Nichole Kershaw A-Z Childrens Book

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A is for Angels on top of the tree, Wishing a Merry Christmas to you and to me. Mary was visited by Angel Gabriel, She was going to have God’s baby; it was very special.

B is for Bells, listen and you will hear, When you hear the bells it means Santa is near. Santa has bells all over his sleigh, When he comes to deliver presents, hip-hip hooray!

C is for Carols that fill the air, People sing about Jesus and join in prayer. My favourite carol is ‘Silent Night,’ Anyone can sing it, any age, race or height.

D is for the month of December, The twenty fifth is Christmas, make sure you remember! December is the final month of the year, It’s great because it’s filled with laughter and cheer.

E is for elves in Santa’s workshop, Working hard day and night, they never ever stop. They sing while they work in their little green suits, And on their feet they wear black pointy boots.

Fis for Family that we see on Christmas Day, Parents prepare the feast whilst children laugh and play. We all stuff our stomachs with mum’s delicious food, On Christmas Day everyone’s in a good mood!

G is for Gifts that Santa Claus brings, Race cars and dollhouses, pool toys and swings. Santa delivers gifts all through the night, He wears a thick coat to avoid getting frost bite!

H is for Holly, a traditional plant of Christmas, It helps us to remember the tragic death of Jesus. The prickly green leaves represent Jesus’ crown, That he wore on the cross, after being beaten down.

I is for Ice that appears when it’s cold, Be careful not to slip on it; your ankle might roll! Grab some ice skates and head to the ice, Make sure you play safely, or you’ll pay the price!

J is for Jingle Bells, a well-known Christmas song, People sing it worldwide, from New York to Hong Kong. We sing about the bells on Santa’s sleigh, As he dashes through the snow, laughing all the way!

K is for a family Kris Kringle, A present giving activity where everyone can mingle. Choose a name from a hat, make sure to close your eyes, Keep your person secret, don’t ruin the surprise!

L is for Christmas lights, illuminous and bright, Covering houses, lighting up dark winter nights, Wrapped up in blankets we cram into the car, To observe the magnificent lights, near and far!

M is for Mistletoe hanging from the tree, If you stand underneath it you have to kiss me! The ancient Greeks believed it was good luck, To kiss underneath mistletoe, but I think it’s yuck!

N is for the North Pole, the home of Santa, His reindeers love it here, especially Rudolph and Prancer. All year round it’s covered with snow, If you listen carefully you’ll hear Santa … Ho Ho Ho!

O is for Christmas Ornaments that decorate our home, From Santa Claus’ statues to my favourite snow dome. My mum’s favourite ornament that she made, Is a Santa Claus tree decoration, so old it’s starting to fade.

P is for Paper hats from a Christmas bon-bon, We rock paper scissors to see who will get one. As well as the hat you get a joke and a toy, Seeing grandpa in a pink hat brings laughter and joy!

Q is for the Queen’s speech on Christmas Day, Families gather to hear what she has to say. In her speech she talks about inspirational things, Such as forgiveness, remembrance and the joy Christmas brings.

R is for Rudolph with his shiny red nose, Some people even believe that it glows! Rudolph’s at the front when pulling the sleigh, His gleaming red nose helps to lead the way!

S is for Santa in his red and white suit, He slides down the chimney in his black leather boots. On Christmas Eve he delivers thousands of toys, All around the world to good girls and good boys!

T is for Turkey on a Christmas dinner plate, I love Christmas turkey, the flavours are great! It’s tender and juicy and lovely to eat, Without turkey dinner, Christmas would not be complete.

U is for Underneath the Christmas tree, Where an abundance of colourful presents await me, Santa delivers them all through the night, His sleigh lands on the roof, guided by the moonlight.

V is for the Virgin Mary, When asked to be Jesus’ mother she was weary, She gave birth to Jesus in a stable, And laid him in a manger, as she didn’t have a cradle.

W is for the Three wise men, Who greeted baby Jesus at Bethlehem, They gave him gifts of frankincense, myrrh and gold, A story that for generations will be told.

Xis for Xmas, a nickname for Christmas, I think it’s lazy, but that’s none of my business, People write “Merry Xmas” on cards that they send, Away to their family and their friends.

Yis for Yule Log, a Christmas dessert, It represents ancient logs that were burnt, People would burn yule logs in their fire, Then sit cosily by the flames to admire.

Zis for Zzzzz, hurry you should be asleep! Don’t make a sound, and definitely don’t peek. Santa won’t come until you are in bed, So why are you waiting, go lay down your head.

“A-Z Children’s Book about Christmas” is a fun learning experience in which young children can experience the magic of Christmas through pictures and rhymes. It aims to educate children and expand their knowledge on the various aspects of the holiday season, as well as enable them to visualise Christmas in an imaginative and creative way.

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