AGPPA Research Brochure

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There are are three three fundamental fundamental dimensions dimensions of of public public There education: education:

3.3. Some Some approaches approaches to to regulating regulating what what isis expected expected of of private private schools schools for for receiving receiving public public money. money. That That is, is, rather rather than than public public schools schools being being expected expected to to be be more more private, private,private privateschools schoolsshould shouldbe berequired requiredto tobe bemore more public publicinintheir theiractions actionsand andmake-up. make-up.


The TheAGPPA AGPPAPaper Paperwill willcontribute contributeto tothe thesustained sustainedeffort effortby by public public educators educators inin public public schools schools to to maintain maintain and and strengthen strengthenthe thegreat greatwork workthey theycurrently currentlydo. do. Let’s Let’scollectively collectivelyput putthe thepublic publicback backinto intopublic publiceducation. education.

Simplyadopting adoptingaaframework frameworklike likethe theone oneproposed proposedwill willnot not Simply cause current current policy, policy, or or the the dominant dominant discourse, discourse, to to cause automaticallychange. change. automatically

Such aa framework framework however, however, may may assist assistpublic public educators educatorsinin Such thateffort effortininat atleast leastthree threeways: ways: that

Want Want to to find find out out more? more? Go Goto to

common language language by by which which to to talk talk about about and and 1.1. AA common promote public public education education inin the the community community and and to to promote policy-makers; policy-makers; holistic public public benchmark benchmark against against which which to to judge judge 2.2. AA holistic manyaspects aspectsof ofpolicy policyand andpractice, practice,including includingfunding, funding, many curriculumand andgovernance. governance.ItItalso alsoestablishes establishespriorities priorities curriculum forcampaigning; campaigning; for

Building Building our our nation nation through through public public education education Public is Public education education is is aa precious precious community community resource resource which which is is life and well-being of our democratic society essential to the life and well-being of our democratic society essential to the life and well-being of our democratic society for all. has never been important asthat nowlive forin and to the individuals and it. and to It the individuals andascommunities communities that live inthe it. whole community to support, nurture and strengthen our It has never been as important as now for the whole It has never been as important as now for thepublic whole schools and to celebrate the contribution they make to the community support, nurture and strengthen our community to support, nurture and strengthen our public public commonand good. schools to celebrate the contribution they make to schools and to celebrate the contribution they make to the the common good. common good. Representing over 5,300 Primary School Principals across all

The AGPPA AGPPA Paper Paper analyses analyses the the dimensions, dimensions, showing showing that that The eachisisnecessary necessary for foraahealthy healthysystem systemof ofpublic publiceducation. education. each As the the foundation foundation stones stones of of public public education, education, the the three three As dimensionsmust mustwork worktogether together--to toneglect neglectone oneof ofthem themisis dimensions toweaken weakenthe thewhole. whole. to

That can can only only happen happen through through sustained sustained effort effort and and aa That compellingargument. argument. compelling

AGPPA AGPPA Research Research Paper Paper

Contact: Contact:Gabrielle GabrielleLeigh Leigh AGPPA AGPPANational NationalPresident President Mobile: Mobile:0419 0419585 585530 530

Australian States and Territories, the Australian Government Representing over over 5,300 5,300 Primary Primary School School Principals Principals across across all Representing Primary Principals Association (AGPPA) has commissionedall Australian States and Territories, AGPPA has commissioned Australian and Territories, has commissioned Professor States Alan Reid (UniversityAGPPA of South Australia) to Prof. Alan Alan Reid Reid (University (University of of SA) SA) to to prepare prepare an an Action Action Paper: Paper: Prof. prepare an Action Paper: Building our nation through public Building our nation through public education. The full Building ourThe nation through public education. The full Paper Paper education. full Paper is available at is available available at at is

