Bowen Ma Studio Air 2017 sem 1 Part b 760802

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B 1.0 Research_Strip + Folding

Strips are defined as a long, flat narrow piece, a 2d plane generated by two parallel lines. A timber wall is often expressed in a series of timber strips, being one of the most fundamental and ancient design expression in history(fig1). In the 20th century, application of strips in design was expressed in unique methods to demonstrate that Strips have the potential to create highly complex/intricate designs showing a continuous movement with the play of lines(fig2). Even made with identical dimensions as a modular component, strips can be flexible to work with to create highly complex structure system(fig 3). Strips are easy to manufacture, adaptive in complex form and come with high material efficiency. fig 1. Urnes Stave Church 1500s

Folding, a verb for bend something (especially on paper or cloth) so two ends meets each other. In design terms, folding is a common transformation technique applied to materials to redirecting movement while maintaining the integrity of the material(fig 4). Folding allows the design to be highly adaptive to the surrounding environment and landforms. Folding techniques in architecture produce both smooth and sudden transformation in surfaces(fig 5,6). With the right material selection, folding is one of the most accessible methods to opportunities like mutable designs that responds to its surroundings with today’s computational technology. fig 4. Gaudi - Barcelona

fig 2. Finnish Pavillion- Alvar Aalto 1939

fig 5. Dymaxion House - Buckminster Fuller 1933

fig 3. Tiles Hill - Wang Shu

fig 6. Yokohama International Port Terminal

B 1.0 Research_Strip + Folding

Folded strips show a great potential in parametric design. Maintaining advantages of both methods, this unique combination is highly adaptive to algorithmic generated designs and to the surrounding site. As algorithmic based architectural design today are meant to be highly motivational driven(Burry 2011), they may not be so achievable in terms of manufacturing and constructing. Strips and folding, however, can break them down into simple elements with least material wastage-quote complexity in forms composed of simple parts and simple connections(Hobberman 2004).

fig 1. Co-de-iT and UniBologna - Loop_3

fig 2. Curved Folding pavillion 2011

fig 3. ICD / ITKE Research Pavillion 2010

B 2.0 Case Study_1.0

Seroussi Pavillion - Biothing The Seroussi pavilion designed by Biothing in 2007 exhibits a ‘self-generated’ parametric design. Based on vector path generated by Electromagnetic Fields (EMF), the design solution can be grown out from attraction and repulsion data sets computed in the script(fig 1). As an additional feature, scripts added to the design allowing it to modify based on local condition (sited on a steep hill), granting the design strong landscape adaptation. (refer)The maze-like special fabric in the swirling patterned cocoons provides opportunities for different degrees of cohabitation in this case human and the art collection in the pavilion(Biothing,2007). The design corresponds with the definition of scripting culture in the field of architecture design by Burry (2011). No longer restrained in one fixed form, this self-generative design act more of a way to generating unique forms based on different local conditions. The adaptiveness is acting almost like an artificial ecology using EMF field influence as the parametric relationship embedded in the design. Manifested in strips, the mass of the design maintains its overall integrity yet expresses an intense sense of isolation in space.

fig 1. EMF field map - seroussi pavillion Biothing

B 2.1 Iteration Matrix 0-0 origin

Code Key G (generation - literation) Grey - Filtered Pink - Orgin for next Gen Selection based on personal preference,mimic the design as an artifical evolution matrix



Gen 3 - No of field lines Origin 24 1 - 6 EMF effect decresedx 2 - 12 EMF becoems visible, recalls 0-0 3 - 48 Cooconed spacing arrangements are more visible 4 - 94 Cooconed spacing gains loft effect by the linework, more organic








Gen 1 - EMF field point +/origin - 5 field points 1 - 3 field points: not much difference, less interactions in lines 2 - 1 field point: isolated fields 3 - 10 field points: intersting patterning, diamond space inbetwen 4 - 20 field points: lines become too messy

Gen 2 - Center Field Circle Size multiplication origin - *0.5 1 - *4 center circle becomes visible element 2 - *20 diamond inbetween space disappeared, circle became a dominant element of interest 3 - *50 field lines becomes less ordered 4 - *100 the form of circle are lost due to the crossing field lines









Gen 6 - Sine graph height ratio Origin 2 1 - 3 hight starts to show 2 - 5 more volumn, the geometry gaining it’s mass 3 - 8 see 2 4 - 10 geometry are returing back to 0-0 while maintaining the details of interests inherited from previous generations






Gen 4 - Length of field lines Origin 100 1 - 10 base curve forms isolated colones 2 - 50 boundrys starts to merge 3 - 200 boundry spreads 4 - 400 boundry spread to straight vectors, height change become less visible


Gen 5 - Field decay rate - Origin 5 1 - 1 EMF map forming sharp edges and turns, visible trianglation 2 - 200 EMF map fills all space within the boundray, with organic line transformations





Gen 7 - graph type change Origin Bezier graph 1 - Conic 2 - Linear 3 - Gaussian 4 - SineSummation *Field line changes it’s shape









