should or might be and where we fit into it. Sitting and Stories My Nana Tells is a great birthday reading a story with your child is a won- gift for Grandparents to share throughout the year with their Grandchildren, derful gift. the gift that comes every second week. Finding good reading material for your Written for younger readers, 7 – 12 child can be difficult. Looking for engagyears old, each story comes with 12 – ing stories, of the right length and in a 20 questions to help children develop format that allows flexibility for busy their comprehension skills. lifestyles is a challenge for many parStories My Nana Tells is a subscription ents and grandparents. based, story-telling service, with a new Writer and forward thinker, Lesley Dewstory every two weeks, for less than ar created Stories My Nana Tells to help $2.00 per week. parents and children to embark on an amazing adventure together, all the while strengthening family bonds and igniting your child’s imagination and love of reading.

Get your first story FREE today, at

Baby Cover Contest Olivia



Sophie Rose

Winner Baby Cove


Stella Rose


Tyler Ray

Lilyanna Grace

er BOM Contest - Jackson

Alannah Sage

From vintage inspired toys to beautiful, organic clothing, décor items, outfits to impress the smallest of style mavens and accessories that can take kids from Kindy to Katie’s party with the click of a mouse, Angelfish Dragonfly has you covered. Ms Bourne says Angelfish Dragonfly is full of unique and quirky gift ideas including eco-toys, Dinosnores sleep and meditation CDs, colourful Eco safe rubber cot protectors for babies who like to munch on wooden rails, and the world’s first protective baby ear muffs reducing noise level by 22 dB. The Ear Muffs are one of our most sought after products for events such as the Townsville 400, V8 Supercars, music concerts, aeroplane flights, autistic children or anywhere where loud noises could damage hearing, to sporting events so babies can settle undisturbed by noise. “We carefully source and select the most beautiful stock on the market from designers in Australia and overseas including Australian designers Quince, Bluebelle, Havelli, Babychic Designs, and Four Zero. Angelfish Dragonfly is very proud to be the top online Australian stockist of sought after Australian label Love Henry. From overseas we have Babiators, Sticky Bellies, and LillyBit from America, and most recently European fashion labels including Scandinavian label Nosh Organics, French Eco products from Coq en Pate and Dutch high end designer mim-pi. There are more beautiful labels being added to our collections this year so don’t forget to sign-up to our VIP customer list to keep up to date with the latest happenings, exclusive and advance preview specials.”

Click here: Angelene definitely has an eye for stylish garments that are suitable for children. Find Angelfish Dragonfly at the following Townsville locations: every Sunday morning from 8.30am to 1pm at Cotters Market in Flinders Street Mall, the Strand Night Markets on the first Friday of each month from May to December, and North Qld Babies and Kids Market which are held periodically throughout the year.


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Excellence in customer service Quality products at value prices Stylish clothing and accessories for boys and girls 0 – 10yrs

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Miss C’s Kitchen Sponsored by Angelfish Dragonfly Children’s Boutique

“I love cooking with my Mum! I have been cooking since I was 2 yrs old and started by cracking eggs and mixing. My Mum makes sure I am very safe in the kitchen – She says to beware of what is hot and sharp.


Miss C’s Rocky Road 2 x 180g packets of dark melting/ cooking chocolate 1 x small packet of Pascals Marshmallows 100g dry roasted almonds, no salt (or any nuts you like / omit if you can’t have them)

1 x small packet of Natural Confectionary Snakes 1 x Fry’s Turkish Delight 55g chocolate bar Chocolate Freckles (for decoration)


Miss C first made a different version of Rocky Road at Pre-prep school last year.

I then proceeded to make it at home, however it was NOT right according to her! So she decided to make her own version for her Daddy for Father’s Day.

We all loved it so much it is nearly gone and will have to do another batch for Father’s Day!

1. Prepare the lollies by cutting the marshmallows in half with kitchen scissors. 2. Cut the lolly snakes into 2 cm pieces using kitchen scissors. 3. Get an adult to cut the nuts in half. 4. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over hot water on the hotplate. 5. Take off the heat and place on a tea towel as it will be hot. 6. Mix in the lollies but keep some to decorate the top. 7. Place in a low tray or dish that has been lined with baking paper. Be sure to

spread evenly and not too thick.

8. Place spare lollies on the top to decorate. 9. Refrigerate for at least a few hours to set. 10. When set, cut into small squares or rectangles about 5cm.

