2017 Experimental Typography

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EXPERIMENTAL TYPOGRAPHY International Design school for Advanced Studies IDAS OF HONGIK UNIVersity SPRING 2017 Prof. Boyeun Kim

Gloriana Coutiño Kaha Lee Eungcheol Kim Fran Góngora Doyeon Kim Uijin Lee Taeyeon Hwang Dabi Park YEUNkyung park Seungyun Lee Jin Ko Dayoung Jung Eunhee Kim



About us: For our first project we worked on creating a book using an adjective that describes us.

I decided to go with “Outsider” even though it’s not an adjective per se. The text that I decided to use was the script for an episode of the cartoon “Daria” which is to me a clear representation of an outsider along with an article that talked about the positive side of being an outsider.


What if things are not what they seem?

For the second book the task was to work on a story but with our own twist. I chose the story of the Little red riding hood because I though that in stories as it happens in news and media, there might be more to the full story than what we see. What if the bad people are not always what they seem? I think this happens a lot in the world, that who we though was actually the bad guy really wasn’t.




그의 마음에서 모조리 희미해졌다.

저자 | 프랜시스 스콧 피츠제럴드 / F. Scott Fitzgerald

얼굴들, 따뜻하고 달콤한 우유의 향기는

­ 벤자민 버튼의 시간은 거꾸로 간다

하기 침대와 그 위에서 움직이는 흐릿한

(The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button)

그러다가 모든것이 어두워졌도, 흰색

1은 경기도 개성에서서 태어나 9남매중 맏 이었다. 13살때 시집을 가, 가던날 가죽신 발과 덩을 타고 왔다고 한다. 당시 일반적으 로 가마를 타고 다녔지만 그녀는 공주나 옹 주가 타던 덩을 타고 갔다고한다, 1의 첫째 는 1살때 죽게되고 둘째인 ㄴ아들은 강제징 용으로 끌려사 생사여부를 모른다. 막내인 2는 1이 102세때 까지 같이 지내고 그 이 후 요양원에 생활하고있다. 평생 2와 함께 살면서 손녀인 3과 손자를 어른이 되기까지 키우셨다. 현재 그년 과거의 일들은 희미한 상태이지만 여전히 그녀의 가족들은 기억 하며 사랑하신다.


인간관계를돈독하게 만든다.

세상관 타인에 대한 관심

Beth hits the button. Poof. Another Meeseeks appears.

은 사회생활에 큰 도운이

된다. 남의 이야기를 들어

주고 또 남들이 굼긍해하는

BETH’S MEESEEKS - I’m Mister Meseeks!

는 것이 얼마나 즐거운

BETH - I want to be a more complete woman!

취미나 생활 정보를 공유하 일인가? 펜실베이니아

의 벤 딘 박사는 대학 신


문을 통해 다음과 같 이 말했다.

Beth and her Meeseeks are sharing a bottle of WHITE an-style WINE on a Europe

“호기심이 많은 사람은

restaurant patio. BETH -I got pregnant at seventeen. I still put myself through veterinary school. Yes, I’m successful, but what if I hadn’t-- I’m just saying, somewhere along the way, I lost that wide eyed girl from Muskegon. BETH’S MEESEEKS -She’s still in there. BETH -Well her waistline isn’t. Beth laughs awkwardly at her own joke. The Meeseeks grabs her hand.

남의 이야기를 잘 들어

주고 대화에 능숙 한 편

BETH’S MESEEKS -Beth. Having a family doesn’t mean you stop being an individual. You know the best thing you can do for people that depend on you? Be honest with them. Even if it means setting them free. A tear wells up in Beth’s eye.

이다. 사람들이 처음

만나면 자신의 관심사나 취미에 관한 이야기를 하기 마련이니 다양한

관심사를 가진 사람은 인기가 있을 수밖에 없다.”

-I can’t believe I’m finally having this conversation. Beth locks eyes with the Meeseeks. She closes her eyes and leans forward for a kiss, but the Meeseeks disappears before her lips reach it. Beth immediately looks embarrassed. A WAITRESS comes over.


Why do monkeys like to eat bananas?

The banana is consumed by monkeys when it is available, but the kind they eat in the wild is smaller and less sweet than the kind sold in supermarkets for human consumption. Domesticated bananas are considered unhealthy for monkeys because they contain too much sugar, which encourages obesity and diabetes.

Fun Monkey Facts for Kids

Begin each day ready to monkey around! Take time to smell the roses(or eat a banana).

• There are currently 264 known monkey species. • Monkeys can be divided into two groups, Old World monkeys that live in Africa and Asia, and New World monkeys that live in South America. • A baboon is an example of an Old World monkey, while a marmoset is an example of a New World monkey. • Apes are not monkeys. • Some monkeys live on the ground, while others live in trees. • Different monkey species eat a variety of foods, such as fruit, insects, flowers, leaves and reptiles. • Most monkeys have tails. • Groups of monkeys are known as a ‘tribe’, ‘troop’ or ‘mission’. • The Pygmy Marmoset is the smallest type of monkey, with adults weighing between 120 and 140 grams. • The Mandrill is the largest type of monkey, with adult males weighing up to 35 kg.


A blank canvas is a brilliant opportunity.

Begin each day ready to monkey around! Take time to smell the roses(or eat a banana).

Keep Curious and Carry a Banana Wisdom from the world of Curious George

왜­마음의­안정을­가질려면­꽃을­맡게­되지? 왜­바나나­색을­노랑색이지­다른­색이­아닌? 왜­원숭이는­바나나를­좋아하지? 우리도­원숭이­꽈라­바나나­좋아하나?

Clothes make the mammal. Be bold in your fashion choices.

