Portfolio 2015

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Portfolio 2015

Boyana Buyuklieva

The Bartlett, UCL

Note: The photo above was my submission to the bachelor’s admissions task (to model a hat from a A3 paper) for the Bauhaus University in Weimar.


2015 Saarbrücken, Germany

4th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays 2015 Saarbrücken, Germany

4th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays

Contributing author of “BIM|MAR: Assembling physical objects by virtual information” Contributing author of “BIM 2015 London, England

Physical Computing Workshop

2015 London, England

Physical Computing Workshop

With Ruairi Glynn / William Bondin / Christopher Leung (Interactive Architecture With RuairiLab) Glynn / William Bondin / Christopher Leung (Interactive Architecture

2013 Liège, Belgium

2012 Weimar, Germany

Real-time Data Driven Robotics

Real-time Data Driven Robotics

With Khaled El-Ashry (Foster+ Partners) / Vincent Hygh (RoboFold)

With Khaled El-Ashry (Foster+ Partners) / Vincent Hygh (RoboFold)

Creative Wallonia

Creative Wallonia

2013 Liège, Belgium

With Framework program for creativity and innovation in Wallonia

With Framework program for creativity and innovation in Wallonia

Secondhand Architecture – Rethinking empty Architecture 2012 Weimar, Germany

Secondhand Architecture – Rethinking empty Architecture

With Professorship: Design Theory and Methodology

With Professorship: Design Theory and Methodology

Urban Minorities: German-Egyptian Exchange Workshop

Urban Minorities: German-Egyptian Exchange Workshop

With Professorship: Sociological City Research (Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt)With Professorship: Sociological City Research (Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt) 2012 Milan, Italy


2012 Milan, Italy

At www.tedxbocconiu.org/ 2012 Quedlinburg, Germany

Freehand Drawing

TEDxBocconiU At www.tedxbocconiu.org/

2012 Quedlinburg, Germany

Freehand Drawing

With Professorship: Design Theory and Methodology

With Professorship: Design Theory and Methodology

2011 Helsinki, Finland

HOSIC – Hands On Student Involvement Conference 2011 Helsinki, Finland

HOSIC – Hands On Student Involvement Conference

2010 Warsaw, Poland

With CEESA.org

With CEESA.org

2009 Moscow, Russia

2010 Geneva, Switzerland

2010 Warsaw, Poland 2009 Moscow, Russia

Global Issues Conference With Global Issues Network

2010 Geneva, Switzerland

Global Issues Conference With Global Issues Network


Content Project name

Resch Simulation MAR Assembly Piasuk

Project name

Project name Page

Project name


Resch Simulation Resch Simulation 1

2015 Resch Simulation

MAR AssemblyMAR Assembly 3

2015 MAR Assembly


Piasuk 5


The Bartlett UCL

The Bartlett UCL

Piasuk 2015 The Bartlett UCL

Page Original language


1 English


3 English


5 English

Teammates Year Page


Original lang




















M. 2013 Wiedenhaus36



The Bartlett UCL The Bartlett UCL 2015 M. Kosicki


The Bartlett UCL The Bartlett UCL 2015 M. Kosicki


The Bartlett I. Nika UCL The Bartlett UCL S. Mlynski

Puzzle Pieces Pirna Heritage Parametric Façade The Lantern

Puzzle Pieces Puzzle 7Pieces

2014 Puzzle Pieces

Pirna Heritage Pirna Heritage 9

2014 Pirna Heritage

Parametric Façade Parametric 16 Façade

2013 Parametric Façade

The Lantern

The Lantern 19


7 English


9 German


16 English


19 German

The Bartlett UCL

Bauhaus University Weimar

Bauhaus University Weimar 2012 The Lantern

Bauhaus University Weimar



The Bartlett UCL The Bartlett UCL 2014/


Bauhaus UniversityBauhaus WeimarUniversity Weimar P.2013 Foreman


Bauhaus UniversityBauhaus WeimarUniversity Weimar 2012 A.Barth


BauhausD.Papadimitriou UniversityBauhaus WeimarUniversity Weimar A. Rodermund

B52 Extension

B52 Extension B52 Extension 24

2013 B52 Extension


Université de Liège



C.2013 Gonzalez


Université E. Vernet de LiègeUniversité de Liège L. Watelet


CinemathequeCinematheque 27

2013 Cinematheque


Université de Liège



2013 E. Daher


Université G. Desmet de LiègeUniversité de Liège M. Dumas M. Schouver P. Vuillemin

