Engineering south australia, june 2013

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In a move to the future, Engineering South Australia newsletter will be an online format in July 2013. This is the final print edition. The eNewsletter will allow greater interactivity with news stories and subsequently an opportunity to increase our readership. The online reporting functionality will also enable us to see the stories of interest to you, our members, and ensure we keep you updated on the issues that matter most. To find out more, please contact the Division office by email:

Above image: Past Presidents of the South Australia Division, gathered for lunch on Tuesday 30th April 2013. More information on page 9.

ENGINEERING SOUTH AUSTRALIA JUNE 2013 June 2013 Newsletter.indd 1

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membership contact details. While you’re there why not reacquaint yourself with your membership benefits, the advocacy and policy papers, upcoming South Australia Division events or update your CPD record?

Online CPD

CONTENTS President’s Message News

2 3-9

Member Profile


Upcoming Events


DIVISION EXECUTIVE President John Olson RFD FIEAust CPEng EngExec FAICD Deputy Presidents Dr Cris Birzer MIEAust Fernando Gonzalez MIEAust CPEng Immediate Past President Gerry Doyle FIEAust CPEng Executive Director Caroline Argent MAICD Deputy Director Sarah Carey Produced By Engineers Australia South Australia Division Level 11, 108 King William Street Adelaide South Australia 5000 tel 08 8202 7100 fax 08 8211 7702

SPONSORS Division Partners

Members of Engineers Australia are able to access Continuing Professional Development (CPD) from a number of sources around Australia through the online CPD. Access this at any time through: mediavisionz Many other presentations are available through the South Australia Division Website at: or

Reconciliation Action Plan Through our Strategic Plan and Code of Ethics, Engineers Australia has emphasised its commitment to "use our members' knowledge and skills for the benefit of the community to create engineering solutions for a sustainable future." A Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is Engineers Australia's commitment and response to 'closing the gap'. Engineers Australia's RAP details steps and priorities that the organisation will undertake to assist in helping to achieve Indigenous equality and to help build positive relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. To view Engineers Australia's RAP please visit: reconciliation-action-plan

Special dates of commemoration: Division Supporters

NAIDOC Week: 7th to 14th July 2013 National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day: 4th August 2013 International Day of the World’s Indigenous People: 9th August 2013

This Engineering South Australia newsletter is published by the South Australia Division of Engineers Australia and reports impartially on items of interest to Engineers in South Australia. The statements made or opinions expressed in the newsletter do not necessarily reflect the view of Engineers Australia.

