Studio Air Part A Bowen Ma

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SEM 1 2017 | TUTE#3 MEHRNOUSH BOWEN MA | 760802




A.1 Design Futuring

A.1_1 Green Negligee

A.1_2 GCCP (Google Headquater)

A.2 Design computation

8 10 13

A.2_1 Project 3xLP


A.2_2 Vineyard Gantenbein


A.3 Compostion | Generation


A.3_1 Formicis


A.3_2 Dragon Skin Pavilion


A.4 Conclusion


A.5 Learning Outcome


A.6 Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches




Made In China 1997 The name Bowen applies both in Chinese and English. Hi, I’m a third-year student majoring in architecture under the Bachelor of Environments at the University of Melbourne. The idea of working with space through artistic ways have always fascinated me ever since I was a child. The bachelor degree in the University of Melbourne granted me a border understanding of architecture as a profession. Previous design studio experience in the course have offered sculpted my current design ideology and approach. Design to me is engaging real-world problem solving based on a systematic approach, surpassing mere physical needs and providing a sensational experience that is primarily dictated by the designer’s plan.

Digital architecture grants new possibilities towards design approach. To my understanding project designed based on computation often demonstrates a highlevel performance or efficiency on properties as the outcomes are often calculated to the most optimal solution. Digital design provides us with a virtual testing ground; it allows designers to experiment with fewer constraints compared with the real world. At the current stage, I’m using AUTOCAD and rhino as primary tools for modelling and producing set drawings, digital design, on the other hand, is currently a whole new field for me. I’m excited to see what the subject will offer me and how that will change my perception towards the design of the tomorrow.


studio water Boat House design 2016,Bowen Ma

studio Earth Place for secrete, Concept design 2016, Bowen Ma




A.1 Design Futuring Architects are once preceded as a selfish discipline, as we are practically building monuments of ourselves using the resource of others. This may no longer apply to the new generation of architects. As technology and materials evolve, designs today will act more as an enhancer of the macro system. There is a brief understanding that as designers, we may be looking at designing processes that solve the problem rather than focusing on fixed solutions towards a problem. This may achieved by efficiently combining computational design and physical practice.


A.1_1 Green Negligee The green Negligee is a design research project proposal created by EPIPHYTE Lab, an architectural design and research team based in New York1. The project is currently un-built, the importance is more based on its systematic design principles towards the development of the sustainment. The project composes of a metal mesh netting as an addition façade to the pre-existing family housing apartment. T h e m e s h syste m i s d e s i g n e d to be light-weight for future recycle possibilities. The structure reveals the urbanised concrete structure within. The structure is composed of three elements where the overall form are designed based on today’s digital modelling technology combined with data analysis 2 . Composed of wind harvesters, greywater treatment system and plant beddings. The project attempts to blur the boundary that separates human and nature, acting more than a mere façade but a process that will gradually enhance local ecology and residence’s resource efficiency. This allows the design to be appreciated in the long term, granting a process that is beneficial both to local ecology and community.


The design ideology resonances strongly with the Idea ‘design futuring ’. Instead of treating design in a fixed frame focusing on fixing the current issue it demonstrates a system that is created by designers/researchers that can enhance itself in time.


ACADIA,'GREEN NEGLIGEE',ACADIA (@2017)< /projects/ VQA3YH>[03/03/2017] 2 epiphyte-lab, 'GREEN NEGLIGEE: Emergent Ecologies of Post-Soviet Housing Block; Bratislava Slovakia', epiphyte-lab (@2016)<http://www.> [03/03/2017]


A.1_2 GCCP (Google Headquater)

Proposed both by Bjarke Ingels and Heatherwick with googles support, the building in construction are truly revolutionary in terms of both construction methods and design ideology.


Google and the designer attempted to avoid the process of build, demolish and rebuild. Making flexibility is the key work for the office structures within, ‘the architecture within are almost like giant pieces of furniture that can be connected in different ways’ Bjarke Ingels1. Installed or uninstalled, acting as individual components and reused to suit potential needs in the future. All which are protected under a simple, transparent super light membrane envelope making it almost impossible to separate the interior and exterior, both in the context of nature to human, and google to the local community. The membrane is installed with semi-transparent shading system that is light reactive to achieve both energy efficiency and maximise the use of natural daylight.

