FROM THE GENERAL & ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Dear Friends, Welcome to The Lighthouse, BLO’s 2012 Opera Annex production at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum. Our new production of Peter Maxwell Davies’ masterpiece has found an ideal home in this wonderful space overlooking Boston Harbor, and these performances mark the first time a fully-staged opera will be performed here at the Library. The Lighthouse takes us to Northern Scotland’s Orkney Islands in 1900 and spins a riveting ghost tale based on true events—the mysterious disappearance of three lighthouse keepers. As part of BLO’s Opera Annex initiative The Lighthouse seeks to offer you an immersive operatic experience outside the traditional theater environment. When we began thinking about a home for this new production we knew immediately that a space not only close to the water, but that made it possible for audiences to sense maritime surroundings throughout the evening was ideal. We are delighted to be able to take that a step further and incorporate views of the water into the production. The Lighthouse showcases the talents of a remarkable director and extraordinary cast. We welcome internationally-recognized stage director Tim Albery to Boston for his BLO debut, along with our cast of three singing actors, John Bellemer, Christopher Burchett, and BLO Emerging Artist in Residence David Cushing. Music Director David Angus continues his first full season with BLO at the podium. The recent news of Opera Boston’s closing has saddened the BLO community greatly. We have enjoyed working alongside Opera Boston over the past decade to bring opera to the city of Boston and the sudden loss of the organization is startling. Now, more than ever, opera companies rely on the support of their communities in order to thrive. I thank you for your continued support of BLO and opera in general, together we will ensure Boston stays an opera town. Our 2011/2012 Season continues next month with Rossini’s undisputed masterpiece, The Barber of Seville at the Citi Performing Arts CenterSM Shubert Theatre. I hope to see you there, and look forward to greeting you in the theater this evening.
Esther Nelson General & Artistic Director
BOSTON LYRIC OPERA BOARD Welcome to Boston Lyric Opera’s Opera Annex, with Production underwriting by the Envision Opera Challenge. The Envision Opera Challenge is a matching grant established by an anonymous family foundation in support of Opera Annex, new works and new productions—and designed to encourage others to give new and increased gifts through 2014. We are grateful to the Foundation for its vision in choosing to support Opera Annex which brings new audiences to opera performed in a found space. Opera Annex makes opera even more accessible. If this is your first opera ever, or your first time with Boston Lyric Opera…or your 100th, we welcome you to this unique experience. Steven P. Akin Chairman, Board of Directors CHAIR
Steven P. Akin VICE-CHAIR
Frank Wisneski CLERK
Catherine E. Grein
J. Stephanie Giacalone
Esther Nelson
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Steven P. Akin Jane Akin David B. Arnold, Jr. Linda Cabot Black Miguel de Bragança Wayne Davis JoAnne Walton Dickinson, Esq. Alan Roy Dynner Susan D. Eastman Kenneth L. Freed J. Stephanie Giacalone Thomas D. Gill, Jr.
Shirley B. Perry William Pounds Alicia Cooney Quigley David W. Scudder Michael Shanahan Susan R. Shapiro Ray Stata Wat Tyler Frank Wisneski Christopher R. Yens Tania Zouikin
Catherine E. Grein Anneliese M. Henderson Mimi Hewlett Horace H. Irvine II Susan W. Jacobs Maria J. Krokidas Stephen T. Kunian Lois A. Lampson Abigail B. Mason Richard Olney III A. Neil Pappalardo E. Lee Perry
Willa Bodman Ann M. Beha Willa Bodman Richard M. Burnes, Jr. Ellen Cabot Carol Deane Christian Draz Lila Berman Gross Amy Hunter
Lawrence St. Clair
Louise Johnson Ellen Kaplan Amelia Welt Katzen William T. Kennedy M. Lynne Markus Jeffrey Marshall Shari Noe Irving H. Plotkin
Susanne Potts Michael J. Puzo Wendy Shattuck Lawrence St. Clair Deborah Swenson Sandra A. Urie Peter J. Wender
PAST CHAIRMEN AND PRESIDENTS OF BLO J. P. Barger Ann Monks Barry * Constance Boykan Fredric S. Cohen
Randolph J. Fuller Lee Day Gillespie* Horace H. Irvine II Sherif A. Nada
Alicia Cooney Quigley Freda Rebelsky* Stephen S. Ruggiero
EMERITI J. P. Barger
Sherif A. Nada *Deceased
Music and libretto by Peter Maxwell Davies. Sung in English
Performances: February 8, 9, 11, 12m, 2012 The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum, One Columbia Point, Boston This production and Opera Annex are made possible through the support of An Anonymous Family Foundation Mattina R. Proctor Foundation
Stage Director Tim Albery* Sponsored by XXX
Conductor David Angus Sponsored by XXX
Scenic Design XXX Sponsored by Linda Cabot Black Set and Costume Designer Camellia Koo
Lighting Designer Thomas C. Hase
Wig and Makeup Designer Jason Allen with John Bellemer Sponsored by Gerard and Sherryl Cohen Christopher Burchett Sponsored by Mr. Alan R. Dynner David Cushing# Sponsored by Wayne Davis and Ann Merrifield Institutional Partners
Boston Lyric Opera’s programs are funded, in part, by a grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. 4
THE CAST (in order of vocal appearance)
Sandy/Officer 1
John Bellemer
Blazes/Officer 2
Christopher Burchett
Arthur/Voice of the Cards/Officer 3
David Cushing#
Rehearsal Coach/Accompanist
Allen Perriello#
Assistant Director
Crystal Manich
Production Stage Manager
Karen Oberthal
Boston Lyric Opera Orchestra
One act with Prologue. The approximate running time of the performance is one hour and 12 minutes. * signifies Boston Lyric Opera debut # signifies Boston Lyric Opera Emerging Artist
BLO THANKS ITS 2011/2012 VISION FUND SUPPORTERS An Anonymous Family Foundation Dorothy and David Arnold Horace H. Irvine II
Boston Lyric Opera’s Vision Fund supports all initiatives at BLO that embrace novel artistic approaches envisioned by General & Artistic Director, Esther Nelson. Formed in 2008, it funds new productions, innovative re-interpretations of existing pieces, Opera Annex, commissions, contemporary repertoire and American works. Vision Fund represents BLO’s affirmation of its longstanding mission to produce the full range of operatic repertory, from smaller chamber size to larger operas, audience favorites to lesser known, early works to commissions—in order to engage audiences in diverse works of art and cultivate inclusive appreciation.