Mehringplatz Ourthe Valley Study

Mehringplatz Mehringplatz 36

2013 Mehringplatz

Ourthe Valley Ourthe 43Valley Study Study

2013 Ourthe Valley 43 Université de Liège Study


Bauhaus University Weimar

36 German 43



Bauhaus University F. Rode Bauhaus WeimarUniversity Weimar 2013 H. Hajib



Université F. Henry de LiègeUniversité de Liège P. Lesage


Original language Project name Teammates English



/ Resch Simulation M. Kosicki MAR Assembly M. Kosicki Piasuk

Project name

Resch Simulation MAR Assembly Piasuk

I. Nika


Project name



2015 Resch Simulation


2015 MAR Assembly


Piasuk 2015


The Bartlett UCL

The Bartlett UCL

The Bartlett UCL

Original language








/ Puzzle Pieces / Pirna Heritage

English Parametric P. Foreman Façade German

A.Barth The Lantern

Puzzle Pieces Pirna Heritage Parametric Façade The Lantern

B52 Extension


2014 Puzzle Pieces


2014 Pirna Heritage

16 19

The Bartlett UCL









Bauhaus University Weimar 2013 Parametric Façade



P.2013 Foreman

Bauhaus University Weimar

2012 A.Barth


2013 B52 Extension Université de Liège



C.2013 Gonzalez

19 24

Université E. Vernet de Liège


2013 Cinematheque Université de Liège



2013 E. Daher

M. Schouver P. Vuillemin

Mehringplatz Ourthe Valley Study


Université G. Desmet de Liège

P. Vuillemin

P. Lesage


Bauhaus D.Papadimitriou University Weimar

M. Schouver

Hajib Ourthe H. Valley F. Henry Study


Bauhaus University Weimar

M. Dumas

F. Rode French


Bauhaus University Weimar

Bauhaus University Weimar 2012 The Lantern

2014/ The Bartlett UCL

M. Dumas

M. Wiedenhaus Mehringplatz


L. Watelet

G. Desmet


M. 2015 Kosicki The Bartlett I. NikaUCL

L. Watelet E. Daher Cinematheque


A. Rodermund

E. Vernet French

M. 2015 Kosicki The Bartlett UCL

A. Rodermund C. Gonzalez B52 Extension


S. Mlynski

D.Papadimitriou French

2015/ The Bartlett UCL

S. Mlynski English

Teammates Year Page


2013 Mehringplatz




2013 Ourthe Valley 43 Université de Liège Study


Bauhaus University Weimar

M. Wiedenhaus 2013 36

Bauhaus University F. Rode Weimar 2013 H. Hajib


Université F. Henry de Liège P. Lesage

Task This project was created for the Morphogenetic Programing course part of the Msc in Adaptive Architecture and Computation. The chosen route for the project was to emulate physics and develop a code that imitate laws of nature. Work with particles and springs was encouraged. Gravity and collision was considered to judge the performance of the simulation. The decision to model the Resch pattern came from my fascination with auxetics and contracting origami tessellations.

The Resch pattern is based on a module consisting of a re-entrant square body with one foot on each side (figure 1). The feet have a 90 degrees rotational symmetry for every side.

Figure 1

At the heart of the re-entrant body is the center point. This center point moves up and down the z-axis. As it moves up it, it transforms the square into a star pattern and pulls the feet together until they meet.

1 Resch Simulation, 2015

Contraction of the individual unit

Figure 2 Single module

The Resch pattern is based on a module consisting of a re-entrant square body with one foot on each side. The foot has equal and constant lengths. The feet have a 90 degrees rotational symmetry for every side. At the heart of the re-entrant body is the center point. This center point moves up and down the y-axis*. As it moves up it, it transforms the square into a star pattern and pulls the feet together until they meet. *(note the 2D plane here is the ZX-plane) Contraction of the whole surface The demo video of the project can be found scanning the following:

The pattern is composed of two particle-springs types. Those of the feet and those of the body. These two typologies are distributed in a non-trivial manner. (See figure 3) The each typology is defined by a point. For the body this point is the center point. For the feet this point it the lowest right-hand point. Both types of points can be described by a previous diagonal point that is one below it (z-1) and two to its left (x-2).

2 Resch Simulation, 2015

Task This investigation explores an alternative Augmented reality (AR) affords natural and HCI method for using informed geometry intuitive 3D representation and navigation in assembly of complex physical objects. of virtual content (Wang et al, 2013). AR can generally be defined as an overlay of The prototype developed addresses the virtual objects onto the real world (Azumain issues associated with assembly (see ma, 1997). It is a type of mixed reality that right diagram) by using mobile augment- has a bias towards the real environment ed reality (MAR). as illustrated in Milgram and Colquhoun’s reality-virtuality continuum. Historically This information provides data about an AR has been created on a variety of media element’s specific assembly order, where the most popular of which are headsets, it belongs in the final structure and its stationary screens and mobile screens. path to the right position relative to the current position (the latter can be dynamically varied).

3 MAR Assembly , 2015

This project has been presented and published as part of the ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis ‘15). The demo video of the project can be found scanning the following:

The pulsating AR effect enhanced the real assembly experience in subtle manner. This proved to be a good way to draw attention to virtual content, whilst still referring to the physical piece. Another important point of the investigation is the live connection between the site and elements’ relative location. This is an improvement on the relevant examples which use only relative position (Kelman,2012, Elipaz, 2011), or only an assembly site (VTT 2010). This prototype’s contribution is that it demonstrated guided manual assembly can be done with-out 2D technical specifi-

ifications or complicated hardware. It is an addition to a broad discussion about growing field of applied AR and specifically AR in assembly. The latter is the important core of developing AR for construction sites during a building’s construction and demolition life phase. Now is an interesting time where architecture and design have much to offer, but their complexity is often lost in the translation between the virtual to the analog. As mobile hardware and computer vision algorithms improve there is much potential for a greater application of the project. ,

Time will tell if AR, and more precisely MAR, will be a preferred means of communication between the digital and the real in guided assembly, but this project shows that it is definitely a possibility.

References: AZUMA, R. T. (1997). A survey of augmented reality. Presence-Teleop. Virt. Environ., 6(4), 355–385. ELIPAZ N. - Israel Institute of Technology, (2011) Maig, Augmented reality assembly instructor [Online video] Available from - https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=rrFSCRO10Fs KELMAN H., (2012) Augmented Assembly - Assembly Guiding [Online video] Available from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkPXzscJef4 Milgram, P., and Colquhoun, H. Jr. 1999. “A taxonomy of real and virtual world display integration.” Mixed reality: Merging real and virtual worlds, Y. Ohta and H. Tamura, eds., Ohmsha Ltd. and Springer, New York, 5–30. VTT.-Technical Research Centre of Finland, (2010) Augmented Assembly Increasing efficiency in assembly work with Augmented Reality, [Online video] Available from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOhiZ37aaww WANG, R., ONG, S., NEE, A. (2013). Augmented reality aided interactive manual assembly design. The Inter-national Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology [Online] 69 (Issue 5-8) p. 1311–1321 [Available from http://link. springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00170-013-5091-x]

4 MAR Assembly , 2015

Task This project was done as part of the one week, Reatime Data Driven Robotics workshop. The idea was create emergent patterns in sand, which could potentially be used for molds. The UR robot was given the rules for a hexagonal cellular automaton as an input from the Processing IDE. When a cell is alive the actuator opened a valve to let compressed air through, which in turn made the circular pattern in the sand. The sand container is black to allow for a contrasting image between the live cells and

the sand. This meant that a blob detection could be run on the current pattern and this could be the seed for the next pattern to be generated, thereby creating a closed loop. Input example for the hexagonal cellular automaton.

