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№ 30 (159), 2020 .


PHILOLOGY TYPES OF CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT Taleha Ahmadova Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Azerbaijan, Baku ABSTRACT Classroom assessment involves teachers investigating what and how their students are learning as teaching takes place, typically through short questions given out at the end of each class, as opposed to seeing the outcomes of student learning at the end of teaching when there is no longer the opportunity to change teaching practice. In this article are discussed different types and tasks of classroom assessment Keywords: assessment, tasks, performance, measure, marks, tests, proficiency.  Portfolio  Achievement or summative test  Proficiency test Each of them has its own definition. Diagnostic test is given at the beginning of the course. Teachers give learners this test, because they want to know what they know and don’t know. This type of test helps teachers decide what to teach and which learners need help in which areas of language. Sometimes, some learners go to a language school or evening classes. In this case, the school wants to know what level the learners are at. Then, they give them a test. This is called a placement test. After teachers have finished teaching a part of a course, they give learners a test. Because, they want to know how well learners have learnt it. This type of an assessment is called formative assessment .If a test is used to do it, it is known as a progress test. There is a system in which the quality of a student's work is judged by various pieces of work during a course and not by one final exam. Some teachers don’t prefer to assess their learner’s progress in a term, they prefer this type of an assessment. It is called continuous assessment. Another way of assessing learners’ work throughout the term is through a portfolio. This is a collection of learners’ work done during the course. At the end of a course, they present to the teacher. At the end of a course, teachers may give learners a test, because they want to see how well they have learnt the contents of the course. This type of assessment is called achievement assessment or summative assessment. Some learners take a test, because they want to see how well they are at language. For example; IELTs, TOEFL, TKT etc. This type of a test is called proficiency test. Portfolio Assessment Portfolio assessments evaluate a student's progress over the course of the semester. It is more than a onetime picture of what a learner has accomplished. Portfolios include all of a student's work in a particular area.

An assessment plays an important role in education. What is an assessment? Classroom Assessment is a systematic approach to formative evaluation, used by instructors to determine how much and how well students are learning. Teachers assess learners for different reasons. However, it is important to recognize that teachers' assessments have short-term and long-term consequences for students, thus requiring that teachers have an ethical responsibility to make decisions that are the most valid and reliable as possible. A number of groups in the USA have set standards for teachers' ethical performance (American Federation of Teachers et al. 1990 and National Education Association 1992–3). Among teachers' ethical responsibilities are: to provide students access to varying points of view; not to expose students to embarrassment or ridicule; not to exclude, deny, or grant advantages on the basis of students' race, colour, creed, gender, national origin, religion, culture, sexual orientation, or disability; and not to label students with stereotypes. Classroom assessment is the process of observing, collecting, analyzing, and interpreting evidence that can be used to draw inferences and inform decision making. Effective classroom assessment requires that teachers have a clear and complete understanding of the learning goals, have tasks that will allow them to see if these goals are being met, and finally, have the ability to interpret the evidence collected from these observations. Teachers can assess learners informally and formally. But, there are some differences between them. In informal assessment, teachers observe learners to see how well they are doing something. Also, teachers can give comments on their performance. Formal assessment, teachers assess learners through exams or tests. Teachers asses learners using marks and grade. An assessment has different types. What are the types of an assessment? These are  Diagnostic test  Placement test  Progress test or Formative assessment  Continuous assessment 51

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