BOSTON LYRIC OPERA ORCHESTRA Concertmistress: Sandra Kott
VIOLIN/TAM TAM Sandra Kott* VIOLA/FLEXATONE Kenneth Stalberg* CELLO Alexei Gonzales* BASS Robert Lynam*
TRUMPET Jesse Levine** TROMBONE Robert Couture* PERCUSSION Dean Anderson**
COMPOSER’S NOTE WITH SYNOPSIS by Sir Peter Maxwell Davies The original inspiration for this work came from reading Craig Mair’s book on the Stevenson family of Edinburgh. This family, apart from producing the famous author Robert Louis, produced several generations of lighthouse and harbour engineers. In December 1900 the lighthouse supply ship Hesperus, based in Stromness, Orkney, went on its routine tour of duty to the FIannan Isles in the Outer Hebrides. The lighthouse was empty—all three beds and the table looked as if they had been left in a hurry and the lamp, though out, was in perfect working order, but the men had disappeared into thin air. The work consists of a prologue and one act. The Prologue presents the Court of Inquiry in Edinburgh into the disappearance of the keepers. The three protagonists play the parts of the three officers of the lighthouse ship, the action moving between the courtroom, the ship, and the lighthouse itself, and the inquiry is conducted by the horn of the orchestra, to whose wordless questions the protagonists answer, making the questions retrospectively clear. The Court reaches an open verdict. At the end of the Prologue the three officers together tell us that the lighthouse is now automatic and the building is abandoned and sealed up, while the lighthouse itself flashes its automatic signal to a rhythm which is reflected in the orchestra. The main act bears the subtitle The Cry of the Beast. The scene is set inside the lighthouse with the three keepers at table in a state of edginess with each other. Arthur is a bible-thumping religious zealot, constantly at loggerheads with Blazes who has no truck with his hypocrisy; the third keeper, Sandy,
tries peace-making moves to keep them apart. When Arthur leaves the table and goes aloft to light the lantern, Sandy and Blazes have a game of crib. They quarrel over this, and when Arthur returns, the atmosphere becomes extremely tense. Sandy suggests that Blazes should sing a cheerful song to help break this tension. This Blazes does, followed by Sandy and Arthur. Each song, though light and superficial on the surface, might be taken as an indication of the inner character and history of the singers. Blazes sings a jolly song about an adolescent’s career of crime in city slums leading to murder and the death of his parents. Sandy sings a love song, which when taken up and accompanied by the other two keepers, takes on a new meaning suggesting that his love-life might not have been as innocent as would at first appear. Arthur sings a holy-roller rabble-rousing ditty about God's revenge on the Children of Israel for worshipping the Golden Calf—a projection into God’s will and bible history of his own boundless and unexpressed aggression. Subsequently the atmosphere turns chill— fog swirls about the lighthouse and Arthur starts the foghorn with the words “the cry of the Beast across the sleeping world—one night that cry will be answered from the deep.” From the mists, ghosts from the past of the three keepers emerge to take their revenge— they might be directly from the songs each keeper sang if these are taken as personal revelations. These ghosts, which we do not see but which the keepers persuade each other are visible, drive them into a state of such guilty desperation that they become crazed. The ghosts call upon Blazes and Sandy to go out with them into the night.
When Arthur comes down from the light room, he is convinced that the Beast has called across the sea—the Golden Calf has come to claim his servants. The eyes of the Beast are seen to approach, eventually becoming an all-blinding dazzle. Calling upon God’s help, bellowing a hymn, the three keepers move out to defend themselves against this spirit, which they now see as the Antichrist. At the climax of the storm and the brightest point of the light from the eyes of the Beast, the keepers are replaced by the three officers from the lighthouse ship—played by the same three singers, and the light of the approaching Beast is seen to perhaps have been the light of the lighthouse ship. From the remarks of the ship’s officers, the exact nature of the lighthouse keepers’ disappearance is open to interpretation, as is, indeed, whether the officers themselves are trying to persuade themselves that some truth they fear is not so, or perhaps that they are trying to cover something up. When the relief keepers enter the lighthouse, although they are not seen very clearly, it is more than possible that they are the same three we saw at the opening of the scene, but, as the lighthouse is seen to flash its “automatic” signal, there is a further possibility that we have been watching a play of ghosts in a lighthouse abandoned and boarded up for eighty years. The structure is based on the Tower of the Tarot, whose number symbolism is present in the structure of all the music, and which erupts into the surface of the opera in the form of the words sung by Arthur during the card game representing the Voice of the Cards, which on this level transforms the game of crib into a play of fate with Tarot cards, summoning up all the power of their baleful influence.