5 Piasuk , 2015

6 Piasuk , 2015

Task This installation was created in the module ‘Body as an Interface’. The leading theme of this studio was the body in movement and space perception in relation to digital media. Students were asked to create a mixed reality experience/ performance as a end result. This installation uses the Kinect to create a The installation incorporates full body gestures: tapping/grasping of the dantangible interface for a 2D puzzle game. gling spheres activated a certain puzzle piece, whilst hopping on embedded A comparison was draw between the same game played from a desk and in the plates moved the chosen piece (up/down/ right/left). installation.

The demo video of the project can be found scanning the following: Hidden camera footage starts at 03:15min

7 Puzzle Pieces , 2015


This project is a boarding school extension at the heart of Pirna‘s old town centre. This project has been exhibited as part The site can be seen as the final puzzle of Messeakademie 2014 in multiple piece of the otherwise completely resto- venues in Germany. red heritage neighbourhood. Considering the location of the plot, near the central marketplace and in the vicinity of the infamous Canaletto House, the design‘s conception was guided by the ideas of local adaptation and completion. These ideas can be seen in the way the building adapts to the typology of the neighbourhood and places itself seamlessly into the existing bloc.

8 Pirna Heritage, 2014

The main facade is a rhythmic arrangement of modern, rail-free windows. A playful detail are the negative, slightly recessing Faschen that are found in the old town. The elongated side faรงade in the Frongasse is held irregular. This gives the small side street a certain heterogeneity and character. The rule for the positioning of the windows is dictated by the needs of the interior and is adapted to the grid of the boarding rooms.

9 Pirna Heritage, 2014

Ground level

Dachaufbau Biberschwanz Dachziegel Lattung Kontralatuung (Lüftungssparre) 20mm Vordeckenbahn Pressholzplatte 25mm Sparren 180x250mm mit Dämmung 200mm Dampfsperre Lattung 40mm Gipsplatte


Bodenaufbau Parkettboden Unterlegfilz Dampfbremse Trittschalldämmung Stahlbetondecke Gypskarton 30mm

20x300mm 3mm 40mm

Sockelaufbau Mineralischer Putz Schutzmatte Vertikale dampfsperre Stahlbeton Magerbeton

30mm 50mm 40mm 10mm

The building volume is comprised of a front and a rear building. The front is occupied by public facilities. Here is a bookstore, a reading café/common room and a gathering hall on the 2nd floor. The rear is made up of 24 single rooms for students of the neighboring boarding school. A bathroom is shared per two rooms. Despite the space-optimized planning, the rooms have impressive architectural qualities. The ceiling of the spaces is at a height of nearly 3 meters with exposed beams synchronized with the rhythm of the corridor. This fusion of interior and exterior contributes to the calm ambiance of the rear building.

10 Pirna Heritage, 2014

Gathering Halls

First floor

A bathroom is shared per two dorms. Despite the space-optimized planning, the rooms have an impressive architectural standards. The ceiling of the spaces is at a height of nearly 3 meters with exposed beams synchronized with the rhythm of the corridor.

11 Pirna Heritage, 2014

Master study with book archive

12 Pirna Heritage, 2014

Left: View from the study Right: View into the courtyard

13 Pirna Heritage, 2014

The ground level houses the bookshop and above it is the reading lounge / common roomnd Fa

14 Pirna Heritage, 2014

Left: View from the corridors of the dorms Right: View into the gathering hall

15 Pirna Heritage, 2014

Project info: Idea - Design goals: Our proposal attempts to create a lowcost aesthetic solution for the façades of high-rise, prefabricated buildings which fill our cities with grayness. Instead of reconstructing the façade anew, or just repainting it in bright colours and patterns, we propose to give such buildings a greener image, recovering and this time making true Le Corbusier’s ideas of the block surrounded by green. Also, to avoid uniformity each of the buildings would have varying patterns. A cable structure for vegetation is proposed, which varies

Construction: its pattern to form images and avoid openings in the facade.

Cables would be connected to anchors sticking out from the façade.

This design is planned especially for the twelve-story-high Jakobsplan student dormitory. The Jakobsplan is a controversial pre-fabricated panel block located in the center of historical Weimar. It was completed in between 1970 and 1972 by the first female Professor of Architecture in the DDR, Arch. Anita Bach.

Parametric design was used to generate randomized images, which can be based on pictures or patterns. The input points allow us to control the openings, strength of the variations, etc. Therefore, the result looks organic and random, but it can be tweaked without having to manually define every line.

The same project can be applied to different buildings just by drawing the basic façade module in Rhino and defining total length and height of the façade. If desired, different images and patterns can be used as a reference.

16 Parametric Façade , 2013

Inputs - Global density of the mesh - Real sizes of the façades - Rhino “module” shape - Rhino “module” points

Move “blacks” Along Z Axis

Random Populate Corner

Image Mapper

Smaller / Larger than

Function: Populates a rectangle (corner surface) with a given number of points, in a random manner

Function: Gives brightness value for each point on the surface according to the picture

Function: Moves the Function: Divides the points in two sets, according to “black“ points vertically a threshold for brightness Input: “blacks” list, movement value Input: Points, threshold value, brightness

Input: Number of points, limiting rectangle Output: Set of points

Input: Picture, set of points, domain

Output: Two sets of points according to picture

Output: Set of moved points

Cull List of “Whites” Function: Reduces the amount of points corresponding to the “white” area of the picture Input: “whites” list, culling value Output: Set of culled points

Output: Numerical value (0-1) for each point according to the brightness of the picture

Grid of Points Function: Multiplies the given points in Rhino, places them along a grid according to total size of the façade and dimensions of module Input: Size of module, points defined in Rhino Output: Array of façade modules as array of points

Divide Set of Points Function: Here, the list of points is divided according to their X component. Those larger than the given number are separated so as to later be moved randomly. Input: Set of points, user-defined X coordinate Output: List of points to be moved randomly

Move Displacement Distance

Random Distance

Movement Vector

Function: Increases or decreases the global displacement effect

Function: Generates random distances, within each points’ domain, in both X and Y axes.