The design improved the sites current low accessibility caused by busy vehicle transportation. Instead every corner became accessible local communities, google workers, local fauna and flora. Building communicative environments between company and public, and humans to nature. ‘there are ways that we can try of make spaces that aren't just for next 5 to 10 years but many decades to come.' – Bjarke Ingles2


Thomas Heatherwick, Bjarke Ingels, Google's Proposal for North Bayshore(Google/Youtube 27/02/2015), < 3v4rIG8kQA&>[05/03/2017] 2 Heatherwick,Ingels,Google's Proposal for North Bayshore 3 Heatherwick,Ingels,Google's Proposal for North Bayshore

‘We will keep developing ,we will keep researching, in terms of material and technologies. The architecture will evolve as times evolve.' - Thomas Heatherwick3 The two quotes encapsulate the ideology in the project. Architecture will be more of an ever-evolving process in the future are restated. 11


A.2 Design computation Technology has opened new doorways towards design strategy and approach. Computation and digitalisation acting as the seed of upcoming second industrial revolution are significantly influencing all disciplines including design. Computation design a tool unlocks enormous untapped potentials lies within the human creativity. Design is the act of moving back and forth between logic and creativity. Computing re-defines this by binding them together simultaneously; computation design is demonstrating the creativity of designers based on pure logic based programs. Designers are now able to use computation as a starting point for design, conceptualise and form finding as such. The digital realm releases designers from many restraints within the real world, needlessly to say that one’s creativity may also be constrained by their understanding of the program they use, but there is no point in arguing that today digital design provides the most efficient testing ground for designers. Analytical systems, accessible parametrise, and reality simulations. This allows design performance to examined before the production begins, to find the most optimised solution. Computation revolutionised design industry by modifying the production process. The development of digitalised production such as laser cutting, CNC and 3D printing allows designers to communicate their design on a high level of precision.


A.2_1 Project 3xLP The project is a lightweight façade research focusing on developing structural properties of textured steel sheeting that are used only as skinning with non-load bearing properties. The design was conducted based on manipulation of structural characteristics of the material on a range of scales starting from molecular composition to large geometric matrix using digital computation1. The performance of each variation is then digitally analysed with high precision. The prototype was built in full scale only as a last stage for verification. The final product was a façade system purely composed of ultra-thin stainless steel sheets that are heavily textured and formatted in an origami-like matrix that can support itself without any structural frameworks2. The structural may able to accommodate a vast scale of structures, as the height and width increases, the matrix system also increases its overall self-supporting strength while material consumption stays at the minimum rate3. Computation granted designers the possibility to proceed with such project like this. With computation’s digitalised database analysis, the potential within materials can be fully exploited and grant new opportunities that may be revolutionary to the current architectural framework.



Architizer, 'project 3xLP', Architizer (2017) <>[10/03/2017] Nicholas Bruscia & Christopher Romano,;'project 3xLP:POROUS SKIN PROTOTYPE', ACADIA:design agency (2014)< content.pdf>[10/03/2017], pg 2 3 15 Bruscia, Romano, project 3xLP:POROUS SKIN PROTOTYPE, pg 3 2

A.2_2 Vineyard Gantenbein T h e p ro j e c t i s d e s i g n e d b y Gramazio & Kohler + Bearth & Deplazes Architekten. Again, we see computation design in the application of exterior façade. The difference with this project with case study 01 is that the use of computation design is not for directly create a new system but rather an enhancement to traditional building techniques of brick laying. The exterior façade of the winery extension is composed of bricks laid by automated construction robot, each one of the 20’000 bricks is required to be laid precisely per the parametric design1. The angle of the bricks laid not only act as a light filter and heat buffer for the -

-vineyard storage purposes but also as pixels to display a holistic pattern that states t h e v i n e y a r d ’s i d e n t i t y 2 . The masonry bond with the concrete framing of the structure recalls a basket that is filled with grapes. I n t h i s ca s e , co m p u tat i o n improves not only the design performance but also regarding high precision manufacturing in all construction methods w h e t h e r i t s ’s o l d o r n e w (in this case Masonry). This erases fabrication tolerance for designers and brings revolutionary changes the construction industry.