Variation: We blitzed a punnet punnet of strawberries with an electric stick blender and added to 2 litres of softened vanilla icecream, then added chopped rocky road to it. Set it in the freezer and so yummy!!! You can add any lollies you like. We thought we will try it with smarties on top next time.

NB we are not endorsed by any brands. These are the particular treats that Miss C was wishing to use to get the desired taste / flavour.

Tips: Use a silicone spatula to scrape the sides of the bowl. Using a pyrex jug with a handle made it easier to hold the bowl and pour the mixture. Store in an airtight container. In the tropics we need to store chocolate in the fridge otherwise it melts.

Bon Appetit!


Fresh baby & toddler food, a first for the Australian market! Developed by Michelin star trained celebrity chef - Luke Mangan, is passionate about providing fresh, healthy, natural food to our little ones with quality ingredients that aim to develop their little palates as early as possible. These fresh, tasty & nutritional meals are packed with flavour but its what’s in the bowl that counts: - 100% Australian ingredients - No added salt, sugar, artificial colours or flavours - No preservatives or genetically modifies ingredients Each meal stays fresh in your fridge or popped straight into the freezer. Try some today! Refer to our page or website below for further details.



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Hayley Merelle Coates – HMC Hayley moved to Queensland at the age of 13, immediately fell in love with Burleigh Heads Beach, and has been a Gold Coast girl ever since. She spent 5 years with a family, as their nanny, while completing a Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at Griffith University, in 2005. Hayley has been a full-time teacher for seven years and has taught from Prep, up to grade seven, as well as tutored high-school students, in her spare time. She now works at the independent Silkwood School and is currently on maternity leave, with her seven-month-old daughter, Charlotte. Hayley is on her way to becoming a published author and writes under the pen-name HMC.

Her debut novel is a psychologi-

cal thriller—the idea came to her during an Abnormal Psychology lecture and the book is set to launch in the coming months. Take a PEEK - Click HERE Hayley writes on global issues, and finds inspirational pieces, to add to her blog ‘Soul Stories’. Her blog is new, but has already been nominated for ‘The Inspirational Blogger’s Award’ and is a nominee for the


‘Best Australian Blogs, 2013’. Soul Stories - Click HERE

Boys who Love Reading We all know how important reading is. It’s been drummed into us since we were little. The three ‘R’s (reading, writing and arithmetic) are still just as important as ever. But what happens when you have a child who isn’t interested in reading? Let’s face it, our boys (and many girls) would much prefer to race around the yard in their tidy whities, screaming, ‘charge!’ Reading isn’t a natural process. It takes plenty of practise for the mind to understand the concept, and it’s important to give our boisterous boys the best start. So, how do we do that? Reading doesn’t have to be taught sitting down! Here are some effective tips that can work wonders.

Read from birth Reading should be viewed as a normal, everyday practise. Read to your boys from birth! The newspaper, or back of a cereal box are fine to start with. Babies hear the different intonations in your voice.

A male role model with a passion for books Get a male role-model, or someone the boy has

Clear Instructions

respect for (Dad, Grandpa, a family friend) to read

Tell your boys why you are reading something, or

to him. When he sees a male reading, it shows him

why you’d like them to. Boys reading a recipe to

that it’s not only okay to read, but it can be a won-

you in the kitchen is a good one. They feel valued

derful thing.

and helpful.

Active learning

Add value to books

Young boys are active and love to move. When

Find out what your son enjoys and offer them as

teaching reading I use physical activities in the

special gifts

classroom. You can do the same at home. Alphabet: use sticks, sand, water and paint brushes on the concrete, to write the letters and say the sounds. Dramatic retell: Retell the stories through dramatization. Kids love this, especially when you’re the

Action ahead of emotion in plot If a story is emotionally charged, boys may zone out. Identifiable characters who are action-driven, are more likely to keep him engaged.


audience and they get the chance to make you

Who doesn’t love a good laugh? Many children


love humorous books. I get why, too. Paul Jen-

Art or Clay Modelling: Use clay to create the characters and scenes, backdrops to retell stories. ‘When a child is immersed in a story, their imaginations are free to run wild.’


nings, Andy Griffiths, these guys are great for the Primary School child.

Magazines and the internet For older, reluctant boys, look for magazines of topics they are interested in. There are a host of online magazines, just like this one. Magazines are picture books for adults, full of colour and interesting, shorter stories. Rather than push them on your older child, just mention them, and make them readily available. Planting a seed is more effective with teenagers. Good luck! Peace HMC



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Special Feature for November/October 2013

Christmas Family + Shopping Issue

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Mamas & Bubs

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Angelfish Dragonfly

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