Opera North, Leeds, UK; Jenufa and Tales of Hoffmann, Malmo Opera, Sweden; Lombardi, Milwaukee Repertory Theatre.
Recent highlights: to come
Upcoming: Prima Donna, New York City Opera; Carmen, Theater Erfurt, Germany; Cincinnati Opera’s 2012 Season.
Upcoming: to come DAVID ANGUS—MUSIC DIRECTOR/CONDUCTOR (LONDON, ENGLAND) BLO: Macbeth, 2011; A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 2011; Idomeneo, 2010 Recent highlights: Carmen and Later the Same Evening (Musto), Glimmerglass Festival; Britten’s Les Illuminations, Cooperstown. Upcoming: The Inspector, BLO; concerts, London Philharmonic & Odense Symphony Orchestra, Denmark; Dvorak Requiem, Dartington International Summer School; opera Gala, Transylvania. JOHN BELLEMER—SANDY/OFFICER 1 (HOMETOWN) BLO: to come
CAMELLIA KOO*— SET & COSTUME DESIGNER (TORONTO, CANADA) BLO: to come Recent highlights: Set & Costume Designer: La Bohéme, Against the Grain; Dido and Aeneas, Opera on the Avalon; Giiwedin, Native Earth Performing Arts; The Shadow, Tapestry New Opera. Associate Designer to Michael Levine: Candide, English National Opera/Hyogo Performing Arts Centre, Japan; The Magic Flute, Budapest State Opera. Collaborations with independent and regional companies in Toronto including The Shaw Festival. Upcoming: Maria Stuarda, Pacific Opera Victoria; Turn of the Screw, Against the Grain; Tales of Hoffman, Edmonton Opera.
Recent highlights: to come Upcoming: to come CHRISTOPHER BURCHETT*— BLAZES/OFFICER 2 (HOMETOWN) BLO: to come Recent highlights: to come Upcoming: to come DAVID CUSHING#—ARTHUR/ VOICE OF THE CARDS/OFFICER 3 BASS-BARITONE (MILFORD, MA) BLO: Truffaldino, Ariadne auf Naxos, 2010; Lesbo, Agrippina, 2011; A Doctor, Macbeth, 2011. Recent highlights: Figaro, The Marriage of Figaro, Opera North; Sulpice, La Fille du regiment, Opera Idaho; Leporello, Don Giovanni, Syracuse Opera; Dr. Bartolo, The Barber of Seville and Colline, La boheme, Baltimore Concert Opera. Upcoming: Don Basilio, The Barber of Seville and Adolfo, The Inspector, BLO. THOMAS C. HASE— LIGHTING DESIGNER (CHICAGO, IL) BLO: Carmen, 2009. Recent highlights: Giulio Cesare, 9
CORPORATE, FOUNDATION AND GOVERNMENT SUPPORT Boston Lyric Opera gratefully acknowledges the following organizations for their support during the 2011–2012 Season. Their generous in-kind and monetary donations provide invaluable support for BLO’s productions and programs. This list includes contributions and pledges made through January 4, 2012. CRESCENDO MEMBERS ($100,000 and above) The Calderwood Charitable Foundation✢
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
VIVACE MEMBERS ($33,333 to $66,665) Citi Performing Arts CenterSM Massachusetts Cultural Council
Mattina R. Proctor Foundation✢
PRESTO MEMBERS ($25,000 to $33,332) Wallace Minot Leonard Foundation★✢
National Endowment for the Arts
ALLEGRO MEMBERS ($10,000 to $24,999) Harold Alfond Foundation, in honor of Steven Akin✢ Bank of America Baupost Group, L.L.C.✢ Boston Private Bank & Trust Company Cabot Family Charitable Trust✢ Esther B. Kahn Charitable Foundation
The Klarman Family Foundation✢ Medical Information Technology Inc OPERA America Susan A. Babson Opera Fund for Emerging Artists, part of the Paul and Edith Babson Foundation
ADAGIO MEMBERS ($5,000 to $9,999) Grossman Marketing Group Northern Trust
Sovereign Bank
GRAZIOSO MEMBERS ($3,000 to $4,999) The Catered Affair Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation
Johnson Controls, Inc.✢
BRAVISSIMO MEMBERS ($1,500 to $2,999) AND FOUNDATION SUPPORTERS (UP TO $1,500, noted with an asterisk) Alexander, Aronson, Finning & Co., in memory of Charles M. Jacobs Anchor Capital Advisors✢ Biogen Idec Foundation Boston Cultural Council Cabot Corporation Charles River Associates
The Dibner Charitable Trust of Massachusetts* Draper Laboratory Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Endurance The Fine Family Foundation* Metro Meeting Centers ✢
Envision Opera Challenge Supporter ★ Lyric Circle member
Boston Lyric Opera announces the success of the first year of its Envision Opera Challenge, a four year initiative to raise $4 million by 2014 to stimulate new productions and secure Opera Annex for future seasons. You can: • Ensure the sustainability of Opera Annex. • Support commissions, remounts of contemporary work, and innovative reinterpretations.
Grants to reach the second year of this goal are needed by June 30, 2012. The $1 million challenge grant is contingent on raising another $3 million over four years in a one-to-three match.