Archdaily,'Winery Gantenbein / Gramazio & Kohler + Bearth & Deplazes Ar deplazes-architekten>[11/03/2017] 2 Bearth-deplazes,'VINEYARD GANTENBEIN', bearth-deplazes(FLÄSCH 2006),


rchitekten', Archdaily(08/2012),<




A.3 Compostion | Generation The emergence of generative design grants architecture new possibility, a new beginning. Surpassing the stage where creativity is demonstrated by the solidification of the design process (the design outcome), generative design exhibits creativity which intuitively lies within the design process. Recalling from lecture, architects are currently at the transition stage between using software to compose their design, to composing software to design the mean. The potentials within the generative design are obvious to see. A single set of developed algorithm may adaptively produce suitable design solutions accordingly to local/current conditions on a highly précised level1. Generative sets extremely objective rules to bring out adaptive unintentional outcomes2, which almost mimics how nature works in an artificial method. In fact, numerous design research development today looks at how nature may be translated in the means of generative design and combine the outcomes of digital simulations to verify its performance within the boundaries of the industry. Today the application of generative design grows popular at an exponential rate. However, as we are still at an experimental stage, most case studies of built generative design may proceed as pure aesthetic nature rather on a logic governed, functional driven design process3.


Wilson, Robert A. and Frank C. Keil, eds (1999). ‘Algorithm’, The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (London: MIT Press), pp.12 2 Roland Snooks, Public Lecture-studio Roland Snooks(RMIT Design Hub Level 3 Lecture theater, 2017) 3 Peters, Brady, ‘Computation Works: The Building of Algorithmic Thought’, Architectural Design(2013), p15


A.3_1 Formicis a study in behavioural componentry

The Formicis project was a construction/architectural research project focusing on whether it is plausible to mimic the complex agent-based behavioural pattern in ant’s bridging to create a similar construction system that is more efficient in time, labour resource and less error1. A purely goal-oriented component based construction method that requires less complex decision making in comparison with current construction system2. The project is attempting to practice generative design using construction system as the platform. The case study challenges current construction limitations on building complex generative forms, that being one of the biggest obstacles of the practical aspect of generative design. Countless proposals of purely algorithmic generated designs (e.g. Roland Snook studio) were unbuilt. Today’s construction technology simply unmatched the possibilities generative design can provide. There is the vision of the future where constructions can be fully processed by automated settings. However, till we reach that point generative design must adapt the construction system we have today to reach its full potential.

Sean Rasmussen,Michael Rogers,Peter Foti,Vincent Ribeiro and Dan Vrana,'formicis',formicis(Wordpress 03/2012),<>,[14/03/2017] ACADIA,'FORMICIS: A Study In Behavioral Componentry',ACADIA(24/08/2013),<>, [14/03/2017]



A.3_2 Dragon Skin Pavilion

The Dragon skin pavilion is an architectural art installation that exhibits a structure that resembles a scale pattern texture using a modular matrix system using generative design methods. The pavilion is made entirely out of pre-formable plywood in rectangular pieces that are heat bent into shape1. In this case, the design team used the algorithmic calculation to produce precise cutting profiles on each of the plywood pieces as slots for connection joints. 163 pieces are then labelled and constructed onsite. Such construction method resembles Case Study 012, requires less knowledge and less time-consuming. Even with the most basic forms, algorithmic thinking and parametric modelling can create such elegant structure. Perhaps some will argue that the pavilion is more art based than practical, but the ideology that supports the emergence of such structure cannot be unseen. The limits of compositional architecture are completely erased from the board. The risk within this rather young design method would be to avoid creating objects purely based on its aesthetics, and it becomes a requirement to combined with environment simulation analyse to verify its performance before manufactured in the real-world. 1

Archdaily,'Dragon Skin Pavilion / Emmi Keskisarja + Pekka Tynkkynen + Kristof Crolla (LEAD) and Sebastien Delagrange (LEAD)', Archdaily(03/2012),<http://www.archdaily. com/215249/dragon-skin-pavilion-emmi-keskisarja-pekka-tynkkynen-lead>[14/03/2017] 2 Archdaily,'Dragon Skin Pavilion / Emmi Keskisarja + Pekka Tynkkynen + Kristof Crolla (LEAD) and Sebastien Delagrange (LEAD)'



