INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMS Every country and culture has its own way of doing things. In some countries talking about death is acceptable; in others, it’s taboo. In some countries touching the person who you’re talking to is permitted; in others it’s not. Of course, no country has a “monopoly” on what is, or is not, correct; and the fact that we all do things differently is part of the rich variety of life and humanity. Here are a few customs which are all examples of those international differences that exist between us. This is the second part of a mini-series. In ancient times, any Japanese person who tried to leave the country was executed. In Norway, it is common for guests to take their shoes off when entering someone’s house. In Britain it is customary to say “please” and “thank you” for absolutely everything, even if you aren’t particularly pleased or grateful; in the rest of the world people communicate more directly and less superficially. Until just a few years ago, the penalty for medical malpractice in some Asian countries was to cut off the doctor’s hands. In the western world, doctors get sued, pay enormous fines and lose their jobs… but not their hands. In Thailand, touching someone’s head is considered very offensive. In some Arabic countries it is acceptable to burp after a meal as a sign of appreciation for the food. In Japan people bow when they are introduced to another person; in Britain, the Queen is the only person to receive this privilege.
In Britain, it is seen as a sign of weakness and morally wrong to show your emotions in public, especially if you are a man. In most other countries in the world this is acceptable. In some Arabic countries it is common to see men walking down the road holding hands as a sign of friendship. In many countries, two fingers in a “V” sign are used to communicate the word “victory”. However, in Britain, if you show someone two fingers, with the back of your hand towards that person, it is an insult.
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