150 Years of Strength Through Unity DEFENDING, PROMOTING AND ADVANCING
latest cause. We are not Insta-famous or part of the Twitterati.
This year the AHA|SA celebrates its 150th birthday. Since 1871, the AHA|SA has been advocating, promoting and advancing our members, our industry and our State.
The real reward of advocacy can only come from walking down hallways, by respectfully challenging people and engaging critics over long periods – for months and even years - to change public perception and more importantly, to win results for our members.
Never before was this more evident – and intense – than the events of the past year. During 2020 there was a unity of purpose as we worked together, determined to obtain desperately required outcomes. It was the AHA|SA family at its best. Hoteliers and employees, the State Council, our CEO, AHA|SA staff and our tremendously supportive corporate partners … all united of one mind. It was one in, all in. And we demonstrated yet again we have the stamina to run the course. For 150 years, the AHA|SA has been at the forefront of public policy and social change. Whether it be briefing a politician, negotiating a difficult scenario with a regulator or advocating to the broader community, together we get outcomes. Generally, it’s through a soft touch - but sometimes we need to roll up our sleeves in readiness for a bit of a blue. Whatever the situation, the AHA|SA is there protecting our members’ businesses. You might ask why the AHA|SA been so successfully in achieving its aims for 150 years? It’s simple. For 150 years, we have been consistent in our views and our approach. We are not a group who suddenly find it trendy to support the 4 | Hotel SA | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U
We will continue to work behind closed doors, in Parliament or boardrooms to advocate for what is important to you. We refuse to surrender to the hypocrisy of those whose prejudices deliver unintended consequences. We must resist the naysayers who get in the way of livelihoods, employment, and common sense. Even when we find ourselves demonised and attacked, we will continue to stand up for our members.
LOOKING FORWARD 2021 will again present its challenges. But we have much to look forward to. After years of lobbying and months of preparation, the much-anticipated new gaming technology rolls out within the next few days.
“The real reward of advocacy can only come from walking down hallways, by respectfully challenging people and engaging critics over long periods...” Back to Contents