Learn more at or contact Marie Coste, Institutional Giving Officer, at 617.542.4912 ext. 249 or
INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT Boston Lyric Opera gratefully acknowledges the generous donors to the 2011-2012 Season Annual Fund who contribute more than 75% of the Company’s annual operating revenue. Their support brings The Lighthouse to life today, provides education and community programs and ensures the future of the art form. This list includes gifts and pledges made to the Annual Fund, restricted funds and event sponsorships through January 4, 2012. Special thanks in Year 2 of BLO’s 4 Year $4 million Envision Opera Challenge to the anonymous family foundation whose $1 million gift launched the Challenge. We recognize below donors to the Challenge this season. We encourage all donors to consider a qualifying gift for the Challenge this year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). Gifts support our Opera Annex, new productions, and new works now through the 2013-2014 Season. To learn more, visit or call 617.542.4912 x228.
CRESCENDO MEMBERS ($100,000 and above) Anonymous✢ Jane and Steven Akin★ Linda Cabot Black★
Jody and Tom Gill★ Horace H. Irvine II★ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Montrone★✢
David and Marie Louise Scudder★ Wendy Shattuck and Samuel Plimpton★
FIORITURA MEMBERS ($66,666 to $99,999) Mr. and Mrs. Miguel de Bragança Ms. Pamela Kunkemueller★✢
Ms. C. Beverly Lotow§✢ E. Lee and Slocumb Hollis Perry★
Susan R. and L. Dennis Shapiro
VIVACE MEMBERS ($33,333 TO $66,665) Willa and Taylor Bodman✢ Gerard and Sherryl Cohen★✢ Ted Cutler Wayne Davis and Ann Merrifield★✢ Mr. Alan R. Dynner
Susan W. Jacobs★ Ms. Abigail Mason★ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Olney III Mr. and Mrs. Neil Pappalardo✢ William and Helen Pounds✢
Alicia Cooney Quigley and Stephen Quigley Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stata★✢ Faith and Joseph W. Tiberio Foundation★
PRESTO MEMBERS ($25,000 to $33,332) Nonnie and Rick Burnes★ Katie and Paul Buttenwieser★ Fay Chandler
Karen Johansen and Gardner Hendrie Mr. and Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wat H. Tyler★ Lynn Dale and Frank Wisneski★ Ms. Tania Zouikin
ALLEGRO MEMBERS ($10,000 to $24,999) Anonymous Sam and Nancy Altschuler Dorothy and David Arnold★ Jim and Chris Barker Ms. Ann Beha and Mr. Robert A. Radloff✢ Timothy and Rebecca Blodgett Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blumenthal✢ Dr. Charles C. Dickinson III and JoAnne Walton Dickinson Christian Courtney Draz★ Robert and Susan Eastman★
Mr. Kenneth L. Freed Ms. J. Stephanie Giacalone★ Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Grein, Jr. Tom and Anneliese Henderson★ Mimi and Roger Hewlett Diane and Mitchell Jacobs Ellen and Robert S. Kaplan★ Ms. Amelia Katzen★ Maria Krokidas and Bruce Bullen★✢ Stephen and Lois Kunian★ Butler and Lois Lampson Karen and George Levy
Dr. Maura McGrane Anne M. Morgan Shirley and Kenneth Perry John and Susanne Potts★ Mr. and Mrs. Michael Puzo✢ Rona and Arthur Rosenbaum✢ Mr. Michael Shanahan★ Sandra A. Urie and Frank F. Herron★✢ Mrs. Henry W. Wyman Temple V. Gill and Christopher R. Yens
ADAGIO MEMBERS ($5,000 TO $9,999) Anonymous Ms. Joan Bok Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bradley Dr. and Mrs. Eric Bucher★✢ Christine Clifford and Dean Williams✢ Dr. Nicholas J. DiMauro William C. and Joyce K. Fletcher Lila Gross Scottie and Rob Held Julie and Bayard Henry Mr. William Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Kennedy★ Ms. M. Lynne Markus★ Judith K. Marquis and Keith F. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Marshall★ Dr. Lyle and Anne Micheli Ms. Faith Moore Gregory E. Moore and Wynne W. Szeto Mary and Sherif Nada Esther Nelson and Bernd Ulken Shari and Christopher Noe★✢
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Brien Dr. E.C. Pierce§✢ Janet and Irv Plotkin★✢ Dr. Douglas Reeves Mr. and Mrs. John Remond✢ Jerome Rosenfeld§★ Dr. Jordan S. Ruboy Mr. David Shukis Larry and Beverly St. Clair★ Peter J. Wender
GRAZIOSO MEMBERS ($3,000 TO $4,999) Anonymous★ Joan K. Alden Widgie and Peter Aldrich Charles and Christina Bascom Mr. Martin S. Berman, in honor of Lila Gross Bob and Karen Bettacchi Ms. Ellen Cabot Judge and Mrs. Levin H. Campbell Jonathan and Margot Davis Ms. Winifred F. Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Ron Feinstein Lucia and Bruce Field Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. Foster
Nick and Marjorie Greville (Anon.) Ron and Kathy Groves Graham and Ann Gund Deborah A. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Morton Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hood Jeffrey Hovis Cerise Lim Jacobs, for Charles✢ Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Johnson 3d Joe and Pam LoDato★ Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Anita Loscalzo D. Cosmo and Jane P. Papa Dr. and Mrs. John William Poduska, Sr.
