The Royal Adelaide Golf Club Newsletter - winter 2016
Angus McLachlan Posthumous epistle So skilled was the orchestration of the extension of the building program by five months, that it became possible to the have the project delivered on a Friday to one Captain and opened for business the following Monday under another. This is written on the day of the interregnum, full of admiration for our new Captain’s timing. He brought the operation in with all the design features achieved, quality uncompromised, on budget and with the members seemingly compliant enough to be patient and ultimately delighted at the outcome. Rumours are unfounded that there are less car parks than before the new ladies-upgrade building. There are in fact more, though Precision Parking Practice on Thursdays is yet to begin and unsubtle applications for reserved spaces and Club elevation unlikely to be considered.
Inevitably there were some “observations” and questions along the way, among them from those who had never parked in the greenkeeper’s car park before on our busy days and thus walked two holes worth on the way here and back. Or Cameron’s increasing industrial deafness from the jackhammers, the angle grinders and “helicopters” leveling the new concrete over, not only on this project, but the Administration upgrade as well as the Men’s Locker Room. Are there to be banana lounges placed in the breezeway in the late winter for those who want to get early suntans from the concentrated rays from the elegant glass diamond patterning in the roof? It is certainly wide enough to have installed a lap pool down the centre there - was it considered? CONTENTS
Posthumous Epistle - Angus McLachlan 1 From the Captain - Tim Evans 4 Associates’ News - Edwina Grant 6 Course News - Nathan Bennett 11 China Trip - Patric Kroschel 12 & 13 Membership & Rules - Jim Sweeney 14 From the Chef - Nigel Munzberg 15 Match & Pennant Report - Chris Crocker 16 Junior Development - Michael Jay 19 Competition Winners 20