Function: Generates random angles for rotation of points to randomise, adds distance and creates Vector

Input: Starting points of randomisation, X value of point to be moved and multiplier value Output: Maximum displacement for each point according to distance from start of randomisation.

Explained Algorithm Part 1

Input: Domain for each point (0 to maximum) Output: Random Vector for each point, but from 0º to 90º.

Function: Moves the points according to the previous vectors Input: Movement vectors Output: Moved points

Input: List of points to randomise, domain (0 to 360º), random distances Output: Random Vector for each point

17 Parametric Façade , 2013

Voronoi Diagram

Explode and Extrude

Intersection, Simplification

Function: Creates 2D Voronoi cells from the provided points

Function: Explodes the Voronoi cells into individual lines and extrudes them

Input: Various sets of points

Input: Voronoi cells, extrusion direction and distance

Function: Intersects vertical projection of 2D Voronoi and Delaunay Mesh to create 3D Voronoi

Output: Individual Voronoi cells

Output: Vertical planes following the curves

Input: Voronoi, Mesh Output: Final 3D lines

Delaunay Mesh Move Image Mapper Function: Gives brightness value for each point on the surface according to the picture

Function: Moves the points according to the previous brightness values Input: Brightness values, Z vector

Function: Creates 3D triangulated mesh Input: Set of points Output: 3D mesh

Output: Moved points

Input: Picture, set of points, domain Output: Numerical value (0-1) for each point according to the brightness of the picture

Explained Algorithm Part 2

18 Parametric Faรงade , 2013

Concept: The Lantern A public building covered in travertine, with windows not necessary seen, but felt by the light rushing out of them. A respectfully monumental volume with deep cuts, which emit light - this is the lantern. The entrance is oriented based on the axes of the GeleitstraĂ&#x;e and Am Zeughof streets. The design incorporates the old gate ruin and turns it into the starting point of the entrance’s glass corner. The shift in materiality, from stone to glass,

opens the building and invites visitors to wander in. A large opening marks the spot where the chamber music hall sits. When desired, it allows for the audience to enjoy the spatial qualities of the courtyard behind the building, whilst listening to a soothing concert. On an urban level, the complex continues the chain of cultural buildings at the heart of Weimar. It is located on an axis with the theater and the Bauhaus Museum.

19 The Lantern, 2012

Space Organization: Administration Office Staff WC Entrance Foyer Counter Bar Wardrobe WC

180m2 15m2 10m2 20m2 20m2

Event area Concert hall Stage Gallery Performer Wardrobe

250m2 40m2 50m2 25m2

Technical elements/ Warehouse Piano/chair Storage Stage tech. Sound tech. House tech. Cleaner’s room

20 The Lantern, 2012

15m2 5m2

30m2 20m2 15m2 40m2 5m2

Wall Curtain wall facade (rear ventilated) Cladding: Travertine (40 x 500 x 240) Air cavity Substructure: Steel frame, (thermally uncoupled and held by a T-anchor)

40 mm 40 mm 80 mm

Mineral wool Brickwork (365 × 240 × 238) Plaster

140 mm

Total Window Mullion construction Steel Double-glazed unit

685 mm

365 mm 20 mm

Travertine was chosen for the facade cladding to integrate the building into Weimar’s old town. In addition a small, calm public square behind the large window of

Cellar wall Adhesive coating Perimeter insulation Waterproof membrane Reinforced concrete wall Interior plaster Cellar floor Cement-fiber floorings PE-Film Mineral wool Decoupling layer Reinforced concrete Total

the chamber music hall was considered. This space is meant to be used as an alternative location for openair concerts in the summer.

160 mm 350 mm 20 mm 30 mm 160 mm 500 mm 740 mm

21 The Lantern, 2012

Roof Single-shelled, non-ventilated roof Ballast / gravel 40 mm Waterproofing Vapour pressure equalization Inclined mineral wool 140 mm Vapour barrier Inclined leveling layer 40 mm Primer Steel-reinforced concrete slab 300 mm Gypsum plasterboard (plastered) Installation layer 350 mm Suspended ceiling construction: Sto Silent A-Panel directly above stage/ Height Adjustable ceiling (for acoustic coupling towards the audience) Total 670 mm

Acoustic Wall Outer box structure Brickwork (365 × 240 × 238) Plaster

365 mm 20 mm

Inner Box structure Air Cavity

550 mm

Within it: Anchor with acoustic isolator (Shock absorbent) Plaster on stone-steel mesh 30mm, mass > 30 kg/m² (Irregular according to angle) Birch laths 40 x 80 (50% open pattern, white glazed ) Total Light Panels Double glazed unit (Fixed, transluctent) Air cavity (containing light sources)

Floor Wood flooring (bonded) Floating screed PE-Film Mineral wool Decoupling layer Reinforced concrete slab Plaster Total

30 mm 50 mm 80mm 240mm 20mm 420mm

Thermosetting plastic sheet (translucent)


80 mm 1 015mm

25mm 600mm 20mm

To avoid an overlay of sound coloration, some irregularity was integrated into the ‘shoebox’ design of the hall. This was done by means of the milk glass panels. These are directly connected to the outer façade windows by a cavity with integrated lighting. The cavity allows for natural light to fill the chamber hall during the day. In the evenings artificial light is used. In this way the concept of the lantern is strengthened- the windows shed light to the streets as well as to the hall when a concert takes place.

22 The Lantern, 2012

Chamber Music Hall Most chamber music halls are a painful compromise between the desires of the architects and the requirements of the acoustician, were neither party is ever fully satisfied with the result. To avoid this situation, the design was divided into two working realms- that of the architect and that of the acoustician. This was possible by the choice of the horizontal lath structure that permits sound waves to travel across the room, whilst concealing the awkward acoustic requirements for the geometry of the walls. In this way, the acoustician could work independently of the architect without having to change the aesthetics of the room. The functionality of the design is based on a report by the leading sound engineers of PEUTZ created for a larger concert hall in the Muziekgebouw aan’t IJ, Amsterdam.