Suzanne and Peter Read★ Mike and Rusty Rolland The Sattley Family★ Tee Taggart and Jack Turner John H. Deknatel and Carol M. Taylor★ Mr. § and Mrs. Donald Taylor Jeannie Ackerman Curhan and Joseph C. Williams Drs. Bertram and Laima Zarins✢ Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Zilberfarb
BRAVISSIMO MEMBERS ($1,500 TO $2,999) Anonymous (2) The Acorn Foundation, in honor of Jane and Steven Akin Mr. and Mrs. David Bakalar George and Hillary Ballantyne Ronald and Ellen Brown Dr. and Mrs. Edmund Cabot Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cabot Ms. Francesca M. Carriuolo§ Mr. and Mrs. Julian Cherubini Rachel and Thomas Claflin John F. Cogan, Jr. and Mary L. Cornille Ms. Elizabeth Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Linzee Coolidge Nancy and Laury Coolidge
Ms. Linda Davis Sean and Candace Fitzpatrick, in memory of Sharon Fitzpatrick Nicki Nichols Gamble Mr. and Mrs. M. Dozier Gardner Ms. Diane Garthwaite Dr. Alfred Goldberg and Dr. Joan Goldberg Lena and Ronald Goldberg Ms. Nancy Herndon Mr. Joseph Hammer Ms. Pat Hillman Ms. Louise Johnson Eva R. Karger Milling Kinard
Dr. Maydee G. Lande, in memory of her father Pam Lassiter Mr. and Mrs. David S. McCue Susan and Peter Pease William and Lia Poorvu Ms. Jane L. Roy and Mr. Lucciano Lauretti Max D. Russell John and Margaret Ruttenberg, MD Allison Kay Ryder Mr. and Mrs. George Sakellaris Ms. Julie Scofield Dr. and Mrs. R. Michael Scott Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Winthrop Ms. Mary Wolfson
ENCORE MEMBERS ($1,000 TO $1,499) Anonymous (3) Anonymous, in honor of Mr. Richard Olney III Richard and Donna Anderson John and Rosemary Ashby Mr. and Mrs. Mel Barkan Michael Barza and Judith Robinson Lucille Batal Bruce Bauman and Denise Selden Bauman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Benka Dr. Susan Bennett and Dr. Gerald Pier Leonard and Jane Bernstein Ms. Holly Bodman Veronika and Bert Breer Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bressler Harold Carroll Brian Caswell and Corey Wisneski David J. Chavolla Chris and Lynne Chiodo Mr. John Conklin Susan and George Domolky Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Franko Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Fulham
Joan and Francis Gicca Ann Goodman and Arthur B. Pardee Charles and Merrill Gottesman The Grandin Family Foundation Drs. John and Olga Guttag Newell and Betty Hale Fund of Greater Worcester Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hinkley Arthur and Eloise Hodges Jewish Family and Children’s Services, in honor of Seymour Friedland Holly and Bruce Johnstone, in honor of Jane and Steven Akin Ms. Hannah Katz Mr. Mason Klinck Mr. and Mrs. John Kucharski Ledgeways Charitable Trust Richard and Mary Jane Lewontin Alex MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Roger Marino Mr. Holt Massey Mr. Domenico Mastrototaro Ms. Kathleen McGirr and Mr. Keith Carlson
Richard S. Milstein, Esq. Mark and Caroline Murphy Mr. and Mrs. George Noble Jack Osgood, in honor of Sarah Blume Mr. and Mrs. Saul Pannell The Honorable and Mrs. Lawrence T. Perera, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Puzo Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Perkins, Jr. Finley and Patricia Perry Robert and Elizabeth Pozen Melinda and James Rabb Stephen and Geraldine Ricci Sarah M. Richards Nicholas G. Russell Mr. Robert Schlundt Mr. Allen L. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stansky Mr. Andrew Szentgyorgyi Ms. Nellie Taft Mr. Edward Tate Ms. Antra Thrasher Jack and Anne Vernon Garry Thor Wedow
ENSEMBLE MEMBERS ($500 TO $999) Anonymous Shoma Aditya and Constantin von Wentzel Mr. Mark Alcaide Ms. Betsey Ansin John and Molly Beard Connie Bingham Alan Blume and Margaret Scranton-Blume Dorothy and Hale Bradt Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brunnock Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon Buckler Jack Burke and Barbara Stern Mr. Tim Butler Darrell Canby
Tip and Nino Catalano Mr. Geoffrey T. Chalmers Mr. and Mrs. John Coburn Mr. Eugene Cox Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. de Asla Phyllis Dohanian Wendy Driscoll and Thomas Driscoll Willis and Zach Durant-Emmons Mr. Andrew L. Eisenberg Louis Esposito Michael S. Flier and David E. Trueblood Ms. Anna Gabrieli Mr. Edward N. Gadsby
Ms. Martha Gentry Dr. Deborah Gobetz Dr. David Golan and Dr. Laura Green Ms. Jill Bode Goldweitz Dr. Kurt D. Gress and Mr. Samuel Parkinson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hamilton Ms. Susan Hammond Bette Ann Harris Mr. Emil Horowitz Ms. Margaret Meo Houlahan Mr. Ted and the Rev. Cannon Cynthia P. Hubbard Miss Sally Hurlbut
ENSEMBLE MEMBERS ($500 TO $999) (continued) Mr. Howell Jackson and Ms. Elizabeth Foote Kurt and Holly Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kershaw Mr. Stephen Kidder William B. Lawrence III★ W. Patrick Lentell and Patricia Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Lerner Mr. Morris Levitt Dr. Janina A. Longtine, in honor of Ann Beha Mr. Anthony S. Lucas Ms. Barbara Manzolillo Ms. Kathleen Meany Dr. Harold Michlewitz and Ms. Dina Celeste Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Marx
