Hotel SA February 2022

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Q. The hotel industry provides employment for more than 26,000 people and provides enormous benefits to the SA economy, other businesses and of course tax... we have also been one of the hardest industry’s hit by COVID-19 restrictions. Can you outline what your party’s vision is for the hotel industry in SA and how that might be achieved? A. The hotel industry is an important economic and social driver for the state’s economy. A critical job creator, often the first job for many of our young people and the cornerstone of our communities both in cities and in regions. COVID-19 has presented unprecedented challenges for hospitality businesses in South Australia and across the globe. My Government listened to the health experts to keep our community safe – and to avoid the months-long lockdowns we have seen interstate and overseas. As a State we have done so well. According to Roy Morgan’s special analysis conducted last year, South Australia has “handled the pandemic better than any other state on the employment front”.

South Australia had the fewest days in lockdown.

see international travel open up and critical tourist dollars return.

We worked hard not keep restrictions in place one day longer than necessary.

Q. Hotels are a huge part of the tourism industry in SA, including food and wine and accommodation. What are your plans and policies for restoring and growing tourism in SA both post COVID-19 and if necessary, living with COVID-19 longer term?

There is no doubt that it has been hard for operators and their staff to manage the density rules and other restrictions and the economic impact on the sector cannot be understated. That is why my Government provided $90 million of support and stimulus packages as a response to the Omicron restrictions put in place on Boxing Day. I know that the people of South Australia have been missing this important sector and the celebrations and entertainment that the sector provides. We want people to go out and support their local and CBD venues – which is why we have partnered with the Adelaide Economic Development Agency to launch a $30 restaurant voucher scheme for the CBD and North Adelaide – encouraging spending in the most impacted areas. Our global reputation as a food and wine mecca means that our hospitality sector has many bright days ahead of it – especially as we

10 | Hotel SA | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U

A. I am focused on returning your sector to the record high $8.1 Billion visitor economy you enjoyed preCOVID-19. Before the pandemic, South Australian tourism was at its highest ever value on record, and well on track to reach the 2030 goal of $12.8 Billion early. 2021 saw seventh consecutive months where regional SA enjoyed a record monthly results for room nights occupied and takings. In the 12 months to June 2021, SA’s total visitor expenditure recovered to $5.8 billion, well ahead of the SATC’s impact forecast of $4.9 billion. We moved quickly to support the sector from the impacts of the global pandemic through our Great State Vouchers – which have so far generated $94.5 million for hospitality and tourism businesses. Back to Contents

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Hotel SA February 2022 by Boylen - Issuu