23 The Lantern, 2012

Task This project provides an alternative design for the extension to Building 52 (B52) of the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Ulg. Using Townscope, an in-house tool developed at LEMA Ulg, the project aimed to minimize the shading impact of the extension to B52. The second part of the task was to consider the lighting ambiance of the site with regards to functional zoning. To create a design with optimised solar gain three scenarios where studied: B25 with the adjacent forest before the extension (A); B25 with the planned extension (B); and B25 with our own proposal (C).

For each scenario three impact points where studied on B25 (D/E/F page 18). These were taken at: the middle of the path leading to the building (D), central window at level -1(E) and central window at level 0 (F). The concept of the alternative extension proposed is the idea of transition. The alternative extension proposes as a sloping building that emerges from the landscape.



24 B52 Extension , 2013

A. Initial situation

B Planned extension


Design proposal


Analysis of point 1

• Direct: 6% gain compared to the planned extension • Diffused: loss of 0.6% • Sunshine Duration: 4% gain



Analysis of point 2

Analysis of point 3

• Direct: gain of 5.3% compared to the planned extension • Diffused: gain of 0.4 % • Sunshine Duration: gain of 8.2%

• Direct: loss of 0.9% compared to the planned extension • Diffused: loss of 2.7% • Sunshine Duration: loss of 0.08%

25 B52 Extension , 2013

Following the solar studies, it was decided that the design proposal should have a lower height than the planned extension. It is therefore with peak height of 6.70 m, as opposed to 8.35m in the planned extension.

The lighting proposed has a double role: securing and organizing the pathway to bring visitors to the entrance areas. The material/design of the lights and the color temperature was considered to reinforce the different accessible zones.

The building’s form and materiality marks a transition from the organic forest to the aluminum facade of B52. The design also creates spaces on three levels that link the exterior woodland and B52. Finally four break-out ‘pockets‘ we made, which will serve as new public spaces to accommodate the students and staff.

26 B52 Extension , 2013

Task Studio Digital Collaboratif 2013/14 This task combined a collaborative and environmental approach. The design process was an experimental collaboration in remote teams comprised of members from Nancy, France and Liège, Belgium. We payed particular attention to the organization of the teamwork and the use of IT tools for cooperation and exchange. The in-house platform offered during the course was SketSha, a station for remote collaboration from Ulg, Belgium, and HIS, an immersive sketching and model-making system from the University of Montreal.

The Haute Qualité Environnementale (HQE) norm is very similar to its international counterparts such as BREEAM and LEEDS. It encourages sustainable design and awards an accreditation based on performance. We were encouraged to consider our project using this popular French standard for green buildings as a guideline.

This project is inspired by the principles of biomimicry. Each functional unit within the complex is like a petal of a plant that places itself according to its individual needs concerning access to light and orientation. The petals unite at the plant’s stem, which is the vertical circulation.

The program: 1. Basement_2 000m² Parking (car, motorcycle, bicycle) 2000m² (80 places) 2. Reception area_300m² Private outdoor space (to be defined: squares, courtyards, gardens, terraces, ...) Foyer 200 m² Cafeteria space 70 m² Kitchen 30 m²

27 Cinematheque , 2013

Parking -1

Plan Masse


3. Media Zone_1 450m² A small movie theater (100 places; sloping floor) 120 m² An amphitheater / projection room of medium size (250 seats). approximately 400 m² Backstage 80 m² Multipurpose room 300 m² Library space 380 m² A media library space 120 m² Two immersive rooms 2x25 m²

4. Service area_ 750m² Office space 120 m² Sanitary facilities 80 m² Technical space and boiler 50 m² Circulations (Vertical and horizontal) 120 m² (20% heated surf )

Total: 2500 m² excluding parking

Parking -2

Principles of the design: Open access areas are located on the ground floor. The cafeteria is open to the street, inviting passers-by to enter. Similarly, the library creates a transparent link between the generous interior garden and the street. The garden is accessible from the library and provides the opportunity for outside work protected from the noise of the street.

The double orientation of the library opens the space on the south for light and on the north to protect the shelves from direct sunshine. The multipurpose room is also open to the garden allowing the space to expand as needed. The building can be completely traversed through its interior.

28 Cinematheque , 2013

Media library Library Multi-functional Hall Immersive Halls Administration Amphitheater Service Areas: WC, Kitchen, Projection Hall, Bicycle, Garbage

The building’s relationship with its immediate environment Optimizing access and managing the flow of visitors Access to the underground parking was placed at the bottom of the plot to provide the cafeteria with a terrace and open the building towards the larger street. There is no interruption of the sidewalk allowing legibility and providing maximum accessibility for pedestrians and disabled persons.

Promoting modes of transport to encourage those which are less polluting The parking was planned with respects to the number of seats required by the regulations and the desire of the client. It contains 80 spots for a maximum of 400 people, who can be accommodated by the complex. The complex is also located within 400m of a tram stop.

Environmental integration of exterior facilities A secure bicycle parking with 78 places can be found near the entrances (this number generously exceeds the number of employees expected). The bicycle parking is completely weatherproof. Showers and changing rooms have been placed in the administration level for employees arriving by bike.

For a good relationship between the building and its environment, fencing was avoided between site and the public space. The building itself serves as a barrier to render the inner garden private.

29 Cinematheque , 2013

Acoustic comfort Optimization of space configuration The main structure of the building is a post and beam construction. Given the large spans of the overhang amphitheater a different structure would be applied. At its base, it consists of rigid steel frame resting on a ball joint and attached to an anchored tie rod. The weight of the rigid box is stabilized by pulling tension.

The silent areas are: The library and media Office space The noise prone areas are: The amphitheater The cinema Both immersive rooms The multipurpose room and cafeteria space can be noisy or quiet depending on the time of day. Therefore, these are not acoustically sensitive areas. On the other-hand, the library is sensitive and therefore completely isolated from the

The acoustics of the amphitheater rest of the building. Similarly, the offices are located at level 3 - a safe distance from the main traffic. They are close to the amphitheater, but the use of these two functions are expected to differ in time. Nonetheless, a sufficient sound insulation is foreseen. The two cinema halls are separated, so there is no risk of interference during a projection. The library opens visually towards the interior garden because the expected external noise is insignificant. It is completely sealed off from the street, although visual contact is maintained.