Mary and Michael McConnell Mr. and Mrs. Don McLagan Mr. and Mrs. R.T. Paine Metcalf Ben and Tonya Mezrich Victoria Munroe and Eric Saltzman Dr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Murray Melissa and David Norton Robert and Carolyn Osteen Barbara Goodwin Papesch Eric and Jane Philippi Dr. Joseph Plaud James and Jeannette Post Mr. Bruno Psujek Mr. and Mrs. Steve Quintin Mrs. Adrienne Rabkin Mr. Heaton Robertson Linda J. Sallop and Michael N. Fenlon
Mr. Chris Schoettle Drs. John and Elizabeth Serrage Sayre Sheldon and Eldridge Morgan Andrew Sherman and Russ Lopez Mr. and Mrs. David Shrestinian Mr. Allan Singer Mrs. William Sweet Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Spiro Ms. Sandra Steele and Mr. Paul Greenfield Ms. Xiomara Corral Dr. Robert Walsh and Lydia Kenton Walsh Dr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Walther Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Weld Ms. Ruth Wells Sandi Whiston
ARIA MEMBERS ($250 TO $499) Anonymous (3) Mr. Robert Alexander Susan Alexander and Jim Gammill, in honor of Susan Howe Mr. Peter Ambler and Ms. Lindsay Miller Mr. Bernard Aserkoff Sarah E. Ashby Doris Toby Axelrod and Larry Marks Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baccei Marc and Carol Bard John Bavicchi and Beverly Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Martin Becker Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Benjamin Mr. Russell Berg Nina and Donald Berk Ms. Elizabeth Bjorkman Eric and Trimble Augur Bluman Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon Bolton Ms. Sally T. Brewster Mr. and Mrs. John Briedis Ms. Patti Brinton Pam and Lee Bromberg William R. and Harriet S. Brush Dr. and Mrs. Robert Buxbaum Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cabot Mr. John Campbell Ms. E. Ann Chaplin Ms. Mei Po Cheung Michael and Victoria Chu Mr. Jeff Coburn, in honor of Wayne Davis Mr. David G. Cole-Rous Janet Comey Jean R. Creegan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crone James F. Crowley, Jr. Ms. Sally Currier Mr. Paul Curtis Ms. Diane Davis Mr. Terry O. Decima Ms. Francoise Delaforcade Mr. James DeVeer Mr. Mark Donohoe Ms. Jennifer Eckert Mr. and Mrs. John Egan Soren and Carlyn Marcus Ekstrom Bill and Susan Elsbree Mr. Martin Elvis Jack Fabiano and Noel McCoy Mr. and Mrs. James Fahy Ms. Dorothy Fairweather Brian Fitzgerald and Kathy Maxwell Fitzgerald Dr. Lisa Fitzgerald, in honor of Lila Gross Katherine and Richard Floyd Robert and Kathleen Garner Mr. John Gawoski Mr. David C. Gaynor Margaret and Bruce Gelin
Paul Golden Sally, Jonathan, and Elizabeth Golding Dr. Philip L. Goldsmith and Melissa Boshco Mrs. Eleanor Groel Mr. Stephen Grubaugh and Ms. Carol McGeehan Mr. Terrence Guiney Ms. Joan P. Gulovsen Eileen and Joshua Gundersheimer Mr. David Hacin Mr. Kurt Hakansson Dr. George L. Hardman Mr. and Mrs. James J. Harper Anne and Neil Harper Mr. Scott D. Harris Ms. Susanne Hatje Mr. Harvey Hayashi Ms. Jasjit Heckathorn Dr. and Mrs. Bernhard Heersink Mr. and Mrs. Thomas High Mr. Roger Hinman Michael Holt Fred and Caroline Hoppin Amy Hunter and Steven Maguire Doris and Howard Hunter, in honor of Amy Hunter Drs. Andrew and Monique Huvos Mr. George Iacono Jennafer Inker Mr. Frank Irish Mr. Benjamin T. Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Steven E. Janko Mr. George Jurkowich Mr. Tayeb Karim Mr. Steven Katz Ms. Amy Kitchin Ernest Klein Dr. Lester Kobzik Ms. Florence Koplow Mary Jane Kornacki Yuriko Kuwabara and Sunny Dzik Mr. Michael Lauber Joseph Levin and Jennifer Poole Drs. Lynne and Sidney Levitsky Randolph Lewis Mr. and Dr. John Loder Mr. and Mrs. Stuart E. Madnick Mr. and Mrs. William Malcom Peyton and Nancy Marshall Dr. Caroline Marten-Ellis Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mastroianni Ms. Teresa F. Mazzulli Mr. and Mrs. Kilmer McCully Anna McDormand Ms. Carol McKeen and Mr. John Dunton Grier Merwin Mr. John Miller Ms. Dolores Mitchell
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Moore Daniel and Mayo Morgan Dr. Phyllis Moriarty Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morrow, Gazelle Ms. Barbara Murray Mr. Eric Neumann Bill Nigreen and Kathleen McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Nunes Mr. and Mrs. John J. O'Donnell Mr. and Mrs. David Parker Olivia and John Parker Dr. Robert Petersen and Dr. Veronica Petersen Maureen Phillips and Douglas Horst Dr. Flora Pirquet and Mr. Gary Beckmann Mr. Ryan Porter Gerald Powers Mr. and Mrs. William Quigley Mr. and Mrs. E. Ricardo Quinones Mr. Jack Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. James Righter Mr. Malcolm Rogers Mr. Donald Rosenfield Mark and Lori Roux Dr. and Mrs. Stefan Schatzki John and Ruth Schey Arthur and Linda Schwartz Grenelle Scott Mr. and Mrs. John Sedgwick Stephen and Peg Senturia Varda and Dr. Israel Shaked Dru Sharma Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sloane Ms. Marisa Spilios Mr. and Mrs. Maximilian Steinmann Susan and Peter Sugar Ms. Joan Suit Mr. and Mrs. Hall Swaim Marcos and Faith Szydlo Ms. Diane Tillotson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tomich Mr. Nicholas Tranquillo Mr. Richard Trant Janet and Henry Vaillant Linda and Harvey Weiner Dr. William M. Wheeler Mr. Mark D. Williams, in honor of Christopher Marrion and Randy Weston Ms. Gwen Art Mr. Stephen Wohler Joan and Michael Yogg Albert and Judith Zabin Norma and Gunars Zagars Cheryl and Mark Zarrillo
