Setting-up your files for Speciality Dry Ink Add metallic effects to images that have been supplied as PDF’s
The following example shows you the steps to create stunning metallic effects when working with photographs and raster images that have been supplied as PDF files. The objective is to create a mask for the silver channel which reduces the amount of Silver used in areas of high density. This minimises the flattening effect of printing 100% silver underneath these darker areas. With Acrobat DC, you can select images, open and then edit them in Photoshop. Images can be stylised and saved back into the PDF without affecting any other element of the file. This example shows how to apply Silver Metallic effect to a page in a PDF file.
Open the Pdf file in Acrobat DC and the Save As <Your_ filename_Silver>
From the Channel drop down menu, select New Spot Channel and name it Silver (case sensitive). For visual reference, make the colour 20C 10M, 10Y, 10K. and Solidity 40% then select OK.
Note – Solidity and colour values entered here will not affect output colour. These are for onscreen visual reference only.
Select the Tools > Edit PDF Right-click on the image and select Edit Using Photoshop. The image will open in Photoshop.
Sam followed the spider’s words and found himself on the edge of a cliff staring back at the Earth. He saw the only way forward was to jump. So he closed his eyes, took a deep breath and...
IridesseTM Design Guidelines
Select the CMYK Channel then perform a select all (Command/Control A) Your image should now show that it is selected.