AGPPA Research Brochure

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There are are three three fundamental fundamental dimensions dimensions of of public public There education: education:

3.3. Some Some approaches approaches to to regulating regulating what what isis expected expected of of private private schools schools for for receiving receiving public public money. money. That That is, is, rather rather than than public public schools schools being being expected expected to to be be more more private, private,private privateschools schoolsshould shouldbe berequired requiredto tobe bemore more public publicinintheir theiractions actionsand andmake-up. make-up.


The TheAGPPA AGPPAPaper Paperwill willcontribute contributeto tothe thesustained sustainedeffort effortby by public public educators educators inin public public schools schools to to maintain maintain and and strengthen strengthenthe thegreat greatwork workthey theycurrently currentlydo. do. Let’s Let’scollectively collectivelyput putthe thepublic publicback backinto intopublic publiceducation. education.

Simplyadopting adoptingaaframework frameworklike likethe theone oneproposed proposedwill willnot not Simply cause current current policy, policy, or or the the dominant dominant discourse, discourse, to to cause automaticallychange. change. automatically

Such aa framework framework however, however, may may assist assistpublic public educators educatorsinin Such thateffort effortininat atleast leastthree threeways: ways: that

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common language language by by which which to to talk talk about about and and 1.1. AA common promote public public education education inin the the community community and and to to promote policy-makers; policy-makers; holistic public public benchmark benchmark against against which which to to judge judge 2.2. AA holistic manyaspects aspectsof ofpolicy policyand andpractice, practice,including includingfunding, funding, many curriculumand andgovernance. governance.ItItalso alsoestablishes establishespriorities priorities curriculum forcampaigning; campaigning; for

Building Building our our nation nation through through public public education education Public is Public education education is is aa precious precious community community resource resource which which is is life and well-being of our democratic society essential to the life and well-being of our democratic society essential to the life and well-being of our democratic society for all. has never been important asthat nowlive forin and to the individuals and it. and to It the individuals andascommunities communities that live inthe it. whole community to support, nurture and strengthen our It has never been as important as now for the whole It has never been as important as now for thepublic whole schools and to celebrate the contribution they make to the community support, nurture and strengthen our community to support, nurture and strengthen our public public commonand good. schools to celebrate the contribution they make to schools and to celebrate the contribution they make to the the common good. common good. Representing over 5,300 Primary School Principals across all

The AGPPA AGPPA Paper Paper analyses analyses the the dimensions, dimensions, showing showing that that The eachisisnecessary necessary for foraahealthy healthysystem systemof ofpublic publiceducation. education. each As the the foundation foundation stones stones of of public public education, education, the the three three As dimensionsmust mustwork worktogether together--to toneglect neglectone oneof ofthem themisis dimensions toweaken weakenthe thewhole. whole. to

That can can only only happen happen through through sustained sustained effort effort and and aa That compellingargument. argument. compelling

AGPPA AGPPA Research Research Paper Paper

Contact: Contact:Gabrielle GabrielleLeigh Leigh AGPPA AGPPANational NationalPresident President Mobile: Mobile:0419 0419585 585530 530

Australian States and Territories, the Australian Government Representing over over 5,300 5,300 Primary Primary School School Principals Principals across across all Representing Primary Principals Association (AGPPA) has commissionedall Australian States and Territories, AGPPA has commissioned Australian and Territories, has commissioned Professor States Alan Reid (UniversityAGPPA of South Australia) to Prof. Alan Alan Reid Reid (University (University of of SA) SA) to to prepare prepare an an Action Action Paper: Paper: Prof. prepare an Action Paper: Building our nation through public Building our nation through public education. The full Building ourThe nation through public education. The full Paper Paper education. full Paper is available at is available available at at is

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