We thank the generous members of The Boris Goldovsky Society, who have included the Company in their wills and estate plans. Anonymous (2) Diana Abrashkin Dorothy and David Arnold Linda Cabot Black Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Burnes, Jr. Mr. Tim Daughters Tamara P. and Charles H. Davis II Janice Mancini Del Sesto Margaret Eagle Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Eastman Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Freed Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Grein, Jr. Gillian Stuart Hamer Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hewlett Amy Hunter and Steven Maguire
Horace H. Irvine II Ellen and Robert S. Kaplan Mary Kiley Ms. Pamela S. Kunkemueller Mr. David Latham Joe LoDato and Pam Odeen LoDato Mr. Stephen Lord C. Beverly Lotow§ Christopher Marrion Abigail B. Mason Mr. Domenico M. Mastrototaro Richard Milstein Sherif and Mary Nada Katherine S. Nash
Bill Nigreen and Kathleen McDermott Shirley B. Perry Dr. E.C. Pierce§ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pollack Alicia Cooney Quigley Dr. Jordan S. Ruboy Iris Taymore Schnitzer David Scudder Mr.§ and Mrs. Norman D. Silverman Marillyn A. Zacharis §
★ Lyric Circle member
✢ Envision Opera Challenge Supporter
To read more BLO stories and submit your own story, visit Photo by Erik Jacobs at M. Steinert & Sons 2012
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“Four of the most important threads in our lives include: Opera, Truro, Cooking, and Friends. We are lucky that Boston has a vibrant music scene, complete with dramatic live opera from BLO—a ten minute walk from our house—where we experience both traditional repertory as well as newer and lesser-performed works. We are lucky BLO is here making Boston an opera town.” —Kurt D. Gress and Samuel Parkinson, BLO 15-year subscribers and patrons
It’s your BLO.
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eet Y eet Year ear 1 o off tthe he Envision Envision Opera Opera C Challenge. hal allenge. eear ar 2. V Visit isit b b lo.o org/give
Boris Goldovsky’s work as a stage director, conductor and impresario LQÁXHQFHG JHQHUDWLRQV RI DUWLVWV DQG VKDSHG WKH SHUIRUPDQFH DQG SRSXODULW\ RI RSHUD LQ $PHULFD You, Y ou, too too,, can inspire the next generation generation of audiences, audiencess, artists, artists, and productions through ugh a planned gift to Boston Lyric ic Opera. b a edgiving — 617.542.4912 x22 x228 28
Go behind the scenes for a rare glimpse inside the making of a BLO production.
The Barber of Seville Open Stages February 16, 2012 The Inspector Open Stages April 3, 2012 Join the Orfeo Society now to receive your invitations. | 617.542.4912 x251 |
BOSTON LYRIC OPERA STAFF 11 Avenue de Lafayette Boston, MA 02111 617.542.4912
Esther Nelson, General & Artistic Director David Angus, Music Director John Conklin, Artistic Advisor
ARTISTIC Nicholas G. Russell Erik Johnson Marie Coste
DEVELOPMENT Director of Artistic Operations Artistic Coordinator Institutional Giving Officer
Cassidy Fitzpatrick
Director of Development Senior Major Gifts Officer Annual Fund Manager Development Coordinator Development Intern
Development & Artistic Associate
PRODUCTION Dan Duro Michael Chiappardi Scott Levine
Eileen Nugent Williston Sarah B. Blume Heather Laplante Kelly Teer Erika Santucci
EDUCATION Producing Director Company Manager Technical Production Manager
Julie O. House Elizabeth Seitz
Education & Community Programs Manager Principal Guest Lecturer
Mimi de Quesada
Kathleen Creegan Damaskos Chris Beaudry David J. Cullen Reingard Heller Stacy Evans
Kate Curtis Ann Petruccelli Karen Robichaud Joanna Stenning
Director of Marketing & Communications Audience Services Manager Public Relations & Communications Manager Design & New Media Manager Audience Services Associate
PRODUCTION STAFF Karen Oberthal Claire Friday Courtney Rizzo Becca Rothman B. Alix Lopes Jenny Ciaffone Mike Condon Colleen Glynn Adam Colantuoni Chris Crowley James R. McCartney Rebecca K. Helgeson Joel Turnham Daniel McGaha Jason Allen TBD Kate Ellingson
Chief Administrative Officer Office Associate Accounting Manager Finance Manager Executive Assistant to the General & Artistic Director
VOLUNTEER CORPS Production Stage Manager Assistant Stage Manager Assistant Stage Manager Production Assistant Production Electrician Assistant Production Electrician Assistant Production Electrician Production Properties Production Carpenter Assistant Carpenter Production Audio Properties Supervisor Assistant Lighting Designer Surtitle Operator Wig/Make up Designer Wig/Make up Artist Music Librarian
Catherina Brancaccio Clementine Brown Jane Cammack Jose Alberto Colon Peichuan Chen Barbara Compton Ann D’Angelo Jeannie Curhan Mary DePoto Frances Driscoll Marian Ead Susan Eastman Hugh Fitzgerald Audley Fuller Ralph Gioncardi Linda Granitto Jennifer Harris Margot Holtzman Bruce Houston Molly Johnson Jennie Kaizzi Eva Karger Milling Kinard Kalyn King Jo Anna Klein Esther Lable Melissa Lanouette Jenny Lawless