1 June 2013 Newsletter.indd 1


PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE I think the saying “there are two certainties in life – death and taxes” misses an important third certainty, namely that “change is inevitable”. In our personal lives we change constantly – baby, small child, teenager, young single adult, married with family, working person, retiree. Most of the time this change is gradual, but occasionally it is dramatic. So it is in business, government and not-for-profit organisations like Engineers Australia. As this is the last hard copy edition of Engineering South Australia, the monthly SA Division newsletter which has served us well for decades, I thought a President’s Message about “Change” would be an excellent topic. Moving to an electronic format for the newsletter will not please all members, some of whom perhaps still enjoy the touch and feel of paper, or the opportunity to read it at their leisure away from the computer. But many more of our younger members operate in a mobile electronic age and will be at home with the new format. In addition, production lead times and cost are dramatically reduced for an electronic newsletter. I’m confident you will enjoy the change. As I write this message, Congress is meeting to discuss the latest draft of the Engineers Australia General Regulations 2013 and to approve the “Professional Conduct” section of the General Regulations. Further consultation on the remaining sections will occur during June and July, before Council approves a final version of the General Regulations in August. Some proposed changes are incremental, others are significant, but all are designed to ensure that Engineers Australia is a dynamic professional body which is relevant to its membership today but also positioned for continuing success and relevance into the future. Here are my thoughts on some of the key changes: Professional Conduct – It is proposed that a Complaints Committee would be established as a standing committee of Council. This Committee would independently investigate complaints against Engineers Australia office bearers and members and propose actions to be taken if a complaint is upheld. This process would replace the current mixture of Division Committee and staff responsibilities for disciplinary matters. It is a positive step forward and would support Engineers Australia’s campaign for national registration of engineers. Division Committee – The proposed General Regulations strengthen, rather than weaken, the role of each Division Committee in overseeing the provision of services to members within their Division. In particular, the establishment of two key subcommittees of Division Committee is proposed. A Learned Society Advisory Committee would be responsible for liaison between Colleges and local learned society activities, ensuring that the delivery of CPD in SA Division remains a well co-ordinated and properly promoted function of Division activity. A Membership Committee is also proposed, which would be responsible for providing advice with regard to applications for Fellows membership of Engineers Australia. Presidents Forum – Established as a standing committee of Council, the President’s Forum would comprise the National President, National Deputy President and the President from each Division Committee. While this forum has existed for some time it would, under the proposed General Regulations, become a formally constituted mechanism by which Division Presidents can collectively consider matters relating to the role of Divisions and Division Committees and advise Council, through the National President, on those matters, as well as participate in strategic discussion about the future of Engineers Australia. College Boards – Re-vitalisation of the learned society function within Engineers Australia, delivered through the eight Colleges and numerous Technical Societies, is a key focus of the proposed General Regulations. The learned society role encompasses maintenance of the body of knowledge for the profession within Australia, recognition of engineering qualifications, delivery of continuing professional development, maintenance of external relationships with overseas professional bodies and with the wider community, and recognition of achievements of College members. These are challenging tasks requiring a dynamic and responsive Board to provide strategic direction and strong leadership within each College. Under the proposed General Regulations, smaller College Boards with a mix of elected and appointed members are proposed, to enable the right skills mix for achieving the dynamic leadership necessary for re-invigoration of the vitally important learned society function. Representation of all Divisions and all Special Interest Groups on the proposed College Boards may not be possible. However, the strengthened link between Division Committee and Council, via the Presidents Forum, will ensure that the views of all Divisions are heard. I congratulate National President Dr Marlene Kanga FIEAust CPEng FIPENZ RPEQ, along with Council, for the vision to propose significant change to the General Regulations and for their commitment to extensive consultation. Let us all now endorse the need for change and be excited about the opportunities which the proposed General Regulations will provide us in taking Engineers Australia forward as a dynamic professional body serving its membership and the broader engineering profession. John Olson RFD FIEAust CPEng EngExec FAICD President Engineers Australia South Australia Division @ June 2013 Newsletter.indd 2

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THREE NEW CHARTERED MEMBERS AT AURECON Engineers Australia Industry Relationship Coordinator Jason Thornhill visited Aurecon on Tuesday 4th April 2013 and congratulated three of their staff for becoming Chartered. “My experience of becoming Chartered was that it required perseverance. Definitely more like a marathon than a sprint. I learnt a lot about myself. To write the CERs I had to think about my project work from a different perspective. The culture of project work is typically about what the team did. Becoming Chartered challenged me to think about how I contribute and what I achieve in each project. This increased my self confidence around promoting what I do because it gave me a chance to practice the language of self confidence.” said Ms Fay Nunn MIEAust CPEng “For me the hardest step was getting started. I have since realised that the Chartered programme is a process that can be streamlined with your ongoing career experiences and used as a valuable tool in marketing yourself with an industry recognised qualification - I highly recommend it to anyone else considering the merits of undertaking the process.” said Ms Annie Potts MIEAust CPEng “The Chartered programme had a direct impact on my career development as it led me to explore opportunities to expand my areas of expertise in my engineering field. Striving to become Chartered also opened me up for new experiences, and because of this I accepted a secondment to be a Project Manager, which was an experience I enjoyed and will draw upon as my career progresses.” said Mr Tom Wallent MIEAust CPEng Aurecon Images: Top: Industry Relationship Manager (EA) Jason Thornhill with Fay Nunn MIEAust CPEng Middle: Jason Thornhill and Annie Potts MIEAust CPEng Bottom: Jason Thorhill and Tom Wallent MIEAust CPEng