What Does Our Research Show? What Does Our Research Show? What Does Our Research Show? What What Does Does Our Our Research Research Show? Show? The way we were The The way way we we were were education sinceanalyses the decision in the to 1960s to Our research what has happened public Our research whatwas hastaken happened to public education sinceanalyses the decision was taken in the the 1960s 1960s to education since the decision was taken in to commence federal funding of private schools. education since the decision was taken in the 1960s to education since the decision was taken in the 1960s to commence federal funding of private schools. The result is a highly stratified education system as a commence commencefederal federalfunding fundingof ofprivate privateschools. schools. whole. The result is a highly stratified education system as a The result result isis aa highly highly stratified stratified education education system system as as a whole. The The result is a in highly stratified education system as aa whole. Public education Australia has become, at least in part, whole. whole. residualised, fragmented and increasingly Public education in Australia has become,privatised. at least in part, Public education in Australia has become, atleast leastininpart, part, residualised, fragmented and increasingly privatised. Public education inin Australia has become, at Public education Australia has become, at least in part, residualised, fragmented and increasingly privatised. It did not have to be thatand way. residualised, residualised,fragmented fragmented andincreasingly increasinglyprivatised. privatised. It did not have to be that way. It did not have to be that way. If the public funding of private schools had been organised ItItdid have didnot not haveto tobe bethat thatway. way. was originally intended by around a needs-based If the public funding ofmodel privateasschools had been organised Ifthe the public funding ofprivate private schools had been organised the Whitlam Government, then it could have ended very around a needs-based asschools was originally intended by IfIf funding had organised thepublic public fundingof ofmodel private schools hadbeen been organised around a needs-based model as was originally intended by differently. the Whitlam Government, then it could have ended very around a needs-based model as was originally intended by around a needs-based model as was originally intended by the Whitlam Government, then it could have ended very differently. the Whitlam Government, then the Whitlam then itit could could have have ended ended very very differently. It wasn’t and itGovernment, didn’t. differently. differently. It wasn’t and it didn’t. Itwasn’t wasn’t and itdebate didn’t. came to be dominated by the The funding ItIt wasn’tand andititdidn’t. didn’t. philosophy of entitlement alongside ideology ofby choice The funding debate came to be andominated the Thecompetition funding debate came to be beandominated dominated by the and in education. philosophy of entitlement alongside ideology of choice The funding debate came to by the The funding debate came to be andominated by the philosophy of entitlement alongside ideology of choice and competition in education. philosophy of entitlement alongside an of philosophy ofreducing entitlement anideology ideology ofchoice choice and competition ineducation. education. Apart from thealongside funds going to the most and competition in and competition in education. disadvantaged school communities (mainlyto public) and Apart from reducing the funds going the most Apart from from reducing the funds funds goingSocio-Economic topublic) the most most increasing the reducing drift of students from higher disadvantaged school communities (mainly and Apart the going to the Apart from reducing the funds going to public) the most disadvantaged school communities (mainly and Status (SES) backgrounds to private schools, the increasing the drift of students from higher Socio-Economic disadvantaged school communities (mainly public) disadvantaged school communities (mainly public) and and increasing the drift of students from higher Socio-Economic consequences have been to widen the gap in educational Status (SES) backgrounds to private schools, the increasing the of higher increasing thedrift drift ofstudents studentsfrom from higherSocio-Economic Socio-Economic Status (SES) (SES) backgrounds to low private schools, the outcomes between high SES and SES students andthe to consequences have been to widen the gap in educational Status backgrounds to private schools, Status (SES) have backgrounds to private schools, the consequences been to widen the gap in educational lower educational outcomes overall. outcomes between high SES and low SES students and to consequences have been to widen the gap in educational consequences have high beenSES to widen theSES gapstudents in educational outcomes between and low low and to to lower educational outcomes overall. outcomes between high SES and SES students and outcomes between high SES and low SES students and to lower educational outcomes overall. Yet theeducational policies have been maintained and extended - even lower overall. lowergovernments educationaloutcomes outcomes overall. while they want lift educational Yet the policies haveassert beenthat maintained andtoextended - even Yetthe the policieshave have beenthat maintained and extended even standards. while governments assert they want to lift educational Yet policies been maintained and extended ---even Yet the policies haveassert beenthat maintained andtoextended even while governments they want lift educational standards. while governments while governmentsassert assertthat thatthey theywant wantto tolift lifteducational educational standards. standards. standards.

When all sources of income for schools are taken into account (state and federal funding and income from fees) private schools receive far more per capita funding than public schools.