Nancy Lynn Deborah Martin Terri Mazzulli Patricia McGovern Anne McGuire Amy Molloy Meg Morton Katherine Nash Kameel Nasr Gail Neff Linda Nguyen Kellie Pacheco Jane Papa Cosmo Papa Barbara Papesch Diane Romania Carl Rossi Erica Schiller Jutta Scott Alexandra Sherman Polly Stevens MacDuff Stewart Debbie Swenson Amy Walba Debbie Wiess Alfred Williams Joe Williams Sybil Williams THE LIGHTHOUSE 20
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Advanced Lighting and Produaction Services Jim Deveer Mike Teixeira Alexander Aronson Finning American Repertory Theatre Trish Green Steve Setterlun Cindy Lee Sullivan Anchor Capital Advisors LLC ArtsBoston ArtsEmerson Sarah Ashby Lisa Barr Scott Berry Linda Cabot Black Boston Ballet Boston Baroque Boston Public Library Brandeis University The Catered Affair Audrey Chait
Costume Works, Inc. Liz Perlman Denka Trucking Dick Butler Everett Design Roger Farrington FHO Partners Lauria Brennan Fidelity Investments Tim Hamilton IATSE Local 11 JACET Committee Ipswich Bay Advisors Jacob Wirth Hannah Katz Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Lois Solomon mindSHIFT Technologies, Inc. Chris O’Hare James A. Peters ProPrint Boston Steve McQueen Ropes & Gray, LLP
Ryder, South Boston Jason Lowry Seyfarth Shaw LLP Andrew L. Eisenberg Krista Green Pratt SkyComCourier Ying Songsana Sovereign Bank Michael Holt Patricia Schiapelli Josiah A. Spaulding, Jr. Peter D. Sykes Jessica Trainor United Staging & Rigging, LLC Eric Frishman John Sharpe WBUR WGBH Wheelock Family Theatre Winston Flowers Winn DeLugas
ARTISTIC ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Work performed by arrangement with Boosey & Hawkes, Inc., publisher and copyright owner Susan Bennett, M.D., Company Physician Consultant Associate Physician, Massachusetts General Hospital Aaron Friedman, M.D., Company Laryngology Physician Associate Physician, Massachusetts General Hospital Conservatory Lab Charter School
PRODUCTION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Scenery provided by American Repertory Theatre Scenic Studio Costumes provided by Costume Works, Inc., Somerville, MA Lighting Equipment provided by Advanced Lighting & Production Services, Inc.
PERFORMANCE INFORMATION • All performances begin on time. In deference to the majority of the audience that arrives on time, we cannot delay the start of the performance for latecomers. Because there is frequent traffic on I93 patrons are urged to arrive at least half an hour prior to curtain. Patrons arriving after the start of the performance may miss substantial portions of the opera—perhaps as much as the first act. • Patrons who leave the theatre during the performance may not be seated in their original seating. • The use of cameras and recording devices in this theatre is strictly prohibited. • Please turn off the electronic signal on your watch, pager or cellular phone during the performance. • In consideration of Boston Lyric Opera patrons, children under six will not be admitted.
TICKET INFORMATION Single tickets for The Lighthouse are available exclusively through or by calling 617.542.6772.
GENERAL INFORMATION Location Smith Hall is situated in the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum located at One Columbia Point, Boston.
Parking Parking is free for Museum visitors. Free motorcoach parking is also available—please contact the Group Visits office.
Contact Info BLO Audience Services (Monday–Friday 10am until 5pm): 617.542.6772 John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum: 617.514.1600 or Toll free 866.JFK.1960 TDD line: 617.514.1573 Lost and Found: 617.514.1555
Cameras The use of all cameras and recording devices, including cell phone cameras, in the theater is strictly prohibited.
Box Office Hours BLO Audience Services Office is generally open Monday–Friday, 10am–5pm. BLO staff are onsite during the Annex performance beginning two (2) hours before curtain and will also be available following the talkback. Public Transportation The Library and Museum is easily accessed by public transportation. Take the MBTA Rapid Transit, Red Line (any red line train) to JFK/UMASS Station. There is a free shuttle bus to the Library every 20 minutes beginning at 5pm and ending at 10pm (Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday) and 7pm (Sunday). Please take the buses marked “JFK.” Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority: Please visit
Beepers and Cell Phones Please remember to silence all watches, pagers, and cell phones during the performance. Smoking Smoking is not allowed on the premises. Wheelchair Accessibility The Museum is fully accessible and can accommodate both wheelchair and companion seating. Please notify us when you purchase your tickets if wheelchair accommodations will be required. Restrooms Located in the main lobby. All restrooms are wheelchair-accessible. Coat Check Located in the main lobby. If You Arrive Late All performances begin on time and patrons are urged to arrive at least half an hour prior to curtain. Patrons arriving after the start of the performance may miss a substantial portion of the opera.