AUSTRALIAN AEROSPACE ACHIEVE CHARTERED Australian Aerospace is a Defence company primarily involved in military helicopter production through life support, military fixed wing through life support, and civil helicopter sales and support. Australian Aerospace is a wholly owned subsidiary of Eurocopter and is part of the European Aeronautic Defence and Space (EADS) group of companies, has approximately 1,100 employees, with locations across Australia and New Zealand. Australian Aerospace can trace its heritage in Australia back to 1927. Jon Icimsoy MIEAust CPEng and Andrew Keeler MIEAust CPEng work for the Australian Aerospace P-3 Program. The P-3 Program employs approximately 240 staff, with approximately 110 located in Adelaide and 130 located in Western Sydney (Richmond). The P-3 Program delivers high quality support to complex integrated systems through the closely integrated Left to right: Andrew Keeler MIEAust CPEng, Director P-3 Program efforts of supply, maintenance and engineering. Greg Young MIEAust CPEng and Jon Icimsoy MIEAust CPEng

Membership of Engineers Australia and achievement of Chartered through Engineers Australia supports our values of development of our employees in an environment of continuous improvement. We are proud of the achievements of Andrew and Jon and we look forward to them delivering value to our customers and mentoring the development of our future engineers. “Whilst looking for engineering work in the UK in 2009, I became aware that recruiters were screening applicants for Chartered even though it wasn’t a stated requirement. Since returning to Australia I made it a goal to obtain Chartered through Engineers Australia. I found the process rewarding to have my skills and experiences formally recognised by past and present supervisors and managers – to whom I’m very grateful for their time and wisdom. Given the current outlook of defence and engineering related activities within Australia, I believe attaining Chartered will ensure my credentials into the future.” said Mr Jon Icimsoy. “Although I found the process of preparing my Engineering Practice Report hard going at times, I found the opportunity to reflect on my career and my competencies to be very positive and empowering. Chartered is internationally recognised and I am delighted to achieve this major milestone." said Mr Andrew Keeler. Australian Aerospace Pty Ltd

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Above image, left to right: GRG Adelaide General Manager Peter Mauger MIEAust CPEng, Executive Director (Engineers Australia) Caroline Argent, Tracy Rowland MIEAust, Craig Gerrard MIEAust, Anton Gurd MIEAust, Robin Vanstone MIEAust, President (Engineers Australia) John Olson RFD FIEAust CPEng EngExec FAICD. Left image: John Olson RFD presenting Peter Mauger MIEAust CPEng with his PDP certificate.

