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№ 30 (159), 2020 .


INNOVATION AS A HIGH FACTOR FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Shakhzoda Sayfullaeva student of National University in Uzbekistan named after Mizro Ulugbek, Uzbekistan, Tashkent Ilkham Nuranov student of Nukus branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University Karakalpakistan, Uzbekistan, Nukus ABSTRACT This article discusses the importance of innovation in the context of modernization and liberalization of the economy, its unique role in attracting new technologies for the development of the state and society, leading science, education and industry on a new path of development. Keywords: Innovation, novelty, development, scientific and technological potential, Innovative development strategy, techno-parks. why today innovation has become an important component of every country's economy. The scientist who laid the foundation for the first development of the theory of innovation is the Australian economist Y.A.Schumpeter. According to experts, it was this scientist who scientifically substantiated the concept of innovation. According to the idea put forward by Y.A. Schumpeter, any new technical decision, technology, organization of production, the formation of new markets, the source of raw materials is innovation. [1] According to R. Fatkhutdinov, innovation is the end result of the introduction of innovation, and the change in the management of the facility is a social, economic, scientific, technical, environmental and other efficiency. [2] From the above definitions, innovation is the creation of new products or the improvement of the quality of manufactured goods by introducing advanced scientific advances into the production process in order to achieve high economic and social efficiency.

The rapid development of the innovative industry in the life of society contributes to the growth of the share of intellectual products, information and scientific and technical, innovative activities in the economy. The increase in the share of innovations has led to the fact that innovations are just like minerals, the wealth of a country such as production capacity and intellectual potential began to be calculated. The implementation of market reforms will lead to the transition of our economy to the path of innovative development with the accession of our country to the world community, the growing role of knowledge and information in the world economic system, the strengthening of ties between new technologies and capital markets that are becoming increasingly important. It is known from national and international experience that the level of development of the economy and society depends in many ways on innovative activities. Consequently, efficiency in the economy increases due to the introduction of innovative technologies and inventions into production. That is

Picture 1. Number of employees engaged in scientific research and experimental development in the Republic of Uzbekistan (at the end of the year, thousand of people). [3] 55

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