Measures have been considered to satisfy a homogeneous distribution of sound in every point of the room. The ceiling directly above the amphitheater disperses the sound waves by means of reflection. The stepped arrangement of the audience promotes absorption. For the ceiling directly above the audience absorbent panels have been chosen.

30 Cinematheque , 2013

Quality of exterior spaces Fostering vegetation

Creating an adequate exterior acoustics

Creating an adequate outdoor climate Three types of outdoor spaces were created on the plot: The entire yard is vegetated, thus inUsing the software, Climate Consultant, tegrating the complex into the larger we established that the wind in Nancy The terrace of the cafeteria is in direct network of green spaces within central has a main direction of North - South. relation with the street and tune to its Nancy. Rue Tiercelins is not in a wind corridor rhythm. and the plot is not sensitive to wind since Over 50% of the roof is vegetated. This the street is transverse to the direction of The inner garden is completely isolated provides an amicable view for the offices the wind. from the street by the library bloc. It proin the administration and the existing vides a calm exterior reading space. neighbours. The overhang of the building around the entrance allows visitors to consult the Finally, the small courtyard on level 3 events organized in the complex, whilst is completely private and therefore most being sheltered from rain. insulated from noise. Its main role is to allow the administration and the artists a serene space to take their breaks.

Impact of the building on its surroundings Taking into consideration the orientation of the plot and the surrounding buildings, we have decided to attach the complex on the bind facade of its eastern neighbour. This allows us to remain a respectful distance away from the buildings on the western boundary, thus ensuring a visual continuity on a street level. It also gives the neighbours with windows their right to natural light. Finally, the alignment of our complex allows for the neighbours to profit from an amicable view of either the interior garden or a vegetated roof.

31 Cinematheque , 2013

Management of energy _ Load- bearing walls _ Window on average _ Double skin _ Flat roof

U = 0.17 W / m²K U = 1.24 W / m²K U = 0.4 W / m²K U = 0.2 W / m²K

(The substrate is not considered in the calculation of heat transfer coefficient however it allows a large thermal inertia)

_ Floor

U = 0.16 W / m²K

Ubât = 0.28 W / m²K Uref = 0.57 W / m²K Ubât = 0.28 W / m². K Ubuilding, max = 1.5 x Ubuilding, ref Ubuilding <Ubuilding, max. _1. Load- bearing walls: 200 mm concrete 190mm rock wool 10 mm wire reinforced plaster finishing _2. Windows are low-emissivity double glazed with argon 4-15-4 (U = 1W / m². K). The joinery is wooden (U = 1.8 W / m². K). Although the window sizes are variable, we consider that there are on average 20% frame to 80% of glass.

_3. The double skin is a ventilated double glazing with a void of 450 mm and a single glazing.

Graph of energy losses

_4.The flat roof is vegetated extensively. 200 mm of rock wool 180 mm of concrete

The building has a mixed functional program with many independent activities. Slabs This is reflected in the volume which can Double Skin be read as three separate petals, each operating independently and with a different Thermal Bridges insulation degree since their heating times differ. The main losses come from the large glazed The complexity of the triangular site made areas. We could have chosen to reduce the area of glass double skin, however we decid- the distribution of the functions according ed in favor of it as an architectural choice to to direction very difficult. In addition the hierarchy of the levels according to their keep the transparency between the street access (+0 open, +1/+2 controlled, +3 priand the private garden.

_5. Floor 200 mm concrete 200 mm rock-wool

Walls Glazing Roofs

Improve the building’s ability to reduce its energy needs in summer and winter vate) further complicated such a distribution. Nevertheless, as the library is a work as well as a storage area, it has been given a double southern and northern orientation. A dual-orientation was also granted to the offices on the 3 level. Multipurpose room and cafeteria have large northern openings because it was important to open these towards the street and the garden, respectively.

32 Cinematheque , 2013

Use of local renewable energy The inclined, southwestern roof surface is covered with photo-voltaic solar panels. The choice of panel was made because the hot water needs of the project are very low and so it was more advantageous to produce electricity.

Visual comfort The panels are connected to the complex’s electrical network after the direct current is transformed into an alternating current at 220 V and 50 Hz by inverters. If the photo-voltaic production of electricity is at a deficit, the central network is foreseen to provide the extra energy needed.

All areas with light requirements have a To determine the factor daylight the following values were taken into consider- daylight factor significantly greater than what is necessary. ation:

_Net glass area _Luminous transmission factor of the window, which is deduced for 10% dirt _Angle of the sky visible from the window The panels are placed such as to integrate them fully into the architecture of the 1m ² of sensors give an annual output of 70 _Total area of ​​all the walls of room project. These are at 33 ° to the southwest, kWh / year. The complex has 175m ² of roof and inclined at 20 ° to the horizon. Based panel area. Therefore, the sensors will be Therefore the following daylight factor on this a correction factor of 95% is conable to produce an average of 12,250 kWh values: Libraries 22% sidered. A solar study conducted in Revit / year. Multipurpose hall 17% confirmed that the selected roof receives Administration 17% no shadow, which could hamper with the solar gain.

Some rooms have a significant depth (11m for the multipurpose room), this factor will not be the same at every point of the room. Thereby a different lighting atmosphere within these spaces is possible. Small projection hall Technical rooms Multifunctional hall Immersive halls WC Amphitheatre Ventilation installation

33 Cinematheque , 2013

Water management Rainwater Management at the plot

Reduction of water consumption

Harvesting rainwater

For the global impermeability coefficient, the individual impermeability and surface area of all green spaces, paths and roofing in the project were considered. Based on these:

This calculation includes flushes, faucets, sinks (including those in the kitchen and cafeteria), urinals and showers. For this, the staff was considered as 15 permanent occupants. The visitors were taken into account as an average of 800 people per day with a residence time of 3 hours.

The surfaces taken into consideration are: Impermeable roof with solar panels: 180 m² Impermeable roof on the east: 150 m² Terrace surface: 111 m² Area of extensively vegetated roofs 586 m²+ 303 m² Total: 1331m²

The total impermeability coefficient of the ground soil is 0.61.