On Wednesday 10th April 2013, GRG Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd Adelaide Branch joined Engineers Australia on the Professional Development Program. GRG Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd is a professional engineering consultancy that has delivered innovative, practical and efficient solutions to its clients since 1996. GRG has its head office in Brisbane, and branch offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth and the UK. The Adelaide office was opened in March 2011. GRG’s mission is to provide value to our clients through engineering excellence. The Adelaide team includes Peter Mauger MIEAust CPEng, Tracy Rowland MIEAust, Robin Vanstone MIEAust, Craig Gerrard MIEAust and Anton Gurd MIEAust, with Charléne du Toit GradIEAust currently on secondment to Brisbane. They provide engineering and project management services across Chemical, Mechanical and Electrical disciplines, with Civil and Structural support from other offices. Their clients include major companies in the food, beverage, pharmaceutical, manufacturing and heavy industries in South Australia, as well as providing support nationally. According to Adelaide Branch Manager, Peter Mauger, “GRG is proud to partner with Engineers Australia on their Professional Development Program, and all Adelaide team members have obtained, or are working towards achieving Chartered. The team are regular attendees at Engineers Australia’s professional development seminars, as well as a variety of other targeted education and training events to keep their skills up to date. Some current training areas include dangerous goods, hazardous areas, safety in design, machine guarding and project management.” In 2012 Peter delivered an Engineers Australia open seminar on ‘Modern, High-Speed Biscuit Manufacture’, returning service to the engineering field. Peter is a member of the South Australian Chemical Branch Committee of Engineers Australia, as well as serving on the Joint Chemical Engineering Committee. Peter stated “Another part of GRG’s commitment to excellence is ensuring our engineers have broad industry knowledge. We achieve this through interstate secondments and factory tours, providing support under a lead engineer on another site when balancing workloads, and Engineers Australia special interest tours.” Peter also said that “GRG is a proud equal opportunity employer, and the Adelaide office has been lucky to attract and retain two excellent female engineers. With a range of skills, levels of experience and industry experience, we have a dynamic team who have successfully completed a wide range of projects, achieving great results for our clients.” GRG Consulting Engineers


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CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS SA Science and Engineering Challenge 2013 Thursday 25th and Friday 26th July 2013 - Flinders University Monday 29th July to Friday 2nd August 2013 - Super-Drome, Gepps Cross What is the Science and Engineering Challenge? Science and Engineering Challenge is an outreach program conducted nationally by the University of Newcastle, designed to inspire high school students to study science and engineering at a senior level and to increase their awareness of related careers. Students compete in school teams, participating in a series of exciting activities that are designed to demonstrate the varied and practical elements of the science and engineering industries. Now in its 13th year, the Challenge takes students out of the classroom and provides them with a memorable day of fun, teamwork and discovery. More information: What does a Volunteer do? It’s the volunteers at the events who make it come alive. Volunteers not only help set up for the day, but encourage the students in their tasks. A little encouragement, without actually telling them the answers, helps the students get started on their projects and figure things out for themselves. “With a little support via asking them questions in a way which enabled them to think it through for themselves, they succeeded without me showing them how to do it. To say they were over the moon is an understatement.” Pat Christie – Rotary Volunteer. About 24 will be needed each day, working in groups of 2 or 3 depending on the activity. No prior experience is required. Full instructions will be provided. Lunch, tea and coffee will be provided. There is plenty of free parking. Many volunteers enjoy it so much, and feel so well looked after on the day, that they come back year after year to do it again. It’s a chance to see how focused, even intense, the young people become on their tasks and how amazed they can be at what they achieve. Interested? Please leave your name and contact details with Ruth Conry E: P: 0401 719 975 Science and Engineering Challenge SA

2013 Black Tie Ball South Australian Engineering Excellence Awards

don’t miss out on the engineering profession’s night of nights Friday 20th September 2013 7.00pm arrival for pre-dinner drinks Adelaide Entertainment Centre More information: Events and Communications Coordinator Sharryn Fensom 08 8202 7140

5 June 2013 Newsletter.indd 5

Prices (inc GST) Student Member: $130 Member: $145 Non-Member: $155 Table of Ten: $1400 Prices include a three course meal, refreshments and a night to remember.