Successful Outcome Selection Criteria -Development potential/ Idea Generator potential -Construction/fabrication opportunity In relation with brief – spacing arrangements, strong visual communication, complexity in pattern layering, environment adaptiveness

Gen 7 - graph type change Origin Bezier graph 5 - Parabola 6 - SinC 7 - SinE 8 - Power of *Field line changes it’s shape




Gen 8 - EMF attraction point change Origin Curve based 1 - Square Grid: orderly aligned Field map 2 - Triangle Grid: EMF with hexagon patterning 3 - Hexagon Grid: EMF with triangle patterning 4 - Voronoi in Bound: organic cell structure 5 - Radial Grid: plant structure patterning 6 - Spiral (golden ratio): succulent leave patterning 7 - Spiral + Z position: 3D EMF mapping structure

Gen S - EMF field + Spinforce Field + Z Spiral

Successful Outcome 7-5 The cocoon space under forms a tunnel-like mapping that surrounding the center circle exhibition spaces, the form of the structure potentially easy to construct in terms of folded strips.

Successful Outcome 7-4 Each cocoon space are isolated on it's own behave providing spatial arrangement potential, the extruding tunnel-like openings are expressive and also grants a sense of protection

Suc The puf fiel bio

ccessful Outcome 8-7 e graph mapping for this design references the ffer fish's 'crop circle' pattern(fig 1) while the spiral ld arrangement also demonstrates a potentially omimicry-based structure. fig 1. puffer fish - corpcircle

Successful Outcome Gen S A further exploration based on iteration 8-7. Adding spin force as an extra layer with in the merged field grants the design an entirely new perspective in form finding. Great potential as it may apply to other iterations aswell. A entirely different parametric model without any trace of the original model 0-0.

B 3.0 Case Study_2.0 ICD/ITKE research pavilion_2010 The ICD/ITKE research pavilion explores a different approach towards parametric design. Incorporating material performance as one of the major drives behind the design development(fig 1), the material behavioural feature is tested and embedded in the parametric principle of the design allowing computational designs be ever so close to the true material oriented design. This material driven approach exploits material performance to an extent that producing design solutions more feasible in terms of construction and fabrication.

fig 1. force distribution mapping

fig 2. form finding

B 3.1 Reverse Engineering

Find Working Plane - Divide line,Circle 3pt

Set Hexagonal Frame - Po l yg o n 6 s e g m e nt using circle working plane

2nd set Hexagonal Frame + opening - R o t a t e g e o m e t r y, s p l i t intersection by surface

Loft - Sublist with series domain

Base Lines - Circle, offset, move z

Final render with material applied

B 4.0 Technique_Development Pa

attern Matrix S1







B 4.1 Technique_Development

0-0 origin sectioned





Species 2 - Polygon Strip Alteration origin 1-5 Angle Radius (AR) 1, Polygon Segment 5(PS), Polygon Rotation -15,15(PR) 1 - AR 0 rigid edges, stronger expression / 2 - AR 6 polyon changes to perfect curve, smooth detailing, pumpkin like mass 3 - 1-6 based, AR 6, smooth mass, with detailed patterned openings on surface/ 4-PS 3, AR 0 / 5-PS 4 AR 0/ 6-PS 10 AR 0 similar ef 7 - SP = PS*2 PR 15,15 Non planar lofting with polygon segment lower than 5, closed mass / 8 New Geometry found - PS 4 (3+) SP 4,





Species 3 - Base Plane change to Polygon origin 0-0 Base Polygon Segment (BPS) infinite/circle 1 - BPS 6, AR 0 slight twisting movemnt in weaving / 2 - BPS 3, SP 20/ 3 - BPS = PS =3, SP 20, AR 0 More dynamic geometry 4 - BPS = PS =3, SP 200, AR 0 / 5 - BPS = PS =4, SP 500, AR 0 / 6 BPS 4, PS 3, SP 100, AR 0/ 7 BPS 6, PS 4, SP 100, AR 0







Species 1 - Baseline Alteration + Strip number 42 origin 0-0 Circle radius (CR) 2, offset& z move (OZ) 6, Strip Plane (SP) 42 1 - CR 0.1 center starand forms new isolated space / 2 - CR 6 3 - CR 90 geometry loses the characteristics, forms a ring / 4 - CR 0.1, OZ 10 center space protected, larger mass 5- CR 0.1, OZ10, SP 10 clear construction system / 6- CR 0.1, OZ10, SP 500 weaving geometry of 1-4 to extream








ffect to 2-2/3 PR X=X







Species 4 - Divide Base Curve Pointlist Shift origin 0-0 CurvePointListShift (CPLS) 0,0,0/AR 0, 1 - CPLS 6,0,0/ 2- CPLS 20,0,0 / 3- CPLS 0,6,0 / 4- CPLS 0,20,0 / 5- CPLS 0,6,20 6- CPLS 6,-6,-6 / 7- sublist inter weaving +-3, new cross weaving pattern 8- sublist inter weaving +-27