The water needs of the project were deterThe global impermeability coefficient of mined with the aid of the software provided the plot is inferior to 65%, thereby satisfy- by Certivéa. Based on the above, the water needs of the project equal 0.57% of the ing HQE requirements. reference value. This corresponds to the HQE standard.

The harvesting tank is sized to collect water on a 30 day basis. Its has a storage capacity of 5.5 m3 for the 100m ² roof and it is planned to be filled with 7% of its volume at all times. This is maintained to avoid pumping of suspended particles or other deposit. To further enhance the quality of the water, the tank has been considered slightly smaller. This allows for an overflow that evacuates the surface layer and floating debris.

Considering roof surfaces and the month with the most abundant rainfall, we can The rainwater harvesting tank covers approxcollect 2,377 liters of water per day for imately 57% of the complex’s water needs. the month of March and an average of This too meets the HQE regulations. 1422L of water per day during the year.

34 Cinematheque , 2013

Hygrothermal comfort

Controlled mechanical ventilation

A double skin facade was placed on the south side of the library to reduce heat loss, warm the library through the greenhouse effect and ventilate the space naturally. The double skin protects from the cold and absorbs variations in temperature. Curtains are placed between the two walls to control the access of sun in the summer.

The mechanical ventilation system is comprised of an air extractor for depressurizing rooms. Putting a room in depression ensures that wet or particle -loaded air does not flow through the rest of the building. This depressurization also allows outside air to penetrate more easily through the air vents.

Ventilation occurs in a shaft box manner, where vertical ducts are connected to the module on each floor, allowing for increased air circulation.

The mechanical ventilation is run continuously to always renew the stale air in rooms where bacteria and odors are present, such as in sanitary areas and the kitchen. There are two ventilation systems because the dry parts do not need

to be continuously ventilated. The second ventilation system is a double flux ventilation which filters the used air and infuses it with fresh air before reintroducing it into the rooms. This ventilation is provided with a heat exchanger to preheat the incoming outdoor air in winter. This measure reduces heating needs.

Natural ventilation is also provided for in the form of traditional windows.

For the cinemas halls, ventilation will arrive from the seats. This provides the visitors with fresh air, without losing energy to heat the space in its height.

35 Cinematheque , 2013

Task: The purpose of this project to provide an urban planning and architecture solution to improve the Mehringplatz in Kreuzberg, Berlin. As a starting point we were required to study a functioning space, the Oranienplatz (also in Kreuzberg) and compare the two. Thereafter, we were asked to identify ‘tools ‘ with which we will serve in our proposition for development of the site. Our proposition is composed of an urban densification plan based on the Tubingen Model; an opening of the Mehringplatz; and the creation of a rooftop panorama within the inner circle of the square.

Centre image: concept sketch Below: views from the panorama

Background: The Mehringplatz, Kreuzberg Berlin WWII provided the possibility to apply the principles of the 20s and 30s to practice. The new, clear geometry should reflect the new zeitgeist. Large architectural forms according to the motto “light, air and sun,” and generous transport infrastructure were the result. Following the 60’s criticism and the demand for integration and compactness began to grow. Arch. Hans Scharoun stressed the need for a social habitat with his 1962 design of the Mehringplatz, for which he chose the circular shape as an “exemplary monumental structure”. In 1968, the architect Werner Düttmann took over work on the neighborhood. His buildings are still a major influence on the cityscape. The contemporary historical background, as well as the scarce financial resources have failed on the intention Scharoun, according to present understanding. What remains is an expressive architecture that must be handled.


Mehringplatz , 2013

The Oranienplatz The Oranienplatz is located in the district of Kreuzberg and can be described by a narrow, mainly gründerzeit building structure. The neighborhood thrives on its density and diversity: short distances, wide range of restaurants and retail, good transport links; and the high degree of housing. In addition, different spatial conditions are provided for due to the square’s diverse material dimensions and

The Mehringplatz atmospheric soundscapes.

The Mehringplatz acts more like a wound in the cityscape at the end of the FriedrichThe square unveils itself abruptly and strasse: traffic flushes the area, the buildthereby draws the visitor in. It acts as a ings are monotonic and the height gradihigh-traffic intersection and thus plays an ent of houses seal the area “hermetically” important role in the district. from the rest of the city.

is a lack of open passages and visual connections that announce the square. As a result, the place looks deserted and static.

Even the use of commerce in the second ring contributed little to the revitalization of the inner square. For visitors, a trip to There are large spacing areas between the the area offers few incentives. buildings, which act barriers between the square and the residential areas. There


Mehringplatz , 2013

High traffic

Public green spaces


Educational institutions

Medium traffic

Semi-public green spaces


Cultural centres

Low Traffic

Private green spaces


Public Buildings




Green Spaces

Local Supplies

Extended Local Supplies

The traffic analysis shows that highly frequented roads have cut off the Mehringplatz. The neighborhood is connected by only two service roads. The pedestrian flux and its quality is inhibited by the large parking areas.

The residents’ access to green spaces is abundant in the area surrounding Mehringplatz. Expansive public parks are located on its north and south. Although generous in quantity, these green areas are in poor condition. The square itself is sparsely vegetated and creates no clear atmosphere.

The map illustrates the concentration of restaurants and retailers around the Friedrichstraße and the outer ring of the Mehringplatz. However vacancies are also present and the inner ring provides no retail possibilities. Here lies a potential for the square to be used and revived.

The extended local supplies refers to historical and contemporary cultural buildings. These characterize the district and make it attractive for external visitors. The architecture of the Mehringplatz falls into this ensemble. The above analysis shows the perculiarity of Mehringplatz’s form in the context of its socio-political background and geographic location.

A strength of the area is its good connections to public transport.