The following article has been reproduced with permission of The University of Adelaide - you can also view this article online as part of their Adelaidean publication: Millions of people die every year because they lack access to essential services and resources which many Australian communities take for granted. Schools within the University of Adelaide’s Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences have linked with not-for-profit humanitarian organisation Engineers Without Borders (EWB) on various projects designed to improve access to basic human needs such as clean water, sanitation and hygiene. The University is now planning to extend opportunities for students by establishing a humanitarian engineering elective course next year which will be available across disciplines, including architecture and agriculture. Meanwhile, final-year civil engineering students Robbie Goedecke StudIEAust and Nicholas Grear StudIEAust are also working on increasing humanitarian support by establishing an EWB student chapter at the University. “Not only is it a great cause and an opportunity to use your skills to do something worthwhile to benefit others, but it can also lead to job opportunities,” said Mr Goedecke. “Engineering graduates who become involved in community development projects and they have an improved chance of gaining employment, particularly in similar areas overseas.” The number of humanitarian projects at the University is on the increase. Last year five first-year chemical engineering students were selected as the South Australian finalist team in the EWB Challenge, a national competition for sustainable cross-cultural development initiatives. The challenge was held in partnership with Habitat for Humanity Vietnam with teams working on projects for the Anh Minh district on the Mekong Delta. The University of Adelaide team designed a cheap but effective biodigester which can be used to turn vegetable matter into biogas for fuel in kitchens. Their design involved using a “exible polyethylene bag which was low cost and low maintenance. Since 2011, under the supervision of Dr Paul Medwell and Dr Cristian Birzer MIEAust, mechanical engineering students have been applying their skills to design a safe and efficient dung burning stove suitable for Nepalese conditions and adaptable for other parts of the world. An estimated three billion people – nearly half the world’s population – use poor performing stoves indoors for cooking and to keep warm. As a result, about 1.6 million die every year because of the noxious fumes they breathe. For children under five it is the biggest cause of death. Because families in the Nepalese Terai region burn dung, this has been the material of choice for the Adelaide students who have found a plentiful supply at Monarto Zoo. Dr Birzer, a lecturer in the School of Mechanical Engineering, said the students have worked with all types of dung from giraffes, zebras and many other animals to test for noxious substances and their calorific value for efficient burning. “It’s a bit revolting because to prepare the dung you have to wash out the nutrients and shape it into little cakes,” said Dr Birzer. “These are students who have been involved in rocket science and robotics and all those other high tech areas. But they love being involved in this project – I was surprised how excited they actually are. They had a mass production system going.” The new team for this year is commissioning a furnace to accurately assess combustion for various fuels in order to improve their stove design. Their idea involves top-lit, up-draft (TLUD) technology which provides more complete combustion with less emissions than conventional bottom-lit stoves. Importantly, the stoves can be made by householders from cheap, commonly available materials such as used product cans. “The most difficult thing is punching the holes in the can and that can be done with a hammer and hole punch,” said Dr Birzer. The design was placed online and has attracted interest from around the world. Links have been established with the IBEKA Foundation in Indonesia, the International Young Professionals Foundation which does community work in Africa and the San Diego Zoo which is interested in work for Vietnam. While deaths from stove smoke are high, nearly twice as many people die in developing countries from drinking contaminated water – an estimated three million every year. This is another challenge being tackled by the mechanical engineering students. In a project just started, they are investigating designs for portable and cheap water treatment systems using either solar thermal power or solar UV power to treat the bacteria. The preparatory work includes determining which part of the world they want to help, whether it’s river or rain water and the types of hazards. The University of Adelaide June 2013 Newsletter.indd 6

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Planning; Change & Improvement

Centre for Engineering Leadership and Management

Your Name EngExec Be Influential

Wednesday 24th july 2013, 7.00am to 9.00am National Wine Centre, Gallery Room Hackney Road, Adelaide

Leadership Development Series: Session Two CELM SA is hosting a program of events aimed at experienced engineers who wish to further develop their leadership and management potential. The Leadership Development Series (LDS) will focus on the pathway to EngExec accreditation, providing guidance on the leadership journey taken by key leaders and current EngExecs in the engineering industry. For CELM SA’s second Leadership Development Series presentation, we are pleased to welcome CEO of Engineers Australia, Stephen Durkin FIEAust. This session will explore the organisational performance planning process and implementations which are needed for change and improvement within a business.