A.4 CONCLUSION The world is changing; architecture is changing with it. With the advancement of new technologies, the fundamental ideology behind design should advance along with it. Designers no longer design in a fixed fashion, but rather flexible, providing a domain of adaptive solutions to suit systems on different scales. As a profession, designers today are demanded to produce design solutions that evolve with the bigger picture. All in a manner of moving towards the development of sustainment. Computation design will aid designers in the progress of doing so. Part A introduces the emergence of algorithmic-based generative computational design method as the new sketch board for designers. Providing countless advantages towards systematic flexible design. Designers today can build as an apart of the design progress, only in the virtual realm. Generative design methods grant designers the freedom to challenge traditional architecture and construction. Countless new systems of architecture are currently under development/ research, in a fashion of mimicking how nature works around us. Based on these understandings, my design approach would be focusing on how to maximise the advantage of computational design and apply it to the very beginning of my design process until the very end. The plan involves creating a matrix/modular based artificial environment to host local flora and fauna while also providing value to local community without an excess of physical contact. The design will consider how to be an enhancement to maintain the balance within local system and improve local ecology performance that is visually identifiable to local communities.


During the first three weeks of the subject, I’m more than overwhelms by what architectural computing can offer. I’ve always understood that as designers need to design in a systematic way to achieve sustainable design solutions, yet confused on how could any fixed design solution can fit in that frame. The course contents demonstrated an alternative route using computational design to create highly intangible design systems. Playing with grasshopper as a design medium has inspired me on multiple levels, such including 3d modelling on a more efficient rate and gaining a better understanding towards algorithmic thinking.



A.6 Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches Sketch - Line>Loft>Divide surface>Cones

This is the work form week one, while testing with lofting, I attempted to use the lofting space as a working plane and tested it with functions to withness the outcome, this work marks my first attempt at generative design

Sketch - Box Morph+Heightsetting based on Vector

Week 2 expanding from basic box morph, the height setting of the geometry becomes dependeble on singular boxes's central point's y vector property, granting a gradually changing matrix facade. I then added vector output gradients on the geometry 26

Sketch - hexGrid+RadialGrid*2+Triangle Grid

Week 2 pattern making This is my personal favourite sketch. It allows me to gain a better understanding towards the theory behind generative algorithmic design. Here grid system provides data trees for expansion of other grid systems creating a highly ordered and complex gradient changing pattern purely based on lines 27

Reference Epiphyte-lab, 'GREEN NEGLIGEE: Emergent Ecologies of Post-Soviet Housing Block; Bratislava Slovakia', epiphyte-lab (@2016)< green-negligee/> [03/03/2017] ACADIA,'GREEN NEGLIGEE',ACADIA (@2017)<>[03/03/2017] Thomas Heatherwick, Bjarke Ingels, Google's Proposal for North Bayshore(Google/Youtube 27/02/2015), <>[05/03/2017] Architizer, project 3xLP, Architizer (2017) <>[10/03/2017] Nicholas Bruscia & Christopher Romano, project 3xLP:POROUS SKIN PROTOTYPE, ACADIA:design agency (2014)< acadia14projects_63.content.pdf>[10/03/2017] Archdaily,'Winery Gantenbein / Gramazio & Kohler + Bearth & Deplazes Architekten', Archdaily(08/2012),<>[11/03/2017] Bearth-deplazes,'VINEYARD GANTENBEIN', bearth-deplazes(FLÄSCH 2006),<>[11/03/2017] Wilson, Robert A. and Frank C. Keil, eds (1999). ‘Algorithm’, The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (London: MIT Press), pp.12 Roland Snooks, Public Lecture-studio Roland Snooks(RMIT Design Hub Level 3 Lecture theater, 2017) Peters, Brady, ‘Computation Works: The Building of Algorithmic Thought’, Architectural Design(2013), p15Sean Rasmussen,Michael Rogers,Peter Foti,Vincent Ribeiro and Dan Vrana,'formicis',formicis(Wordpress 03/2012),<>,[14/03/2017] ACADIA,'FORMICIS: A Study In Behavioral Componentry',ACADIA(24/08/2013),<>, [14/03/2017] Archdaily,'Dragon Skin Pavilion / Emmi Keskisarja + Pekka Tynkkynen + Kristof Crolla (LEAD) and Sebastien Delagrange (LEAD)', Archdaily(03/2012),<http://www.>[14/03/2017]

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