Species 6- Sublist Shift + Polygon Base 1 - SP 42, BPS 3, sublist inter weaving +3 - SP 42, BPS 4, sublist inter weaving +4 - SP 42, BPS 4, sublist inter weaving +6 - SP 42, BPS 6, ublist inter weaving +-1







Species 5 - List Shift + Polygon Base 1 - SP 12, BPS 3, CPLS 0,20,0 / 2 - SP 200, BPS 3, CPLS 0,20,0 3 - SP 100, BPS 3, CPLS 0,20,-20 / 4 - SP 100, BPS 4, CPLS 0,20,0 5 - SP 40, BPS 4, CPLS 0,20,-20/ 6- SP 40, BPS 6, CPLS 0,20,0 7 - SP 0, BPS 6, CPLS 0,20,-20






-18 / 2 - base 6-1 polygon radius +3 -18, polygon radius +3 -3/ 5 - Based on 6-4 AR 3 18 / 7 - base 6-6 polygon radius +3

Species S EMF field mapping


2-1 B 5 Technique_Prototype

Successful O

-Highly plausibl -Layered spatia -High flexibility lows a more int -potential shad

Selection Criteria -Development potential/ Idea Generator potential -Construction/fabrication opportunity -In relation with brief – spacing arrangements, strong visual communication, complexity in pattern layering, environment adaptiveness, Form flexibility


le for fabrication experiments al fabrics with small interactions between y against deformation in terms of compressing, tensioning and twisting alteresting form to emerge ding system can be provided by the outer layer to the inner space

I used greyboard as a medium to test the flexibility of the geometry. The results prove that the geometry is free to deform in any circumstances. For improvement, more testing on different materials are required


B 6.0 Technique_Proposal West to North Melboure, the site is located at the Monnee ponds creek, a restricted area on the oppisite side of the creek’s bike trial right besides the Macaulay trainstation.

SITE Proposal : Semi-urban setting micro housing appropriable by the wild bees to stimulate local fauna growth, acting as positive agent for the regeneration of local eco-system

Site Described by the local government ‘the most damaged native eco-system due to industrialisation in Melbourne’ the area is currently under a revegetation program supported by the government and local community(City of Moonee Vally, 2017). Surround areas are dominated by storage warehouses, factories and a small number of residential properties, compared with other nature reserves the site host very few pedestrians on an average basis. However, the site is visible to a large basis of Melbourne population as it hosts roads, Citylink Toll way and the train rails. This grants the design opportunity to present strong visual communications on a range of patterning dictated by the observer’s speed as they pass by.

Why Bees 1/3 global corp production are depended on pollenation service provided by bees in US 30% of hives are reduced annually due to CCD (colony collapse disorder) (Spivak, 2013) Bees thrive in urban environment due to higher temperature (Wilson-Rich, 2012) Urban beehives are common things; the bees actively stimulates local vegetation growth by pollenation. They are often well hidden as the larger population prefers of avoiding them. The site provides a perfect opportunity to host beehives as there is limited access to the site allowing minimum direct contact with people.

Precedent - research project Elevator B/HiveCity (fig 1)

fig 1 - Elevator B

Located in Buffalo NY. The similar Industrialised Urban setting, the project aims to regenerate local vegetation by introducing bees. The design incorporates parametric design on shading systems to maintain the temperature and moisture level of the beehive hidden within while using hexagonal grid panel facade serving a symbolic value.

B 6.1 Group_Proposal Deformeble Unit

Deformeble Hexgrid

+ The group proposal for the design solution is merging both of our design proposals into a single viable solution. Deformed hexagonal grid are generated based on local topography while the deformable unit will be spawned within those grids and explored as plantation platforms. Filled in with native species, this constructs the design as a small open system. The bees hosts within the grids will pollinate the selected native plants as they are in a close distance, this increase the native plant species survivability compared with invasive species in the surrounding environment.

B 7 Learning Outcome Grasshopper Part B introduced a lot of new techniques to take in, to me it still requires time and practice to digest. The process of merging one technique with another can sometimes be challenging, but the successful results are inspiring. Self Reflection For this submission, my work is missing a lot of things. Such as the development of a viable design solution for the proposal and the prototyping. It is clear that I need to invest more time into the course contend. I have a lot of ideas frequently getting stuck on realising it. Design Brief Our site was interesting on multitudinous perspectives. However, more development on ideas needs to produce a viable/innovative solution

B 8 lgorithmic Sketches


Burry, Mark (2011). Scripting Cultures: Architectural Design and Programming (Chichester: Wiley) pp. 10 Biothing, /////SEROUSSI PAVILLION /PARIS//2007, City of Moonee Vally, 'our moonee ponds creek',, 2017 Hobberman, Chuck (2004). 'unfolding architecture' architecture design V.3 Spivak,Marla (2013) 'Why bees are disappearing',TED talk, disappearing/transcript?language=en#t-400640 Wilson-Rich,Noah (2012) 'Every city needs healthy honey bees',TED talk, every_city_needs_healthy_honey_bees#t-265319

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