Guest speaker: Stephen Durkin Stephen Durkin FIEAust is the CEO of Engineers Australia, the professional association for the advancement of engineering and professional development of its members. Engineers Australia represents over 100,000 members in Australia and around the world. Stephen has an Honours Degree in Civil Engineering and a MBA. He has previously worked with Sinclair Knight Merz, Fluor Daniel Wright and Sandwell Swan Wooster in a number of countries including Canada, Hong Kong & Thailand. Stephen was the Victorian Young Engineer of the Year in 1993. Prior to his appointment at Engineers Australia, Stephen spent sixteen years with the National Australia Bank in a range of nationally and internationally focused leadership, strategy, marketing and product development roles. Stephen has a passion for developing innovative and customer-focused businesses with strong team leadership cultures that support staff to realise their full potential.

Register online PRICES (inc GST) Member: $65 Student Member: $55 Non-member: $80 Student Non-member: $80

For further information please contact Member Programs Coordinator Ashlea Klingberg: P: (08) 8202 7110 E: The Leadership Development Series is proudly sponsored by:

7 June 2013 Newsletter.indd 7


SA ENGINEERING HERITAGE CONFERENCE A SUCCESS Our second South Australian Engineering Heritage Conference introduced two themes – “Preserving Our Heritage” and “Recording Our Heritage”. The first theme demonstrates that engineering heritage is not just about the past but encompasses the application of modern engineering techniques and materials to provide practical solutions to challenging problems. Our keynote speaker, Ian Maitland FIEAust CPEng, was awarded the 2012 John Monash Medal in recognition of his outstanding contribution to engineering heritage. Ian is based in Perth and is one of only four registered heritage engineers in Australia. The skill and imagination of the engineer in applying innovative techniques may be the only way that significant structures from the past can have their useful life extended and be preserved for the future. Ian pointed out that heritage projects often have long lead times and require significant periods of research. He also highlighted the difficulties of applying modern codes to heritage structures. However, the professional challenges and rewards are there – and it can be fun! Ian concluded by looking at some recent Adelaide infrastructure projects and asked if these mightn’t be tomorrow’s heritage. As Division President John Olson RFD FIEAust CPEng EngExec noted in his opening remarks, engineers often don’t appreciate the legacy we leave behind. Mark Gilbert FIEAust CPEng is a key member of the group bringing home the City of Adelaide, the world’s oldest surviving composite clipper ship which presently sits on a slipway in Scotland. Mark highlighted the marvellous cooperation of the local engineering industry who have generously collaborated in making a transport cradle by which the ship is now supported. The cradle, designed by Mark, will enable a heavy lift ship to independently load and unload the City of Adelaide. A key detail still to be worked out with the SA Government is where the ship will be positioned when it returns to Port Adelaide. The EHSA committee is nominating two South Australian bridges for engineering heritage recognition and committee member John Woodside FIEAust CPEng gave a summary of the railway bridge over the Hindmarsh River at Victor Harbor and the former tramway bridge over the River Torrens at Hindmarsh. Both structures were designed by Sir John Monash (before his knighthood) and built by his SA Reinforced Concrete Company (the subject of a paper by Dr Alan Holgate at last year’s conference). John is now probably the only person living who has visited all five of the Monash structures in South Australia (a sixth is underwater) and he noted the consequences of not provided sufficient cover over the reinforcement of these bridges when they were built a hundred years ago.

