Hotel SA February 2021

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Independent Report Urges Consultation to Avoid ‘Scorched Earth’ Response to COVID-19 The SA Centre for Economic Studies based at the University of Adelaide has revealed the full extent of the damage done to the hotel industry and its 27,000 employees as the result of State Government’s three-day COVID-19 lockdown in November last year. The AHA|SA commissioned the report to gain impartial facts and precise figures about the consequences of the lockdowns. Critically, it makes four key recommendations, the first of which is that government consultation with the industry prior to any further lockdowns “would provide superior outcomes for all”.

down. 50% of casual workers also found themselves without any shifts. • “Substantial impact” on suppliers to the industry. The report is entitled Impacts of COVID-19 Lockdown: A Case Study of the South Australian Hotel Industry November 2020. The truth is that 27,000 people have a stake in the management of COVID-19 cases and the threat of lockdowns and they don’t want a repeat of 2020. From the hotel worker who suddenly can’t pay their rent to the pub owner throwing fresh food into the bin, the economic and mental toll is almost overwhelming.

“In future cases of COVID-19 or other pandemic outbreaks, consultation with the South Australian hotel industry can help meet the SA Government’s desired suppression outcomes while likely reducing the risks of adverse mental health, societal, employment, business and economic outcomes that have resulted from the November lockdown,” it states.

For example, the value of food and drink that had to be disposed of could have fed up to 256,000 South Australians during the entire three-day lockdown.

The report was prepared by Assoc. Professor Michael O’Neil, Executive Director of the SA Centre for Economic Studies (SACES) and economist Darryl Gobbett, Visiting Research Fellow at SACES.

The AHA|SA would welcome the opportunity to be an active part of the solution. We don’t have to have a replay of 2020’s scorched earth policies.

It notes that the hotel industry was “heavily adversely impacted” during the three-day closure, including the following: • 20,000 hotel staff were put out of work

SACES has revealed that much of this waste could have been avoided if the industry had been consulted in advance.

It’s time to work together for the collective benefit of the State and the AHA|SA wants to be part of the solution.


• Food and beverage wastage of up to $10 million, much of which could have been avoided.

The SA Centre for Economic Studies report highlights the fact that economic and mental health damage continued after the initial three days, as “severe restrictions remained in place”.

• Permanent workers were the hardest hit, with 80% stood

“The resulting cancellations or disruptions to planned functions;

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