저자 Rey, H. A 출판 Hmh books for young readers

백지장도­맞들면­낫다라는­말은­누가­한­말이까? 시작이­반이라는­말은­정말­모든­경우가­그럴까? 이번에­나한테­어떠한­빈테­캔버스가­올까? 작은­엽서?­아니면­바다만큼­넓은­전지?

Itʼs a zoo out there. So keep your sense of humor.

옷을­전제부터­중요해졌지? 옷이라는­정의는­어떻게­생긴거지? 나의­옷차림은­정말­누군가의­성격을­보여주나? 남들은­정말­나의­패션에­대해­궁금해­할까?

야생은­현실일까? 현실은­어떻게하면­즐기면서­살­수­있을까? 현실은­언제나­차가운­표현에만­사용이­될까? 어떨때­현실은­좋은­표현이­될­수­있을까?

Life is bowl of pasta. Make sure to noodle around.

Always have an exit plan

Stay on top of the latest technology. (But donʼt let it own you) 역시­음식을­행복인가?­아,바고프다 식욕은­진짜­성욕과­관계가­있을까? 왜­부모님들은­어릴때­음식까지고­장난­치지­말라고했지? 라면은­왜­이렇게­맛있지?

Grab a great seat. You donʼt want to miss a thing. 난­언제부터­기계들을­쓰게­됐지? 이제­현재­유행을­알려면­기계를­알아야하나? 나도­모르게­나는­기계중독인가? 관심종자도­기계로­인해­생긴­증상인가? 나도­관심종잔가? 난­기계­노예인가?


Unlock the potential in others. Always stay on step ahead of the crowd.


Make most of the mess-up situation.

사람들은­언제­자기의­무의식이­나올까? 무의식은­뭐지? 앞서나가면­나댄다고­하지­않나? 나­가끔­나댄다고­생각하는데­남들도­그렇게­생각할까?

어디서­엉망진창으로­놀지? 집에서­하면­엄마한테­내­쫓이겠지? 얼만큼이­엉망진창이지? 막사는게­엉망진창인가? 가장이라는­정도는­사람들­마다­어느­정도일까?

Sure, life can be circus.

Just say yes!

내가­왜?!­힘들걸­내가­왜?! 사는게­이리도­힘든거가 이책­예스맨­봤나? 응을­자주하면­호구­아닌가? ‘예’랑­yes­되게­비슷한데­그래서­예인가? 기호는­누가­만든걸까? 세계적으로­다­쓰는­기호인데­다들­무의적으로­알게­된건가?

나는­만약에­서커스의­동물이­었다면­뭐­였을까? 세계는­정말­주토피아­같을까?

Take the road less traveled. There will be bumps in the road.

Give free hugs.

Donʼt forget to look back. History has much to teach us. 왜­누구랑­여행가면­충돌이­생길까? 왜­항상­여행에는­변수가­생길까? 다음에­가고­싶은­여행을­어디일까? 올해­나­누구랑­여행가게­될까?

Rainy day? Who cares!

난­어제가­마지막­포옹­이었지? 비는­왜­생길까? 왜­어떤­사람들은­비를­안­좋아하지? 왜­비가­걱정이­되었을까? 비는­왜이렇게­노래­가사에­많이­쓸까?

나한테도­역사가­있나? 모든­역사가­기록이­될까?

Wisdom begins with puzzled.

Let them eat cake. But save a slice for yourself too.

케익­누가­만든거지? 조각­케익을­왜­팔지­작은케익을­안­만들고? 케익을­생일케익으로­시작­된건가? 케익을­일부러­남들과­먹으라고­만든­음식인가? 케익은­달달한­케익만­있나?

Donʼt just stand there on the sidelines. Get in the game!

퍼즐은­왜­지혜야? 퍼즐은­인내아닌가? 인내가­지혜인가? 아­지혜를­얻을려면­복잡한­과정에서 생기니까­그래서­퍼즐인가?

Keep curious. Remember that every ending is a bright new beginning.

Respect difference in others.

호기심은­시작인가? 나의­호기심은­끝도­시작인가? 아,­난­왜­게임에­대한­흥미가­없을까? 귀찮은건­어쩔­수­없는­건가? 난­왜­남들이­게임하는­걸­보는걸­좋아하지? 게임­싸움­구경­같은거라­그래서­잼있는건가?



It was summertime. “It’s the perfect weather to build a house.” The ants were carrying sand as they marched in a line. “It’s the perfect weather to show off.” In a cool and shady spot, the grasshopper was cleaning his antenna.

“We need to make clothes for the winter.” The ants thought the Grasshopper was strange because he was not working. The ants made skirts from flower petals, coats from leaves And hats from clovers. All of this was for the winter. “Lalalala” The grasshopper was busy singing a song.

“Hey all you ants aren’t you hot?” The grasshopper thought. That the ants looked foolish. They were sweating so much from building houses. There were so many cool places to sleep the grasshopper thought.



요즘 나 몸이 안 좋아, 병원에 가봐야 할까

잠이 부족하다고 쉬면된다 하겠지만

오늘도 네 생각에 밤새

끝내 눈을 감아도 네 얼굴이 보이고

오늘도 네 생각에 밤새

술 한잔을 마셔도 그 기억에 취하고

Think I’ m lost without you

할 일 너무 많은데 오늘도 지각하겠지

밤새 뭐 한 거냐고 쓴소리를 듣겠지만

오늘도 네 기억에 밤새

Cuz I can’ t live without you

술 한잔을 마셔도 그 기억에 취하고

I got trouble sleepin’







1st Book

Manic monday

1st Book

Manic monday

2nd Book

Peter Pan

2nd Book

Peter Pan


Georgia, 7p


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