Acres between Waymouth and Angas Streets and which was only demolished in the last year. Motoring historian Dr Leon Mitchell was originally asked if the vehicle built in the Freeman Street (now Gawler Place) bicycle factory of Vivian Lewis could be considered the first Australia-made motor car. Leon dispensed the hard truth that it wasn’t but then gave us a fascinating insight into the Lewis factory as it appeared in 1904 through a series of photographs of such high quality that you could read the maker’s name on a casting. In common with several other Adelaide cycle makers, Lewis had the machines and the skills to build a car which he did in 1900, making it at least the first in Adelaide. The body was the work of Duncan & Fraser’s Franklin Street factory (a fact appreciated by Richard Duncan, great-grandson of founder James Duncan, who was in the audience) but Lewis was able to make everything else except the tyres. Engineering Heritage SA Chair Richard Venus MIEAust concluded with a resume of the extraordinary career of Irish engineer Maurice Grant, a hitherto forgotten pioneer of electricity supply. He was responsible for a number of ground-breaking electrical installations in and around Adelaide before he founded a company in 1895 which went on to become the Electricity Trust of South Australia. Grant then went to Northern New South Wales where he established a number of small town lighting schemes which eventually merged and, in the 1950s, became the largest regional electricity supplier in that state. E M Grant was a true pioneer of the industry, now no longer forgotten. The event, EA’s contribution to the South Australian History Festival, was again well attended by people from a variety of backgrounds, demonstrating the power of a shared interest in heritage to build links between the engineering profession and the community. Richard Venus MIEAust Chair Engineering Heritage South Australia

One of the goals of EHSA is to ensure that stories of our heritage are gathered and recorded and this set the second theme for the conference. Ian Miller MIEAust CPEng (Ret) told the fascinating story of Alfred Simpson, a pioneer manufacturer who started with a simple shopfront in Gawler Place and built a tradename which is still alive 150 years later. Twice Alfred walked to the Victorian goldfields and came back, not with gold, but with an idea: to use his tinsmith trade skills to make the simple every-day implements that everyone needed – and, by using material that was one gauge thicker than anyone else was using, he ensured the quality of his products. Ian also showed photographs of the remaining sections of the massive Simpson factory that occupied two Town

Image: The “City of Adelaide” Clipper Ship on the slip at Irvine with its Adelaide-designed-and-made transport cradle alongside (Photo: City of Adelaide Trust) June 2013 Newsletter.indd 8

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ROXBY DOWNS REGIONAL INVOLVEMENT On Tuesday 9th April 2013 National Assessor Ewan Hazeldine FIEAust CPEng and Member Service Coordinator Darren Harvey visited the Roxby Downs regional group to give a membership and Chartered presentation. There were approximately 25 attendees from a range of disciplines and areas of expertise who heard about Engineers Australia’s Chartered application process & pathways, how to write Engineering Competency Claims (ECC’s), understanding the interview process, benefits of membership and hear exactly what the assessors are looking for. The presentation was followed by an opportunity to network and answer any individual questions. The Roxby Downs Engineers Australia group is chaired by Gavin Chater MIEAust CPEng. To find out more about the group and local meetings contact Gavin: Left to right: National Assessor Ewan Hazeldine FIEAust CPEng and Member Service Coordinator Darren Harvey at Roxby Downs

P: (08) 8671 4000 E: Engineers Australia South Australia Division


On Tuesday 30th April 2013, President of Engineers Australia South Australia Division John Olson RFD FIEAust CPEng EngExec FAICD hosted the Past President's Lunch, held at the Next Generation Health Club. The event provided guests with an opportunity to share ideas for the present and future in an informal manner. The past Presidents were keen to provide feedback and discuss the Division’s future activities. Engineers Australia South Australia Division

fellows luncheon Guest Speaker: Steven Marshall MP, South Australian Liberal Leader Recognise new Fellows and network with the profession. For more information and to register:

9 June 2013 Newsletter.indd 9


MEMBER PROFILE Andrew Thomas MIEAust CPEng is a Geological Engineer at Golder Associates Pty Ltd. congratulates Andrew on recently becoming a Chartered member.

Andrew Thomas MIEAust CPEng

Engineers Australia

Why are you an Engineers Australia member?