Mehringplatz , 2013

Design and use Mehringplatz in Berlin lacks particularity, charisma and magnetism. The solution is the reuse of the inner ring’s roof, as an extension to the square. The new space is highlighted by views directed at the end of the Friedrichstrasse and the influential remnants of the 60s and early 70s that dominate the area. Important for this promenade of 400m is its space zoning. Three irregularly repeating typologies can be found: outlook areas, characterized by solid floors with seating and reclining options, green areas to walk and relax, and exhibition space for art works. References for the design are the “ High Line “ Park in New York and the “Lover’s Bridge” in Sofia. The Mehringplatz, however includes outer walls that open up to certain views and otherwise serve as exhibition spaces. By framing the views, the outlook becomes a curated one, which takes into account the privacy of the nearby residents. The open air gallery is the heart of the project. It is a place of encounter and exchange, bringing people together indiscriminately around the works of established and unknown artists.

Outlook areas Green promenade Exhibit space

The gallery fits seamlessly into an ensemble of historical and contemporary cultural buildings, and lives to tell its own story. The design highlights the special urban form of the existing constructions that define the circular square and its particular context.


Mehringplatz , 2013



Tools: We were asked to identify ‘tools ‘ with which we will serve in our proposition for development of the site: A. Densification of oversized empty spaces B. Improving pedestrian connections between the blocks C. Creation of small calmed places around the main square D. Production and development of important visual axes




Spatial dimension The section shows the height gradient and the spatial dimension of the Mehringplatz. The inner ring with its 15m is the lowest form. Seen from the roof level of the small inner ring the surrounding 50m high residential constructions look even more impressive. The height of the roof is also optimal for a glimpse into the Friedrichstrasse and a pleasant perspective on the square. The diameter of the ring is 120m thereby preventing private disruptions to the resident directly inside the ring.


Mehringplatz , 2013

Tübingen model A densification after the “Tübingen model” is planned to deal with the oversized empty spaces in the neighbourhood. In this model different owners and building communities have the opportunity to create houses with innovative residential and usage concepts. A general requirement is only a development plan, which sets out the parceling and rough conditions, as well as a rough style guide. The building blocks of this urban densification are being considered as multi-story town houses and apartment buildings of different shapes. These ensure the quality of the individual building for a heterogeneous urban image. Private and community gardens to the rear of the houses complete the picture and provide the necessary space for the residents. The new constructions are planned attractive and affordable for families as well as for individuals of different generations, nationalities and income levels, to provide for a mixity of residents.


Mehringplatz , 2013

The new constructions, displayed in red redefine the space pleasantly and fit in with a height of 22m, which is the standard building height in Berlin. Through these the neighborhood gainings considerable appreciation.


Mehringplatz , 2013

Task The purpose of this task was to analyze the territory located near the Ourthe Valley in Belgium. This project looks at the landscape fabric and built territory located in peri-urban part of the Condroz, near Liege. Maps were generated, overlayed and studied with ArchGIS and QGIS. A multi-disciplinary approach was taken and students from geography, architecture and civil engineering architecture were encouraged to form teams.

The study area is located along a predetermined transect that goes from Plainevaux to Esneux. The path down to the valley reveals a landscape that changes over the transect. Three main types of constituent spaces are identified: urban areas, city outskirts and finally rural areas. The transect is studied to understand the developments in its vicinity. The urban typology, architectural , landscape and historic characteristics, amongth with other factors are considered. More precisely, the territory is processed at different scales, from the village centers to the entire area.

Finally, because this part of the Condroz and the Ourthe valley which are subject to the phenomenon of peri-urbanization, this study considers the ways in which the territory could evolve and takes a stance on how this should occur.

Different settlement typologies highlighted in the zone of study

43 Ourthe Valley Study, 2013





An analysis of both quantitative and qualitative measures was made to better understand the landscape of the transect starting at the Plainevaux village, through Strivay and up to the western part of the municipality of Esneux. The historical analysis, showed that during the last centuries, the area has greatly transformed. It has gone from rural areas characterized by low density village houses LEGENDE and large areas of plowing, to a space characterized by grasslands and more densely Réseau viaire en 1770 populated areas with the presenceRéseau of four-viaire en 1850 façade-houses or subdivision-type Réseau houses.viaire en 2013

Réseau viaire en 1770 Réseau viaire en 1850 Réseau viaire en 2013

Valeurs (degrés)

44 Ourthe Valley Study, 2013

The following the main road, the area between Plainevaux in Esneux was divided into 8 regions. This area was studied taking into consideration the relief of the region, the road network, rivers and environmentally protected areas. Based on this, a map was generated that depicts the urbanized and potentially urbanizable plots.


3 1 4





The urban development achieved in recent decades, for which the National route 63 is only one of many causes, ranks the area as a peri-urban countryside region.

bouts de The changes observed areParcelles linked toou developparcelles dans zone ments in the large cities, Liège in this case. A urbanisable: major concern for the region is the conservation of its “countryside” appearance, which 2524 Three potential zones of expansion of Plaine- includes the conservation -ofUrbanisée: agricultural vaux and one for the expansion of Esneux are areas and green spaces. - Potentiel: 1571 (1510 identified. These have been chosen because parcelles de plus de 50m they would allow for the densification of A clear position and according regulation has et 1469 parcelles de plus both regions to accommodate the growing to be taken to deal with the above challenge. 100m²) population, without disrupting the view into For this reason there have de been numerous the valley. conversation regulation applied to the region (Sector Plan, Natura 2000, ect.). This project more precise urbanParcelles planningououtline. bouts de It envisions a densificationparcelles of the existing dans ZACC infrastructure and urban expansion in areas where the landscapes characteristic will97be - Urbanisée: least affected and the unique natural areas will be largely conserved. - Potentiel: 122


The orginal 39-page study can be found following:

Espace bâtis Cultures Espaces d‘activité économique Prairies Forêts Autres Non cadastré

Agricole ZACC Espace verts Extraction Forêst Habitat Zones d‘intérêt paysager Zones d‘intérêt patrimonial

Habitat à caractère rural Loisirs Naturelle Parc Plan d‘eau Service publics et équipements communautaires

45 Ourthe Valley Study, 2013

Project videos: https://vimeo.com/home/myvideos Behind the scenes tinkering: https://plus.google. com/u/0/104678815447596512393/posts

Contact: boyana.buyuklieva@yahoo.com

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