The result has been a shift away from the public essence of public education. Key policy makers began to talk about making public schools more like private schools and there was a gradual move to privatise aspects of schools and the public system. This subtly changed the education debate. As a result, increased funding to public schools is not enough on its own. It needs to be accompanied by a renewed effort to revive the ‘publicness’ of public education. The first step in defending and rebuilding public education is to return to the foundations upon which public education has been built. These foundations are: Trends in Commonwealth recurrent funding of schools, by sector, selected years. Source; recurrent Connors and McMorrow, 2015, Trends in Commonwealth funding of schools, by p.30 sector, selected Trends in Commonwealth recurrent funding of schools, by sector, selected years. Source; Connors and McMorrow, 2015, Trends in Commonwealth recurrent funding of schools, by p.30 sector, selected Trends in Commonwealth funding of schools, by p.30 sector, selected years. Source; recurrent Connors and McMorrow, 2015, years. Source; Connors and McMorrow, 2015, p.30 years. Source; Connors and McMorrow, 2015, p.30

Public education advocates have not been mute in the face of this education onslaught and for many years out Public advocates have nothave beenbeen mutepointing in the face Public education advocates have not been mute in the face the produced byyears Australia’s dysfunctional of thisinequities onslaught and for many been pointing out Public education advocates have not been mute ininthe Public education advocates have nothave been mute theface face of this onslaught and for many years have been pointing out approach to funding schools. the inequities produced byyears Australia’s dysfunctional of this onslaught for have pointing of this onslaughtand and formany many years havebeen been pointingout out the inequities produced by Australia’s dysfunctional It seemed the Gonski review might be able to turn approach tothat funding schools. the inequities produced by the inequities produced by Australia’s Australia’s dysfunctional dysfunctional approach to funding things around. It seemed that the Gonski might be able to turn approach to funding schools. approach to funding schools. It seemed seemed that the the Gonski review review might might be be able to to turn turn things around. ItIt that seemed that the Gonski Gonski review might be able able to turn things around. As a nation, we can’t let that hope be dimmed by a lack of things thingsaround. around. commitment from either sidehope of politics. The response As a nation, we can’t let that be dimmed by a lack of Asaanation, nation, we can’t let that hope be dimmed by aa return lack of public educators has been to argue vociferously for commitment from either side of politics. The response As can’t let hope be by As a nation,we we can’t letthat that hope bedimmed dimmed byaalack lackof of commitment from either side of politics. The response of to the Gonski principles of a ‘fair go’ for all students based public educators has been to argue vociferously for a return commitment from either side of politics. The response of commitment from either side of politics. The response of public educators has been to argue vociferously for a return on their learning needs. to the educators Gonski principles ofto a argue ‘fair go’ for all students based public has vociferously for public educators hasbeen been argue vociferously foraareturn return tothe theGonski Gonski principles ofto a‘fair ‘fairgo’ go’ forall allstudents students based on their learning needs. to principles of a for based to the Gonski principles of a ‘fair go’ for all students based on their learning needs. The AGPPA Paper argues that the Gonski campaign is on needs. ontheir theirlearning learning needs. important, alone, is not sufficient the rejuvenation The AGPPAbutPaper argues that theforGonski campaign of is The AGPPA AGPPA Paper argues that thefor Gonski campaign is public education. Theargues problem is that asGonski the current funding important, but alone, is not sufficient the rejuvenation of The Paper that the campaign The AGPPAbutPaper argues that theforGonski campaign is is important, alone, is not sufficient the rejuvenation of methods became entrenched, influences began to public education. The problem isother that for as the funding important, but is not the rejuvenation of important, butalone, alone, is notsufficient sufficient for thecurrent rejuvenation of publicthe education. The problem isother thatas as the current funding affect education climate. methods became entrenched, influences began to public education. The problem is that the current funding public education. The problem is that as the current funding methods became entrenched, entrenched, other influences influences began began to to affect the became education climate. methods other methods became entrenched, other influences began to affect theeducation education climate. affect affectthe the educationclimate. climate.

• AAfree, free compulsory, education with ….. education as a public good. • secular • Benefits Benefitsfor forall, all for in ….. • the common good. • • Well-resourced Well-resourcedpublic Publicschools Schoolsin every community. Australia must ensure that these foundations inform policy and practice in Australian education and are preserved and strengthened, rather than ignored or diminished. That task demands a strong theoretical foundation which includes, but is not confined to, a fairer funding system.

The way we can be One way to shift the current public-private debate is to emphasise the foundation principles of public education. Once these are re-established, not only should they inform policy and practice, but they will define the expectations that can be placed on private schools for the receipt of public funds.

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