Being a Chartered member of the peak Australian engineering industry association has given me Why did you decide to confidence in my professional skills and abilities. It become an engineer? also keeps me in touch with what is happening broadly I became an engineer so that I within the industry across the full range of engineering could continue being involved disciplines. with design and construction If you could take a year off to study anything, when it became too weird for what would it be? an adult to be playing with Lego. I had an aptitude for Well I am taking a year off! - I’m studying Masters in maths and science subjects so Engineering (Geological Engineering) at the University of British Columbia, starting in September. But it seemed to be a natural choice. outside of engineering, I wouldn’t mind being a surfing What do you like the most about the engineering apprentice to Kelly Slater. profession? What do you feel is the engineering profession’s I admire how the analytical skills that engineers have strongest asset? can be applied to a wide variety of challenges to arrive at practical solutions and in all areas of the world. This I feel that the strongest asset of the profession is the often means travelling to interesting places, meeting ability to turn complicated ideas into practical realities. people from an array of backgrounds and working in What are your hobbies? different environments - all things that I enjoy. Playing field hockey, surfing and bike riding. Over If you could have worked on any engineering the past year I’ve also spent most of my weekends project, throughout history, what would you building a super-sized deck at my parent’s house. choose? What is your motto? I am really impressed with The Millau Viaduct, the If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well. tallest bridge in the world, which spans the Tarn Valley What would be your ideal working holiday? in southern France. It was constructed to alleviate traffic congestion through the valley. I imagine that Working in a national park somewhere warm and near the project was once conceptualised as an impossible the coast. dream and it then became reality with engineering Who would you most like to meet? endeavour. Bear Grylls – he’s an awesome problem solver when What do you see as one of the biggest issues faced with challenges in the wild. facing the engineering profession? Balancing the number of professionals with sharply requirements.

quality engineering fluctuating industry

What is the greatest piece of technology released in the last decade? This would easily have to be the smartphone. I realised this recently when I was working on an isolated project site that by chance had mobile phone reception. I had access to a world of technical information which supported my decisions and enabled data to be transferred in real time to keep the project team informed. June 2013 Newsletter.indd 10

10 22/05/2013 3:37:14 PM

UPCOMING EVENTS Unless published otherwise all presentations are scheduled to be held at the Engineers Australia South Australia Division. Event details are subject to change. Please check our website prior to the event for current information and updates. Level 11, 108 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000. Please register online at where you see this symbol

June Monday 24th Young Engineers Australia South Australia (YEA-SA), The 3C’s Panel Discussion: North South Interconnection System Project (NSISP) Venue: Engineers Australia, Level 11, 108 King William Street, Adelaide Enquiries: Wednesday 26th Engineers Without Borders South Australia (EWB SA), Introduction to Community Development Venue: Engineers Australia, Level 11, 108 King William Street, Adelaide Enquiries: Thursday 27th Women in Engineering South Australia (WIE SA), Blueprint Launch Venue: Engineers Australia, Level 11, 108 King William Street, Adelaide Enquiries:

July Tuesday 2nd Engineers Australia South Australia Division, Chartered Workshop Venue: Engineers Australia, Level 11, 108 King William Street, Adelaide Enquiries: Thursday 11th Electric Energy Society of Australia (SA), Actuarial Techniques Applied to Asset Management Venue: Engineers Australia, Level 11, 108 King William Street, Adelaide Enquiries: Tuesday 16th JTP Electrical, Government initiative for a Public Safety Mobile Broadband Network (PSMBN) Venue: Engineers Australia, Level 11, 108 King William Street, Adelaide Enquiries: Tuesday 16th Engineers Australia South Australia Division, 2013 Fellows Luncheon Venue: Crowne Plaza Adelaide (Hindmarsh Rooms), 16 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide Enquiries:

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Thursday 18th ITEE Branch, Enterprises are People Too! Venue: Engineers Australia, Level 11, 108 King William Street, Adelaide Enquiries: Wednesday 24th CELM SA, LDS Session Two: Planning; Change & Improvement Venue: National Wine Centre, Hackney Road, Adelaide Enquiries:

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11 June 2013 Newsletter.indd 11 22/05/2013 3:37:16 PM

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